WEATHER * Cloudy and colder on Northeast Co**t possibly rain Saturday morning In ex treme northeast portion Sunday fair * I —■" • VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 243 STOCK VALUES DECUNE BILLIONS UNDER SELLING o *> » SECOND DAY OF REACTION HITS STOCK TRADING te Score* of I«hu?m Forced Down sr» lo S2B A Shore In Value BULLS FAlf TO SUSTAIN THEIR EARLY-MORN RALLY Market Value of ('onimnn Gen era I Motor* Drop* $.100.. 000,000 In Two Days . ■*« - NEW YORK. IV.- 7 (4b for the aceond euecefalve day,.-Hi® Mock mar ket today went through the throes of a major r< action which carried HCorvn of l**ue* down .IS to |2K a share. > In twtf day*, paper profit* of thou Mud* of la rye and small speculator* have b<tii wiped out and the aggregate * quoted value* of all listed mnilrtHi red u cad by billion* of dol’ar* Thi u.aiket vain,, of General M«t<>r* Com- V. mon stock ulune ha* drooped mori than |<’!t)fl,000.000 In (wo day* Total nab* w«r«> 0.177,50 n *har< a Heavy 1114nt1t.1t ivu of impair'd mar ginal account" iveeuaeltirted by ye* terday'a drastic break, produced do dine* of tu lt& a j-lian at thi op> nint-xJT toddy’* market. Wlfly thla out d th- way th “boll’ force,p threw In large suppott liikI iik order* and brought nboul a gen er*|-rally which carried many l*»ue* $1 t<S |lO a share above yeMerday'* final quotation*. The public wa* slow t<y follow up Ho a<U-nry t hew ver, and then the ''Hear*' stepped in and started to hammer at the aenernl list jpith the result that buying support win withdrawn and price* fell in rapid fn*hlon 23 FIDDLERS ENTER MEET Lon Sullivan of ML .Olive t ap tured First in Banjo and Third Tn Fiddle Lon Sullivan, Mt. Olive musician emeiged from retirement last evening al the Memorial Community huiHhqr and third In the fiddle | u the old fid test with which If* delighted hU «' youth by capturing first* In tin- banjo end third in he fiddle hi tk- old fl • '< dler’* convention held at the M< ni" rial Community building l«*t cvenln . Twenty-throe of the best how ■- *p e>» of Eastern North C»r«illi a ti e contests %l>il wM- chi" i -'1 In I'-'M people who had braved «'ino of the rawest night* -sprinkled with t>"" us wa* th>’ air—to bo pie "I 1 Winners In the fiddle competition M. L. Bryan of NewWT Grove. J I Cook of Hcnsoa, Lon SuUlvan of M' Olive, J, K I>init* of Kinsl'-U ad C P, Wade of Snow Hill. <* Winner* among the -tmnjolM - lain '.tulllvsu of Mt. Olive. Lewis Hat "t • of Vreinont and A L. Kelly of >'reiii"iit. Winners among,,guitar plehc* J E Thornton of Kniithflel'l, I'mil Strickland of Smlthfeld ami Ty on 7 , ume* of Ooldsboro, |2fre'‘young girl* did • sonic fa*'*' dogging to the gr-st delight of the , rowd and Mi** M'v Hi inn w : bail ridden SO inttes to enter the > • >' teat, won first place. . . y Lindbergh Hunting In Virginia RICHMOND. Va, l>. c 7 T < I Chaile* Lirvuluigh and IKriy I . Guggenheim of the (i line iilndm foun | dutior for the promotion of aeronau tls will leave; here «jt>ly