WEATHER Ronday cloudy, showers. Moderate southerly winds * VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 47 ATTEMPTS BLOW UP STRIKE MEET WITH DYNAMITE Troy Jones Overpowered * When He Tries to Light Explosive Fuse at Meet Is Husband of Woman Who Went to New York to Help Raise Relief Funds CHARGES THAT WIFE HAD BEEN ABDUCTED J> ■ ■ ■ -' —- Threatened to “Blow Up Whole Bunch” As He Produced Dynamite and Lit Match GABTONIA. April 20 —fAb Tro, Jones. huHband of one of the LOray mill strikers, arose in a niaas meeting »f the strlkef* tonight, drew a stick of dynamite from hie pocket and an nounced hr was going to blow up “the whole hunch.” Other strikers prevent* ed him from carrying out his threat and fission county officers plkceiTtrtTn- In Jail Jones has brought suit for $5,000 sralnst Fred K Beal, organiser of thr >Hlonal Textile Workers 4n' n charging that Beal aided In the ahduc t'on of his w it, Mrs. i lj’e* J u j ,ee. fche was one of *ever a ; »trlks.< <th) went to New York If/rs s) relief funds Jones dynamite ihrctl t anight fol lowed the reading at the <n«.*-'r*g by George Pershing, sta'f *n i n«>r of th* Dally Worker, New v o -, t. of s trie gram from Mrs, Jon a who Is «tl * In New York It said she left Gas ft nfa of her own a ccc.ts. As he drew the dynft'.tfte from l-U socket. Jones at ms s match and rMempt-d to light a fit i. a'Urhed to lie stick. GABTONIA, April 44,-',Th Ahll. ks ufity and city audit .s' *»■* cantin'.ni to quiet Investigation r.f the 1»t rec ti, n of headquarters >f (he Na» ; Textile Workers unloi l;en »»rtv '•hursday. city official< »»t• / to k prevent possl t.s d>r.nrd#r enforcing a new ordlna < i 'o-M-Sd'e* parades without a pi m’t Slrlk»r* from the I.ornv Fotto:. mill plan ted a parade for this an :.-i".t: The dly council In se . 1 t Ism nigh* adopted an Ordinance ca.Tv'nq in emergency clause requ ring written permission of thf city manatcer h>f ire my street parade co t! ne Y*ltl \ { ••crtl led copy of th** ordinance wV‘- f’ellvcfed to the secre »* f il'» Mc-il ui.lon today and up t, naan ro reii ,«M had been received for p rot i . n .o conduct the parade. Ilsrrv Itn'tcr noting city manager, soil h-i h •«* re ceived no request for a fit.*tilt : id cc t'lned 'o ssv what his »*;’• a. wr.’il.l *>*• were such a request made- Today was the last of the third week r.f the strike at tho Goray mill, unit of the ManvllleJencke* company of Pawtucket, R I. Klnce Thursday morn ing when a hand of masked men In v.idcd union headquarters Just off the •Mill company's property, demolished the building and then wrecked the relief fctore operated by an auxiliary of tne National union, the lairay village and surrounding territory have been Mulct. A small parade consisting largely of womeif and children were held yesterday afternoon but did not a'tempt to leave Ih* jnHI village Reports of settlement ’hf the strike at the Pinkney mill In south Gastonia could not he verified. The report was r'ven out al temporary strike head quarters in the workers International r icf store hut o finals of the com pany operating the mill refused * to talk. The strikers asserted that (lie setlement had been on a compromise oasis with a small Increase in pay and transfer of one foreman to another job All strike's except four were re-sm ployed, these being denied