PAGE TWO Congress Occupies Constant Attention Os Secretary Hyde „ Arthur M. Hyde (Hill Merit* I«f Ur coagralalalloas of former • » NwnUr) Janllae of flu* depurt- Mlt if agriculture. ‘"I ■■■■"—#■ v By HUSK I. tyUUK (Associated Press Fiflm Editor) WASHINGTON (A*) Already - 'amped an “outside" man because of hs multifarious flat lona be must ptrfact between hls department, other '■ranches of tile federal government and the public, Arthur M. Hyde. tli> new secretary nf aßrlculture. has glv <u the undivided attention of hta first lays In of’lce to agricultural prob lems before congress Senators and representative* wrest line with farm relief and readjust ment of agricultural tariff schedule* hare been constant callers, luaamurh , as the aanretarr will he dlrectlv re aponaible for the relation of the ag ricultural department to whatever farm aid measure Is enacted by the - special session of congress. Mr. Hyde baa announced himself In complete understanding and accord with the adminlatrotors views on farm legls 'atlon. Because nf the urgent outside con tacts, Secretary Hyde baa had lime to confer with few of his division di rectors and bureau chetf* It has beeu made bnpwu unoTiclaTTv Thar be anticipate* no Immediate reorgani sation of bis staff. Various agrlcul tnrai Interests actively favor the r<' vrntton of pfraaani''impart went heads and their poltcls*. While the seers ' tary baa not tqdleated hls attitude on tbe conduct of the departlnent, the report baa gained circulation that he considers the machinery adequate and Ua function efficient. While several; Important readjust neat* are expected to he made to 1 meet the demands on the deportment under the farm relief program. H I* Indicated that with the possible ex ception of an aaslstont secretary, the directing personnel will not be ma terially affected. c Concerned chiefly ‘over the depart ■■ * ■ 1 —• HUdr Yequl Rebels ' {■■■ 'i&f* 4 >9 Njh jSSI { MMM . t « v a#?-: '* ■ m AC«b \ .. jjf- S I B I I*y his men and noted for hit rigid discipline. General Ramon YhCupiuo, above, com mands the yarn nun of 4<o Yaqui Indians, famous for S their fighting qualities, in the „ t defense of Aqua Prieta,! Mexico. Ile Yrfijui Ituliang have joined forces with' the ,1 y i J ell>ell under General F.scuUr. PC'tS gtstoi.Ciie n I i r,tent's relation* with Ibe public, dm to tbe strategic position in which I! ts plated by lip- attempt lo alleviate agricultural Hls b* legislation, the eerctury find* swamped with iiutle* of an administrative amt exeru live nature. Thf avxlatant secretary -rill be charged directly with Internal C activities o.' th* department, student* , f the situation deflate. , Significant of the trejnendous In , igreot In agrlcuttun Mi Hyde* In duction Into office was attended bv • Ire largest gathering that ever greet * 0 ed a new chief of the department Member* of tbe *ennte and hou*» t;gjli iilturul committee*. Washington -cpraxenlgt vt* of farm organization* nnd private agrh ultmal Interests were among the more than ?U ( * persona who filed Into the sec retary's offlre. - * l T ntll he "got bis, sot-t on tbe . ground”, Mr. Hyde declined to disco** 1 either the piddle dr Inside affairs of the department lie made only the s iitenient u that the administration j was prepared to solve the agricultural pioblem and that personally he In tended lo do hls “level best" to direct the full cooperation o' the department Into Channel* that best would serve lie pnbltc need. i M inn figTiFujct iTo^s snow illtJ nTEEAitr WASHINGTON. March I** —,/V, Collection fr*. e tncoirr t*x •e;v>rt/t ( iv the *ll i-y on March 15 amount** I to SM,SIf ,847, bringing 'be tota: f t (he mon.h rs March lo $1 iU,34W.Hi'i, «c I :i crease of sS.tiof»,oo« over tbe si u' . i pcrtcwl Inst year. i 7M r i - i pi,/ A—-' \ h^JK^Spir’btf-j*j.,, , w ,t a'4i’|« - ■ *£.' •* > 1 Greater Car •* t Lower Prices «■ THK new Dodge 6rother# Six is inde/d a super-value—^ . Oe mort • for -tkr- money ear — not only when compared with ""*""""""7*j any previous Dodge Brother# creation, hut with any car, that ever sold at or near it# price. All that this Miperh car apftcan to poshes# —in stamina, in dc|>endahility, in roomy comfort —is emphasised the moment vou observe it in action. See the new Dodge Brothers Six—drive it— h lps||l then only can you appreciate its extraordinary worth, CT vv Eight Body styles: *945 to *ioor> f. on. Detroit Douse Brothers Six , Motors product _ • - :. Spence Motor Co. Y> <» i ■ - ■ 1 ■' ■— ■«■ <4 ;.