PAGE TWO INTERESTING HAPPENINGS IN MOUNT OLIVE AND COMMUNITY Wright Is In Onintv Jail Negro Boy Being Held Pending Outcome of Tu mage's Injuries > WlIHe Wright, It year <>UI Cklm l " negro. who gertously luj it l •*> t i U. Inruage. white youth living »n the (I J Itu nils' farm near here, when hi t truck him on the head n brick* last Friday afiernoon, I* be|»* held 111 the Wayne county Jail In flntds . horn pemlliiK the onteotne of Turnuge a Injuries. Tlje iinarn »•» taken to the cuiiaty veaflry Igtal officer* Wedni-a i;ay. Jt ilelAnta'i harge haa not Ireon prater rad sgatust lihn a* yet, It wur *ald N_- Tnrnage «n said hy hospital air ihnrltle* to he "doing Itloely” last ,i veiling, and It Wa* thought lit* d unce* for recovery ware good. The i-bnth sustained a frasture of the ahull I* cceaaltatlng the performing of an op ~eat|on and the removal of a pleiu o' the ahull A *Hv*r plate waa sub M'titled In It’* place, according to the * eporl* . ’» , If Tnrnage llyea. the charge again*!' Wrlgltl will probably lie aaaanlt with i deadly weapon, officer* *ald. while <n the event of the white yonlhV. death •the charge would probably he man- | LOCAL WOMAN BIT BY TABBY Mr*. J. W. Flowers Sustains Painful Wound in Hand While feeding Cats Mra. J B. Klowara. local woman, r ho waa bitten on the hand hy a pH iat While She Wb* feedfltg aeveral of the fellnhs ljiat Monday about noon la attll undergoing treatment front u oral physician hut her hand I* much *, nproved, It wqs learned yaalerday. The rat wa* not thought lo have been mad. It wa* aald Mra. Flowers , Wraa feeding Iwo or three of the atilniul* which had Item o t> Haying around the home (or »ome time. She reached down to pit k one us them up, and just a* she touched the “tabbyO. he *iiwl must afound uu'l caught liar hand bet ween hla leeth The cal wiptld fits la* sf<>, It wa* said ind held on until someone canto to Mr*- Flower’* rescue und choked the animal' --With It** breath cul utf. how ever, the cat wa* forced to loose It’* . hold. The 'njnred my other wa* swollen for a day or two. hut under treatment, .improved, and It If not thought tho wound caused bV the bite will prove serious. J SOCIETY - T I Mr. Arnold W.JByrd wa* a business '■ Isltor In (loldbltorw yesterday, • ’ • • Mra. I’. 11. Hatch ha* returned from a visit with relative* In Snow mil. • • • Mra. Halite Hovd, of Warsaw. Is .‘Witlng her slater. Mrs. S. I. Warren. ’ Ai here. Mr*. P. 1. Harden ha* returned to Rocky Mount after visiting her* for i few days. • • • „ Mrs. J. Harvey Kdwsrds. est Snow Hill. Is /tailing Mrs. (’ It Hatch in the city. * • • Mrs. (’hurls* Pickett, of Warsaw, •’istted her daughter. Mi* l,emnel Ttrltt, here'Wednesday. • • * <. Mra. W. R. Jennette visited her daughter. Mr*. Paul GanT*on. In Goldsboro Wednesday evening. «• • f Mrs J K. Sloan, of Warsaw, attend ed the New Hern district confer'ence t .Mount l/llve Weduesduc. LADIES HF.KVKI) IMAM K INSTEAD OF THF MI N The ladies of the Methodist church her* were the one* who served that nellclou* dinner to the delgate* and ruest* of the Conference Wednesday, It Was learned yesterday. It was pre rtously reported tn The News that the r.'