WEATHER Shower* Thursday and Interior' Wed nesday. fooler In Interior Wednes day and In estreme weal Thursday. , VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 37 CITES NEED OF RURAL EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Gardner’s Address Is u ■% Feature Second Day Os Eastern Carolina Show H|R’i|Kh of Seclion as Example of Non-Food I‘roducinK Agriculture * GOLDSBORO GIRLS I*l T ON CHORUS LAST NIGHT • • • Governor Makes Su lines turn Thai County Chambers of Commerce He,Developed (Special to The Newsi FARMVIU,K„A|irtI !• "Suture de •xlyned Eastern North Carolina to h nn agricultural paradise and such It can be made," Governor O. Max Xiurd nr told the utti'tiduiits pi tii-■ Ku*| ••rij ('nrollna Chamber of Coinineii'- afternoon. In the llr-o a<J dress in the eastern part of the Mali since he van Inaugurated ns Nnrih Carolina'* agricultural Governor Governor. Gardner a icdriri-ss wa* tin outstanding feature pf the s»eond da). ,< f the Ex pofi!lon. wliltli rom }••» crdny* and today's attendance bid' fair 1o i t new recowl® The tweiitv I live, voting Women of Goldsboro who tool part In the ell nr It a < oitipeHtlnu Plaged between cities of Eastern North Carolina won nnirl) praise. Ilow of them bail escaped the eye of Kin i'.bgteld. John VV Holmes. platform manager. »nld he didn’t niider-taml Got Gardner -aid Hint lb- eontri lotions of Ayeock. Hlrkett rls' lt end” McLean eueli cuitMll iit»d a dis Mint ijaln In a eertain direction, with out corre*»ondl»y in ■ <ji her J»- portanl activities, statin* that lie hop ed to contribute some part to the tip builtllne of- agriculture in the State "Our problems, a* I see It, |« oto «f Const rnetfbn. rather than relief,” Governor Gardner said Governor Gardner poj^t»d’out that Eastern North Carolina glow-- more' It bacco In neat the lop In cotton and sections oP It lead the nation in pro uuctioii and of *oy beans and peanuts While She area ranks first In the Cull 'd States In valui of crops produc ;< unnuallv, the yaltte being Jl’.nOo.tinn " Ith the Increase lit farms, lie po lit* •d out. Is also nil increase In arm tenancy., more than two-thirds of. thi Fastem North Carolina tarms tmlng operated In* tenants. "Neither tenants nor landlords are to lie blamed' fm Gw Seilsti in i of tepain y Inn it is a" patent fact that a -high level of rui'i < 'tlzenslilp cun not lie built In an an of excessive ten.m. " 'o :,| '•'l stand today tn tin very heart of the world's leading example of a— MB*f(Ml in odm ina t> p, oi’ lure", said Governor Gardner, acting fipures to show the section's deflcl • Pcjo In livestock and dairying. "The I!*- > census of mri'li iiltitie .reports 2K3.1K2 taints In North Carolina. <U this number. |.,li,liti| farms did not have a mill, cow; 11,1. UK did not have . a ho* on the faint; 17:i,(15 produced I sTo hav or oruge" lie said It tuke one thud of the income from thi slate's leading crop to p,n tbe lor ill " 1,.