WEATHER Fair Saturday ami probably Sun day not mack change la tempera lure VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 249 THREE AUTO ACCIDENTS IN HEAVY FOG LAST NIGHT Luby Edwards Says No Lights on Trailer Os Truck That Hit Auto Mr. Edward* Sustain* Slight Flesh Wound Ah Car Stands On U* Head BRIDAL PARTY IS IN ACCIDENT IN WII.SON Two Accidents Occurred On Highway Number 10 South Os City The soup-thick fog which clutched the earth at dark yesterday and non United until about In o'clock last i.tfrht resulted In three automobile reddenl» In which no o«ie wan scrl oualjr Injured Two of them occurred 'in hlihway forty south., of the city and ohe on highway number In just weal of the city. I.uhy Edward* of Virginia strcel was Injured about the head when hie automobile was In collision with 4 truck trailer Jual went of the over head, bridge on number In about !t o'- clock laat night. "I had started to my farm," Mr Kdwarda tlod The News "and met tyhree cars. The fog wan thick and tha light* pretty well blinded me, but I thought I waa by the earn when I urge In colllntnn with the trailer of a freight truck." Mr Edward'a. car wag knocked around and stood on iln head down | an embankment He sustained a flesh wound In the forehead Hrnt aid waa rendered by Seoul Executive W. W. Hirer*, who carried Mr. Kd ward* to hts home where a physician waa summoned and pronounced btm aa not having sustained acetous I utta. Mr Edwards |ald that the trailer which hooked hla car wan travelling mat ward and wan without light* J E Martin wa* the driver of the truck end T. L. Dyeert the owner No ur rcata were tpede. Bale of Colton Topple* fog also contributed to the acci dent In which one of the motor ft eights plying to Wilmington lout a bale of cotton at the .Venae river bridge early lakt evening A* the truck entered the bridge, there was a awerve of the trailer and a hale of cotton toppled overboard. Men In charge of the freight had not dl-< covered the cotton after searching sometime for II and It wa* thought t landed tu the river. Van Moekel f ar W recked „ J. Van Racket's car went over an embankment laat night about nine o’clock when the dense fog and blind Ing light* of an approaching car on the highway just at the road which torn* off toward Grantham'* store, combined to cause Mr. Van ItockelV non. who wa* driving to lone the road one wa* hurt The chief damage wai/the shattering of all the glass In the car. «■' - if Hr Id a f Parly in ArHHeat Four member* of the Mutilia-MUl len bridal party were In an arclden* rear Wilson yesterduv about I p in *s they were riding front their home ■ In Gatenvllle toward* Goldsboro to attend the wedding here Inst evert In • o f Mia* Pauline Mttnn* and Mr. .1 0* Mullen, of Galeavllle As. the Chev •otlel sedan In which tlifey rode nearer! th-e County Home Just out of jVllson a woman nttddenlv drove from a eld* road Into the highway and collided with the Chevrolet The latter rat waa completely wrecked but no otic waa seriously hurt. Mrs .1 C Cross slater of the bride who rendered the wedding music In spile of her Injur* suffered a badly Wrenched bar k Fol lowing a maanage to thy home of Itev R F Munns, pastor of St. John Melb •tdlat rhurch 111 the city and fattier of Mre. Cross, a, car was sent to brine the four tin to Goldsboro other mem her* of the party were- Mr. .1 C Cro»* and Mr. ami Mrssj. J C Meed er, all Os (Jateavllle Work For Rural Clubs Suffßested by Brooks RAKBKIGH V C. Dec 11 14b r>T K r. Hrook*. president of N C State college wa* the principal speaker al today'* meeting of farm end home agent* In annual lonter t,nce at the college. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHII.K MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. City Schools Not To Close With full data a* to the num ber of case* of absences before them, a committee of the school hoard and health authorities yes terday decided that tha influetixa situation al present does not war rant closing the city school*. There were absent from the white city school* Friday about children;' us compared with 2.,ft the day tiefore ft was pointed out, however, that not all of Ihe the son urn ill. thal some have » dropped out to take Christina* holiday Job* and I hut other* are out for other reason*. The school authorities, howevwr, acting with health authorities will make a new check at Ihe end of Monday with the view of again examining Into the situation. BELFAST MAN IS SERIOUSLY HURT Fear J. W. Bn an SuHlain* Brok en Back In Run-A-Way Accident J W Bryan, about -45 years of age *ho reside* on highway numbei 4ft about two pities north of Belfast, »as probably seriously injured In a * una« a" awWeilt at hts hon e about * o'« lo< k yesterday afternoon Mr Brvan. With A Negro helping him, was bringing bav to the sliell ■r. \* the two mule team wat driven hi.dor the beams of the shelter, built o one side of the Imrti. the animal* in some manner became frightened, They ran Mr. Hryan made attention* ifforta to stop them, standing up In Ihe wagon and pulling upon the Urea. The Nogin who had been help ing with the work Jumped to save himself. As the team raced front .the shel ter. Mr Bryan was thrown against the lieuvv timber supports to one title of the hottse -A telephone tall brought Dr Smith if I’lkevllle to the scene and he or h red an ambulance and had Mr Bryan conveyed to llut Goldsboro hospital Dr Stailh. who could not he reached last night. wa* quoted a* laying that he feared Mr Hryan’* ark had I Mien broken. H u>re Corporations Are Planning Merger NEW YORK. I?ec. II 1/ffV-r Nego tiation* for a virtual*.merger of the entertainment facllltb*ivg,|*f Die Ra dio Corpocntlon of America and the Victor Talking Machine Co.. were practically completed lodav All de lalls were withheld pending an offt clnl .iiniduiM cnH'iit which Is ixpsctif lets tonight or tomorrow Board to Talk Taxes With tv- Wayne Co. Assemblymen s I’lanitlng to lake an active Inle>e* 11 efforts' to secure lower tax 1 ate it r the counties through tJrtiori-. of the next l.eglslature. the W aym county board of session yesterday morning adopts*: n resolution calling upon Wayne representative* In the General •emhly to meet with the board tbi first Monday In Jaiiuarv \t tbl* meeting the hoard wBI go thoroughly Into matter* Effecting tic count v es|»ectullv Gives Those wlc will nteet with the hoard are Dr H R. Ivey, rlwlwl l** tlt<* »M*iiitt*’ uii ■ Gurney I* llimhl and W W . \ii(ln*WF '’lerteri to Ih# 1 hoimt” of r*‘pr*M#*tilu Thf» hoard l*> uoffvt*.y t • thMt r«*pr«*a**i»fHtlvfv ih«* h#*uh** »»f th aa tht*y lnt»*rprr» If to th#* Slat#* r*»l t**v in pc thi» tax hu.r Mim on tlo* count* Th«* paat hoard of cot»imtH»*toti#rH J of whom there a it* K»vrral men* mi th** (inun), Hcvcral month - alto ronfemplat#N| a movement In which they should lintte'lhe ivttiH,’ 1 Telephoto of Stirring Sea Rescue A-- - - - - ■ ' f. ~ * The almvc pniwtp (how* U S sailors rgxcittng mcmlicrs t>( crew ...i lisli:ni> Uaiße Mine Seas, whichJLtme to Rrtci (ever; V'|, >1 milt . oil San l hreo The Jte seen, untyinu two of the chfuni ted nicic One nj the pair later died. formal (Jiristmas Oprnm*' Proves a Sueimliil Kvpnt HOY,ALL AND IIORDKN TAKE FIRST l t \ WINDOW CONTEST, NEIL JOSEPHS SECOND ANI) 11. WEIL AND BROTHERS THIRD Santa (Titus spent two hours lit Goldsboro laat night for the format l hrlstmii-. opening sponsored by the Goldsltoro Merchants Associatton and the Chamber of Commerce and shook futtlda with exactly 1,211 children ot ihe city a* he led the shouting, danc ing. horn-blowing .