< n of the rhurejt would have clAige o' the dinner Wednesday It has »im e been learned that while thev furttlih rd the e«*eallal partw, of tic meal j the ladles were the oiijs who had. charge of the serving on both dnys I ’’Otsh-waahtng and all”, wa* Included] In the process. It vras said. MVS KNOW MILL FOLKS I HINT 4. FT MANY RFMRIKN Mra. .1 H Kdwards, of Snow Hill, who la visiting relatives lit lhe cltv, if 1 declared yesterday .that while there seemed to be plenty of strawberries stound Mount Olive, people In Snow Kill could hardly buy them* to rat. ("Hire In a while durlflg the season one. n VMS mM, but most of, ths bfirien in j Cooks Leave Jobs For Berry Fields ! r> * A number of local womau have | reported that their cook* have left them tn the past few days to hie away to the strawberry field*. (These cook* and nurse* claim. It 1* said that they receive more lu? i ratirr i.iitiipen-al I*>h a* berry-! picker* than they do at their otner work. “’They Jeave u* now to go* and pb k *1 rawWrrles. tint as *oon a* the season la over they’ll he hack Wanting their jotis again", one of lib Morint Olive ladle* told, The New* represent at tve yesterday. »n i ■ 1 tills section are shipped to northern I bints direct, and the grower* don't nolher in iMke litem t» p* arby towns .is long a* tin s <so sell them illrerl lo hrokeis Ip-re. 1.1M1.N OF 22 I ol K ll < 1.l IP* 4«ATIII It HI 111 MTI HOLY HOKN * it out limed from page 1) Y/ o Other prixcn will !>*<• furnby lo* eal merchants and bank* R 11. Hnrrtll, state director of 4-H clutis, will deliver an adress during the day Other speakers will also probably appear on tlie program. The following girl* have bcefi (Ic eland winner. In the various school contesta mid will represent their coin ■niinttleg here Saturday:- Indian Spring Ist Horn (J itnn. Mildred Harwich 2nd- Meta Howard. Mary Sasser. Brd—•Frauds Sasser, Sadie llfties. Ruby Iww I>, ss> Ylohbersr llle Ist Net a Chestnut, A|leen Mct'ul len. Ind- Minute Mct'nllon. (lerda Best. Ilasvl Hoblm ** Hood ww(IIIIp y Ist Telta Parks. Kmtly Parks. 2nd K.ssie Howell. lUatbhe Smith Kan Mon Ist KlltJin I’e‘l?, M*belle Parks. 2nd Sc I lie Hut i'i Dolly Hackley. Hanlel* t liupel Ist Ruby Jone*. Id la MaeWurd. 2nd Rehecea, I. title Warren. Rosenlmml, Jr. Ist Motell Creei Ji. Rebecca Smith. 2nd Kllnor William*, Inn tile Per l Ins. »• m <■' Rosenoed. Hr. Ist Hie* Kills. Doris Itrow'rt 2nd Kllzabeih Iphnson. Ilrogifein Hr. 1-t Katie BHlgheth Moore Lillian tvdwarda. 2nd Ruby Stevens. Nannie Cox. Itmgiien. Jr. Ist., -Helm Price, Ksther Perkins. 2nd—Ruth Humes. Calorie Wiggins Hnillh* t hapel Ist Ruth Smith, Lthel Williams. 2nd (inendolvii Hlxzell,. .Mattie Pearl Fufrotl. He I last Ist Mrginla Hartlett. Kthel Fore hand. 2nd Maggie Mct’nndle**, Georgia t'avls. • Niihunfa I*t I.en i Dim . Vinthell Dawson 2nd lull:.