WEATHER *«Uf cloudy Hand ay and Monday with accaaiMUl showers, kglr oa the euasl Haaday. Met uadi change 1 hi tempera!are „ VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 41 EXTRA SESSION OF CONGRESS Equalization Fee And ° Debenture Plan Draw, „4 - 4 Thumbs Down Reaction Hoover Hu Paused Buck and Will Not Attempt to Offer leadership CONGRESS RESIGNED TO THIS CONDITON Tariff and CooKressional Re apportionment To Be a Given Study 6 WASHINGTON. April J3—(A*)— With Congress ready to convene In extra session for the primary pur po*e of carrying out campaign prom ise* for farm relief, the house agri cultural committee late today turned Its thumb* down on two farm aid pro posals ’long advoacted at the capital— the debenture export plan and the twice vetoed equalisation fee princi pal ' The committee voted 17 to 4 against Incorporation In the new farm meas ure of the debenture plan, supported by the National Orange and then a few minutes later expressed Ita disappro val of an attempt to revise these pro posals l»-the house. # At the Senate side of the capital little sentlmeut has been manliest for revising the controversy over the fee principal, hut tonight some doubt ex isted as to what position might be taken on the debenture plan which has found favor there In the eyes of muny. WASHINGTON. April 11 Par tv colors were raised at the capital today as leader* marshaled forties for the extra session of the newly elected Congress called by President lloover to convene Monday to redeem R)e Republics!! campaign pledge for firm relief » 'Bolstered by bulging majorities In boll! the senate and house from the November election the (5. O, P.- lead ers are, prepared to adhere to the Tloover elimination on the legislative program. Tarl f revision, a farm marketing bill, reapportloument of the house and a census measure was the slate map ped out tonight by Senator Watson of Jr.dlpnu. the new Republican leader. The program as framed apparently bears the endorsement of the ctjlef ex cutive bul the new president Just set tling “himself In the While House has signalled a hands off policy toward Congress lie Is ready to cooperate hut not to dictate this Is the word from the White House. Efforts to have the president de rail his views on the farm .question beve proved futile and the member ship of the hoilsg and senate tonight were looking forward eagerly to the reading ot his first message to Con gress on Tuesday -GRIDIRON CLUB HOLDS MEETING President Hoover Comes in For * Humorous l>ambastinK at Hands of Reporters WASHINGTON. April 13.—1/P> A cumberspme vetilt le trundled out. at a dinner of the gridiron club tonight was characterised "the Hoover ma chine" anil proved to be one n 4 ’ several °' mediums utillxdd by tbe dining club of Washington newspaper correspondents for Its periodic satirizing of events the members have been reporting President Hoover. who beaded the list ol prominent guests, spoke at the conclusion of the dinner, hut In ac cordance with a club rule his remarks were not report'd Other speakers were Chief Justice Taft and Governor j'runkrtwji Roosevelt of New Vork. Several? dlstiiigit-hetl guests saw themselves personified by club mem bers In the -kits which run, high good natured raillery Vice President Cur t!a. Secretary Btt tit sons and Mellon. Attorney General Mitchell and Sena tor Jlorah were represented as atten dants of the 'Hoover Machine". They were dressed at mechanics and »nr veyora but wore li'gh silk hats II 1 \ II t T 1 IRVINGTON, N J. Apr’. 13. A* - h'hl up a messen*;»r o( >n» It vlrgton Srne"l-nt r acd lt*f •<- log Company near the plant here and ttcapea v.