WEATHER r.ilr tonight and probablj- Saturday alowly rising temperature. VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 4ti PRES. HOOVER ASKS UNITED FRONT ON FARM RELIEF . ' *■ , •’ .> a . ' , SAYS DIVISION SLOWS IP TASK THAT IS AHEAD ————— 0 llrjres Various Agricultural Agencies to Get Toother on I’ropoaition WAKHINOTON. April 19 - w. s. I KK TO <■ I T IIOMIK XKV lIH-Klt. ft CHARLOTTE. April 19 (AIM YY 8. I.*e. of Chariot#. vice-president of tljr Duke I’ower Company, will re ~lve .. doc' or of seleiice degree from Davidson College at If* ninety third romnieni enn til. lobe lield In June Dr \Y. J. Martin, president of Davidson. nt.nounci-d today ID |>l*l NT I IIM'I’tMIS lift (I HI I VIT KN YTIftN AI. WASHINGTON t/p> Ihg Kttro peun Investment trusts are ezperi ,nettling with .• new. type of interna tional orgnnUatlon Mleslgned to en gble cooperate With each other.',, 'llie ilcpartment of commerce tin derstuhds that one group has already Iwen formed which Includes .Swlv Helgian. French and FfT#H-h con cents Each ageees to share. Its In vestments with the rest The ptirpo-c is t" give each root panv the benefit of dost', constant contact wit tlie set nrlHes markets ' pf other countries MOM TJI II OftVl If nut MHiHi'ovi riMi PAXMIIIKKA. OKl*.—<4*l Herbert Hoover the gt-dogi-l is to lie honor'sl for Ills discovery of I'awhiiska lime stone A mointineni of Im limestone, ded Icutisl In IT# .Id 111 HooVef. Will he built by the. Oklahoma geological sur vey Tim exact dale oF Hoover’s 'discov ery nl this formation is not given In umeuU (lescribiug his curTey. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BV BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. One ol Stayers ol Duplin Magistrate Is Captured ) •* V SLOAN TAKEN LATE AT NIGHT IN RENDER I‘OI’NTY AND HURRIED IN MORNING TO RALEIGH FOR 1 SAFEKEEPING—LOOK TO ( Al* li UK OF TKACHEV Capt-ured near Willis In Pender county, Clyde Sloan, one of the Ne -1 grots Hhpllcated In the slaying so Esq ' Sidney Teachey of Wallace last Sat urday night, has been removed to Italelgh for safe keeping, u Dupilu deputy sheriff Informed The New* over long distance lust night. i'eddv Teachey. the 20-year old negro alleged 1 In have fired the Hliot that killed the ' Wallace magistrate Is still at largo. ibul the Dupilu official told The News that Ills capture would lie made in Cl the next few days, Sloan had taken refuge with it rel ative named Coleman In Pender and word of|hiH w hereabouts radio to the Duplin authorities Chief of Police V W Davis of Wallace beaded a party of deputised citizens H It Denning. I A Harrell and William Souther land wlm made the capture. They came by ril|clit to Hie Coleman bom., and surprised .Stpan in tad a sleep Four Navy Fliers Killed in Crash SAN DIEGO, Calif.. April 19 (/Pj Three San Diego navy filers were killed and a fourth died eh route to tlie hospital a* a result of an.aerial collision over Corona do this a ternooli. ARE REPAIRING BROKEN LEVEE Believe That !VliMxiH»ip|>i W ill he Held W’ilhjn Its Hanks HNOYV LAKE. Ark . April tic - (49 li Ik Ii I lo a desperate but apparently winning druggie to prevent a huge uev*sse ut Knolllon win re caving banks caused MOO feel of the main Ml Nlssllipl levee to crumble ll W.i x .it Knolllon near here that a break In the levee two years ago caused 27 live* ' - " A dirt limp, hastily- constructed buck ii.