-■ , , » " fur GOUWftORO newr, goi dsboro. n. c._ Behina the Scene in Hollywood , li) IMIKIfTHV H'EIIOH M ypyrbrbt, IMH. Premier Nj ml irate | 1101,1,YU (K)0 In patasiug: Note from the C. A. lot beadllnod: Prof. Rhelntiargi sells for Europe ufter con ference with S<bench. < rltb-ul Mlualßna About « year or so aao. Actors' l-b)Ulty cmleavored to awtubltsfi a Hollywood branch for motion picture the project 'inasmuch us 3p unlonlsa tlrtn there ls jaiwer At tbe crucial moment the project crumbled and the actor* continued their lone wolf course. Today, judging from tire trend of conversations, the playart* realise unionization would be Ihefa- salvation The foreign Invasion ha* been de feated. excepting the Knglbdi contlng ent, and they are lo he reckoned with It was some three years* ago that English actor* flocked to Broadway, following In tjje succeasfuj wake of Hiich sterling countrymen io* Beatrice l.jlllc, Gertrude lawrrni*. Jack Buc hanan et al The Influx was charac terised by mediocrity and n willing ness to ncct•|lt , less salary than Am erican players. Actors' Equity step ped in to protect the American ac tor. England protecffcdfcr own just as efficiently. There Is Jn Hollywood a marked Increase of Eughsh players, a number of whom art- willing to ac cept less salary than ordinarily paid I ay this in no spirit other than ro portorlul But the situation what with talking pictures and the influx of stage emigres I* very serious for O the Hollywoodlnn* Most of the re cruited Htagelle* arc member* of Ac tors' Equity accustomed to Its pro tection In circumstances portending to salary and working hours. As con tract screen players, however, they | take orders and learn to give more than forty-eight hours weekly lo the sludio. The more farseelng screen trouper Is worried. There are approximately three steady producing studios hare Warners (which haa taken charge of Klrsl National); Vox (recently merg ed w-lili M O Md; and Famous Play r-Ta t'tilted Art Isle. I : nl versa I and B I K. O v have longer production lull* I than the above mentioned three With so ltiaitv s«re«'n mergers on tup. work sources for player* nre dlntlulshlng, which Induced a kecn mlndsd 0 picture-It# to proKiiosthale: Klrsl, Dial the lime will come and not lit lhe future—when last ing for plctUTf* will Ik- done through « i C 2 .”,3 rFA"-. H « ■■ ■ HKATRIt't: 1.11,1.1 K Ihe iv-ntrul cusHng offices insofar a freelancers ure concerned. Centra] casting I* the Will Hays' or I'rmluc pr*' Association That this will re sult lu the personal player's repre- H'ntailve fading Into the discard. That Up* first producer to ask lor a play er will get hhu, regardless whether a second producer phones later and offer* Jiiin more money. This would mean salaries being lowered by pres sure or by circumstances. It yvould make the actor even more dependent upon the producer. Not. luiud yoU, that the producer Isndt churm|ug I llieicli I nil it ate Hie ai'lot's iletfnse les* position. Certainly a revolutionary change Is formulating In Hollywood, Even before a year bus elapsed the ch.uigs may acutely effect the moHou pic ture actor who's career has been har nessed to the silver sheet Industry. It Is u possibility■ that ever looms more darkly to him who hitherto ha.- gone, fraa heartc*ily (HI Ills greuse paint way ‘ <3 HCHEENAEITIKS: Nmlurnaf klt tlien -*!(.