WEATHER Pair Bungay and Monday Cbidt eaat sag central portions Sunday VOLUME BEVBN; MUM HER 262 MOB SEIZES NEGRO MURDERER AND ABDUCTOR Reported As Taking Hiin Back To Prison Camp, Scene of Crime Alleged U Have Slain MitMiwtippi I'riwHi Farm Official ALSO ABDUCTED YOUNG DAUGHTER OF SLA4N MAN Departed From I* Original Intention T» Burn Man At Stake MEMPHIS. Dm>. resf «»rot of Round* way. Mtaa.. told the Aasoctated Preea at 7:60 o’clock to n»#lK that the »<>b with Charley Shepherd. Negro, alleged abduc-tor „ •* B * murdered was passing that vll- Taie at that time, apparently eriroute to the aiate prlaon farm at iiufti. >M|l He aatd the moh constated of about 16# automobile# and that the Xegyo •till waa held. It waa hie understanding that two other „ negroea. bunkmatea of- Shep herd, aleo ware eought by the mob In connect 100 with the murder of J D. Dural, prlaon employee at Parch man. “ The moh previously had been re torted at Loagtberday where It wan aald plana ware underway to hum Shepherd at the stake. After an hour's stay there, bowerer, it depart ed. PKRTtHfHIjC. Mtaa., Dec, 31. i/P) Charter Shepherd, negro convict who..pan been the objia-t of a wide spread aeardh a* the slayer of J. D. HnvaTt, ag VMQhijee of the Parch man Bute frlaon ferm. hod the kid napper of Duvall'* 11-yapr-old daugh ter. Roth, surrendered to a woman "■ planter here today. ~ shepherfs brother wl\o worked o> the land Pf Mis* lattra Mac Keeler received Word this morning that the reaped aouvtct was In a vacant house on the plantation and "needed help and'needod tt right away ’’ The .neseags urae delivered by another ne gro who also worked on the pluuta-_ Hog. The brother Informed Mis* Keller, who gqt 1 In communication with n guard (Ms Parcltman. and (he hroijjcr waa aabt to aee Shepherd. After a time Si* l " Keller went lo the house and Hfiepherd surrendered to her Mtsp Keller and*several neighbor* startsfl with him for the Stale Prison farip -about twenty-five mile* awav Duka II waa killed In his home early Frildg morning aijd Mlaa Duvall was I Idaspped and kepi prlaoner until she meaped Haiurduy and made her way la a prison camp. Baltimore Banker Is Dead At Age of 79 BALTIMORE. »Dec. 31.—<4*)-J. William Mlddendorf. Sr., hunker, and i,ae of the organlxer* of the Seaboard Airline Railway, died today at tfo home of hi* aon. after an lllneaa of pglppe and a heart attach. He IT»* 7k yVara old and hta connection with ijlaltlmor* bunking htatory went back s" fn ihe PCHod Just after the civil war and continued until the parly pari of h'-Whe present century. NEGRO HKI,n FOR SHOTING PYRTLE l” .4 f , DUggyg While Man Altempted Ti» Blackjack Him In (iamlilinu Game ..A - . I DANBURY. N C., Dec at.-d/IV- John Hatreteon. Negro, waa held in jail here tonight, charged with the murder of Walter F. Pyrtle. 31. of Kerneravllle. whose body with a hnl let wound In the clidal waa found In an nntomohlle hy the wide of the road ■ear Walnut Cove thin, morning. Sheriff Taylor of Stoke* county. «ho Investigated the shooting, aatd ■— (he Negro had confessed He <|U<>t ed Halraum aa saying that the homi cide occqrred In Hairston's home there a ghmbllng game waa In pro ves* Hairston l* aald lo have atat ed that he ahot Pyrtle when tue lat ter altempled Hfcqefrtkc him with t» Mnckjack. Following the shooting, II la aald, Halraimi entered hla car and drove g mile away where hta hod) waa dta jwpmrwd at 7 v'vfoth »bi» morning. .iBflL. rAf'aSi,. