WEATHER Fair Tuesday aad Wednesday with gtowly rising temperature VOLUME BIGHT; NUMBER 4b 20 MEN AND 9 WOMEN STRIKERS ARE ARRESTED Gov. Orders Solicitor To Probe Wrecking 01 Strikers’ Headquarters Charlotte Reporter Knocked Un ronacioua by Deputy and Action Unexplained HOLD I,OK AY WORKERS WERE IN * “PARADE” Governor’s Orders Follow His Return From Trip to New York City CHARLOTTE, April 22,—Th* nr rust of 29 mao and woman strikers o( the Loray mill at Oaatonla and a gubornalcrtal protaat against the re cett destruction of union headquarters there by a masked" nub were events along an otherwise qi-lei strike front today. Returning, today from New York Cover nor (). Max Gardner received of fetal report, of the mob violence lasi Thursday and at once wired Solicitor John O. Carpenter of Gastonia to use every ef'ort to discover the identity of participants In the raid aud to pro secute them The Loray strikers, Including nine women, , were jailed following a mass ‘ meeting and sheriff's officer who ar , rated them described It as * raid Tom P. Jlmlson. attorney for the Rational Workers Union denied here Mc®gbt that there was a parade and sidp the strikers were merely return- Vg their picket lines. They are sobeduled to be tried to morrow fen a charge of violating a <ity ordinance which requires permits for street parades. No resistance to the arrests was reported by police. A Charlotte newspaper reporter > Who was knocjtpd unconscious when a deputy struck him with his pistol as hs entered the strike sone was the only victim of violence. He wiaa not sertouely Injured The Osston county sheriff declined and tt|e reporter said le was unable to explain the attack. .v Five thousand textile mill workers In seven communities of North and nth Carolina remained Idle. Threv.s > of an additional atrlke at the Calvlne mill of the phadwlck-Hosklna chain Ixlle-t to mrtertallxe. At a mass me r ing hs: night employees of the m ; ll votrd so demand the reinstatement o' three mrmlers of the National Tex • tile Workers Union who had been dl»- chsrMd and to strike at four o'clock Tonight the mill was still In opera tion and William Broka. representing the union, said the strike had been postponed. He would make no furth —nr statement. Officials of the Dukolah mill at Lex ington, North Carolina, announced the plant would re-open tomorrow It closed April 12. because of “Overpre duction and unrest among the ei-i --tloyejs" RALE 10H. April 22 With sevirul of the State papers falling on him fo* action with regard to the course the B'ste will take In connection with th* l apprehension and prosecution of 'ha masked men who lasi Thuraday mo-*» Ing broke Into and demolished head quarters and the relief store of stak ing cot tor mill-operative* at Gas- ml •*. Ccvsrnor O. Max Gardner Monday faced what Is admittedly a very per plexing question- 4 - Governor Gardner was back In h. • if Ice Monday after a four-day tup to New York, whore he went on flnar rial business for the State. ' He plan ned to confer Monday afternoon with A. To*-n-< ml, executive couh gi't, r latlve to the action the Stale will tako In Ihc I lives ligation. So fur, ac cording to reports from the only persons arrested In connection with the disturbance at Gastonia last Thursday were Rome strikers, who, it was said, were sleeping In the strikers' headquarters as guards. Some were charged with disorderly conduct, others were freed By order of Governor Gardner. North Caroline National Guardsmen, who bud been ou duty at Gastonia for the past Jhre*- weeks In connection r-lth (he textile strike there, were withdrawn Sunday and sent to their Domes. Speaking of the attack made on the strikers' headquarters. Governor Gard ner said the Suit) parties should he apprehended and punished- . "| have