WEATHER. *’*•■*B with rate 'fiNtef u 4 Tan* *•* ■•■*». Wailtator I tarty «*—I to the stale as a whole but tha' county commissioner*, having author Hy in Ihelr own counties, should h provided with nin< llfncry for etrforc jug a closing ordinance. Kx-Hherlff E A Stevens acted » chairman al the meeting an«l N A. Howell of lielfasl community was secretary. The latter'offered the reso lution. While Belfnsi cljisens the majority, there were others pres ent from Grantham, New Hope and other secUous. Pikeville Captures ; Two Straight Games Ptkevtlje's basketball stock ad vanced sharply here 3 last evening when Ihe Ptkcvllte lads won two games, defeating Haulaton 36 to 16 and Hevcu Springs 20 to 16. tn the Kaulston game, W. Ay cock was high Scorer with 8 points while his (eamruntuVinson followed closely with ft point*. Th* floor work or T. Ayctif k"and Miis grare contributed to -the win J. Pccle was high scorer/for Bnuls ton. ;* ■ Miihgrave’, guard in,: also figur ed In Die * in over SovcA. stpriug-t lu litis tilt Vinson was liiglp acor for tltp winners with 7 point*, white Dees was u Close second with &. Kandrrson. Seven Spring's big guti.-fallcl to shoot In this rllfi battle, x POLICE WORKING ON HOLDUP CASE Nvirro Workd (Twer Ruw In * Robbing Ktci'e nf Tom >Howell las al police are atlll at work in an, effort to solve the mystery of the identity of the unknown negro, who HaJurday night about B:3f According to the report made to the police a short time arter the holdup. Howell and J. C Carmack were In th* More together Saturday night whan about 1:30 o'clock a »< range, negro rushed Into the building and In nn apparently excited mannpr, told the men that a nearby house waa being broken Into, Carmack took a pistol belonging to Howell, which happened to be In the store, and ran toward the scene of the *uppo*ed at tempt so enter someone’* home. As noon a* Carmack had run out of the store, leaving Howell alone and weaponless, the negro draw a gun end pointing It at the merchant, told him to get out th# He then reached over the counters, opened th* cash drawer and scooping out the money, fled, police- were told. Neither of the whit# men were able to give an accurate description of the negro. It was said, beyond stating that he -waa "a nice enough looking ■larky.” laical police are of the opin ion that tjh# holdup man was an adpt al the particular trick he used In get ting one man and the only pistol In the store out of th* way. Hy using the hoax of the pretended robbery of a houae up the street, he wa* left In the store with only one man, and h* without a weapon nrXIEH MIMtPPKOPHIATIO* MACON. Ga., Feh. 4. —Charges that he m*lappropriated $60,006 from the Fourth National., Bank of Mitcon to day were branded false by George E Patterson, former executive vice-pres ident Os the bank. Mr. Patterson was at liberty on 825.000 bond following his arrest on a warrant sworn out by i< department of justice auditor. State Senator Ifey could ocn at tend the meeting on account of the" press of Work requiring him ut his office befdre he hurried back to Ra leigh for the reconvening of the gen eral assembly. The resolution adorned at the meet ing yesterday heads ijj>* effort* which were launched ala quarterly confer-, ejicr- of the Methodist church In the southern part of the county more than w vear ago. K.x-Sherlff Steven* was active In securing the passage of * resolution at the conference call ing for a general Hnndsy closing law, The matter was brought up at the recent conference bet weep represen tative* and county comml**lop*rs. end County Com titles I oner Murvtn wanted action taken on It At that time it waa#*ald that the. board of commissioners ho* authority to or der Sunday dosings in -the county/ GOLDSBORO. N. TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 5, 1929 Success Reward* Hoover’s Skill — unij \ A I jpua jU BW | tProokknt-tfect Herbert Hoover etude .