WEATHER Mala Hunter u< pnteUf Pritej. tetoer Tlinte; ite li «*4 pertiea FH*r VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 282 PERSON’S WHISIiY BILL UNFAVORABLY REPORTED Proposal for an Eight - Months School Term Introduced in House Hoppers Crowded With Bills Yesterday as Legislature Moves Ahead BOREN’S DIVORCE BILL PASSED BY HOUSE 71-35 Whedbee Wants to See Number of Supreme Court Justices Increased RAUEVMI. Jan. 23.—(A*)— The house legislative hopper «u cram med to overflewtng today with 28 new bllla that tnclndad a meaaure apottaored by Representative McLean democrat Beaufort ot provide an eight month®, school term for N. C. The McLean hill provided for a 40 centa tax levy on the 1100 of property valuation In the countlei. With the state bearing the coat of the public schools where the levy would not produce sufficient revenues No plan for financing the measure on the part of the state was set forth. Es timates as other members of the edu cattoa committee, of which repre sentative McLean Is chairman, ware however, that'lt could l>e accomplish ed through an equalisation fund of II.ROO.OOfi. Thb houee hud placed before It a state primary to pledge support for bill to require candidates In the all nominees of the party. Ewing, democrat of Cumberland Introduced tbla. Representative Boren’s bill to make five years of Involuntary separation where one of the parties baa been guilty of a tetaty. grounds for di vorce paiMMlrtfef-toWM X\ *b **• but only after K bed been subjected to a riding fire In n running debate. RAIJCIGH. Jan. 23.-<*V-The se nate opened Its third week of the legislature today In a sesaloyt In which seven bills were entered. 'ln cluding one to Increase the number of members of the supreme court from five to seven, which wonld re quire n constitutional amendment, Committees were active today. The committee on public health bv a unanimous vote returned the Person preacrlption llqnor measure to the senate with an unfavorable report Judiciary committee number 1 de cided to favorably return a bill In troduced by Senator Person, which provides that In the event of a va cancy In the office of the IT. 8. Se nate through the death or resignation the governor shall appoint a suc cessor t® serve as senator until the next election. The Increase In the 'lnumber of members of the Supreme court wss proposed by Senator Charles Whed bee. democrat, of Perquimans coun- A bill to prohibit officials of Ihe state department of agriculture from ranking offlcisl crop prediction, esjl mates and speculative statement* as to the future price of crops grown within the teat* waa Introduced by I .B. Hobbs, deteoerst, of Sampson county. SCARLET FEVER IN THE COUNTY A . Health Detriment Xaks Pa rents to Watch CHilaYnq Carefully The cRy and health department yesterday issued u request that faJ enta be on a watch for the appear ance of scarlet fever. The warning was Iterate! after a number of cases cf the disease had been dlagrosed In at least three sections of the coun* Cases have been reported from the Ay cock school district, the Hmtt’i Chapel section, and the Kdgewood section of Goldsboro. It wss said. Most of the rases are reported as mild, but Dr. I- W Corbett urged that s physician he oalled If children show a “rash” on the body, saying that the danggr of complications was to be guarded against. Rl( HMOfl) EHIi ROBBID , RICHMOND, Va., Jan. 22. wet*. « Bhe could , not be p.mltlv whether It was lu her bag when *h railed on her huslmnd because she never looked In the hag. as she never carried a handkerchief and seldom used powder. Wilson, who was wounded 1 Iwlce snd spent two months In