WEATHER I Mr with rising tsmperalur* Tuaa I Bar- Wttaegßay etoady tad warmer | with abowers Wad- eight or Thura- L VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 213 HOOVER MAKES SECOND ADDRESS OF GOOD WILL TRIP Says Progress Depends On Sound International Economic Relationship Urf« Freer Exchange in I'oiiti cal Mean, Education and 8c tenet Between Nat ton n SPEECH DELIVERED AT’ IjAUION, SALVADOR. S. A Shewn ReeponaihiMty Foe Mutua' Cealdenct Am Aid To World Peace LAUMION, Hal ratio r, Nov. >«. -4P) —Mutual reaped between countries wm d»acrib»d tonight by Herbert Hoover in th< a't-oud «p*e< li or hla good wM trip to representatives of the republic of Salvador* aa "the foundation ot aU *ountl iul*rn«Hoii"l rtUtloa*. ’* The American praaidant #l'-v-t alao declared upon International eco romlc relation* aatioua built up 'be foundations “upon whUhother pro foundation* “upon which other pro “And our iulernaUounl economic relaUoaa c*n have but on# nal foun dation,” ha added. "They ran grow only ant of the prosperity of each of ua. They cgnaot erty of degeneration of any of ua Our rooaopiic prog re* • la Mutual, ft U not oompetltlve." But development, Mr. Hoover pleaded. *houl*l not b* the only medium of international atalty and nation should have ''the mutual prohleae* of atfaagtbankng tba found*- tloa «f pea«e. building up confidence and friendship and the InatMutioa* and Idaala of each of onr natla#* Ha urged A Ifjfr #«cta*ngr In poli tical idea*; education and acfence a* mea"a to bring about “the enduriag haeia of mutual respect” vM., f AMAPALA. Honduras. Nov. M OPl—Tb* V. 8. 8. Maryland. lieariag President Elect Hoover on a good will voyage to latttu American waa sighted off Amap*tl at' 3:15 o'clock thla mornlag. At le«»l 4.o## or the 5,f»0« or ao people who live at tlila port, the first Mopping place on Mr. Hoover’* trip, wore on hand ready to welcome the president elect. Hundred* of prominent r« eldent* of Tegucigalpa. the capital alao were °n hand. . There were hundred* of email cruft In Fon*eca B*y. v forming a !«**%■ through which the launch'-* from the Maryland carrying the Hoover party* were to pa*». The boat* were brU liantly decorated with flags and bunt (ng. WELFARE SUPT. MAKES APPEAL Want* Folk* to Give l>l*<-nrded nothing to INtor and Needy ~ of County » ° .. ——. • I>e*ciibli>« white children In Waytit cduiftty without enough clothes on "to make a wad for a *holauu.'' It It Ed wards, enperlnlandent of weltara, ye* t« rday l»»ued »n nvjd* nt »|'P"<l f<» the folk* of Gohlnborn nnd the roun ty to look. In their cloaei*. silica and storerooms and get eut old clothe* that they are not lining »ny more *o I hut the article* may he plac'd wh> re they will do good. “Iu *H ny Ufa!" *ald Mr I dward* “I have nyver »#en ao many good feople who are down and out. uo p* oney to pay ihe griff-*ey hill with i.olhlog to t.) »tocklnga. abac*, coats .o- anything with I generally lakt things calm and cAmpo*ed Ilka, hul • hla situation I* plumb getting «n my perves “ Cobtlnui ir he referred lo place af' fiy place l:e hn* b* eu < ailed lo vlalt (t, recant week)- where f*mllle» are poorly • lad. "ju»t alark naked" "And I know.” he" wenl on. “that Ibert arc Juki any number of people who have brltche* tbai not too tight around the middle for Them, "hoe* that are a little run down. h»l» that they didn't like and these thing* are l:< the attic. the '.