' 1 ■ 'WEATHER .** „ J ' Pklr Halurdsy « n d Bandar, «irMt Saturday colder Sunday. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 231 Four Fliers Killed And o , » Two Are Injured As Big Plane Crashes From Fog Amy Pilot Evidently Mlacaku l*ted Distance In Air At 5 Tine Started Landing • ONE OF BURVIVORB TELLS GRAPHIC STORY OF WRECK Men Were Returning From Par ticipating In Air Carnival Near Spokane SPOKANE, Wok., Nor. 23.— (>P)- Wk*n the pilot apparently Uwt h« kttriiii in « h'avy fog a g'unt tri motored Kurd passenger airplane crsahcd n#ar th* i’al house highway Just outaide of Spokane today, killing four persons and seriously injuring two otfcere. ThosekHled, Li Wm It. Will’urns, Spokane, pilot andan officer of the Washington national guard flylug unh "tat toned here. Lt. larule D. Burger, copilot and mechanic, former mechanic for the Ford Airplane factories, Detroit, reg- Idencc Indianapolis. K T. Dunlop. Bpokane bank cm liloyee. and aeargeant in the 116th ob servation aquardon; Washington na tional guard. e Washington O. Nof*on, officer m»n fger for the N*m«r Flying service, in Spokane. ~ The big monoplane wn returning to Bpokane from a n air carnival at roltai, Washington, when it encouut »rrd fog. Wltaewe, said the pilot ap parently thought he was higher than he was above the ground when he pre pared to land. For two hours, Lt. William'', pitot lag. batthd w*th fog. circling around f-poknna seeking • landing placr 0 Details of the accident were told by Meath, one of those Injured who la business manager for the Spoken" Airways who gave his arcountf rom a hospital cot. “We took off from Colfav about * o'clock, flew dn nicely unty nearing -Spokane when th*' fog loon.ed up Ws circled Spokane for a long time, hop . !"g that • hole would ppen up in the log. I told BUI that woHfhoud not take any chances and he *a1«l we were not golufc to. ” pilot ,J*ck Rose of the Mnmor Fly tng service, had 'eft t’olfs* in a Rtearman plane. Heath continued hia story. •, “All at once the Stearman, piloted , by Rope, passed u* »nd dove through a hole - Bill "aid th»t he could get through If Rose could and we started down. ‘ That was our end'ng- Just ** we Ma'rted through th*' hole it closed up l„ front of us. We were confronted with a demr* fog. W" I°*t all sense of direction and were not abK to tell whether we were flying upsid*' jjflwn ot not. However. Hill remained c«>m as did everyone else in the plane. “Swede Nornon, ,who i* always |ok Ing leaned 6v»‘r to me an*' s« ! d - \tell. He*, boy itjooks * little bad. I’ll see you |n heir’ and then the crash cam*'. “Our left wing struck a tree and wag entirely torn away,and that was the last I esn remember until I came to o n th" ground-’’ Near East Drive Will Start December Second Nov. 2T_(*P>— John M. Scott of Charlotte, Carellats Teas rrer of the Near Hast relief i-ulinina Hon campaign, announced hire to i.lghl that the statewide relief pro gram for both North and South < iro lina will be launched here Sunday Th" period begins <>n International f Rule Sunday. !><•< 2, and cot\- lir.ues until March 1#29. Omaha Breathes Easier As “Killer” Arrested OMAHA. Nor 23.—CKIaen* oT Otpaha, who HaVe Wii terror strick en since Hundav because of a "hatch * V ~ T «• ,MAY VISIT .FLORIDA r- WABHINGTON. Npv. 23.— MPV— President Coolidge Is* abed late In the afternoon settlement of a total of 87 suits had been pro vichd for. Some of these at tions had been so much “deadwood" um thed ockef for year#. Sixty-two casea were to have special acttle m'nts drawn by counsel and for signature by Judge Lyou. The Eli. gabethtown Juriat will devote to day to signing Judgments and winding up the week'a term ot apeclrtl courtv hicb he has held here. MERE WOMAN ROUTS BANDIT ¥ Hut She Insists Papers Must Leave Out lie roles’'ln Re porting Case CHICAGO? Nqv, 23— (A*f —Mrs. C H. Simmons ln»l»ig that If the newsp-p. ere print aoything about her ruckus with a bandit last night that they do •o "wthout auy frills or heroics." “Did I gtrlke him?” the gray.lialr<'d woman said “Weil. what woman would not, with her hu*bau*l iu dart* I*r?" , The doorbell rang and her husband, a mortgage broket, answered. Mr*. S'mmons heard a scuffle and went to Investigate. “A young man-with a handkerchief over part of h*a face stood there, pointing a pistol at my husband. He struck Mr. Simmons over the bead with the handle of the gun. I grabbed it fr«m him. D'd I strike him? Well, who wouldn't*" Between us, we gave that young man a thrashing "Th* handkerchief came off hi* face, and he ran a* fast as he cnnld. 