WEAT H E R T«lr Friday and Ralurdvy, slightly cooler Frtdajr. VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 51 SCORE DEAD IN TORNADOES IN GEORGIA AND S. C. Farmers Are Here And Many Left Homeless By Ferocious Windstorms One Dead and Seven Hurt at Enoree, South Carolina; 20 Home* Wrecked COCHRANE. GEORGIA. IS IN DIRECT STORM PATH Telephone Wlrea Down and Re ports of Number of Dead Vary ANDEIftfON, H. (,'., April 25. (**>— A tornado which struck Anderson county lale today Injured an undeter intned number of people and caused heavy property damage. Motorist* i-rrlvtng here said houses had beep demolished and the roadstreWn with V reck age Wires were down and only the re port of tourists were available early tonight. The heaviest known damage was re ported from a little settlement 80 miles n trtheasl of here where houses were wrecked and several people Injured They were being brought here for treatment. Twenty Homes Destroyed PELZER, a\:.. April 25 l/P) Bn confirmed rrfports reaching here sal' that two NegTties were killed and an undetermined number of persons In jured, 20 homes destroyed and prob ably 100 made homeless ul the Tucker school community 7 miles west here, when a tornado struck the sec- Jinn this afternoon. I T>*ad 1 Hurl At Kaoree RPARTANBURfI. H. C.. April 25 (,¥) —One person was killed and seven Injured three probably fatallv when n tornado wrecked n house near Kno ree In this county lale this afternoon. 20 Dead At Cochrane MACON, flu., April 25 OP) One person was known In have been kilt ed at Rent*, .Oa., riml more Mian q (core were reported dead at Cochran* following a tornado that swept south central Georgia lute Mils afternoon. In a second report to Massee here, the overseer, a man named Bartlett eald 17 persons were dead and from to to 50 Injured at Cochrane, i'hc rverseer said property damage bad h»en heavy throughout the section and many bead of livestock killed Othpr reports placed the dead al Cochrane at 10. The telephone ope l a tor at Perry said she had a via Kastman, giving that many killed The Perry telephone operator sold that most of the lines to the distant section were down and she was unubh to communicate with nearby towns. All physicians and nurses in Hast man and Hopkinsville wore at the •cent-of tins atorm. AH r«‘pfcrtH Haled that the fcVeatent damage was In t)ie outskirts and ad Jacent rural communities.. The little town of Helens also was ?eported struck by the twist hut no check could he made of the casualties. 1' apy., there. SAYS HE HEARD FAMILY CRYING Aged Farmer RelateH “Wail*” of Vanberburgs Came Hours Ahead of Tragedy GASTONIA. April 25 -(#)— A neigh bor of Jacob Vandei burg, charged with live murders, testified today he heard "walling and praying" In the direc tion of the Vauderbitrg house several hours before the bodies were dlacim. ered in the burned home. A. P /Baumgardner. «ged farmer, de clared he beard the "unusual noises” let wren 8 and !• o'clock on the night of December 27. The charred remain* of Jacob Vnnderburg's father, moth er, brother and two sisters, were found early th<> next morning. He did not take special notice, Baumgardner said, because they often qnarreh-d It was nearly 1 o'clock that night when tile boy'G-nine to tils home and told huo Ids family had htieii murdered Ten witnesses were called during the day as Solicitor Carpenter Sought to build up his chain of circumstantial ipdenoe to show the boy guilty, m THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BirYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Destroy 