1 ■ m 1 ■■ i WEATHER •o % ■ , ... • A,if '■ ’ *m. . • followed hy Rain Tuesday dum«• or night and probably Wednesday ■■■m ii mill ■■■ ii VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 274 ■. - ’V. ”, ” '• ' : : '- T 7__ ri*— »■ ■ ■ ■■■■ - BUDGET COMMISSION MAKES REPORT TO ASSEMBI? Estimated Expenses Os State For Year Fixed At Total $17,445,552 Include 1126,060 For Purchase ImmAOki Erection Buildinga At Local Henpital A 21,736,012 INCREASE • IN EQUALISATION FUND CofnmMen Cute About .Two Milttens From Budgets From Institutions ' RALEIGH. Jan. 16- GP> —Oar. C.aadsar tonight transmitted to the general ayWy the report of tba HdvlMfT'tiedent raeaaanantlliiK an In creuse of |t44«JNM tu appropriation* far l*6fi-M over im-29. the budget > pproprlstlon Mila an dtbe budget revenue measure provided for in creasee In certain license taxes change# Ip tba Inheritance tax and other minor orgnnlanUona In the mate'* taxation etructure. In hie meaeage which was not de livered to pereon, the new governor made a number of recommendations for new legislation, but gtd not dis cuss the current budget he was trans mitting. “I sanest that when you conelder the executive budget act at this sse aloa," hie message Said, "you Incor porate la It a requirement that the di rector of the budget and the advisory aleo submit to each a budget machinery hill sdnlch shell Include tba results of experience In listing and collecting property taxes hy counties sag municipalities with the latest govamnsanUl studies on Ttrte •Allief.*' After praising the fanctlonlnx of the budget ayntsat. the governor directed tba legislator't attention to the need of Improved management In conner sod municipal affaire, saying. 1 obi mead to you the county and munl rfpal government field -for serious consideration.'* RALEIGH, N. C., Jan. IS. —tAP> —Ap- propriation Os *17.446,662 for tbe fis cal year l»t*-30. an Increase of **,- *40,000 orer the o*tlmsted $16,0*9.&f1* rut Ims ted expenditures for the cur rent fiscal year, was recommends! for the ftacal year dvna recommended lor the general expenses of the state In the report of the Wlvlsory budget commission transmittal* to the gener al assembly by Governor O. Max Gardner today. - On thg prospective Increase. *t,78«.- 012 was recommended for the school equalisation fund, which was placed at $6.00*.000 for sacb of the ensuing Menutum. as Compsrsd with *3,263,9*9 calculated for «hl* year. A drastic reduction was made In the recommended appropriation f«r permanent Improvements at Htate In stitution*. 1f.000.000 being suggested lqr this pttrpoee during the 1929-21 period, u compered with expenditures made or contracted for during the lest Mennlum totaling *6,435.247. Request. for permanent Improvement* aggre gated >ll,Wt.*6fi. Thd paring knife was freely use-1 hy the budget makers" In the ronuld ersllon of request*, which jigwr*gated *19,441.72* for 1939-20, and s*7 for I*ao-»1. A slight Increase for the second year w*». approved I" budget. Which set the figure at *17.- |‘M.S47. In discussing the revenne program proposed to meet the recommended expenditures, th# budget commission suggested certain Changes In Ihe In heritance tax. hut did not recommend suv new sources of revenue or mater ial changes In prestfa 19* r»te4. Ap plication, of the surplus expected to be tn the treasury at the end of thts fle xal >/ar *® ,h « »PI" O P rl ‘“ lofl w *’ *1 596.W7- to the IM9-30 approprtt tlone. end the remainder. *991 *O4. to the current expenses of the ensuing year. The budget report was compiled un der tbe McLean administration. Gov ernor **W shorty after h •* Inauguration that he had not had time to give tbe statemeut the thorough study he desired to make hefore ad vocating spy materiel changes Compared with expenditure* for the last veer for which actual, figures are tvalttblo. the *t7. J 4f«.sot appropriation recommended for th* coming fiscal rsar, represent* an in ersaae of W.MIJMM. a* the expend! CuaUhneU oh M*« dtaJ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS * / V. 