WEATHER n«a«j and slightly reWer followed .by rains In extrema west TBeads). ~B*d seeds j rain. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 304 ALDERMEN RESCIND CITY’S ZONING ORDINANCE ALLOW COWSTO REMAIN IN CITY - Aldermen In Rescinding Mood And Cow Ordinance Goes Along With Zoning Law TUI* morning you can build a fill ins atation anywhere you want lo In the city, and ao far aa tba local law la concerned, It la all right. Further you don't have to get your cow out ol the city by Murcii I, provided you keep the atablea military. For the Boardof Aldermen hi regu 'ar mld-moutli session laat night were <* ® .n a rescinding mood and before -ad journment came, had up and wiped the sonlng ordinance off the hooka and marched down the hill again v Ith reference to the cow question. Hugh Dortch was on hand to find, out what answer he got to hla request made at tba laat meeting that hla mother be allowed to erect a willing atation on her property on the south east corner of William and Ash street He aaid that he had been talk ing to everybody he could about the matter and that be hadn’t found any one who ohferted. The school trus t.ea, he Raid rained no objection. George Waters. Jr., an chairmen of Ihe committee which had been numed lo confer with the planning commis sion relative to the present toning law, got up to make hla report. The sense‘iif the report was tjiat the plan ning rommlaaion should make a new study of tha city as to Ita needs for a xonlng law and that If the study showed a need for extending the law which hat been on the books or doing away with a part of It that this should be done. JFsa eoeepied and Alder mSrfllmkTn -moved that lire, Dortch be granted Ihe right to erect a sta tion at the corner of Wil liam and Aik. that Mrs. Barbary be given the right for her corner at Wil liam and Ash and that Mrs. Bluell be permitted to arapt a filling station at Center and Ash. The motion, by roll , call, carried six to two. Alderman Robinson Immediately moved to abolish the xonlng ordlnsnce entirely and the motion carried five to three, h'llltkln, Raper. Honey. Rob inson and ycOlenney 4oted yes. and Smith, Waters nnd Bridgers voted no Alderman Daniels was absent The xonlnA ordinance deud and bnr ,!rd. the aldewnen turned to hear Silas Roae make ht regular appearance for the COW contingent. Mr. Hose had been writing around to find out If other cities permitted the keeping of lows, and he found that they do. He railed Richmond, Atlanta. Winston- Salem. Rocky Mount. Salisbury, Hick ory. and some several others, saving they allowed cows, and urged that bossy he not driven out of town Aldermen Kllllkln arose '.o sny that he was of the opinion that he had *,een all the lime, that a man should he allowed lo keep his cow In the" eltv provided lie keeps Ills stables clean He moved that the ordinance saying the cow must, he out of the city by March 1 he rescinded and added a section saying that stables found un aatiltary should he Immediately con demned and the law an-Ihe books to take ciye of such eventualities lie al lowedTO lnke''Ha_£onrse ! __ >< <^' Death C. J. Carroll’s Father At Turkey Prtend* Will .vmpathlso with C. J Carroll In Ui« death of hla father. W D. Carroll, til venr. old. at hi* home In Turkey. N f\. jwetertlay morning at «:15 Death followed a four week*' Itlne.s with heart trouble. Mr Car roll la aurrlved bv hi* wife and three ion. In addition to C J In Oold.boro a* follow.; W. H and J. N.. of Tor lev. and one daughter. Mr. It B Morrla. of Hooky Mount Funeral aerrtrea. followedJ>v Inter ment. mill take place thl* afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Baptl.t church In Turkey. NF.W coin WATF Ce— KAN* I AS CITY. Peb. IS.