tomorrow an airplane wlih their ho*t, IJovernftij Harry F. IJvrd of Virginia, fee o‘om, nnunred destluutpm to hum ■ «,u:»tl. -- I Col l.indbegh and Mr nh, n expect to remain In Virgin u over tin week end- They pbuvdcj ntpo il a re ference oh aeronautic* !n Mushing ton next Wednesday The platie healing Cot .tndhi rgh and Mr Gilggenhcln* landed at th», airport here at 3:17* thi* aft*, neon 1 Governor Byrd and a few friends! prs-ied the flier* at the airport. j ** : . THE GOLDSBORO NEWS .. .. . . t. *» ■. :■*' v : ■ READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. *» Titled Shop Girl l.atty Dorm Hope (above), daughter of Lord Kjuuc I » Hope, wealthy Hr tierr, hiryd out ai saleslady in l*illh avenue dcpnitnirnt »tt*re and wa» doing nicely until ahe wa* , discovered. Now «he‘» hiding in the national capital KING GORGE HAS A RESTLESS DAY Ritdio|t»t r icnl Kxnmlnnlltin. How t*M>r, Shown Rlwt*n*«* I* Not Sprcmlinu LONDON Dec 7 (71 KlnV (i"or ge had n t*» «tle»* day m his *iro*gt« oral list the Illness w-hhh If* ha* liven o r.mill mini! (.if n fiirtnlghl "t more Tonight** hiilletla from hl» pliylsrlan made that statement but hroHlht out that t pat'ht t hid lindct*oue a ra dhd H-i* al osandoaflon this nfiermiim The c v'ltidcril ton c irt"h(" -Ill'll |e r I 111 > t-\lll -n f. HI ~f 111, pi, I . ily to m- die "which stinwed that there [Will n<> iippi eI it 111 - effusion Y«t, ' - O' win |e, the dgv m-Veie nllu; hulli till" Ici SlliiM gni»ii cytdohos nf fulih favnrahl* (Ist tnpp nt | up 'Khi(f*a condlllah, -The muroina ro o ( (y port nttututheetf that bis itMnti '’sttciutli had t>< , n innhitattted olid the < »e:fl.ic i licits.ii.l th it Ilf y uci»t cpndith'n iemnlaed uttrhaitged <r n _ 1 from tlo« tn|* II w it* ’ Inferred j that the Ki ll: |n-,lft -Ctiifi wo« fur the nnorn-t at i not giving any Hld d Oil v I' to ht»- ill 11 Othin * II , IV . ; - h-dh 1111 » •<* IIO" d X I'- ll 111 » h 'l'll w .11 'I.. I illl I. Mil -i 111 lh«» physicians bad ai rlvd nt the place It wa* slynssl l v tin tegiilai ihHiors ! Social Service Bureau Aids 168 Poor Families in Year liiHifit. tuo pn..t (wt N‘i< tii oifH« ill* Hit 1 in r»I > i i!nl.(»t»ni'i (trimU«»l jinny o| chartt)’, toiiMi «*.*i-inni- to |i;| f iinllte* omoup j tli*> dullin' of liio fit)', tUp ii'iiihih’ I rvpou <>t It" ■ i i-<n>y, Mt » t. I» <UA .: . 11 . I 111 S ) l I I *l' -t II it (>l 111 II llv 111 . f I 'll j i i:I i * ■lljl. i' tit ' Ut *f* s i• l t«>' l I V' h , Hi’nt I# Ml l u » gtvtili I'HHf j I ti) | v Uml »"'» h turn* writ I viMt d \ \ O i.r.ntf 11 4. t* »} run»M H *h+*% I . ..| ,t • i . wp l>) , | w t |i rn'i’idi y t>M »f Ihpf*' | ,*!?,..* i ,1 ii tllilt |u "111 tIH, ; th* pijyfn sijn rtihiMU'M mitlfif Ui Mu j [ m * i a v i *' eUvlt ntiii II lot he* *t i o' i<inf to -v ilnrlim ii Uu» >.