WEAKER F*lr Friday and Warmer K*U»nU> and tn ~ k iWHHj VOLUME SEVEN; NIM* K 2 &9 FATAL COLLISION NEAR GRANTHAM’S LST NIGHT \ \ ’ V» - O' " .0 * \ A . y -¥* Young GlintoiiMun Dies Oj Injuries Sustained As Car Hits Jjpg Truck Shfril (innl l.earns That lie Was Operating C’ar Without Any Lights PARKED LOO TRUCK DM) NOT HAVE TAIL LIGHTS **«*>• Vann. 27. Member of Prominent Clinton Family. Is .Man Dead tlaary Vanji. 27. member of a prominent family and eneneed la the automobile business In Clinton, died In a local hospital about 10;JO last evening from Injuries received Wen hi* automobile at ruck a log truck on blah way number K*2. ne»r Uraiithiim* Store, early last evening Acebriling to Sheriff \\ j). tirant. ‘ who waa laat night Inveatlgntlng tbe wreck, Mr. Vann waa operating bla automobile without lights unit lb" truck which he at ruck dtd not have a tall light Sheriff (Irani aulil. linw ever, that Information given him was that I.onnlr Edward*. driver of the j •ruck, waa stationed al the rear of •he parked vehicle to warn approach Ing cam. Sheriff# deputies were making a complete Investigation a* Me detail# of the accident and Ihf , matter will he gone Into thoroughly • ndav The trnck waa owned by James C. Hayes * „ h The accident occurred about It li o’clock laat night, about two miles # ihla aide of Orantham a Pr A M h Rlveirlu of Mt Olive brought Ml' . Vaan to a hospital here, tint he wus r • found to l»e severely Injured .Intern- .1 ally and died a few hoars Inter. , I .Ha wiu the aon r Kent uck|. put ouj to sqa hV« today with t«c bodies of 7«!» t'ajiou who died In Ure goa .lacing in. Uwt ie Thu ship waa Mtant for Hou , Kong whence the V'xAe* will Ire Wan# furred to points ll the homeland to bl buried near gkres of anggsioru. tV# Chinese ItaAio lent Society raised 1 (und of «v --erul thousand dollar* to pay lir exhuming the bodies from a bAI cemetery umi Iran-pollution to til homeland. \ DIES SUDDENLY• AT DOME OF SON Funeral For Mrs. R. 11. Johnson From Residence At 2 This Afternodn Mrs It It Johnson. t>7, died and' •lenly al « o'clock last evening at the ' ■ .. ’ t home of her son 0. It Jolmton on Wyst Walnut street. Mrs Johnson bad been In feeble'health for u iiunrN her of months, but ycjteidnv w»* re garded as batter ami in the nlieraocn bad visited her daughter. Mrs. J, K. vycock,- near Fremont. Bll* was rlrtcken with a heart attack sbtrtly after her return home aud wlthig un I our wus dead. Wnneftal will he hetd from the home at 2 o'clock this afternoon und will be In (barge of Rider J. C Johnson of (Soldsboro Hnta Claus Proves He Is Good Doctor i '■ " w "" ■ *> tTI.ANTA. . Pec 27 -14*) Santa C|ls has proved blmselfa good ph.V slnn « tie visit of the jovial gentleman i\fc Sparkling eyes and red iiov l i|ght to Harry (iordon...lrX II fit# d«p( to live again, something pli> signs had falb-il to do >w physicians who had waged a b»lg Imttle for 13 month* shv ihe yrlgster will recover from Injuries . utred when ap.adto struck hi* bl ew nnd threw him |o the pavo in«% Itfleil al eyery Inin heraii • ,ff th.