no sympathy whatever with the Commtfnlst party or with Heal „i M | Perish life (strike organlters at Gastonia), but In North Carottua a A iCfiltfeM* 98 W! U mmi* THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ HY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. ROCKY MT. MAN AT ELM STREET Rev. Mr. Petty Preaches on 'ThrM Wiy* of Living” In Series Start ROCKY MT-Kront .. BB Rev. D- A- Petty, pastor of the t la'-s ftlreet Methodist church of Rooty Mount, last evening berun a ten-day revival service el the Kim Blre?t Methodist -church with s scholarly sermon on "The Three Wavs of IJv ing.” Hervlccs will be heul caj-li morn ing at :• o'clock and. each evoSPlg si 7:16 Ut ■ Ing the,.- binder F t*" - scries. The public .< Invited .0 pi event Special music waa rendero*! at the service last night by tlv singers of the Odd Fellows Home hare by ethers. The parable of the Good Samaritan gave Rev. Mr. Petty—a grailuste of Puke and Yale Universities the basis of his sermon last night. “tn this parable”, gald "w« find Illustrated three philosophies of life. The robbers represent one philosophy of life: and we have many in every ag<- who make this th* prac tical rule and thoofy'ftf their lives. * "The priest and levlte demonstrate -i philosophy at life that Is more rd spectable among people, but which has a most deadpning influence on the life and on society This demonstrate selfishness tn high places. “The Samaritan holds the distinction rs demonstrating Ihc philosophy of love, benevolence, charity, kindness slid Sympathy - Continuing Mr- Betty cited famous men o history who had made the rob bers theory their theory of life; oth ers who had mad* the pj-iest and )e --vlte theory-' their theory of life. The philosophy of the SamarltHii Is Ihc philosophy of Jesus, concluded the minister "No true follower of Him ran hgJjJ auy other philosophy of life " - Not to Proceed With Onranizintg Company RALEIGH. April 0 * 22—Charter of -the American Holding Co-. Thomas O'Berry, of Goldsboro, president, and John Duncan. Raleigh luwyer. sec retary, recently issued, was return ed to Inaurancn Commissioner Dan Boney today for cancellation. Auth ortxed capital was 1250,000 of which none had been sold. The Holding company's purpose was to aell stock and organize n land value Insurance company, but the plan has been abandoned. $442,000 in New Currency To Come to Goldsboro Soon , The government's new paper money, black on the face, green on the back, rod two-thirds the size of the present bills. Is coming to Goldsboro soon. Goldsboro's hanks will ezjdinnge the new bills for the old. The govcrnmeti l is planning to retire every one of the present large-size hills. It has printed i-bbut $26 In nrw money to he put •« clrciilxSßon for everv man. woman and child In the county, Qn that basis : >nd on the basts of somewhat morel than 17,000 as Goldsboro’s prei*en‘ icpulatlon. ulrout s442,ftftft of the n » bills will go to Goldsboro. Not all this money will find Its w .v I lo Goldsboro at once, however. Th' first step will be to replaoe tliV’pr-, ent-slze currency carried In the vaults! of Goldsboro'a national hunks At the •amc time the government w'll replace in like manner the currency In the vaults of the State and other banks in, the cltv Ttiat work will be do ip bv the Federal reserve bank of Rich nond. Goldsboro's bankers will he notified w thin the next few weeks o' the de ‘alls The government Is planning to. use the banks In retiring the old l«- iue It also Is planning to put the new money Into circulation all over, ilie United States at the same time.j Goldsboro will ret the new money t». gulckly aa any other city. * .WfcUfe the f ovaroment hat) made no 1 DIE, 3 HURT IN BUS-TRUCK ACCIDENT 100 From News; TVo From Other Paper 4 22 at The Goldsboro News, City, Tilts ts t.j* (-tmarutulate you upon the results < hiatutsl through Jour pa|fLr *an advert tain/ medium tn i the demoiislt ’ t:< >i a ol >u Sumatra It.o al hull at Jim Vogue lant week Upon r.hj cl'.iriß up the result., we obtained ovr one hundred con poiin clipped from >our caper in I only two front the other local da'l !