-«r j I'UiUt ittoiv, fn.,r of tin*## luMiiiie#| Posloifiee Is Allowed Two More Clerks-and a Carrier ADDITIONS TO FORCE \HK FFFEUTIVE JANUARY 1. AC ( OR DING TO COMMUNICATION I'D THE NEWS FROM CONGRESSMAN CHARLES L. *, AHEUNKTHY—OTHER IMI'ROA EMENTS 0* .... * Two iuiiiil t ami out* «*d i duital tsiri'iitf Ititvo tw n aiifbuHftil 0 * j it I- the todd'h iru pAstOfficc 1 fTet't IVc .lami-'iy 1, rtci tjrdjn* in lnf»rn attou riven The .Sin" hy Cuttar ssman t'lnrUs L Ahijriicthr in i lorntnmu , cilog i llU'his office .** Warbtugton Ant lUatinO of Hi hew clerk* unit * m w ian ter f.dlnwn ,< roc nt in •jii t on t bn ii pn toifii e nt id* by l «*,i y i min l .iinq-ecl uri I*«i d I, \ Him km* ci per.mSt »it It the Ij.i t t liuiulm r of Comm re in i tmruig tht* ImipyiitloU and Congress 1 |g Vlicrn lliv i mi. been inteieMedi io giiiia personal attention <« the ,V| uTiiosto . nd. (if the mailer. According to Information trom Mr Abernathy'* oltoe .rraugeim its have j been i. mi *< t tmt uf iuuP j will aritve at the post,illl,e lie at * Says Sheep Ate His Monc> Order Blanks* Washington, a«. , ; Ct. (Til I |1 Jdillgr , i h i ' |nmtoffli a In pft r and If* corps of sleuth* like little li t Pu p are putillug ovei a aheap t'Tu. Hcciiu i the .post m’ iemu Ark . gel* very Ift duilng th' aum iner montha |m*tmaster William L ( lemn yna moved OUt to the aharp lot to ilwrp one night, taking with litnk-tti tif.aei order hlauk*. devn v* 9 at %im it Mi Cl mmon* lliiuka, the j lieati ate Wilting to the depart meet Clatrirnons said; "They are #ll the lime pulling nt th* ted when I *m there and at oth»r time*, 1 think they aw the missing order# ** RICH BAGHFLOR UNDER ARREST Holly of Young Woman Found In Hl* Aparlnionl*; Shot Throuuh lltuid lIKBUTA, M». Hoi llocnthal. Jih, wealthy retir' d merchant/if thi* city iv«s arr#»ted uml reletwed on a 110,- (•111 b ind f"'l*j on a warrant «Imrg l»g him with "second degree dnnrder In fhr death of Pearl I'ntaskey, 25, Ht. | , U(* 1 ><l uty -hop owiu r. Urn'e'-alain 111 i'l* Imi bet," apartment la-t Sun .i iv. a bullet flirmigh bar brain and I ( -r skull (factui '(1 in three pUcea. I lie nu'el'lillt 11-ee ,1 eitSil Ml " Po (t"aev , with whom ho a aocialed f" a,in, if.’ir*, elided h r Own llf •» hgl Ii f .I*t,n. u"d mother testified h" •l eqiietii l.v had thi' drio'd to kill hf-r. Pi i iitllig sltortlei Gem go (’• M 1 Coruvai k of Jefferdin county swore ‘iiit tin w 'truiit aft' ' hiiir'*.' "“til" n| the toMtfony. when fho Inque/t- wan resumed ml ii at the city liall He |.i k tit act loti without ‘VSalliliy so" (li, t'ornni-r's iu*v to reur" a verdict • TJjh Ju'v returned- an epen verdict Hading that kiln" Pot*»k« v died of a j gunshot wound ’’lnflicted by p r*on» inkliow * to this- body. ’’ - ,»•.« *« 1 11 (in ill'll-<1 1 1 --11 1 "(ioi tut ion lo ’iith*'! .Mu* ■ \'l:i it ljuy lint M-cimd woik «>. i* * pitting I In-in tp 1e ifitnl "»h iht ioKi tfw* in if Kuiifxirlin < un it * i.( «entity Alt' uellitr, ft»rt> »n* of tin' i» fumth krtttifMi *or>. pn* hack oti I'uit lliimivtil t »’t iliiiim. till* period III: «>lr, 111 11. rU|fn.'tlll 'll t|l X i ll 1.. ri\ I'll lln .11 • -t , , j, ,e iril lii. thin ~iv . wh r 1 ■ ! . ..I* ilf ! i . ’ ..I,! wyH hill ..1 I • » : ...