- apathy in Iheir -treat • rnment.a few dai'* before f'lirl-d mrfiphyalclan* >le, ided on sending , ihekiith home from Hie hosp|r#| for • besllduvs Mi Ihe hopes that the .1' tnoaere there would rekindle 1 slrtl desire to live Tircc Deaths Result From ! MM. 2^ Pneumonia After Influenza Taideaths in t 1 the total olntte The.da' to four * Fred |, Hooks, of Fi'-mont died ja Wilson' hospital of influen-1 la ot'lirlslmas l»a>, Inimitur ttiej total|nths In tin C0,.t0 ■, :i •• Threat tin live il.-ith v ■ from comfiklhitis developing (tub e«|tteti< to tniuxa. Mri|eonard Vliichell. &f.;iftcd in u Itospl ,0f IliKiii veslerd.il following a ftv tears illness with ortcunlc . IroubrThe remdtns w ill he < art ted 'mlavithe ll.inns I lunch in Job It* tott guy where funeral will be teld IB the ul a reside. Mrs vlllrheli * undid hy her hunhand and t«yi I 'anvldj Tf'ej fftttlfH , moved to Voldalt «ln>ui 4*o mvuthv arjO and ( NEGRO ADMITS A TTA CK FREMINT WOMAN HOTELLEASEDBYBLANDCO. Non-Stop Both Way* I! F. Mitchell, ot Witch ilk, Kan* , iicpliew r». t \ to Ifaw all for an extended bon#) Huron will bK bride. Mr (irace Palmer <’r..dg. San Fraur lseo pay lov inalvst irul lei Hirer They were niar ilcd recently at.fUTioa. /.one Hf iiooi. opi nim; in r. u sh 10 'PHAM. Her 27 • I/P I Ft bool officlivl ( of Ihi a city today announc ed lliai 11 post biilid.iv opening of the ach mis bid been pos'ponod ntdllj January 7 bee an■:« of Ibe prevalence of irrfluenxa " Tad it hied 'I I* .North C'-t.;'- street /f ~ • ' 1 I’neiimoliu lellowltotl Inflin n/.h • a used the ,t''i "rt|. n the* 1 residence of the parenta at 717 Kd . ward street, or Adrian Newell, h, .nonfhs old of Mr and Hr*. 11. f* ! Nawell Funefkl ami burial ‘will tar In, Fork lownshh at noon i«dgjr» I’peumolvla lotto* mt influenza al-, so canned ibn dvatb ot Hr*. A. F. I i .Inina* at her tp'llie oil liesrtfe j ■ tu-et f*hrlstidgs Dnv Th k remains t win taken tr»('tilii |iianln leßJhmral ily titei merit idm I sineu, a HktUUiiesi of e First fipti t cMirrivlßMiy ■ -urv.ved hv ■ 'i-'rerta.*! GOLDSBORO N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. DEC EMBER 2tt. 1»28 Aiv Ar<|mrjiig 2-Vrar M; nau( incnl K- pt’ctcfl To Fans To A. Bland Ahout January I RALEHIH. l»r S? I/F> The New j and Observer ti morrow will nay Thoiijfh the tlnal p«|rer have not been signed lego tint ton# lor a vests lease of die Hotef fJoMlsborn, | 200 room liOHtqlry, by the llhiiul hotel | -nteresis are practically complete ami jibe Hotel will, in all probability he 1 taken over under Ibe inniiagemtuit of A. 1,. Bland, on January t. li #n ' learned from Mr Hland lasi night Thn loa«c wfll be taken out under lb" luVmc of ibe A I. Hland Company* newest of Ibe Milishllarles of Ibe Urtfftn-Blaud Hotel ('nmi>un> which T 1,. Hland is the chief stock holder and active president The acquirement of Jlic (loldsl*bl > hotel makes seven hotels In the Hland chain. Ihe Mir Walter and Hland In It.nlflgh, the lloberl K, law and Ziinl endorf in W Insion Salem tTie Kin - burg tn Petersburg, V» Mr Bland also owns ihe Rick# In Rocky Mount, though It Is not ono of Ihe 1 lialn Ills first act as manager of th<» new hotel will be ld“cut Otll Hie cos lee shop and Install