* the caveln *llll held unit‘ton Further 0 laving o She river bank bad occurred since several carloads of rock w- rr dumpeiilnto a hole made hv Hie high v aler lllidor tile of the levee I.t. Col. K. It. YY’ilhey, U. ,S. K.nglneer fa charge of the Memphis district, said that, a wlrthw n»*t would be stink at the caveln as quickD a* pos-lhle to prevent further caving. The crumbling recHoti extended from the levee to The channel of the river. RIM. PNOYIKN Kftlt VETMtWN YVASHINGTON, April 1" (AT') The Y’eterans. Hiireau would lie ail thorlzi’d to expend fl.f«rtt>.ooo for (he i i nstruct lon of a vetera.i* hosp Dal In Ahihama tn a hill Intrisli.ied today hv f’epresnnt.itive Jeffers, of Ybil'.t'uu. I 01.. DftYYD t.KTS YmilVl HIM’ CfiARUITTK. April t’i i4’i Col C. I). Dowil. of < harlutlc, bus lieen appointed Ydjtitunt General anti Chief n staff of the North Caroltnu division i‘ s the I tilted ..Confederate Y’elerud i. It was announced Thursday, lie an ■ cteil* the lute Col. J I Curnfle) Goldsboro Debaters Lose 3 . To 2 in Finals at Hill *, ■ CIIA I’Ll. HILL. Aptll I'' Two I. tolcr l.nls | ••*ii ■ tiitni: the ItiMimsi Rapids high si-hoof tonight won Hi a'lunal high •• Imol ilelmtc and tin \vciM-k Memorial cup h\ .1 tlitee to two deftiion. They defeatetl 'tjt- Flennot itu/.eii ami FMwqrd Otitluw rs the Goblslxiro High Si hool I The winner- upheld th" to .c - of the quel , Re oh ed that the Cult is* Mate I plo hi the YVorbl (’ottn Vh‘- winner-, are Floyl Ydam atol ! Slti rard Citimpp-t flildge 'I lit rr v Y\ Chao-. 1 ’»• idi tit of Hie University of North Carolina I|*l entiled tolitght ahd th,e judges were. a- a. YYUUaius, N. YY Walker, U. U The capture was affected late r.t night and tlie Negro wui hurried .it 11 ni/» in the county jail at Kenansvlil ■ KJiTv the following morning he was carried to Raleigh lot safe keeping t Is lie lie veil Hint 'the capture late a. night and removal if tin- Negro to Raleigh early In the morning prevent ed trouble Dupilu officers had been frank to itinfes* that they anth tpaud an attempted mob m case the slay .»r* were taken Keeling against tlo two blacks li.i* continued to run high A numlicr of reisuls concerning lb - , whereabouts of I'eddy Teachey "have received. 'I lie News was Told tihl nicht. htttgjnone of them have ■a yet proved Wtrrisl One tip was that lie was in hiding near Heuls vllle Another that . lie bod fled to >unu, atad another had liiin nearer he scene of the crime. ft null mud op page 4t 'THEATRE MEM arelrrested Charged Milh (onspirinu to Violate Anti-TruHl Measure LOS ANbiFI.LS, Calir , Apt!) lit j t4h Setn-t intlh.imcnt* were return >• It Vint grand Jury invest igut. on of cdarges, ilia* they Itit-I vloluteil Hie Shcrmnrt nn'l-itrusf;law Mi ll I r.DII I MTE *’ aMIINGTON. Apt il 1 1 lb ib * Inio>ury-po*toffice bnilil t ; com.mß •fr today selected t|ie lu-llari <■ 0 I nk site ns Hie place tor a new fed i rnl building to to circled at Spurt alt burg,-S. c The site t* on lh*i north i :is| corner bf Magnolia and W.limit rlreets and I • 22!r feel by loi feel. The p lee for the lor was $*5.000 IIIIKY YIOItt.YN 111 IfII » ITII ND.RT (M B' NEW YORK April 19 , tAft HV n Morgan, itiitsi and, e-tl --tainer. jelHt-l ’(tyji ft-dertfl jt rt nl tririUtln ir a .Min- .i. nuisan.e i,, • i s-i.e it liquor - i • t.ii’ht club, is hr t j-n w i-’t t ight c ’it!, forever She was pale and trembling when the jury came In at 9:30 after having tteen out four hour -oitul flfty-'ive min utes. YY’lit-n she heard the verdict she stented about lo faint. She partly r«- giined her composure hut began t>> weep softly anil finally broke down end cried without restraint. Ih r whs the second defeat suffered by the .government In two weeks In cases against Broadway night O'uh hostesses lut- l week Texas Glib : ?n was found not guilty of mulntaln 'lig a nnlsaiiee at the Baton Hnvnb-, in cacti rasi a s|kei ial prosecutor crime j 'rout YViedilngton I’l IN It IJ Ft ’ll D v - GKNKY’A. April 19 - (4b The pit /aratotv toniliil:>Mon ott dlsiirttiainclit of the league of nation-' ttelay t elect'd I-*- -ovb . prop-el frfr exteto ivi paiai tl world wide disarmanieiit as i liu-us tor Ist future work Hons*-. ,1 F Royster and I. It Ail on of Hit Culver dty faculty Mi , I! //ell d.