‘1 lt,« li’l: -MI •• ill Ip Tl, ■ |t,ir> .t i’« i'ilii* oeiif fr ill tli'i t I l"lfltHlHV |l't >«»4*l t» I ,« , .'•*(! 1 11 n it, “.i- t.i tin tmv *• i In:: ..f I iihi’ UI i omllttoliK, iliitt (ip«ncy tip nt UI | IT.iHHI Itt It* i lmity wo:k. TuK llip tht' in to roUKidemUon, th<* Bud ,i i t t*fn little# mnl the director# of the , Continued ou jiute b , f $ GOLDSBORO. N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, DEC EMBER 8. 1928 - -.wL-a. - V ! ill iu a m. ISI3O p in and I 1 I - m 1 i.i: are sotnr here who believe! th.' h> lli fit'"' of.-the year the clt) 1 . Ii allowed more of the unspent! 1 uppii pri-ittce fur turiher addition* toj the tiffin e he e A total of about 1 tu.poo wa- .nil'iintlb itppropt'Bted for, * n ttiO'V to ihe-offtoe here and l l ** - il uu th!* -'mount wan spent it] build I hip the annex renntly enmptrted 7hl* leave* HOtnethiflg like 924,000 ap J r. pr|:it il for thin office hut unspent Coiigreasnian Aherli tby Is known !t«, he liitercel' d 111 asking the po»toffice . i.< |rIUM-iit to lop' the bulldtug here vith a town cloek In Hie course of , • ci.iipuign add alf re lie f rou.lsiHl Tile N wa th.ll he would *ei> Vitial child h,- done toy,uid providing this icia in 'i'hc News’ program for (iohiahoro fur lllliH FLYING EAGLES TAKE HONORS Patrol of Tropp Number b Prove llht'lf Ik*Ht One In The r City The Flying Kagle i’airol of Troop j No. G of the elty led by Brogden Spence its Patrol leader, won the din : tPotion of iieunfylh'' rh I nipi on patrol of Goldsboro Jart night* at a final ral. 1/ with four other patrols of Troup* No i, « and 3 Thi* Patrol showed (.me real 1 1 auiiiii: and I'-ani^- nls i j (iiptuHng this coveted pri*'. and they (crtMuly played tin game of "follow the leader*' to perfection In doing It. The events that thi* Patrol made “ fine showing in were; Inspection 6. ltemue Race S. Hj(fii»ling 6, knot ty ing 5, wood id' ntifjlng 6. fire by fric tion 1 Patrol drill 4, patrol yell 2. 7 hey took 4 fU't plac-a 2 second and * third places’. in>M-rship of the .Patrol I* hi follow*: Hrogdin Bpence, l.dward lCveas, Griff Porter, Mab Move, James Hrowtv,” K'lgar Pearson," Roy Liles, Whl* Hmith, William T.orhett, Berdan ll#uldan-x»Th yudg«u« of the islly w(Me: Norwood, C W Twlford, fluy K Whitman, ClafflKl Part. Kngle Scouts Clarence Peacock and I George Edward* conducted the rally. ' Wealthy Youth Shoots Youni? Bride lo Death, .- i j FORT WORTH, Tex . Det. r, '4*) —A T.'ief reman <d ,i wealthy IT >• rs ( ,| youth i ■ bride two III* | a nhir culminated today in a shooting that took the life of Mi - Ituth L*ndl.< Owen* of Kt Worth and left her hus hand Tom H Owfen*. Jr., ion of >' New York cotton broker with a htil let w ouiid in 'ds 1 ad that t ' • d to prove fat ip.