- at I "North 1 nrollna ‘ends out of .the •stale carp year around f S.Ul.'Hlt' OOP fi r Imported food and foo l supplies," In said In pile of (be tai l tpal lb' Ftate b.l the sm unit l.iii'c t lltimliet of farors. tbe -eeond la ire-'t fat in population and two third- nt her pop u'.itlnn on I arms. v. hell termed "A lines' peculiar - uintloe" ll<* said "I am • convinced I lint Cn Sfijl." i an not on 1 y be self-feedlftit I• • r ft tli t it could profit from t'o- prod in lion O so ul Sipd feed ilbpllo. \ t i out Van a Hurd to liny from abroad Ihlnzs (lint be ran prodni* more cheapiv „on tin- farm Master Farm t'la ale hival Itibh live it borne farm t’f«" • Fpi nklnit of she apnallin* lack of * 0 food. pretTm-ed til the Slate, especldllx reset rlue til )' a ' uivton apples rout lit* 'ii while Viii'i' ( • dm i allows tb Jvorld - to rut till the *round, he said Importing veget ptli . Into North Carolina I n comic net with traffic results” Tit" United State* Department of Agrloii'Mtre pro pounced Eastern North Ca d'na rift'"’ snrvev ln 1 ? Its natural raaouri e«, "th» future winter garden of America". He referred with : II pleasure to the new fickle faeti rv project at New Bern savin* 1 1. i; a va«t Imlttsti fg.m he built up 111 preserving. • "ting and pu klitlK fruits and vpge'.ib'- While Kaetern North Carolina cannot r nu- ConUnued on pat* twg j THE GOLDSBORO NEWS IlllfAD IN 'THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRKSH—READ BY BUYKIIS BKKOIIE THEY BUY. GREEN PLEASES THE KOTARI \NS New lk*rn ( ill A-n Entertains Them anrf Ur. Voder ln • Htrurts Them The Gold-boro Hotarv club wa list ulKht cnterlalne'l by t Green of New lleru and lost (in ted by” Hi V'xler of .-inltorluUi, Mr Green, formerly of ■•oldsboro started It* pr..maui with a humurous soli* about the "IHd Tow n i lali’ >o and, W a otf to a ifteen mlllllte -trnliin of wit, most it applied lo ttono uiemlifT ol the Rotary Club "It was to, good as apv VMliduvilf lilt 1 imve hi ard le' eiitly wa - tic common! ol otic Hot art an alter the t ee'ltlff • "lb. Gol-isboro i tub re'inlly nt lliirli Waldrop to pul o.y a p-ocraiu 111 New Hern," I’restdent l; I . Sleviyi lohl Mr. Green lor the dub ".'ltd ni“m utrs of 'lint dull have told tile tlyil ..ov efljoved it tboviuiy dv I hope ant word will *n buck lu New Horn. Mr titeeii. Unit folil-boro lia mo.' 'I an V.v 1 0J'd the ruceram uni yav" t'>lllßllt/- .< • ' r» . Tbe full .offer I* of •she wbryTculo-ie "dine, ttov Induy ill Wax lie coutify s< boids ■ will not bei felt until ten or fifteen vejr«' Inter, ’•ei htruil Dt Vode " In dlxi itoitni: lb work lie is doing in the county Set -ncir ha - iHseo v '■! f I Ilf tf l ■. bill’d ’ ba l it Is eXpoMire to flic « thin, eb l l booil that brings down the vaun* adult In to lu years later with tuli-r .Illosls The cu.e 111 till- di-e.i •«/’ be tol ltl lift Ai.i a deiuu'ds upon Ilf s'lige «l which t l eatnu lit i-, begun If tlisCovefed while ill tic illdpeill 'SIT a>wswt u; purcem r>- Vhe ease • it it be i lit ml Jack .Smith was the eos of l.csllr 'V'" lat tin nieelloy l*iid' llt Bob ;’.levenw amu HMi red that the uom*nat u ‘tl* cpmniltlee yxoiild make Its report it i lie next meeting and that tli" elet ! f>u of officers would be gone Info at ■ I at 11 tin- i Hugh Waldrop, cjialrpian of the on to HaUdgli program, anpoittii oil that •be maiorffy of the ruemteer- of thi I|b were pi itiuini' t <( at’etid Hie dl ■riot conference in If.'tl'igb, ypt.l ;f,-2 f,. \ Utt GtiF.S to KIM lit IIST KOI IT I’IKHCK. Fla „ April !