*«:'• Yours Truly. * SUMATRA GEM COMPANY, By ('. L. Almond. Sati n’i.iK- r. Copy -'i COLD COMES QUICKLY HERE Temperature Drops Numlwr of Ik’Krecs in Fifteen Min ulck Time A sudden fall In t*.<! temperature I ere yeal'-nlay shout I o’clock l«vl many | * , pltNlo be-ltve that lish 1 must have stru.k somewhere tn the county, probMlv* in the northern purl;. About 12::i« o'clock. local bukiness men were walking around In shirt Doevwt, and,there was even some taJk by small boys of golrig'fish'ng tn the afternoon Three-quarters of an hour Ictsr, a stiff northern wind was blow ing a smalt gale across the etty. and between 1 o’clock and 1:30 o’clock thermometers showed a drop of sever al degrees in the temperature. A short lime litter s cold rain fell for a few minutes. The’ weather contlhUpd eold and cloudy until about 4 O'clock In the af ternoon. when the sun rgtne out again ">e air chilly feeling during tlo entire aftej-noon. however, giving cred •lice to the belief that hall must have 4.V (alien somewhere nearby. Ylf 111 LFN WHS MHIMI. HONOLULU. April 22. (VP) U*ut Leo D Vlchules, U. 8 A three years ngo classed an the ten best basketball players In the United State*, las been awarded the Honolulu Htar- Bulletln medal as the most valuable player of the nine navy league bas ketball teams In Honolulu. mtVm'KK WORKERS STRIKE STAUNTON,’ Va. April 22 07Y Staunton's 'lrst labor difficulty of oou sequences developed today when about 3imi employees of two furniture far tcrlcs slept. aimoun.-emont as’lo the melluMt to hi followed. It probably will take the fol lowing steps In putting the new money into circulation In Goldsboro. First, it will aend trom Washington a large supply - one or more carloud of tin- new Mils to the Federal ri s. rvr hunk at Kf'chinond. Second, the- Richmond reserve bank J will noUfy every national, state, prl j -utc and savings hauk In Its dTslrlcl, i orlmllng ihiwo* In Goldsboro■ and throughout Norlti f'arollita, 3if steps they must take to get the new i i.mV Third, the currency In the vaults of all the wjll txi replaced with tn. n'-w uioney Fourth, the hanks df Goldsbord and other, In the district will lie ask id to pa out no more of the present •ze currency, but to send It all, a. . last as I TUeJ- take it over the counter, back to Richmond to be exchanged for the new „ Th sis a big program The ntftlon .l hanks of North Carolina ulone. ac cording to the latest figures published by the Controller of the Currency, have about $2.000 900 In currency In their The state and other :'Tf>nks apparently have, shout s6,tuK»- I doo. Thus $7,000 0o»i will he required ji » replace existing stock* of currency i In thfe bank vault; of North Carolina GOLDS BOKO, N. C. TUESDAY MOKMNL, APRIL 2-'i, MLi'l Strike Office* Thi« photo shows the wreck of the strike headquatters at Gg»- tonii t N. Gs, if ter paskeri raider % wrecked it with explosives. The ■trike Ml the Loray Mills. No clew has been tuund to identify the per||tr»tor«, - r.r -- - - - - Schodls Mn-t l.rtmt lo TalL To Taxjtayors in lli.s La nonage The New* Bureau ’ Sir Balter Itoli-I 11ALKIGH,.., April 22 Haller school itilmitilstration. Increased respect for liie tax <lo|htr, u great degree of slat*- mtnttivfheSrr. a greater wfitTnunc — t-r r lonperaii with one another unit sirongcr belief posKlhllli ns of public 1 ' education In thn life of the .tale, or in the formation of a not elvtHsirtion the rrautta Hr j A. T. Allen, slate