: WEATHER Partly, cloudy with rain on the north •ast coast and somewhat warmer in west. Tuesday and Wednesday fair y VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 42 T ___ ' ______ DUPLIN IRAN BRUTALLY SLAIN; VIOLENCE FEARED Wallace Magistrate Is Shot By Black Who Attacks Him In Store 16-Yenr Old Son of Enq. Sidney Teachey looked On, Help -I*BB, at Act NEGROES HAD BEEN ORDERED TO LEAVE Duplin Deputy Tells The New* He Fear* Mob Violence if Taken With reeling ruuning high. nflitcra •ml possemen last alght continued the search for Peddy Teachey. 30-ye*r old logro. who on Uaturday night fatally wounded Sidney Teachey, 65. Justice if the peace at Wallace A Duplin officer told The News last night thal I « fearoil violence In case the assail :,nt wore caught They believed tjir Negro was hidden In the swamps or forests of the section. Kidney Teachey. wljo was one of the pi eminent men of his section, operat ed a store and filling station at Pin Hook, three from Wallace. Sat urday night Clyde Sloan. Peddy Teach ey. and Galie Teachey. Negroes, were at the while man’s place of business. Gabe Teachey Is a father of Peddy Teachey. The Sloan and younger Teachey Negroes had been drink.ng and wero bolsterlous In their conduct, The .News was told over long dis tance telephone. The storekeeper asked them to leave the place and wan Joined In Ills re quest h.v Gabe Teachey. The two younger Negroea at first left, and bad gene some distance when Sloan, I lie Hews wan told, decided that he was going back and “raise p row''. Peddy Ttaclic) accompanied hlpi. Ke-epterlM the atom of the Wallace man. Sloan JeUed the. 56-year-old magistrate and engaged him ut close quarters. Darting to one corner of the room. Peddy Teachey seised a shot guu and leveling it fired at close range. The load was from behind and tore a large hole In the back Roby Teachey. 16 soil us the store keeper, looked on In liHplcss fear us the Negroes unsuulted his father. The News was told As Esq Teachey tell to the floor ol his Store, the Negroes .bruise Irom the door and ran to the nearby woods. The young son called alii and the wirjmled man Was hurried to u * 111 glut) hospital where he died at 2 o'clock Sunday morning Funeral ser vice was held from the home at 2 o' clock. Sunday afteraopn , The Wallace section was reported grrßTly aroused over the Incident Rloodhounds were brought from Smlthflrld and arrived about I odm k Sunday afternoon to, aid 111 the search In which hundreds had pai' f Tt'*tfated They tracked the teeing Nngro« to tl.e home of a friend and for a short distance from this point! hut lost l* ,c Call before 5 o’clock In the afternoon. The search was continued until late Sunday night and resumed early yes terday and colitlyed throughout the day A Duplin 4< puty t.old The News lasi night Dial lie did not helleve the assailants had left the county “But It may take sometime to find them, the woods and swamps are so bad.'’ he .raid lie frankly admitted that he feHred moti violence In case the Ne groes were captured. a— - Train Reported to Have Hit Tractor NEWARK, N J . April 16.—t/P) The Pub"c I'tllitles this after noon announced It had sent two In spector.- to I* ut elm N 1.. on r-port that a fast trajn southbound on the Peuuaylvauta railroad had struck a tractor at a giVlc crossing. Three cars of the train were reported to have turned over and all four tracks rs tb" railroad wa* obstructed, ft whs not know n w hether there bad been any loss of life Girl Asks For Big : Money, Stie Gets It LOo AXtiEI.ES, April 15 —A gj'l armed with a pistol shoved a note reading “give me money In, big bills to the feller it a branch of the CUP gens National Monk here today accept ed 12,000 with a smile aud walked W' A THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE TUEYi BUI Flies Plane From Seattle to Alaska JI NHAP. Alaska. April 15 —tA*) —Completing the first beat tie-A las ka non-stop flight. Pilot A. C- Eck liiann of tle circled Juneau at 4LIB p. m. Pacific Coast time and brought his. latckheed Vega plane down lnler ■ >v s H>Kkt*U)K IS AGAIN ARREST’D ( Wilh larceny of Collt* From An Automobile on Friday Night Park Cade. Ipcal white man, was i ound over to county-court undor I loti b nd on a charge of larceny of igni tion colls from the automoblle-of P. S lllzzell local filling station opera tor, Friday night, at a