• lb 'lilted Hlates Sella! cl di‘< I S Vitre of i’ 1 vanla was «n route |’lnebut;st, N C , todav alter -pend i* tour mouths recovering front a paralytic stroke at his winter Ti<|in<- It St. horo. FIVF. S’FltlSH IN If IMH I Mil I AKHON, < (dorado, April '' Five putsons were burned to ilaath at t| iandi houtm 20 mile* southwest of ii*i* ii i fire of otiflelerml lui• • j '*.h! nl«ht. Mr and Mr«.Tlark Thrlp ~ 'ho ( hihlrrn Hint *« him) lianrt wer«*j !■«»*-«• who Uv. Mexicaa-Rebels In Full Flight Before Federals .11 AHF.K. Mexico ApiiJ o' IV A|i- 1 p»frintlA in full light Judo! t.tie Vli.-kl . •rlolix K.e(b’t:il vi»i o! i • mal .In.'.'! Al-ma/.iiti flic t evoltltlotiarx loti. ?, today seemed to Ne pbiujllng thy -v4(x i.aMiiu ot 'lie ett'lri 'tali' ol t'hl iiUbu.i 'it (iri’|»a t.atlon t”i a final} to t oe“ onmut tn- (■: xx i Soniira. lilllbpla. e of tbe r*d)ell: ti Ueports re ejxt'i here said Federal) ,1 Vi-i-- had on ";a "*i f ’ll '. -i I. ' ' ii.llewin* it- e'acuatlon fix the t-l'td- j Hacked ag.iln-l the wall thi Intel' 1 national boundary of tits 1 .g tit" iti ! ait gent command ‘appavebtly wm' p enning also to viebl the <!'v , 'e uez lo ttiv- Federal fore*" and mo 1 I >d wes'war'l :irro<*s tie aiiinta nl tbtiyl- to ion .illdat* with ieh-1 rant-. utits to Sonora and there igrry out ■’ • i slnpaigli to overthrow g ill" ■ erumeftt. i General Kscobar, military dictator -In '-X o'.’ft .’Ol 111 '’ 1 tg'XX a' d 'lo I w ”.'t with (lie vlvugU'id o! hi- a ... Ant ,ij>i:i »x»iii.i'»*ia :MK»b ,n»* iUi line I »nir tr*W f»»i !o«it through lii** ■ l» i » uuua uiuunuiiu titn.'ou.Y «4'uipr > This Bomb Was Meant to Kill Roosevelt l "rr — mi *■ This picture shows tits Ixttnb that was in ended to explode in t lie oftice of Governor •toosevclt, but Which was made a dud by Jhc >rompt action of a post oftice porter \vtio stamped out the fuse which he set of! when he struck the infernal machine while cleaning up. The homb was to constructed that an iilUHf.iUdtt explosion would have re su 11 c d \v I ten ALLEN PLE-YSEI) win! lii^spoNSi: »> . i Says Hrummitt Repl> rivars l p Number f>f (|u«ilinns As to Sc'umil Act 'Kpei ,ul to Tin’ New t I! 1.1-.11.'1. pi. • V!!' I. .(D • . i 11l 111 Lml 1,... ! I-. 11 ! I ■ t i ave appeared In tb" in"* X SAlt Caro ' m* tliord law have bin deared up t v the nt'»w er < to 17 uue <t ion .. out <>v I'un -or Ton uuestlon* -uhm ‘tt''d try cwtwl x" ai|ii l at'li'lldetiti b. AltU#«»x ! GePerul Hrunimtti > 'Sterdiiv", aid l» j A. T Alien, id ate Sii]n-rintytidi iit o i'ljblb: lie true.ion today. Mr. Hnimmitt bad a k'd the teiidi fl'» to wiittnill questlond to him and coniMiitlei' of »iip>-tuitcrid»iil-. coni , fused at Bit' Kunderburg, Fuyejte Cl"; W' II I’lttnißP Tarloro, I. S. hd ward*. Trov .1 T. It ■rulin', to Ida mini, and -I I Webb. * fix ford wn ■ tKfned t> S’ at" Superintendent Allen' and wort-<-d w ? 'ilti It in In ro relatiny and ( mid'sisltig Hi' 'Jf"i fir .'in' l 'files fMtis asl.fd, '"to IT «io* lion “tine <•! she big t|iU’*|(on/ w i- in eluded lu section 13, which seemetl ' > pin i ; tb" leai ii*-!' in -|tedal lax disArktN "ti 'i" itm tniwtN »t• G tcaeti , i - in otil< e.'ti-tib lei. both as to in and teal lie I load, lint Mr. Hrumttiit t cave a very ,a’tabu tmy explanation 0 ■ lliat iiiii'-i in;. ' -aid Mr \fli u "Another (|UI‘IIII|I of lrnp«*i l.ili.i ■ to lbi‘ ft adiet s |k cuntair ed in S c. lim ,i and 2.. wlttdi Mi HrupimtiT " ms we red wiiU'sfftet'iritv. In lac', all V U ■it the mayor (incKiiiins line been an -.wind a'.'t *■- *re NOW . wbls to pr ' ned op add ground V waited uu I:! thi -e - pi.