-fAA—A| new cold ware eent temperature* j downward aa much a* 52 degree* and brought rero wenther j to thl* .action- *g«ln today. Contin ued cold and unaettled weather waa forecn.t for lllaaourl. Kan***. Okla homa. northweat Arkansas. Nebraaka. -jrt* taw*, . a.«gi» i ’. . ■*, i. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE. THEY BUY. . Sheriffs Bill May Be Amended Before Started NO M<PRE I*AY FOR COMMISSIONERS JUST NOW —BLUE LAW HEARING THIS MORNING—REPRESENTATIVE HOOD GIVES INFORMATION AJIOUT LOCAL BILLS In all probability the bill proposing rn Increase In the pay of county <;om mlsaloners of Wayne will not be In troduced at this session of the gener al assembly and the bill proposing to place the sheriffs office on u salary and cpmmlsslou basis, will he modi fied In-tore Introduction. Representa tive (Inrnay I*. Hood,, the week-end, told The Neks yesterday. Aa originally drawn the sheriffs bill would continue the sheriff in his present salary and would ullow the ii fflcs. however, to hear Ihe expense of hiring deputies. Mr. Hood told The News that a study * of this proposal gnd a comparison of It with system* In effect In other counties revealed that If enacted Into law as originally drawn It would make the cost of maintaining the sheriffs office in Wayne gVeater than J,n any of Ihe ad* Joining counties. county Is on the fee hast*. Mr. Hood stated, hut only last week Ihe generarl assembly enacted a new law under which the fees lo the Wil son sheriff were lowered. If a compromise under whlrh the proponed commission tor the Wayne snerlff would h k 1*"" than two per cent can hewftecteS. then It Is prob able that the hill will be Introduced. S*f Hood told The, flews. "Every bill, even local ones,” said ARE OPPOSED TO “SALES TAX a * —n-tr Reprenentalive Merchant# of Goldttboro, Mt. Olive and • Fremont Meet fioldsboro and Wayne county mer- Hiants yesterday moved to oppose en actment of the proposed sales, fax. Thirteen merchants from Goldsboro, Mt. Olive and Fremont met and rego loted about the matter In the chara htr of commerce here , yesterday morning with Representatives W W. Andrews and Gurney P. Hood pres ent to see how they felt about It. The Mt. Olive association sent dele gates who represent 45 of the mer ‘lsnt* and business men of Mount Olive ~ . " - The resolution as adriptetj will be in the natare of a protest against the t roposed sales tax, and a copy of It will be sent to the tpree Wayne men trl the general assembly. Merohalßs who are opposed lo Jhe • ales tax and who were rrot present at the meeting yesterday to he urged to write a letter to their rep resentatives prolestelng Ihe proposed tax. t NINE PERRON* DIE IN EIRE CAIRO, Egypt. Keh Ik. (A*)— Nine persons were killed and 20 severely njured In a fire In a lurge village '•tar Zuzarlg yesterday. A total of 150 housese were destroyed. ' " Injured As Car Hits 7*fee On North William Street Don Howell, white man of I’ike vllle I. in the Ooldaboro hospital aa a reault of the Injuries .ii.taldVd }'**- terduy afternoon about 2 o'clock when the Whipped roadater In which ha waa riding wjth U T HlnnitU, of rteai'a at at lon, struck a soft spot on the ahoulder of the'iro-Wilson highway about 100 yard, north of the Norfolk and Southern rg II road tracka. and era.hetl headlong Into aa oak tree. Hlnnant. who wa- driving the <ar eacaped serlou. Injury. - hut lh»- automohlle wa* bttdlv damaged . Workmen had been working on the .boulder of the right aide of the high way near the cotton mill, and ther were .everal rtepre«sion» at thl i place According to witneaae*. Hln : mint wa* driving at a moderate rwte | ~c .peed. when he ran off the pave I’ment to get ollt of the yrny of a enr . omlmr from the oppo*ite direct loir The clav ahoulder wa* very *«ft ** thl* *P't. H wa* *»ld. and the wheels of the car continued to reer from the J highway, lu spits ol Hlnnant'a effort* Mr. „H»od lij talking about Ihe pro posal for a slight Increase In pay for commissioners of Wayne. "Is closely examined If It concerns expenditures The aj. in -ill t-« i.