•ttatt Probably ehowers ij vast 1 aad aaotyal poattoofit VOLU MR-SEVEN; NUMBS* 264 QUESTION MARK WELL ON WAY TO NEW AIR MAS American Army Fliers Seek to Capture Honor Now Held By Belgians U>C Pin* Kum Crucial 24- Hour Toot mud Got# Fine Start an Second Lap IS BEING RBFUELLED FROM SISTER AIRSHIP Chaaft Original Plana Aa Find It WS Be Naroaaary Re- Fuel By Night metipopoi.itAN AIRPORT. LOB ANGELES, Jan. f.—(A*) Confldeuce •hat a aaw world ’• record yould ba (ka into to tka endurance flight of iha Question Mark was officially as praaaad today by air oorpa official* aa tha big plana continued on Ita eec ond 84 boor parted In the air. Amy man aald tha moat dec lair* part of the endurance attempt bad panned whan tha plane completed the flrat Id honra at 7:2fl this morning. ~ The present refuelling andurance i »*** k» •• bonra 7 minute* establish ed la Belgium • Juat before they left the ground.” aaM H. J. Adamaon. rapraaentlng F Trubaa Day lion, assistant aacratary of war, "Major Spate and Capt. Ira C. Eakar. chief pilot, aald that la the flrat M bonra any weakneaa would bo aura to unmaak Itaelf * Tba emergency refueling plane number *, piloted by Lt. Odea Moon, today wa* ordered from Ita Imperial alrpoft station back to Metropolitan airport. This waa upon a request by Major Spate. He doubted tbapqpctlc rblltty of croaatug tha mouatalua to " ” AtoPUdMißhUop. ft' A complete change of routine aboard the Question Mark baa bean made aa It baa bebn determined that It will he ueoeaaary to refuel at night. Stridently the ship la conadoling more gasoline w(|h its hsery load of , men, fuel aad auppliee then bad been anticipated,** Adamason aald. Joseph Nlkrent, representing the National Aeronautical AHH,>gUlon and official obeerver. announi Jfpyhat the official starting lima woutobe eon sldefed aa 7:M:M a. m. Weather forecast tor tba uit M hot ra was for flue weather for flying. The spacious monoplane, which took jaff bora at 7:14 a. m., yesterday. )completed P» fifth contact with re fueling pianos shortly after midnight ~ whan ?00 gallons of ga* wa* passed Into bar tank from refuollug plane ‘number ana, piloted by Lieutenant Rada Hoyt. Coo test waa made «.•«<» feet In.the air over Dal Mar.. Calif., near San Diago and nln< minute* waa raqulrgd to make tba transfer of fuel. * Lieutenant Hoyt reported on bla return to San Diago that no message bad been reoeleed ( <>m the plane's crew and thla waa accepted aa a sig nal that all waa wall aboard, It waa: tba flrat ttmq that a refueling had been carried out In mld-alr at night j Hoyt aald the sir 4ra» smooth end that (here had been no difficulty. The endurance plane, which la to remain In the air until Ita engines, break down, took off with a minimum fuel load. Within an hour the first d contact waa established and 100 gal lons of gasoline transferred In an eight-minute contact At noon a turkey dinner waa serv ed to tha crew. Shortly afterward the Question Mark flaw to Pasadsna and circled over Roe Bowl, where crowds were gathered for the football game between Oeorgle Tech, end California. Tha Quetton Mark, finished Ita first 14 hours aldft at 7:86 o'clock this ... morning. Tteo plana waa nearing San . ' VI Diago al tho tlmo. Davis Funeral At St Stephens At 3 P. M. Funeral service# toe William Dari* who dtod at a local hoaapltal Tues day night following a few hours Ill ness. will be held from Bt. Stephens Episcopal church at I o;dock thla afternoon Rut. W. O. Cons, rector ... of St. Stephens, will officiate and assisting him will be the priest of the Greek Orthodox church of Raleigh. Burial will be In Willow Dale ceme tery The following have .been selected aa pallbearers: Paul Agrlmla. BUI Williams, John Bout ala. 0. Clarence Crone, Wendell jßdgerton and Robert jL Thompson. