WEATHER Showers and slightly warmer. But. unlay fulr and colder .. ; o —■ " ■ ' , ' VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 236 " o.« F > ' • Z ■ -,«■ ... 20,000 SHE CAROLINA DEFEAT VIRGINIA 24 TO 20 - v _____ # A- ■ “ - • * | Tars Turn to Passes And Take Victory From Threatening Cavaliers Virginia Was Leading 13 to 6 At jt The End of Firwt Half of Game PRESIDENT COOLIDGE AND WIFE ATTEND More l*aiste« Thrown Than in Any Game In All History of Famous Battle CffARLOTTESVILLK, V#.. Nor Ti. - (4>)-ln n samp making up in thrills anything it m»v have lacked In the finer points »f font hall the University of .North CarotHa, defeated the University of Virginia 24 to 20. A crowd variously '‘S'imated at 18.000 a to 20,000 *#*■ the Tar lie I* t*• !»•<* 1 come from behind to lake the moo'ure of the Cavaliers in a sensation*l bit tl*' of forward passe*. President nod VD*. Ooaflidpi- -aw the the first period of tn>-, hectic struggle and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson and the governor* “t»f North ('Hrollna *nd Virginia witnessed „ th* - war in full ■s The Mg ~rowd filling Lambeth fPId from corner to corner spent most o the afternoon on Its thousands of to welcome th'* President into the stadium, again o bid him ” good bye and in between after to gasp the sight In » tingle rnnte b'twren tl.e two institutions who point to a eerie, starting in 1H92. * All of he touchdowns were concern ed more or leas with the passing end ’ -of th* game with the emphasis on the more, and there were m*nv othera 0 barely missed. Virginia ends let two long shots slip from their finger’s ends hrhen ttfKv were within calling * distance of the goal line. So far as the President ‘ wqs ron oerned hi* Virginia hotrt* won the game, for when he left at the end of the first period the University of the "Mother of President*" was lead ing it* neighbor 7 to 6. team ad led another touchdown >n th'* last period and went to the club house for the inter mission with a 13 to 6 'dge North Carolina had a great deal in reserve, however, and it was found -a* the” (.vent, of the second h«lf were nn tolled that three touchdowns were sitting on the Tar H'*el pencil throughout the first two periods. Magner and Erickson, two «üb*tl fates, were introduced «nd responded with three counter* b'tween them Magner. a rugged b£< k, who can throw pass'** a* well H * ** r,, n *iiit the ball, made two, and S’rtekaon, a football player who grahs pn««e» rrurh on the order of an outfielder in oasebali, added the other, which »» tl happened, won the football game. The Tar Heels w'fe not oat of the wood* when they put on their big third period to.score' two touchdown*, for Virginia had kicked for an ex tra point while Carolina had not :-and after the visitor* took th** lead M 18 to 12, thanks^ 1 * Mngner and a good Interference hack named N'a'h. U * home crowd W«* hack to score o" another of the day’s sensational pa' e*. and ag»|h ft» r ß* r ‘h-ad 2«» to 18. And then Erickson <"*>k „ Ward and ran 12 yards forth- dci 1 irg ton lidown. PENMEN OE I,«W EHItUIO HTIItENTN till t.IUN TO POOR CHICAGO, Nov 28.