a first claa# t afe. said Mr. Hland'’last night, (’harlle Purdy, the Neffrp Van si or v Molel Con mr si Inn *( Ihe present lessre of Ibe (loldshoro hotel. whlcH Is a community built i tfWil nm iiril bv the hotel ompftny WU.SONTAMET | TO BE UNVEILED —' Wilminetan W* 11 Todnv Ohscru' Birthday of Great |>emo , rratic Lender VCfI.MINCTON. I tee 77 P> A j memorial tablet to the late President Woodrow W lb on will lie unveiled and •Ihl bated here «i> his blritidav nniit retcarv.' licccinber The tablet I - Un gift (if Hli* local •> ' ** ■ cliapter «f l.l'e Haughlei of tlm American ftevolu! ion to Ibe First Pro bvterlan ' htircb of which Mr Wilem'r fallicl *a pastor during 40 flu Inn In.- d (.I Hi .(’A ill prewffb nt ‘Hr Ifarry W I'tia'se, president of ibe I'nlverstl' Os North Carolina, will formally present the tablet lo the , ckurcji and deliver an address on ' • Wilson. Mr Chaile W’htlakcr. elate | regent ol lb*’ It A It . Is ultii, to Apeak Inyttaiion to ait-eml ihe iinvclltlig ligve bred • l>' • I Mi l. I'.dllli ItolUnC j AV I) ,011. the nri bbnt widow. tn«m. * ( Is ni of' | . Wl l ‘in ( a bin* I. a nil I* ; WLibi nl nid ofiic-i- of. jbe -11 Polly, • Ihe ini' ■ 'll- i*x» ry Ibe W H;. chaptel of Hie Wood I low WA.il,, Memorial as octstlon will | • nlerlain Pi* vi i'or 1.1 a-t>an>|oe< | The likb wbicfi »ill he placed In , the veetllAb of If' ■ Presbyter.l ( lan rhurclk w»< a..id, by lb«' Hlfrn- j iegbam f * 11A1 of Fugiaml maker# of llie wsr tingi rh,; foi estyiln'glfi 1 Abbey. 1 RF.URO I li.Kf 111 s t. lININt: WASIIINCTtn !'• 1 **' • Figures aniiomi*<|. by the (Ttepait merit of c-onnncrrV from ll - fonni.s of ! ndlglous Iksll## \hoWid Ibore were jin tbe toiled Sl«t|( 1 P*i*i. 4iMi> I churcbf#, with r, 11 smliondilp kJK»I.««7 This cnl»iMi*-*i #tl| R.- lit churihes and (dRt.Mi.. i.i«p**(| In J*Ui tba year of tbl last cva»qg. The rstfte edtflcM.ta wss RSak.7U.dtt hL compared imu la Itlli In ,N(*rtb lrrr i \ Vk re na iigbk%hy ..f cti J of>nfc*Be» Killing I I; '/*m I I* ii’CenttcnA (•! I ,a i-. lev 4/ v cal;h* 1 .! , • • ; .ui(| cniV' i hfa n,,,i. iti, . • 4* his lat her Lnv | i ~i_ - ’ 1 ' 1 in! A !*> ' •< • -tc» 1"• d I 'in 5 vir-.tv cltMi ami kuteit hurt mi If- I>r• »»■»e at !• t f eiiim l .1! "I jttjn hr (ValkrrJ nvn '•» u si , nil s e alul gOcc him 'll WIFE REFUSED WAR INSURANUK Federal JiiHri- Rules She llan Been (•uilty of Mi*«eondiiet With Wajcner (TfIC’AfJII, Pec. *7. (A*)~ A„ wld "*’» copittfet apparently Is of muoii Importance In determining whnthdb •he will collect on her soldier bus 1 '>and‘# war Insurance policy , A federal court decided today for j Ihe second time that Mrs Coriliu j Hanna, should not receive fdrlhei | payment* oil Ihe pulley of Major | Mark llanna of Kansas City although she was named beneficiary. Hlu had received $21f,l of Ibe tuinl 1 A|o "On (ho* her before the govern J nieiii topped ttie monthly Install menls The United Stales Veteran* Bureau, after an Investigation, ; charged Mrs. Hanna with living with I •1 named Wagner, now serving ,1 sentence for bank robbery The government bag an making pay rnente on May S: to the Mtilor jalh Ir. Thoanis A llanna. of Itnihne, \ > fowa. 