i ' '• * i_i WEATHER | Cl>W> u< warmer Wednaaday Show I am ta tWaet WMl«N>r TllNijr with SUM Imptriiur*. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 234 200 DEAD 10,000 HOMELESS IN ISLAND TYPHOON Fear That Complete • Story Will „ Greatly Raise Terrific Toll Warld Just Begins to Get Detail* of Storm Damage In PhiUipines U. S. CRUISER TAKES RED CROSS AID TO SPOT Communication Means Restored Ta Few Points During Tuesday MANILA. Nov. 27.—(A>1—Report* brought bv restored communications today Indicated that 200 persons per* ifched in the typhoon wbR-fc "truck the cen*ra| Philippine Island, Thursday and continued until Saturday. Teu tbonaand *re homeless on the island of Leyte alone. Leyte and gamer Hand* suffered moat. While no rrpotyf hare been ra relrwd from the eastern section* <*f the ialandr it to tglived that the lo*» of Ufa wan henry. e Crop end property damage probably will aggregate millions of dollar*, al though lack of communication* rend ers it Impossible to make an estimate. The' snga r crop, however, i R thought to hare eecaped »eriou* damage. The U. S cruiser Milwaukee with a relief party from Manila left sup piles and Red Croeh helper, at Cate blogan on Samar Inland, and turned a to go to l.«yte today. Four destroyer* hare been ordered to Mare Manila today (or the dertt. a ted region* a* a result yf a confer esc« between Oorernor General H< nry M- Htimso* and nayal officer*. APPEAL GIVEN GOOD RESPONSE Many Pour and Needy Will Be Clothed As Result of Story In The News Welfare Superintendent R H Ed wards founl quit yesterday Just how many folk* re*d The New* Hi* appeal broadcast for old clothes, sbo's. bedclothes and the ’.ike for needy fajnille* in what he described as the most serious condi condition he has ever known in the county, b'opght a generous re sponse. All day yesterday automobile* palled up out>lde hi* office |n > the courthouse and armful after armful of dotty* were carried in •TKere will be many a little child who will go warm no*. many a good hut unfortunate woman will be cloth i.ed «s a result -of the outpouring,” «.a|d Mr. Edward* “I didn't know The News had »o much power." Mr. Edward* point'd out. however, .(tot there are many cas< s on his ll*t tl at have not vet been supplied with clothing "»d renensed the appeal for • itir.cn- |o go ilito their closet* and stiles a»il get down the Huu«ed item* rad send them In f" r distribution. HOSPITAL BURNS INCRAVEN CITY I'atienlH Are Removed To Near by Building* As Firemen Fight Valiantly NEW BERN. Nov. 27. (Ah —Five white patknt* and eight Negro patl ' nts of Hit New Bern general hoapltal were transferred to other places last night when fire broke out In a dumb wwalter in the basement and worked thYuugh to the attic. Arkanaan To Inspect ~ Wayne County Schools The Schools of AVayii' county are saying four of five county systems to lie visit'd by State School Inspector Hill of Arksnsa* e«tlr In Decembei J I. Memorv of Halcgih. state high school Ins-pctor Vesierdnv wrote W'gyne official*. Mr Hill •* (Amina to North Carolina with the view to min ing practii ‘hie id a* in p*ogr**»iv* si bool organ!**! '|P and management Which may he applied t.. n*as He will spend the day of lh* cnifrer A it. Wayne county, Mi. Memory will uvawz wb fai* l £*p THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ RX BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Appeal Is Perfected For Millard Johnson Alleging error in the admission of certain evidence Millard John son Grantham township farmer through hla couus'l yesterday ap pealed to the Supreme Court front the conviction in 'Wayne saperlot court tit the murder of Pink Rose well to do Grantham fa>mer Judge F A. Daniels had sentenced John, eon from 7 to 10 years in State pn*on after tbe Jury had