WEATHER Pair tonight and probably Saturday slowly-rising temperature VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 45 «■ CHARGES SOUTHERN MILL LABOR IS EXPLOITED Southern Industrial (Council Statement Is • 9 Issued At Baltimore Shows That Average Mill Hand in South Makes Only $12.17 for 55.7 hr*. • _________ STRIKE ORGANIZER IS ARRESTED FOR FRAUD Headquarter* of Striker* at Gantonia Demolished by Rar\d of Masked Men BALTIMORE, April I* South rrn labor ly Heine exploited to ll* greatest detriment 111 the textile in iliiKtry torn by airlke In North Carolina. South (Carolina and Tennes see It was declared In a report l»- sued today by the Southern Industrial Council, Broadu* Mitrhrll, Baltimore. ; The report declare* that the proa* etlt strike* are the reaulU of Iheee i ondltlon* and the true significance of the trouble He* In the fact that thia labor exploitation l>© brought to Uie attenilon of the public. Recent inlara tlca of text lie Interest from (he uortli •o the aouth ha* lieen based on the low labor standard*, the report de r'ares, and' *ay* that the Immediate mime* of the strikers are of lens mo ment than the fundamental complaint ts exploitation. The average wage for the Southern cotton mill-worker* based on (he 1!I25 Federal census la |(132.*5. a year or *1217 per average working week of 53 5 working hours, the report say*. charlotte, April i».~ <av—Ellen Haw Non, communist orguntxer for the ' National Textile Worker* Union, who ha» heeh acting In the Carolina* for the last six week* wa* arrested a! Gtstonla late today on a charge of securing naturalization papers, by fraud. She was brought to Charlotte bv liaputy United Stale* Mar*lial M. C. Coin and given an Immediate hearing ladore U H. Commission W. ft. Hug gins of Ohuf'bttr and held to’the I’fd rral grand jury at Trenton N. -L. I" s2.o<Wt bond. She was remanded lo ;jll when trite could not glv bond Ml«a Ilnwson denied’her guilt when arraigned She I* a native of *<<>'- land. „ , The warrant wait received yester day from New Jersey. Miss Dawson on til not he located at the time a* she ha* been travelling from city f* city In the strike gone ~ Today *h© appeared at Htrlke headquarter* In Oastonla and participated In » nia*H meeting at will strike lead er* .poke The rnKJLU[*tvj\ heard nt her prAaenee and I wpuiWMiirxhul Coin was *eni to arrest her G ASTONI A. April I*. (fl'l Strike heaiHiuaHcr* of tl>. National Textile Worker* union, from which organizer* have been directing strike at the Lo ray mill, wa* demolished early today ly u band of masked nieu A relief More, established by H"- 4*n next door to the headquarter* building. also was destroyed So tar as could b- learned this morning nobody was injured although * w: ,s stnt Ik'Wtat there were several, flsl flghls and a number of allots i lrP4 | County and national g'i“f'l ofn ‘ , * rH guarding the mill, property and k©ep order In the mill village, today said they had no clues as to the v*r petrator*. 1 nion leader* Including Fr.*l Erwin Beal, organizer forth" rational textile worker* union who , ailed the strike and "bo htt * ’ directing it- and George Pershing sU»« employe or “tlu- dally -rker New York communist organ could hot Vacated. - Person* who .w the crowd of men •Who mad. kindling *<"*» of the two I,tiding* said that they puparently aumbw-ed several dozen, all wore ■white musks 1 The strike at the U.ray Uhll owuel and operated by tile M .nv.Ue-Jem k» company of P«w<m ke..1l 1 . ™> ed.bree weeks . y.