WEATHER '* * Iff r Filter and teUirter rWi| tiaymum Satarday. r■.• > t * VOLUME SEVEN: NUMBER 230 CHICAGO JURY FREES MAN WHO KILLED HIS SON “I Can’t Go On,” Says ' * Prosecutor to Judge, Crying Like a Child G4m Criminal Cwnia Building Trtaiad To Uawul and Dramatic Scene' PROMINENT MAN SHOT HIS SON WHILE INTOXICATED YOoth Had Upbraided Father For Comlhk Home Drunk, According to Story CHICAGO. Nor. *II.—(AP) —A wot eyed Jury In Av# minute* today ac quitted • talker who confeeaed kllllui hi* non after a ‘'hanging prosecutor" burnt Into tears and refused to con tinue th* prosecution. The judge, the etate prosecutor, the defendant, hie daughter erho was fore, ed to teetify against him and virtual ly the entity courtroom including the Jury w're in tear* ■ • th» trial, leee than three hours old. came to an end ing na dramatic as any avar witnesses in the grin, old criminal courts build, ing, scene of hundreds of murder trials. Arthur p, Falk. the defendant a femur park commissioner, slumped to the Moor la a faint as the furors, still weeping brought In a verdlot ftve minutes after receiving the cere, while the court state and defense attomgga snd eye-spectators endeavored to con trol their tears after an (motional fcllmsut such as Is seldom witnessed In a courtroom. Falk, hi* brain befuddled by drink killed hie 22-yfcar old eon. Elth-ed, three months ego,; when the youth upbraided him for coming home In ti xica ted. Offering hie father a shot gan that talk had given the boy last Christmas Eldred told his iather to * lr«, adding that ha would rather he dead than he the son of a drunkard Falk, his brain befuddled by rrluk pulled the trigger and his son fell dead at hi* feet- Prosecutor Burn* rose to his feet to begin the state's closing ttrgfement. but suddenly be buret into tears and announced that ha could not continue- H> reviewed live years work as nut* piosecutor and said he had acted without fear or favor and had never teen swayed by bis emotions ‘‘But." he said ns tears rtreamed down his cheeks. ‘ If this man 1s sent to the electric chair or to the p«nl. tectiary, I rafuse to be a pauy to it- When I had concluded my argument I could not look Into the facia of the defendant', his wife, daughter or moth er" „ B/ this time the entire courtroom was in tears and Judge Nortnoyle "** wiping the moisture from bis own eyeg. The case went to the Jury without further argument and minutes the jurors were back the acquittal verdict. As It wag read Falk slumped to th* floor. RIOTS OCCUR *•■ IN BULGARIA Soft* Terrorised When Rival Po litical Faction* Start Street War r 1 ‘ SOFIA. Bulgaria, Nov. 22.— UP)— Two oppoa'ng political faction* en gaged In violent conflict tonight be (ore the Club of the Agrarian party. Brlak fire wa* exchanged. The popu lation w*» greatly alarmed before the polfce finally intervened and reMoreti order, "Treating many / One of the faction* wax led bv the former Bulgarian |et>ernli»*imo Chek off. It wa* learnel here that the Mace. I'onla revolntionary Beleff. former po. lice chief here, died ton'labt of wonnda received yeaterday In a fight between Macedonian faction*. Beleff wa* president of lift. Macedonian com mittee* of Ochllida and w»* an Inti mate of the late general Proto, gueroff. 1)1 KH 1> UMCKNKBOKO OR KENS BORO. Nor. 22 Mr* J. till-« Kouahee. ltd, well known real, dent of thl* city, died thU morning In a local hoaplt"! where "he bad l»e*n a patient for a-reral day*- Mr*. )'"ii*hee had lM**n in declining'll**llll |of U»« pul “ - THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHnJS MINDS ARE FBEBH—BEAD BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY. KING GEORGE GROWS WORSE I‘kyiticiMM Re-Sum mooed to Pal ace Last Evening After Coageatjon Develops LONDON, Nov. *2.