- ti : "ill to tnaki* niv state. incut, f"' I wanted tin- opiubm of the Attortiex tienernl is n basis before (i mrncii' ilig Mr. Allen s.jld. "Tbe ifue-.! on -of Imw tar tbe I oatd of Eouuli/.Bllnn will go In tbe examl iriwttri" f on fee., i w *• j hi t!*«<" Sw?rr» mmiutiHtTH in Mtu) lii'Mikc f*x* |t*>tn«*nf i»! f v ;nl* «i in thi < I V wSllHt r»ll to Ihr Lt’lU’ifi it f ♦*AS nt \ -ity* ,!>.!» I«»|D*VVIHK tlh* .l!l i\g»l c»l ir iicrH! i rtiaYfii. govyiHor of ('hlliua j ‘ iiii at the lo ad of ■ il hundred !%t |i . ■’ I. • ,• ". ' ,1 •■ 1 ! to * ■!" , k " ll;i:i'.i a I tii■ .■ - j f!gli "■ 'f ttti> .''"Oit! e I. ■: * \ . | • ,- |-i *. a :" ( | x •■ t 'O,l 't. .II x 'lf t 11. (,! j might .pox •x. •X»,.1 ■. I .’ll ..01. .: I-. i obar In Siurnra H*. \ < I At \ |ii ' He ml ( ■ *1x1)1 e>-xx v r ptttDa from Mexico i. 1 ' ir os It- .... I line .if. sou: itrr.ti t It I n 'id States nruiv I '.’iiola • ti'diN ti ' • d ti.t'it v Hi b'>r { ,!e| ||i napi X•'Wi•li 11 gII g!) 1 11 s I \ further Iwn'liinK o I'nltcd States soli 1)1:,. s'”|p . ft.-xx .rt i ; i'iri‘ lift w cei il'oiivl* loth • • I Novales w* <• M Ixß uw'hiie the • tier (if hotk i the ri be; and F-der-il 'rml- » ' *? 'tie bur I. r I - • > luro plana. j... GOLD-SHOKO. N. (. Complete hvidence in Culley 11 ! Oil hr Lair on Yesterday e Ml i ib nee art butli (be i.ivi aioi ~ i y . locgl mall who t- one oflhe i ave , Gulkt) tftll want O 0 III'- lUtld during the "ill ia... * .ti b a'li • ady < upte 1 mortilttg .eH-iiuti and testified that •|,e Ii | two d.IX- ot the pecs, nt ,errn tliex liellexisl Mrs Gulley to lie of • > a vAaxnr B.pperiut I i ufF tot the 1 1 iMI imind mind and perfectly nyistiln *»t i , I• . XX . 11 (’ 1.( i ill . I X . et ..If oil’ Fir, t, 111 a! the i tine It was O’ i t. . u: 1- Li a»it; t U Ull l. ' .-Ii .* 11 conrt ; ndjwurawd, howex.-r. -at o’- \ imniu r. u wMtnesae* worn Intfo i loik only Ill'll- aiguineiit had !"•♦•• i to .Mliirnex , for the caveators bmllte l nil either Mde. and With at > niottg thitse was Mrs t ||. Mmire. , j'. av txx . mote -pfet hi and Jed ;.' aoful woman. wlir» ; testified that idle ■iHadvM charge to the Jure vet to hml. been with Mrs Gulley W Rood deal ! idn. It* was lit" belief ot attorneys prior to her death, and that wile hud • ''at llit'ii t •’ would not br men tired several things which might ln- G.e pirx before noon tmtax. dlcwte that her mind intcht not he Mr-. (;• or*e f Snyder, of.New York mat rlglil. Accordlng lo Mrs, Moore's nd Mrs. r. T. I ilex of Ashevllls, pro lestlipiniy Mrs Gulley thou*ht fiome ■ i’lilimlei 1 d the will nf tic l.i ll Ids ine Wiiulvil lo mits'in her. Kvldencu Gulley, and sKters of tames K Gill G’onklrios'l o'laPaee ICtffhtt \LI MM MEET FRIDAY NKMir ( filch Collins and Alumni Secre tary Saunders tu Attend Gathering r v lh« rfilvemfty of Curollnn Muuml of WiiMh f'uuty Akil! ;»l u Kt« f !»