n hospital, testified he believed Mrs. W’llson had ■hot him by accident. v Hoovers Leave for Florida \ ■ Mr Until it is time for him to return North for the inauguration, President-elect Hoover, above with Mrs. Hoover and Dr. Hubert Work, will take I shlnas ho ®a th® ruete aii.fl Penney. Florid* President Gains of Wake Forest Secured as Speaker ■ V . a d Dr. Frauds V. (tolnee. president of Wake Foreel College: Senator J. *M. Broughton of Raleigh, and J. Wilson Smith, state secretary of the Y. M. C. A. are the chief adult speak ers for the tenth annual older boy* Conference to be held 1 In Goldttburo, February 15, 16 and 17. Jerome Clark, of KrfyeUevlllo, pre sident of the conference, and hsl crew of active associates grill be in charge of all session*. Among those who have been se cured to as group leaders are the following: L- J. Gossard of New MIDWEST AGAIN SHEET OF SNOW W*t*r Soaked Earth Freegea With Low Temperature Making Sheet of Ice CHICAGO, Jan 23—OP) -Two at mospheric disturbances one in east rmaii. of Rocky 'Mount. M, L. 8(ock stlll, of Ralelgli. Several others will be asked to help. Th# plans are to make this-the.. 1 biggest and best conference ever I held In hettfirn North Carolina. Up wards, of lOtl delegates are expected for- tbe conference her# Goldsboro *:as select (Ml. us the place Os meeting after the teen* Y. M. O. A. se.i'etary had conferred with several cltlMlta of Ihe clly. This Is the first time that Ihe conference lias ever been lu-bl in Hie « 11 v' BAUCON HELD IN JAIL HERE •a Alleged to Have Been Driver so Rum ( ar Throuirh City Sometime Aro Harry jlaucom, who Is said to have flgurisl jn court record* on occasions. teas~"ye ,i te''' la y lodged In Wayne lull on a charge of -transport ing whiskey. ItottciMii is held as the pian who several months ago outdistanced De puty Sheriff Carl Smith In a race tbal hsl from o here to Wilson’s Mills He was arrested by Deputy John kor at a local hotel on Tuesday night. MARJORIE DAW AGAIN IS WED Myron Scl/m-t. Movie Produc er, Takes His Hrid# l<> Los AmyleH NKW YORK- :’3 f.4 v > Miir*.i rle Daw,, motion picture artress and Myron Halxnlck. movie producer were married tislay In the munici pal chupot bv Mo- city clerk Tjicv left rft once for Lo» Angeb- .', . Mi . in. g-’.v u>r .igc divorrwl bJvi lirsl Tfnsbatid. Albert t pnthcrlsiml, of thdlywool, tn A|>rll 182.'. BuMnpNs Leader Diex In Daytona Beach, Fla. DAYTONA IH-.Ai 11. Fla.. lan t Id'l- Jack .On Jn. 70. pu dib iit of the Itm inational Slim- Company of St. laiuts, died here late todu. of hyuirt trouble ufler ail tllnes: of four day*. millionaire, at tbe latter’s home on Bcii® isle, naor Miami Beach. Tbe photo aitowg Hoover party: just before boarding a train for tha South. ] Goldsboro Figurea In APProprlution WASHINGTON. J*,i. President Coolidgo tisiay runout mended that Congress make avail able a supplemental appropriation, 0f... $394,000 for the Ireaaury _dt_ , 0 : pamnentjor auo |g to be us ed fur extenalons and Improve nieni. In federal building*, Includ tng those at l.ancaatur. Ky.; Tal lahassee, Fla., and Goldsboro. N. C Tin- balance of Blßi,(Hrt would be used to pay for service* of out *B4#° architect* lu the roust ruction of .other Items. NORTHCOTT ILL CASE HELD UP Hin Trial for Murder To Ha Resumed Todav: Seeks ♦ IdJifal Aid # RIVERSIDE, Cal., an 23. -(M~ 1 Apparently suffering from an attack us melancholia In addition to hi* phy ■deal lll*,' Gordon Stewart Northcott, accus.-d slayer of three boys spent a restless night In Ihe detention Ward . f the Riverside county hospital last night. Thc K ;ypuiu: Canadian, who for morn luiu a ■ k Yvj.