'jf * . * ' " ' READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY^BUY. Is Recovering After Mutilating Himself o , V George Smith of Warsaw Is re covering at a local hospital after self-mutilation at bis home Sun day. Weak from the loss of blood and the pain of an ugly wound. He was entered at the hospital Sun day. According to reports. Smith performed the operation on him self In an effort to end bl* life. There whs no expiation of feb* cause for the desire for qpK de struction. KIWANIS CLUB HAST MEETING \ t» Misses Clause! and Fumwll De light Members With Musi cal Select ions „ L_ With Talbot Parker In charge, a musical program was rendered at the Xlwaals club at Its meeting last eve ning Miss Edna Earl Clajisel gave a number of vocal selections with Yju Pegg at the piano, while Miss Mar garet Fussel entertained the gueaU wRh piano aolos. Figures and methods of cost finding in the opmation of hotels were given by O L Bland, new manager of the Hotel Goldsboro, as he gare the oral facet. Dr. W, O. Byrd won tbe at tendance prise given by H. B Ellin, manager of Kflrd’s. Talbot Parker preaented the silent boosts of the evening. The club endorsed the Newton Ma tgrnlyy bill now pending In congress it eras announced that Dr, It. K. " Il hams would have charge of the pro gram January 21 and Thomas H. Nor wood on January 2*. I o Warrick Funeral At 3 P.M.Thii Afternoon From the gyareelde In Grantham township at 3 .o’clock this afternoon, Rev. Peter Mclntyre, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will con duct funeral for J. V Warrick.-aged 84. who died In a local hospital at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon folowlng an Illness Os pneumonia He I* survived by hi* wife, four children, lit* parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. B Warrlc*;. and four brothers; W. E., R. L. C. 0.. snd M A. Warrick, all of Grantham township, and three sisters: Mrs. C. C. Jenson snd Mr* Bert Crltchard of Albany. N. V.. and Mrs. H. M. Snndford, of this city. " « ■ - - Dies Week Following Death of Her Mother • A- week from the time her mother died of pneumonia folowlng Influen ts, Josephine Parker, 3 year i.aiighter of A. F. Parker, local bar ber died In a local hospital at ?. o'clock Sunday morning. Her death i,Uo resulted from pneumonia folow lng Inffiienxa. „ Funeral services were held In Tur ksy at 3 o’clock Monday, und the Ilttl» child was laid to rest In the family pled by the side of her mother. Prof. Kinsey Is Buried At ' LaGrange Mon. Afternoon Prof. Joseph Kinsey, the grand oil man of education In Eastern North Carolina, was burled yesfejdar est or noon, S greet crowd honoring bint at 1 Is passing, even as they hud honor ed him !| hU life Rev. Mr. Case of the Christian church offi< lairtl at ttie funeral ser vice h«*WI from the borne y<- tenia* i fteiiiooi!). Ilttiial v..i»> iiiiide in tbe La- Grange cemetery, Following" see top :l Mines' Incident to the Irtflrtnltles of old ugu. Prof. Kinsey died at bis renbtantu In La 1 >*ngr late Haturdsy night Gor s ,<>ng port'd W) treatment Ii it Kiustpu hospital amt was removed She Make* Five m a " B ™ flk MB fwh i, i -'Afe?'