(lighter of Hr. and 1 *rs Mai (dm l!iz/ci|, and Mt Oil! i. w .mi of Mi and Mr \ YV (mt ..w, won the rlt-lii lo compete tn the ■thirl round for Ho- cup yesi.-idav tit, 01, ico tin - "in i - al 111" 1 diversity The negative Gold dairo !• ridt corn I Jiosed of Yb-xa• -r|,*i.- McL- an. Dull l‘n .• Ir. w.i r* -ii ■ . f.I (o r . I - lilt, I id t lßf%n 111 Ip 11:.I 1 I hut - !••-■■- lo tin- Roanoke Rapid debater;-, in Ibc etlli I'ln.ll , Tlie- SIIIIIM Ito llniK - Rap ids learn subsequently defeated lit" Goldsboro aflirtuatlYu team. x~ ■- GOLDSBUKO. N. U. HATI It DAY MORNING. ARRIL 2ft. 1929 Maryland Cho<» Dorothy Me I >ui m n, ijo ■! 18, lia 11 in m>i r Minlciit ol music, was chosen ftom luml held of 28 for Is to tcjdc cut hci Stale in Typical A tun (van Girl t oi>- test. Maryland is jctmhdeut,, not without cause, he has good to win SS,(JOG prize ami trip tu Europe. KILLS HIMSELF AM) HIS LOVER Canadian Hud Rreviouuly Killed Mother of Girl Who Tried Stop Klopment v FT tiAVi HK«*T. -MwntoWer*T-prfT' T 9” 1 '/Ft .1 lies Jsrdfn turner# I by a P"--<.«e seeking hint f*»» IOC HlajfJSijk of •tin i ilii mud. who ato n pie !: to p't veiU the IIIIIIi eloping with her t'l ■ ar old daughter, shot anil killed tedh 'i inseli and tin- glrl-ltiid alOriiootl INsiM It til Si It IMF's cu.uu.irm; Ap il 111 j I'litja Miller, fit. f.i ’mer living In the Mai ' id Creek township, cnuimtUfst sal i ule Thursday by shooting liimsefT •Vi P Blamen Drinking J.raiL 1 1 i., i(N ... /' - L. . . arss . ewMi—s-jg—JT y tlte icdtce while prayiny; in e New Ko. hcllc, N' V , rhurch where he li.'t'l etvVetcd to escape tHe , tagnip tot;.. *Hi nry De I.a I'.spriella admitted to the police lhat he had ihot his mother titti ristt r while utrtlcr the in lucnse ol liouor. | \ illi-11 i Ta\ MfM‘liii«s At CoiirtluuiHe at 2:30 MILL ARROINT COMMITTEE TO GO BEFORE UOUNTY ROM MISSION^RS \NO ASK THEM TO RR At‘TICK "STRUT ECONOMY— MANY TO BREAK \t a tax redm tion meeting ,it the «outtheit-o- at !tu till* uHernoou, a i nninilltoe witi tie named to appear before the county board ol commit-j sinners to u*k .them to practice "strict' •onomy" In the county’s giivernipen- 1 ■it .itlull's who liaxe been 1 i dveitUmg Hi" meeting said Inst night • that they expected several hundred! people to puck the courthouse foil *!••• meeting Ibis afternoon error li. d h> •»> muile tq lisve Dr l \ Inunr. urniui state snperln- ( tendenj of putiln tied ruction cornel lore to adiire tlie meeting, but It i xx ns “not known at a late hour la«i, n ght wliHher or itia lie. would lie! able to come He|ire.ipju,itlv# cltiten* of every sec | • oil fj|f lilt' romm wile tn lie asked 10 state tlteir views oil Hi *llhject In! the ping rain which had been planned lied I 1 Parker. Jr *o’d The New>.. • It. Miller and Hugh Dortch ore to be the speakers from (loldahnrti RUM RUNNERS AIAKE ESCAPE Draw Sawed Dff ( Shot Kim »n ( jirl Smith. ForcinK Him In Abandon ( husc t \ car be lasted to have" lieen load | cd with Whiskey escaped from Ite Lulv Sheriff Carl Smith weal of the I'rltv yesterday morning when * man 1 in the reur seat of the car raised a yawed off shotgun and threatened to hoot the officer •" .wMiUn hod wiarled tuUUug Uia car. j near AdaijisVllle and followed it through the city. The mat blue, a , Chrysler, wn* turned Into if country rood near the first filling elution weal of Hit- overhead bridge, with .