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY.. WORLD GREETS MISS NEW YEAR o. • , * - * * f Qlr»W Gogs On Big Whoopte And Imndon Dances and Forget* Unemployment CHICAGO, Dec. 31. <4*l- Young l»*k toddled into the Wlddle Weal to night to receive a warm welcome from everyone, except the weather man. New Year'a revelers welcomed the | ear a* the mgreury tdarted a none dive that will probably tarry It down tc rero before Wednesday. The weather, however, failed to chill the new year party of Chicago thatthroaged all places providing a New Year’s program. Pricey al tables at cabarets that apeclatlse In making whoopee and heads rhea lh. morning after. Rome of the principal clubs and a few of the larger fiotela, nol caring to take a chance with prohibition laws did not contract for celebrations. E. C. Yellowlay. dry agent here, onnounced that hip liquor was safe aa far as agents were concerned and police said they Inleodod-tn allow the people to have a goo dtlma. Federal agents everting dress were aaalgned to mingle with the a ! merry makers ui moat of the gathofc . a -> ■ mg*. „ v Cases and hall rooms oparallng un der temporary permits put a new In urprotallon ..of (be law Into use When Ibe patron ordered a beverage It waa served in a glass with or with idd the Ice aa deplrdi. * * TIoNDON, Dec. At ('By Csaadlan Press'—The old yenr’ departed In llrlluln like a blustering old rudmud geon Know fell rather havily la the north vealerday and at nlghl reach ed London Hut by daylight toduy It had chang ed to a sloppy drlxxle In the metro polis. Featlvo preparations for ushering In 1'»29 proowided apace as It was deemed th* Kin* Is out of Immediate danger. Tendon’s big’ hotels urruAg ttl revels on an unusually grsudolse scale. In trade the year dosing toduy failed, to justify the optimism with which It opened. The great drain of unemployment continues and the die-j tr»wFln the coal field-. In,comes more acute. 1 • ~ AGED FREMONT MAN PASSES * Very I'romincnt And Well * Known in This County— Uncle of H.. A. I’ike »> Aflet u lliigerllig Illness of several! days from pneumonia Mr j II Plke.l of Fremont, died at hla home there, this * morning at 8:no o'clock Mr! Pike waa a rtieiuber of the hrm of J'ike and Peele and waa very wall known In thla aecllou of Wavnc coun ty- deceased Is survived V' one (laughter. Mlaa Juanita Pikk, and two soaa; Clarence uhd llernai-d j’lkc \o funeral arruugenienls had been ! loads al hi early hour this looming Bland and Griffin Assufhe Management of Hotel Today At midnight’last Hie management, of the Hotel Goldsboro pssseil to the "Grtfflu and Hlanil Hotel coinpany with Alton L. Bland as resident man- i rger. The (Irlffla aud Bland company succseds J C. Vanstsory, Inc., »ln lave operated the hotel since Ha con i (ruction as g tontmuuiiy ( oopera t've enterprise several years ago. j With headquarters ’ In Italelgh, the lessees of the Goldsboro hotel now < ( niso) Mvveii otlo-r* hotel* The Kir I Wslter and the HDnd In Raleigh, th • | King Cotton In Grs#r thorn, the Zln sswfort sod Robert ft. Let? iu Wlpa 1 PEELE FUNERAL THIS AFTERNOON • , • Wb.