hearing before Mayor Jack Hill In police court here ' rsterday morning. Cade, who has been In Irouhle with local police a number of times before, was arrested Saturday morning after he had escap ed from Officer E H Halley the nlglit before. Bailey, who l* on night duty, •vas watting through the alley behind .he clj>y hall when he saw Cade in front of him with something under Ills irm. Officer Bailey railed In the matt to halt. It was said, hut Instead o stopping, (’Bile started running. Bailey fired Ills pistol over the fleeing man i head WTfW attempt "fn'fflght*n him according to the police, and Cade stumbled, dropping the package of ttdls and skinning his knee. He re covered Ills footing, however, and es caped before the officer could catch up with him Cade was arrested at I.ls home Saturday morning. Other cases disposed of In police court yesterday are as follows: 6 John Atkinson, colored, charged wlllt arsault was bound over to county court under Jinn bond. Pearl Raynor, colored, reckless driv ing and Injury to property, payment of the costs and the damages. Roland Jenette, white, was bound over to county court under IJOO bond, charged with temporary larceny of an nulnmohj jc Corrinc Hodge, ni<giess, was bound ever to county court under Jinn bond, charged with operating a ear while under the Influence of whiskey Henry Newkirk, colored, paid the costs for being disorderly. %hllq a case against Area Smith, colored, charged with a similar offense, was Joe Spate, colored, waij bound over under JldO bond on a charge of far rvlng h concealed weapon I,like Leggett. white, drunk and dls i rderly, taxed with the payment of the costs. John Townsend. George Kvans and i enrge Hoots, all negroes, paid the kosts for being drunk. BRITISH HI IM.ET LONDON. April 15 (/Pi Winston “burchlll, chancellor of the Exchequer piesenting hts fifth budget to the House of Commons, today estimated ■he government’s expenditures for ir»2'l-19.’1n at 741.(1'M,000 pounds sterl ing (approximately |3,70!i.k20,0001. Henry Herring Fatally Stricken at His Home t • ——— i V Henry Herring. US; well-known citizen of the Daniel's Chapel sec th n. died suddenly al his home at 2 ill Sunday afternoon. Fuiietal service will be held from Daniel' Chapel at i ll) this afternoon and will he in charge of Rev H K Tripp, pastor • f the Free Will Baptist church. Buri .< 1 Will lie made In the Herring giavc yard. ' The deceased is survived hv his widow and four sons' Rov. Jltn Ben and Wlllliyp Herring and one broth er. Kllalia Herring Mr. Herring 'had »u sered for some time with high blood pressure, aud had be<*n tinder 'the close watch of his family and physician. Sunday he UtiUled that U« wauled lo $o lulu ib« FARM RELIEF BILL STARTED IN HOUSJE First Pictures Byrd Expedition onPolarCap rn I ' a* ni.,r •»» -’AfuWF/ HP; t ip. y''5 <at .J>wss#w^ a ** T r --•? . . - —*** ; *. ' t j mm ■ W -< ♦ ■. V ■y r . mi F-—■«■■■■■ ■ i ek——— ■ ' i "—a •mmmmmmmmm w— + - ■ ' » ———B^m—ww— ——— Here is "Little America," the base camp of the Byrd Expedition into the Antarctic regions, located eight miles in on the great ice barrier Officer Who Fired at Rum Riumer and Terrorized Oi Miami Made Defendant FORT I.AUDKKDAbF. Fla.. April jr . (fl>) —'f|u> (oust guard's Investiga tion Into the firing of u fusillade o shots on ’Miami river early Sunday lame tn a dramatic ailjuurnmeut late today when Commander It L. Jack notified, the hoiitßwutn'v rtvute J R fugruin that his stants hr the case-hod become Unit of a defendant. Ingram tiad just completed testify njl . Urnt Up Mas lu cumiiiand of. a p c.ket boat oii’Hh4fc-«<»ei'*'tthd hud or .lered his look-outs to fire a shot Across the how of a rum rumcr which lulled to halt after chalcnger f.'iun mander Jack told Ingram. “You an •low n defendant" ami guse the ho.it .wain's inate privilege .of choosliif counsel for the hearing which will In conducted tomorrow morning. Shots filed on the river during tli Incidents struck buildings us bore In the heart of the city, pierced t c.ibln of a house boat and narrow ly missed a woman The Irlng drew strong pro test from city officials who claimed liken of Miamians had been endanger cd by the shots. o Fuller the fusillade of “Irat+r" bill •ets, several of will, h ..truck budding ashore and houseboats moored at the river’s edge, the crew of the liquor laden ruin Imal. abandoned the craft, which was raptured-by coustguard ■v —— , .... 