*ih W-m m SOW ***** THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY CONFERENCE TO MEET TUESDAY Services to Be Held in Metho dist Church Here Monday Night The Now Bern district conference rs the Methodist Episcopal church, south will convene here for a two day session Tuesday morning at JO o'- clock, with presiding elder. Ur. Wal ter Patten, In charge. Between l&u ai.d 200 delegates from every county >n the district are expected to be her" 'or the meeting. Many will probably arrive Monday In order to get settled and be on hand when the conference gets under' way. Services are to lie held In the Methodist -church Monday evening at 8 o’clock Homes have been procured for the delegates by the entertainment com mlttee of the church here Dinner will l e served to the delegates In the local Rotary hall on Tuesday and Wednes day. ”■ Features of the conference will be the«reports of various committees. tARhe hy a number of the preachers nml laymen, and a sermon hv Preaid-' ‘ng Elder Patton. rs LAUGH CONTEST BRINGS A SUIT Parent Charges Hes Daughter Suffered at Hands of „ Cary Teacher RALEIGH, April 13 (/D—Charges ’fiat u school teacher forced a girl ’udent of the Cary High School to laugh to a point of exhaustion and then ordered u boy student to whip iu r before 34 children formed an al leged cause of action In a SI,OOO dam are suit filed today Is Superior court The suit was started by Opal Hester. 13, by her next friend. Mrs. E fie M Hester, against Miss Elizabeth Oorrell •bather In the Cars high school. According to the complaint the whipping occurred on March 10 on this year and was administered by Russel Healer, a boy of about tbe same age The plaintiff charges that he did the whipping at the. request of the teacher Who limited ot) A laughing contest In which all stu dents engaged at the request of the «acher. preceded the alleged' "whip ping and led up to the occurrence states the complaint. The girl claims 'that she could not stop laughing when the contest ended upd was then made to stand up before all the others anti tangb contiguously until ordered to stop She became exhausted while carrying out the punishment prescrib ed and then was whipped because she was unable to keep the laughing, it was added Civil Suits Involving Sum Os Over $56,000 Are Filed Two clvjl actions. 11l -which sums totaling more than $56,000 are asked.| were started wllh the filing of coin -' plaints yesterday In the office of Clerk of Court J B ll<w»ks Mrs. Sarah Elisabeth llhodea of M» j Olive started suit against the !jiln-| clalf Refining Company for sso,BOt> damage siiataineel. It Is alleged. wh»n' -he was Injured In an automobile a< cldenl near the Sense river bridge on highway No 40, February f> She ask c $40,000 actual llama and $10,000: punitive damage, alleging negligence, recklessness and Incompetence on the part of one Gray who was driving the Sin* lair oil truck which -struck the automobile th which she . wits riding.] Complain) seis forth that Mr- , Rhodes was returning from Golds liora Jo her home In Ml Olive in lh"i automobile driven ,by her husband. U. (J Rhotles The latter was driving to the far right of the rtu»d and pro-] reeding at a moderate rate of aped, complaint holds, when bis macblue yp* Hit W utt on It U alleged Promoter Confesses Torch Murder : v Jm ; iyr- - J M i jflnlH V \ if A new type of criminal Mantis revealed in the alleged conlession 0* H. Colin ( ampLcll, rigid, rral estate promoter of Elizabeth. N. J to the killing o( Mildred Mowrv Campbell. left. who.-e blazing botly whs found neat Cranford. N. J., list February. The police are of the belief that lie is responsible aho for the similar murder of Mar garet Brown one year ago The bodv of Mrs Camptiell was iden tified by for met friends from (ircenville. I’a., where she lived Bi s l nerease In Freight Hales If Shippers Lpse (The *ews Hurrpii Sir Haller llidel) RALEIGH. April 13 Hearings on the applications of Intra-Hlate rail reads .for application of the Southern iat" schedule us fixed by the Inter state Commerce Commission to North, Carolina roads and cancelling the North Carolina exvrpttons, and th > ddlllpnal iippllcatlon for Increase of rates now applying to less than car load 5 lot shipments, will be held by he North Carolina Commerce Com mission, beginning April 2H, W. (!