•- ?. x - : **■■■■'■ vV- ■ ■ When tbe House gave Mrs. Pearl H Oldfiald. wldo»- of the ItepresMilar live from Kansas, the oath at Wash- Ington, D. C.. the woman's bloc was incrsaisd to five Appointerl to ful fill tbe uoexpired term of her Ifte husband, she Is running to gneaset' him Ip the seventy-first Congress to which be ha 4 been elected. DUKE STUDENT IS BADLY HURT F*grPrtaLj6*fenfi story Dorm "ur> Window and Injurie* His Spine DPUHAM. Jan 14(JP)--W K Joy ner of UmUburg. sophomore at Duke University, was seriously Injured to day In a fall from the second story window of one of. the I'nlverslty dor mitories. It la feared that hla spine Is broken,; though Ms attnedlng phy sician. reftiscd to comment on h|s con dition. The accident occurred when Joyner raised the window and attempted to shout to a friend’s several windows away. He fall feat, foremost thst he tank several inches Into the ground, witnesses said. Mrs. R. S. Best Dies At Residence of Her Son Mr*. R R Best, «n, of Bentonvlll# township died at the home of her son W. 0. Person at 606 North William street at 3 o'clock yesterday ufter noon. folowlng a long Illness. Funer al will be from Balah church In Gran tham township this afternoon. Mrs. Best Is survived by her hflg bandk R. *. Rest, of Orantham town ship, two slater*. Mrs. Husle Smith of Norfolk. Mrs Georgia Sparks, of Se mite. Wash.; two sini*'. Walter G. and Pen Person of Ocdduboro; Three daughter*. Mrs Raymond llrown sin I Mrs. Will Wilson of Goldsboro snd Mrs. Mattie Jordan of Wilson. IIIKIGIBI.R HUN 1111 K GUI F.VSIIOKII (IHFKN’HBOHO. Jan. I<. <&*' Iho ngvy dirigible l-os Angeles pnssed over Greensboro at * 16 p m. flying In a northeasterly direction about five weeks ago to hbi home More than olxty yonrs ago. Prof. I'llmtey became a teacher In the Lo rn Ir schools. A friend yesterday re cti lad an Incident that occurred th« •W i-tmd day after he gtsumed Ills dh -11 s In LaGrange. lie was a very 1 y« ang man, a stripling youth, cud a»- i sly lied to l#n«;li laittn fbe scholars jdo h|ed they would try him out the n* xt tlcy ' They did. putting him j ihroagb the whole gainm of tbe Lutfn : in.mail.*. In rapid?fire qucstlon,i If * • r>me throtigb leaving the scholar* ;i,rtaln that h«-km-w ai mu< h übou' * Latin i* tho Latin*, i iGouuuwvu on Pan# Your) GOL- .. r '** TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 15. 1829 AGED MERCHANT DIES AT HOME I .conurd D. Httm, 7N, Died Ear ly I .hr! Evening Os Pngßinonih l.mnnril D. Pass. 74. pioneer Goldii; horo men haul dte.. i’s below. " In Chicago, with a temperature ye< i terday of 9 below zero and reading' today of a few points abort, hundreds i of ineo labored to keep the street c cleared of snow. Hundriils of home Iras persons found refuge In polios t stations snd welfare insilullous. There j wsr# four death* In llu- < Ijy. WISH A VIIIDH T WASHINGTON. Jan 14— DP) fHl i cago/Von a vltfnry today In Its con j lrot*-iliy «HI, ether great Inkca sCit. )orer th*- diversion of water from j Michigan. Royal Penitent* r 5 ■ - *// / y Forcing a primitive and laolatud i.-uuntr> tu swallow Waatern rsfonns Isn't u.i i.ny matter. Bo King Ania nullah (before, of Afghanistan, and his up-tiMlaU- can sort. Queen Rouri ya, has an ogreemeM with mutinous army leaders not to ad vocate any changes flow age rdd customs. In addition, tbe royal cou ple have recalled scores of girls sent to Turkey to be ediuslsd. MARSHAL FOCI! f ‘ ILL IN PARIS ts * *" - ■ ■■■*- * s Former Commander of’ Allied Armicn Near Death From Heart Attack 9 «' » PARI#, 3an. J4.—(^)—Ferdinand Foch, marshal r»f Frunce, and com mhnder In chief Os tbs allied armies In the closing stages of the World War, tonight was holding a slight ad vantage In a battle against a heart attack which struck him down this mofning while he Was llghtipg the cigar which habitually follows ’ Ufa morning coffee. Interntttent sinking spell*, follow od by coursgeous recoveries, doctors much worrlud. At one stage ! hla ly<» danvhlers were called to fh* ; bedside with thnlr mother, and It waa expoctad-tbnt the end was near. When the doctors left this evening, however.! they suld the