superintendent of public Jnslructlou,., expressed ths hope mon Id follow "In his 1 ’ openlrfg ad-fr*-- at th« school for county supferlnteti dents and county chajrmett of erlm« llin opep'-i.l here todni tut i week Hr Allen pretaceilrJil-y addyt •• l> a-king the puupon** of the furthering then recounted the development .of the present politic school system )ri Ihc tdnte, asking the question of whither ir not the public school* In the state are enjoying the full powpr of the siipiiorltug opinion of the publt- “It hts often appeared to me thpt then «us a rising tide of sentiment 'hat chools were not being operated *fß nound prlUciple* of husltjc < efflclen jy. In many quarters there has sprung up u strong feeling that the si bools are spending too much money', and that the Taxpayers are not nihuin - ihe ' nil' benefit" aid Hr il ing lliat he Was neither trying so pH :ily nor cond'-mo this apps»r**iil but ’Te i: fi• - ■ o 'll obligation of tin- tdiool foil in Ihi connection. ■''Wo must somehow h-iin t-- lalk ‘.lie taxpayer or tlii-'lw liu - man In lirms of hi. own'■ anil salt f> him that there Is jm * i or need 'ess cxpendll ure of tiioticy." In * till lidding that lln- achodl peojih- m'i»J determine that there'Sire mr^l'-uk- 1 * n order Jo do thl "If then i w - u vi- VIII >v,jli cover and stop It. I -ii' ,iflf- all, th-- .1 linols be|o-i u ' pei pie, aml Hi' I h el s ill doN ti i mine for them-,elves th<- kind of M-bocds thq* will have fur ih'dr chil dren’*' N’aming cveral 3ft-t u hey < h-mt cut In rvs I -e< lions. Jar Allen -aid that they were not even hi the Mr. no of people ten years ago, and that 2ft a.- t> V yearn ago tran <fMirl«itton of liocii liildi onAr a-- it. ’a-f'-i <<l i i ■ 1 - 'I ft people df Nnrtti Y'arnhiia h<-H<ni le pi'.ldlc udiiiatlon he said, ail-liiiK “Ay euck (•oiemlttcul the,in to It Metvei \tdermsn, f'laxton. Nohl*. f.i.riciiu Joyner, llrmiks and a long lino of others confirmed litem in th'* a t i Tin- thing you ami I hope for may b* delayed, but It- mmlng i a!«'uie> daftl* as sunrise Iti the days that tretch ahead " ° , Stating that there Is sometimes a feeling In ruji- count) that Vt : be ig neglected or that another.count) 1. being favored Dr. Allen -aid that the time has come when all the busi tnss of all the counties must be done out In the open so that all cab see what all the others, are doing "There must a common purpose among these different units and a united arid l int effort to btllld a unified sy.'i-m if pnltlle educalloif for till* whole s'aG*. We must . lihik facts in th** face. Wo must ■• ek diligently fur u t j((|paUßUf4 ou pago Ii _ * EZRA GRIFFIN WINS CONTEST ° (aoldsboro Hi«h School Itcprc si'iilutivc (ids Lnunimnus Ih-.i.Moit of JudKCs i • ■i i in HiMllSl^ IL uuuiiiqious vote of the judges, K/ra Grijflu. eoil of Mr. and Mrs. IC. F. tirlffin of Goldsboro, wa* lust nittht tel as winner of the fifth ft s diet ilnals, (*f the. national and Inter n slloual oratory cooliifls. Speakers from four high school, compcttal for, tn - honor at the Memorial Commuo ft* Huililliiw and ’ wire hi-.iid by an auillini e of about 12ft. SSLs Mnrghret Kirkpatrick, rnpre • ii l ,i.x the Fayetteville High Kchool. •v,i , niititeii as winner of s'coml place IMhers -.peakitu: le t night »«n --‘ V,* ft . ' I I- I 101 l Illicit St hoot and Mi.-.-- Katie Lee llamillon of . Hie I’rlncelnn High rfchool. 'Phe exiling p'-nple dlscusKcd various pit. the const ft ill lon and showed Uiorotigh preju»r«ith»u and couching Jinti i ■ wi-rr .Ifc* AV d ('one W. F • 'av-f• ■- and irnrok tlartshorn tlenry It- 1 . |>r • nlatl o - J tin* meeting Having bi-ou d« lim-it winner In the Jifth district, voting Griffin will r'o to Italeigll Friday to compete to the fliiiil In fUleleh a dinner will In selectl*d tn enter (he xono finals I to he held ln_ New' Orleans. Wells to Direct Second Dramatic Institute Here A * o I ninv and ' iturda,-' of this week •he Memorial * ommunitv Building wilt hold Its econd dramatic Institute this time under the dlrc-lion of * baric.