—tAP) Th' pen r.le* of 1.600 Miwlenl* of the Foreman Junior High School made Thank-tglv. Ing happier today for Chicago's |xmr children. A check for S6O«. saved in the past two weeks by children who denied them** Ivc, candy and tUnvies. wvi*. given to the School Children’* Ah Society fund yesterday TEN 'ROBBERS K II.LE D CHICAGO. N.Nv- 2'- Ip' Siege, deputy police eorit mi tut loner pointing out today that 10 robbers have l»een kllld by policemen since William F Ru'sell been toe •> omnii* Hotter of police Augli't 1 This nutß tier is greater, Siege said, than were killed during th- entire 16 mohthr regime of Commt*slbmh- Ituaset'i pre decessor, “go gel ,'eui Mike'’ Hughes •**» v hi - THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS A lift FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. 1 ' * v, Rut It Didn’t Cure His Electric Shock J.KAGI'K, Csechoslovakia. Nov. 28,—(A’) Tile towit councillor °t lh- little Moravian toi/n of Bakova was deliberately hurl'd al'vc aft er accidental loutact with u ■A |t ly charged clet-Lgk wire Hint Vf;n tier'll bitu uucon^gjtejis, Qi, the advice o woman 'tee tor of the village the official. Hut clera, was pi Need In u hole in the | ground in the belief that th* earth would absorb I lie electricity from j bin body. , When dug up after 30 minuter, interment Kulclera Wdix dead. KING GEORGE SOME BETTER Bulletins Issued Yesterday Are „ In .More Optypintic * Vein a LONDON. Nov. 20— OP)— An anxious ■nation b'gan, to b.reatbe more froely (oday us the coiidltlotfof King Georg, showed distinct Improvement. Two favorable bulletin* tnl* morn ing and one this evening announcing lhat v the infective process was belli.- h* Id in check and re. orilmg a quiet cay with aleep followed Home Seen- Inry Joynsnn-Hicks' hopeful nt 'tomei t last night that hia Majesty was bn the mend. s » > jr It was understood that the King'* physicians were -gr ally satisfied with the King’s progress todav and would omR the usml isle night vlfll*. ’ Tonight’s bulletin issued a. 8 p. m sank. "The king hud a quiet day. with some sleep. Other* lue hlit condition temalu'd Unchanged." ADAIR FRAUD J CASE NOW ON Admit 'That Advertisements In Florida Booklet Were Mostly False ' \ GAINESVILLE. Oa-. Nov 23 f/Pl Court recess until. Tuesday wns order :< > 1 dent of the Whitfield Estate*, on the stand n.ost of the day. In its examination of Haley today the prosecution questioned about im , prpvemenUl made at W hit field list < and. Introduced Info evidence an ad vertlslng painphl-l, purporting to de scribe the Estates. Commerce Report Stresses High Trend of Prosperity i •WABHIMSTON, N’ov. 2' - V/P* 11 1-1 i**‘rt Hoover * lust offlo t j»ri nouneenjem it* a servant 61 th eminent before hij election »» I’rea. dent *•», made public to I■ >• i> t ! 'for® of tli annual repoit t>( h- ton mere t)'partntent for the Jim .n year V92X JU liicli tji.i'e 1 I.i't Juu, Th i docuol 11! 1 hi i note , 1 •- id tlnv reiti-irkalili 1 ’ ■ inn.! ot K prosperity of-thu t'njted Statev during rtcmt yeat» unit lt s pie, .Ul nKn up ward trend.’’ In the foreward usually the* own prodih ti.