—DP)—The cold fcun, which Kina Oeorge has been suf fering has daveloped Into slight con gestion of one lung. A bulletin is sued this evening by Dr- Stanley Hiweu end Lord Dawson, the king's physicians. said. "The King had a rather restless ('ay. owing to the persistence of fever. There la some congestion of one lung." At Buckingham palaca It waa tvl. dent that the condition of hie males ty today had caused some anxletv Th> tact that no official bulletin had been keued in the morning led the, public tu believe that the cold was following Its normal course. The un-xpected nature of the bulletin caused bussing comment among the crowds gathered at the palace for the evening an. nouncemrnL ' a Nov. 22—DP)—Dr. Blr "Stanley Hewett. physician to King George wae recalled late tonight to Rockingham palace where the King ie ill. Lord Dawson, also of th< Palace physician's staff, was likewise sum. moned and It was understood that a third doctor had been sent for. i EIGHT ARE HURT IN AN EXPLOSION Four Thought Seriously Injured! 0 Front Bursting Ammonia Tunk AKRON, 0„ Nov. Si—(JP>—Eight men were injured, four thought seri ously this afternoon when an ammonia tank la the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company plant at Barberton, near here, exploded. More than 100 em ployees rPewhere In the plaut made their escape. Cause of the cxplosiou bat- not been determined. ~ n ' ' P IXIHAffAPOI.IR ( HOREff . O BOSTON. Nov. 22—(>P)—Indiana polis whs chosen for the 1929 nation al convention of the Women'! Chris Temperance Union by the execu live board which concluded Its *r H slons heie today- t NOUGHT BT POLICE IN HOTHHTEIff GAME NEW YORK, Nov. 22.—<>P>-A widespread m-arelf was Instituted by police Jack <l-c**) Diamond notorious gunman and former West Fide gang leader* for questioning i» connection wiOt> y the slaying of Ar nold Rothstein. the gambler. Inspector John D. Coughlin, chief of New York said however, that Diamond wa* not being sought ay the actual slayer. Diamond. once a bodyguard of Hothstein, was wounded by the §»m# r*i*ll*dc of bullets wliich ended rhe life of his chief. Jack * iAltle Angle" Orgen. a little more than a year ago Sixty-Three Children At ~ Clinic in City Thursday H'xty-three crippled indlgint child ren of Eastern North Carolina csintf yesterday to the extenMon clinic of Hr* Gastonia O’rthopedir clln'c at th • Memorial Community bulldinx Horn limped pathetically. aorn< were borne ;n the iirma of Ylfe. broken par-it*, some came on crutcbe*. Deftly, professionally. >et tenderly. Dr. O. L Miller, chief surgeon, exam itied the crooked feet, the maimed limbs, and to some of tho** who were present will ’'come In the, future rtrong limb* ns result of the visit Yesterday's clinic wag the regular cliaic and was the fourth held here since publlt npfWled ritigea* i*l Golds . toro provided to order to |uar. Her Secret It Out! m jffttahaH, lerc i> ••ne oi (he latest photos »f Florence Trumbull, who finally admitted to friends that -he is engaged to John Cool dge, son of the President snd VI rs Coolidge Sh« would not liarnsg the wedding date. TO END WOOTEN CASE THIS MORN (••l* * ■" ■■ Seek* $15,000 From bwtford Company For Lmm of Eye In Accident nt High School a V) Arguments by two attorneys ap pcarfsg la, the ca»e charge of Judge C. C. Lyoa remain this morn ing to complete tha case of J A. JVooten for ftMM against a J- W, Stout Construe lion Company of Han ford. Mr. Wooten lost a n eye while eta ployed es e workman on the high achooi building here In ths employ of the Sanford company. A piece of steel which chipped from a hammer he was using on a cold chisel destroyed the sight of the eye. Mr. Wooten alleges responsibility of the defendant in tail, ore to provide a special tool for an especial clan of work. The case occupied all of yeeterday In W«vne Huper'nr Court. Trggue and Dqes of Goldsboro snd Mr. Teagne of Hanford, a brother to S. F Teague of the local bar. are representing Stout, vhile Langston, Allen and Taylor are appearing for Wooten. BULLS REGAIN HOLD ON MART Bui Federal Reserve Report Shows Loans At New High Figure NEW YORK. Nov. 22 OP)--Wall Street experienced another wild "bull" market todfay In which at Janet n Mart of tasues'were whirled up sl9 to 151 a Share to new high records. This va< marred by the STTnounce'' meat after the close that Federal reserve brokers loans had Increased 1176.314.000 to a new h'gh record at $5.1,67.132.00. Total sales of 6,*37AO<t shares were substantially below of previous I day* this week, although far