employ ment tieeause of statements they arc alleged lo have made while the strike vas In progress Civil authorities declined to com ment on the Investigation being made Into the Incidents of Thursday morn ing Beyond sftvtng they were ' In vestigating" nothing In the way of comment was forthcoming , Military authorities have consistent ly taken the position that they ar* merely ou hand to assist civil auth orities !ti Weeping order on the mill property and are making no Investi gation "We are sitting quietly and calmly »* If we were awaiting Jtldg inent day. «nld an officer Report* from headquarters of the guardsmen said the night passed quietly Reports had been held last night] that picketing of the I-orav plaut would be resumed in force today but: 90 H *A lkJ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS • VO *• READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. SIXTEEN I*AGES TODAY May Advertise Half Property For Taxes t ttless Wayne county cltUetia lake advantage of thy ‘Remaining ten days In which to pay their county tax for 1928, a record vol ume of property will he advertised for sale immediately alter May 1 for non payment of taxes Through out Friday only about $403,437-99 In 1928 taxes had been paid out of a total amount of approximately $822,000 due Business was brisk In the owlet* \f Slvrlf Gran! \e lerday nftnl it A'a* expected that'Tiy the tuiti busdtiPH** would have been paid Property on which taxes have not I teen paid by May I will lie adver tised for sale It was emphasized, as there la no other alternative under the law. At present taxes are over-dye 4f payment Is d# ferred until after May' 1 and ad vertising started payers will not only have to plank down the pen'ul ty pereenlage but will have In hear the advertising yosls to redeem their property In addition jo ¥eeelv Ing publicity and whatever degree of embarrassment II may produce TORNADO HITS NEAR WICHITA Younjt Man is Killed, Several In jured and Huildinga Destroyed ■ L % WIFIIITA, Kan , Aprli 2n uVI "uul Kennel, 20, was killed and sev eial persons were Injured late today when a toruado struck the tony* l «f Keece, Kan., 12 miles west of Kureka In Greenwood county. The Missouri- Pacific station and several residences Were demolished. DISABLED VETS HOME IS ASKED ° < » Georjfia ('onjcrensnian Wants $2,000,000 Institution in Southeast WASHINGTON. April 2'» -{A>) Ks luldishnient of a branch of the na*> tlonal home for disabled volunteer soldiers In one of the Southeastern slates would tie authorized under a bll llntroduced today by Represen tative Steele, Democrat. Georgia The measure would authorise the expen diture of $2,000,000 for the. branch. About One Hundred at Tax 1 Meet, *and Name Committee The anti high lax meeting srhc •V K J duleil for the courthouse yesterday afternoon dldri’4 turn out to tie tin* big event it had been advertised, bill it did see the naming of a committe,* Vo call upon the board of county eom« ndnsiiiiiers and demand "strict icon omy” In the county's affairs. At the same time* It wqs decided that 'an effort sould b** maile to organize r. Tax Reduction league 'throughout Kastern N'orfh Farollnn. So far as attendance went, the meeting was a flop Instead of ;ht crowds packing the courthouse a • had been predicted by those In charge of advertising