- Rdfirtan, Uiad/a Wad dill. (•rniilhaiii Jr. Ist - Ruby Kicks, Doris (irantham - it is better! BARNEY GOOGLE IRS BREAD IS ALL DOCGH BY BILLY DE BECK HO»i lUO .... X / I ,NO.. ,OU Ct>, IK*S MAS.E. I < - 5 _ LL / M«C KIOTi 1 i» tlAji* G A«PI AM W ' NUL \ (AAMVCtF ' I feuT. NOLI AjN.t NIVBY Pow (JUOGMt'jl J | . O J r c ~~ i \ DANA To T* y J KR\» SflWhilE / (AAI CiOOO mam. > -t uvS MORkIIUG . I ( |M NfXiR SiELtcTtOM OF- \ ) L/ \ Hr-t (MAW'W i fseV rV. C.l £*' /1 e / MR. / \ X TABIFS - AIA Z ° V SMF. OC* f \ Ok ri\ w i bT.Au OCMU / That DOUGH A a {V V kmjvm i*f / ft ,li r.V} I / WtT.ROSt MARII Nr ' l \ V \> A \ KMOO* NOAC-A-J / ,rvu.u * \ i ' P&7 X . Jfc\ X V ter rut Than / MiAAVbAee ", iV ?. % Z ' > K? *- (k • Mil A A \ Vou 00. / adUA ha Wa , T r , 7• - / • > \ anx* makuT vi tc bi k‘Tvi /C/2. J \i ,// f ' nr2o * fBMiOEpaiQiK) mm, oohwmßQ. m. c. raioav. aentL i» a ’ in i/.» >•*-*, o- f'; «In (h-Pni s himlilS lene ‘JI .cie -l» (' \f uot#*s Atherwlaa foliSMltol \V -• , > I'll 1 !* "•' !--(i • 1 l"ie /* UnOH I i|hl. c’hsin w^rsms w ttlr list us e*l -» ' - I Xtf t- W«B<* -Hrv» York—f • At—Kebxtnk by Male (/. .ri <1 •• ' " IVI’UI WNAC WEAK ITKIII. V( »I M» U'J -H \\ *(*■ c uts 1 I.HV. (VMM, ,ci.Sr-wcar a.H -;u * 1 M —Dei! 11*11611 ol Tomb • ! i n. lun i. e til'x et A Herb »i. n* v> lulion-AI«o Westi wfif wuv v cti u»> i it vy S JO— j. >|l)S 101 lSi d .Ins- 1 01 Ml s• I I , Ai- . \»l:i: I . . tot—Wilder I liinnei «,-l. Ai*,. Wi:r IVCAl »:«•—Meihant- • of Minn-A bn »VT Ui VM'KII Wi'.AK Wilt IVTAM WIVJ 71 to- y-,1.- Is*" I, - 111. li»*iu--A'*.. *S 111 * o.oU—in-'lo ilra .nut (‘s .abei • C.d-n X-ten'e.-nM Alt-. VVI-’KI AVI.IT AAIO V\' AImOTUI A\ AA I t. AAV AM ill AVTIC 0:00—Am K**bmg KP Ph >• P.mimi. fc'i,' .-v—Alsn VV SCI WTIC A\ IA I: AvCa/mAA * - H t\ , .IT AV|| AA •; A AVCR AACAH WWJWUN « jo— .nd t,nn-(• > b •*•- I'nnji f ml- Va» aatp- aajai: WfCKI WTAO Vt'i’Pll AVI.IT WOV Ir»JR'AVI• *. I WAA I AVUC MOO—Scion tjlli.gds mo r- Ih.mii, ai... AVTIC .At.IT AVAVJ AVOH WJAB 10 JO— Hell Hour AA Ob it..- •' e AAT-T J A.'IIC AVIAti AVTAU AVCHH aa t:«’ AVi,v truii avi-ak kaav aviimi aviias wjax 1 LiOa—He l*|- Or >lo'»l I set I-n A ••*•-• hi 1- |, -elm ,\J*e AVAVJ « i»4 >—AVJ / til vi V*rti 7CJ 4 00— giiilth gedew * (I|, he*Kc B-» I, ill i or, AA \7. only. 7*oo—SiH'Hle laddie-. Poiiiil k Tit** A JV, • 7:ta—Tslkoa llesltli: "Oral II ■■■»•• - .a.iv. -. ,t u|.kpka w it: wi.AV 7;J0 —I 'loir Jim.* Cti.-oi. 111.. *» . n,i N.o -i> « •-,i \b„ AV HZ AVPAI. >s l>K A AVt.AV AVIf KAAV AVtt.S AA VI AvSIl AAI.T • OO— Vlicll Kerrt.i Teim. 'MI '! I I »’ KUKA • JO—vJiic k« r lib I cml 111 ticgj. L* .* lirom . Si nraHu. lisle U’urlit Alto WIJ/. tvtnt, AVII.UI KI *ts \ A. t.AA AA It: AV it A S n.-i.AI AVHH AA HT • :o#—tte» lew In Jlllslu, Mildreil Hioo i 11. on n-l Itn.llP r —ale*i AA 11/. AVB Al - SDK* V.I.AA If AAA AVI I -* AA.s-l AA HV AVIII AVIAN AV KVA • JO—Ttiealer Vlemore*. ftlngiinrl loprsro —Abo AVBZ WHAI. WHAM KOK A WI.AV Will KAAV 10:00—Chsllenge * <il ii *i;i ITo*i.i,, AI-.. AA UZ WIIAI. WHAM WRVA hl>h A AVt.W AA’.lr KAAV A, ll*-. V. -• WltT AA I A.