-- Ifltcb Feb Ptormcr Alan From Si. Johns Chiirih At 2 O’clock News wa. ietodved'Vi the city Sun day of the dwth of k ft Peete, tn Durham early Bu»day M|orntug< The i ictnatns will be hrducht i« Cotd-i - boro for burial and aai.vl, es will In held in Si John M. K. Church at 2 p in. today Mr- Peele has for ilm last few years made Ida home In Durham but prior lo (hat I link was a cillsen of Goldsboro where he was well known' and- where he lias many It lends who will mourn his passing tie was well k-mmn In business circles, having conducted retail grot* ery stores In different 'location-. In the city for many years Kunlvina Mr. Peeßr-wr^Yil-i-widow by > mebud mnrrtnpn who resides In Durham. I*o ill IDt rc-ii. hoGt wo4L ktinwu itilasell Peele of Kinston and Mrs. Hen i Milan, formerly Mlaa Gl.idya Peele. of Norfolk, Va. NUMBER CASES DISINJSED OF •<» P«rt of Evidence In Non-Sup pt»rf ( haixe Agninsl , Sinirleton Heard Two defendanta -drew aentciicea to taling H mouths on the roads and vqveral others were found not guilty I in th« final l#2k session of. Wayue county recordar’sa court yesterday. The docket was nol cleared, however,- and a number of cases will be renew ed at 192$ sessions.; The charge dt noo-anpifort A. W Kinglctoil had been partly heard whnu court cdjimrned for the d*v. «• Kolicltor Paul H. IMimmdaon was not able to appear In-s cimrl on ac ccunf of an attack of intlueusa and Hugh .Dortch and Wyatl K Hluke served as prosecutor in his si cad. For manufacturing whiskey. James Norwood was sentenced lo hi* mouths on the roads and Jasper Cays ** drew eight montlis for Ikrreny. -Kd Arils was found not gull ty on a hbarge of false preleuae Philip - Phi I pot *«* (leaned of a charge of selling whiskey and Fred Lucas and Phllpot found nol guilty nil ii charge of ussaull. . » A nol pros was taken uguinJit An drew Ftsid.i, Jr.. Bookert T. Kherard Ed and Warren Woodard on a charge' nl damaging personal, property. HOLD FINER AL BRAVE SOLDIER k’ (Generals and Officent of Lino i 4 9? Follow Sea rifcunt To llin , Grave T WASHINGTON. Dm 31. (4*) 4 As a 1 trlbifia to his bravery in 7 world war 1-all lea aud 3<» years of army service. Staff Kgl. Joseph Kpcl was fallowed | lo his grave In Arlington today hy feur generals and two line olfher* In i.Vhose ranks lie hud fought. His body, hearing three wound rears, aud wild the ci-i»t* dc guerre of l-'rauce pinned to Ids sldodse, was r oFrn on u caswloq, covered with flow - f rs- ® ; The i olors of- the lx Infantry, an tler which lie had fought, wise follow |(d by high arnij 'ideicers who had j been with the division In Frame aud ,'who acted as honorary (uillheaih ra. i ton Halein the fUi ks In Roi-ky Mount. ; i nrt the Petersburg In Petersburg, Va • : V .. The i «ui|muy bus secured a 2u-year , year least on the 2ud-r(H>m hotel here and plan to apply In it* ojwtatlon the I fiats gctadplss- whfoh of their businesses outstanding lintels of. the South. Alton L. Bland, who will act as local manager, Is a sou of the president of the company, T. L Hland and with Mrs. Hland will occupy an aparltnelit at the hotel*. Mr Hland hir- been In the city for , several davs fumll*rl*lng hlmselt V w fap.tol GOLDBBOKO- N. a TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY L 1928 tiM • i’forto shows innetcea iChf-uitL-HUjudung Uvra' ju J • demure in«se otitude CoVitlgdun; V«., jptT. where she isromTof ch.nfgo. W complicity in a scries of S|:>e<tMcular store rfAbfriei and lioldttpl. f»lic was arrestcij with a male .companion whei her autotnobile ceased to Kitiction during s get-away. V* s C'/OuntrieM Ajfree To Abide By IVotmol WAKIIiNGTON. iVc 31. Agreemcnl of Bolivia and Para guay to (he terms of a protocol for Iho