7-.'t.T. - ;■ * 1,1 1 t 1101.DN I T < AHIIIMt JACKSON Minn. April’ If, oVi Two bandits Oils morning held ii|i Far ty II Lindsey, hisikkeeper for the Me (’arty Holman -Wholesale Urorury Company here, and escaped witlls t~. sim, in ca-li. (6.500 In checks and I Indsey's automobile. « It KM I ED FROM ULII* XI t JKRFSALKNT. April 15. DP) A group of Palestine officials and their wives. Including Kdwln S Samuel, son of the former high commissioner. Sir Herbert Samuel, was found on tin- Trfinsjordan shore of the Red Seal tills afternoon after having beeirmiH*- iug since Saturday 't in . wen on ii - X( urslon In the,Head Sea vard and tgiilnst the wishes of Ills •vlfe dre-sed and went out. When tie did not n*iiiin js, about lo ininiii . Mi Herring (vTut to In vestlguie and found him lying dead •'ear the barn II- had bcin«faiall> ' ’rlcki-i. and a- he fell -trm If his tr head-against a tobacco rack, brnislng i one side of tils face badly It was l •lleved, however, that It was the at* 1 tack, rather than the blow on the head 1 that caused his death. Mrs. Herring and a liaugllter-iii . Isw wen- the only members of. the. I family at borne and they had to go for] p assistance In the community hefocei , the dead man could lie removed tu the| , bouse. i aa* GOLDSBORO, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL 16. 1929 men and given in charge of United States custonpi officials. Sevrul witnesses told thrilling ator lea of the dash up the river from tli open bay. Mrs. -Hubert V l<atham wai lust retiring Id her jiousebqat as th< two Hiieudllig craft ploughed by. A bullet from the machine gun mounie-' on the prow of the government craft pierced the cabin o the houseboat and embedded itself in, a vyotl A mortuitrj a IdiM-k and a half from the river w»c i’rni k by another bullet, while a third truck a house on the river hunk None i f the bullets struck the liquor craft -11 C. Brlswell, a bridge tender; Thomas Taylor, a pirllceman. Georg* ') Banghnius, a wa’chmau on u lug ; rid .1 Wilson, who sleeps in a small honi moored in the river, Bhwltold of w ittn-sslng the chase. A I* VSolloam .nd i'. M Cole told of seivlilg tin tiacer'' lull lets flaming IhVotyati the air from the window of the- Florldu Power and IJglil Company hulhllng, where they are employed.., Commander Jack at Fort latuih-rdah announced ho would invertigate th* t.hnoting at a hearing today, an'l said oat IT coast guard-men were rf-spon Idle ''they will he jifinl-yhed ”The Coast Guard officer said lie hud leWn cd Hiithorllatlvety tjiat Die gdvern menl craft was a pul rot honl from Ills base. » .. _— STRIKES AGAIN HARES IN TENN. Mill Offidial Report* Invaders Fortes His I’lant lo Close Down i Kr,l7,Alli;TlfTON. Tens , April l ul’i K K Mu* Irtgader, ~ ,i laot p; ",-ldent of the .Vtrierlcan Heinberg (Hi poraiion lo re, said tonight that "either strikers of the Athei Ii mii Glaiiznloff plant or outsiders’’ fnrce*l he .whole day Crew of the HetnlH-rg plant away from 'their nun hlpc- Ihl a lernoon against their will and that Seth plants are closed ll* declared none, of the Hemherg < :nploy to* believed, w.c- wllltpg ‘ i go out. two plants are iqieral •fl übdir, Joint managi-iH* rit. <|io-,.i a textile mill aud the other maniifm ’ artng Any on.. • Tlo* Invaders the officer said, climb id over fences around the ilcmbcrg p-ant and forced their way Inside tlo fr-.ill. He was Unable aeeuralely to estimate their numlo*r said tli'v were mure than 2Mt “ Sheriff’s forces were unable to keep them away Tlo - Bimberg plant employs about 1,50(1 persons on the day s|ilft Mr Muehleadet *aid to did riot know what the strikers wanted and why !iley strip k "and did not believe any body el-e did ” » Ife said the only thing officials of tlie plant could do was'to “wait 11 utll tomorrow to See how- many ,mrn show j up and whatever else develops,” ] NASIIVILI-K, Teiin . April 15 '4*i Adg. Gen. Aswell Itovd. commander |of the Tennessee National Guard, nu ll itsa m on + on which Commander Byrd expect# to remain two years to explore to whole ice cap. CLINTON JUDGE ORDERS RECESS ■ , ■ —t i No C’hsph llcudy for Trial as Second Week Wayne Civil Court Called . Wayne County Superior Court for the* trial of Civil case* was scheduled •o begin the second week here yester .'ay, hut tl didn't. Judge Grady was there on lima and .lie crier duly unnouuced court wait ’ll seselou.. ' Th* ciinlon jurist ordered Hie cul uidar culled and found not a single ■ane toady fig* trial, iatavlng the bar *(. uiiilerstnnd thul lie did not prupoae to waste the t.ourt's time doing noth ing. Judge Grady ordered court re yeased for the day. CONFESSES TO AXE MURDERS Ncfrro Sav# lit. Smoked Three “Muaules" Cißareites and Killed 2 People o NEW ORLEANS. Aprl] 15 - (/!