\ AVI(ll) 10:J0—Phil Utilisin' '• lisn.e 'ln-, At... aa I Z *Vl!*t. ttlOO— aiumle I Mu-tc .11*1.1 I *nn)> A> AA I .AA AVMAg Will' KhKA A27.3—VV08 N-w.-rl:—»l# • :00—Olll Man Itlyer VI-«. AS ai Ai AS a\ | PI. \akp.W WCAO WJAB” AVAIK’ WM\g AVI.HAA VA'M.AI. Wl'lll AVTAIt AVWNC AVI.AC AVDOtI »:»o—Oreliestr.i mi Cln.ln- AA... AV. AI i\ \ ai- aVI-JAN WFHL WKHW WCAO WJAB AAAI. AM,IIP AV M A(i AA |IK V.I.PAV WVIAL AV DliJ WTAB AAW..C WLAC W|SI|I AAIUb 1 • OO—BIOIA H"'l. At-. AM'Af VASA* A I AN A Mil, AApAK WCAO AVJA* AVALS' TVKKP WiiltP A Mai. A\ BPI * WtIK *' I.BAV AVMAf. 10:00—The Album. lirsmsTle ttesitlug *ml Mn-i, ,ai WCAII AVNAC WF.AN a. WI HI. AA AI At*' AVCAO* VI * AVAL 1 AVKP.i AV’CHP WMAQ WSPII aaius avi.hav wmai aai.pi aa i ai: av\\n<- vv' wi«no vvirttc N'lcht 1 1'lul, BnrenH Bl- . e* Oserbesrd la Vndii Chits—Also AVCAtI .AVNAC WKAN AV Mil AA M* Is AVCAO WJAB WVIS • WKKC VVf Jlt 1* W.AtAg WHt'll AA tits WI.HW AA.At At, AA|.|!l AATAII AVWNC WOOD CAST CRN CLC*.n CHANNCL tTATION* .... O .... .... i JSg •— WAIC Ntw YorkJatSC 7 (Ml I'harles AA Hsmp - t je—dswtls .Or* hi *li.i A "0-*tlrro*« of Avlsllo-i » 3*—(u-rhrsir*. Lnlertslnef, »-3»— In lire*(niuskri * Sn rtln I<l:oo—Negro Arhlevtuent llosr 11:00 Dane* Hour ♦a.J— WOR fUwsrk 713 7;A(k—Ori-lirsll* Pro.ism 7: :fl—Ktrmler* Or.-lie*li:( * iifl—TTislo Key Risltnn U 1..- I It.o0 —X,*,| lis ore Hour a/2.O—WLWL N«W York— I ;03 I 00— Lnierlstner*: T*lk —, 7;00 l'siilUl League He nr 272.4—WPQ .Atlantic City—llo3 t:3o—Twlhght Uigsii Rectlsl; New* A no—Hotri Concert Orvbestia *lo—Tslk: Hsrmonun Rend , . A* IMI —tAem-r Bpe. lgl P ,n ITM 111 In no—Jean Weiner. ('rgm>l*l 11:00 Nrwe. tmiue lleur 202 4—WBAL ■sltimore—lo4o (. JO—Mandmsn: Dinner Orchestra 7:*o—Feature ||alt Hour 7 ::o— WJZ I'rogrsni iio'mln I * i»4-Mu«lcal .Art Csllrrv * ;:»*-AVJZ, iToftsnns 1 2hr*.I * * CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN CLEAR CHANNEL STATION# 0 J 44 4-WCX.WJR Detrelt—7So 7 oo- The editor's De*k 7 AVJZ I'rograni* (4i min » * i*o—Concert) (lro***re' Program a i" —AAJ /. Crijguun* Jl brs-» 1•• ui—Tn He A pnniinreit: \e»-« Jl oo ..AimMi: Dance Music (1 hr* I 424 3—WLW Cincinnati—7oo 4;o»— l'luh Orchesir* Dlnsr* 7 <m—t'lUrereily of I'ln.-binsil 0 7.1 .—VA’J/. Psogrant (43 min » *.oo—Musics) Fes lure A. K:3W— WJ7. I'rosi,jirns (I hr* l 1»:S0—Itinllnrl Ilnur from AA JZ Dain-r. Jack *n() *i4ne ll hr I 2SO 2 WTAM WEAR ClsveltnS—lo7o 6.00 —llntrl Orrhesire: AVKAF 7.oo—Suiunm Vim Bov* a no—llnur from AVF AK 1i:00 —lur Tranpir* Dsnce 4° 10—Friday Fi.' r with AJusrlet lo 3ti— llurhiionv n tmm* I.", hr*.) 405 2 WI4 AllsntS—74o 704 Hs-iry I‘oinor'* Orchrsir* 7 So—AV I/, CIO min C M*ndollns A jo— AVJ/, Pioenn, * ll hr 1 * lo—Cnucerl. AA'IZ I 3« mini l. 1 L! ■a..--'3..lai!3L’Ul;j3 . M 2nd—Ruth Jiunette. Ruby Cox. , 2nd ltd lie lb II Cox, Mildred Hollu 3rd—Rosa Harm**, t,tiara Holme* well. Grantham, Hr. ITkevllle. 