*"**• *» tforty-five-poood teiUUlk which fmve him e hard fight bdore Crm K polled eboerd the “Saunterer.’* Mr. Hoover proved MMJwMtUlaiiur the game fuh ialcxa than b*U so hour, WANTS A PROBE -OF STATE FAIR ‘Renolution Offered By I’ernon Os Franklin In State RALEIGH. Feb. 4.- DP) The legU lature waa asked tonight to Investl yate the affairs qf the North Caro lina Htat# fair, said to have a abort age of thousands of dollars, hy a res olution Introduced in the, senate hy W. M. Person, Dcmoogut of l/itnk y " | His resolution calls foivthe forma tion of house and we nut i>'Commit tees to Investigate the records of .the fair In a thorough mauqer. Another Australian oallot bill wa* placed In the hopper tonight, this time by Senator William* of Yadkin. It provides for the repeal \ the ibseli tee ballot and applies to the general dictions only, which are Its two tnajn point* of difference front the (trough ton-Johnson secret ballot measure on which committees nr*- now working II would also make II a felony to vio late any election htw and provide that official markers shall be appointed In rqual numbers from each political party. Before Introducing the revolution calling for an Investigation of the State Fair. s«nnlor Ftrson talked at length on the question of taxes, tie-' daring "that the manhood of North Carolina la bowed down In peonage because of taxation ” RALEIGH- Fefy I ah. 4 —(*»)—The bodies of Albert :er. and his 9 month* old child Were C* j found, suspended from the same rope !at a gralnery al laingley'a home near I , t hin today. * d*. ° ’j Coroner J W. 8 cross said Lanaloy had appnrently taken the child In hla arms, fastened nooses on the rope shout each of their neck* and swung the child and himself from a rafter al •’, • 0 the same time. ■ Domestic and flnanctal worries were believed to bare caused the act. Board Takes Steps Looking To Improvement Wkiteway Goldsboro’s Whito Way will be extended and improved to such an extept that six or seven times more, light will brighten streets under a program latinrhed by the city hoard of nhlermen at thefr regular meeting XL the illy hall lasi evening. J. Andrew Kmlth. named by the laierd to fill the unexplre^-term or the late W S Leroy, w*s duly sworn In ns sti alderman and given the biiitd of welcome by the other mem-’ her* It,nlutton* of respect for the late Mr. Leltqy were read as submit-' led l»y a committee uauted for that purpose ut tlk last meeting of thei board. I Rev < A —negro, asked, iml lei ei -i i it dotnitlon of 155 (■•r tb( Initio- fin wil N'sgrce's main-, taintMl In Ute “Little Washington sec tion of the city. A wholesale nil plant will he erwt-j td i - Hi" Federal {MI company at' John and Griffin afreet under per mission grsn|«Ml hy Ih* board The Federal Co. is represented In this rectlon by tin North tMsie OIL Corn-j pony., of which Messrs Pops and Nor rick are operator*. /••tiny Ordinance Vguln More pn -sure wa* hrought to hear against the cltv present zoning low which restricts the hotldlug of fili ng atullons In certain.district* Hugh Dortch appeared An behalf of hi* mother, and asked permission lo erect a station on the old Ifortcb home wr iter otf WUllgtn and Ash street. Mr Dortch, argued that the present tux on this property inado R prohibitive as residential property, that the erec tion of a station at the point would not add to tho hazard of pedestrian*, | Women Ask Co. Board To Adopt Suggestion As To a County Sanitorium HOLD FUNERAL MR. HOLLOWELL Prominent Hrogden Townwkip Man Died Sunday With ParalyHiii Faneral services for George A. Ild hi»ell. 62. who died at Ilia home In Broaden township near Elevens Mill Sunday afternoon at 6:26 o’clock af ter an lllnvas of only four jtays, was held from the Oak Grove Friend's thurch yesterday afternoon at >:*« o'clock Rev Alfred K. t opelsud. of Woodlawn. offlclnleil at the service* Interment was made in the church graveyard Mr' Hollowed, who was a well known farmer of Ihe Urogden sec tion, was taken wltk a stroke of para lysis aliftut four days ago from which ha never completely rallied. The deceased Is survived hy hla wife, Mr*. Luiza Hollowed and the. following children: J. N. Hollowed, Mt, Olive. R F D . 