the gathering, there were not quite 106 present None **f the "tax expiTts"’ were on hand to-dl* cuss the proposition. as had also been advertised Charles B Miller did not put In an appearance as the chairman had said he would, neither did Hugh Dortch local attorney. w ‘MA> * have got to do something about t/.” was the expression which the speakers repeated oyer and over, but none offered a suggestion as To what cOutd be ddne Kvcn the com mittee which was named to call oti i the Cotntulssloner* wgs not *lven auy First Photos of Byrd Expedition tc-ft lo right >ire Fomm.iudci Itfili.udl ID rd •hi , !**•• l*.« .. n.iii.,,\ |t*.,ph and ■«'>. kina . xpert *.i the exp iliiino ft* yVan now. wintering on Hie Antarctic »«•< cap awaiting u fay* mbit < / |.porliiniiv to ; t tempt a fllKlil over the South ,I'iyle ‘ N Wayne Courtly School Hussey (zost Leas Than Leiil a !Mil<‘ Tin* >«* wssfa ri.i'h .sir Halter llulel u.M.i;i<;ii. \prii i-ii, -No it. • . . u<a only haul, mure child eu school at public expense than any , r slate, hut also cart lee on this mi. -c of hclkmil aolfvlly at ;v less a'* r 4.;* vnnul roil for each child Iran-mu* ed", according th an advance r .t*y of Plate HchiMil ’Fails, publish*.* I *mi monthly by Slate Buperli'ltend'*nl *»i I ilbli’c liistrucllon A I til* u. . ■» TraVikportatloii of school * n li* u In Nortli ( aritJln.i ciis!* umuilis ,1 675.879. or an fivecac* of sl2 .1 . ftt i ually for *;acli pupil li.i*i -I*<.i ■ 1 1 . *9 total inimber of which. In Iti2* i ; , « * Itd tiHu Thi\ Hexl low* *t p. i * ip i i cost wys made by Mis t- jppl, $12*1.1 . ' V followed bv Oeorgla. $1 !19 Ark M *i $14.57; Tennessee,,. slfi In, mil I,'lnc $18.95 r y Wlille tin- number of chihlr. n trail** *. ■ 0 ported lias Increased rapidly Iji S' iri'i < arollna and tin* total cost o' portavion has mounled, the aver:) ;.- *. nual c*.si lias declin'd Irom Hi mi J 925-28 to sl4 15 in 1929 27 and •*. $12.21 In 1927-28. Th** hiial nimibei i aule*l In 1225 2*l was (fT.2M ! al .* *'Osl of $1,202,917 92; in 1929 27 .* total of 11 l,72|i> at a ( okl *if $1,581,1 19 .V n 1 lL 1927-28, a total Os I t 9,950, . 1 a 4 I 675,979.41 In a table on Die division 'if r 1 II Is found that 99 rural si li 1 n j *. cystenis pay $1 f*24,5.'M 22 and T> . liar I'r school sysleinw pav $27,987 97 *. the total costs, while $1 882.5''*,.1 t 9 paid Bar wblt.t* and”sls,4Bn :: : *ml suggc dtiirii* as Jo where Hi* >■< onoiu could ♦**• practlei'd IV * have been fooled liv Hi.' dep* o< rath- parly,* 'said .1. If. Wi-thro-e ot Mi Olive who led off in the talk •tig "if we dqo't do .*omeihlng w* I are. going to be worse than Mexico i '*W are fu hiiim' shape than He slnvda ’ beiore Hi* Civil War." Mr VYi'sthroo , -aid J,, didn't -lljink ;*n■- thing of ihls here plan of baultiir seliool children to school, * "Why last year I hired a woman at 11 a day and she walked *I x mil, to w**rk evi'i \ day, and then tin v go anil ban! this woman's chlbli.ii I school.” J Wi Gardner. A Itoseower, Mr J I> Maniels. Marshall Adimik.' M i )or Best and Vick- Newsomo w.*r * some other stiaving something to - a' Fred Parker, Jr. acted as chair man of the meeting and explained tic purpose of the meeting. Among those nafned on the com mlttee to appear before tl*** <ommta aloners were: Marstiai Adam H WMtbrook, J. AV, Gardner, Major Best. Mrs. Daniels, J*: A. Stevens, C. F. Iferrlug. Ben Dean, Alex Aycoo and Nick Newsomo. *gf» GOLDS 808 U t N. C. MOKNING, %I'HIL 21. 