above i the average of tlfi"year to date. antee th' egten»lon work for Eastern North Cbroliua for one y<ar. In the four clinics held, a'total of 256 child. e o ' ren—from some 25 counties of this section —have t ailed (or examination*. There were 63 here for the firm clinic !n August, but in Heptainher the Good* held the number down to" 20 In October 22 reported and yesterdey 63. DC. Millet and the cHlxeng, who have provided fund* for the experi •nent »ay that the r*»p<>n*e to these opening dates show conclusively that there i* a need and a real place for the work b*ing tindeitaken, i Continued ou Page FourJ ti GOLDSBORa N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 25, 192* Will Pick Champion Scout Patrol Tonight The champion patrol among 9ie Boy Scout troop* of the c>t? will be determined at • rally to beatag. • d at the Memorial community building at ?:Sd this evening. The pat role —.which number about three to each troop will be called upop to demonatrata.*their efft clefeejr in th* usual' Seoul tests The public is cordially invited to attend the rally. NEXT MEETING WILL BE HERE (toldsboro Selected As Center for Carotin* Pent Grad Medi cal Work ' y Officer for q j* eusuing year were named by members or the Fourth Dis • rict Medlckl society, composed of physicians of Edgecombe. Nssh. Hal', tax, Greene. Johnston, Wayne and Wilson jjpuntles. In annual session at Roanoke Rapid*. • Dr *T. M. Long, of Roanoke Rapid* wag elected president, Dr. L. W K«»r, negay, of Rocky Mount, vice-president Dr W. Bernard Kmliiw, also of Rocky Mount, secretary-treasurer. The next regular meeting I* to be held >n Goldsboro, while H wa» a!«o decided to stage a ladles' night program at Bay View aest summer, with the eanct date to be announced Jater. . Prominent among the speakers on tk« program were «Dr. Ohs*. O‘H. Lauffhingbouse. secretary of tbe state board of health Dr. Walker, of tbe Ualted State s public .tealth service, of New York: snd Thurman K't this, dean of the Ftoreet school rs medicine and presides* of the Outstanding too, wore the remarks of R. M. Gruman. of the University of North Carolina extension service, aho outlined plans for the extension course to be offered physicians of the •ecglon during 1929. Goldaboro, Wil son. Roanoke Rapids and Rocky Mgunt have been chosen *s the cen ter# in the fourth district where the extension courses will be offered. De tails for the work, are to be perfected and announced later. It wi| noted that the extension sork among physicians -was originat ed In tbe fourth district ill 1916 when the matter was taken up with the Cnirersity of North Carolina and the courses started. Since that t'm« the movement has grown until It h«t be come almost national >n scope .with full credit given Ota.Fourth l»i«trict society for Its After the business session, attended by about 80“"doctor* from over the section, including a large delegation from thi, etty, the visitors were e n tertalned by Dr. Joss Taylor at hla palatial home In Roanoke Rapid*. DR. RUSSELL TO SPEAK IN CITY „ ' 0 .1 I mil C 111. Friend* Church Schedule* Two Day institute on RelijpouM Education Dr. Elbert Russell ol the school of Religion of Duke University, Dr. Francis An»comb‘ and Rev L W. Me. r'arland are among speaker* who will appear on th.*' progiam pf »« Instituti on religions education at the Friends Church. Saturday and Sunday, I>* tember 1 *j»d 2., It w»» announcad yes. t*rday Other trained *prakers will be secured. Both day* of the institute will l“s( throughout tlse day. w'th dinner rpread «t the church at noon. Ad dresae*. pageants, and child stories will feature the Institute u On Sunday there Will l*e adr-open ing session at t*:4R for children, at 11. and 2 and at 7-30 p. m Dr. An*comhe of Win*ton-Ba)em will jpeak at 11 o'clock and at 2 o'clock Rev. Mr McFarland The addre*,i of Dr. Elbert Russell will Ik- at 7;30 Sunday fViunr. Dr. •Uusiell is regarded a* one of the nio»t forceful religious education speaker*! in the state and hl» appearance i* iw». l-»n Vv attract a l»rfe crowtl- | Engaged to Wed |V -0 £ JP '' ' *WA ; jBT ■■■JtSm ff d- . w \ A romance of the Hollywood lots will blossom to fruition with the mar. r.uge of beautiful Dotarta Uoatello Kabove) und John Barrymore, the bold lover of stage and acreeu- The announcement of tbelr forthcomlnk marriage was fltat Intlmatad Barrymore had bean divorced from bis second wife, the „ former Mrs. Leonard M Thomae, whose pen name is ‘ Michael Strangs" » DR. LED VOTE OF PARTY Lslml Unofficial Tabulation of Vote Shown Ho Is Ahead of Gardner ______ i*. RAIJCIGH, N. C„ Nov. 22.