*• *| 1 1 t<ll *i | i>h at ih«* lloicl I Hilft f»nro »*ii Krhitv. VplH I2lh, as IoV lor k <'mil h "riim k roll in s, Ihm i niid h of r*H»lhall jil f Iti*u»v I*l I nml .1 Marion SiiUtiiler ;« i f*ri I ulutii. a d M-rtetiiry. will be pr'eeettl. All ot Mi- Alumni if U’nype <otll)!x nee lire ed to i nine out to Hits dinttir mil ■III. I ( Oil Ii 1 ’ol I ill pint di-lICS’ till xx oi i, of ilie "Alumni iissoclntlnn witn Mr Sjmnders foiicli folliiiM will tall, to" fin iiluni it I about tbs plans of tlo ittibin usi-iMlatlon and the gt’iiernl w ot. and prorpiuls for football al the nuner-llv 'll,l 1 eelltlJt will Imgltl ptotiiptlx. at , ".U o i lock and l.t-l for about an rti ki-is for tlo- dintici ian be, ■iHied rs from fiem ge Ttiompson Frederick I’nrker, IT. .A Griffin m Heirs Well, It I- Imped that pH the alnmnCwho • Xpi-'t lo he ('resent will notify Mj TToimp-on o? Htely Intern lons to Tliut - iiiix q 1 g-111 ’I a* 1 - ‘ t lilveislty Alumni in <',oiU ■a I.! 0 ■ hoped I toil of. II" ' 1 xx-fa-Mtc. Ill* . live to I iold* tnlr-** Mt I : . icont. I'i tv >x til* o’ "at* ti lii * ,i ri 11 1 . 11 (hex will tic 'i ra 1 u g/ilni . : > the dipuet Frt lay to. lo RICH YOl TIIS ENTER PRISON 'ft Musi Serve LHV Term E«w Mur • dcr i*x Connection With Thrill Hold-up I ■ ' VIMiM'C Vi! •> -- I : k* 4;c*or|f<» lfarsh. Ili, tiM % nibi*r tis ■* r • ■*i N!»; ' • !• tem ol Ji I. » * .1 • ' x • t I x ' ;» .. 1 ■ ‘ u fYi. f <if 'he ..' • ■ m - , d D,pr!r.*if** f t i i■ ■’* ihnin. an H'tcuiptcU hold up. WEDNESDAY MORNLN(L APRIL l(k iy2M - . ..jkju. ** TSgTT:-/ the lid of the tin candy l>ox in wjiich it wait packed was opened. v£oinqident with this dia covcry, word came that the home of Mr, and; B. at Tarrytown, had been de stroyed by lire of ihcendiary origin. Mra. C. I). Dali is tlie former Llcanor Roosevelt, daughter of the Governor. , RUMP STARTS PLANE SEARCH t v, Keporl 'Thai Amphihinn Whlflj Cleared From Norfolk May Be Down in Swamp I.AKKIH l«tT. Nvprll b «k4*i i l.e till val Artrmifi I 1 took off bite tills 'tteriioon ip Mcurch for the umphtldun plane will' ll dlK.ip|>eai ed with four t .dt llioii Hiatt two Week* ago Ip lx II pbl from Norfolk, V« . to New York. ( lie blimp was in command of M.' It I' Tyner and carried a crew of Ino ii.eti They planned j*t' ( rillsf* '• i Hawking Swamp In she vicinity lbiniCK«! Wliere, COUIItV deledlve D ' I lU> I'ai Tet; of 1111 l liriglon aid It x . - reported lo have come down, 111 HFI t.Ol F, If Mill \'l‘ 41 \MFZ H vitr.z chlhuiihui' v*»rll ft. (4Pt— ' euctul Vlnrcelo Carnvc i revolllng .’j inir of f'lithuahtia. arrived here H.tC l4 "' f'hthnahnn fit' at the head of. xor til hundred i avalix men. Piggly Wiggly Franchise In Co. Bought by Mr. Minton ‘ie . - Kxercl -tng an opt ion secured on lalMtarv lii, VA . Mlotx*ti, 0110 of the 111 y .1111/rl •■' of The New- Xe>.' < I-ftt V toot nine took over tbe op- rlpti of to \\ grin ■ I '.’ '• ' eider tvltd ' healntll "tree r'cil'h xxi-t. Mr 'l'tilou. liiannK r it r 1 ■*■ \ i-'f Orocar* Im -baa aeinrvd the t'-ggly U tgglx Irani hi •• for Wiiytie county aml cuirteni.platex the opening— of additional “lores Mr Minton ha* purchased from Mr. John Spber the -folk 0 good* at x.-it.g»nt on Hie a helve* of Hie alore and during Mil-* w-.k will make ml d'Honal “tor k pun 1c- 11*' plan*! to Inaugurate a number of new Tea tniC” In tlii’t'riMd I'll -in*".- In Gol I hero A native of A! Mr Minton (.