- Mr*. o*i n- w'“ foued dial In a: in"i l -' civ near her,- '*"d m .irti lay her husband with * pistol close to t i- body. \ V I,lief tb't Uw • tls shot l i bride VS* r ti rued :ifl*r the i‘'(|U' t. 1 J PMIfsHN Df^y fsfI.STON. foe 7 i.T, -Edward .» Pearson, w ho retired recently as pres! •I nt.jjf the N'-w Yr>:l., NV Haven and Hartford railroad, died today at the Johns lfopklt* hospital. 17 Days to Christmas t ■_’#*i ixjiri.iiwintiim hie. till M I* 1.1. HHt Vs VItKUAV I lAvV'm'i VICK )• i ,I \ i ( mmm&m / , fi ; » < \j/Vrtf \ &| r\ W* /'N ) I | i i*. ii! i ? : ‘ ” i ‘ ■ J I Ten per ici.t ijii all School ChJiircii Art Ondrrwpghl j j J i , ... .. “ H .% . ... v .. Tackled by Cupid J ” i 0 Strong, New York Uni versity football star and All- American back, has fallen un der Dan Cupid's dclt tackling Cupid waa "»enT in" for Bella Jlarri.s«flj?end played the game , so well 'that Strong and the pretty actress are to be married soon. NEARING END CARROLL C ASE Evidence Completed and Argu JUfttli Will Begin ThiH Morning RALEIGH, lire. 7 (4h Final wvl (fence in th suit of the State Hoard of ChiTlttea and Public Welfare to re vuke tie lice ii »* of the Highland Hot ijrttKl at A«hc\ille on gr"Uiid* Unit lit bead. Dr If- S Carroll, ha* been a ' TV ' guilty nf "grog* immorality and eru'l ty" wa* placed before the Jury If \ i ■ "iiiii-rior- Court t■ -i I:,> Jud*** Harris. prewidinK, ndjouiutn' | court until Mouday morning, ti' lixed the time limit for argument* by ' i.ii n mile at *lx-Uour*. Nln" wttneaxca teutfled and two de position* w*r„ read todayi the t"tatl of the trial <Two wtu#*a«*« were (ail'd to tcatlfy Jo the good character ( • 1. ((nbetli, Jr., of Bedford), Va. Mb ' III*.; t "till d in *uj»port <>t allega Hon* of TfUelty made by the weUart Il'l.llXl ' | Ml j Gertrude Corbett, who wa* I witness for tlie plaintiff In the charge* of immorality made a;-aln»t I)r. Car-' i, |j, w . re- Jlled to the stand today j trti ti Titled Mr*- Kdlih 8 Idle*. Dr fair-.IT* -.fi11,. arxlßlant and witne*. In tht* trial, came t'< lo r in Trenton j N .1, sun,nor and asked hei ; be t lier" .relation* with Ho defend*!!’ Six Christmas Opportunities Are Listed by R. //. Edwards Sir cle>.titute families reaiding i' l l ti, count) wer jpniiMiy 8«M from, tt~W irfftctr trf -H. H PfHlWy * ( j»« ri: i< i. t< ri - of welfare, *ith the! return that Individual*, pr>yi‘r fir •, «, «, ,*p fVjii i:*y *ehool'' Imw> rjgrco to provide for them In th' *<*-' | , ■ . o|i;tor> unttv * j . i-n j. ii •>> ! ! In* \ ■'•«/ *> In tii- fy t iu> >ml bpp*>rtun!tjr I i t-nnmipM < ti e pipi t lu-t v. ;«r, sov-1 i r'll lm o|r, ii worthy people were pro i - ,t <1 viith food, doth, » ijr uiJi|<:rUl ■ * ! or f,r*’H. K.irh rase luted ha* been fully In- j vo'in'ati’d hy'Mr Kdwurd* »nd h*i t i I r in to li > rthv^AnM. Ri 'id the.. f>ppnrtnAitif ; 4 Hit follows end teltpkoM h'K offleo - 311 iind tell him will agree w» take. M t > $ :?