(lining Into one tlore arid out mid Into anotltcr. Ik _ Follow lug closely behind -Kaitlu w:t ■ Ihe secret committee named to select 'he best decora Uni window They had a JjHtd joh, for there w.c- a mimhcr of good ope* to look al. After many ballots they picked the windows of Itoyall and Borden tor first plan Nell Joaeph for second place ami the men’s department of H. Well and Brother* for third plaee One of the and Bordelt win dow* *howed a home-like bedroom on Christmas night, a soft glow In the fireplace ntufTsd aim king hang Ing about and a child sleeping peace fully In a comfortable bed In the other window there 1* framed In the background a lovely decorated Chiiiß ma* trev Dominating the walls, of the room 1* a picture of the ChOw,. bathed In a silent silvery radiance The formal opening was launched from lh«c step* of the i oiirt MISS COX 1 KF.I D HAYWARD, Dec II <4’t Miss Valeriy Cox. Minneapolis violinist, wa* acquitted In circuit court here l way ”f first degree murder charge-- Plowing out of the flcujh of Kdmi *.l-ott, Minneapolis song w i Jf .lUly, follpwlug a resort party uoar Httvward boards of commissioners of all conn 'le* to titilic with them jn con terted action for county ti\ rislue tlon In the State It I- understood 'hut thl* plan may now be tarried further. No decision vii< teaihed upon tip vecotnmandat ion of the I t grand Jwev that the cottrlhouse ground himld he Immediately impf/ived It wijs the sense of th*- board 111 thl n atter thal si meflilng must he d vent regarded It a* a marked »ut | cess. -*• ELECTRIC CH AIR FOR ILLINOIS Three Men Today Have Distinc tion of Trying Out New Death Machine * - ft JOI.IKT. 11l , Dec. if DP> With the stale l>'i;tnLrg| pardon- iuul pa , 10I1; and (mt- gowrnor rcumlnlnft paaalr* to tholr plea for etataaewey riornlni-ck I'r- -itl. Indian. nnA John y Brown and Claud t'taik Ni-uroc , to | day were taken to death cflls In Stale prison to await the distinction ot being the Dr»t men to die lit an ileclrn' idialr In Illinois. I - , 10 Days to Christmas t rsSi®»T*7| l t flAOtii AD .5 ~yLf rj ) WOMIU w«jtt S * ‘'l ) NI ' UJ ( ) '• "aiff* S /.'praam U *s**»ev a (-abo,, svxv/ -V. x \v V- Buy Chrtitmai seals They teach that "Omvce of Prevention” FLOYD JONES TAKES FIRST Hum I I«kK of Hens Which Aver aut-d 171 Errs F«r One Year I 111 first* Home Eg| laying Cnu- Test ever youdinleil In Wav 11* Coun tv ha* bcnti completed. Tills contest was held under the Mupnrvlslon of the aaststant county agent. Fifteen Poultry men of the county entered their fltm ks lit the contest. Curd* v.till blank* In In- tiTlcd out by the poultry men were mulled out each inn* 111 uiul when tha flock owner had totaled up his or her mouths rucord. these turds were returned to the as slstanl county agent who TTtUft tire i arils until tin- end ot the year. Aa soon a* the last month* igrii citmti in, which was lor October, the aver age .production per belt per year was computed. The prices were offered tor the IrtVhest average production for the ytiui The last of these report carda hath nist been returned and th< final re sults have been worked up which are ns follows Tfh> flrat prlie goes to Floyd J Jones of Goldsboro. Route Willi a flock of &n Rhode Island Red hens, which averaged 171 eggt* pi r bird for llut -year This prtae I* h iiiihi chick oil hrouttar donated Joint ly by Ihe lm at hriittc hot Rl*a*r tt tvahlnow!