7ik I*l—Atha Ginn, Hazel Price. Isl Pal, Musgrave, Anille Lee Jes- .’a.l-WCAU PhilsOslphla—ll7o 7 i" - Iti.iir nf Orcheslraa ' <(-Fe«lur* I'rnartni > to-At I|R I'rngr im* (5'4 hrs ) II no New* I him* Hour 1014— KDKA Pittsburgh—4oo 7 00—Bind in I'i..ginm 7 ’3—AA'JZ Programs (I'i hrs I \t> .Vcire* Hnl, I II m, -Hour from AVJZ 2CO 7-WHAM Rochsstsr—llso W 7 "U NVwscsSllng. AV IK (IS min ) 7 to— MlnatreCPr.isrsm • i*— Jt .lnr* Program :o—AVI/, I’loiit mi* (7 hrs) l« 511, iii oheeirri* 374 S—WGY Bchsnsctsdy—74o '.a - lUniter Mini. Talks 7 SO— Minstrel* from Rochester v itA—l'nncei I Orchestra i. ‘ -AA F AF. I" ”«rSni» <1 hr I lu mi—Ctnp|.erci>ri-|ie*|ra Ii !0 ttlK.Ar I’ingrsen i*4 nln ) JJ2 4—WgZ Springfield—44o r no iOerbesifW and News 7 C. AV IZ iTngrom* (45 min) • ,id—The (ting Fnmlly . • ,*i- A\ 17, I -1. »gt r. i - sew ' 2 hrs ) I. '.(•.. B|*i;-I» Avyz ltd min.) 11 So -Nese mil ICinee Mu* 10 2S3—WAPI Birmingham—ll4o 7 "I, CnlAei*lly of Aloham* 7 I*. - Hotel Or, heetrs * ,»ii— V in si Holnlsl* -A-oO—rtr I eI rs 277.0—W8T Chirlotts—looo 7.3 n AVJZ ito min. I; tea lur* * I. -AV IZ 4'rngrsm* (1 hrs.) «» in 30— Dance Mn*|c I’rogmm 345.0 WHAS Louljvills—42o » lu—WJ/. I'rogrsrti* it hr.) :i I*—Mr* navimmil Morris* I" ,n, AV.IZ and AVKvF U hrs ) C- K 00—News: Orchestra Ilnur 441.J-a.W4M Nashville—oso 7 0(1—1 u Psyne. NrWsrssltnc 7 AVJZ i.!o inlii.y: Ou-bestra * ik-llnur rmm aa jz van—Studio; BvmfUinnjr Orchestra c 14(30—AVKAF I'rngism 270.1—WRVA Richmond—lJlo 7;4" Amos- Andy l|nvle News 7 : 4*l -4’luh Orchestra: T«lk * .**— Music* I I'rntrnm ■ :• mI—AVJZ (30 nun I: Musics) 10:o«—AVJZ program (30 min.) |i> ;;ii M..NI ii- T),»"rr G""*" Local YouthH Taking Exams for Annapolis ' j, Sam R«|»eris Jr., son of Mt and Mra. K. J Holrerts. and Jac'k Dar den. son of Dr *nd Mrs. IV 1. Dar den. both of Motiut Olive, have (men in (ioldsboro f()r the past two days.- where they are taking civil service .-lamination* for ext rupee as into-' shlpmen to the I'nitad State* Naval Academy- at Annapolis. The local' tiovs w U probably be in Goldsboro today, when. It’’ wa* said. Ihey i would probably complete Die , exams. s fards 2nd —Haiel Sullivan. t * Clara Bell Scott. t, >* . Pike a llle, Slk Ist- Mildreil Aycmk. F’annle Rob fit*. 2nd Mattie Pate. Franca* Garris. Ajrork l»t bile (Jrey Aycix k, Mahle FJdger- ( ten j Temple Hoswell, Mary Den- 1 Fareku. Hr. ‘ let—Hallie Worthington. Evelyn o 2nd Mary Coley. Virginia Saul*. , Eureka, Jr. l*t—Agnes Cook, Parcel I Peedln- | 2nd—Lillie Hetle Mlnshew. Henlah! Snu I*. ) t „ t WtYNF llttl.l* SFKTIVt. (Continued from page 11 thA growth of the aasocThl.lou wu* not-l cd, there being an Increase In tie liveries of more than 10.000 bales of "otlon over Jast year, although' the crop was abort. Additional services of the purchase of Improved syCds high (|HHlit y fertilizers, also (Iroup Life Insuritnce have recently been In augurated by the