-GP) Revised complete unofficial tabula. tiogi made by Raymond C. Maxwell, a* secretary of the State board Os elections, revealed today that Dr. A. T. Allen, state superintendent of pub -I'c Instruction, led tbe Democratic t'cket In the electionof November |. Uaefflclal tabulations mad* yeatee day in tbe office* of J. A. Hartaeas, secretary of state, ahowed that 0. Mas Gardner, fanning ff,r governor on th# Democratic ticket and Baxter Dur. ham, incumbent atat# auditor, led the t'cket in Gie t-lei/tion of November 6. tabulated today, however, showed that Dr. Allen led the entire t'cket, top ping by 1,827 votes. FARM EXtSfZN ATIftBI ‘ FTHAPEL HILL. Nov 22.-(*») Twelve men were aucceaeful la the ex-iminatioa of the North Carolina Board of Pharmady held here yester day for license to practice pharmacy f A Riff FT CHANGE KOBE CART LONDON, Nov. 22 GP|-Another change In th#^British cabinet was forecast today by the emiouncwmsnt of the Colchester Conservative asso ciation that Sir I-am ing Wort hlugton- Fvarrs. s''crctaryof~s|ate Toy,-war. will no seek re-election-to the house of commons at the general next y*ar The state ofTiis healt* caiKied M» decision to retire from politics. Plan Under Which Farmer Can Command Profit on Eggs A pl*n under ♦lin-h poultry raisers will be able to save eggs In the spring for the better prices of the fall wus unfolded yesterday by F W. Rlsher of the State extension depart, ment t D addr**» ng a conference of Wgyn" and Duplin county agrtraltur *l teacthers here. Reports made by th» teachers «t th<- m eting ehowed t'iaj several hundred farmer* of the •wo counties .ir<r*eiiroll«d In evening cla»»ie« lo agricuture. Under the plan outlined bf Mr. f Rl*her before the teachers, farmer* will lie advanc'd 2« cents per.doiexu (n egg* during she apriug months Th*oe egg* will he gatheied through ‘he agGcultur*! Umhhet* and »eut t<* Steamers Rush to Aid - Ol Sister Ships Which Send Distress Signals COL LAMBETH DEAD AT SO 11 0 Waa Loaf Prominent in Fural taro Manufacturlnf Boat news la TkomasvtlM _______ -V THOMABVIIJ.K, N- C.. Nov. 22— Us) —Col. FYank 8- Lambeth, N. promin ent in lb* TbomaavtlU furniture la duetry for thirty yoars, died at kia home hare at 4 o’clock this attaraooo after several month* declining health For yestra he was secretary u 4 treas urer of the Standard Chair'compasy her* and was active la Its affairs un it' 111 health forcad him to retlrw. Col Lambeth waa' a D*ttv* of Da. vidaoa county and was educated at Old Trinity Ooll#** Ha waa a tester la tha Methodist church and a liberal contributor to Ra cauaos. The funeral will bo bold Sunday afternoon at Mala Street Methodist church of which hi aas a member. Surviving are hla widow, throe ■one. Dr 'William A. Lambeth, pastor of Mt- Vernon Pbeo Methodist church Washington; Charles and James V- Lambeth, Thomnsrtil* and on* daugb. ter, Mr. W. W. RAbkln, Jis es Dar ham. all of whom war# with aim wbaa th* end came. MANIAC KILLER STILL AT URGE Npfra Arrawtad la CMcago Is Not Hatckot FM WnM OMAHA. Neb. Nov. jf.-tffV-The *e«reh for Omaha'a “Negro hatchet maa” who ha, killed throe and wounded two othero her* rise# Sun <*ay morning continued with method ical thoroughness tonight hut polka admitted that they wore baffled by every turn. Four time# police took ssapecta be sere Mrs. Harold Stribliag la a boa< 11**1 r«cov#rlag from wouad« recoiv. Vd-»t th# hands of the Negro who at tempted to kill her ku«band and bar. •elf at their bom# Tuesday morning. Four times abe said. “Hi, be > a not th* man ” ' Shew aa shown n picture of n No. gro arrested In Chi'cagoy *»Urday alt ar he had wielded aa agt ina re*. »)#ry, “He is not the one," *h* aaid. Detective Lnupector Ben D*ab*um