•? tin tin era ot Ilvis pttul try, anti tic Goldsboro Milling and Grain fvtorugr Co. The second prl*e waa wtwt hy' P II Barms of He yen Hprlnga. with a Mock ot 7a Blown l,«ghprlK hen* whtih averaged H7 <’gtc« per bird, the prlxe being !>0 Hhoda Island Ret) fJtlcka donated by the Wayne Hutch cry to be delivered any lime In Jan uary or February. The third prtxe wa* won by V. N. Hm» of Golds burp. Route 1 with « flock of .15ft White leghorn hen*, she average produetlon being HI egir-v jir bird Thl* prl*e ’.a a hugcGif ‘‘Happy’' laying mash donated by J." M lUtgertoii K Hon*. w ORCH ARD C ASE IS CONTINUED . I w Shootinß of StHle Cojleffc Frrwh nu*n Not To lU* Tiicd At This Term RADRIGH, Dee 1t Trlul of the North ( arollna Hi ale College "Ap ple Orchard shooting case" Was con linio-d today until the January term of w'ake county superior court. H A Miller, superintendent of the cqllege orchard and Marshall Hoover. Negro, bl* assistant, are charged with felon ious -i- unit Iti connection with tbo' -hooting of Dixon I, I’oole, Jr, hi l 'ege freshman from Hpartanburg. s F., last October IBsiver Is said Xo tiave shot Cool* w hsii he Invaded the oryhard at night The Negro *ubl he acted mi tier Inatriictlon* from Miller to fire ,-it all till ruder*. Governor Mr l.eatt look special (ognlxance of the case ind the Htale college trustee* held two meetings to Investigate It Al the time t'ooln was.shot II was feared tip would not recover, but ral Bed and left a*'week or two Dozen/ Other Colleges In South A re Closed by Flu ATI.ANTA. Gil., lie, 11 Tvslnv . 1(11 eud of lnflucn/.fl lu tin Hotitllc brought alemt the closing of a don 1 or more colleges. A number of public ■ bools took similar action. In North f'urollna. Davidson Col lege, link Ridge, High f’otnt College and public school* In Henderson and Vance county, of Spencer, the South 01 Railway division point near HalispUl vgfsr rbleed. Clfy school* of HallHhury rentalnmi open ' hlcora College for Women tit. Co llimbla also suspended classes. The Florida .State College for Women t<*ik a three dkv advance Christmas recess The Florid* -college reported iftfi cases of litffttetixa Tltc disease «M w«U In hand they said The ac Tion was taken a* a precautionary j ’m-iuure. and at the instant »• of par , ent* who wished Ihelr girl* to retnrn lmnip ; The t'nfver*tt.v of Oyit tanner a al-1 >0 snspbuded today. The spread of the disease has not been confined to sihctoU however, a* the criuiiual j Call 150 Veniremen In. Securing Jury in Case Against ‘‘Shack’' Tyndall DiHaaterouN Fire At Pine Level Yesterday Damage unofficially eallntaiad at In exceaa of resulted when fire of undetermined origin early Friday destroyed the office, seed house and contents and a dwelling of he IMlie l.vvcl OH- Mltla at ITne laivd, Johnaton rounty town. Principal damage waa In the destruction of the large quantity of dotton seed stored In the seed house, it was said Heroic work on Ute part of Pine lievel fire fighters, aided hy the Helm* tire department, prevented the de struction of the nil mill plant. Th# fire was discovered shortly after midnight Friday morning This la the second dl*a»( remits fire In Johnston county within Ihe last ala days, flames having destroyed tha American Dollar Hiorc at Hmlthfleld laat Halurday night KING GEORGE NOT SO YELL ♦ « c' Experienced I)iiiturh«d Day But 1m Apparently Holding Hlh Own UkNDON, Dec U DPs The con dltiot) of King George tonight 48 hours after an operation tor draining Uta lufin ted area around Me right lung, waa less favorable The eve* .ping bulletin recorded that Ills Ma V tv hq, passed a “somewhat dls lurhed day" adding tiiat the general condition was leas satisfactory, al though the pulse