WEATHER i Fhir MMI Coldsr Sunday and Monday. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 212 ENGLISH KING IS REPORTED AS MUCH IMPROVED Glad Ridings Told By Queen Mary When She Attends Choral Society Nw Hej*>rted Tlut , } Pleurisy H mi DdvtleM la King s CoogauUd Lung ALL COURT LIFE WAS STOPPED ON SATURDAY i> - - Expect That King Will Take Sea Voyage When Suf ficiently Convalescent LONDON, Nor. 24. M*>— King George maintained ni» at length today rad there wo a very definite rela. tioii of tho aasi'ty which hit llln*-*s •tlrred throughout Groat Britain. After • rootful King George ■ho wed Improvement thla morning and throughout tho day. so much oo that Queen Mary we* able to attoad a concert hy tho Royal Choral so ciety In Alhart Hell thla afternoou- Hhe king it very much tetter.' tho Queen said to Dame Ethel Smith, widely known woman composed with whom aha chatted. •Whila the Queen looked rather tired whoa aha I aft Buckingham palace to go to tho ooneoit aha did aal IffcvK aay artdaaaa « m |M For the mat Uaa* it was learned/ today that pleuftay had manttaatea Itaelf In tho King, hut, thla did not couae any additional conoarn. alnce It waa understood that plauriay la tho Klnga typo of lung congestion was nothing out es tha ordinary. All court Ufa, however, baa boon stopped- Tho Court Circular appear, tag la tha morning papers waa a brief font line aanooncamaat, wears aa It t* generally a fairly full docn. meat relating to th« activities of the duy. Tha clruulars merely at*ted that tha Queen es Spain, the Duka of York. Princess Louise. Prince Beau rice and the Marchloneaa of Cam bridge visited Queen Mary yesterday. At the end of an nxlous day of watching for news frpm the sick room, the nation was relieved when the offlUal bulletin of the klnga phy sicians. Lord Dawson of Penn and Bir Stanley Hewett, was ls*u«d. The statement said: '"HA king had a quieter day. His temperature Is lower and there waa no further extension In the lung- If the kings Illn'Ss now follow* a mild count leading to recovery, there la IIU*I doubt that, he will be advised at soon aa convaleac<*nt to take another sea trip as he did four v yeras ago. Hla physician at that time urged him never to spend another winter in but to seek a mild' r climate. N. Y. U. TACKLE BADLY INJURED X Rays Indicate, However, That Injuries Will Not prove \ Serious PITTBBURG, Nov. 24 f/P) -Captain Al LaFamau. Now York University tackle, who »u carrt<-d from the field nnconscloua In today’s game with Carnegie Tech .suffered a "probable concussion.” examining surgeon* at Mercy hospital here tonight. It w»s first reported that Las'man had re el Ived a possible fracture of the skull. Hospital authorities said the injured player had regain'd consciousness and waa r#>pondlhg rapidly to treatment- X.Ray print*, taken Iron ill angles, felled any fracture* of the skull or n*ck and doctor* were coafl. dent that the giant tackle suffered inly the concussion and that hla brain wa« not affected. Other were to be taken tonight. NOiARHIMENTA IN FREIGHT RATES RERUN. Nov 24 (AV-A telegram Vo-aiache Z'ltung today said that the shipping conference held at the Hague is s n attempt to fix a uni form North Atlantic freight tariff hail end'd without an agrr'ment being teach- American. Belxian and Dutch ship pine companies who*' vesc'ls call at Rotterdam and Amsterdam •• well a* German romp**!'* toek part 'n th» conference. No, date ha* been fixed t» f » r»»»p‘i9« vi vt&mvab , M THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY. L-L-.