-terday On the first day disorder, that listened l« turn into -"rtou, .lot* -used M com panic* of national guardsmen t ie ordered to the scene l-»'er '*<* rompanle» wart withdrawn and dep uty sheriff* suhstMt»**d. since the art o the lavra v dif ficult lew lb- • ' ' • .1 tenth', worker, Union has organized Joiul* and called •trike* at Plnevllle, Bessemer Cfty and Lexington. N. C The Plnevllle und * Islington mills have been dosed to _ prevent trouble. . THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARR BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. IT— | Man of 70 to Wed Woman Who is 54 A Greene county white man. 7° ( years of age. secured license to marry a woman 54 years ot age from the office of the register of deeds Miss Desale Grantham, here yesterday * ’ The license was issued as fol lows: J. R St ailing*. 7t*. of Greene county, lo Muria Murray, 64, also of Greene (gilllily. MIXED BOOZE / AND HIS FISH So New Hern Man Spends Ninth! in Jail in Wayne Soherinß Up J It. Smith, white man of New Bern, who was arrested on highway 111 a short dlstanse from the city by Deputy John Kornegay, and lodged In county Jail on charges of transport ing whiskey and being Intoxicated, was 'released under $20(1 bond later In H»e evening, II was learned yes terduy Smith wa* moving a lanri named Hamilton from New Bern to Durham, where Hamilton told officer* he is going lo open a firyh market The mall truck, with several boxes o' flth In the back, belonged to Hamil ton, hut was being driven by- Smith. A* the two men passed through the ■city. Deputy Kortygay saw them on George street, and noticed that the driver appeared 10 Ire under the In fluence of whiskey. The officer gav* and caught up. with the other ,vehicle near the overhead bridge on the Kulelgh road About a <|imrt of whiskey was found under Hie seat In u half gallon fruit Jar. Smith was placed under arrest, nnd lodged in jail here milll lie sobered up. w hen he was released under bond. WAYNE CO-OPS HOLD MEETING Name Delegates to IliHtrict Con vention to He Held Here April 25 " A meeting or the Wavttf County members of the North Carolina c otton Growers Cooperative Association was held in the Community Building yes terday. At this meeting delegates to the ills!rid convention of the Fourth District which embraces the counties ..,f Wuyne, Lenoir. Jone*. Carteret.j Greene. Onslow. Craven and Pamlico were elected. These delegates will I meet In Goldsboro Tuesday. April 22 .•iinl nominate two candidates dor dt rcctjkp* for Ibis district. These noml-j liees will be volcif On bv tile i ntlre membership of the district nt an ele< Min to he held In Goldsboro. May 10th The number of directors of the as sociation has been increases! from 10 to It Fourteen of these are elected by the members and one Is appointed by Ibe Governor a* director ut large. 'i lie director of the Fourth district at i present Is A. T. Griffin of Goldsboro I A message from U B. Blalysk. Gen eial Manager o' the Vs oil a Hon. w.ts read to the association by F U Mr j K nne, field representative A hearj ~ (Continued on page 2) Permanent Scout Camp Will Be Ready For This Season Work ha* been started on Jhc con struction of a permanent dtoy Scout "iingp on the Indian Spring township site and will he coraplcteil In ample Into for the summer camp Itg sea ion The New * loarned yi-Met day A force of laborer* I- i'ttgag*-'l In clearing away the umlncbru ,li ahou' ihe camp *lti property arnl will In « few day - begin i-iur-trudlon of the swimming pool. The pool 1* lo I* built by placing a'concrete dam acrosa bleepy Greek and there will be very 1 little “scooping" or digging to do. The bill* rig* ou both aide* yf the BUGS MEET BVCS IN OPENER HERE A T 3:30 ANDREW LEWIS DIES SUDDENLY Vuncral Service Held From ,i Graveside at Pate Cem etery Yesterday Funeral service, for Andrew Lewis .’