192* *1 * .I ed < ho* I ' Iniill 111 V <ll* 1 1 R* V I ii'i* Im*a„ that the percentage of 1 isii * 1.-l . ll* * I'lillow . 1! * ,l| 15 per Hill, g,* oil ,|||*l o( '* • ev ponses, 27; repairs and roplac"m *H 1 .1 In * 1 r.n.i"' III* I'l ; 9 and contract, 5 per rent Forsyth cHmity 1 1 .in-port.* mon pupils- ilian any oilier a*i*( if ...» *,.-;< 1 low .* . an.. ”4 *'9s pwpil i .*1 1,, 1.1 tioilis ni a cent je-r pupil per mil* lolm-.ion is seoond with 3,97.0 pupils, I Hi*' : .inn . Wa I ■ i . tlif* *| V* il 9 ".792. * *i*l half a cent Guilford ei • ur<h, 7| (.is) six tenths 0f,,» cent; lVi|s.*n ill'll wil|| 2,52", <*»1"» foili - ' * ’i■ i jit'** I.l' i i", 11' cost jtpven-tenlhs of a cent; Mecklen lierr 5.590 n;"' ' ~T' ' •* "••* <*f :■ i .*nt " f*j/t*l _.n *. <*> i to* ' k T* i* * tenth* of ft mtit Tw i'iit • m ini 0 I*.i * t" r *dle t. r pupil cost of |e>. , than mu lent hiding (hot < »V>*< and I *|.l ..a* i' >|umbia Duplin, t;*• •■ • I ( • 'I *' 1 ' I , ' 2 UU>(, 1 ' 1 I4t ~, '|. SU .|!l , 1 ' ■ * • , 'mi Ii« lia Vi I" ", ii.l" |. it u 'if tin* pupils I l all*.purl*-d In 5”, ("i*i*i ,* a Ib*‘ <o *t in i p *v,d md filially Is two l entA •»* b In Kwi'i ci mdy, the f'r t 1 71 1 cents p<M ;*unll *u i md-. Jn '.t.u ni. •! i 'ii ri). n Tvr* II If i,;'2l 9 . "id - N. v Ha*, ever, 18 7! < i*nls . Wa dungtotl. 15 <■ *at *; Grnliam. 112 (<nt Flay, I 2 lerT* ait f li"i oker. Hi 5 n'«; 11 1 'l'l.* i i turn* me.''sure lo cun el* «. **bd Mon * ami natural barrier •n.ijlne the * Icaiv rnater ..... . _ *L. " ..... .... CAI'TI RE STII,I, 01 T IN FORK "s V* I mit \lcn OclOiiL' |{**;ttl\ lo Make Ifuti Is.scap*' Ify.iHit's , liy Ittinriiiii ( •"*" two n-;- t.**, " , ’...i'l. (4* ii . a 'll. •V f«it<riiooji wh*'M if .mil if ,i ;11 $ ii i I ’ni'k f n-hf|» Tit** plvitii w.i Us lilt'- l.'t i:. ;i. (i, * ' ijt ti ll «iujv iIK« u iii { 11 ■ ■ i.s jVi.sij i*. '' " IJ' i*' * *'* |M"t'.'l,l'i.'lHt ■ «, |i ~ •I' l-M I* 111,,' ot ~ !cl on a nearby hid *uiiui"'t the w iru I before III" uft'n 'i" . lia.r ' "1, . the h« en*. 1 3. lie , I ill of Iff V gall* " * a pa* I* ' * ■ c/.*'.d arel ; " pi*)|,,n ~f I,* er w,.s d‘ Uoyed. VlUltl It U.TITI JII RM IIKI) TRAViC.vtI'KNDK. Germim\, April :d t A her., world's ;•<•*••*. d was *’aimed for a Hobrbacli Roma , Air t twuii which reached an allltttde of 2 . 2m> met ere (about 7,15t> feet) with t jc.dgo of IT 7**i jniund . j NEGRO BOUNDED BY PISTOL SHOT Bushed to Attack .1. Best, Jr., When l.uOcr U**nl lo Make Arrest I “A iil t N(rtbin'i| ,% ni.tji f.liort* »il lh<‘ UhiirlvH ' i* t •’£«' I kl»4 *» iHiiiirii r>i (iliil: hr lit < J it* ; ' f »n Vtl !»ll|! J r * , ' * it,) v to , i •»'• sjo .-il nifo » i Wi» * 1o« • * ,i mo jit rlorf lit Ml ii»t* «Mt’)ip v$ o t>! 1 '! j VI• •v •• ;.i • • ml •» -I \ ‘ » !» W • I I*ls v\ ct 111111 tn «;.•»»• /• rtl jmitii tt> MuHim ry moi l»»t:U i I « llii* iHtrt •• clf/Ht *f > I Mm lntTv i!»•* «4i : oßjcfr Ht’fW* • ■** i» tilyi'n' li'i\ if. *i4'|ji|lijf’i| M i - I i M .n i if. I lit- i « .»■ ’■'iliiM ll*' I - f»lili nllr til tilt! 4*l * ! Is >.* s li I' tl, I "-i . \4 ;r 1-1 V I r -<ll(7'* » lilt ;$!!»