- —.l. »I| ' - " insa -■ - m— 1— SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY Wayne Hatchery Is New Business Here Wayne Hatchery la the firm ’ name of a new busineas opening In the potato curing warehouse opposite 1 the cotton storage warehouse on North James street. Two Incubators with a capacity of 25jk)0 eggx will bo placnd In operation both for cus. [ tom hatching and for sale of chicks r Eggs from blood tented Mock will be . used exclusively. i T- T- Brown, Wayne county poultiy agent, end Eugene W. Brawn, a broth , er of the local man. ar* opening the ; business. Eugene Brown ha* for a*v. i ''fal years been a successful hatchery I operator and poultry dealer in Rich Square. Evan* Bhlvar of the Smith , Chapel Community, who yesterdsy plac'd first In the poultry abort , course at Stale College, will be In i charge of the businras, and the Messrs Brown will give It only au peprtsory attention. , The first setting of eggs will be j niade about Dooember tS. 1 JOHN WALKER : IS RETURNED 1 -- 1 ** i Says He Waa “Gwat" la Wide ■prwul Georgia Bank Fail* „ ore* IS Yaara Ago ATLANTA. On.. Nov- 24 1 Brought back from Naw York wkero ; he drifted after disappearing frotr. Georgia 18 years ago. John Walker, fosmgr band of a chain of banks bar* and former state senator said today ”1 have been a goat for 11 yeara and when the time comae I am going to do a little butting ” 1 Walker wa* arretted on Federal In. dlctmecta charging embexxl'ment of bauk funds and credit. He wee head 1 of a chain of 107 Gtoigla banks when he disappeared. Mcny of 'been Inti. 1 muons wem to ibt wall while other* 1 continued In business under reorgani zation. 1 Walker was, *n outstanding man In business, political and social circles of the state at d at . ne tints waa look. 1 ct* upon aa a man of wealth. He waa ' a popular m ’uitor cl tha State Senate i und waa In demanj In church and ' civic affaire. When he went away ha left behind « wife and tbr'e children. EUROPE FEARS 1 ANOTHER GALE Cold WcAther Predicted . For Third Heavy Gale In Recent Weeks i . LON DON, Nov. 14.—(/P)-The gala I which buffeted the British Dies s.iJ i Northwestern Europe yesterday and i today, causing some lo*s of life and t great property destruction 'shore an I i on the water* from the Western c >h*J - ot Irelaad to beyond the Dannish pen !. insula, was still blowing with m>nac -1 ins violence tonight. I In most of England, however. It had Moderate! orce. ’ Completing Plans for 4th : Community Chest Campaign Plan* forth« fourth aonual appaalj of the Goldsboro Community (hast, composing the nine agamies »hl<h look alt*r tha clty'a aoclnl, civic, and 1 I recreational welfare, are about com II plfle. according to an announcement i * frera the Cheat headquarter*. * Thin combined appeal was substi 11 luted for the nine aepnrat* campaign* * for the flrat time In 1*25. beraaae thoa' Interested In the Welfare of Hold* I >• boro's poor and «n*ioo« to *ee thr t young given til'- proper training be * lUved that. In one ronewrted drive, i a better reeult acould be obtained with d leaf effort than under the pIJ ayaten. Tfe* 9l IftrfS 1 - ... - . ' Late Photo King and Queen ' P^B—— pJ I * : slr-^" mmm dlB— These are the lateat official photos of acrioualy ill. Anxiety over his condition King George Vof England and Queen Mary. has increased. —Photo by international They were made at the Buckingham Pal- NewareeL ' ' „ ace not so long, ago. The King ia reported \ FIDDLERS PIAY DN DECEMBER 7 ii iai —*» Famous Old Sport of PkMiMr Days Proves Popular In Revival Here The Memorial Community Building's fliat fiddlers' convention of the year, postponed from November IS. will be held December 7, according to an announcement by th* director, R, C- Robinson- Lloyd Gurley will be la charge- Thee* events proved to be hughly popular last Season- Th* three held at the building drew upwards ot eighteen hundred people, th* la* packing th* auditorial!.. , Those In charge otf the arrangement* for the on* In December are laying plans for the blggeft one ever held In Eastern Carolina. t* n and fifteen crack tiddlers are expected, and in addition tb*re wllj be aeveral banjo pickers and guitar player* on hand A number of pritea will be glvn lit* top onr* reaching g'neroua pro. portlaas. An