condition of their pati ent was fairly aalisfartory. They said they would tint return tomorrow 1 evening. The possibility of a not hoi st'uck waa regarded with the greatest foreboding. Marshal Koch caught a cold on Ar mlsftc Day which sett let-in hjs bron chial tube* hnd affecting bis heart. In spite of tills condition, lie contlnu—l work In Ills office until Hitt unlay when pain forced him to- remain n: borne. • KFXTK kl IIINKER A M H IDE ■ ■-■' - i LEXINGTON, Ky., Jan, 1< 149—' John Will' Stoll, 4 1 Llr»t and City National Hank, and for mer State Senator, killed himself ear-, I) today lu the kltrheu of bis real deuce on West Third street. Introduce Bill To Create Highway Patrol For State KALI.IGII. Jan It—GP) A b,:i creating a stnte highway patrol », consist of at least 10Q patrolmen and which would requtce all person to ob tain a license before operating any motor vehicle wes Introduced liefar.r the senate tonigbl by Men. L .J. I.aw i-t-n* •• county. Tin m<-n --ure wiilcli was referred so tfy, <*om n'ltte<> on .roods, would esabllMb a "p.i ti».l commission" ti» be compn'ed of tile governor, Mirretary caf etate, nt tl.ruey gemrsfl, coi .mlssloiu r of r ■■ei * . .n ! ■l* Inoitn of Go liU’n • - commission. Ii also 'alb. for a ■*, u jKfvluof" who wottW be lp direct tmt troi ot tbe highway patrol. I logs Running At Large, Get 2 Northern Wayne Men Into Peck Trouble Wanders to Death On Streets of The City Friendless, peuntlers und with nu Where to go, bale Johnson, ne ttres*. ltteripUy-wandered to her Jeath on tbe streets of Goldsboro last week Almost unconscious, aha ass picked up by a text cab driver cafvreld to the health depart ment late Saturday uftcrnrxiq, ihence tojbe hospital Is»sh than t4-h<>ur* after she was •-nterc'l «S t patient, she was dead, pneumonia laving gained such a Hold over her vystem that nothing could be dons for her. ELMO BATEMAN IS CONVICTED * ‘ " . j Jury Find* Him Guilty of Lihoi In Dtstributiiur Fib K. of C. Onlh NEWARK. N, J„ Jan. 16. ~W>~ The ‘•lnto L. Hats man. deposed pastor of Htliou Ctirtstlaa chnrch of Maple v ood, was couvlotad of criminal libel by n jury here jut** today on dtnrgsa and pubUcation and ( irculattan of a talse of Coiumbua oath dor Ing tbe praatdsnltnl oumpsign. lie will When first croee examined Batm man declared ho believed the oalh to -be--tbs truth Letui wlimii shown a copy of tbe orders -ritual he retract < International Publishing company (.ml the money collected went to the company. ** He said he owned a majorliy of the stock of tba concern and put out , the pamphlet containing the oath on his c.wn initiative. ** INDUN WATER FLOWS ALONG e Who Grieved Through Life For Daughter (ion tv To Great Father c - r - ARHKVILLF. Jen. 16 - DPl—Alex ander Htandti/( Water, aged ( herokeq Indian, dv*id 4n Ids shark In the ■i-ouni -tin* of J >cksou i-qunty, fokiw- ItiK a short Illness from Influents*. Blues ihe death of Ills little daugh ter many years uyo. Standing Wat«r bad lived ihe life t a local hospital Snnday night, tot lowing a abort nines* pnenmen* Is. If# la survived by hie widow add Hie folowlng children, Mrs. Mlttl# Nettle of Eureka, Mrs. I .eta n Heston i f Greenville, Mrs. Mary Fulgham Os '•o'rtshoro, Mrs. of PlkO • ' l•' ‘j . . ~.urn.w . .-ta mrn—rn FIRTH DISTGRBAHC* • TOKYO, Jan 14 'HdV-Tbo central tii'iternloglcal observatory recorded an earthquake of three heurs dura tion at 7 p. m. last night. Tha epieaa ter was thought GILIiA GRAY DIYORCKD WAUBKBKA. Wta., Jan. lA—(#g Gilds Gray, dancer and movie actreaa, was granted a divorce from her hoe- Imad. Gil Boeg. of New York, In cir cuit court today. OIKHTM OF PBFBIDKKT " j /cSmkM WABHINOTON. Jan. 14 —(dV-Kfar >’« ropublicsn end eight dwnnralta members of the Renat* wen gaeott fi > i,i. i>t Goolldge et.kOeiVfho* •