■ VVomble, rate Herk. uniuntnccd to day. Both carriers and shippers of the) Slate will lie headed, hut the carriers j will present their ruse only as It ap piles tq their application for reduc tion of rates <i»i less than car load lots ned on cancelling the North Carolina exception sheet, as they presented their arguments, for establishing tic Southern rule schedule last year. The shippers will be heard on I heir objec tions to all three «f the questions In volved <? If the carrier applications to make. I«{ Rfl *1 ,It l IN LIUS BOND DURHAM, -April 13.--4/P) Jack Martin. 18, sop of Frank M. Martin, ruperlntendent o public schools of Durham, was It liberty tonight under 11.000 bond as a result of the death it R R. Gooch Tlmherlake, from In juries received In an automobile ac rlderit here last night, GARDNER 1 KIM K.At'TI KKK V ' „* .... , a RALEIGH April l*^Tft , l A’certl rcale of inciTTponatlon *ih tiled with the secretary p'/K!at»• tpday for the Gardner of Shelby, a new tfilll tw Jie ‘ statieifl hv. Gov O. Max Gardner that the nil truck was Iwlng drlvcii oit the wrong side of the road anil In disregard to irafflc regulations gov erning the speed of vehicles at curves Mrs Rhisles was hurled against the windshield, of the car. her nose badly cut. her throat cut to the bone on dlheF sld.* Ivor tongue lacerated and her. left l ip broken near tin* -isket according to the complaint She been tißrt 'r the care oF'phvnJj'lah < since the accident occurred. It Is claimed, and the contention Is mad? that she vlll never he able to walk again ti? a result of the broken hip O N laivelare. trustee filial will* for ssJti".'» 1Z against G C. Soutlii r taiid.' tr with Interest from Janu ary 15, 1 '*27. claiming Jhqt the pro- Islons of a contract set Up LetWceu Mt 4 Loveluce and the defendant have not lieen met ’Wie action is brought ns trustee for the Murray „i RuMxr Co , the General*Tlre and Rubber Co . Hen T. Crump Company, flyown, Rog ers Dixon and the Charles Leonard Hardwwrd Compiny, . . GOLDSBORO, N. C; SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 14. * m % f 1 worn ILIhS' 'v' ,2 .* * : fy "W f I effective the Southern rale achwhilr to cancel isJe North Carolina "X --c» |>tlon sheet should be stunted, the 1 ales will he Increased from 1-8 1-1 iter cent on Joint line hauls to 24’per ; cent on one-line hauls, Mi 1 ". Woriible states, making no guess ns to the ad ditional Increase I' the application for •i trvision of the riles on "less than ear load lota In granted The Increase on j .-Ingle-Hne hauls will be greater be cause the rales now on Joint-line hauls ire greater. Ta’elve classifications, instead of the present 15, ire also ask ’ ed by the carriers. All Southern stales, except North • Carolina, have adopted the Southern ! ’-ate schedule offerud by the Interstate (Commerce commission, as to forgo, but orobably only one slate. Tennessee, tins adopted the rate scheme, all of jthe others having exceptions. Short-lltt« railroads and Inierslale i reads carrying lulra-slnle shipments. ;et well .is many freight organlxatlobs ; std Indlvtdiml shippers have been in titled of the hearing, which Is «x --; pcoted to last several days WOULD CH ANGE DJYORCE RULE Urenhyt«triun (’nmmillct* Want* Infidelity Only Ground* For Divorce r ATLANTA. April 1! ulh A rec- I oimnepdalion that only one ground of divorce “ violation of the 7th com • land me nt/" he recognized Itj the I’res '.vteplan iWurch In the C S will lie made In rlie fi'itl) general assembly ‘m a report to the denomination at the I - i was iprtde public here today. I The assembly meets May 16-23 at Montreal. N i The ibuc li, npw re< oculxes two I ground.