'buT these were slopped by yJ < suit started by Mr; flanna Hb# da jl tiled Improprieties with W igner I A lurv returned n verdict again*! 1 I (ie widow- tho'iah finding -her not 1 guilty of mistonduct und the lute I Judge Ad mu (' Cliff# granted a new trial because be found the declstuns I of the jury not ronipullbln with each | i other ' ~ 1 The ■•••,, I,d tiP.it wus held without 1 y Jury and fudge WHkevson found 1 tier gulliy of. Improper conduct with , Wagner and Instructed a eonflntitui't, 1 f f payments to tlm father. - I > Young Man Held in Jail On Charge of Flqshirg Checks 0 ' ' ' - ! «sl cm. Hint tb.it jl with c bee!. Usable • oil,-, it w 1 alleged, has g ■>, u wotib bsm , b*‘< H ’■ 1 •In I «nc Rt , to I-* . people In the Inst few dev The ai lot wkh h li • ■ un* iu< ki p ■ Ip f.’tun git* 11 part 'pqyrtK ot for an | .jtito,,ml,ilv |,t,r, tnsMit fiois Allen Is-c, j, F**hHy s'orv li IrnrJfaW y.Jf 1 ' , (;g was got tig to itu, j "woman or M to ad oj[fr ihg f~ 1 Are Atiout HHI * MillionaN Now CHICAGO. Uey-M’i Mil lionaire# have lm-rd from 7. MO In 1«M to batwSn.iHiP and* 40,000 in 103 ft. Cnrkcb't of the (Jd Feddrnl Itrserva but N. V' told the Amt, Or dm -’7 1/I*l t ler S Hlovtn. 33. -'pt tiered taken v lo Charloltn, N. ('( Judge Kean. , federal jurist, to# Muun act j eharge#. '. . 0 ,« f Rlevln, Bobbing a*. 1 old hi - '"YjJ related In court hylic look Pella j Yatea, 2(1, from K< (’arnllna to ) Timnnssec In I'IJT Bid her tu <>b- t • Milling work |le f from Ihe lltue j Hfflge Mountain ,4i r In OrlnhnC lf!7, he said, apt fighting off a , iisMy of mouniirtni organUcd to ( lynch him 1 Relieving that hod killed on* of . hi# assailant# Itt tflghl, lie #nld li<* ckßie lo Oregon autdNlncd work a» ( a dairy helper etftt.irlb wh*f# he r«malned until hl|ne«» He. ember 21. Mrs. Itlevln an,Me" «nfts follow ed him to Oregon ,4 during the past Mar they separat Rlevln support ing the children * me In’achnpl a' Hcndleton and jflfto Uluvin 'd ! -» v«• 1 tytd • m plnvees, and wf, --<1 Hie belief H'iil Ita pn#Kiige wod bring more < gpUtH to Nartll ('«r,4i . Ibe chief iri.ru of the vert ere* assembly, life a. k-oti repam entsfi*" de. lured, Mboo I" to 'l* •• b ’ »" ,r " rpinllabl# diet no* ion of imuMon 'I lb. High a renetb a" he i.d b" • parted to •‘lti*nn’ wHb #nv demo eraf# who l*< lyglsJsHon Ih«t would Oil Ibe- pre»< nt harden ft om the sane 1 ' "I urn folly• • • • "• ‘b- I • * 'ha* the democrat.*, member < will control the m* sc#-’,- of- I lie b I I M«re sml lam ftfd.or w-’•■ "f ' • r * ft -t they b»* ; a''l - ..e t..|,. ’*' < mill Id "t will 1 i.irht it Ind them * " ■ some good I*o bel-I'.Hon which I bel i ve«|hey viil do" oil. -old n 1 j • t <>f .. b* ’ M ’’ • t "If Off r"' !"•••' •' ■" •’» V»,, * ’.Hi (uMtk t*u ■ ' ’ » • ‘gar. C.dlf War fHI , ' , i ''e 'j (mlel'll. ■ .at'* h” eal*’ ••> ! Mliafif (..k- - - » \ j fri*nd« 1. * ••"'•tie h«nd j lie |i#,k#d 'tkr »do.c" f-olleg* "helk J iresaad a# .)■“ - ' n a klan »#rg-’ j #utt w,:b h.s bate »ip-ked back «v ( AWf*ClU>t. b-'ll-ce* and «?. ,jrr.