(>«»•) or somewhere just cluttering up thing*. If the folk* would get Iheih to my office at he courthouse. I could make m leasl 1 'MI women and ihlldit-n comfortable f*t the weather b'fort another sun goe* <yw»." , mm i THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY,' BUY. Goldsboro Handed One Cold Nov. 26 The thermometer having dona a nose d|va Sunday afternoon and night, U*ld*boro yesterday awoke to la coldest November M in many a moon. Tba thermometer during Sunday night dropped lo 3« de groon and while officii I record* are Incomplete. It I* belley.-u that thla eats a n-w record for the time of the year. Plumbers had ■ fix time laying In Christmas mouey from repair* where the husband of the house forgot to turn off the water. Rising temperatures »r« promised for today. DEPUTIES FAIL TO KEEP SUNDAY /InalMd They Go and Dig Up If Barr*la of Beer Intended For Xmaa Boote Ways* county deputies didnt keep th# Babbalh without working. A good part ot tba day they spent In digging lp barrels of b*ar from put a day each# la Qraatham town'htp, the Portermill aaottoa. T*a barrel*, that make* about Mo gallon*, enough *• mabo a aiMgb Ink Chrialmaa liquor if tba daputW* bad goe* t» church. Prom tba look* of thing* about lb* place, tba blockaderi had campod I* tba neighborhood for sometime watching thalr run* Oor«maal ooftab and other Item* of'food with a frying pan for ■ cooking ut#n»U had been the mal" »t*ck of provl*lon» and equipment for th* blockade campers Tiers* lt«-m» were found watered it bout. Deputla* Kornagay. Smith and Gardnar wield'd the pick In digging the b#*r out of tha ground und pouring it out POLITICAL ROW BASIS OF SUIT Durham Man Says Smith Sup porter Beal Him Up About Politic* / DURHAM. N Nov 2d (4*l -for 1.1.000 actual damsgra *nrt »:5.u00 punitive dsmagea wa* filed with the clerk of Superior Court to day by Daniel F Huwyer. locil man stainst K C M 'lllsoti, of Washington N C. He Alleges that he wa» *e**ult eu «nd beaten by the Beaufort county jinaii >n (Ranker • becaua" he aignißed hla praference for Harhit Jl'-ovar. The alleg'd aaaault look place In Washington and th* plaintiff waa for a short tint# In th>' employ of th*- tint) of which Malllaott la a a.ember In the complain! Hawyer rota forth that ih* defendant g»v# him SoQloy* no laarntng that he Inf* nded voting sot thr Republican nominee. Woman Held up and Robbed On West Mulberry Street Pnlioa bay# their dragnet* eat. they j revealed yaatartfay, for the Negr« -youth who about * In Haiurd*y (light i held HP aud robbed Mr*. H -F* Ithode* of Ktlfuesay ati" el at the polnl ot a revolver, Mrs. Hhode* h»d Ireeti with her liiisbaud. who i a employed by IVnU era but finding that lie would In- uu obi* to gat home until let* «n ac count sf th* rush of tmile, started on J nlon-. When ah* wa* near Daisy ; Street walking we«l alon* Mulberry ,n dark ligure loomed out of thr tall ( wed* he lor* bet. A flash I'ght gleam ed l» her face wild ll* r*v« picked out the shine on »u automatic revolver Uirnmta four pock*(book *ud dou t j A MULTIMILLIONAIRE AT LEISURE HBaem. H. % 1 il 1 111 J 111 ■! *2^ W I * ! mrwtA. M tan ■ fkgmljgMß. -. . A' -r * m - gg Her# i* Daniel Carroll Payaon. 3. grandaon of tha Ini* Payne Whitney, who la heir to a fortune that may ap proech the bllllon-dollar mark by the lime he la 11. Ha Is ahown driving hla dog cart on the ratal# of hla parents at Manhueaet. Lr I—lnternational llluatrated Negra. European Storm Takes Heavy Toll in Lives and Property LONDON, Nov. 3#.