- been altemptlnjpsfo act as his own attorney' In his trial w'.ih gniuttsl a t ohtiuunnoe yesterday ntifll tomorrow. The fonltounnc# wa* -ranted after Dr. H. L. Ratliff ha! testified that Northcott was suffering from laryngitis aud conjunct I vltlea. Northc-tet spent a large part of last .Igbt Jn tears. hl« guardjt reported, -..blcli appearmrto the influ matloii of his already badly swollen eye*. The Young Canadian, betp-#en cells. lie. .lb iMired «f --his own .ibiiity to-tigtii tiic >barge* “ucci sfullv 4-1,. comp 1 lined that'll'- was lonely mid that he wauled help. David Sokol. Lam Angeles attorney was associated with til'., defense • In tie* trim, ttwd who Withdrew two daV“ In'in .\oTthcott dUmlsstet the rest of his lawyer* and plotted to' handle hi* own affairs against the ad vice of J edge George Mb Freatnan, tlsßrsl Northcott lost night Kdkol at thit”cotlclu«l*hi of n Inna b.l'tii'W, jinnoMiiced that In."wonl I petition Judg>- ►'rceptan truuort-nw to permit him to reenter the ras# *• Northcott** attorney Hokul said he i mddereu N'ortherilt hpth physically mentally lin omptUi-wf to carry oil th* light. Want Extra Terms of | | t ■ • y c-. z> '* •" * Wayne County Superior Court to be Granted Demonstrates l*ower Dynamite, He’s Dead H.MBKRTON. Jan. 23.-GP) Dock Yates. Chadbouht negro, de monstrated the power of- dyna mite tut his brother Monday nlgtit and as a result died In a hospi tal later without regaining con sciousness. The man took a fuse and cap and struck a match to ° show the brother Its power. A pile of dynamite ,ln the room waa set off and several holes were blown In Yale's bead and Ills left foot was blown "off A big hole was blown In the floor of the house and all windows were blown out. The brother was slightly Injured. Yales had the dynamite for use In blasting stumps aud kept It In hla boms. RELATES STORY OF HER LIAISON * Nmthvllie Woman Had . Mel 11 Younp HuoincMs Man He “ cretly for Six. Yearn NAHHVtLLK, • Jan 22.--»lra. Eva Hnl#n Cunningham, testifying In the trial of Walter L. Liggett, charged with the murder of her tiueband Turaey Cunningham, today, related to a Jury her six year association With tha defrnd*qt v _> Throughout the tssllmony of the $5 year old widow, I.lggsyt. a prominent vuung, grain dealer here, seemed un moved as she kepi FieFTye* centered on him. Cunningham, manager of a local hotel, wa* phot down in III# back yard of his home the night of October 29 when he met Llggtet leaving after a meeting with Mrs. Cunningham, l tggelt entered a plea of cfslf lis tens*. Mr* Cunningham testified that Lig gett had urged her to get a divorce end once had told her “he could get someone oi the Memphis underworld to knock off her husband ” Cnder s searching cross examina tion. Mrs: Cunningham told ot hei meeting with Liggett six years aao when lu* picked her up In Mnxr while she waa walling for a elreet car. She aleo related vlslta to a house In she central part of the city with the defendant and two week end tripe' one at a hotel at Columbia, Tenn., and the other at Hewanee. Tenn., and num erous meetings In lh# garage of her home and on tbe campus of a nearby college SNIPES FUNERAL AT 11 O'CLOCK &£ , Died ts. gnterday Followtair lll nenn of Several HonthM. Waa «2 Yearn Old _ tv From the home on North Jumei i-tree* at 11 I'dack this niorulnx will be he lid fuueral for Mrs. Mandv Hnlpes, 82, whl fol lowing an Illness of many months. Mrs. George Strickland and Eel) Hnlpes. both of Goldsboro are child ran of the deceased. There are six surviving brothers, M. F. Cox of Gx, 7. B. C. T . Claude and Louis Hill, all of Kmlthfteld. FVTGHY MW.IX!