>4 yearqobl whit man ol Hr eiUcsf who died .luldcnlv at T ill rhV slo t lltci Wctlui -ile Up lmull at" l:3'i it'i'lni li. Wire lie|>| from the gj-.iVisid ..t Pate'* Ini lying giomdl In Bloilev Creek t iwiiship yesterday uftegiiooh nl :i o'clock bv Rev Jnrrv I low ell. llolini . chinch mint .flu Mr Lewis lived near Tullnn’s s ore w‘th one o Ills twins, Mpsoti Howell He was sitting bv the fire in Tallnn’s Wednesduv afiernoon, and uc ccrdtng to report*, had complulmsl of being cijpl day A number of fijrnds were also sluing around th M file talking, ll wijs saw) Alter nwhll several of the men In the store nolle ed tluil Lewis had apparently gone lo sleep, bill they kept on lulkiiig. Final e ly one of the ipen went over to in y atigatc ;md found that he was dead Coroner, T K KobliiHOii wa« sum moned, anil after examining tha body, pronounceil that death wa* probafily .due to heurt trouble The remains were removed to a looul undertaking • stablDlinient. where they were pr*’ pareil for tmrlal The deeaaacd Is survived by twit non*, /.eh Howell, of Alihurn. New York, and Mttiwn, of tireenleaf, one dnighter, Mr*. Euluh* Mitchell, of Hrogilou township, one brother r also i urvlvc.*, hut hth name could tun be gecarta tin-d. M\. HowetP* wife lontj zren dead for several years.* LEGION HAS A. FINE PROGRAM - I Wives and Sweetheu/ts to He . Entertained At M*y Meet- | inf? of Post The Wayne Post of Hie American Legion voted lust night to stage a big rally ut the May meeting nt which. | wive* unil sweetheart* of Legionnaires! will he gtie.l* of honor audio suspend ! activities during June, July and Aug j list. t Commander |m»«m Urged the member •k fit Ip Id bestir Itself In Hie matter of I 1 securing Iw-ller alli'ndaitce at Hie | ; meetings, saying that Ihere are now ' ; 175 member* of Hie post and HnM the 1 ; attendance at meetings range* from ; 25 to 35. .1 e. Crone unnomin*l Ihnl Mrs f*ley. president of the North Carolina : department of the legion Auxiliary, would visit th« liH'al Auxiliary May ?L All wive* and »l*|er* of ex-*er ■v ee nri-n Invllisl to attend' Hie | May 21 Auxiliary meeting to (fear Mr*. Isley ■ * 10 A fake srureli warrant hroughi 111 'n the midst of the meeting and jin noiiuclng that everyone wa* to he searched wa* almost top real While crie* of bar' the ifitors went up froßi tlie officer bringing In Hie walrunl. ins Legionnaire made « get-a way i*nd canto track after It wa* nil over wanting to know what that warrant fluff wa* about anyhow While the ..barbecue wa* tadng serv |ed Kd Evans and Mi wborn I'ilund lentertalneil __ the Do*! with a nerie i,f rope tv.iUcJ'pß aail tumlillng exhtbl Mon*. Young Kvan* a* a rope walk ■ ■ r I* gi*>'l enough for a ctrcu* and |th< two youths as u tumbling team I would go well on vaudeville. creek. m iking condition* ideal for i tlldlnc .1 lake A sand tt pebbly bottom will give 'he sort of “fefl” that :» boy twlmmir • ill lik*‘ against ho bare feet an lr ; ia_VH In the water, ami at the same ■ me will Jin lire the proper sanitary n milt lon i about the pool —Sample.! of the wat'r taken from the crew* 1 were et.l to the Mate tahoratory tor analysis without word beinK given as • o the source or purpose desired. Re poit came back that the water was . "good drink”. v M (Continued on pace >l^4^ < GOLDSBORO, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 0] \9t9 ftj Throws First Ball Today * | 7 -■ ■' - - -■' - ■ . ■ .