brought in *a verdict of guilty at the trial aome time ago. Self defense had been the plea of Johnson The *p peal as completed yesterday Is e* peeled to b<' argued before tbe sup reme court in Raleigh on Tu«d»y December 11. ■ PRESENT PLAY ~ BEFORE ROTARY ‘*TW Valiant*” Admirably Inter preted By High School Dramatic Club ( The High School Dramatic club the short play “The Va liants" before the Goldsboro Rotary club at ita meeting at th* Hotal Goldsboro last evening, and they did it in a convincing fashion. Pt>ot to tho presentation of the play. A- A. Joaeph. past president »f Rotary, In a short talk urged the neceseity of continued al#rtnc*» If the organlaa tion is to mea'ur* up to its full ra- H pon h> hi lit y lu the city. “The Valiants" is concerned with ‘ / no more than one scene, but ■ »cene which make* reai demand, for lut'd interpretation, and is after the man. t.er of the short abort story, It tells the tale of Ditre, who killed • man be a use he wa* convinced tbe map deserved it. and bow he successfully conceal* big real identity in order to shield hi* widowed mother and sister Ditre goe, to his death satisfied that hf lias done the right thing »t every point, even in preventing his sister who gains an audience with him in a short stay of egecuton granted by the governor, from learning who he I*. Alexander McLean as the Warden end Newbern Pl“ad a* DKre l»*d th# n’lisl dlrficulf role but carried It off; w'H. The part of a Catholic priesY ui.es not come no naturally to Ralph Hidden*, possibly, but h« gave a very good portrayal. Mary Borden as Jose phine Psri*. sister of the condemned m»n. playtd heir part w'th the re. str*int and carriage it demanded. Patti Moxingo wa* Dan, assistant to the Warden. a»d if Paul ever wants a Job as guard at the State prison, George Ro»* Poo would prob-'bly give him one if he showed how it ought to b'- done as he did last night. e, The club i» coached hv Mis* Mar garet Kornegay of the High School (acuity, who directed the play before the Rolarian*. Cape Fear Conference To Convene Here This Morn The Cap* Ke»r annual coufereui * ot the African Methodist Episcopal Zl«n Church will convene al th" S' ji-me* A M. E. 7don church today •»'! v'ill continue through Hu"dsv Bishop l George C. Clement will prruide oV« ihe conference and Rev. J. H. N. Tros* j will lie entertaining (!"•• r >* P«*tor of the Zion church Three session* of the coufj rem ' | are *cheduled for today. Rev. M H. ' M Holler will deliver the ‘ knnosl *• roiMn »t II oclo k ihia morning, followed by adm^istration of th'' ! holy communion, organisation and! rcgi*t rtrffon- Collect ion of all peraoli §| sod y*o«(§i U«i#s if Uy Hem of J J[SdH Smiling!—Still rtyfcig!^ VV w&l : / MB’, '' . ■ u l * . / / Safe and »ound though the whole country wag excited by rumore that he had been killed in an airplane crash in Mexico, Colonel Charlea A. Lindbergh arrived in San Antonio, Tex., from a hunting expedition below the Rio Grande. He waa to hop off almost immediately for New York. Photo »howi the - amile which Lindy turna on folks who think he should give up __ iyinf. Young Woman Testilies in Highland Sanilorium Case RALEIGH. Nov. 27—(A*>— Alleged Immoral -conduct of Dr. R S Carroll was poitrayed with a wealth of d*-t*tll today as Wake County Superior t:ourt swung Into couslderattua of testimony upon which th* State Board of CharL ties and Welfare to *e*klng to have canceled th* Umdm of Highland SaaL lorturn at Aeheville. operated by the (Itftndunt physician. •Milt! The day's star withes* in the do Itneatioh of the amatory activities charged to the elderly physician, wa* Miaa Gertrude Corbett, a .cripple of infantile par»ty*l», who Is now' eut ployed in a clinic couuerted with the New Jersey department of Institu tions and