1 suppose he was glad to get away. VBut remember," Mrs: Simmon* calitioned, “no heroic* in the news, papers.” ALFRED E. SMITH TO START HOME Only One Stop To-Be Made Ah Executive Wants to Reach Home for Thanksgiving NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 23.—(/ft Governor Alfred E. Smith and par'y •v> 11 leave t*r«|»» r row night for New York, friends were advised here,to. •fight. Plans r ail for a slop In Mobile Sun d*y for the governor to attend church. No other stop* *re planned a, tho Governor i* anxious to get home for Thanksgiving. He dec-lined an Invita tion to stop at Warm Springs, Ga.. tVvisit Franklin D Koosevdt. gov ernor .elect of New Yulrk. _ 285,000 Lbs. Poultry Sent East for Holiday Markets When live car* of poultry ar*‘ clea . cd today from the Rlsaer and linblno will depot here for North#™ markets the total shipment* from the depot f»r th' - Thanksgiving trade wll-l hav*' reached lit *ar». a< cording to J P- Smith, manager of the plant. • Fourteen loaded cars went out from here last week and today will see lb loading of the lifth *ar this «v ek Farmers have leceived approximate tv 171.250 fur their imultry, turk-y* and geeite as shipped, it *«l »«ld Each car rent out average* about 15,000 pounds, throwing th* grand total thus early In the season to 2Xo, 000 pounds 'The poiUlry »«* putclia-ed, by sgrnl* pf the Philadelphia concern ovei North noil South Carolina and sent to Gold* boro for clearance to Philadephla and other Seaboard market». The depo' here 1» the central point of the acti vities of tik« company IU llie two Larolinia. *" *“**“ iw a n—aaawse m edi ■ ' *' ■. M A 9 "• b f ' gRr I 9 j ■KfA* j IA i a L i M * 9 Bji.t' ; 9 LtF-'.., v ; ■ momm***MosmommArnlAmmmmmmmm . mmmtmm* J’hotu shows John A• Cameron. Alabama's Valjean.'' as he appeared on his icturn jo the North Carolina*-*ti‘tc prison to complete » **ntcnce of Iweuly years lor murder. He fled from the pen nwr than 14 years ago and was discovered in Sylucaugn, Alabama, wb re be was a busJuess man «t note, worth several thousand dollars- In the plotur P he is wearing a biwiuess Coat, but thfe stripes of the prison to which lie was returned. —Photo by lul*rnutionul Newsreel. Reaches Jacksonville. On 4,600 Mile Beffola Flight JACKSONVILLE. C'a . Nov 23. UP) After reDi' ling his plane and check, leg ov* i. the moUu- folloWtiHt Ws dlgW lire from V w York t*>day. Id- Hen jnrnln Mend**. Colombian aviator, an in.timed tonight he annul not resume hi Journey to Bogota. Col'iuibla, until Eunclay morning* On landing. Monde* declared he would t *ke off for Havana, tjio sec ond I* g of the jrlp tomorrow morning. 'Tiu-^rTrrnrf^J*/ t-aid In animjini Itip his tjßn-;*- in plan* "I h'Ve to go ever the motor some more I will nol leave before Sunday n.or.nlni; '' IHK'KAW AY NAVAL AIR STA. Continued on page three Today's shipments will In* the final i nes for the Thanksgiving I'ade am) , th* n Mr. Smith and 'hi* he!ret" will r turn their “*ui« .tiogyT lo purchases lor 'i fh* Chrlstn is and holiday wade * Th* company trai yesterday paying I 21 dm Is |ter pound Tor hem*. Is cen i 1 for la-ghotrs*. U ( lit' for rooster*. ' 15 tents f*»r Geese. .