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ' \ . . . ■ ’lii-kMT' ' \ <■ ■ READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Flying To Far North With Antt-Toxfn • « • » BDMONDTON. Alberta Canada. Jan. 8. —<dRy—Captain "Wop" May and Vic Horner, bopped oS here at 18:46 p. m. today In an airplane to carry a supply of diphtheria anti toxin. *o the Hudson Bay Company training poet Vermillion and little Red River la the far North. The weather waa cold and fair. BULLS GET OFF TO EARLY START • r* ' “ > Fore* R 0 Stock itwues To New High Levels In First Yesr’s , a - Trading NEW YORK, Jan. 8. UR)— 1 "Bulla who piled up the greatest winnings in hlatory during ISIS got away to a flying atari in tha first session of the Naw Yaar today by marking up naar ly 6fi lasuea to naw high records, sev eral of tbe gains running from $6 to 124 u share MISSFORDHAM BEAD IN FLA. Former Resident of Goldsboro Has For Year Madfe Home In TalUkssnee Funeral for Miss Hattla Ttordhani, long tints resident of Goldsboro and a airier of Mrs. D. O. Furrlor of Geor gia Avenue? waa bald yesterday In Tallabaaaaa. Florida. At>out a yaar ago Mis* Kbrdham went from Golda horo to make her home with her brother, Hugh M. Ford haw, In Tal lah Maes Death waa due to heart trouble with which she had suffarad for several mootha. Tha deceased waa the daughter of DrA. J. Ford ham ft Jonaa. county and there are alma aurvlvlng broth er* and sister*: Mrs. J. 0. Bluett of Clinton, Mrs. H. M. Cook of Salis bury, Mrs. N. F. Steppe of Marion. R O. Fordham of Dallas, A. E. Fordham of Oak Ridge. ¥. O. Fordham of Hickory, S. C. Fordham of Havana, Fla., and W. R. and Hugh M. Ford ham of Tallahassee. ' 60,000 CASES MEASLES IN ’2B \ ... ■ State Health Department Issues Report On Contagious - Diseases RALEIGH. Jan. I—<JP>—Measlei was the most prevalent contagiosa disease In North Carolina during the past yaar. A report Issued today by fbe stateNqihrd of health showed that more than 60,000 rases of disease developed In 1928. Senate Booked For Row Over Seating §en. Vare WASHINGTON, Jan. 2 —<JP)-4 for midable row la brewing In the Renata over disposition of Ibe contest against who Is 111 bnt who baa been given Hie right by tbe Senate to plead bla. caaa cn tba floor. * 1 ' Senator Reed. Democrat, Mfisourl, chairman of the ypeclal senate com mittee which investigated the 1028 Pennsylvania senatorial primary else tlcn, Is prepared to go ahead and ask that tbe Senate act ou the commit tee's report protesting excessive ex penditures In thai campaign by Vara. The committee will seek to make a final report on The Vare case Friday The Senator-elect baa been invited to 'appear before the committee then but he has sent word through physicians that be Is unable to on account of Ms health. > Vare * Diends iu tbe senate are ex-1 FRANK WILL NOW REGA’N STR’NGTH me Little Fellow Swallowed Toy Motorcycle Several Weeks A#o CINCINNATI, ' 0.. Jan. 8. —(0b- Frank Brooks. Id months old. wa» reported W*V | on tbe road to recov ery after aurgeone bad removad from bla throat a toy motorcycle au Inch and half Ur length. His condi tion on several occaeiona bad been critical preventing an operatiao un til today. Tbe baby had to ovqycous pneumonia Itefore surgeons would at tempt to remove the obstruction Frank’s home la a.' Aaco. w. Va. It waa Ultra that he Swallowed tbe toy while eating a prtxe package of pop corn. * “f THREEDIVORCE SUITS STARTED • v -V Wives Alletfe That Their Huv bandu Have Been Untrue To Vowa Three wlvee yesterday began suit In Wayne county Superior court tor divorce from their huebenda, such alleging unfaithfulness. -> Nannie Cash seeks legal separation from Ira Cash and custody: bf tba child of tha marriage. -The couple ware married in Smlthfield In March lIM, end tha plaintiff alleges that the defendant abandoned bar end proved unfaithful to hla marriage vowa the following November. Beeatc V. Stillwell says aba waa married to D. M. Stillwell in Char otte In IMS. Than la December I*B7 he committed adultery with an un kUpwu ytnam. ~Bha aska nheototo divorce. Mamie V. Carter baa started teflon for divorce against Walter L. Carter, Ifely ware married la Fayetteville In November 1814 complaint IWI und in February 1922. the defendant left ,be marriage bed. The pla4ntlff seeks custody of tbe one child of the mar ltage. Influenza Does Not Pardon Commissioner RALEIGH, Jan. 3.