(—t - aaa- Imgliiniiu: tu h* jk« I fail lierea'bout*. ’Tot her eve. after :i 4 a , party, Gloria Swanson hustled a group to her house for a scrambled egg re past Eddie Gonldlng. James Ford nnd dlurry D'Artrast were In tho party. They decldcil to gel another fem or two and gave Hutli Chattel-ton a 2:30 a tn. jingle. But Ruth had to work the next day. so she returned to pleas- ■nr dream*.! L* Swanson happened to traipse ui->tsifs and there found Ixilk Wilson ■ >uM astswp. I-ola having dropi»ed m earlier In the *v*. uo ahe was mol' d to kfteban. where a light repast "a* munched By all ; . . May Allison Quick haa penned a delightful stork ii -trket yarn that appears to this mouth's Cosmopolitan. The t:pl ony read It with gusto* In the event one can read thttaly . . . Hostile Jajve ainl Kdilfta Koy lunching at ye Kont mnrire. Beaaie will be honor guest at a I 1 rljr given for her at the Break fast i lob tomorrow eve . . , Gene Hum riaes to sigh: “Ood aave the him:: tba Queen ran take cure of her- • If.**- He may or may not be re ferring to poker . . May MrAvoy Is soria getting ready for her marriage In Jmia. *lay hasn't worked for some | Ilim now That's the Village for you liusiiag and lulls and vice versa. . Jimmy Hall visiting Merna Kennedy on ilie “Broadway'' set. Jimmy wore a pair of brown spats. ,Now. Jimmy! • Betty Brownson and Blanche -saet playing tenuis on a franklin ill . one court . . . l>at»y Rulh Miller ami Tay Garnett, the director, apeed liiy down the boulevard. It looks serl i us,- • I * S ' * ■ ’ *'■ 77. , .< * -<. ;J . ‘ * i - ' , *s -G o ’ . ** Doctors, health bureau*, med- . teal writers, constantly advise oranges and grapefruit —ingen- • ■ * erous daily amounts—to build ' up the body’s alkaline reserve necessary for protection against “flu” and common colds. Re f't: member, smaller sized Florida !w- Grap.‘fruit and Oranges ars I : '-j> - very Reasonably priced under ,» - - '~ 7 Just arrived from Florida! Just in from the suppy Florida groves Mor-juce Oranges the best buy for thrifty houaewivesl For every Mor-juce Orange is so sweet, so brimming full of delicious juice that it gives a wonderful juice value for the very reasonable price you pay. Look for the name Mor-juce on the wrapper. Buy a dozen or more today the „ low price will surprise and delight you. Mbis juce Oran *s -;.:' . DRIDA » >jtr:• . \7 C't; i xcmanor |« M i-N ' v. .-A.Keoa.oa . «• -* * IMb 1 (Mjal. BO ,Is 1- ibutorv (it Mm-Jure IJ | ll! !L r(I .a! I Grapefruit, and j fruit and Tangerine*. PATK-DAWSON CO.—*t a 1 Distributors '% iii | FREE ROAD SERVICE anywhere within 5 miles I IS & L TIRE CO. | WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH iO, l»** STE AL BODY OF | FIuOYD COLLINS Vandal** Take Remain* of Man Who Died in Cave Out of Caaket HORSE CAVE, Ky.. March 19.— 1 if) --The body of Kloyd Collins, stole,;, from Its metitl' and glass casket I Costal Cave, where it was oh exhth lien, was found tied In a burlap war about I«0 yards from the cave- her thU afternoon. . f ItloodhojundM l|d seurchers who In-[ Ciudad sheriffs of three counties loj ,iie body. It was hanging over a bunk | jf the Green river, reports said. No j motive for the theft could Ik* addunl by the sheriffs. Accardlug to ad-: t'ces received by the county attor ney either hud been dlslntergrated or ' had been mutilated. The 17 day bailie to save the life | of Floyd Collin*, when he via trap- j ped while exploring Sand Cave stirred tl.e nation lit 192'. Rehef wdrkera buttled furiously to reach the Imprls' (, but before they could re j ■» ase him CoßJns was dead. Plant Shrub* NOW! Beautify veur baiM uad enhance ita value wRh Iwfdjt fsiimn, Ski ska, Vlwm. **ke4g!fW**t Ik. fralu, SrrrWe. et*. ww f ti— t. ate nt* W. •anetWa »sited (• ikw maul *.y« *»»•«* •* •••#' ****** ~~.y.tAy-w wsalwli—■ li|K * (ruler *s ****** - —»»«iw Hav jimis mw ml t Write let or fee rear fretsaw# J, U WATKINS A BttO. f_g<h*!gkj& I 3; BiuouftNkan I

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