--rid 1 ) —Th< ret-.ur rlug hurrlcanea which have been scourging thr Want epkst of Europe Tor four days had heaped up tonight en appalling I|s4 of marine disasters which Involved, perbap*. 100 deaths gad tba lo** it a acora <>f ««*aela of •übataatlal tonnage* ~?. v - ■>" While the furfous gale had mod %onai«HH*h'ly In the English < liannel and osreA' th# French and Bpauiah atom, still r»ged tonight aleng th* toaata of Belgium and lb# Nqlherlanda. The Belgian lowland* particularly suffered inun tlatlmi* as qtr sea waa drlveu In by Ihe rMgtytg %lnds, isverflowlng rlverr and dyke* to the gr at di-trrs* of densely populated district* In Ktiglaud property damage war great over wide af< as. shipping IntalUganc- tonJjfW waa full of re tKirta of gallarfri<*cuce of A'llora from angry sea*, m ahundoued or sunken ship* of unidentified d*RPI«T*. 'tli» crew of which mav or may not have perished fcnd of lAmpl'd r raft* crawl Inn .lttward a safe t»e|.orage. The ftneat rescue feat, perhaps wa* The aavlng of tlt«. entire cr< w of the 'Gel man cadet ship Pommern ' ' •. Alcoholic Poigpnjng Causes Death Here * Alcoholic poPMjjtlng Is liven as th cause of the death' of K»»ie Davis Nagres*. about 30 year* old,, who died at her home ug Janie* »tr«''t ye*tej-. day afternoon- Ah»ut * o'clock Sun day morning t•*■' woman ‘w»a. found lying on the street, so drunk that she could not walk She was carried to her home, and put to b*dl Hjoday aft ernoon h'-r m«tln>r, thinklffti th*t by that time »he had -lept off the druuk. went to call her. She found her daughter dead. Coroner T K ,to fei M eon. wtiow ilti local ed case, d'd "ot consider an Inquest n#c#e»ary. | ycu b«dl*r," a voter tr-htnd the light ’ end pUtol ornlered.l | "There i» nothing (it It." wa* th llr»t replv of Mr*. Rhode*. »* relgten to The News by h r tiu<h*ud last , night. •’Ciuimic It h-r- »od don't you hoi. ler," thr voice behiuii the light and lavulve' shot l>»ck and the pistol wav- I <d meQift l«gly, Hnalchlng the purs*, the Negro hur } r'ed to ‘hi* bicycle* Mrh wn» hidden I ' earhy and aped off- Too terrified t« t»»ke an outcry im medial-ly Mr# llliod*' rush'd to tlie j rMldeui e of .Mr*. W B Phillip*, near e-here the hold up, c* cnr red. an-l c*H i ed the police They w-ry on. the *Cen« | (Co«unu»d ob !*•*« Elgbtf GOLDSBORO- N. C TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER ?7, 1923 KIWANIS HEARS FATHER (MARA ,Col. Bain Showg How Standard - I‘row ram S*#M Be Pul v On ¥tk Club .. a— Cel. R-lgur 11. Bain, who couduct. e'tlh'' program «t laffl‘bight's Kiwan. (if lumlieou gave tl>r me>nt>er« a fi»< how each program aheuW •b< preaented. He followed out every item of a standard program-and each faafure was brimful of interest and entertainment for thouc present. After the opening formalities and the tran*artlott ,J< of buainesa. Kiwan iau I<ee Andcr.con was called on for the “Oral Bo**t." H- dlscusced the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 0 v hit'll he reorearnt* h»<l showed by lact* and figures that It I* the great eM Insurgnge company of the world in more way* than one- The financial flatl'tica cinterning th- activities ol this company were mentioned In nil lions "f dollars Following the "oral boost'* Kiwan ien* and guests contested for the at tendance pM*' Father O’Mara reewiv |ng lh- gift for first mentioning » word containing all- of the vowel* of