-•rue to Goldsboro in 1 u JI and If wac| Itrgely through hi* effort* that the .effort at 'iTidiilMiifr !h> Guldsbo < News was a suet 0 Krotn the laitti (bln* of she paper he nerved with It j In an executive capacity, and It lie who styod by In the trying periods Contests In Two Wards Today As City Primary Starts With Rising Sun Hoy Not 17 Yet Weighs 305 Hounds f Itcnhcii finite*, of Klevatlop townahtp, Johnston I, unity is innii Inateil for the young gtunt Indus It) Reuben won't he seventeen year# old until June, hut alieudv he tips the scales at soft pound* and I* alx feet tall And. It Is not a Hubby kind of fat either, but Ih • bard riiusixtlur manner of tiverdp pots G it ('(Kites, grandfather o ,th(* voting giant, sav* that he can keep up with a fast mule In nuv field any day In the week TO REPORT ON * : FAIR CAMPAIGN Only Two Dayg ld*ft In Which lo Complete? Drive for Fair Deficit FuridH At a meeting of the Hoard of IM lectori, of Ibe Wayne (ounty Fall A*- MIX' lutlon, to be calb’d here. Waller C I Denmark,' aecrelary of the local ClihiiiJh*? of Comnierre will make .1 report of Hie refurns front aubscrlp lion card*, which were recently neiil to 1.000 repr'(MenlMtlvr clttMß* of the county Theae i*nlMM rlpHim card* were »en! out fur ffrt JHirpnae of eqllcttlng funds for inking tare of a fair d*ff iit Im nrrenl lasi year, and the »n< - (c*« of she drive will determine whether or not Wayne rouniy will have a fair thi* year. The New* Was l told Inet evening. "AVe are Very gratified at the num ber 'Tf subset Iptlons which are being 111 ii4 1 «x 1 lii.and if Ibe gmsl work keep up we will be assttred of a AV'aynt count v fair for 1!'29.” Denmark de clared. Wt|l( only iwo liiori’ ftutn t*v,| wblf|l* , |o complete the drive before t„he meeting kTlday morning, worker* and other clMieim of the count' In terested In the malnlalnence of the (•ounty fair are being urged to do Mieirjbest to help raise the quota pec er-.ary In go on with Hie fair plans. SAYS FARMERS FACING CRISIS Dciin Sr ha lib Deploren Deer cane in Riirnl I'opulation in iNorth Carolina Cl IA HI .OTTFe April 't </Bt Farm its 1 hiqughout the civilized world are • i.'lug .11 list- Ibuiii l- JI Sellout) o! 'nrth t .irollns Htale College, head of the slate farm extension service told the charlotte Hotary club The speaker said farm population to Nni-'li Carolina 1)3. decreased -loee IfHft wtille urban population has moss 'iltn dottbled "hen the paper was about two years obi, nod through energy gnd enter id i. brought it to Its present site, cess ■ t A'luuit .. yeai ago he suffered a |)hv.- g.eul breakdown and was In a aerloti* c<milttlol) for several weeks. When l( bad made a complete recovery, ‘however, lie delermlned that he would _i'ci Into some business lliat was not . • strenuous ii- that of newsp«|M»rlng one where the hours would Im more ■ gnlar - lleni e his orgalillUig the ’Aavne Grocers Inc. The names of •be papers Incorporating his new coin patty will include Graves J, Hiulth mil A T. Griffin. "I believe that there Is a real op portunity In litis business Into which I am giilng " -aid Mr Minton' yesler (!.• x .ifieriioon "ami I believe that 1 111 retting Into it at a time to make tin- best of the opportunity. While I tri’severing my connection" with The Nexvs lam not severing my friend 'l ip. The paper will alwaya have a Continued 9,u page thr«{ t MKMBEE OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pjmci nv* nm Mayor J. H. Hill Asks Voters to Exercise Duty and to Go to Til* I’otla WARDS TWO AND FOUR TO SEE HOT BATTLES Five Men Seek the Three Place* From Ward Two and Four # Seek 2 (darea from Ward 4 With Ihe riding