-■ „ o 4 . -: ' ■ ,■ ■■■■*! County Fire Wardens Meet And Study Their Problems 0 CHIEF DISTRICT WARDEN HOOKS COMPLfMBNTB WAYNE ON WORK BEING DONE—LOOKOUTS TO BE MAINTAINED FROM WAYNE NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Twenty-two district forest warden* Irfitn 12 W*y»c county township* met in a warden's fire echool et the me morial community building yeaterday and decided that they are going to h*v* tL banner foreat-Hr# fightiug crew In North C*w»ll«a tbl* year. Chief p District Warden Hooke* of Vwbcm, wNo> supervise* the wor-k in eight counties, presided at the school yesterday and went over with the Wayne men th«- Important part they ! are playing In North Carolina's new effort to conserve and propagate her natural resource* and wihl Ilf* Be pinning at 10 oV'lock In Che morn, ihg ihe warden* continued in *e*ilon until 4 o’clock yesterday afler»oon (.nd studied closely •late r«»ulaUon« coy nnug ihetr work. Thought They Were Electrocuting Him HALBMH. Dec. 7.—Bober k llojjg, Negro, sat tn * choir of the ffo'flce «tatlon here todey. riel j lily trechbllng. uud with Urg" drop] of perspiration rolling down hit face- - He had been arrested on « minor charge, lie wae waiting foi what In waa Uia electro cut lop. 'tp Chambers calmly adjust'd a mi®»r on tho Nogro’i right shoulderTMploc’d him prop erly In the cli|H ud stepped bock to press a btiittlY A bright light flared In Bebm’a 'eyeo ond be Jumped several feet Into th® air ’ Lordy mercy, I ain’t done noth tug to be electrocuted,” he managed i.i’mii bet wen shak***- it requir ed officers *ometlme lo convlnct /fun that he wea merely sitting for lit* picture- SEEKING GIRL AS ASSAILANT Called Atarrled Man to Hla Front Door and Shot Him To Death CANTON, O, Dec. 7 (A I )—The slaying of Berne HI K. K'arn, SS. coal mine opetalor remained a mystery to itilahi with authorities unable to trace th voting woman who shot hjm or e chi Is h a motive l’< irn was dally wounded l*st night when a woman betw-*n 20 and 25 years old and well-dretaed called ( him to the front porch of hi* home j south of her® and emptied the con tents of a small revolver. Hlx of the , Keren shot* took effect. He died In I the arm* of hi* wife. TREATY HATIUKD VIENNA, Dec... 7 —(AP) -The *Au» ttlun senate tmlew retifled conaulaT ill ale and a treaty of frlnedsblp tt twee Austria *nd( the l ulted Hlate*. Opportunity >o. 1 I i, , l*. a »i iiiwi't with lour smell , 4 hUdr*-n lit, wile it dud and he h»t pellagra and able to do but very little work The children »r» girl* 9 to 8 r,| li im 7 anT'3 vt-ar% of are. Thl* in a pitiful ca»e. Ilia crop waa flooded i and he did “ot m»ko expenses. Opportunity Sjp. I ThU woman 'i it u abend left her j o month* ago. She ha* j three little children uge* five three ; rnd one, she had to go back to her 1 ; loafer father a»*l mother who are not i j ijjle to take cur,, of tbein*e>v«s. Th|» • n Worthy little'’woman and n»v Christmas <heer than can be given them will lie greatly appreciated. Opportunity Ho. I Thla woman has three little child. 