agencies. Perfectly composed at all times. Ml** Corbett swore -"he had been n victim of Dr. Carroll's advances about 8 years ago The phy-irlan. she testified. Jus ARE TO REQUEST HIGHW’Y PATROL **-—*. _____ Included In Uegi.Nlative l‘rot;rant of Carolina Motor Club For Year GREENSBORO. Nov. 27 (>PI Kn tbustastlc endotsaiuent of the saf'ty! liability lie asure, designed to liar Ir ! l responsible drivers from the highway and provide compensation •for personal Injurt's and property damage, featur ed the meeting h're today of directors o.' the Carolina Motor Club who for ululated a revised legislative program : which will he submitted to a fefern I dun vote of thr membership \ The club directors voted to sub mit the following live propo-nl* to ' the membership Stale automobile driver's license. | State highway police pat ml- Klim Ins- Lon of obstructions »'t curves slid cross road*. including billboards, *|Birul)bery Reduction of llcenae pletf 1 fee* at end of "ach quarter I'rotil.wL lug loMalhMUin of light bulbs larger than legal limit. husiat-a* down for transaction at a session at 2:JU p. in The delegates to the confercnc jwill i l». officially w*l««med at a gathering , at 7: Jo this evening Mayor j || Hill j mil Captain Nathan O Herr*-' will bring KrctiVt** on behalf of • th white citl**'n* of Goldsboro and for I th, Negro face. Dr C Dill»rl on h' half of the Church'*; Hev. It. W. tin j derwriod from the minders- Prof ’ Hugh V Brown froh th scliool*; William Cue*, from the *o|oied busi, ness men and Ssmii'l Whittington fro we-the St. J.iui" cliuri h j 9B l'*|« B«v«nJ GOLDSBORO- N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 28, I*lß t'fl'd hla b'ltavlour toward her with the claim that It would have a thera peutic value The witness said she ( < i.tried the hospital as a patient but . Icier b'caui'- gu assistant to the au-1 leriutendent. • The young woman, now 32 veara old. facades relentlrs* croaa examine, tloo at the hands of H- N- 81mm*. Ra. leiah attorney..but she answered with out flinching and apparently wltheut t n harrassmeut. questions of the most ii'tJmate nature pertaining to her story tit Dr. Carroll'a action, More than once 'lw laughed wh«n he pressed hnr foi details of the incidents she had de scrlbnd- Mils Corbett trsttft'd tbe events she described occurred In IS2O autl J 921 hut that she remained at the hos pital until 1024 When court adjourned shr wa* still being cress examined. JOINT SERVICE IS TO BE HELD O v Rev. Mr. to French To Special ThunkH|(ivinK Congregation 1 There will be a union Thanksgiving ! Service al St John. Methodist < liurch Thursday morning *i ten o'efbek. with the following church"* parlic , ipatins; St Johns MethiKll*t, The First Christian “nil Friends'. Krv. Tennyson of the Friend" church sill preach the aeration, and th" mu j *ic will Ik furnisheii bv the choir of j the Fii-t Christian - hnrc h It ha* been the custom for sev-ral j >*ar* for the*e church*, to unite in hiank,giving service A large atl*iid- I ance i, expected on this occasion The ! many freind" of the churches repre i rented «re Invited go Join in this I n rvh i,l praise and thanksgiving to (101 l for hi* many blewing* during . lie past ve*r w Orphanage CUms To Sin# Here Tonight I- .I, i.. o Th" 'M hodi*t Orphapnge cone*. I 'la-- fr;»m the M'tlidTlist «>rphgTiage I in Haleigh. will render .* concert pro (■am al Jlie .Methodist cliur,'|i her' (hi, evening at 7-30 o'clock, it w*a learned here yesterday The progiam will b" the main feature of the Thanksgiving service, and the public ha-, Ji'.'-p cordially Invited to att - "d . Tlle'da-s, wh|ch will *'ng tonight. 4* jomp'Hied of twelve voices, it was aid. the young people being well trained, wti'l having splendid voke,. I ANT* GKKATICNT M.KTKIB MKI T INTKKSFI TH» Al. MICH MW YORK. Nov. 27.