• '* i Lii li‘l l*i * » li ii*» fir*** vt ■ ■* ti*i4* .lU* t»a#l jii* Sni tijt ,i i«k Iht iHh *'tf is» *o rriMl‘l .i* ! t; -*. ‘! ■ «*t /' * ■ r*’‘{ ‘lii I• l! v-m». * Jiitnitiiig tofe.iw! M/. U< I. Wltn \*i ikl*f lilt- |n» -tl ill lirom ' MiMf %ouii«Hi»*4 f*ll*i n Hi*' rlglit ml or 1* *l* lt)i» 'U* :*ft # t „ I jJ*h**i» * h v riv»’<l about «hit ll«M% U*«*k Mf»rr!x b» <lm* row ii ty' h«’uUb wb«ra an ox ain I nation tliut wa'a otil> lik'bi It ot o hrcMU'*il • * <j»H Mint lit* wii un»h r th** inrf»n iii » *, of tlrutf {vniiKcqmmllv It flint M'*r h.s*l not trtblH*! nnymif*. but b.nt H7tf« li<n f vrral Himh of inr-n h,»*i !-* fM»ni tli** (’h.trbM Sfnrt‘. WAYNECOLORED SCHOOLS CI.OSE N. NcmlmilH S|»euker Al Com menccmenl Attendi'd Iby 1,690 AppiuY iii.d* 1* TWtern biiudicl p* •* pt<- aft*.mil *f tli*' Fount* Foitimk iu *' hi* nt orihe cidored rutnl k* bools, nn der I lie nuiH'rvtiiini of Mr Maud* I." rneeav, yesterday afternoon at Hie Ml lard High School N F N-wbolil Mate IMrectin of Ni'gio Palucallmt w.i *>lro*|.i< i d In Rapt I 'l' J*mine, "1 Wayne county He recounted the ml vamctnenl made In N*Rto 'dark!toll In thi" state for tin* past ten year* ’■ pci-tally did be mention the Roseti will movement and how the white pfopl*' ami colored had re pond**d tn It nil over the state and the south Siijit Jerome, lauded Mrs Km ii' ir* 2 ' I!( •*, .t< I t.|l A W . I* -A III! Il lie in. -t I'ondnfdntl .lout Work ns sttpnr *i or. up 1 Ray kraxtriwi. <>f fha 1 .* tiiu>l. spoke of tho cooperation tad w**<*tl county and < fly. I'fof II V 'ii.t.vM: upervt'ior of the colored . It > ,i'hoo|* welcomed the visitor*. A iiiiiqde |*er 1 **f th*' afrjiftgapieat W.l.'* Ihtt p.*r ping ' I'll* ne devised by prof Fhe.illoim, of th*' filllurd high rhool On*' hundred nevetity car were orderly' parked on tho school re lupus and street wo. Kept open '**r trafti* : ' '■~* i Sixth District Oratory Finals Here Mon. Night cr ltt‘|irs'!BfM*lliV<‘ *lt re il IllKh ‘ *ltt H 12 * « rrl • rnl IH Mjli f|l.Glril*i I iii* HMf *| Isl 1 ill •r f 14» Mil?.' . ( 11 rl l t. .1 AIM . r *»rn ill U;r '.l* rritii i;i| l ornnitft*ily BnilffltUt b* r* M»mb«v »i »»*< b»cl Ti»f f.tibijc in InyMctl tcs fbc* hut 4 1 •$jt v . - j V 1 f . i I.l'if'! ** f M 1 •-’>') '*f i }! *; r iLf 111 *»M bor*» II sch l»t»nl .inrf will hp f»f*)‘ oil »!|t' |>l UV mill -e f i«> » ' •' tl! |- t * J i‘ • • ‘ r ■ lif 1* 111 JI -i * li' '»!. -# * * «|»h Si tIH IF.I ' K.«V$ lU vilb» Hi* Ii ; * bool, M K irkfurittik f % -1 11 » >.l Ni'V • if J*rifi< «*ton lUkl* Khllb I.^- ifanillfon. Ullihr.tnn Hu f> b* - l V, T«ir> 1 | ■ Ifi-nrv It-Ik, * Ilf Or of T!m> New*, will M-rre as chairman of the m«**'- ing ? The ■ |i* il "r** w|J| discuss she I'nlt >d ftfate.i Fonstltutli*n and will he allowed ten minute* each. The content Is jiromote.l In Its na th*nal and Internallonal pha-es by the * i.i'p* ratin' of half »,hun*lr< d or innr*- itewspapfrt; ami journal* In thi« t oun SIVTFFN I'AI.IS TOItAY Slieriff Best of Duplin Is Seriously Injured In An Autoniolule Wr^ck RIIM MACHINE IS WRECKED Ac* nk*nt Near Raleigh Slftps Driver and Companion Who Tried lo Shoo! Smith Th* rum < ,*r whirl*, escaped from llepuit Sheriff Furl Smith t'rldny ,*> tertioon a ter a white man ma-ompaiiy 'il l the driver had painted a *..iwe l **H shol gun as If to shoot tho off * ** vus wieckrtd ni*ur Itulilgh eurlv th*> jiio- night, tic* ordlng to uilvt* un re I * ived h* tv yesterday