-nitih In close inrraull lie had drawn close to the ms chine win-it ii man on Hut hack seal pulled the gun from the ear and rais ed It as If to *hoot ( . The deputy bail been pulling up on Iha side of Hie ■ much Inc and ul once fell hack he hind It for liiA own protection. An the ( lirvsiet pulled away, the man -hook the gun tauntingly at Smith. MftITHKKN I)KN IIS YVASHINGTON. April 19 ( \l*> A . encial denial that its control of the Mybib' altd Ohio and New Orleans slid Northeastern railroad in any way ecm .liittc, violation of anti-trust laws w,j(. entered before the Interstate t'lim inerc, ( oinJnNsioii ttsltiv by the South ern Railway system In reply to a c«m ml*sicm complaint that such control . onwtltuii-rl a violation of the t lay ton anti trust act. “V I.DHD HI Y FlATftkl . YY is HR) lllMlft 1 111 M . / tIF' IMil.lwll hING LONDON, Apt-W-H-fn. (AFT .King (,i*f»r£i* iosi ji hoyiKJoci filfiid by li»fd K< doath In Purl* thin morn ihr Tlh-v i *»1 to pb»> <»l' i« ■ ,i tfij- )!,•! *irnl IF vrlslok*' »*i • l.if**' fji m■ iif a Kintift of liai’hrlors Hi #»vbl«*nn* at flip flriftih uourt. Is< 11 1 1 |(l Yfldok* W.I lll*' I.) I H ,m nl lit* « fri* ini’ of IH M«rM> V , Mil ll * Concrete Steel Co. Loses Suit in Superior Court YY |* |f o*l he'.il contractor, .w, • t, rrt y w irtner In u gull which lib*l |,ii-ii brought again >l him by Hie ,* (iccict, . i,-*-l Company of New York iit , ito New York company had ,|| ■" lit ogamst Mr Hot*- oil • 1 •'fijufaind that I l ontflii-ii* -Aitb tin lioblsboro had ilint been llv-rl up lo J inky ■ Glinlv turned to the i-linrge !, f .ii; p Ho- «. ■, lien court ; , d test,nt., ooii nine and tin ,tv frtilriied fluilillga In favor of Hit ih-fr ndutit la fore ntsiii The tjsc had hr > n prevlou ly henrd la-fort* Judge l A Daniel* in YVayue Superior (Hurt and a verdict rendered In faym i the |,taintll( At Hint time Judge ; ,*t,|tl *1 the yenjf, ! ii«Me Attorney -for the {impounders df th- will ut 11,, late.Mt * Ida M. Gulley Mr. Parker said lhat l>red Yflver [ ton ol Eureka. Ex ri Jgj*tin K A Mtev j etts of tiranthnm, Nuk Newsome ot Stoney Creek. Alex Ay cock of Na ! huula. Charles McCandless ol I’ , tewn unit It. YV. Weaver of Grunt fra m 1 were expected to say igliat they : houglit about high taxes i The meeting to be held this after iMin Is an outgrowth ml a similar ■inhering held at the Memorial Com j.tenuity building more than a month j ego limy a tew people responded I to the tall for tlial talk lest and a < • ominlttee was organized to heal up j ih> liushca and g«t out the folks tot j iodav'a session Posters announcing the gathering have lieen hrsadcast over the countx | .llnl ippolls Weir Hull ~l gljilll lll.lll' jof lire farmer* of Ihe county were going to qiitt ploughing Hits alter noon and come lo the courHioiise ' ied Parker. Jr will pi c - 01. He Do«en’t Own an Auto This Morning J L Hills. Negro residing, near Kim und Jume* streets, tried to 1 pour gtiMollno Into his Ford auto mobile from the. l gljt o a lantern about lo o’clock last night ,Ht* doesn’t, own an automobile this morning The car and the gsr age In which Hie mat liltta « was lo.a-t-.l ace-.e tla-irttyetl Quit k re spouse of the fire deportmc*( to an alarm prevented the flumes from spreadiPig to other structures, j Hills wa* not httrued In the ex p+«f fierce combat was urren *li-red to the Fi-deral*. The attack was Lunched by 198 Federal troops who tt ptuiltd between;JO anil (0 prisoners Eighteen rebel* led hv 1,. ruttenont l-.1-carnaclii Itojas fieri across the bur lit r lo Arlfolin soli They were h'oiighl lo Tnc.on by IF S’ border •mlrol officer* •* Smith Not lo Figure In Tammany Naming NEYV YORK. Aptll 19.—(4*1 (lover nor AI red E. Hrnllh Indicated tislay ft 1 .