remained steady. Official circles Interpreted this a laying there had been no setback The steady pulse Indicated a goon heart action, a mutter of print# im portance. » Additional reason* for continued hope were found In (he fact that to tlay'a bulletin* were signed only hy Hlr Hugh Rigby, the gurgeon, and Hlr Htaiiley HrfWoll and Lord Dad soil rtf Penn, tile regulur physicians The (act that other pliygKMan* had wot htVn 1 irllod was considered proo* that the symptoms were not unduly disquieting Today's announcements were Uriel The morning bulletin said: "The alight improvement lit Ihi "Vlng * condition noted 'last evening Is coiltßlued Any progress must be -low and difficult ” • , j The evening announcement In full was: “ “The King had a somewhat iIIh- Mtrhed day and the general condltlou l* Hot qiilte *0 satisfactory. The pulse however, remain* steadv." MIfM. HKHHIf DU HKTTi: OUll t'DI.t'MBIA, H C Dec, 14

Mrs Ib’ssle Igrudetfit. widow of A E BotidcUe and life long resldnnl of Golumhls, died early today after an illttesq of two month* -o' “court at f'haltanooga ritcen%ed until .1 niiu.iry due to tho prevalence of the disease. 1 lui ksou. Ml** t courts also recessed Public schools of Home,. Were 0 iiddetl to the lists of those closing oil account of the dlueaae, hut a- a pro -111 ut binary., measiire Mthough the disease U widespread health authorities declare It Is In mild form. While urging cßlxetis lo lake precautions against IttfectlMii, tliey declared there is no cause lot alarm. , ( oolidge May Not Be Able To Come South X— ' WASHINGTON, Dei 14 t>Pl Tlte ondltlon of Mrs. Coolidge's mother, j Jrs. Bom Ira Goodhue, ts such that the president may be obliged to fore go the trip w.lrlch he had hoped to ijitake into the South during the j Cbrlatmga holidays,' 1 MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICB rvn Cl NTS Everett Jones, Eyewitness, Telle Court That Tyndall tired Three Shots STATE OFFERS THREE WITNEBBEB FIRST DAY Greene County Jnry At Snow Hill Was Not Sooted Until 4:30 Yesterday Tbe stole feed offered three wU ueeeee against Shack Tyndall, white man, charged with killing Bunn BAfe a er of tbe Bull Head section on OS' tuber I past, when Ur sen oounfjr court adjourned yesterday tor tl»e duv at Know Hill. a . . a * i Intercut, due to the prominence of i lie a lulu mau and to the manner es */r hla kilting After being captured to ‘ i '.mmla. Tvtidall had been held uatM I hla week In WUetyh county Jail far Mate keeping. LOFTIN UPONCAIJOWS Ends Our of Moat Porolatgfefty FoujfW Gdiral Canos lit -mV jfttwiasipfii * * ' MAONOIJA. Mlae„ Dec 14— MS-~ Smoking constantly. but apparently calm. Holier! Persy l.ofton today went lo hi* death on tbe gnllow#s He pionnied the scaffold* naalded looked out over llie spectator# while § guard* atrapped hla arm* and leg* Mild he had nolhinr lo nay and died while a Baptist minister recited the itrtrd I’aiilm Hl* eeecutlon cloaed one of the most persistently fought legal hat I lea In the hlaiorv of Mississippi Five Mine* he wan aaved from d«Wh hihl Malay, almoal «lmultaueoualV with the springing of tha trap. an other liulgc ruled against an luJ'Rg lion sought by hi* attorney* to ator the sheriff* hand " ' I,often paid Ihe death penalty for -Minting down J K. Westbrook. Me- Comb chief of police on Augnet I. when the officer went to arrant »,|m . In a rooming house for passing a forged check. I .often pleaded that he did not know Westbrook wa# a police chief 5 1 ml appealed Me original sentenee of * Ihe l ulled Slaton Supreme ,0 "" .’ •* 1 waiting decision fee brofe* mi of jail, rambled ewer Mbs IhfeM si.ite* and Knropn and UQMaSsUitt .* J-Jl at t fitolfl