th* alphabet. Other gifts »u the way of ailent boosts were provided for each m- mlier., A pock't comb aa-l n file, in leather case w'’ r e Dirnlshed by s. and cook book were give" by the Metropolitan life Insurance Co Following the distribution of gifts, Col Itn'n Introduced Miss Huth Yc! verton uiol Mr*. W H Jotie*. who delighted the club with two vocal se lection' whh h were sung by Miss Yelv- rton the ptsno aeWiriipanim-nt> being play'd by Mrs lun)e» Tin- principal speaker* of the ' ve« mug. Fa'ltt-r OMara, was pr‘«c-nted lo the dub, und he talk'-l on Thsnks giving He »aid we in America a-ve|fr en the origin, of th- custom as b -giu ping witli the little band of Filglrni colonist* why, set a day apart for the j itivtug of thank* t# God afta r the'r first h»rv* l *t. hut hf "tated that th« j.tea. In * somewhat different form, could be traced into history. The lm- I ortant pan of th- entire cu*tom. h* explained the giving of thang* to C, vl nnd the frl-ndllnc** h thould ba "hown all neighbors The fulliies' of our tabl* - m-k' us • ealif that Xiod give* us plenty, which we must -hare with others. The i lute of N>w York make Th nikHgiviug Day a legal boll, day, and later Lincoln started the custom of oba-rvlng ihe fourth Thor* •.ay In Novemb-r. The *igtiificano* of Ihe day. Father OMara stated brought to u* more forcibly than anv I • ih-r holiday our obligation to Wins* who were n<ijt st) fortunatf. In this | < onn-i tioti. he said, he wanted to !« | CoaUnued on page 8 PAY TRIBUTE TO MRS. WEIL IlrHoluliotM Adopted At jUffflt Cloven lion I—tfd By Bocrotary Tribute la paid to th* memory of Mrs Hoi Well in resolutions adapted at th# rnceat Zionist convention her# and >*au*d by th* secretary of th« body Another rasolutum ewproaaa* appreciation for the eonrtosi** a*, t* ndt-d the convention. The resolutions follow: Resolved: "jOuH thl* vouvnation ««• pseas it* apprectahqnto th* JdWry of Goldsboro, to the to th* committee in chargs- 0 f arrnncemanta for th* generau* hospitality and oof •j 'nl ref apt ion accorded all d*lagalos ■ ttendiniP the convention which halp to make this gathering tha moat sue ces*ful and enthusiastic gathering ever held in behalf of tha Zloni*t cause i n North Carolina. y> Be it Resolved: That wheraa* tba Jew* of Goldsboro and tba state of North Carol'na have recently sustain en u great !„*, when the Angel of d'ath.took from our midst ona of our moat beloved members, Mr*. 80l Wail, r-nd wheraa* Mrs Sol Well wa* a d* voted Jewess, n loyal cltlMa dad an example of motherhood la laraal. and manifested in bar life thoa* qualities which made h-r loved, honored and rdtni'ed |y all who knew bar, w# vofee our recognition and appracla. lion for having pioneered Ih Halting all Jewish people of North Carolina regardless of position and allegiance, in ih«- NofTh Carolina Assoc'atloa of Jewish Woman. We. the delagat* a ft the rdnW'ntion assembled, honor her i » am pie in tint* liarmonlxing the dis. ‘err uc*>* iM-tween Jew and Jew and hall commemorate her m-mory by following Ihe practice *o nobly apon. sor'd bv her during her Bfe Una*. Wa further ixproa our sincere sympathy to the fam‘ly of Mrs 8»l Well, In thalr l<erearenient and propose that a copy of thl* resolution be s-nt to th# fem tty a«rl al»c b- sprend on the minute* of tb* convention. Terrestial Sideshow This * Morn But Few Witness It Nature put on a lerregfial sideshow, ot In common parlance an acllpe# of |tbe