Th# drlveris ;nf the Fhrjitler sedan lout their rajr and t in* 1 r I * ,** * I of UP gnllons of wliiskey ween It swerved from tho rood ami *v»e* k• *1 mar Whlluker’s tilling ;d.t thin on route 21, near tlalelgh Wak - idierlff;, nffloer**. culled ini mediately ufier the wreck, con fluent ad •In- liquor and the wr»ck***l. * ar which i.urled a license that had been l»- Mied to W |l Kllpatrti k, of New Horn: a. name wfibd* msunt nothlug to tin* o fleers, According to fho reporU glvi"ti th** (d fleer ** the cqr WM( traveling »l II lilgb rate of speed when It left Iho I* ail. lilt Iwo ears parked off the road, *tunped > branch and turned'over. Tha occupants, apparently not hurt, loft in .* burry Tin* t-ar waa going uway from Ra 8 . leigti, tl*« *itflrer* learuwl * Deputy Sheriff Smith had * based tli** machine from Adamavul", thtuugh Goldsboro fttnl to a poultry#oar of The i t* earlier in tho afternoon. Aa palled up cm-the slila to attempt to .i.iII It, a mull with the driver mixed ii sawed-off shot »«** and raised U, *,if do *lre Smith fell back and a* ...a Fhrysler aped away U*« mqti wav * d Ins gun tanntliifiy. BILL WOULD AID NEWSPAPERS O ’ - * # Would Permit Certain I'shhcm ot ContestM in AdvertisinK AnnbunccmenlM WASHINGTON, April 20 (JP) A Mil to tillow newspapers and other pul.l * 'idsilling mutter rela tive to lotteries used for Mil j purpose.'* to be sent through the mall wa« Antrmtu* ed today by llepresent.i- II ye M< Ml I tan, (Hunociat, K*mth Fa rolnift, * HIM l ItIMIH NT Ml SIC 11 1 Its l»r.Al» ,>A < * MSI: lln M * . Apr *1 9> </V) Mi R*. .<- Kay Tbotywt. orgatllxio *| find pr-ejiident of Ibo Nat I*. *b ration ol Mu*h; Fluha. She Waa 7 r yearn old it'/ and I*.*** ip* wb** b*‘ar all Hie ex pen *• i.Turditdlng all |irl*e!i and awards n the :.»t•*•*..«t cveni:!. If hSs tho **n il ii/ciiM td of Hoi American Mar As ,• (elation, former I're xld rut. Firolldge, *>*. .j,l„**i Hoover and many pat riot ic * rgnnlzatlona, 1 n***** it., plan ** or ion, ea*Tr ~* w ip-; j-" c II * 111*) POP "I hip of a * 1.1 lain Ittidory For * xample, Th* hew alul Ob < rver apofiiors the ftp. 'na 9 . :h Farollnn, hns full dl 1* * 'hr: „,t ill ,u rai i**-m*>tiH wltlilq the 1 ■ t at* | r*-*pon dill" fl ' r ’ an y prires "i . .. ■ : i r* 1.1 • I*i til" ’ .*1 Pj a II'I I Hie final arbiter of any nitration that * . 11*. ,* 1 Sin ii 1 t* rritory. 1 Fa* I* .late or territorial sponsor l* .Id i* mute 1 >p*l * i l.s ts adWJuncf • * 1- 'I sle * inner.Nßß turn , *- I *, wliipei ; In si'ven otJier terrl lon ies In zone contests. Th# xono con t« *d in whli b The News and Otmerver winner will participate thla yeay will lie h"I*J in New Orleans on May 10. The winners In these xone contests in tde National finals and. u utidlUon. are awarded a three months tour of South America this ■mitner with all expenses paid. The ' .* ■ • Til f-pul* will b» held in Wash I (Continued on (it|t 7* MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED TRESS ruea nvg nn> Accident Occurred on Highway « Forty South of Goldsboro Saturday Morning COMPOUND FRACTURE OF LEU AND OTHER HURTS Fear That Ug i* Ho Hfaliy Shat tered It May Be Nsccasary to Ajnytate D K Meat. 6k. chairman of lb* boird i r county commissioners oI Duphu county mid for many year* ah i. iff or tlic ."Ijoinlno county, wu ser' a>ty f»«Jtir«*rf In an automobile wreck ft thi Intersection ol Highways number |) iii»l !