*1 icui* lor young cobblers and tttrk-v and 25 tenG so. old t-mi \bcmt t*t pei cent of ihe shipmeetii cleared thus set "r aleuit '« ml' In* h* erf lurkejr-. I Th Cnldsliolo plant of lesser Slid hslduowit* is out of a number of central deja*.. oc led at points hi the heart of ib • poultry pcidunng see * lion- of the country. Tho*-- lutei»-*t i efl in the depot*’’'ft re see t nljriiiled 1 os'ibltltle* for ileveliiping Goldsboro I a* the lead Kg poultry market In the ■ two CaroUnua by virtu** of the fact - that the big Philadelphia concern > tcakes it tie* svat of ju ojietattens In , U4H yi Up* GOLDSBORO- N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21, 1928 MODERN VALJEAN WHIPPING PROF. QUITS HIS JOB Iktrnwell RmiifiM After Auihori lies Start lnveHti|f«lion of " Raleigh ( hhc RAUCIGII, Nov, 28—(AV-K* w l>arnwell, chemist r y teacher at Hugh Morgan high school here, who Wed nesday thru'lrd Paul Allen, Uth grade student, thereby bringing on *u investlgstion by c'ty and county authorities, r*signed last night a» a 1 member of the faculty It wa« an nounced today. Hi* resignation was accepted this morning by Hupt. H. F. Srygl'y. who ,»id th»t he regretted the incident as | il wa» the rirst t me thnt whipping «ts student* In the high school had b«en b'ought to liis Htt ntlon »inc '*4/** suru I charge of the city s> lip student* except in obstitrate ra**» and th*n with the c<*nsenl of par-iit', he explained.' The superin. « lendent sl*o - nil that the rubber tub leg u'*-d b» Prof “Barn well w»( not gept in th" ischoid for the spei-lflc piirpiiM* of whipping students but *»» used « ■> r 1 gulsr pirt of th« chemi*. try equipment The resign l * l!2nof l’r(»f. Barnwell, il i* ilioiigllt. will end Ih matter, prof Barnwell has been a member i.f the liigh "sclifud faculty, ' only » vhort time, mmlng here only about . u month. GET WAGE ITCKEANK CHICAGO. Nov. 21. t/F) fondue tor* »nd^Kvfnine n of weM*m rail ray* todsv accepted n 8?; pey cent in ,j(*rea*e retrnacllve to May* 1. 1928, ij when their former agreement w*th ilk* x w*»w#jci «»p4s4. DR. MULUNS DIES AT HOME PrrHidcnt of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Long A leader «>, -Wi-—- I.OCIHVI 1.1.E, Nov,. 23—(AP) —Dr. Edgar Young president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary hei* and inteiaatlonally known denomlnatlongj leader, died at l ie home at noon today. He suffered a stroke of paralysi* November lu and death was aot ua_ expected. Attending phyilclane had held out l‘ttle hope for recovery of the 88 year old churchman during the nine day* that ho hovered between ,ife and death. Isla May Mullins, herself well known a N a writer of fiction, was 'it he r husband's bed*id« when the end came, ■ * T*t•gram Operator Dr. Edgar Young Mutlin*. , who (erved as president of the BapUat World Alliance and of the Southern Papfst Theologlcrel Seminary, was, at the age of 15 a full-fleged telegraph operator. Before thi* young Mulline worked ys ptlnter'a devil and aa typesetter in hi* home town of Corsicana, T**., where he had lived since he was 8 • care old. lie contributad part of hjs wages toward* sending k'a older sla ter* through college. 'After h|» sister* irer*. r'aduat’d he wsa told that his f illier had found mean* to send him it ecitwh **nHege Ha entered upon a li* 'I ••"* er*«-*e In the Texas State Aer'cui'tirei College. Foe- »*■*• 'e'er. eßer h|, rradna- H»" -—*',•*> one night Into the • ent of’" te*v**|lnr evangellet es Dal !n«. That night he w«« among Aha mure*!* He returned home and be rsm* active In religions work at M* father’s ebnreh In Coratcsna. - The voitfb d'etermlned to enter the mlnbtrv He entered the Boo'bern •Oiologlrat Rent Inner «f Ty»"**vfße. Here ** the, nee of *B. Dr MuUlitn re r tved his degree. Kentuckv b**c*m* Id* adootd state. Ill* ftre‘ pestorste ws* s' Harrodshure, ifv Froni there he went to the Lee Street Bantlet church Baltimore, where h|s work mme under the notice of Joshu* Lew rrlnr president of the hoard of true tee# of the Southern Bantlet Seminars, • Dr Mullins left Baltimore to take the pastorate, of the Ftr*t BantlM church at Newton Center. Mane., then considered one -of t-he mnet Important Baptist pulpit* I" the United since the Newton Center ologlcal Hemlnery **, there. GOVERNMENT TROOPS SENT RulirHriH Civil War Situation (irw4 SeriouM