extensive advertbgug campaign will get under way Monday and will continue up to the time of lb' event. Mr. Gurley declare* that hr expects (o make this the biggest convention be has ever been conn'd, etf with, that hr expects a thousand fans of that old time sport to be on hoed wh' n the drat tiddler steps out to tickle strings of hi* violin. IATHEK OF GRIDIRON NT AH HIKFH Til 11 AUK NEWPORT NEWS. Va.V. Nov. 24 (A*l—Wh' n Frank B J4o° L Pcr. Newport Newi, business man watches hi« son, "Bird" Hooper direrl th' Virgin** Ca valier* a" quarterliack wh'n they m<et V. P I. Thanksg'vingdsy, he will luve proved his claim to the long dis tance walking championship »f Vir ginia. c'tlteo* of Goldsboro know- By prev ing both popular and practical, the Community Chest ba*-become an In. dilution In <fhe community. Home of the advantages pointed out i v hen It wa* first organized may be I recalled to mind- It represents aclen t Ac collection aud *pendlng; It means accuracy, dispatch, aud adequacy In r.te'tiug n*eds of tbe poor It mena I no over hipping of fuuV-ltoo* and con. s «*qnentiy, no duplication of work. It n.tana, further, the efficient aud eco i n<>mlc-a| extension of relief for nQ whq ! need It and not for a f«pr who an ' chronic dependents and skilled In th» I vi| Pa* a rpur l GOLDSBORO N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 25, 1928 ACTION AGAINST KRESS IS FIRST Judge Daniel* Converiea Regu lar Session of Wayne Su perior Court Tomorrow i A apodal term of Wayne County , Superior Court for the trlaL of civil i cases having been brought tj an and yti.lerday. by Judge C. - C* Ijy on, the regular term will convene her* In thb moraltiK with Judg«> F- A. Daniels pte"lUtng. Civil actions will be tried during tha first week and criminal case* durlug the second week- The ault of Mrs- Mamie Cayr Bowen against the 8. H. Kress Company la a> t for first call In th# morning- Mrs Buwen t* auelng the Kress Company -for damage* when sb* fell and broke , her leg while making some purchases In the store eev r»l mouths ago. She allege* that the door was left through i negligence of the company In a slip, pery condition and that no effort waa made to aid her for sometime after »he Dll and Injured heraelf.^ MOVIE STARS ARE MARRIED I - 1 John Barrymore and Dolortts Coatello United In Quiet Ceremony ■ U>H ANGELES. Nov. 24.—W) John ■ Blythe Marrynior- and Dolores Co* tillo, uoted star-' of the screen, were married #t th* home of the bride'* , patents, here today Extreme simpli city marked the ceremonl®* wblrfii v er' attended by ya galaxy of movie Stars. The wedding n-'*d been kept In tit most secrecy and although the cou yle were married shortly hefor* 3 o'clock this afternoon, news of the .wedding did not treon.e known un til two hours afterward. Th® couple will postpone their honeymoon because of film en. , engagements of th* bride. They, will r»*4de In the Barrymore home In Hollywood. , Mr. Barrymore obtained the mar riage license thla morning. i FhTHOMA CIHTUMN MFV p FIND FI.NH N F.Tft INF It TO NRUGGLK BKI HNKI.H LACK ■ - a HEVAL. Nov. 24—Estonia fish are « ns fond” °f luxury n iwsdays -l The police of Reral just found on' t! that considerable lots of goods whtib 1 ; were declared at the « ust<>m louse us t* fivh-nels contained precious Brussel* T .Inc's amounting to tr.llllons ->f franc e If ip expected that the custom house official* wU) be cau|ht la fhcK kftP 3 KILLED IN , PLANE CRASH Pilot Believed To Hove Boom Klindcet hi Bnowatorm Aa He Tried Laading EDGERTON, Ohio, Nov. 24—(JO*) — Two men »u<l a woman wer* killed (•ere tonight when the airplane In i winch they were flying seat crashed uear. h*f*. * Oue matt wa* klU*d outright and I (he other man and woman died In aa ambulauce while being rushed to a hospital at Defiance, Ohio. The woman waa said to have been i the wife of th* pitot, while officials «ald the other deed man to be Glen R. Butts. Cleveland- The plane wa« enroute to Chicago i froii. ('l'veland- Persons who saw th* plans declar ed that the pilot evidently, became blinded hy a snowstorm which was raging at the time. He circled sever, al times as If trying to find a land lad place, theta: crashed Into a tree. FLORIDA AWIRDKD 810 o TITLE MIVIXHEMB REFT Orlando .Fla., Nov. 24.