-it be wrmlil take no |uut In the selection ol r successor of George YY’ (* Ixri ii v r leader of Tammy ILill* " - ~J' "*• ■ 0 -ndves lilay to have the Verdict •■t i ode under which thn Jury had found Mr* Gulley lurniupetent to liorkr .i will The piotbui was over : tiled by Judge (irmly und notice ot uppt .ll to Hie Supreme i Hurt, wa t Uiarli The piopoiindei* were allow ••il I* rt il t In which to perfect, their appeal amr the t uvealor will tie per mill i.t to reply tii the propoundeis thirty days later Juilgt- Grady also denied the pi' tltfnn lhat ll,e at lion of YV. M ,111* .zr ll again .i K L Denny l«- moved to I’optytli (dunty Stipe, lor court, find ug tli. l l Hi, , i-*c tllil not Justify th, l it-inuy ,il 'fin; tlxo week* session fit civil court wa* odojurio-l Irefore nrsui mu! Judge Grady left ul onco for Cllu ton, i* i m-w zx, ft e —at J.. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED ' PRESS i * " - - ■ ..... prici rm mum NOT TO CALL ’ i SEC. MELLON Senate (ommittoe. However,* Huh Not Ma4e Final De cision On Hi* Case A WABHINGTON. April 1* -GH_ While the house continued Its form t• lief debate the senate judiciary com, ii litre inlay decided not to oak Hae -1 retary Mellon to appear before H. hot pi *tpoued final actlou In Rs heozlug cn the right of the treoaury h«a4 la ' hold office. The senate was In rk cchh for the week end The house hoard from reproeenta • 'v# Joints. Democrat, Texas, that h« vould attempt to Incorporate the ef fort debenture plan in the farm r«M*f ' bill Representative Garner, ilema -1 rial. Texas, i barged that ‘ taalU’' Ware 1 iiissing from the Kapublloaa membar * ship of the wtyys and moan* coaamll tee foncernlng the tariff revutaa measure they are dra ting l(e said '■ information was going to intereatad "ariles while Congress was kept In the dark o Decision Ml. Hal I/, (join of lowa oa • ma«bdr of .he Federal Radio Coiaatagldb WM given by the aenafe Inleratote eow merce eommltlo*. Senator Borah. Reydbllaaa, expressed the opinion that fJerwRD letuiratlnn propoonla mad* at Ml were Jttat aad fair- If trr ft RITE IMS 6BNW L Hi weak tbitS asuni* ALTOONA, Pg. (Jh— lUo* dHvord at the speedway her# or* oulUtatidf • certain nmouat a t prtda Jh appearance than* day*. , Jt Authorltlo* have made tha wear!# of special halmata Bowgalagry at gD races here thla eonaon. tha typa gW lectad being similar to that loom glad by Mai. H. 0. D. Baagrava. Tha hoi* met* are mad* of airplane eloth, ee> mented under heavy pragawr*. the old guard lament the padaMkg of their old headgoar, hnt.odnfl that the new style la vastly more decora live MYftIH K t.RU >TI!II VAN 1181 HIKE HE IT KB M WARN AMI RFNTONVMLLE, Ark.. April 1» - A divorce ha* been granted har* to \v h. (Colnt Harvey, pyramid builder and *‘Fre# Hllver" advocate, from the wife he married 6* year* I*o. and a* soon s* the dacm* wga signed ilarvey obtained a license to w.d hi* secretary. Mr*. May Leak*, 61. Harvey Is 77. CARP IN tITEYIHt MEMO. N#v„ April I§ . ~lA f ) kWmai motion for * new trial of tha laawn divorce case waa filed her# yesterday l.v counsel. for Mrs. Helene Garnett Patton Inman, whose hasbaad. Walk* <■'. I* luman, son o Mrs. Jamaa R. I uke, wn* granted a divorce teat week ifter a three week’s contacted suit ’'b. motion was based on alleged Ir regularities In the proceeding*. „„ KYI.KIGH UN PORT HAI.KIGH. April 199.—(/P)-«. H an official of the Cur'be Klylnr Service, today announced lhat "“*> o land had been pgrcfeaaad three mill * south of Raleigh fb* 'ha • siabliihinent of a fly lug school agd commercial alrpurt by I’urUas Inter -*ta. _ „ "* •»' PUH fURV BftAKD YY'ABIIINGTON, April 19— ' Y it li i tn- lo w farm ralUt bill barely launched upon Its course through ••m- Vre.m. Nome of It* advocates ar* put ting their head* together to work out away of providing the fMHt.eoO.ftkd