* I.IFF NKNTKM’I. COJ.CMBIA. S C. Jan. 23 (Afi— Charles R. Vaiiglm, of Jacksonville, Fla., who Was .(•filencwl to serve life imprisonment for the slaying of Hatniiel J. Hick lay, noted detective. ~Wgs' taken to the state penitenttary late tisiay to liegin his *eate®c«, - vi'POintfh u> toaaiHstoh ' :o t % WAHItt NOTON. Jan 23. (Ab- Senator HtimiiniiN »f North Varollna, Richard I*. l-tt3V I. of Kentuckv; and I,like .Lea, Teliitessei- puliltsher. Were appointed by Prosldent Cooltdge to day us members of Ihe commlsslou *n charge of the proposed President’s Plata m .NagJtvlUe, Teun, I MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS piici nratam May Switch (rim Inal Waak Afiaad of ClfO IT BStifc Ba*> atom Nat Grantad A BAR COMMITTEE 18 STUDYING PROPOSITION Would Have Extra Criailaal Ter* la February and Ex tra Civil Tern Lain Hornetblng Is likely Halt® do®# about civil court proceeding crtml nal court i® mixed terms of* Ways* Superior court. U appeared yeteer dey. Effort* are contemplated by It* local bar sssoclatton. It waa learwed •o requeet special teresa of OMVt far ’Ysvne undar lh® emergency jedge v.fem One term for rrlmlnal caeee ■ometlme la February would be aek ed. It wae indicated aad aa otva •erm of rlvtl court later la. th® -print would be sought. If tbe spqefiT terTO of court era* not be secured, It waa 1 tamed. It to nrobable that soma member of the General AseemWv will h® agbad t* tutroduc# a hill which would pravtil® that «ton titer® to a two WMtff* mixed tertp, the w#®b devoted t® the trial of crlmlual am®® shall «®m® first. This had been th® loaf te®ad 'tfig custom hut ®| th® tote lagts I#- ture a htll waa peee®d under Vkhb the civil court weeb came tret There ha# hoea cosielderuble dot sat I* fart 100 with thta urwfemiat on the putt of tbe public. fl was learutel that th# toe®! bar unsocial ton baa appointed g commit tee to k I j I J l *, j T MIA W. H. LAWRENCE LOSES APPEAL Supreme Court Finds Lawruues Had Fair Trial far KlMnc Mr*. Parry •» —,. RALEIGH, Jen. *».—H. I.awrenoe. Durham eteteraotor,. who was Convicted nearly • year ago ft murder In the soeoad degree tor th® slaying of Mrs. Annie Perry, Durham trossmaker. and s®ateacad to Si -etini In prlaon. mute eery* bto *ea* lence, the Supreme court ruled today In finding no error In hie eaa®. Lawrence wss found guilty tea . trial In Pit t shorn laajt, Summer, th® evidence - against him botag ctrcute itsntiel The appeal was based oa th® contention of defena® attorneys that Judgs R. A. Nunn. prsgMlag. errud In refusing to grant ® motion for mob .alt of th® cos*. Th* middle-aged dressmaker*® body wa* found In the Cap# F**r rtv- j er In April of last year, a few day® J after two fishermen reported hearing J a woman screaming for awtrey oa thte A vent’# Ferry bridge In Chatham county shoot midnight March 84. Lawrence was arrested April It, vigorously protesting his Innoooucu and claiming an alibi. Maid lu Jail without bond, be cob tinned to direct bis contract log operations from bto cell. GRESHAM BUYS WILSON LINE Owner of Moat Linra Plytaf Through City Purehasm On® toM MOrf wi \ It— 8. T Ores ham. principal owner of several of the bus lines operating I® i iid out of Goldsboro, j ha* purchased the Ootdsboro to Wilson and Wllso® to'Rocky Mount Itnss from Patrick and Vinson, II waa announced yes terday. operation of the lines has now been taken over by Mr. Gresbo.n aad colnrlden) with th# change, announce ment of a bus from Goldsboro to • Hockv Mount was announced. Bus#®® direct th,. Rocky Mount by Wilson leavi" here now at 7:3® and 10:46. In the mort|lag and 11:3®, 4:34 aad 8:30 p. m. Previously bus puseagera from (toldakoro to Rocky Mount had to Wttooa. I