- til 1 dlvorrw, Jn I debt v and de jvi-rlloti. hut only one ground, for re i arrliigi 4 . that .of '{tJlf. 4jgp<« 4 ent • part j-.lHiere tl-i i au-e of Ato “illvorce *a • : llif.ldel t y. • .toinvestigate"- I GRAPE GROWERS Want t« Know What lUrcorntf* of (•rape Juicy Which They Are Selling j WAHHINOTON, April 13- (»*) I I'rohlhltion Commiswjoner Jioruw an le tislay that In- had iiiiliiiil- I the two prohibition administrators In ("allfornla to mak- a survey of the •grape Juice situation In that ‘ state 7 lie commissioner laid In- wished to obtain an i -tin ate of the acleage a.ial meUiods and pluct-s of marketing grape Julies* Commissioner Jtoran, who declined In dlVulge the jiurpoae of the lnve-tl -4 gallon said that at Hill time he wav , not prepared to say that any of th« grape Juii-e crop was eventually reach -1 It g the Illicit channel through belug t tot.vert*4 uuo wui_a, CONVENES MONDAY A New Way To BooHt Weed Mart "Talk about boosting the Ho Ida- Iniro tobacco market.” said Dr A. 0. Woodard yekterday, “bul no bet ter boost could he given the mark et than for Goldsboro and Wayne county land owners to she that their tenants are suhscrlbera to The Goldsboro News In 1827 ( sent three of my tenants The News and that year the thyee sold tobacco In Goldsboro 1 did not •end the paper tb any of them last V"ar and not on# of them sold to* ha. CM here' \s he talked. Itr Wisslard paid out his money for a subscription for one of hla head men iu Johnston coqnty, "and he will In all probability sell tobac co here Hits year, fur getting the paper reijijarly Will give him a reeling thjit Goldsboro Is tils town.** FULL WEEK AT HIGH SCHOOL ■ a . Tennis, Track and Debating Rep resentative* to Chapel Hill out at the High School vlll tax* on' 4 new life this wgjk as nearly all groups will swing In o ac tion. « AA'edi enduv afternoon Edgar Haiti gnd Needham Crow go to Chapel Hill tn represent the Goldsboro t.if.b quakes In the Interscholastic Tennis tournament. Thursday afternoon sprinters on the Track team get off tor Chapel Hill to be there on time Friday morning when the preHmlnar >* are held In lbs dash event*. Friday the rest of the Track t«um and the Debating team* both leay& for rrhapi-i Hill. The Track team to rep .esent Goldsboro in the Interscholas t c Track meet and tbe Debate'rs won the right to enter the finals In the St ,fc*. wide debating contest sputikor-1 ed annually by (he University of North < ..rollna. . .> The coming week Is High Hchool week at the State University and hun oreds of students from all over tbe state Rather there to take pari In the different activities sponsored by the University. Eleanor litxxell, Edward Outlaw Dan Fowell, and Alex Melanin, will represent Goldsboro Itl the delude-. George Edward*. John Peacock. Mei-J retie Moor*-; Dan Powell Malcolm ( Ae Archie Pate, uhd Joe Knaa will j t.| .Goldabaro In the Trues •veils. ’ . ' BANDIT GETH S2WM NEW ORLEANS, April 13.—(/PJ —A | •one hbndit, carrying a liggavy callo-■ plsttJ*^-1 mlay held up and \robbed .l -eph Dnhlinun. Kelly Coffee Coin- j pniiv tneasenger. of ttlore than s2,non, holdup iMitirnd In front of ’hei Iriain entrance us the poatoffice htlt.«l- > lag. lilt KORY TO GI T TFI.EI.It Al’H OFFICE HICKORY. April it OF!-An of the Postal Telegraph Company will lu opened here about May 16, It w»* 4 arnotinced tislay hv Fiber A. D >’ mg ir commercial representallve n: the t-.iftipany. Captain O’Berry Enters * Lists For Fair Society ) State treasurer Nathan O’Berry Is Vot too busy handling North Hpa’s government milllona to quit thtnYing. about the things which imatflftir civic progress in Ooldshorw f.nd VA ay fie county, lie hurried Imik to front Ills Raleigh of fice yesterday he'* commuting you knoyyij>/»nt»r the list son behalf of ithe Atayne County Fair Asscu latlon 4 It will never do to let Ihlat-frlvol nil- defli it of IB.IMIO cause tlie Fair ; to go