miH.n. beginning at 1:25 thla mornli'K "»d last tut until (:2l*- But I there weren't many people In the | grandstands to wltii*** th* phoeue. j n.enuu. only The Nows force, one or UCo night, hawks, th- police and those who forsook tba ca»y Jcovera lung enough to get a peek out tha window At 125 th« moon -uteradl \tMe penumbra, or partial shadow of the • artb. and 'her" waa apparently a 11 ddi'h streak across Ihe aide as tba I uge silver disc The tot*l ecllp*. was In effect ,at 3 33- j During the hitil e< Hpa> the maul I wm still visible, but rad and wtched {looking, like ,a maa why had had 100 Byron Ford is Dead CM Heart Attack at Hotel In Clarksburg, W. fa* Steering Gear Jams, . «- Skull Ia Fractured *‘l hardly kaow wbat to tall you: s|m teem* to be resting Ma lty right *ow." ww tha word from • local hospital l»*t evening ralativ* to tk* condition of MUa R»na Martin of Prieeatoa, rout# t who suffered * fractured skull to aa automobile acoidaot west of bar* latAdlunday afternoon- Dr. D. J. Rosa, surgeon In chorga of iho coaa, canid not b* reached lost evening. Mi** Martin wm caught under a* automobile whom It tars' ad over after tha steering gear hod given way. Xsßoy picture* mods yesterday mornlag rovoolod o fraeftire of tl* skull and aha WM otherwise severely cot. Mis* Mar tin had gone Joy riding with g number of other youeg people as th* community. H*v condition In first reports woo described M “vary seifcdo*. h CARROLL CASE CALLED AGAIN ■- Stain Welfare Department floofca To Rorak* Hi|Uui Has p Mal He—a RALRIGH, Nov. Id.— lor th# plaintiff won th# flrot ahirm i*h hi tbo oaod- *nH| Blots Rooyd of charities and wetfdfe sashing to e*n. col tba licenaa of th* Highland* Hem pltsl Ot Asheville, of which br. R. ?. Carroll I* manager and principal owner M trial 9* Y*t» Hnperior court hare today. Highlands hospital is a private |n*tltutton for tba troodr ment of mentally diseased parsons. ! It ha a bees charged that Dr Car> ml, a* manager and owaer es th* »o. atitullon has heefFTWITy of gross neg lect and cruelty IF# ha* engaged In immorality with certain patlaata sad tinsaea, using hla influence a# a doe* tor and manager of th* iaatitntloa to bring about each condition*. Defease counsel presented a mo tion at the opening es court this aft. ernoon that tba dffaidant b* triad only on charge* of groaa neglect and cruelly and that *viden«e regarding immorality should not ba presented lo tha Jury, Tba clhlmed that avail though the Jury should be Inatruriad rot to consider *ucb evidence H would have an uadarirahla affaat. Judge W. C- Harris. pre»'di«g. rulad that If caunaal for the two parti#* to the action could gat together on cer tain facts before*Tße opening of court tomorrow be would rule as to wheth er |he evidence should be presented to Ihe Jury tomorrow or If they could nos evidence a* to the immorality should be presented to W Jery and that when b* mad# hi* charge h would Instruct tba Jury on th# law M in wIM-th#|rr4hey should aourider im morality evidence. Argument of defense attorneys had Ir en that Dr. Carroll had been triad on th aam« fchsrga* of immorality in Buncombe county Superior court ahd fContiaaad On Pago 81 u uch Ilqtsur. Astronomers explain that there la atill light daring an eclipse of the moon becawa* of th# **■ ifn.ctloii of the sun's ray 1 # by the earth's atmosphere which gives the moon a reddish copper color for th* am iu- reason that *iinseta are red. dua