1 (Continued on page M 1 ■ VT l MEMBER OP THE ASSOCUTED PRESS PiUCB nVE CBNTh .. ,w" ** . They war* of th* opinion that whop the toraat fir* *o**o* ooan*a i bout February and through to March that they will b* in much bettor posi tion to carry out thalr dull#*. Th|a ia th* aar-md year that Wayne county ha* had th* foraat fir* protection 4 It meant »<»er*| moifaand dollars la ■cavlnaa to timber and fang owuors th* flrat year. E D. Ham qf PlhavHle, aawly ap pointed county warden, In a abort talk bafora th* maatlayyaalarday am. phaaiaed tha responsibility of ovary man holding, hlmaolf far duty at all tlityn and apok* of th* oooporatioa h* la obtaining from th* varioa* war den* in tha rural aacltoma of tha couaty Whni th* foraat rtr* aooaoa aomoa i(*outilined nu Papa BUtbt) GRANTHAM MAN GETS 90 DAYS" Loßoy Warrick Musi Sorrg F«M Tim* Far Annuli UpM Hl* Wlfg « full ninety day* upon th* rood* Os them towaahip farmer, must com a lull ninety day* 'fapoa th* Ofgde of Waym- couaty for >g»aul»l»g kk til* last aumm«r. This era* th* **a«*nn* I. augerl** m*g pooWtMp Mr Judge r. * Daniel# tad M ******* mg the term. Judge D*a|*la *did that h* wanted tk« Or*atham ma* t* 00m pln* th* ilesigaatod M daps. Mrs. Warrtek had charged that hgr> husband on oa* caanip* brutally kicked her when ajm rum—«trat*d trith him for kkklag oa* eg th* child, •ten. Th* blow from hi* fkgih Uft a large bruised pl*o* on h*r l«g, *hi Mid. A few daya later, Mr*. WbMok t< >ti fled, h* “choked me down to tha floor." Warrick had haaa found guilty Mr • Jury o* Thuraday, but It w*a yuo terday moreiug bafora sentence wad |ua«*od. , „ Yesterday afternoon th# edae of rtate agalaal Qua Andaraoa, charging th* death of Job* Gore In s row over 60 cants at th* end of a »kl* gam* fat l.ittle Washington, wo* practically complied The charge of Judge Dta tel* tufa morning remain* to a*nd th* can* t* the Jury. Th* weok'a t#r» of Superior court for the trial of ertm. m*l cases will and shortly afterward*. AGED CTTIZEN DEAD AT HOME Funeral for Richard Andrew Co* At 2 O’clock This Afternoon ' .*. . ■ 1 (CoatrMnted Rkhard Andrew Cot, a venerable and highly eat earned clUge* of Gran tham townahp did* at h|a country liom* yesterday morning at one o’clock, du# to th* Infirmities Os old age. Mr. Cot waa barn la Way** county Mny 24, 1147, making his ago f>l tear* and liv»d a quit, unaoaufiag Ilf*, aver ready to do * kindly d*ed tor friend* and neighbor*. Forty nine year* ago h* and Miss Olivia Pearsall of Duplia war* mar- Duplln county ware happily mar. 1 !<'d. She aarvivat him together with four children: J. B. Cot of Rekigkt J. P, W. J. Cot. and Mm. W. C. How* <ll all of this county. Oa* brother. • - M. E. Cox. acvaral grand chlldrag I*4 • host of d!*t*oct relative* and friend* wilt mlaa this salstiy man, but rejoice in tha kaowladgf that hi* life wa* auch that * glad welcome a waited him la ih# heavenly lead. th* funeral will b* at S (Fdook Sat urday at Falling Creak Methodist • hurch in charge of th* paater 800. Mr. Harrison, aaaietad by llov. J. M- Howell. Burial will h* la th# mm tery nearby. w * ■ - / —** . f “> »'* ! .....

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