—(JP) —For ' the first time In history Florida hag been award'd the national outdoor men’* swimming championships and the hasn't yet decided wh#r« they wll| b' held b, Ray Green', secretary treasurer of the Htate A A. U. *al'l he expected the aces will he staged at Rollins cel- I lege with,, the state race* about May i 1 If appropriate arrangement*V<*n . be made at -Winter Park w THREE FOR HILL ROGER* DES MOINEfif, lowa, Nov- 24 Election returns show that thre* vot. era In Bl«ck Hawk county wanted I Will Rogers for president. Make Urgent Appeal For Funds tor Orphan Home “ . r * '"**» , 1 "I'nless our revenue is Increased w r<iiinot iiik«* In d* w wards and will lx* fore «i to set rid »f soma we have," declares a MM4M* In an urgent ap P'-al for firndsf font th.* Odd Fel lows Orphan lionr- here now being broadcast to Odd Fellows over the ! state JFbe fraternity t* requested to remember the home at Thankaglring t time when • finuncee art getting in e critical condition. ... > The statement joints ou that the i records show that during ' the first r nine months es our fiscal year the * income of our Home has fallen off ■ four thousand fire hundred eighty. r> eight dollars in comparison with a i like period for 1927. And *449 *l* SIXTEEN PAGEB TODAY Hoover Battleship Is Mai|y Hours Behind Its Time Account Storms v J ‘ o. ' <<*': Svr' AYCOCK THANKS CIVIC GROUPS CtMHßiuutty Pub Vm Wfauwr *f Silver Ixnriug Cup la Lart CouiputUioa Th* community club of Ayeock school, winner of tho Ifitt attmdance loving cup, has adopted tho following resolution* whtoh War* eubmlUad hy Mrs. Nathan Outland Mmolve that tho fol%>wUg nod*, lutlona bo adoptod hy oar prooont Community Club and a oopy ho o*nt to tho Goidsbaao Nowa and a copy to Mr Praak Joaoo, Chairman, Wayao County Motion Return Storing Com mittee. Whereas, the Community Club Haa brought about—FlrM: A closer rela. tlunehto between acheol aad ity; Second: Prom ot 100 of ooopora tloa; Third: Improvement of aommun. Ity aplrit In goaaral. we th* members of th* Ayooek Oom. niunity Clob hy uaanimotla vot* ox ltees our approclatloa to th* Klwaula Club, th* Rotory Club, th* boela*** man of Ootdahoro. and Mr. Frank Jones, who sponsored th* Club program for lfitT.llM. Further, more, w* wish to sxpraa* oar apffw (tattoo for tha boautUal Loving Gap awarded our Club and will ii*alu. ovaly eg roe to try t* live op to tha mooning ia which R waa glvoa. EXECUTIVES VISIT HERE Imperial Tebaeco Caaipaay Of fleera Inapoct HoMlngs la GuMsboro Three high official* of tho DaporU) Tobacco Company th* post wook mod* Inspectlow. of th* proportiat of th«4f company la Goldsboro. Commander C. M Iz»«g*tt. of BH*- tol,Jßngland. otoisUat leof manager; H *IH. Browne, tar eovoo years la •Rhodesia, South Africa, and William charge of th* Imperial operation* la Milligan of Richmond, in chargs of factory operations la th* Uaitad Hi alas, spent tha day with B. K- But. alar, local manager. Command«r Loggott woa formerly in th* British Navy, where he served for 21 year*, though Goldsboro peo ple who nvyt him wondered how -this w*a possible, considering hla youthfal appear* no*. The Imperial sxrcutlves wer* eo-' tertsined by Mr." Eutaler at a luncheon at the Hotel Goldsboro. t Dr. Chase To Head State Universities a _____________ CHAPEL HiIX. Nov. 21—Dr. H. W.W’hss* presides t of the Uni varsity of Carolina, was oloctod pro*. Id cut yof the National Association ot C|*tw. Universities ot t|f* annual meeting In Washington last Tuesday, It was announced at th* University here