under,’' was in effeci his decla j ration to W, C. Denmark, secretary jol the Association yesterday after n*,'On. "The Fair means 100 much to th" ; i utility and to the city for It to le j it|M«mll(jued and II will never do to j lei It Ih- published (o the world that Wayne county cannot support a fair. You must get out here and get that 4 loncy. Get more men with spirit i and enthusiasm to make a canvass and you wllj get the money. ‘ And I dotiH wunt any temporUlng ; either Talk about stopping when you i us* |2.vUU — y.uu't do. It wowu* SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY Expect Tobacco Price To Slump This Season If Acreage Is Not Cut TAKE TWO PLAYS TO CHAPEL HILL Goldxboro Players Given Re rotrnition at University of North Carolina Tie TV a; tic ('quint i*,ty Player* »*!I! lake two play* (o ('hap«<l Hill during the first week of May to compete slut*. honor* In (liferent, eonteats- E'tgcne O Nall's "llle", which vat vic tor In lh« eastern triangle horn two week* ago. will b« prevented In III* selected plav , division/-- and Wllilum I* yell's Ohoal of Uintbry In the ori ginal play c.oij|ip<dltlon The Ghost of Umitirey wan submit ted along with other original play* und wa» one of two chosen tor the final prrductlon at Chapel Hill. Since writ !ng this drama as a part of bla claa* work In play writing at the t’nlver atty, Mr. Roya|l haa re-wrltten It. xdl - much to It. Including a new char acter. Ti e old legend around wh h the play was built haa been fill*! out and given a definite background It la a ni*’< -l ama which rlaea out if C homely t-tes of the soli. .<uth talei t* one can horr In alnumt any o’4 c«w trinity. k The r- » • chart •''»>. for ILt* pl*T will h• chosen'-.t a fe—nal try-oir ea v thi* wtn it wn re pntwrt « t'hapel Hill May 2, white “ilia'' the Selected play, will b« staged .in com petition with the winner of the west ern district May 4th. The Wayne P'ayers have the distinction of being the first community dramatic club to have (wo play* In the final contests at the University! The regular montUly meeting o' the dub will he held Tuesday n'ght. An Interesting program Is being pre pared and refreshment* will lie serv ed. CIVIL COURT TO CONTINUE % o Five Actions of Routine Nature Are Down For Cill Tomorrow The second week of Wayne Super ior Court for the trial of civil ca*es till will here Monday morning with Judge Henry A. (irudy of C'llnton pre siding The docket ha* been revised for the second the court and five chscs of a routine matter are down for call on Monday. • Judge K Y. Mldyrtie was scheduled to ho|d this term of court, but made an exchange with Judge Grady. HAKHtI. TOMORROW ' •% * RALEIGH.'ApriI 13 —OP)— runaral service for rapt J C. HenJamln. state rrnimnnder of Spanish war veterans who died here Thursday night, will b« held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'- clock from Christ Church. merely he inviting more trouble. Go rfter the whole amount and get It. “I will do my part, toward giving the sum needed, but I won § t give you h ccnrSf you temporise-and seek to K'-t only s2.fdtn. Raising this mohev can he done and it will be done It you e . after It. Secretary Denmark said yesterday «ltu* t’aptnlh O'fierry’a Interest would r.dd new Impetus to the drive for the deficit occasioned by the week of had weather which prevailed when Ike (*;ilr was being held last yisar and he expressed confidence that the sum would be raised. Mr Denmark announced that a can vass for the needed funds would be made Tuesday and said that the fol lowing men had beau appealed to to help In the drive: ■ E J Jeftress, C. B Miller: Ernest Graham, Edwin Borden, 111, p. L. Ku-itler. B L. Meude. W. R. Taylor. Ic M. Ross, R, H. Edwards. M. V. Orr. T. J. Casey, Jno. R. Crawford. W. W. Andrews, Paul Yelvertoi* Uoy fi£Mteu«4 oa gag* && m MEMBER Off THE ASSOCIATED PRESS prici rm aim Warning of Unlta* Statao De partment of ArfiWuHnra Received by The Nawa GVEB DATA TO SHOW WHAT TO BE EXPECTBD Consumption as Last Year and Product ion Show Heavy Stock* on Hand RALEIGH. April U.