8; Henry T. Hol lowed. of Malvln. Pennsylvania; Miss Katie Hodowell, of (Hevens Mill. Night brothers" and one slater - -also survive. ' . ' Attempting To Set New East-West Mark • o ' w '* A METRDPfd.ITAN tiIHPOHT, Um Angeles, Calif, Feb. 4 —Cnptgla Fraok M. Hawke. Houston Tex , avla t«w. happed off in hjs Laokhood moo oplane at 5:87:36 o’clock this mea ning on an attempt to break present went to east non-stop flight records of 18 hours and 68 minutes. The plane loaded with 47S gallon* of gasoline gild with Oscar E. Oubb mechanic. a» Captain Hawk’s com - panton. made, an easy take off In a run of about BJWO “f«4t. The plane waa headed east mlmedletely. ENOMEKII hi 1,1. ED MEPARGEL. Ala.. Keb 4.—IAV- Kngluerr 8 C. Foreman, of Psnaacnla. Fla was killed last night witeu the engine and mall car of the Bunnylaad. Frisco passenger train, overturned after running through an open snatch and cra*l)tng Into a gondola on Ihe •Ids here. but that a sons* of Justtr*- demanded tha granting of tb* permit.« i Hia Request was raferred to tfio committee which at the last meeting waa named to conald*rrand study th* zoning ordinance as to Ita present | worth The committee was named aft #r Mr. Rarhary had appearep and gske other than haring to eend tteMl tn an outelde Institution. Th* hoard es uunmlialegmu Unep agreed to t*JM the prnjudel es A bounty sanitarium nnstee nddtaaminti It waa teamed, tad win • 'pmhnhly make a trip of noeaa could be taken tp tM niter, how ever it waa potetga out, eaM Inu* 30th, when the yewUr huAßet HA was the only tetlb of vital ttegar tance, H waa aaM. , chairman L. A. Raney, mid oona mission era Murvtn Bergor. Pete Hi Denning war* All ManafU. at tie moot ing. ' . ’ . DR. CHASEMAY GIVE UP POST Han Offer To HeuA Rmmareh ( oundl At ffhluff* us Mt.* 000 Yeady CHAPKI. HILL. 1 rm>. (tV-Df- Harry Woodburn rhaae. prpstdmM es the CalVerelty of North Carotten. no nonneed today that he waa eeneMer ing accepting n position to head a "research program of national scope." H# would not divulge tha name es the foundation that la making him ted offer, hu* declared that U waa aet tin Rockefeller research council. The fa ult lon offered him rarrte* an annual salary of $26,066 with g liberal retir ing allowance. He leaned the follow ln« ; ) 1 “I hare not decided to reelgn the presidency of the Fnlverstty of North Carolina. "Fhr some months n proposal M head a research procram of national scope has been before as. TVnataro of ihe propose) ta such that R hoe hot called (or Cmler the preen of Cnlveralty hualuaee 1 hare not had the opportunity to glvd tha matter the consideration It do> serves and after mnsult&tton with memimra of (he board of trustee* and with the research group I have €*#•„ Inltely postponed decision and ooaatd •• ration until later In the yenr.” » Dr. Chnae consider* the annooneo* moat of the offer premature and na* fortunate and had hoped to hot* tho proposal quiet until he could make up htu mind, realising, he said, tent public ssnouncament at this time might be subject to iiiiliiilnliifrMe. tlon. ft TWA GIII.N WINNING GREENSBORO. Feb. 4,—giV-A wide search waa In today for Alice Haynee, 18. and Tier eh oh Younger, 16, Greenahoro high,' ateaal girl* who have been mteateß ehnea early Saturday Pol toe In nweeval rltle* have been asked to help treed * ■■ - - *-p*