- -4jh— Thatu* llowell, ”Kegro. wan received at Ca«- ii. (l stair Prison here today for aafa kc*. pfiiK Prison authorial** •**< llowell was charged with attacking u wbitc wont«i) In Wayne county. < halite Howell. 18. year oM Negro youth confessed yeeterday to officers th.it he wan the man who Wednesday iiii hi attacked Mra. PI. 0. Rhtw, a* ,h< Sited a coal bucket in the yard at her home in Fremont. While ®t _ 11 pfH I«hi alaht refuaed to retrwil to »h;ti place llowell had been remoa . I, ti was 'understood that hn had (wen t!.H*t» to Hiale Prlaon. Raletgb. for efjfe kyiplng f The Negro tailed to' accomplish hla t»ur|HMt>. hut Mrs. Raeves wfca I>ad|y bruised about Hie hody, and wna tat ter jag Intotmely frem ahock at bar yesterday Mrs Reevea In Jhe wife of E O. Reeves, agent at the depot In Fra to out mill the letter waa ot; duty nt , the ttrae of the assault • - According to the confession ns ra norted from the office of MRHf fit ant. Howell hud looksd 111 St tbs window of the llseese residence and f certs toed that onlv Mrs Heavee. who I* nhout ill year* of age. was nt home He 101 l erg® shout the place until Mr- Reeve* stopped from she hoime to gel * bucket of coni and hid tinder the porch |o (otictll hlmeolf .<* *he left the lionse *hs had Sllad ! th« hock** end had staffed hn*h» » hen he Seised her. according to the confession Terror lending strength to her hodv, Mrs. Re.eres broke from her ilUnt sud he dad i The sttempted criminal assault n<-. 1 cwtred shoot » o'clock In the evening m it in s few momenta the town of ft •moot who sltre with evttement, rient < roods (iirnlM Out td sosrch 1 ‘ tjir the assailant A short tlms Istsr llowell war arrested on auaptclon but -tondllv dented the charge. Hater hlood hounds were secured and W ! (, wed the trait of the asadilsnt from ihe ft *-e ves home to the point nt which llowell had been placed under af reet A.M ordtng to -informallon, given The ' «*.« from t-Ysmont aoureeS. he con fe«e-t to Wsynr f’Urrnre Avcoek . 1 hn) he htrd been the gulltv party. Tlo’ «oaft*ss(fWi was also made to-de puties of Sheriff Hrant th" I t'remoni town ve-terdsy morning and Inter to Sheriff Grant T« the praaiae* , of witnesses. it was Raid ATTEMPTS TO END OWN LIFE Hirtwinrhiint Teacher Mpv Live After I’lMnr* Vrnitt 11th 1 Story Window WW fIttf.KANS. Dee. n—fJ»V— i.ini*-- I- » in ry but llmd to tell the story. Hi- iped from the ifth floor of the (,»*» 'i-vrli Hotel end landed on a sky -111-hi It(i »b < rushed .lo Charity hoe till 1 1 other* phr«lrtan« dltpalrlof of i.. lit- --d him on the table for m MTu-rrorirti operatlmi While ihev labored orer him with I imiii i hovering' around In an effort i ! i" 'it .i statement, Orr ant op i irlii and Maid ’ ' . 5 . ‘Say riipiMln don’t let thin cet I -tho paper*." lying ttnck he said "Coah hoi l thongh that drop woo tlx tin* I wanted to die.*' Orr iegt.<»ered at the /hotel on Hie 11.. m.. or tv s Smith' of St. I* j i*ud mid he want to the hotel tot rurpoee of cinnmiitlna suicide. left home In Birmingham real ’,V‘V afternoon, leaving a note ft ' mother aud filter while they w i a thantrn While tin mb Id eoe ‘ about 111 health. dispatch** MH| ■ H'lnphiim **M ha w«e In and aplrttn **->