took her gome clothing, pkk*d up by polk* In her section of th* city. Sbo shook her head saying 9 Va* sot the clothing of th* "hacker.” Ask State Provide For An Art Mueeum RALEIGH. N. C* Nov. 22—OP)— The North Carolina Art aociHy la aa tmal convention b#r* paeseq g resola ttan today that step, be taken to iw quest thA 1929 general assembly to provide funds for a state art mustum. If th*- legislature doers not a*a fit to provide the entire amount necoe e»ry for ths conetitut>on of the nui. seum. the r*solutfsn said, It would be l-equeatad to appropriate half th* smouut. th* funJF to be available I when duplicated by private gifts. Tim tag ton where they will either b« Placed on cold storage or treated by a r<*w chemical proceea that niain«*'na the freahneae. They will be held through the aummer end plac'd oe the market in the fell end early winter whm e*ea u*ually command for the procurer from 28 cents per doe. en. The W.lminglon cold atomse plant, la the propertr of the Murchlaon National beak, la epontor. me *r* "xivriment Mr. Riaher we# enthualaatic »' to •he opportunity It offered to the firmer to command a profitable price fro the rgga produced In the aprlng when the markets are u»U«lly 998tli»fd Os P§*e fj«ri MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pikb rnicam Gmk Btea»er Reported Slowly Off Court c t rarinfU j JAP SHIP CALLS FOR _ ’ HELP FROM MID PACIfIO Genua Vmosl Raportadl la D* troaa Off Ttu Coast of IrohlM «J DUtmo* dgnalv cnockllag f throagh Um air fuu wtddy *W- | •rated wai area* Mat ship •.} •eai-rrlas to tlw aid of soar dta. rooud otaauon rMndny. * Tk» Qtiftp illjuir Tlrilnla « ahot out eifdOf picked up hr j Ueydc of London, At wa» ported *ubmvrgiag atowly off the J PortuftM easel t*4 npiatat for At eooa Ml aaideptifiad Japan*'! m raaari oaliod far Mi flow f mld-Pnctfc ,'J ’•over*) boar* tat** the qprmaa •elf In dtfltoou <H mftweft the J want ooa«t of irHaad. A IrHlah i otuawr vao RSlllia by. 1 41 midday tl* eoat sa«N oat- | lor Onilli otaaaaad oat of j Now Tort barter to Ofao to tho ' —rtoati of the aoa «o%» t«c 1 rtottra, which had nailed *w ell » from a ( pot off the OHaeara OFFICERS NAMED BY FOXHUNTERS reyvttavflla via oaiaotod at Ow aAff for tha aoat aohroaAoa aad OfttMM altetad at a UIIOM aoooloa of tha forth Carol la* Tog Hunter* Ahaoaia-- tloa hao« laat night preliminary h( tho final oaot aad t**phy awardthfl Otkta morning. J Q§ aettva h tho OfOciaUaa, win oltrtt •d to tho prvddauqy, A W. Ttlitagr ■ boot, of hntW»»Bi was aimed der pi aaldaat. A. A. Thpoaaa of Wagram, •ocrotary aad treeaurer aad th* feu lowing w*re appoiatod to gepprtM *» executive committee; A J. Bul*fd od Orooaohort. Thawav AT. Rookia of rtyett'vflle, W. h. tleadrti of 4*«m. hero, MO. I Owoaa, of rtrOMf *tUo. , t A Mo of theaha w*a Maaiod W tha OoKUboro Obauhar of Os aria UMI la tho ohy of Oddebara for thd hoapltollty la oatarlaiahM the eouu voatloa. Particular nHw wag Mo of A. A MNy. J. A Ttawrt. rad 1. 0. Voaotory. tho tutor maaagup of fba Hotel OoMohorot la the motto* u adopt'd. | Tho lavitotloa to Moot to rtyutU, rill# ml yoor wao extended by A*. TlUiagbaot j| Carolina Glee Chib . V Here Last Evening Tha glOo club of the University of North Carolina r*nd«fed a prograa ad ability in ipn • ppearance at the mortal Community Building >Mt night.. Laudatory nviowa of the rluh’a performance la #ther OttfcU ware bora# out ta tbo gualhy if tie performance. It w»a not what onv b wad to W the uwal rolltpe gloe dub, but there* in lay tb« intrln*te“motit of tho p*r* forma nee. Prof. Wearer ha* taken th# glee club out of th# inujtoiv cornea Quertrtt claa* aad placed It aleagaldg ti»»- pr«l*t “ional conc«rt da*». » __ Th* vln#< r* wort brought to Qoda* bora Ki’.icgH tho edopotattoa of tio Memorial Commenky Hatld>ag daft and of the dramatic dab of tbg Ooldeboro high ached ♦ . 0 THEBE ABE A EMOTED WICHITA KALjLS. Texas. Nov. **. —OP I— Two man, one of, them a mdf clerk, and a woman wore indicted bp the grand jury beta today for the ° theft of 163.00* from a Texas aad Pad Ac Hallway mall car near AJMe, flSUnfetl* 9* i *.% AduaaMal

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