•) Julius “Duindum" Roberts, 22 year old Negro held by police for the'axe mur dir of Mrs. Henry S Fllnk and her ■on H'*nry, Jr, Ifi, confessed late to ii.iv tli.it. lie hucked the two lo dentil lu their Kntllly crocery* store early i ■’iitind.i. mid slide $5. district attor n> \ Kugcne Stanley tuild tonight". A ltd Pours us quest liming. Roberts fold how lie had gone to llm store early in the (doming with an axe. truck the hov down ami then hit,the woman The Negro Admitted that he ryiH under the Influence of “piuggles" cigarettes, He had smoked three of ll,e cigarette* ho declared In hla sign id iiaiennini. Halbert* told the officers be felled Mrs-. 1 'llrik beside a little cake box. -,k v n box of Coins from the ator 1 * and l<-rt The axe murder was carried out single handedly, he declared. He will be-formally charged with « lie murder tomorrow. dogwood xm*o\ (irrw ATLANTA, April 16. Dogwood blos ,nnied here when eighty degree weath er descended on the town two week* in advance of the usual time. McMgjkan Confers With Gov. Gardner Concerning Strike t » The New- Bureau Sir Waller Hotel RALEIGH. April If. Tdo not ex pect io go Into any community lu which tlo* worker* are flirting with .he communDflc organization'', Uresl* (but Thoniau F. McMahan, president if Hie United Textile Worker*, of Arp .rh a ~i*d while In. Raleigh today for a conference with Governor O. Mux Gardner. • o’ ‘■ff the workers' are Interested In tt.it orgiuiizatlon, we will fold our lantl and steal ijtHetly away.” said Ir. McMahan, whose statement was hi reply so a question of whether or, n't Jp* had been or intended to go so Gastonia In connection with the mill clrlku at tb« Mausville Jcncks Mills. Agriculture Problem »> Is Big Item Ahead 01 Special Session Asks Aid for Storm Stricken Sections WASHINGTON. April 16.« </»') A lls.oiiu.ulhi appropriation for storm sir liken farmers In aouth cu tern states would be provided In a resolution Introduced today by Kepre*nnlatlv« Stegall, D*nio rrnt of AJahama - The mea*ur« would aulhorlze the secrelHty of War to make loan* to farmer* In storm stricken area* In Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Ala bama which suffered during th,* recent storm*. SHORT SESSION OF CITY BOARD ZoniitK Ordinance Study Report Gocm Over Until Another M*«tini{ Goldsboro’* zoning ordinance prob ern went over unlll’ another session .•*' the hoard ot aldermen a* Hm city futliers met in mid month aatalon laal night In one of the short eat eeaslons in recent months. If. M. Gllliklti, chairman of the cotnmßtua which has been appointed to *tudy the zonlus qtiesilon. told the board that the com mittee had not completed Ita finding* nud Mayor Rill ordered the comniH- Ire continued The group had been ItiHirticfed to study the toning ordin ance of other cltle*. to compare their ordinance* with this city’* and tn make aucli recommendations a* they raw fl|. Three ninnfher* of lit* hoard are now completing their term* Mr. Ul|llklll, mayor pro tern and who for a number of'year* wa* alderman from ward two. was not re nominated ‘kt the primary held recently. Neither was J. 11. Mc f’lonny of ward four. John llaper, serving from ward two, did not os ier for ro-nomlnatlon. JONES TAUKES TO KIWANIANS Tells of Hc-HurfariitK of ili|{h ways Now Being Ac complished II I) Jdnea told member* of th« Goldsboro Klwunl* club last night ot work being done by cltle* and coun ties toward re-surfacing highways. He Halil that I Imre are In-North Carolina it. w 1,350 miles of highway which h ive been re surfaced He was pre- Nented by Hoy J. Parker, who wa* In charge of Iho program. The oral boost wa* given by E- J Jeff re**, local manager of the cor poration which succeeded the (Brida ls ro. Ice Company, and Mr. Jefrress’ c mpnny also supplied the silent boost cf the evening. „ “I have not ami do not Intend to go t.ear Gastonia," he aald. Intliuatlug ihat after the