today. The announcement had not |p*n mad# previously, it waa explained, be i 'use the election mm* dur'ng an executive session and word awaited "Lr. Chase’* return to th* University. pensea had been cut tea practical 1 ii.lulu.nin last year, tha Home manage, meat shows a decrease in expenses of sis hundred and fittyalx dollars , for the same compnrtlva period- We i have to feed tnd doth# our wards, > end in face of ths situation revealed t in Uk above figures, out finances nre 1 getting In a critical oondltloa. If we tail in our obligations and ftopalr the i usefulness of our Institution, the re- I sponsiblllty will rest alone upon the 1 shoulders of Nprth Carolina Odd f Fetkiwa," Continuing the statement leads In 1 rJtrt: G«U»U#d 8> ‘’Hf MEMBER OP 1 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS l iw rm ciiwn PtmMmi Elect Ammumh Da* lay of Trtn *4 Hhh At AflPwtaU Mr. ui Nn. ll—ror Aft— rlt Enjoy Watckinf Stsnn- Drh-rg- ♦ D.II MARYLAND, BN ROUTE TO AMAPALA Nov. M—(#>—Th* —t* ti**hlp, carryinc Herbert H** r oo a tear of Latin Amrto*. wne oo our kMn bahlad achadalo toaiffht that fc vu cortata It ooald —I «r*»* A map*la. Honduras oo ——A f »ora. Inc «• plan— 4- Tk pi—da— • officially an—o— tlurt tha aohedmo of Mo CONI will woaM ho May. ed 14 hour, at all potato. Tho lammh thii k—rt— w— nrarty 50# allaa f*om tho —4—ft —W ■ and —Hi had half of tha Wflt of *l% haataOa to croaa Tho »Pood wMah had —aa ont to taa? than • hnota «n tho early Moralac. —a adoaacad to II or 1| tatar k tha day. hot tho offtoora balloted that tho ahlp wootd u«atia»a to a—at*r roaffht aoao be yond tha calf- Thla calf la oaltad UH “Hottaraa of the paetde". Natal officer* add that tho ptaooat atorai wan of fdr'n ia* taoolty. oaoh aa ar* fro—optly oa aea—d k thoaa watara. • • Tha a«ici—l aehadak of tM 1 1 whip aotlod lor hOpoad OTl| h-ta altar loartac ■■— —dro Rk ha—a. j*y— OpmTaf **— rarylaf kata -r i Half knot ke— t—t **r MU—r (d. MA a— Mr*. Winr appear— to aajoy tha bo—a aa M—h aa thoy had tha ecla aaallt daya that marked tha kackakc •* *¥** , royac* Both aoroadod to tho hrld— to oh- I aorvt, th* nala-avapt ooa Tho haittrabtp MoryU»4, *n tho ■omiac rod# a ChU which •* **• tlma attained » rokaHy of Tl an honr. Tho Rood wlh ahlp fade tha atorm wall. Mr.., tlaetpr apparently wna i aadtatnrhad by tho oak I .At tha haicht of tha atom tho wnena . 1 broke orar tha allppar how. throwkff a pray aa hlch o. tha hrMap es the Mff rtroadnanchL At tfaaoa tho wkor woa I four or flra foat daap k tha kraoaotlo a* wall aa oa tho —efterdeek. wharo 1 tha proaMawt ak*t oftaa proannadoa. 1 Tho epoad of tho iWP **e kdaood ' from aoraalaan k Me h—ta hy Cap. thin Kimberly. who wont aa the hridco aad took thir»i. v ( Tha m* ho—red a VotghtOor .a»r aaaplan* ow tha eharterdeek of tho Maryland aa badly that tha ahlp | Had (• chnac*,.ooarat la ordar to per mit it* hake aiorod to ahatto* Tha praMdant okot had hM krat I art a of tha troploat atom kte lent night whan hoary aaaa kpp*A tho 1 rldo of tha ahlp until tbajr poorad Ipto lb* portholaa of hi* oittlac r f *o*n- Orarhaarlac as attach#* aaytnc “* u U terrlbN” Mr. KOoror entiled e»d replied: i "Oh, fra tana woraa.” A awak wialdad by a member of tha i «r«w dUpoard of tha anrplv* watar I and tha partholaa war* cloood. ■•ki th* quarter* watartl*kt MENDEZ PLANS '• CONTINUE HOP I Will L—re Jeeke—rillo At " Dawn Far Havana aa4 Then— to Bogota » JACKBONVILUR Fla., Nov. H— i (/p,_w*ath*r panalttlac U. Ron. , |aai>n M*n<i«*. OploaUu *viator, wUt I tako off In hi# aaaplan# tha Rtouaftn. j at dawn tomorrow for Havana. Cnha. , tha a«xt l*g on hi* lone Jocracy to f Bogota, tha Colo■»Man capital- Mendeg arrivad hava yyatorday la a f *!ngi* hop from Now Jark. I Both Maada aad John TodhaaUr. bit*- Amarloan ■athantp, who will i maka the Jonmay wtth hha k Bocota. rpaat atoat of tho day f«M)f ib* »kai>..

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