900 (*ullons Os Beer in Ind. Spf?s. An eighty gallon capacity still was captured yesterday by Wave* county deputies making a raid In the Williams Mill section of lii-'lAn Springs township. Nine huod cd gallons of beer were deslrove.l The outfit was not In operation Deputies John Kornegny, nock .Gardner. Karl Smith and Geo-ye (hiker brought In the outfit, one ol the biggest captured In the co IUiV In recent weeks. “ GASTON JURY STARTS PROBE Will Investigate All Phases of lawlessness at Gastonia Strike GASTONIA. April 25—AAl The Gaston county grand Jury, opening u.i investigation Into mob violence in connection with the Isiray mill xlrlk’- In r* - , this afternoon extended Its pro gram lo hegY complaints of cruelty against slid Ilfs' officers urid aanotinc cd plans for a blanket probe of law essness.. 1 % A doxen Witnesses, including dnk ges and a newspaper reporter who was attacked by a deputy sheriff were heard today. Major Stephen If Dolly, command ing officer u the nullopal guard on duty here for three weeks, and oilier witnesses will lie heard tomorrow- The announced purpose of the ses «h n was lo Investigate the dextTui tion of beaihjuurtcrs of the Nutlonal Textile Workers ltnlon, Instigators of the strike here, and the strikers food supplies by a hand of masked men. The ph'luitk-EW. were hack al I heir pi-slb lale lislay with all o their lead ers out (if s jail for the first lime In three days, hut with a spokesman who 1 U for New York In fin- Interests of tin* strike IncarTWialcd lit Greensboro. N 1\ W M Bledsoe of Gastonia. Paul Crouch of the International Labor Defense Miss Viola Hampton and lluy niiuiil Clark, euroiUe northward to seek funds for the workers wt-re halt 'd at Greensboro following an auto mobile neeldent in which t|yclr car was 'triplicated. Bledsoe was jailed on a tecklesg driving charge. Miss Klh n Dawson and Carl Iteeve. strike leaders who spent lust- night in Jail for leading a strike parade, were fined sls each In recorder'* court Mils morning. Both filed notice of appeal. _ ' Ministers To Urge Sunday Closing Measure to Board Th*- Goldab >ro and Wayne Countv M nfktertel Association will meet w ill 'he County Board of Comiul.doner i at o r* - 4 their mu 'Dig the first Mon I iv lli Ma »nd again urge M.e advtsahi tv >1 *f feeling some sort o a Hu inlay closing ordinance for filling stations. The New* learned yesterday Decision to meet with the Commissioners amt again go over the mailer with them was reached by the Ministerial A *o coition at its last regular meeting. Wayne county dllxens are also to he invited to b* present for Mu- confer ence wllli the Commissioners, ll was su'd, Al Mu- meeting 101 l t-veral weeks ago. citlxeii-. soim Son ■troag, end represent log every the younty were present to urg' tils coiniiil.ssloners to draft some sort of a i losing ordinance. Sheriff E A Hl'v alls of Grunt ham town lilp headed the < i.miidillc Tile Ministerial y mciai on Wa : m* officially repre*' tiled lo I lie New t a luvoring some "llaiilH" closing ordin ance It was understood M*at Mo board would b« asked to provide an act under jihich the gtationa would f* CLUB BOYS AND GIRLS TO GATHER TODAY * rt ~ ' ' rr ~ * vT srwr’.-r-i.>,.' “—*»• i. - --sMKwiya Young Aviatrix Makes New Record > t>w B ,*. JffirWljßr *>y uHPflnfiOP ’ fplPI it f ‘| * I 'W'H-' j* ’ ■. J 1 Elinor Smith, 17-year-oM aviatrfx, is shown here checking over her motor before bet ukeoll at Koosevelt Field, Long Island,, in an effort lo establish a new endurance flight record for women, which ‘he accomplished when she broke the existing record of 22 hours. 