— Oh—' Three J of the "east’s greatest elevens have < Inwn to pick tnterseetlona! fw * for the grand litials of Mis »'-aaou CLAIMS HE IS OM AHA KILLER Ncvro Arrested in Spoknne Cop* fetsteii To Halchet Murders In NehraHku HPOKANK, Wash. Nov 27 Police said today that a Negro giving the name of Elm'r Wtlliama, 24. lab or* r. Int'l confeascl to the »*ri*a of hatchet | murders in Omaha. The m*a was arrested, according to chi's of detective* C. O Miles, aft er he engaged * newaboy to write letters for him. n'fertlug to the mjr» tery mu'ders of Mr* Walter R»a*o and her sister, Grets Ilrowa, >a Oma ha and saying that N*bra*ka author ities. were making "• bad ml»teh*’’ hy holding Jake Bird, another Negro suapsKi in connection with the hatch et killings , Chief Miles aaid another uew*boy told patrolmen “Red" Ahera about the Piters aud Aker* arreated WH liams. who v .»t once aaid that he hod killed Mr*. Itesao and 'Ml** Brown vith a hatched. He reftrsed to amplify this statement until police fouad out whetke r Omaha authorities waited him A nesiinper sccouqt of the Reaao Brown murders nt Omaha. Nov. 11. wa* found in the Negro'* po**e**l»n Police *.«id they would communlcat* wilh Omaha siithorlD** to rsrify hla rtary. Officers s*>ti Williams told them he eluded i aptu'e after thr •tnrinfl* left the rHy November 1.9, taking • passenger treln to Dentrer At v«r he bought overalls And “ blue denim Jacket, going outside the city to change the clothing he urorp at tb« tiro* of thfi murder*. "That'* all I’ll tell r«u "ow nntH. I know that th» captain of deteetiva# in Omaha waats m*," W»|l|»»* aaid. CHARGE LOCAL MAN AT FAULT J. M. of GoMnboro in Collision Near Four Osks in Wkicli Thro* Am Hurt J M. Mracham of Ooldaboro Is out under |2OO hou'i for an appearance in Johnston county recorder’, court on a charge of driving an automobile while drunk with th# alleged reeult that he was responsible for an acci dent in which two persons were in. *ur*—4P>v*rnor Alfred E Smith, of New York. p*-s ed through KuPigli this morning go ing home from hts southern vacatiou. but h' was not seen by the small crowd who went to the station Jiop«. of seeing the former deniocro 41c nonilu'e for the prealdeucy Eastern Carolina League Set For Its Second Year The Lantern «>aolin« Baseball League got »et for its second year of hisPiry at the talt meeting Os direct ors of the leagu' made up of p<•"•i. dent* of the various clubs —hsld at the Hot'l Goldsboro here last eve nuiK with W 0 B'smhani, U> ad of th' loop presiding. As Indicated at the meeting la*t fight the league this season will b' made up of the *»me cßie* which comprised It in its initial acaaon Goldsboro. ..Wilmington. Fayattavi'P', Mould. Oreeuville and Kinsto" All of these* ifie, were represented and there wa* no move on the part of any dub*, *o f*r •* wa» ]*rn*d, to Prince ol Wales Ready To Hurry Home Aboard Battleship “Enterprise” Million Dollar, Paid For Tobacco In City WKh *ales of tobacco junofrtcial ly reported as 7&.DM pounds yes terday. the total for the Ooidgboro maaket reach'd t» 231.324 pound* Through Monday official ealea a* reported by Mr. FMII»r war# fi.lM,. 314 pounds for which |1.W7,371.11 had been paid, an average of HIM With the end of th* aalea thl> afternoon th* tutor 89* will dote for the Thankegivlag holidays, rw opening again a'll Monday morn Ing. MANLY RITES THIS MORNING a •» Dial ing uiahed Barrister Will Ha Brourkt ta Ntw Bara Far Burial WINBTON.BALXM. Maw. tl -Wh- Fttneral services far Col. 01*m##4 Manly, veteran Winston Salem attor ney and widely known throughout North Caroiaa, who dtod at hig hem* litre la*t night wilt b« conducted at Pt. Leo’, ratkolbc church, this city, tomorrow morning at 1# o'clock- Immediately after th# #ervlo#e