* I Well of New York, a producer and i ir c»or itfut everul v- .n ii expertenee I i • ! lld IlSl -' b» the Ftoyground„uud R«cr«aU*»u iUion. \ ’till iAit<J tv jm “{• ftMkl t»;iH M#)sJ iJjUlf’i l*VWsi> -fWCWPIItMfC r - ►/111 ttifh lMDiuli**rA »*f •Um‘ \Vu>h» | (>!I) li« unit ) V tO USA I l‘< ji u;'m» ' l l.i t * . That at j • rnotm hu will talk on 4litWr«n*» dru-| -si-,,'.' I tftalUs, of which h<* I* ene of the hev l l known mil limit h-K to the country. In j cider to tnak 1 ' bis comment* more In- j '-•i e-tiiix suit In-.-ru tlv„e, a program of children'* plivs will tie given These e will use as examples. He will also h.ivn with him miniature stag* sets, c- -tic.n- iuid otlo-r propiTtlej vrhlqjtj wti *-n till Katurdsy will be given over to adult | iramatles The morning *es*lo#,i • I I- \ >‘U lil be A . V ill he for the high school dramatic club of which ' (J j Mian Margaret Korneguy Is director j Mr. Welts will attend the Jjlnlor plavj t iday night hud mil mi doubt p-*« U| Truck Turn<l Over When •'* o * Struck Glancing Blow By - Near .Bowden Sun. URGES SUPPORT COMMERCE BODY & L. Al. Kons Speaker al .Monday MeetinK of Kiwan- I ih Club The-citric rlirbs of Goldsboro *himld ray more al tent ion to aiding ihr f limnhc|- of Commerce, tn cooperating | with It, In rnspofuitHg tn Its move ui«nl*. This was the theme of a talk which L, M. Ron*, manager of J- C. I'etinc) Company h«ra, gave hefor* the Klw mit* dub Hi Its regular Moods/ ii ght session ai tho Hotel. Goldsboro ,*4il evening. Mr Rohm showed how ,lmportanl tn tin* Jtf« of every wlde-awaka rlly 's tie Chamber of Commerce, and he showed Just how dependent th" Cham- Commerce Is on the wholehrart cd support of the business men of Hie city. He Bided tho aerompllsJMmenl* of the. Us*l organization for Goldsboro lust year und told what the program Is fi r tWiTvear. „ Attendance prises were awarded to frr ttottttrgsworth an*t to fter. + Siaith SINCLAIR MUST | SERVE 3 MONTHS ‘■• ' - • Supreme Court Rules Hli Only Hope Now Ih Kor Pardon -9 *■ ■ ■» . WASHINGTON, April ii Id’) Th • Hupreme court ruled today that Harry F. Sinclair, unless pardoned, must serve three months tn Jail for refusal to answer questions hefnr the Senate Teapot TViiqe c<>innill*-e .Sinclair hud- appealed from a re cent decision of the court which up held (tie sentence of three monlhq, tn Jut! Jrnpo.- '-d upon him, but the. high i*i court today refused to consider lliat opinion Sinclair’s sentcnco calls for him lo i-rvc Mm sentence In s "common jail” It had been ezpiK'te*! that he would he rommltted the IMslrtct ».f Columbia Jull hf-re; although thor.i has bapn tome speculation as to whether be might h« 'fcaoCTn —-fbe, workhou*", a few miles Trom Wash ington. * « 7*) kmg h* c__>\ t the afternoon s' -l"/ 111 will live iT>*«Jmre on singe -tUiir, coot urn I (f, play selebt-ron, and other iSuJi t"j>h/t. At the night mooting, tho Wayne ''ominuntfy Idsycr* will pr'Ntucn their IVU slate enlricH, KitgeJin O'Netl’s ’ Me", which won the eastern chain non hip in the tclocted play dnrlslon < the ►lnto dramatic) lournatbent, and \ HI Is m Rnvall's “Ghost of I*nmhrey“ I wMill wa nne of two original plays j • t ii. <- for production at ciiapet Hill j during the dramafii- festival to-bo hold I tile re ilurltfk the first week of Mav jM, W • 11m will.) ike these two plays | * b* P | tor hi* talk, o ferlng tn Intriicthm on make-up, acting, direct |i»g and other Interi-'llng points con d with thq, actual production of p'hVi The Memorial Community Building believe* that, in offering the people ■ f