WEATHER ■< Thursday And Friday VT*r m • Thursday Slight I y cohier Friday. I»I , » 6 VOLUME BEVTN; NUMBER 228 DR. ANDERSON APPEALS TO STATE SUPREME COURT Had Been Fined SSOO And Court Costs In t 0 Wake Superior Court Defense Contends Charges Con victed Os Do Not Con stitute Crime •i COtJRT COSTB WOULD BE AROUND $2,000 Board of Directors of Hospital Meet Today to Consider Case RALEIGH. Nov 21.- OPV- The raw of Dr. Albert Anderson, superinten d'-nt of the North Carolina Hospital for the Inaane hare, waa headed to the State Supreme Court today. Coovlcted yeaterday by a Wake county Jury on two counte of ap In. dlctment charging malfeaaance In of. flee, the v 69 year old physician w«a sentenced by Judge W. A IX-vtn to day to pay a SSOO fine, and the coata of the caae. estimated at $2,000. but notice of appeal waa given by defend f 1 Hgs'l and Dr. Anderson's bond wa» fix'd at 91.000- Sentence wa* Imposed after a de fenae motion for an arreet of Judg ment waa overruled. Attorney* for the hospital superintend *ni jargifcd that the charges upon which he waa found guilty—working inmate* of the hoapltal on bla private property—did not constitute a crime and It la #*- ported that this will he the main point In the cate 0 n appeal.—^. ' Judge Devin, however, declared the Jury, which had heard the evidence had »aid In effect by Its verdict that ttw action* imputed to the nhyaictan was- unlawful and It wa* not M* pro. vince to upaet the action of the jurors Yesterday he refuted to order the verdict throyrn out upon a defense motion made after the jury had re ported itg decision. Dr. Ander*on has continued to dis charge the duties of Superintended of the hoapltal since he wa* Indicted following an Investigation several week* ago by the grand Jury. Al though tn courtroom discussion yea t»rday It wa t suggested that the ver dict of guilty earned with It dismissal, from th« post he AIM for 15 years. Judge Devin with the concur, ronce of Solicitor Brasifield today rul ed otherwise, holding that the counts upon which the had been convicted constitut'd willful but not corrupt violation of the law. The board of director* of the in stitptlon announced late today that i meeting had been called Pv Thpr* day at which time l)r Anderson'* r**e would be discussed- THREE SCHOOLS NEAR STANDARD Will Probably Add Brogden. Eureka, and Nahunta High To Accredited List ■ The State Department ofc. educa tion wHT add Brogdon. Eureka, and N»hunts to its Bat of standard high schools i n Wayne mumy thi* year in the opinion of »tate high school in rpwetor J L. Memory or Raleigh 'x- I reused yesterday. Mr. Memory visit ed these school)) In company with county Superintendent J Jerome and after hi* inspection agreed that the schools were meeting require meats for standard high schools. The placing of Brogden. Nahunt i and Eureka on the accredited list would give Wayne seven rtandard high schools in the rYirsl dityelcts. and 10 counting the ohf&An Goldsboro. Fremont and ML Olive. Five years ago ther were only three In the county. While Mr Memory was here yester day inspecting the high school*, L. C. Brogden, state superintendent of eie •r-ntrtrv edpeation.'»u- it tty* cn\dy checking' up on elempntarv ’ Instrue tkn. FIRST KNOW IN NFW VOIIK fITT NfcW YORK. Nov 21 t/Pt—New Y«rk felt the first real touch of win' ter today when riibw !>• gan to fall shortly before 9 a in- The fall \fl»r light and the weather bureau said it t would nyt amount to much- THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY, Next Fair Will Be . Moved Up 3 Weeks October 1 to 5 ar e the day* for the Wayne County fair as let by the board of directors, it-was announced yesterday. Th'a will be three weeks earlier than the date of tHI N year’s fear, and wa* de cided upon by the directors when they determined that they never again would they have Wayne’s fair’4ro*e" out a* it w*s the la*s week in the past October. The dates for next year' will proceed by