‘e ol Ihe . einbly I to plvvrnl llK'ieu ojA’ The poHtlca el feci oi < \ priidtlu.-v* is nU l.uiieJ aa said, unt). ilocli •••! tnai ilie'bill an. ffcr a alcb Til, p.r id Vwiviic Com ml s oik i * xn.unl be imlm-h n»m (I to » . a day and ilk- ciiulnimn allowed Iron. s3o<l to 40011 u year would be llltro diu-ed. Blue Hearing Tuiia) The blue law proposal of Missl an.l Andrews lets been referred to Judl- Lflary committee urnnhev 1. Mr. Hoo-1 told ibe .News, anil lls scheduled for a hearing In mho Supreme court room •at lu o'clock Oils morning Tills law would raise the penally for engaging 111 business qn Sunday from 11 to |srt a dpy. H was presented to ihe eembly after a nitlaens meeting hail been held here al which a reeoluUen. king more enforce hie Sunday laws, was adopted. Sheriff K*. A. Btiytn presided at this meeting and when he was In Ooldshoro Saturday he said that If It wgk necessary he Tfas going In Raleigh to appear before the rnin mlttee and ask for a favorable reiairt on the proposed law. Continued on psge 8 Turns Qn Electric* Lights By TTseHadio NEWARK. N. J . Feb 18—(A*)— Pete Branson, airmail pilot, com ing In for a landing after dark tonight while still 2<H» feet aloft pushed a button In his plane that turned op Ihe lights In the airport below him. It wap the first iJrictfcal appli cation of a new principle announc ed only three months ago at Pitts burgh Branson’ billion turned on a wlqd siren In his plune. The si ren blew three shrill hlusts, which carried down to (he field an Im pinged on a s»und sensitive ap paratus that automatically turned on the 24.000.000 candlepnwer flood lights of the Newark airport, easl- of the airmail REBELLEADER AflraPTS INVITE Confederate Veteran General And Staff Will Attend Inauguration MONTGOMERY. Ala . Feh. I*.- OKI —General A T Gmtdwyn. commander in chief, of the United Confederate Veterans announced here today that he-had accepted an Invitation for hfs staff to participate In the Inaugura tion of Herbert Hoover, as president _of (lie United Stales to .turn hack on the road The front of the Whipped crushed'hi to the tree With cou.iderublc force, crushing in the radiator, anti breaking the wtijd thield on the side of the car where Howell waa sitting. Neither of the men were thrown through the. wlnd- Miteld, hut the glut, was llirowir bock Howell - * filer. Inflicting severe cuts. Several men ran from liou*e* near /here ’Jlhe accident occurred, and • nan conk held hi* hand- over the in jured man - , forehead to check the bleeding a. much a* possible until he could he taken to the hospital. Howell would have hied to death be fore the hospital could have l»eep : cached. If a man had not i onilimpg*- - y held hi. hand, over the mo*f dan- 1 •'< roll. cut*, .luted. An odor of ! ’wht.kev was reported To have been noticeable In the floor of the said, and a piece- of a broken nlnt bottle was said to have been found near the car a fern minutes aft er the accident occurred. *1 ’"'111 m a GOLDSBORO. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY Itt, 1829 Charges Police with Gang Killing v ■ Charging that hit agent* through private investigation* had established that Chicago policemen were responsible Ifor Uw massacre of seven gangsters in Chicago, Major Fred H. billo way, deputy prohibition director, caused s sensation. He later denied making this statement sayiug that he still clung to the belief that there was a close alliance between the police aad the satureters which enabled them to maintain epfrationa,^ SENATE HEARS MUCH ORATORY Jim Reed Makes Fun of Liquor - Lnww^MMi' WDMnin Ummtk Answers Him N. WASHINGTON. Feh. IS - (A>)— Two master* so oratory- -Jim. Recti of Mle soarl, and William L Uorah of Idaho —took opposing sides In the Senate today and for three and a half hours] spoke to 0 tensely listening rhnni ber on Ihe prbolem* of prohibitltm Reed denounced Ihe law In a con tinuation of the speech ho made on Balurday. Itorali made a thundering appeal for law enforcement. Neither’ was Interrupted ami Hm- pvonilm- of thrust anti eounlerthrust which had tilled ibt- galleries faded as the Mi* soiirlan walkt-tl over lo the s»ul of the senator from Idaho at the end of tin discussion and warmly grusped hbt hand. Hcetl began his speech by de scribing the law as « "hideous crime". After two he look his seal anti Uorah claimed the floor Heed * ic on Ills feet uguln when Ihe Idahoan had concluded but Senator Heflin of Alabama w«- iilk ;id of him . M'hul ever Heeil ha dliitcndwl to say went unsaid. The silver-haired Mlssoitrlan re tires fro mlbe senate on March ( by hla own dictate and. as If to express an eulogy on behalf of the sepale, Sehator Borah at iht; outset t>f hla re marks expressed regret at the pass ing of the man "whose Industry cour age jind genius have placed him utnotig the foremost men In Ills dsy ysming as usual - beside Senator Sheppard of Texas, the father of the eighteenth amendment. Senator Reed, his fuce flushed, llst'-ued to his col league on the Republican side of the Isle and when be was. unable to get In a reply he over to shake hands with (Torah at the finish. There was nothing personal lu their discussion Reed In Ills measured words plead for state control as lh« answer to law violation and us a means of ridding America of Its “snoopers and spiA". Its "sneaks and criminal* who have been employed with our money to haunt our doors." Borah In thundering tones, his palr dtsshevelled as be shook his head and pounded home Ills points ph-ud for oil serfsnee of the constliutlon Prohibition Is not till probleni of ten days or of ten year*, he said, and "possibly we cannot represent the par of alcohol entirely hut shall we gnr , 'render or shall we fightf' ( He an swered: "light,'-* ———— ■ y~- 0111-TIMI HINHTHEI HIEH WHEELING.. W. Vu„ Feb Isl (4A p- Datinv Devere. R 2. ohl-Ume minstrel ,"who appeared with Frituruse and IWmtt. 1.--w Ikm k«tartar. Mk-G Field land with the "Wlaard of <W’ Itr the 1 original utat, died here Monday nlglit. HOUSE PASSES BARBERS’BILL I tar hern In Townu of Over I,MO I I’nsi.iwm , mard t ■ • ■ v- RALEIGH, I’eh IH.- (AA—TUe "bar ber's bill”, providing for Hcenstng of all harliers lu the slate and Inspec tion of barber shops passed the house tonight without a record vote. It - t> ’ now goes to the senate. The hill provides for a barber's li censing hoard of, three men, appoint ed by the governor to license barber's and Inspect Hie shops. Expenses of the Inspections would he met by a fee of f:i charged all barber*. Before passing live hilt, the bouse adopted an amendment by • representa tive Hancock, Democrat of Granville to exempt barber's In towns of less Ilian 1.500 inhabitants from provisions of the measure. Representative Wlu sfon. Democrat, 'of Hectle, amended the law permitting barbers In the smaller toWint to come under the prii rlsintiH of the bill If they desire, and' another amendment by Williamson jo make bill apply 1o all barhem In Bladen county. Irrespective of the population of the coinmunltlen In ■ which they operate. ~ ■ INHHIHI.iI HE U IIUK NEB YOltk oi- 9 :j t CTRTIBF FIKf.D, N Y . Fetv 18 t/Pi Col Charles A Lindbergh, Gy ing fmui Washington landed ut Cur tlss Meld at S:O7 this afternoon. Older Boys End Sessions