% / "air * ■""* * ' • i ft , • w | ‘ '\\\ ■ A 7*. Griffin, prexy of the Gold.i orn Basebill lon. will throw the first hull when Goldsboro meet* Rocky Mount In the league opener ' at Griffin I’flrk at 3:30 till* afternoon. I ■ | *' School Bus Turtles, v Three Slightly Hurt ItMehrt Sasser. 14 vear old son of 1 L S«**er. and two other school children were slightly Injured ye deri!ay morning when a Broaden school hit* oyerturh»d near the re«|deln’e of Itert Martin The Ha* K*r hoy Mn*tattleil a wllglit cut lit the top d the bend which require I two Htilche* to *«-w tflfv anil two -oilier children received mill >r in jttrle* thal wen- attended hy fsftuly physician* The lm* wa* “about half full” of chlldt'en nl the lime It overturned. The New* wv.s td’i that Ihe hit* wa* Just gelling iiiutci way alter . a Btoji and skidded In a sand bed at a I tend In the rood, turning over Into the field The name “of the driver rottld not lie learned. STEEL CASE IS TO END TODAY I o Charge of Judue Grady' Remains to Allow Action to Go To J«ry ————— The charge of Jury Henry A. Grady -eitiaincd to he made in tlie case of Ui.ncret# s'ietl company against \\ I'. Ruse when .Superior court wa- ad jotlCwetl for the dav I 'heie ye-ti-nl.i; The. day was taken up with the p'<“ Kenlatlon of leeHmuny bv witnesKC, f> r the defenilatil. and by Hi- srgu itieiii- of the attorney- fi» b -th -id, • The case, which liu* already occupl , d t wo i days of this week, w ill pi ~)> :• li Iv he given. to Ihe Jury a short tine after court re convenes this morning Judgments were signed by ludgi flrady yesterday In iRe f<>l)ow!in. i ase l.lonel Well vs J M Morton link meet wa* awarded to tin* fdaintlif in the amount ot SS27 20 and the cost* o' the uctlon The Hitlnmohlle ui - den' out of wlib h the - nil arose, is i ut r> I it Mbv. U'27 near car with Mr. Weil nt Hi* time were son, Lionel Ir, and Isirtch lame' ton; The car, a Und Iliac w.ts aluW-st i cmpletely d'en'iollshtsl In the ca-e of (’. A Smith ayuln-l 11. F. I v nd- rhlll. the action wu* di» Ijj-ued and Hie de endaut ordered to lay th© cost*. ' Tit© can© of Jam©* TVilllam* agaln*t rtnatoh Darker was aettled and tin* ottiom ordered duHoUxeiJ, i*. ! TO OCCUPY NEW S. S. BUILDING If SratH Arrive Methodist Will Use New Riant on .Sunday Morninß 1 T" —l,-| -.1 , “ If scat* which liiiV© henn »lop|k-,l from Mt Airy ftrrlv© In time, th© lies- Sunday school building of th© St Until Met iiodlnt ehitrch Will he ot ciipied for Hi© first time on Sun day morning latter It i* planned :o have a program celebrating the entry Into Ho* tiew building. There are - several tiri/re ctns* risiins und three ai.euthly room* in ihe I'Uildtng erected at a cost In #*-' ,re *of Hindoo. The structure will have a oatlngN-apartly for tun In the ! various room*. ) Seal* for l>4 litillding were shlp peii 1-orly Tii the week but had not arrived W-vterday ft wa* hoped tha’ they would readi Hie city ti«lay. FIRST BILLS IN SFXtTK WAsttf.NtjTON. April IK (A'i Tlii arm relief, ceu-un and House renp pd rt lot tin est t mea-ure*-ullon Ih* ad mlnlalrsHon program for the extra M»*lo»i were ih*' flrat hill* tntroduc d In liu- Script© trslay a* R aettled •ttiwn for actual liustne**. i IIF.I,K\ SDRtJIk MIT Gt II,TY Kv,' YORK. April IH UF) Helen *t',rgun, comedy nitre-*, •' arged with maintalnirtg a common i a .un i- fn a night i!ub wa- «< <iufll,-,t i by a Jury in Federal court. Girls of 22 Four-H Clubs Gather Here Saturday Morn Saturday morning at it to o'clock lean if in 2‘ tIIiI alm iri the county -■II will at