one week date* tentatively set for the State Fair, and will not conflict with any nearby county bfa'r dates, it wa« said. STATE PARK ACT DECLARED VALID State Supreme Court Finds Act lit Entirely Con stitutional “ " r .7 • „ RALEIGH. N. C., Nov 22, -Con. •titutionallty of the act creating the Great Smoky Mountains Notional Park and providing a bond Issue of $2,000,000 by ib« state of North Car olina was upheld In 'very particular liy Suprem' Court In an opinion handed down today. "It is subject to grave doubt whether damage la done In the sene' of taking property by arresting the Ctatruction of primitive- forests until the defendant can decide whether It will undertake to appropriate the land corerel by such forests,’’ Justice Adams said in r«gand to the argument of *W. H. Yarborough, the plaintiff,, that the proposed condemnation of mountain lands wa* in violation of th' ’’'due process of law*’ provision* of the federal and state, con'tltutlon*. One by one, Justice Adams took up the objections raised by the plain tiff in a test case brought agaisst the North Carolina park commission un til }ie reached the climax with the am sertion that even if the purpose of the proposed park "Is prtmsrily .asjhetlc” still it I* within th.e power ■**' Mature to establish. 'L Indeed, the queoiipn Os what eon ' stttute* a “public purpose" h«« be come largely theoretical >n th|» day when parka, play grounds and recrea tion centers are maintained by cities said Justice Adam*. Frankly a test case for the purpose of securing »n opinion of the State court on the constitutional Mv <■’ the park act, the opln'on cov '(rmijr tic grouiyi fully. 1' *< re the circuit d«»ud county now i* pending a case in wftlch a western North Carolina lum. bercompany ts seeking to delay the laying out of certain park boundar ies.' V declarations of the state sup rom« courj£ as to the state constltu tfon are conclusive as to the circuit con t, the opinion today was regard ed by lawyers a» knocking out the la it leg objectors have to stand on. Negro Girl Burned to Death Despite Heroism of Brother Argle M»e Smith, five »nd-one half year old daughter of Jam'* Smith. N«*ro tenant on Jack New*ome Y place t e«r Benson, died in a local hot pita■ Pm night from burp* sustain cd at her home at ll o'clock yesler day mnrqlng. Members of the family were away from the house grading tobacco, anil Anrle Mae was left with her alxand. cuc half year old brother Kverett was a fin 1 In the ihove and the wirl decided to take flaming sticks of wood from the stove nnd atari a fire in the fireplace. A« she'assayed this ta»k, the darting flume, kindl'd her flimsy dress. Si *5 wm? ' a , - I o ■ On board the U. fl. 8. Maryland, pride of the United States battle fleet, President- Elect and M.w. Herbert Hoover wave fare well to their native land as they begin their 12,000-mile good-will tour to South and Central America. The picture, taken by In FIRE DESTROYS BIGGEST PLANE $75,000 Craft Wan to Have Been Before Air Expert* . i * BRISTOL. * Penn , Nov. 21 (/P) The Keystone Patrlslan, su'd to be the largest airplane ever built In tljt* country, and one of the larg'st In the world. Was destroyed by fir*, today at tin Keystone Aircraft Corporation fly ing field. Cl The tire started as finishing touches were being given th>- plane outside, Its hangar. Some witnesses *ald an ex plosion proceeded the fire and otliere said there was none. Two mechanics, who were In the airplane .when the fire started, were burned on the hands, and fui«t, though not seriously. Edgar N. Gott, pr sident of the Keystone corncern, said the craft world be rebuilt. Three other-planes similar to the Pair tain,, under cm si ruction at the plant. KING UKOHLGK ILL, liONDON, Nov. 22 King Geor-;- wa* IJI today Physician* sMd that h*- was suffering frpm u cold and a alight fever. Everett *et*ed a bucket of water from the kr order, struck the stock market with terrific force to day, checking the