«i3 sooth of tha ctty yes'jrdajr morning Hhirlft Best sustained a cnmp r ied rurturo of tho right teg be'uw the t-r.i'c. several broken riba, a rarer cash on the bead, and a cut on nan band. In addition to aerara ah mb. It ana feared that the log waa SO ladty battered that It might ho see—oiry )<i ninpiiiain tt. Barring compttda* • lona, however, lb# Duplin man fa ee hected to recover Ha waa ran/ral I" Spicer Sichltnrlum lor Ireatmen*. Sheriff Iteel waa an routs'to OoMs boro and driving alona In his utwse- I lie. As he approached the point where highway 102 coma* Into high* wiv til. there waa another au’mo 'HTc Hie driver of which baa a 4 oeen hawed turning Into forty from lie direction of Uranthapi. Thie c%* at* must turned Into (be path of Sheriff Heat’ll machine and la sUeaspt'ed to tides It he collided with a track Jrtrea l y Koitert Halter, also of Depllu ' ridler had aeon the nor com'ag In from 11)2 end had hrooght his track tti a standstill, effleere who IsveetV KHled the cas* ifII Sheriff Bait's machine struck tip. track hand oar The motor of tha llghtar car waa driv en bm k Into tha tonnean of tha netv mobile by tha impact, crushing Mr. licit’* leg. Neither Usher nor Bam Herre’t, aa oilier Duplin cUtaan who sraa riling on Ihe truck waa injured. Tm two were returning from Northern pltfoa uhere they had delivered n lost of 'rit w herries from the Wallaoe enettm. sheriff Beet ft the father of Dr. O K Best and Attorney Beet «t Oolda boro and is well knowo here - -J: 4 IIWVERNOTFQRv SENATES PLAN Issue Statement Objecting U Debenture Farm Aid Measure WASHINGTON. April If.—MPV— "resident Hoover la oppoeed to tie import lintiwtire plan of the National Orange as a measure of farm relief snd u expected to set forth his vtesm In n com niu'u lest lon to be considered by the senate agricultural committee ala Hpectul meeting st 10 e. m. Moo day Thin Ik’i sine known late today after a White House 1 'inference between the president and Hetfslor McNary of <»regon. chairman of the committee, who visited the executive oflcer at be miiieel of Mr Hoover some hoers / idler the prcstdefti had had nearly an hoiira talk with la?win J. Tabor, mMter of the Grange. Ini irmailon was that the president t< Id S-natos McNary be was preper iiir ;i ilalerneiit for the committee <m he *lclieiii tiro proposal which woeli bi put In the mails overnight and re quested iiiat the committee be called . J ■ t'gethnr at. an early date to con .tder it Tim chairman sent out a call a meeting Monday. A > .i basis tor hi« letter of oppoalr •ii Mr lloovtjr had before him off I* ‘nl reports prepared by the agrlchl tural. commerce and treasnry depart nent as to the operation of dsherd mx* plans in other countries inttfthe prole i tile defects ts put Into effect In the >'. 8 e • Senator McNary would not predial what action hta committee might take n the light of presidential opposition, i tit he said bit own position was net changed; that he had said all alheg that If tha plan met with executive dlitappfnjal he could not support It ait -i protected controversy over Ik fi congress might seriously delay tfcg whole program of relief lefts lattOQi n V 1 " ’ •*' ' > ' * l "■ . * •Vi *

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