conference with Gover nor Gardner today, he planned to go further South before returning to New \or|c. x j Mr. Mc Mahan wa* accompanied by , T- A. Wilson, of Winston-Salem .presi dent of the North Carolina Federa tion of Lutmr; Edward F. McGrady. of Washington, D, C, congressional '(glslatlve, representative, who, with i Alfred Hoffman, ot Durham, labor : rguulzer, waa kidnapped recently In 1 FllxalK'thlown, Tenn, and Miss Ma -1 tl'da Lindsay, of Richmond. Va-, south ’ e*n representative of the Women's ' Trade Fnlon I.eague. I Judging from Mr. McMahan's coa 4A* oa m* MJ MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pRH9 rm mam Senate I’lan for Relief Not Cm pitted and Adjournment on Wednesday Talked HOPES TO GET IDEAS OF PRESIDENT HOOVER Secretary Hauffen of Hooso ( ommittee latrodneeo BUI Ae Gavels Fail WASH I NOTON,, April It.-(^l—The Ills or the fVrmur about which thro* sdininlst rations have worrtad and talked brought the aaw Coocroaa Into Special session today to datlhoeato a remedy Meeting at tho call of President Hoover for the specific purpose of tarrying out hla campalga piodgod for 'arm relief and the suggesting for •nrlff revision the two hotteoo apod through the opening fonagltUoa today t nd paved the way to proas to a con clusion the work already started on t base subjects. While there appeared a possibility lu the senate that po farm Mil would reach the floor before next Monday, hr in nine moved ahood swiftly. Bare ly had (he echoes of the ayley gavel ’iiihetded before Ohalnme Haagaa of the agriculture committee dropped la t< the banket a Mil drafted alone Haas 4 f lit# IfamiKlUan lilitf—'l Aid thd lumpalgn title ranees of a pre eld sal. It has boon ispsuuuntud We having (ha tacit approval of Mr. HUmver. A ssnale agricultural Mm mitt ae hap -tot decided whether It will write the debenture plan Into Its Mil aad la de laying action until tomorrow wlfh tho '■ope that Secretary Hyde will appear before It and glre the administration views upon that proposal. If the de benture plan Is raJectad, tho gpaoret principles of the MU to bo presented te the senate will be similar to the measure before the house. With the committee undecided over which course to take, sentiment was tvportod growing In the eeaate far adjournment Wednesday over tho weok •■I <1 to give the agricultural group t.rne to settle the debenture question and report the blft. Home house leaden segreaaad 4e tci m I uni ton to make abort shift of tho 'arm hilt. Members of the agricul ture committee after approving their . .ensure Sunday regarded the remain der of their work as only a formality, rha bill will be referred formally to •he house tomorrow after the commit ter hat been organised for the bow session and they aspect to have H ready. for houae consider at loh Wed* readay. . ■ * Although Its program had been ten tatively set to Include farm relief, the related subject of tarl'f revision, ro r[. port ton incut of the Houae, end a measure setting a date for beginning Ihr enumeration of the nation’s popu lation. no on# would venture u predlc t'on as to the life of the aeaetou. The president had been represented as favoring a limited legislative pro gram. but he had made It plain that l,r would nut attempt to tell Congress what to do. 8o It la up to the Repub lican leaders to guide the destinies of tha session. They also favor p limita tion of activity but Democratic lead ers huvo threatened to oppose such ■ffort.s. Only the perfunctory progress of .rganlttng faced the Houae today while the Senate was ready for buat u«s* Immediately, as this work wna *.i ken « arr of In the brief session held early In March to couilrm the Hoover cabinet. Other than meeting and adjourning the Senate had Itltle before It a* Ihp message of (’resident Hoover fvtlt no* bs transmitted to ihe capttol by spe cial messenger until tomorrow. In the House, however, slaty-eight new members were called to take the oath In the House alone with those re i’lected last November. Os the new i comers, one, Oscar de Priest of Chicq ■ go. Is the first negro elected to Con gress In 2k years. Os the other new arrivals, three were women, bringing tha total tem i inlne group there to eight. At the other side of the capttol . nine u«dr senators, already sworn In, na t IWMUgW# Ok MM 1 1 ggd

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