bull mbvrmant has beeh moving -ahm g slue'- c lection day. Although the hull forces Hue c eded in Mmtinr, ■' moderate recovery from the low levels, final quotations disclosed ~a lon* list of netdcclirtea i.Miiflnv from f| tt# |S a shure Wt .1 ,;A-c'ntiea down $t to S2O a *h»r#. " Total aril cm crossed the six million rhar" mark for (ho third but were well below the nw*rlc of 6,8J1.W0 Shares established yesterday. IV cause of the delay of more than | an hour ati*i the fact that the brunt ! of the well'iiif took place in the last: half hour of trading, the market was j over Indore most traders learned the | reaction had P‘k*» place, although j rumblings of it became apparent in j mid afternoon. Th" final quotation was printed hour an 118 minute* ' after the close. ' _ ! Army Officer Missing From College CI.KMSUN f'Ol.l.raiK. S C, Nov 'JI (,I*l T; ciiiitcal (wa uaunl Arc hie ; I), Stern, of the., detached enlisted ic en’a Hat. I’, H Army, who ha* been ‘ on duty here for the past three years , ha- been ft.lsslng front th<- college title ~ Nov mber S. it wa* ol i today by college authorities. J 6 x j l,t became known that Bgt HtTh I It ft fit in regular army uniform a small *um of money on his person HU batik accoorit. autotno. till , clothing, ami other persona! property wer left here He Is 48 your* <4d. tYd K I. Munson. ejfffccr detailed here, aahl that every effort would lie tnad‘ (o find Stern on the possibility that he may have net'with foul pltfy <>t h« In Lroubia, ternational Newsreel, was rushed by tele photo to Atlanta. They hoarded the battle ship at Han Pedrb and today arc steaming down the California coast. —Photo by inter national Newsreel. I ' ■ ; BLONDE MODEL IS QUESTIONED Chicago Woman In Room Short* ly Before Rothatein Waa , Murdered «i- ” NBW YORK, Nov. 21—GP)—A Chi cago cloak modal, Mrs- Ruth K'yes spent an hour and a quartsr In dls tile l alturney Han ton’s offtes today iilid after sh* had gone th* New York follea department that the t ial of Arnold Kothstoln’s slayer was getting rather warm. Mrs Keye* said that prior to and on th« same day of the fatal ahootlng of th- Hpcctacular gambler the Park Central Hotel she bad had a riiirik o r two with a man In $49, th# room In which the shotlng occurred fiho wo* shown rogues gallery Pic tures and selected one of the in-'** n of on« of th* three men «he •a#ld sb>- bad seen tn the room. Police said the man she picked out wa* a notorious gunman with a crlm. ■ttal record that embraced one ar- Jeej for murder. St. I/nils, Detroit, and Clevg’iknd are among cities he has visited fre quently and pojlre throughout the t r untry have been asked to took out for him. Give Verdict of $10,862 In Death ot Mrs. Mitchell Judgjn'nta totaling sl(f.s*)2 were awarded by a jury in Wayne County Sup'rio.- court shout 7i30 I oat eve long ngs'n*t the Dtxl l ' Tran»lt com pany for damages su*taTn?d when s hug of the company strurk the wagon ,n which Je*see M fchdl and family were riding Th<- accld'ot occtir'd : near, Genoa on highway number 40 in September 1927 nf, d hie*. Mitchell n month lat'r injuries *na i t-tined tn t* arcid'nt**cj Thomas J. Potter, administrator for j the deceased Mr* Mitchell, receiv'd ( ud.-io< nt again tt the bu* eoraiiany for The *um of $20,000 had i be- n adtcl. MtuU-H r Lelsnd Aycock of Fro moat It re covering in • Ra*ky Mount hospital from injuries sustained when his Hudson waa struck head-on by a Buick near Caatglia la Na*h County Sunday night Mr. Aycock, with Mr. and Mrs. John M“yea, had be'n to Rendareon Sun day afternoon and were returning when th*|r car met tha Buick, the driver of which could not be learn ed, head on. The machine eoataaiag the Fremont people waa kaocked from the highway and tumad over several time*. Mr. Aycock and Mr. and M'a. Hay's w**r#^iif|y‘ clear of the automobile, according to infonna tion supplied Tb* New*, but Mr. Ay. cock w«s the moat aerloualy injured He sustain'd • •ever# blow on the