>»*. the 1 undines* nf’nrltii, the iniprw aft 1 , nriei>U in Min. po'i til hi. and tli J• • • iiotnena ol fttianee wen "r. led. wh'le ngrltnlture w.u givtn a sjixtaJ Htidy. _ ' ». ». .v_ . \*";Vi- .. ■ — 1 “ l s * 1— - - .... . . i. wewii^n—us... ■». . nw i n ' i,i iwew.,l . j.CX' [ Held In Rothstein Investigation j Mr ' M W ' \ ' vjgfr Jf/r | hqh 1 .jh mtm ' feiWa/ * CauTf» f ■VI ‘ ‘e - ( ' ■ Georg# (Hump) McManus—“the man whose •tory would clear up Rothstein mystery in three minutes”—voluntarily gaYe himself up to police for questioning, litre jie is (arrow) being arraigned as a suspect in the gambler’s killing. Left, Mrs. Ruth Keyes, pretty Chi Jungle Hoy Who Ifo-came A Bishop lo Appear ill City lit- Iti>v Thcophilti-' M"iru>'m Gar-| diner I). I) Bfahbp Bttffiagun of LI I• rl tli. Ik *\ wit" I- -a hi*,' ■ bishop will speak ut Bt- Andrew's, tcub r< >l| Episcopal Church, Golds '• 0> ., On Wednesday De< tuber Slh. I islt'.p tiaidlner vho Is .-'uffrai in Bishop of the Republic of Liberia | came to Ihe Cnltcd State* several months ago to attend tb*‘. Forty-ninth Trie mi igl G net at Cunvcntfon of the Episcopal limit!), which m> t In Wa-hlngton from t)i loiter loth to 2.‘0il A* N'lffngun Bishop of IJb«*rta lie sot In th' Hetive iif Rishbps »t Dial , Convention. Jl" i. the first man from -the \:t I TWtr of V\ • ■ t Africa -who 'ln, -.ill the hfbt'.i . of (beTMbts entered j tbr> ChibtUm rnt.’il-trj - . II" bus also Ihe ill-tludtiuil Os. •"•lag the li'ht trlh.--ti.uq ;,i -.11 l. i- i.i to .In ■-x bishop of t|i* church. The \'nl Tribe, of which his father , #a» a ihl-f. had < 'ic, u d*-r the lit flue tire of MolintonM'diaiii.-oti, as a ro Milt of which tin- Imy » c v'"i tlo j (name of JI"ji:olu ti I- nor of tl.. ) prophet ,f i- . which in th* tribal language mean* Mohammed I’util . j he was about ten y at* old tfuture| ran wild w -th hi- fellow * I the jutiglei knowing nothing of the] Chri-t ni <«,lo on Tie -a. >. itA ! a , sir,, 111..1 hisaalt f “h'Cihl .y-eiw ti Sduiati. n and b- <■ me fum|J'.ar w ii! jth way* of the white man. M»>irioiu' u ' ; father eutered bijo in Bt. John's IBp M'.mtlnnetl on Page Six.l t V I • ■ 'A i i 1 I! * \ i 1 it * t«-®n ah a ti«? v*’fy mitt.* 4 dis . f« rent r appea r ft iifiwt h it \ i: • i• rind "f time, amt ure re m ■ ir -•> !. c c t*•:»«* Ih -t in ih pi it., 'Miii m 1 i i Lh.t! i|fi I np,| mill I 1 I't ,1 : Tv, . * miM’d ii>** turn fifi> Mii t;, w iiit h ar< -,h•rifc •rt ! * ?- • 1 > •»• i * . * 1 j , .(Csutluuvib on page b) o * ■. ”, . As GOLDSBORO. N. C. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, 1928 tijkigiit ship i SENDS OUT SOS o. ' ! IteHcue KIO Mik*s Away And Dinlrtsscd Ship's Kn pint* IftHint Flooded 3- SK\l r;.K. Wash, Nov. L"> ol') A no wajte from the r ief"' MuquiUn. freighter r< porn d in diet re-» early tflie morning, picked Up by th* Segttle li'iliSr rltlhi Ini * today, ' lid tpc Ml juntt room »a.. flooded the «larboard j lifeboats w i > Mi l the star , Ic-.ird ,bunker h v»ehe- • 'u. An trh in ■•* ■■ > i thi M ': -.ill | I.IMI .! ' a '■ 1 l i> uj c " I 10*1 tn I' ‘ fl 'ti I*l- tvi. , n Vi od. ; i Three other *!tlp, are I*l,o ru*hf«K to) give n Id. • t H vM't lls riHHTS 11 OOP . LMtrssKl.d, Noy. 2*'.- -t/1*) Igh.thi* . ! " ‘1 Cl ! tlial d'rpi i'atelv to vUttn * »'■ ru-ti of i | to* <' .1 to isti i niirinotis breach In a 1-ay |tree loin jut K■ 1 1 It A vio '.• V g M- Vet' -• ilous: 111" e"a* calls I I lip. break to th dlk# and t;,e wat '.’ ,0 T J|l > - M!'i|' 4 ' 'ire .1 .1 j <‘C.' i| wdlt iTe 1 ruetion’. j Pit tv fits Utt Mil* IN I’ >ll sTIM IOH It! t T Kl th I In. k * 11 • f ) ->vs- 1 * 1 ntlQUed prftj j .! ■ Were I 1 - ill *I || *od a y [or Jv lo<: ( •, <■ f Hoht.i I , in spot al prefer for *he <>r< aslo'ip Th i j rabbi also sent u tne»aajfe to the ktny i } Mlprrpe'iliK the hope of T’n|enlllie ! Jewry for ht< rjnfi k ty*?of** • Rnhhi I' inf'hmr Holds .Service "Hiis Kveninffi It 1 : > fji.w.'i 1 r. Hi- : r , • Ita- , | h rli, and U >*.! ! I r I. Krent d. "f tiiv, nr t ' i. i.f nsflianKine pul. i * pin far t'i j' rvr.alar w • kly .ervl- 'a.j i !i,.