-GPI-Praak Parker, crop stattetldaq. for the de partment of agrlcultara, lUotßoel today that North Carolina had broke* o'l existing records for product 100 es tobacco in a single state with A erop 1 for the last season of approxlmaioty '.iKi.ouo.tHW pounds. Although the crop waa a record breaker for also the farmers recelvod Several million doltara loan for It than for the preceedlng year, calling atten tion to a yarning of the department 'list farmers may suffer real disaster If they increase their crop this year. Pinal figure# for the last season lave not yot booh compiled, hat Mr. Parker sold the figures already avail- , able for;, the Mason that oloaad last ••icnth showed the production o< tobac co In jthla state aggregated a half bil lion pounds, an Increase of Marly 20.000.000 over the 1927 2* crap- The report showed that North Caro lina tobacco farmer* planted IMAM iK-rea In th# itft-M aaana so agate at tifi' a era* tha praosodtag aiaM*. The result haa bom that tM* ltSt-M •obacco brought aa fvorag* of |II4I per hundred as oompared wtth aa iwrage of 122 for the preceedlng year. Around pounds as tohaeea produced In North Carolina during tha :>a*t season waa sold or Virginia mar kets la eyeaas of the amount Os Vir ginia grown tohoooo marketed te this -tale he said. ( . Thla state. h« added, lod the na tion not only In produettaa hot te value and acreage In tobacco. Km lucky Is second, but North Oarollna has held the load In wood production for the pax thro* years, having dis placed Kentucky. Kentucky produced loan than <•*.- (MMMmio pounds the past season. Price* for flue-cured tobacco this - i aeon . I! likely be u ider the prices (1 the fast season If produced* ta not curtailed, according to a vrurateg *rnm the United state* Department as Agriculture received here yeaterday. Statistics as to consumption, stock* on-hand and possible demand Indicate that the farmer must reduce bla acre age this year If tha price Is to ap proach that of last year- The average l>r the past seasoa. It will bo remem bered, was considerably under that of :he 1027-21 season. Says the warning from the govern ment : T t CJ "The mu look for cigar typoa of to bacco In 1329 appears favorable. The present outlook for flue-cured tobacco Indicates the need for a reduction la acreage in l(*2il compared with 19*9. A modern Increase In Hurley acreage might safely he made, but there Is grave danger that the Burley growers will respond to prehent 'prices by overplantlng In 1929 The outlook for fire-t-urfd and dark air-cured tobacco (toes not satisfy an Increase te acre age In 1923 ’ « The liili.fcto-consutning habits of the world continue to develop along lines that have been apparent In ro* c- tit year*. Cigarette consumption la steadily expanding and baa reached •» point where clggretu types consti tute nearly three fourths of th* total American tobacco production. Cigar consumption, on the contrary, Is nightly diminishing in. total quantity and Is changing In character, bocaus* of the steady Increase la tbe consump tion of low-priced cigars accompanied hy decreasing consumption of tb* me dium ami higher grades. (JuantltlOs i on.sullied of plug, twist, and fin* cut o r i steadily decreasing, but snuff con u nipt lon Is slowly Increasing. Export* of flue-curod tobacco In 1929 Increased markedly oVer those of ''l7. largely because or tb* rocatd takings by China. Cessation of civil .»ur und expectation of higher taxon iMmulated Increased Imports. Tha Tinhorns tarlL' effective February 1. 1929. Is merely h consolidation at tor* •"•r duties and does apt Appear to of- ' Us hay partlculag *gMXMHON*MI 1% -m mm 7

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