head and waa unsoqnsclous for Sons# ttn aft" the wreck. Advices yes terday, howavar, were that ha was ex pected tb recover. Mr. and Mr*. Hayes ware badly bruis'd and sprain'd but did not 'uffer gerious hurts. Bo far at could be learnbd, the driv er of th* Buick has not been placed under arrest. It was wid yeoMrdfy that he wa* la a Durham hospital with several Mbs broken. Accident of ISM Made Basis of $25,000 Suit Tbo sum of >21.000 is asked again* A- T. Griffin Mfg . Co., by Joaa phu a O’Berry, through Til* next best friend X C. O’Berry, la complaint fil 'd yeaterday in the office of clerk of court 3. B. Hooke- Joeephu* O’Berry, tfiT compßeJat rontend*. waa permanently Injur'd when a school huso n which he bee riding on the evening of November 22. 192*. etruck a truck near Brooks* truck being the property of the Manufacturing company and operat'd sa a log truck. It wsa left •landing on the hard surface of the highway, without lights and Without a person in charge of It to wars on comine traffic, th' complaint con tends. At the time of the accident, a .nisty rain wa« falling. It i a atatad, end the driver of the bus on which young O’Berry, who waa then 11. tga* riding, was axerclsbig due care In th« operation of hla machine. GOIMH AFTER TOBACCO BOSTON Nov. 22 —Th* National h U W. C. T. U. In convention hero p*ee. ed a resolution today pledging Itaelf to continue opposition to th* to herco habit. *. COLLEGE PHFHIDINT KILLED TERRE HAUTE, lud. Nov. J*.— I)r. Frank C. Wagn'r, president of th' Rose Polytherhnic Institute, wa* kill'd instantly Dte today when the in whioh he wee riding was struck by a -West Bound Interurb »n »t the main entrance to th* col lege grounds four mil's 'set of hero. mem for SISOO perbonal injury, $25 for his wagon which wa„ wracked, SI,OOO fOr hospital bill* incurred I* treatment of Mr*. Mitchel, and $287 funeral **p»n»e 'n burying hi* wife. The ca*e had occupied two day* «t the special term of Wayne Superior Court for the trial of cteil caeee, Judge C. C. I,yon, of Ellcabethtowu. presiding. General Albert L. Cog. who with Col George K. Freeman, repre sented the Transit coparjy, made th< lin»l argument in the rase about 4:30 yesterday afternoon. Judge Lyon re quired some 40 minutes > n charging the Jury and the verdict waa brought Continued on page two MEMBER OF .’. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pates rrvs CUTS Mangled Body of Tvmc ' Found II Mtaalaa After Accident Occurred BACKED INTO BHAFTINO WHILE DOING SWEEPING Crush of Hedy la Shaft StappM Oae of Power Mot eta of Fruaeat Pleat Lonnie Taraar. St yearold Negro workau, waa instantly killed about t:H yaaterday aftamooa when Me clothing caught ta a abaft asde* *• mala building ot tba Oraaioat OK Mill at Vrameat Thar* we»g no aye uttaaoaaa If accident. About 1:11 Ueafaaee about tba plaat noticed that tba eleetrio lights winked and flickered n,H •bout ta go eat, aad one a t tba power • motors at tb* *l*nt Waa stopped. ftf taan minutaa later W- A. Wilaoa. aa othar employ** ot tba allh dleenvar- y , H tba borytbty mutilated be«r «f Turaat uadtr tba abMa bcHd^ng. OM tra ni tm dt, «i atuch of chapas on tba mm aauae* lag mm abac as* SO bed baoa «*rtr pad off by tb* wPrttag *•** la vbkh tba Meod-ueahod etotbaa won d# u*ry tu angled In • fmtdtbu el time *ad fora b* could pull hlwuetf leoae. Tbe, fact that no ana Heard an a*gty !»f help lent huaia to thto tPiaryT Tba Negro had worked for tba Itt moat oompuuy for Ok# goat tMbo wtat*»u on* wae a eobar aad deMd* able gi>. Ha Hood regularly la au w »*d It wtjp uald that bta wtfe waa „ u teacher ta tbe Negro nWolg « Duplin county. At tba tlnw tbla wne wrlttaa do ci«len na\ta Baal diapoalUou of tbe remains M ■«* *—* •*#• ** wa* .oppXd tbet tbe body would bu aeat on Tbnredag to ftonoa* mfr •rel end burial. deepmystery ENVELOPS CASE Reporter Held fer Theft * Bond* Seya He'd Be Killed If Told Nssm NF.W ORI.EAhB. Now. 11— ad baforg I aver got late g aowtnpA