a WEATHER Partly cloudy, possibly rain on the coast Sunday. Monday fair and some what warmer. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 257 WORM) TODAY OBSERVES BIRTH OF CHRIST CHILD •. * I Something Os Spirit Os His Life ■' Will For One Day Rule All Hearts Family Circles Once More Draw Together Around Old Home Fireplace YEARLY XMAS PARTIES HELD IN MANY CITIES Man Cetaea His and For Brief Space Looks Into Greater Thing* WASHINGTON, Dec. 2S,—!*»>-- (;»«r a nation at peace with the world the Christina! spirit settled down tonight to be hailed nowhere jnore joyously than in ita capital. The vast machinery of the govern* ment was at rest and Its chief exe cutive and first lacD joined with the rest of interim's mU5 ,Hn * i n prepara lion a for the morrow which through out the Christian world signifies, peace, good will to men. The thoroughfares In the business district, like the main alreets from coast to coast were throng with last minute shoppers. Including Mrs. Coolldge. who for a short while today robbed elbows scareoely noticed wjjh the bundle loaded crowd. The ahopplng “throng* were In creaaed by thousand* of government workera who had been given the day off by special order from President Coolldge and who, one and all. ap parently turned out to complete their purchases for the holidays The White House was bedecked for the Christmas season The windows were garlaiuhlyirlth wreuths while over the door, of the portico at the nprth entrance, one wreath, larger than the others, was Illuminated with red, green and Nrhlte lights. Inside the huge reception half 4 was backed ' W |th polnsettas. their red blossoms 'standing out vividly against a back ground of green. Mr. and Mrs Coolldge have arrang ed to leave the city tomorrow for a visit to Sapelo Island off the Georgia coast , While It Is not certain whether the president and Mrs Coolldge will re turn tu ttm efor the customary New Year’* reception many In official life usually present tfplh* ceremony have left Washington Included In the group who have returned to their homes urea number of cabinet offi cers and members of the Senate and House.. In the capital s Christmas eve pro nfiHn two event* drew attention- the IMrttng. of Iti6 community Christmas tree by the president and the tradi tional singing of old Christmas car ols on the lawn of the White House. „ V •*' CHARLOTTB. Dec 25 --UP' Curo- Itnians today prepared for the ope day ■’X In the year when virtually eferyßslV tukes a day off from work to c-cde brate the birtjtday of Christ. Throughout North Carolina and South Carolina preparations were be ing made for the usual extensive celebration. But few Industrie* planned to con tinue operation and In most Instances work was suspended that might remain at home wit “Their