Goldsboro who are Interested In •it.v form of dramntlr art a ohance to bear Mr Wells' lectures. It Is advanc - nr a project which has been the mean* of furnishing the city and £pun- verv Instructive recreation It hopes fdr the wholp hearted support all organizations ’ and groups ip | tho city which are Interested In th# ! i-real fb-ld of. dramatics, a field In 1 which North (‘and In a has won such [..stlonal distinction, j-:; MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pRKSi mi Floyd Wooten, InGrufi N«gr*> Died at lxical Honpital S Hru. After Wreck. <t ai* ' ' BERRY PICKERS WERE RETURNING TO HOMPtf S. W. Jobnaoa, Driver es Tr«^ \ In in Hospital Here Wltk Serious Harts Floyd Wooten. 27 year-old LeOraape negro, Is dead, and three other pareosa, one white and two uegroe*, are is the Goldsboro hospital with rrttM ts~ — ‘ juries suautnod la a bus-truck asot* dent which occurred oa tho OoMohof* Wtlmlußion highway aboat halt war between Katsoa and Dnwdia Sender morning about 4:41 o’oloeh. H. W. Johnson, white auw. *C Mac nolla. Kssl* l*oftia, 11-yaar-oM La c range negro girl, aad Tlar Hagosap. negro, also of I.a Grange, are la the la cs 1 hospital, where they were hrenpht !-unday morning aboat Ttld o'clock hg the wiimlugton-Goldoboco bag. Accord tag to reports. Johnses, sell nr hAve bean th* titter Os tti *riMl strut k by the bos. wag the meet adrfe ot'tly injured of Use three. He kgs j Injuries. The little negro pit |: i d th*- negro man were glad psHsPaßp cut Hid bruised Lacy Qeioa. vttli I nun. of Rote Hill, stMtahMd fdtsNl cqt* and bruteag, hot he Wdg MS tfe leave the hoapltal yeetetrday awtll4 A< cording to iafoonettoa reeeteed here yestevdey. Johaeoa aad RMas wore bringing some atrawbemr ttek ", • rn hack from the Wallace eeetiMl, to heir home* In liaOraage- The trsEx, r 'th the nrgroee la the hhole Mae aboat three mllee south at fhhau wh«n the hue. hooded toward Odtif* boro, came up bobtpd. The drive 1 ? of the bus. whose name coald not he learned ISal evening- era* feiwek to • low down to welt oatll a ear fife* in the opposite dlreotloa, had paieed- Ah soon es this ear went by. aeonVe nn to the reports, the boa driver start'd tn swing oulAnd go poet tho truck The truck driver either topped over to the middle of tho road ahetk •tits time or the bee driver made "hie turn while too near the rear sod -t ha truck Th# front of tho bps atridrit the rear end crf the track a itildlg hiow, knocking It off the highway, aM ,»>ver a slight embankment. Sept*** rmielved here were to the sffeet shot ihe truck turned over twe er th«M times Tlie driver of the has ImmadtaMtr siopiM-d Ids" vehicle, and with the a<l «f passengers placed the InJorei pvv rle inside They were brought here to the Goldsboro hospital. WeUea ci.m| about two houre after reoeMog •}»!■ hospitul Heath was tail to have exulted from Internal Injarieu. „ The dead man la turvlvwd by a wHe sod several children. The feneruUL *'ll he held from a local andertaklsM . 'HhllHhment Wednesday. vw( talMv ri.ent will lie mado la Ifi'mwoil tity. ; ’ No .charge* have aa yet been pre ferred sgsln*l the bus drive. 1 . It Wpe .earn'd last evening. DISARMAMENT ’ HOPE REVIVES Geneva Conference Accepts la Principle Proposal of Mr. (iibtwn WASHINGTON, April 2s.— (ji>—New hop*) for a settlement at tha naval disarmament question was Indicated 'on is lit by the recoptloa aceovded tha | statement nf Ambassador Hugh %■ Gibson before the preparatory dle • t rnument commiaatoo at Goauvgk. Thn American aoceptaaeo Is pris riple of tha French thesis oama aa lomrwhai of a “surprise" ta forolga t fplomatlr circle# bat tha pasafal op inion was that the policy esaattslsl at Geneva would be sstrsusaly helpCgJ to tha commiiplos. .^.^iriMsuPiM

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