Uh VViVin- County Mentf*- ■ it < ominunitv Moth! tig to participate ot a county djfiiiorisiration team eon it *. mIhH Until lt*ll|y. home demon* •Oration agent, nnimuti'Ml here yesler bav Itu team wins out In this ■ ititeCi will rept e .ent, the county at ,t‘t lto> M and flirt*. Short Course In I’ ijeigh tiii ; stimmer. i 'I he second important event In a •>rograiti of 4-11 flub work outline for this month, will be Waged here Hf|* i day, April Vi, when fiOO club girl* anti lirti club bo>4 iu the county Will meet ♦ CANCER KILLS J. B. HOWELL Funeral Service* for Prominent . Stonev'CuNflr Townnhip Man,at P:3O Funeral *orvlree for J B Howol: C,3 who died ut hi* home in Stoney: 1 i reek township yesterday niornln! u' I 4 o'clock after an lllne** of ttcvcral | ttonlh* with cancer, will he held at S'oney Creek church (hi* afternoon at t:3d o'clock Rev 0. C Joyner. i.iNtor of the Durham Free Will liftp ild church, will (dictate Interment w,f| ln. made In the church grave yard. The deceased waa, prior to h a lll neaa, a prominent farmer of the Hum v Creek *ert|on, and waa very acilvev lit the Interest* of hi* comjtiunll) lie l* survived by ,hl* wfn. Mr*. G'ennle Howell, and one *l*ter, Mi*< Olivia llowelt, of Sloney Creek lowtt hip r RAY HINNANT IN A WRECK •j Car SoßicraauUn Savcral Time* Rut Hr Eneaped Without SerlouH Hurts Though lit* antomohlle turned over •everal ilgxrxnil waa demoltahnil when It landed -It a field, Ray Hlnnant. of Gnhtahoro nnd Plkevflle, escaped other than minor Injury In an acct deut pear the realdence of Deeina 11 Pate, 3 6 miles north of Ihe ofty on highway number 40,. yesterday after noon. Hlnnant wa* said to have loet con trol of the machine; ee it rounded a enrve It nkldded off the pavement on the left hand *fd« of the road going inward'Mkevltte, back arrow* tha' highway and after aomernaultlng three tlmea, came to a atop In a field, wliiie**«* *ntd. Hlhnant prohahly owe* hi* life to the fart that he wa* thrown dear of the machine a* It hurtled .<• 1 ‘ _ lie NUMtnlned a nlight mi about the mouth and a ga*h on one hand HAYS STARTS DIVORCE SUIT Czar of Movim Want* Freedom From Wife Whom Hr Ih Separated SULLIVAN. IniL, April |g tjp)— W'l'l 11, Hay*, popularly known' a* exar of the filed a petition 111 circuit murt-dfiMlay for divorce from Helen Tin,inns Hays of thl* city and tor cu*tndy of their 14 year-old »ott Tlie petition elate*, that Mr. and Mr* Hays were may'll*! In ,1301 but /eparated liecanse/of Ih'' incoinpat ahlllly of their teoiperumanta and have not 11 veil together for year*. HKI.4.IVN tIKN I > NISStMi HRUSKKLB, April 1* (41 The Belgian aviator Thleffry and passeng er* -ihoimi hi* plane ware reported ui ssing limlbv after a crash aCKilmn i a Ikr Itelgi.ia Congo. (.a,*iudii> mechanic wa* found uncon*dmt» a'uil gnorant of Hie (ale of hi* compan ion* by native*. recently fulled In an at tempt H6pf|)%rroni llelgiom to the i "■ hgo at the Community Unfitting for an all day session. The dale of this ineet ‘i g has been designated as County* Vide Achievement I*uy, it was said Included irt the tluy’s program o atllvllles will be fey each of the clubs represented. I’rlte* will he given for the best wt tint * anti for the turnt exhibits. Mis* Reilly announced A ptTxe of sr» will be given to the y il having lire hesl cotton dress for the exhibits, and JS for tho second lest. These prises will he given by Ibe Co-operatkvo Cotton Association. _ A a A < *'«‘ u »'*®<* U *. * r MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRIG! ms mi PREXY GRIFFIN TO TOSS FIRST BALL OFGAME IRtpc In That