management. The first seuson's acttvltle* show the mem ber* have purchased through the as sociation more than, 5100 bushel* of Novelty Shoes for * Spring Wear There’if (‘harm in the many for Foot Ease • i toL'flher AvHh SfiHc. « poised chie— * ,<w W Now you ran look '* fe/ a sejißon ml w pM MFRIT*BHOKS AND PRICKS MERIT YOUR CLOSE , ATPENTION „ ■> « Drop in or tomorrow and see the new Blondes, Pumps. MERIT SHOE CO , Inc. Stores In Principal Cities , * ■*" C 7- - —— ast■ 11 >ssmaIssi 111 lusuaiiisif lilailis4iilliliilliai>i 1... - L ! l/cproved cotton seed and several thou j: L and ton* of high grade fertilizer » "The members are 'sticking',” Mr.i | McKlnne tolil the meeting and reveal-1 id that during January and Febru-- aiy only five niembers of Ihe nssochc .* lon from the eight counties of the district exeri deed the withdraw..! clause right. Director At T. Griffin was piVsent and made quite an Interesting and en iliuslastU' talk. Vlce-Prealdeiit N. A Howell :»bled over the meeting. Secretary W j W Andrews being present and o’-) flcialing PERM \ NFNT Hf Oil t IMP MILL UF HRUH THIH HKAHON fContinued from jpag* 11 ( While the. camping Hctmts -won't u*<- ( : the swimming p(Mil water to drink. 1 Tusrarora Council official* are Joh-j ,‘jnt at having secured a pool as such purity. The .depth Q' the lake which will he .(bout an acre lu extent will range j from a few luclds lo in feet On j j cne side a "cradle” will be construct-] j ttl for the beginners- The-buUdtng of the lake, the sinking of a well, and the erectioh of a dining : Klim in |Hire, (felicious milk ... jmwdered. Only ; lii<‘ >vuN*r is ivin<*v<‘il. .. ( Eyorx iHiiirishing cd<‘- iiu nt of IVfsli liquid milk is noil. Yiml if*' so much more r <*oiivenieiil lo use in euokuig* a iHciurmljcr L ■ iV—r* (S|u-ll ll i»ackw»r«l*) FRIDAY MORNING. APML 18. IMG and assembly hall are lb* three major I'ems on the co#tructlon pro gram. All will be pushed forward rapidly The dining mad aggembly bail will be placed on th* hillside over looking Hie lake and will be anfflclent in Blar to accommodate about 75 boy*. The 4« acre eite on the .-amp waa c nated by the late Mra. Sol Well and übscrlption* taken by the ipemhara of Tusrarora Council, hare already Insured about $2.000 for the hnlld ‘:'t program The oampaign for furth ‘cr fund* Is continuing. 4 « * The ramp Is about a half-mile off e lit. Olive-Seven Springs highway. * Goldsboro people will reach ll by turn- I i l> g to the le t from Highway number H a few miles this side of Mt. Olive. WOI l.l) STOP HIPMMIATH ✓ hfkvim; liqior |- WARHI NOTON, April IS—(A*l— I resident Hoover would be requested to a*k foreign diplomats stationed in ; Washington to refrain from the nerv lifjc or use of Inioitlraalng liquors -un i era hill IntroducFd today by Senator-' nisase. Democrat, South Caroltuh, / j i—eslMtatlpn or the measure was In Due with a recent announcement by t .e South CBrotlntart.

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