— OP)— Edwin B. Brtdgera. commissioner of pardons, was confined to hla boms today, suf fering from an attack of influensa. Thla >a the second time Mr: Brldgers has fallen victim to influence thla winter. federaltaxes SHOW BIG GAIN • '■ * 1 , . • . •' Grissom Reports Thai Sums Re ceived Are 111.00U.0U0 Ahead Last Year RALEIGH. Jan 8. —(A*) —Gilliam Grissom. Internal revenue collector, announced today that Federal tax collections la North Carolina for Tha first six months of tba fiscal year were more than lILOOO.OOO ulmjvF the same period lest year. For the last all months thla year collect lona totaled $ against t1t1.986.83f1.43 for the same period during 1927. North Carolina last year was third among the 4fi states In* volume of collections » pected to protest a final dec! ion on tbe question of seating tbe Pennsyl vanian until be has been given the opportunity of making bln plan to tbe Renata in accordance with tha terms of a resolution adopted soma lima ago \ Senator Reed Js prepared, to answer that the committee ami the Senate huve waited long enough to hear the Senator who was stricken last sum mer. ‘ Meanwhile, the conieat of William B Wilson. Democratic opponent of Vare, In (he 192 fl election, la atlll pending before the Henate Election* , committee and there la little hop* thla committee will be able to act ■litring this session Thla delay would defer, anyway, a final solution of tbe .long standing controversy over Vara's seat until tbe next Congress: GOLDSBORO- N. C THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY t, 1028 * King’s Son* i Holystone a Deck My f M,,# mm ~ w it Wwe*%wT£ * j KM PM J, / ‘J®’' | J ■ jmg ' jmm ■: ri&, rm V lisM 1 >|M ■—»Ui ha. It isn’t all beer arhd skittles is the Danish navjr for even a Idag'a sons. The photo show* Crown Prince Frederik, of Danmark trijfht), and his brother. Prince Ktfiid (center), holystoning the deck of a Danish warship with another cadet. Both pnnctfi arc cadets in the royal navy. - .. R ALEIGH COPS FIND TRACKS But 6 Itcv Wa ,'«nTv Y>l iiight Up With Trurk anti y.jien >d.e —4*. ——— RALEIGH. Jah. 2.—Would be uafa blowers and city dattotlvua bava bean having u merry chase around tbe city and suburbs alnca last Fri day witty (he always g taw Jumps behind thatr quarry. Friday sight a safe conlalQlng »2*<t was removad from » local atom. Yes terday the officer* got a tip tIdIVOP safe bad bean seen in tbe woods hush of the da Pont power maguatoe. Tha report said that the robbers had car ried It there to be opened with pow der from the magaalne. When they arrived It bad been moved, A telephone call early tqday brought the Information that the safe waa In the woods ea a truck out aid* Iha city limits. Tha dataettvas arriv ed ta Urns to find tire marks left by the truck but fio safa. SALE OF TAGS PUSHES AHEAD Now* 8,000 Licenses Aheotf of Record of Same Date LaM Year > * RALBiqn, N f . Jan. f.—tJP) A number of. North Carolina motorists must bava mads N« wYear's resolu tions to buy auto tags for aalaa have jumped to more than 8.000 above tbe aame period. The motor vehicle bureau of the elgte department of revenue announc ed today that sales had reached 206 tags agalnat 128,643 for the aame period last 1 year. STRUCK BY HIT AND RUN DRIVER 0 ■ IMkeville M»n Rendered Party UnoonnuinuM and Truck 7 I)rivßNEscaped " Beauregard Edmundson, operator of a filling atatlon In PlkevUls, wa* knocked down by a hit-and-run driv er near Pikevllle yeetaerday attar noon. Mr. Edmundson was walking from l.la filling station to another which Shoulder of the highway. He heard a enr approaching from behind but did rot turn around and In a trick found himself badly stunned, lylifk by the road. The driver of the truck wh|£ti had brushed him put on tba speed md left the ace he. ■ Friend* Os Mr. Edmtmdson har ried lo hla aid and gave and gave i base to tha hit-run driver. The lat ter, however, had gained such head way that he could not be located. ! Mr. Edmondson snld that he did not know Whether be wa* struck by the truck or by sohte object pro truding over one aUto.