3 minutes, 12 seconds.. TO ARBITRATE GR AIT SINKING Canada and U. S. (n Name lt«*|i reschtalivos to St*Ule Bum Ship Cast* WASHINGTON, April 25 t/T”) Tlo- United Stal'-.s and < anadu ngrei-d to aibltrate Ho* dispute over the tlnklnr , f tile Cnnad.liin Bum llumo-r I’m Alone off \< w Orleans. Correspon-., dence mioh pulrllc by Secretary Stlm son revealed this-tonight- The case will b<i> suhinlMcd lo two arbiter*, one selected by each government under lernix of Ihej llfpinr -uiiirclln • treaty between Ho- Ifrikied States and Ureal Brl tin TtO-v wljl decide wtielh er Canada Is'etiHHeil to redress. Csnada made fotqial representathuv to the Cnlted Stains on ApHI It con "ernlng Ho- sinking t)f the Ijjtu Alone off the Isitllslnnfi enlist on March 2k. bv the coast guard patrol boat. Dexter The Canadian uTNko pr<dlcate<| on three points.* Thai Hie I'm. Alone was al all lime . (dosed on Sundav exo-pt fur a f. hours ot tin- day. VV’lilh- lh< .dinUlcti.il \ ■ 11 1:1 ' lon o the conic v will alti-nd the meeting a a whole ID t A. -I HmiiA has been deslgnalt d to present Mu- Ideas of Ho group tin ill*- hue's!ion, The Nt w w.i llifotnletl sloti*( nant rd hike ,i rmlical vvw nn \hi Miihjtt •< 111 • • N* h ' Srtlfl a r u1 thn- \ * kifi last im I . • 1 i»ii ,ir 1 at.-- ci.ii* tv net . sary th.i 110 aits In (mind lo ettrb iII IIUI tanct- ■tt hit h ' tA 1 :*H-. ■. in ifllt parts ol Mu- county have hctonic on Htilitl.iv ( "l.t 1 I|m- luffing altoill Mo .111 11 il Jl lllg 100 I. Ol I to- 1 1' ill till l!oV fI um 1C yegm ot age,up pend a large jr-irt of I heir sunda \ .tiiiiui them, loiieiiu, around. Itl'iio i.i'.M -, »..J,• plat in;’ illt- viol nuttiiinv Hid I*l dllnklii uni 1 irmi im* into 11. M lirrii Id* If Mo- place wre i> controlled I hat .1 im.o 11 ' in cl .1 I : 1 dito dm iug a certain time of thu day ami (he hang-out Joint feature tic eliminated, it mould nut bo no tool,’• _ M GOLDSBORO. N. i'. FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 2(i. 1»29 CIVIL SLITS ARKSTARTED Air. apd Mrs. .1. E. Havnitr S**t*k Damat'c Io Stint of $1(1.250 in W(eek Mr and Mrs. -I K Bavijoi yes t.-rday filed milts against Ktl and - h.< Its a . result of an nulornohlle ip cider,l nci (deni which occm 1 J January 22 |,i.l oil hlehwav No Im ioiir mile 1 w c 1 u( Goldaliiu Mi Ba-iioi -.1 k . d.mage of lie 1 ;.uid Uavnoi danutg' • 1.2 0. i f 'liiil. - ..non i, ijjllnosl foi (mi lull liilurli-s anil C’f.u for loss of his auiumobtle. Complaint ril'd in the office of ch-ik of court J It Hooks alleges that carelessness ami recklessness on the part df'lhc defendant* caused Hie 111 * cideiil. The .Huyrior car had turned "If the highway to tin- left, II Is at heed after (lie driver, Mr. Itaynor ad lookisj carefußy to see that the I i.ol was clear Ouly thu two reer wlteela icnialiu-d mi Hie pavement when the- l-'iiller aiiliiiooliilc struck lie liavriui car. liiriilng it over, it In «untended Mr ..Itaynor is -*aid to liave'silf fl 1 i-d a hruken collar horn*, a dis hs-ated slmulder and severe inuixcs end shuck which have 1 "iilinu'-d t<> rive her much putu and worry. Mr lii'tun Is il'-- 1 rilii l .ic- 1 having sus l .ill'll illillric . aleiut the l,a< k, shoulders and htfrw.” f 'OT HI III'It IH MOCK \TS V. \Mi|.N.;Yo\ April > ( I*) V 111 : 100 not to attempt in hind all d> mortal in the senate to the export t tele tiliiic plan as a put of turn re Met: legislation was rc u Inxl lislay al 1 democrat it- caucus alliiidi-d by .11 •J Me "1 membci of tin- i>arty In ki ~ I.ale ( IfOSS WORD IM /y.LK H I ARTS M Hi'KthiiinK May I, Tin* Nows will .