|ihl Kresiod w tl speak Ip It'l drh { j,pith i>. T' (•! '" wilt ’>l j i' 1* -, tin t» i nil diveoss le •• ■ o* >h ,skoi m I- ‘‘PteealrpT r,f I»rfr»- IT. lc ; «i ! r Oil* ti . ■ | -p ' - I - •o iwttl *sy•• ’• 1 ihiwhit . lilt'; *. ■. w. ■ , . -Ii i> h ‘ ! '.e 1 t *1 i-'l C ! V. t ;il ' ' t* J I- n jUia’.r-is. m > . ■ ■ v «:* O'. cago blonde who drank with men in room 309 of Park Central Hotel shortly before tragedy .-.occurred. Inset, “Nigger Nate" Raymond, one of four men held in SIOO,OOO bail each as material witnesses. STORM LESSENS ASf TO BELGIUM (’onnlry Aroubed Ar Io Its Dan ger Front I>ol*f-Lying (’on dilion of ('i(i«*s HitCHHKI.B, Brig I lira. Nov 29. (/Pi Imnietlkla danger to the Belgian low! nd. 'r r „ m |,ur-tlng dyk-s snd oVerflowl»g river* »>v«ne'l tfinlght to pave be'*ft lessened but the disaster of th* past, f w d" r-oy a .Opened th|* lit. tte nation's, eyati to a- hitherto al most Hi*in*g*rd< d hazard of first Im portanee. Not until now lias there been a full realisation that ons-slxth of Northern T'l-Url'im can He flooded almost In 1 tl- r *u!t o Imnitin - ilvVe*.' -i fl'i illng as has occurred during min h; hit* listei. j/ tin buying of I property fur public schools. i m, ..... . ~ .. .mm.. ,. - -d Guilford College'President Will Take Part in Institute , x - A two day I slltute of ml|iau* edu j ration w jll li" started at th#»- Friend* ' < hur-'h-hen *t lit o'clock In the morn j 0 •I ■ AM il . . >l.r. ritvli-'h will b<‘ 0 lii-ld nt th«> church b*ttr tomorrow lay and n number of priori • 'iri'Oii |" iV.i-rs - are on the program Tho purpose* and work of the <’h ’<|i in Hi *»f vi ral department* ■ ;i i»>slimi*. ( iirl*ti 'der*on, w|jh no contraband on Is-ard, were working «n the mM<)r when the first two shot* were fjred. 1 . Cos*t guardsmen in their " report " d the Hug made a deliberate, st. tempt to ram their boat. -. Andrew* will preside. Alrmd at strengthening the various department* -of tli« work, the Institute • hug attracted to it* purposes some of the Maders In the Friends church work r In the slate- T• under the management of Oh*** md (filbert. Inc., of Boaton Mae*.. pre*«nt mnnager* of th* Southern Public Service company and It* eab eidiary, the Carolina Oeorgia Serrioo company. Operate la N CemaMiaßloe Upon the floats* of tbl* d**l, It i wa, learn-d here y**t#rday, they* will he *0 Ice' pTXnta n n d I®* ***** plants which will b* managad hf 1 Ch*»e nnd Gilbert, I"C.. throagh tba l Greensboro office of that corpora. t tlnn. Th'se plant# are located la M comm tin It le« In Nflrth Carollaa, South Carolina. Georgia *nd Vi*glnta. » A B Dixon, former president of the I Pavettcvllle Ice and Manufacturing dom-mny. alto former president of ih> rarollan Ice Cream company, *t* l 1 he district m»n*ger in charge bf all * properties in eastern North Carotta*. r HI, hen'quarter* will be I" EUyettO , vllle. ‘ i ' ' C. T>owry Stafford, of Or*eneboro, will I»c assistant general mdbager o< ,11 properties aad m*n*ger df th# 1 Scuthern Public Servio* company > olanta in Ore*a*boro. Th* total appraised ▼*!*• U< tba (Coattaupd «S Nil{ J|