Eithrr Minofut, Rnkri or Bovniun Will F*rr Rocky Mount The Goldsboro Manufacturer* *lll •pen the logs Eastern Carolina league i>:t*eb*ll neaaon 111 Goldahoro at Grif fin Unrk Ihta afternoon at 3:M o'* • 'ock when (hey play Ih* Rocky Mon at llucaucer* In Ihe first gam# of a two satne opening aerlea oa the local l**. No clanging of belts or blowing of whistle* will aanbunoe the dahat of tail season's opehnant winner* JltO Hie li»2D flag race. In fact, there wl'.t l e no pretention* ceremony ha.'ore Che ■impure cauaea the heart* of hundred* d local fan* to Hauer hy calllag '“l'lny Ball." s Al.1:30 o'clock thl* afternoon. PreaJ «*« t»t A. T. (Irttfln of the Manufactur er*. wilt introduce to tha fan* mu* oii# of the member* of the loan) club. Thl* will be done In ardor to onablft ' l.uii#ball enthusiast* to become fami liar Vth the ndme* and laoae at tjt member* of the "hoaeo town dab**. A'few mlnntea later Praatdeat Ortl ttn will toe* a brand uaw ball a«t the umpire, officially epewtag tha eaa “f At ih* same time the tug* and (be npc* are oroaelag beta la tha aueqer here, similar content* will ba aada. 1 way IHU ween Fay*tt*rlUe and WU* m'tjgtim at WllmlngUxa, sad KlaaMUl and Greenville at GreMVilla Laced '»na, howanar. wUL ambara thought* of IMS IwJTSumw game* th* leagwd abbaa*. la <be opinion of looal club of ft dal*. FrtEi tha time the first bait la toaaed neat until ihe last man la aatladoat la *b> *: n’pHi Inning, a real dtmaaad bat*»a Will he In proedktf bare. It la believe >. rtttf KOCtY Mount Ct|l. WBn ■lrD’l 4.corgi*, and Brooklyn, New Tart, *e draw on for IF* material, la rapod*4 ’o have an eerallaat team la tbe *1 *l)lng proceek- Blckham, rtrai eacker tar tbe iMitto last Haason, will probably atart at the initial sack In tM opening sa«a* today. It* ha* shown htißMlf td be itDhily off form from hie per »rm«a ■■« of hi*t year, hut a number of fan* ire •jf the oplntim that he will at •*1 to day. K ther .ifttle Johnny Culln v or Trapp will open up at abort dkippar league I* expected to take up hie "ghlar position at Hooond haw# 'Can- ' 'u- Bair Smith will probably at.rt.hi *t field? while Patton will VmOM . I certainly lm out ta the" right g*rJea. | unlcs* hi* had leg keep* him at 6f ,:t.e tame altogether. Th • general opinion I* (o the effect the* lotk *Jr will start In cei er field. NEW BATTLES HELD IMMINENT Mcxiritn Woman IHaa of Friffct When Plane Dropa Honb on City NOG ALLS. Sonora. Mexico, Apftl I*.- (/V) l onrentration of oppoalag ai uilom In preparation for battli Sad me honthlng o thl* city with one eaa •.ulty due to fright werk the ont <taidlng ilevelopmenl* In the northern Hector of Mexico* plrll war today. Report* from San Hkt*. SlnakoC*" mli| that General I’lautarco Ellaa • . lie* commander In chief of Federal ,i'title* was concentrating his force* nt that po-tit while rebel armies un der frntf-ral J Got)zaln Kecobar war* ci nverging on Navu)aaa for a ataad • cultiHi * probable attack hy Callao. iVli ddi hid three alrplaaaa la • e:.illni-*i lor adlon. Seven bomb* were dropped oa No i ate* this morning by a Federal plane A Mexican woman Beaora Isabel ,jfca Valle*tero* died of fright, physician* *ald She waa fleeing toward the border when -he dropped dead. Girl Unconscious Since February Bth. LYNCHBLRC, Va . April It -VIV- Marjorli Dowdy, lit, Lynchburg school girl haa boon aacogaclou* lAM hoafs today Tha little girl waa lajurad la tin .in to mobile accident ,laat fktbrmafT k. t'hyaidana today aato by , coudUioa showed iapraadhAfcr^^g ~ f '' '• '

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