-tart publication of tj. dully ( tons word puzzle. The puzzle i supplied Tito Nowrt [ I by Tito A*- ou int« d I’ro : F‘»-a --l | tiir«i Service and id one tiidt | is not Ijoo hard. liut at ilto 1 same tiriu- hard orioujth to af ford Homo mental exorcise. JUNIOR PLAY IS ON I’ODAY o “I'ic.a’' In ID* Presented at North State This Afternoon and Tonight The Junior class of tlo- Goddttbnro lugli ijun.l will present "Bigs" al the North Slate Theater Ih s evening and a glit. Tlt Im play was written hy An ne Morrlsop and Patteraon McN'ull I. Is a Ihtei- ad cuftiMh and conlaltis ninny rumaiilh- and also 1 -outleal fvenes ‘I lie Jpulor play Is an annual event ’.il the local l|lgll school mil this v ear's play Is considered to he one the best ever put ou by thu local 'ad-ills Ttd 1 will h* (lien Ist year -.at Ihe play will he pul ou Jit Hie Tternoon am) Hie mauugemeni Is ex (l'dlng tills venture to to- very suc cessful. , A small part of Ihe piav wa* pre sented Thursday In Chape! at Ihe High School and It received much /avoruhle c'lmment from the student* and niem b, r* of the faculty who saw It. Thu play deal* with the action* of Junior .A'kins who. with the nsalsmnce of his Sweetheart. I* Irving to raise $350 with which to buy 250 pig*, which ev -1 yon* think* have the Cholera. Jiin 'l r howevtyr believes that he can cure these plus and si-ll'ihem ul a large pio'fli lie wants them so t>ad that lie even gels desperate In Ills ways us living to raise money. Wilt lie g'-l in'll .mi liuiitileT Cuiiim iMlt unit see for yoiirmlf. Between acta, an orchestra cooi fhili>ffTTTTTre fy-hf school »4intents, will lurillsli music, and Jack Italne*. KMi<-l M. file.'and Joseph Mutln-vT* will sing Also Charles I*. Wells will talk between ads. Mr. W> ll* .1* a member.of the xtaf, of the Nnilotial i >l aygrouud and Kecreallou Asaoda ti'Ui of America, aiid u inernher of Ihe National Hchool of Drumallc*. lie hgs lied several years experience In drama tics ua producer, teacher, and kdor Thus* appearing in the play are: Junior Alktnx (Clarence l'eacockl; Mr A*ki"s (William Howell)-; Mrs. \lkiliK (Mary IMpklitjj Hector Hpen # - nr (llohi-rt h^-lly); Mrs. Hpencer (Evelyn liaddiiur); Leiiore llaHlings (Helen Spencer At.kin* (Mu tton Wlilt(ed);' Mildred rushing* (l.lel Mi Kentyi; Dr Springer (Joseph Mai hews); H<mi(h (Hfrauclian Duncan)^ STORM M til MM, INSIKD WASHINGTON. Altrll 25 (Xl*> - the weather bureau lislay Issued Hie (id lowing slorrn warning: "Ailvlsory soulliwesl warnings or di red 9.20 a m. Ca|M* Hulterus to East port, Maine; storm over Central Illinois will cause stlhmg southwest winds and gales with rulu next 21 Children’s Plays at Drama Institute Opener at 4 P. M. The Wayne County Dramatic Insll Mile will open this afternoon al 4 o’ dock with a short program of dill drenV play* and a lecture by 'Charles, C W.-lls of New York, specialist In dramatics lor children. Mr Wills In* le-t » r-rrOo-ie l,y th<- Nutloutal IMn ■tiUMW and Itccreatloli Assisdul ion In i iiinlui t the Institute fur the Memo l> rial • unimunlty Building Miss Hamilton's kindergarten ' la s will h'-glu Ih* program with a beau •l'ul costume dilhlretl'* play, "The *‘inur Garden" Till* piece was stag . il before an audience of parents and ' lend: of MDs 11.million'* pupils y* • (erday morning and was greeted with l igh praise The ages of those par ti paling range from four lo six. Next will lie a dramallxing of the • lory of "Tlie Tlir*e Bears" by Miss Eleanor Kornegay's room of the Wal ’>lll SI reel School Mlgs Korncgay sol this play n i> as a regular part of her *'a ■< work, and is of doulde Inter'-I foi that reason as it shows wliat can I c doin' in i)„. wav of grallfyln)* Ho ratnnil dc .Ire of every child to dr' t •iiaMze tiie lhlnpi.be reads and ! Tin* final play on the program will lie prrsluc.