As Michali lolf Defiant HOFIA. Bulgaria, Nov. 23 A(l«r an exchange of deJlahc# Ih* Bul g.tnlan govcrnm'rfit tonight dispatch, ed troop* to attempt to ’ceptur# Ivan Mlchallloff, leader of the heHlß'Kat faction of Hie Macedonian Revolution, ary faction In vtchr of hi* rejection of a government ultimatum, it in not expedeo that he will allow hln»«elf to be taken without hitter fighting. The situation assumed an ugly as pect early today when the govern, men! b-gan rushing Urge contingent* of troop* Iron, the outlying districts to reinforce the Holla garrison. Toledo Company Buys Wpyne Bonds and Pays Big Premium •Wayne county h totaling 174*. Kill sold yesterday by the board of county coinml*»toncr* commanded a premium of »K.g- Col. Lindbergh Starts Trip Back to America • fAMPICO. Mexico, Nov. 13-—4AA— fol Charle# A IJndbergh landed h*r# st 3: to this afternoon after n flight of about 2-li hours from Mexico City. Hr whs ’ai?eomp*n|e. a member ?f Hu poa, a ui copunlwone... MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS , , . . PRICE PITH CHRTB England Anilouily Walla EacN Bulletin From Hb Msjss * ty'g Skk lom b L * HEIR APPARENT REMAINS IN CLOSE TOUCH AFFAIRS Congest km of Lang B»rand T«s> terday Bat Waa Saombfly Arrestsd Last Evnatag LONDON. Nov. ss.—(AP| —King Oaor. ga. who stood with barod basd is s ralastorm at tbs Arm Ist lea Day ears monlse. has developed a coagaatlon is os* lung which has caused anxiety' throughout hla kingdom His majesty passed a r*atl*M sight asd today the ooagaatloo *u found to have tacreasad slightly This attar uooa. however, ha asocaadtd la gat. Msg s*me rest sad thla was rabardsd aa favorable While members of the royal bauag* ~ bold war* not unduly alarmed and th* King la quit* cheerful, th* state of bis health caused earn* ooacera asd baL latina war* awaited aagarly . Th* Prise* of Wales, half apparent, who la husttag Is Bast AJrtae wttk Mg - brother Urn Dab* as Qlauoeater, fa be ing kept closely In tsosh with (is condition as bis lather- Than Car. however, that* has boas oath lag tm indicat* bis immediate retam to Bag land I* con tamp la tad Th* Dubs of York, who hi lb* only os* of th* four royal anas Is Busload at th* piweeat time, earn* from bis hunting lodge to Loadoa this luora leg and v tel ted hta majesty. fins. u*d to ratura to North am ptoaebtr* to morrow hot will hasp la olsa* touch with London- Premier Baldwin la baaftng Is aisss tench With the false*. So will ga to Chequer* far the week-end but wilt “• be at Immediate **)■ Is asa* h* should ha needed b Tend as b —»—attaU with the King's Moms 1 Kbg Oaorg*'* physician*. Mr —ft ° lay Hawaii asd Lord Dswaoa. a 4 Mas., in thalr formal MsUmost tonight •aid:' -Th* King had a q«H*r day. Us temperature Is lower sad there was ah further extension of the mischief b* the laag." WOOTEN WINS ■ *i DAMAGE CASE b Awarded 15,479 Agnlnat J. #. Stoat Per Lena el Eya Aa « Workmen mmmmrnmmmmm Judgment for 9M7t waa yaatdrday Awarded J. A Woetea against the 1. W. Stout construction company at Hanford for th* Brno of aa aye wktl* * working as a carpenter In Urn con struction of th* high echos! building her*. Mr. Woatan had ashed lIMN damage and alleged failure as th* company t* previds an **p*clsl loot for au especial task A plea* as *t*«t chipped from th* hamper he waa ne ing- on a cole chisel, struck the ay* and destroyed th* eight. The case hsd be*a started Thurs day morning, occupied all that day 'a session of const sad% r*rdl«t wp* Ja mmed yesterday about 11: Id a. *a. Teague tag Dee* of Oaldpboro and Mr. Tedga* of Sanford appeared a* counsel f*r the defmidaat In th# oda* end l-a»g#toa, Alien padJTajJor far the plaintiff. ■* —JV ~ - T — ff ’ MAD MARKET 1 CONTINUING imm - Advances Recorded In Number i , of Stocks But Others Skew Large Decline NEW YORK, Nov 23. — UP) —Th# stock market which has been run* -rnnga high epecajetlvs fever for th* past tew w*efc*. meat Into caovulaloo# today OB a record breaklug turnover which fell Ju* ehorT of 7,**OAO« shares. Today's saWiTas