With Report of Findings The tenth ..annual Older Boys con- Icrence came lo un end in the city Sunday morning with 9 final session a* the i Irsl.Haptlst Church A mmter ein-c sermon by Rev. A J 'Smith and ibe report of tha findings commfttry filled tile Huai session. The report of the findings com mil tee Is as follows Mrs’ 11. It iv-olved that W•- desire to express our appreciation to the plemltd folks of the of Golds boro for so corilially' inviting us to Ih- their guests during these days and Hr their bounteous hospitality which lu:* made po>-s(T,|«- the bolding of I hi* conference, 0 u « Hocond; Hum- we wish to express oiif «*4<4? to I>r for Ing time out of Hl* ba*y ll(e to give ns the slimulntlnn nnd ln*plration which he brought at the opening *es rioH of the conference Hsv KroUh. 'Senator IhAMj p i other speakers for,,irtelfJ i;itorus 1 and support Third;.Thai wo are grateful for the] Lad Killed As He Steps Into Path oi Automobile OFFICER# HOLD ACCIDENT UNAVOIDABLE*- -FATHER OF • HOY KILLED BY ALTO SAME SPOT SEVERAL YEARS A(IO—FUNERAL TODAY A figurative holt of lightning at ruck for the second time, within a rhort distance of It's striking place about three years ago, on North Wll street her* yesterday afternoon about l:16 o'clock When Gordon Johnson. » year old eon of Mrs. Mull er Johnson, was almost Instantly kill ed when be was struck aud knocked to Ihe pavement hy the Chevrolet s« dun driven by Mrs. Herndon Tuttle, of. this city The accident was believed by witnesses to have been nnavntd tide. About three years ago young Gordon's rather- Waltdr Johnson, was killed while riding on a bicycle In the next block north of the one In which the son was fatally InJlrad yeeterday. Gordon, who waa ihlrd grade ,'npll In Ihe William atreet school, waa on hla way hftma, It waa said, and waa walking along rapidly luau effort to catch up with eome aC his school mates, who were a IJUIe ahead ol him and qp Iha other aide of Ihe etreel. As he reached a point almost directly In front of the Montlcello upartmeitts. he started across, the straet. behind a parked car. It was said. When the child darted from be hind the car. Mra. Tnttla applied her brakes aa quickly as possible, but was •00 dose to the boy when she saw him lo avoid striking hJm. Tha lltlla' boy was struck, by the front of the Fatal Plane Wreck WINSTON IK AI.EM, n c., reb. 11l —Raed Lai ham 1 2tt, was killed and Fred O'Hrteu, 20. waa aerioua-, ly Injured when an airplane la k which they were Hying crashed M Miller Municipal art port here thtp afternoon. Latham, son of tha Kuperlnteudent of M'ltisloo-Kaleio schools, owned the Ulan* and fa bellevad to have been piloting It a» ihe lime of the accident. O'Brfen was still unconscious j at a late hour tonight, physicians aaid. HARDROCKWILL PASS THIS WAY Itunion Dtrby Rac«r Runninn Ejtomi Hurlinffton To Wotthington u W*,'"'" •• t» “ RALEIGH. Feb IS -oP> Paul Hardrock Blrapaou. Marathon runner, arrived here tonight at S:v7 P. M. at Ihe en dos the first lap of his Hurling wn-M’ashlngiiqi, North Carolina run He left Burlington at 7:15 A. M. Simpson will go to Wilson tontor-' row. ih enext rlnv to Washington and start 'back Thuratla) with his day'* run ending at Kinston. The fifth night will Ih- spent In Utaytou with the »alx day find him hark home m* of the Baptist church. the Com munity Building, the cooperation gtv <** by the newspaper* of the city fact to all who have iu ally way helped to make the conference a success, en recially Mr. Hartshorn, who an chair* tuun of the entertainment committee ha a worked so untiringly to make as comfortable and huppy during oftr stay. * f i Kumnjurlxlng the reports of the secretaries of the various groups yt.ur findings oommittee has crystal led nut the