actlleinent of their dispute rloso of a aosalon of‘the special commit I ta* of the Pan-American conference. . USES NEW WAV STOP RUM CAR < ■ -4." L. t Deputy Curl Smith Corks Hump t*r of Ills Marhlnc Into Uk-eirU; Auto k. Deputy SberlfT t’arl KailHi lilt upon r. lie* «Nt iif <aulnn'iK,a mi tomoblte In a rum ihtme Holiday night. lie mopped tin* mufiiliu <pn .lining Jim Sliprurtl, N»;gm .hlllllVlMl. Whitl fIV I klill 111 blimp II onto III! I« 11 111 r of 111. Hieing ni.ti him- A MM of wlilntTi'y 1 loiil been ihrowur I rum* the r»i t onUt+trfng Sullivan uml SlHTitrtl licforo the mu »liin« wan stopped, "—... _c Smith 'uvn buulrit the • .tr m ,ir -N* hunts Suiiiup on Highway #>» tiortli to I’lk. vill, .i.o-it .iio.oi .mi-1 iw« iiwr iti front of-the upproarli ilia i i ion • ii' P 7l u, fii toil Sullivan the ilnvi-r tUiiH Jii . i .'Min iiiio ]'• vi'i -i Mtl trn tir’d rtuwo ih high '* I*. It'll not InJ iri’ >Hlllii n i l !■ i|» ml oil IliO HI 1.11 UK- i"»:i I l.» A' 111. I. if n■ I rot. on III" I|\ i'- ili jut Jill <ll* in mu litne lufom .r unit ..mi mr ward .ik'ujn. nOaiflniK fit i'll tlii' irffU'pr'j* par .linltli )unit«tl off itv rjyiinlii* liouul .liplrot hark 111 ' hi ‘iHucUtcc uml renew**) the .iha-n, \ ■ v t'ullbig up oil Thu Iti''lnif uiUo. be mu hi* huntper ugulnnt tlir tmuipm i,l Up- ear 111 fni'ii mn( 't»ooU<-t| tin two together. '| ill' ill I' 1 * ml txiol i"KkPI« were forl to (Mop Shi rar«l la Iti ■l.ail In 'l*fuuH Ol 1 inti Jiolill A wui ruut liu* hn ii I.•‘iii'il fin T.IILOK TO KALtliiH CltrltUt, I". i -UP)— Tyre C. Taylor. (hmloitc Muiruey, will go to italelgh Friday to begin famllarjiiiig i’maelf with thp dm leg of hi* jawt a* ..eiretarv to flovprnor-eleft 0. Mat Gardner w ill |>e iumig ii aa d un Jan Wt/ * l < A ' i MOTOR OR MAN TEST TO START Which Will Crurk Fin*(. Motor Or Man Ik ()ue*tion To Ik Anttwered o LOK AN’UIH-EH, D*. ;:l lAh Five army men and the glam tri motored t'>kk<»j monoplane (lulilkml the Quo* tlon Mar { k were ready hare tonight ■fr r a New Year’* day start ou an ad veHlsre that wilt supply, the answat o( whether man or motor will crack flr*L under endurance flying. At 1 tomorrow llte Question Murk (•( Hchcduled lo takiQoff from the Me tropolitan airport prepared to remain aloft by moans of refueling In the air until the three powerful whirlwind motors or the five men aboard reach the limit of endurance aud foVce a landing. Major Kpatx Is flight ■'tbie fllsr» were confltlent that they fonlil exceed, -the present record of 'M hours and 7 minutes for n rofuel tng flight held In fhlgium . and thought It possible to remain In the air perhaps a week or morn. ••lllM’tßF fBM.X f'AHITET 111 IK MB\DY TO qi IT * n i ■ ia ■■■ w ■ • () ‘T'ARIK. Dei —,l i-ln Premier Poincare lodaY frHrikly told hla (•bl uet he had accomplished hbt main I ask* and waa ready lo resig* because of present unrest. Hill Hie cabinet persuaded him-he had .mui-li to do.»parU(-iilpr!?'tti •'« H’ff reparations, aud M. Poincare agreed -•I remain. , ■ - I ,V. Three Register Monday For Care of Influenza Patients Three-colored women who have had ri.m-ldernblc um-slng ( xperienc ye i,;ilus n«i“tejed with The News In j tin* effort the pa|»*r Is making to se , .1111 help for families when- there tv with I lift lien ih There came • lie paper severin' cattH for tern l-oiiery cooks and- and The- New* today request* that any one desiring (o'- work aa .-cook or l huseki.