th* funeral party will l#*v» by motor for New Bern, the old home of Opt Boo ty The b*dy will Mi i# #4oto a* Urn Catholic church ut N#w Bern watlt Thursday morning wh*a burial will t«k# idaeo ta thu family plot th#r#. Active pallb#ar#rs will b* Com mandar M K Manly of Anaapolla; Basil Manly of Ralalg’h; James R- Wh*th c o, C Ml. Whedboe and J. Bd sard Johnston of Baltimore; aad Dr. 7. K Hortoa. Jams* O Hana*. John L Gilmer, R. G. Htockton, W M. Haa dren. and Bt«t# Senator U 8 Womble. <1 Winston. Balem Hcores of tfl*gr*m* of sympathy w"# received by the family today Iropi friends of Col. Manly In *M •#*• of the state and other states. (X)MPROMISES END y aSES Edgerton Not Awarded Judf ment In Hull Acainat Henry Flower* and J.K Muaffrava - ? A non suit was yesterday ordered in Ihe rase of J. I lainonster agniast lh' Atlantic Coast Line Railway tom pa»y in Wayae County Hup'rlpr rcurt, Judge F. A. Daniels prasidiug. It wa* niiuounred that • comprumto' had h'en reached Mr l-aoc*aWr started the actio* after bia automo bile was hit by a Coast Line train at Mt Olive. J M Kdgerto* wa* not swarded Judgment In the suit he had brought hgsinst Henry Flow'r* add J- R Musgrave Voluntary non suits have been t»k cn l» the <•»»# of Mr*. J. L. Eddie nik,, against the M syn* Laundry and ot V. J. Grime* ngainst Walter M. MkColloiii ————— l withdraw the 11.500 protest fee A committee nam'd at th* maetiug M the hotel will go into th« mater of drafing a schedule for next year and President Hramham will call another meeting at which time tbe *ch®dul* will he submitted for approval. H is expo* ted that the full details, of th' league organisation for the coming! season will shape up efiyty this year. II wa, pointed out that this will ant entail the effort and detail work that was necessary In the organisation of the League l«*t wintar. Much time laat night waa given to the discussion of rulae and regula (Contlnuod on pm 7). MEMBEROP f THE ASSOCIATED PRESS J, pricb rtrm cum Skip Order*'to Ne*-«rt Pm 4 in Baat, Africa Wkere Heir Appnrtnt ig Huntin« SING GEORGB NEARS CRISIS IN ILLNBSS Brief Bfttteti*. CUaing He HeMa HU Own. Falla 1U Alleviate Anxiety LONDON. Not. If . tUag G'orir tonight waa aatd la aa «IW»1 iMil'ettu lo ba hwldla* Ms ewa aa he t.pproar had tba ttnw whaa aatkal < pinion in general aa pact ah a arista |p hla lllaaan which woe 14 datirwlfta it a futar* rout*#. A brief bulletin waa Meant heal Pucklngkara pelaoa taaleht as the n«n.e lima that H waa aaeoaeoei the* waaahtp ha 4 bate oriart la ppe reed la Beat Africa for the iHapato* of tba Prior* of Walae. Tfce baHctle ml: "The kin paaaad j* la*a t*Mturtki day Tba temporalera area aoaMVhat lowar thaa at tba ooneap aa4laa bee* laal night MU atraecth wea mala. tnlned " Tba admiralty baa direct* HU Me jeety’a «hip Katarprtaa to pfwcaai fteto Apian la Dar-aa.«Uaeu aai to thaw bold haraaif a» tba itepnaai at the hrir to tba tbroaa. . Tba priaao. who baa beee baodeX “ m tba tnaooaaaibla iaturter. waa dee t "eight at Bodonn Taaga*y«k». wbloh la aa a rai|«%T la * oraaactei It teUpfeph. , . Tba beliaUa toae- d to »* ***** RawoU aai Lafi Dew*tn of Been aaaaaai .to malt to Up .ae mm+ aa ft re avert#. „ * Loti bight H kid Waa atated frmafctr . that Mi MafaKfa taaaft*rntara waa lbl-f. Wbttr taatobt H Waa tenet* • nomawbat lower " BAPTISTS GET V NEW PREACHER Rev. Blbert leh—w Accept* Cal to Pwtontto Imcal v CShtoii K»» Elbert N. Joheeen. paator of the m,i ftaptlat church of Dftpa tor iba paw •#»« years, baa aecagbei the pesto'ate of tba Mt- Oliv* Itptlat I cbeprb. U waa laataad bar# rc**r- Aap. star. Mr Japaaee waa ta tba eit* on Wednesday aai Tberaiay of l*et weak. It was aati. aai a cordial inTitatiaa was eateaie# to biai Wei neaiay night to •fricarn as tht Uoal church. Th* praachar taloph