to the scattering of blue ray# by tha .earth’* atmosphere. ■Wheuwer th* get* Into anch *r-position That'll, la directly Ip, the path of tha umbral shadow of tha earth there la an eclipse of th* moon Thee* eclipses are area by more par. •on* than thoa* of the ann because they are vlalbia from more tbaa half the earth’* surfer*, while th*M of the nun can be seen only wKhla a .narrow path which, howafer, la very 1 lon #- m t*,m* rirrrTrrrr MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS • .i ■ - • ■■ price rnicwn Ncwspagoraua Wm WdE lam and Ukod la OalMwii 4 aad la State HELD IMPORTANT JOBS IN NEWSPAPER WORLD Had Baa Worfctaf Oa W»t Virginia Pngor Par Parted of Two Yoara CLARKBBURO. W. ?», Jlf.'H.-4 Byron Ton a rdporlsr Ml tte Olarka hire Adrooata was toand date ta a total roowi tef* today. It was brt»ar. ad ha safforod tram a haart attach and probably di*d fra* oald aa aha wiadows of tha rtta fO» agon. Pori • earn* Harr *b*at two yaaya Mo frosa North Corollas bat nothing la known horn of hi* raloUroa. ~ Tha woador hr that Nyro* had not glad of a haart a mask long ago. ha garo ao ainohaf haart to orofyoa* ha ‘ :>t : f Ooldaboro got aoanalatad wtti By tho (toot flash of a wrMHgBMOty of . unagnalad taloat la ropMd tha Hr •tala amrOar far tha Ratolgh Now* aad Ohaarwar. All through tha iMf. ha aa»a baak. Mllduilll. Ooftn hash f*oai Maw fu*h, froai ab«aea ba flag ta aaaaga |ha atroggt* of It oil; front Bloboiaod wtero ho d*- tlagatahod hhaaalf ad «** <* HESSsr ««■>>. »'■«■£ w ir: bora aod rooaod t« tho haul WMMtawn of tha Old sawth. Broiling, alw»y* •mUiag. Not ahat off hy wglta as agP front tbn world ha saw aRMgd hip. hat frottag sthor pouaM'n harts, gtr tag his last dhaa ta MM othar Mho •ad thaa pMaooatty, oMaally ta a frlrod apt ■tattag hla SSao- ToWM whtah tha. world opt oo aruobrtoro by wort nothing to btai; bo Mtod hla Ufa only by tha eoatacts ho mado with paa**a Hla fcloala m a wrttor for ba yitnnl taiagtaattoa, faattag fait aad saw waald baro glass* bin in tha forafroat at tea oral! had ha hot carad to haw hiroaaft ta tha ran CM of It all. No IWod oa. girtag BBb- a M-if to ntoro tpaoloaa Big Tho woador ta MrfUß had tot Nod of baort at task Mag ago, ha gaoo aa ranch as haart ta ororyuao ho prt. JUDGE DANIELS CONVENESCOURT AddMt Cbaat Um • Hot Par CaA Bflfan Jadga Daakls Today Ctrtl *cUoaa calendared tar thla wash of Ctrtl doart aro aatowatlcalty coatiuuad aattl tit* hast tana aad tha court will dtrset its attsatton to ath pt coaaa not raochod la th* «t*«BI t»na under Jadga Lyon, It wo* do rldod yaatorday whWn Judge r. A. f paatola convened tha regular torn as Wayne county Buparlor court Tha actioaa of I. M Bdgortoa •aalaat Hoary Flowora aad } »-J Muagrave, la which th« plalntl* aaaßM*®- to rolloct for a atoch daal with flow, era, wa* th# Brat can* cnllad yattor. day and took Um oattro day. Ar£n manta had baas consisted Mot oro nlng hut tha charga of Judge Dulals and tho verdict of tho pry ramalnod to tomyiata tho caa» 1 Tho *ult of Laacaotor agoiaat tho Atlantic Coaat Una railway company action for poraonal damnga onatnla. ed In an aocldant uaar lit- Oitvo. ta down for trial upoa Um comylaUaa of Um Bdgrrtoa-nowart, Muagrave c*aa- GKMKIAL BOOTH IOJITIJUJBB OA LONDON. Nor- Id.—tdV-Oawarol William B ram wall Booth, eti naatar of tho Bolrotton Army, had a rostlMo Othorwiaa hia ooadttloa WOB rbang’-d today, - -

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