-per H-t thidr name* with th* I aper The names will t»e* < irried free of ehnrge In mlbseqilent issues : lIV propei planner (o riglsier with* ■yheeNcw . i- to fill oul tlurdconpon s lih h w ill found si the end of | 2 Goldsboro Men Held In Kinston Following An /' Alleged Hold-Up Attempt 10 IN CAR THAT - " ISTURNED OVER I'Hinily of B. ,W. Moore -i and Fdienda Escape Serious Injury In Afcidcnt Ten (Mioplc were luJUried. none re rtously. whim Uie new t'hryaler auto i obitc nf F. Al: Mmire of BwllvfcW, waa overturned Inte Kumlny white tlie family, with friend* wqs returning rrotn a dtryw mtillng Herman Moore. <tx. win driving and about si* o'clock In the cvculug met a car whose 'lights blinded him He ran off the pavement and <al hark suddenly The Chrysler made a rum l-ltde turn uround *ud landed on l|« side. Hhatierlng the glass windows. MS and i.lsnlif thr body tttidfface and, a small son received. * broken nqae None f WM ko badly Injured an to require lieminent The car wan righted and I riM-ceded to Goldsboro under lb, own power. / ' O —-—!.. MOTHER TRIES - TO SAVE SON a. | Mrs. NortJwoU IMciiHh Guilty To One of t hicken Hunch Murdent - , s KIVKHkidL. Calif., Dec, 31, -Mr*. Psfsh lamiss Northrr*f frtdav pleaded gulllv to the murder of M’altor Col lin*, one of the four hoys alleged to have been tortured and slain on the Norlhcott chicken ranch' near here snd waa sentenced to life Imprison ment by Judge 0. K Morton in sup oi or court, -• • The woman, whose son Gordon Ste wart Northcott. also hi charged wftlt the murder*, assumed responalblflty ft r *ll the- killing* and attempted to 'dear her «on of any reepoiisibtllty. She shifted the blame from Her sou to her husband, Cyrus Nofthcntt. and her grandson, Hanford Clark, young Northcott’* chief accuser. The sentencing of Mrs. Northern! partly entamfle* the webb whicji «-n vnared the woman snd her *on follow ing'the expoeure of the four murder* hy Hanfori^ 7 Clark who told lam An gclcs officer* taut Kcplcmber that ynuhg Northcott mlsticated the boys before they were pul: to death Young Ncrthcotl. accused of the murder-of Li-wl* and Nelson Winslow and an unidentified Mexican youth, will go, to*trial here Wednesday ft-T the *l - ; 0'..,; K-gijil staying*, according lo presenl ioi|ri schedule* » - Pikeville Infant To Ik* Buried At .‘1 P. M. • wtee - t-' . Ptioiimimla. following Influchss. claimed another victim In the county vexterdny when Eugene (’rawfortl. Ik-month* old soli of Mr. and Mrs T Herman Crawford, died at the home of hi* parent* In "PMlevlllc Funeral will *he held from ihe home at 3 o rlm-k tiMlay ;*ujK w ill b,- In charge of Itev. Mr. Rlclrniianl of the Film street and 4 Plkevjlle Mi»thodl*t i hu>ri lie*, fkvflsl will be mad« In (he Plk evtllb Mdnetery. Mr, end Mrs Crawford have the sympathy of ull ill |!|.-ll hi,re,iVenu-lit ' Jj- I till* article and lo bring or send It H, t||V- offti - street Reg | tetrs'lrm cannot In- sccepted hy tels , phone. Those registering yesterday: Mary K. M* ha in-, colored, practical nuraft ■ll't Hchool street telephone 7:l"-W; la* had rotieklaraMe experience In Inking care of the sick. I ' r \ ' " a: Alible HalfT colored. f'»27 Orchard eireet. Iretween t'snal and Fershntium In Little Washington, h*» hat Bit [ t ear* eijperteno* o* a practical nur»e. Afary C Newton, Rd 4 F4m *treet, ten ] >vam jj-xperletbe. referenc**. u t» *Fr*f | MEMBEROF THE ASSOCIATED 41 PRESS pkjcb mi cunt Louis Parker, Telegraph Opera tor. And F.'