^ TAKES RECORD FROM TAR HEEL Los Av‘n!rtx Cipturru Rm rd Rn'nMhhej Rv Alisa Gantry METROPOLITAN AIRPORT, LOS ANGELES. Jan. 2. -(#)—Mtsa Robbie Troot, pretty 111 year oM Loti Ang# tee uxlahrU. net a aew auducunoe tlight rsoufil for woman at Sill this afteraotK. Mtaa Trout waa fly ing bur "Goldan Kagla ” sport mum plans nt Cha tlma. r > Tka record broken by Mis* Tryut wtu 8 hours and I nrtnatas made W TTw* i/MMiJy IMfflflfMr Gaatry, w C., Inst month at Saaeavelt Field. Mias Troot took oft fit 4<tfi ». m.. today and the now record waa; ea nounced after ahe had been ta the a|r an hour longer than the previous re cord as required by standard! GIFT TO inKIVRRSfTY CEH* WHO CHICAGO, Jan I, -(JD—The Uol veralty of Chicago during the paat year received gifts totalling MJ4M4I. It waa announced today. NO NEW aUES IN MUTILATION Young Yadkin County Man Re covering Following Btranga AsMtah WtNRTON-SALEM. Jan. |.- (JPI Sheriff C. E Motley of Tadkln coun ty, npent several honra ta Wluaton- Ralam today telklng lo John Spillman. 19-year-old Yadkin youth, who Is jin der medical attention at. a local hos pital for knife wounds racetved lata Sunday aftarnoon when two wbita men are aald to have attempted to mutilate him. Young, fftttjman, according to phy alciaa* ,1a expected to ba abla to go horns In ten days. Rheriff lAokley said he had made no further arrest* In tbe caaa. Jaa pftr Huichen* being iha only person held *0 far In connactlon with tbs crlma. Hutchan/ Is In tba Yadkin lonnly Jail pending the outcome of Rplllraan'e Injuries and an Investiga tion. Hoover Begins to Thmk Os Naming His Cabinet Member .« U. H R UTAH, Jan. 2.-oFl—Th* "electlor/ of bla Cabinet being the next task ahead of him. Herbert I Hoover Immediately after hia arrival In Washington next Sunday, plans to begin n aeries of conferences with Republican party leaders from prac tically all section* of the ootantry on the make-up at bla executive family. Mr. Hoover probably will Invite to hi* firyt conference those Congres sional leaders who took n leading peyt Ip hia campaign. These wilt Include undoubtedly Vice President-elect curtla. Senator* Moss* of Jftw Htrny shirs. Borah of Idaho, and Racket! of Kentucky. Speaker Longwortb and Repraeentatlve Ttlson, the Republican House leader, and Representative* j Newton Minnesota, who waa chair-1 man of tbe party’s national campaign , speakers burusu, and Fort of Naw South Feels Coldest Weather of Cold Blows From K Why Women Folk Are Not) So Subject Flu RALEIGH. Jan !.-<#>—Dr. Charles O*H. Laugbingbouas, s'aUT health off tear, ballavaa that wam aa era lass suscaptibla to Influ snaa than man bacauaa thay waar [hr cIoUMMI ■To many elothee oausaa a par son to bacon a ovarhaatad and low ara tba raalatanca," Dr. Laugbtett bouas aaM todays " nobody can say tyat tba woman waar too maay < lothau ahd H has baan my ohaar vatlon that they heva **raator free- ; dpm from colds aad flu than tha OtMfta’ 9 * i V. I TWO MERCHANTS ARE ASSAULTED Nofrsss Attack WHmtafitoif Mfirekaats. With Rsbkary Motive WIIJfiINGTON, Jfin. *.—(#>—Two Wilmington merchant* lata last night and tarly today were victim* of rob bars. . On* of the merchants R. J. Hard! nt(n, was encountered on III* wav home from bto store last night by three negroes They knocked him down, be said, aad searched hla pock ate. However, they failed to find the cealed elsewhere oif h^person. /lanw flenWH WMMR« ' tin aa mil 0 tot UO7 ifrown, 70QDI refruiwiii, wmm tendered nncooacloua by a blow dealt by n negro with whom be was trad "m rile lUNiro reaped With a attfiQ tlty of groceries. Rickiurd ( elehrates Birthday in Hospital MIAMI. Fta.. Jan. 2—<A»J—'Tex Rickard, promoter, today celebrated hla 444 b birthday anniversary In a hospital recuperating from aa appan dtettia operation performed Rickard said ha kaeqr many better way* of spending a birthday, but wa* thankful tka operation had been suc cessful. '">4 I‘hyalclafi* said tonight hia onadl' tlcfil wan good. > ■- ESCAPES BI]T SURRENDERS Six Prioonera Mak« Rnrapmi Frosi ( oluwMa, ft. C. Slats k, i ... t* 0 * COI.rMBIA. 