following’ * definition of the Quest: H la a reaching oul ly the Individual soul to rundel purpose for It, That the heat way to pursue the Quest Is •o iiltalyle life and try to dtarover Its Meaning for you and the other fellow. No Individual ever reaches the goul If his quest because It Is ever beck oning onward and upward. We sho«M )*ad. Our conscious or unconscious b-sdershlh will Influence the other tellpw bf |fi* Quasi for Ufa's \fean (CoatiMsd Ob Page Thrwa} MEMBEROF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PUCI ffIYR own tar. and wu* knocked to the pave* meut The blow on hla hood, which reaulted In death. waa teUand (0 have been cauaad by itrlklgy IM jmvonient The wheel* of UlO car did .nl paaa over any tka body, It "uild, and no othar aarloua Injurte* were auatalnad. Mr*. Tuttle jumped from bar car a* toon aa aba »t upped. and rawlM u> the child, picked him* up to Mr era# About till. Um*. Or C. Ulea raathad the ecana, and with tM M* iiatanca of Yalverton, HI ttk Ut la hoy In Mr* Tuttle* oar and oar -1 led him to the GoldaMrn haa*tal He dlad, hoaravar. ahortiy altar .tM hoaphal waa raachad. Mr*. Tuttle waa atpra* proetmted with' Krlaf wear tM accMtagt. H waa earned last even lap. Offtoara MM • hat the incident waa aaavotdaM*. Funeral earvlcaa for ItHln Gordon will ba held from tM hoMn at Ml South Hloeumb atreet this afletnoop rt 3 o’clock, by Rev. A. J. HmHh. pap' lor of FI rat Hapttat church. tor ment wIU ha made la WWpe Gala .emetery Pellbaarere will M Harman Hlnaon. Towing Owataay, Jack Hardy and Albert flotttMrUUM|. The child la aanrlved by hla audhr rr and soar brothara, CMttaa.. Jn*. Earl and Thtwataa. ■* . , , MorHKR ISSUED^ “■s^rs^J^r In a complaint, fllad In tM MM* Os Ihe clerk Os ccnfrt M*« yentcrdcf, i« daughter. Mary IdMrtn I#*e. id aeeklnk recovery of I from Ms mother. Uiuvenla Rot arm and nth ere, alleging In the complaint tMt thiC amount 1# due her on eeooant of hlk agreement between the and Mr fath er. William Henry Roberta, prior, to hie death. S . According lo the complaint, on lober 11. IMS, William Henry M>>|Hh died, leaving hie widow. ,soM|i|flf' Roberte. ead all children an Mint The defendant, ixjuveala Roberta, wan duly appointed and qtiallMd no od* mlnlatratrlg e. I. a., of har haaMnd’o estate, It la enld. f ; f ’ Th# plaintiff * allege* 'hot on or about January J, IMS *M entered Into « verbal agreement with Mr tcfh «r. whereby »he we» to leave Mr home In Durham and. come and Men •Kith him eitd perform aucit dwMOe and provide neceaaltte* for hla Hfo. According, to the complaint. tM fath er agreed 10 jtecure her with a aert* gage deed on g houee and lot at 4d# Pchool at reel, In recognition at Mr aervlce* The plaintiff allege* tMt aa a reealt of ttal* agreement, tM do* fondant, aa administrate!! at IM an* tate. la Indebted to h«r la the amount of and although aevornl ro ciuealN for paytnen# hive Keen made by Vbe plaintiff, they have been re* , fuaed The full amount, with Internet from October 11. IMS, le naked tar tn the Mutt, . <r ~ s y STOCK MARKET GAINS SLIGHTLY CaH Money Rate Is fjMMrat h, With Heapondinff Effnet On Stocks NEW YORK K«*h. 'l* wave of tkiaidntloa that carried score* of stock* dtrwp II to SM a share laat week aa a reault of tM Federal reserve authorltle*’ efforta It curb vpc. ul»'Ion apparently apent R* kelftmlny. and price* made a rocwlar recovery The day** galnn la tM ac tive taane* ranged fjr It to (14 a “hare with abort covering inaplred hy the lowering of the cell moaey -rate from M to 1 per celt, aa impatient factor In the day'e bperetloo*. Coßhl.lei able wae ctltl nppurn,: over .the credit »Uu*tte<a,fbud there «.r frequent ehlfta tn tNM during th* day. J„ Jpg jM 4 . .st

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