. iaeaca. Office Manager. Accused IN LENOIR JAIL AFTER FAILURE TO GIVI BOND Reported To Have Attempted To Hold Up Negro Barker Shop la 14iGrant* In Kinston yaatardsy, p. c. laaeea. - for onral months manager of Uw local I’oftn) Talugraph affto*. waa iK>un<t to Leaotr county oonrt under n chare* at aMtag aad a>*ttta| la hiahway roWmrr aa# of earrytag a (•dbcmW weapon At U* MOM tad I < ul* Parker, employ** here by the postal as an operator, was behad to o t.snoir sitperler oonrt aadar a ■barge of highway robbery aa* of aarryt«| tonneala* weapon At tb* aeaM tibM Isaaga jyaa hal* la IM bend lag ihe concealed waapm ebarpa aa* >l6O for altttag an* abattlag In Mffta way robbery. Parker wm bald In I*o ««m« amounts. Boa* ba* net barn isisod last alght. tb* Nava nraa tap formed over long dlstanoa Ulapbeß* uud th*. young tpea war* atUI tg pg According' to ch* ebarg* piafamad, Parker and tssaaee *at*md * UigPe harbor shop la UGfagfa l*ta Batar day night shd annogaasd iRb tala*- lion of robbing tb* plaa*,T|*y Vdg raid to har* flourtabe* pMffa. UM N*gro customer* of tb* plan* warn §&T. j descrlba* aa aot walttag epgta' thft> ><>rd*r of ibair goiag bit a* faßhff out of lb* doors aad wta#SM*'|i-,* * Homewhat unnerve! ”V tb* •potion < restml. UM >*adg W*B» News was tout le tafonaeltlg freta Mints ton, sbsndoaed tbatr 14a* , * ji parted In th* dlfeatle not Kluges, Offloers in tb*’ lattae otty urge* aotl tied. and as Parker atut laaaee Bear ed the l/enolr capital they traea bias ed under srraal , When M*rcb**, *a«b waa Mae* I* have a pistol aad a rad bamlhtaP handkerchief Th* latter waa offare* »£> drcumstanllifl erldsne* to tadfeal* plans to attempt a how-% Tba amt were givens nreUptlMry bearing bk um order’s* court In Kinston day and held tor tba Leeair grand jnry. They had b**n living la OeMebara several months, an* war* sett He liava come here from Kseteaby. DIFFER AS TO SCHOOIS CLOSE V a ~J .. l,au rhin|fh<Hi«r Seva CVtalf IKms Not Aid Any While S. C. Director B*y* Dee* riIABLOTTK. Dac It.—Cta*- ? tinned prevalent* of In flu****' ever North famllna and South Outultng •hiring tb* rhrlsimaa holiday* b*S ■ Minted siithorltles of MW Os tb* kcliools and colleges to pnatgea* re opening of the tin aad IMS gaagia*. Several announcements of defay were made today, whttaulffdaeta ar* V to return to other schools only •**- < r.<i day* Ist* A large nnmb*r of educational ta ut wt lon*. psrticulorly hi Nbrtb o**- ! "tins, indicated Huy,- no delay would 1 h« ncrasloned. how***r. i ItepnrtK from other Soothers atal** «j bowed that some college* aa* pah* dc schools would postpone th*tr < pcMings r>r t: if h*aMb / P officer for Nort|i Caro Use. adrta** * t ends of col lego* an* *ebaols to re i pen on schcdtile. He mM that b* •* i,mi believe student* weald b* ewdang^ "<l by all eliding class** aad tb*l •hey Would not be egpoued to adyr ‘ .V»st*r extent. On fhc mibci Itr J HsJW*. director nt medicine for South CuP# tins, recommended th* post r*U*M ant v i * i*f re openings to prevent lb* *prua* * or the disease iUK r _ v _ ' >H htn TMIL IO« OPPENItbB^ - i 1 .ANSINiI. Mich.. DM. Mrs. Ktu, Mas Miller, facta* a W#** ■ entence as s four tba* hgaiusl the liquor law, was dented * Ik „ t.ew trial by Circuit Judg* t’bariab% . Col Hug wood today. Jadgc Oollln«*ra4 also denied a m«Uoa to «ua*fc tba oriuaiton agaiaat Mrm MUUr,

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