8. C.. ton 2,—(4*1 J. B. Griggs, one nt the six /priaonaf* escaping from the Stats Penitentiary early today, roturned late tbla after noon and gnVe himself up Roma dlftauce from Golumbta lr "hailed a motorist nnh a*ked' to b , brought here. H« declared he be came too 111 to attempt to continue hla flight. The others wdre atlll at, large in nlgbt, hot polio* war* scouring tu for trace# of them. Jersey, secretory of the Republican ! national committee, who wg« the J Vonver floor manager at tha Kan*** ■ ,"ty convent loa. , The President-elect Indicated dear ly today that b* baa not made qp hi* mind on tba Cabinet appointment* Tba first task b* aet for himself wa* bis Latin-Amariean geod-wlll tour and ba feels it la unnecessary to be gin the CaMnet selection until he reficbee the Capitol. Thy purpose o< Mr. Hoov er’a dtslt to Washington Is to ionfei with these leader* WTtlle there he also will ask for a conference wtth President Cooltdge to make a Report on bla obaervatlun* oa the good-will | tour, la addition, he wilt rdmutat* |a precis* program for hla Inaugura tion, which he desire* to be aa atmple (Continued on page two) » I THE ASSodM r !3 —• \.-hc\ ill* K* |kml IMIWsK . 1 .1 f niinaw I"" .: perature of ft * I V\ VKMKH SOlLli* I •' ARE KOKUI*!, 4 Another High f t«iv 4*h Promise ofHl. iiULf"' j Cold Span myu . I 1 11. \NT \. «la.. * • jh,"| ii.r-i, I, ,mad mi Mill aU -|| ninfm that , lr ‘* jin-wiira MUM.-’, - way null which MJU.m|H np.rn^m ' ci'l •<M»c ««' »« mdo In oS ttM^^BplM'' Sind, but bad baan ...•I, officials of Uta .- s said. ' - nscapad hNNI niKhfa cold, the lowaSi flj|V | wKh *• '*""*« reported at ftgV **+ i nil lived up to Ha mk • HU a 14 while Tampa UMinStg * dared 44 and iltosa gupltv a*. W ( hurMl. rZ I ijfcjy J .urnbla JN io ■ Va.. had*a |fw of My jg For or {ml w* itlit 'lit: '> the far north wwl «||g_ . idling during tha 4M ta unofficially at mldtAr the tutofihUa Although th® flontf m had not complataly i.May, Aabavllla bad ■ - -■ P. m., with 86 aspadi. - - .asar 1 Kl*n*|i«re m that ata J W%ff||Ug dirt precipitately from . •I.e rarly night toww point ‘ At Richmond at 4 the mercury stooil at pp BSOUIST 4 was sit-adllv falling, ' (§ drliallng rain aa It dm •MM6 . had reached the SfiMH M Mat* earlier In tba fi*»T S Hilxtol reporting at fit- \ - , A Inlmma wa* In line .Hi cold of thf wlaifi^rglljM * '< '• d minimum ’• mpar^*^ l * rr«« at HlrmtnghaiU Vs s*s**?*' 1 Montgomery expected a * 1 nltnlo drop to the the#- , I trig from llie Soa of pdfifF I Free Florida wa* (n thsA, • aJ«, | wave, only Uh* aoutbar* r% appaatod \ Mate expecting to \ tha haifk touch of wintry wtaria. Fradw at wftMif i "C were for fraaulng wsathV |7 basra, northern portion at tha mmaiM* , rohable frost In the central * Iblblltty '■Ja^^Qs^BjkiMpMw UPlr and colder waa the MM 'or nun» «e*'lone toolgfel Sh# A 'irisf S low. with h'-avv to Mght fruMhlj ■ •*« oealrnl Vlorlda. -A Insyj rJ / ere* fo-hdng nearby; hnajps I t»46 v "T-.i senile south wtnd# ta Mht *th* bitiee north blaata a . W>4 T r- rmer weather i flit amort i ,01 ■■vptn. Kv. with a nth JFf degrees, reoorted (ba to W, SB* <>. ratijre rearffttutaHay «fi £ ] MSh the local wept bar bureau, Tenri* rffciWßOßl >‘V derree* higher than tbuttM^^|. t'h.ittai. Tom, and ijKMßigfe s i 1< the. mountfil^^Kp^ig • r 74 each; Ela . BUImHH' a-id Mot,He hart *». dev re* t«*PsjSig‘< Hoc iioiiiia tneMMHH^Pr V 'i < and Thouli«t^^H^|#'-' ,: -';- oid Halalgjlblg * na4 1 :h opu, Fla., .■■e'.MßßlKjflg of 1$ 4uiM|gH

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