or the nub this morning at 6:31 o'clock the regular hl-annual march to lb* lour voting •tlace* In the city will got uader way for I lie ptirpoa# o( nomlnatlag tba mayor of the city and nlna man)bar* >f the city board of aidarmaa. Local mlltlctnna ara pradlctlng a light vi{a hi hi count' of tba fact that tbara ara »o ward* In which tbs caadldataa for « place on tha board of aldaraaaa will have no opponanta, tha ooly«a£- ..Mtd being In warda two and tonr Mayor Jack Mill, who la caa4Mala Mr re-elect lon, will ba unopposed rite pot In will doaa thla evanlßg at diiii-dei. which In at C:2B o'clock snat «rii'Standard lime. _ In ward two. two mambara of tha nredenl board, IT. M (fllllkla and An drew Smith, ara aaaklag ri alaattoa While Sol laaaca. W. Borden Cobh aad I M Mitchell ara tha other thraa candidates from thla ward. A content .will alao Ip waged in ward four with J. H Mct’leaay and M K Hnhtnaou. praaant mambara at 'he hoard of aldarman. opposed by s Ward an«| J. W. note. Mayor Hill tr>ld tha Nawa repraea*- lallve laat evening that whlla only mo vote waa necessary to re nomlaate Him l>ecnuaa o<_Um tact that he la unopposed, ha hoped that aag ad the hlageet votea In tha blatcey ad tha city would It* pollad. “Urge them to ctmte out and vote. If tha peppta will come out und caat thetr ballet for the candidates In their respective warda. ’he Mg vote thua Been red will dteprove the rnlataken tdaa of aome politic!ana that the Democratic party la brokao. nr confer there „ In not Mug to thlg. Miid we want to go out to tha pOlla to morrow and ahow tboae folha that rpnl democrata ara loyal to tbatr par ty." the Mayor aald. The election will he conducted at the regular polling placaa. and rot ara who are auppoeed to caat tbalr bel tota In tlieae warda have heea request •ilto vote at the polling place la thalr ward an early aa poaalbla today. Tha dolln will he open today at tba fol><? lowing placaa: Ft rat ward. B and L. Tire company on North Tenter afreet. a Second ward. County Court boose. Third Ward. Arlington Hotdl Kpurth Ward. W D. Creech’* atom CHARGED WITH KITING CHECK Liiftmnge Woman, Mother of Nine HtlMegß. Arrested Hem Yesterday Mra l.llly Bell Sulton. 4(1 yasir old Imtirange woman, who waa arraated here veeterday afternoon about S:M O'clcok on a had check charge by of ficer think Rhode*, of the local po lice force, wae relearned nnder lIM bond for her appearance ai tha nest "•"••Omi of county court Mr* Sutton'* afreet followed hn attempt- to hav* a check caahnd at » 1 <:• I department etore The bait heard that the TaiGrange woman had already given »everal had checkt to local Niore» and »ent for an Of ficer When arrested. Mra. Sutton •hi miii.l to have mid officers that Mr •ntehend had a checking account In l.afiraugc. When naked about tM check* Hull had turned out had. aha aald t her hiiehand muat hava been overdrawn, according to reports The women, who told potto# ah# v .* the mother of nine children, wsa vnld to have gUen worth lean chaoln to erneral department atoraa. Inctud ffc* Belk'e. Kflrd'a. Kannan'e. Mna aoirr’a und Karfoitra. The largest amount of any one cheek waa said t’> have been one for ISO. given Bt Balk* Most of the check* ranged In amount* of from two to five dollars. It was mM - ■ « idh ■ ■

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