-d, lly 111'- .dilldren of; S Mkry's'l’arl li Si h0.,1. 'lln-lr iiffci im-. "Thu liravsat Do> at Hunker Hill," Expefct 500 to 600 At Second Achievement Day ; Program For Wayne Co. | Dint riel Winner | K/ 14 ■o > 3 - ML o* Kxra Griffin, win of Mr. and Mrs. K. K Grfftln, will compete In Kalelgl) It,ls evening for stale honors In the Niilioual and Internulhmul Oratory Conlest*. Itepree.eulltiK the fiohlsboso b'gh school, Mr. Griffin .won a ana l.lmous dedsioii In the fifth district Duals here last Muuudy evquiug PELLAGRA IS CAUSE DEATH Wesley Edwards, 3li, Died ul 3 I’. . Thursday Afternoon A\ <- ihy K<l wards, 38, .died al hi* lit-mc on" Edmumlsoii Hill yesterday al terniHiii at 3 o’r lock, followlug a 15 Uionilis llljo-s* with pellagra. Mr Ed wards who had been employed by Hi Norfolk mid Sim*hern railway as n ‘•borer, Is survived- by his widow and live children ■* Funeral arratigemenls had mil !• •••■i "i mulct "I early lasl evening* „ - o- •> I II.IIT IH El, IN (Ol 111 * nl.IVi; HILL. Kv, AprM 2.', (A*)- ' list In Fields, brother of Former Gnv «»n<ir William J. Helds, and Chief of Colic- 11. II Garter shot and wound ed each other In a pistol Imtlle In police court here today. Deputy Hlier if Jim Walker of Carter County, a I \ slander, wiys wounded and may die is In lorh a I in nature, as ita title In illcutis. and will be stag's) !u full <;oa luli!' Il deals with the adventures of i i youngster during that epoch making cm which murk"<l Ihe sh-st real en I i | counter of Ihe American Colonist with j tin- armed fyr< os of their mother i country ' 4 ■j Following these pluys. Mr.* Wells *MI talk to tlo- audience on the |l‘*s i Mblllll* ot chlldreti'H dramalle.s, and eh i|i< methods of reallxmg the*" p(i.s jUllilllHe* Tonjghl Mr Wcfls will attend His I Jiir ll o play and makn a 'boll talk between curtaltft. The program i v 'i lurday call* for three meeting*. At elev>'ii o i lock Mr. Wells will talk to ! Hie high sch.gil dramatic club In th" '•meiican la-glon room of the Com i: mtinlly Building. At I p m. he will lecture im ilic problems facing a little i ilientr" group, such us staging, cos ' Miming, directing, and Ilka technical i r -silolls. Saturday niglit Ihe Wuyn • i i Coninidnlly Blnyers will produce two «■ in* ad plays for Ills criticism wnil for lii ua- in discussing make-up, llghl inr, a* ting and other problem* which I come up l& the adual staging of a production. Only adult* and chlldreu , over Hie age of fifteen, excepting mem ber.) ol tin high school dramatic club. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pud nn mm Stale Leader HarrtlJ, CMMnt Specialial Mlh Hunter on Prof ran 211 COMMUNITIES AKIf TO SEND YOUNG FOlJtf CluhH Will Compote for Prim For Boot lotion Dram , and For Exhibit* Second anoual achievement day wilt lx- observed tiara today with MO to Ms member* of boya and (trla cluha if tmty-slx Vfayas coaaty commualtiue in altandanca. R 8. Harr all, state boya club lander, Mias Wlllla Hunlar. clothluft special!* with tb* North Carolina llata Oollegp Katanalon service, County Afoot A. K> Hobart son. aaalatant county ageat, T. T Brown and Mis* Ruth Hatlly, houan itamonstration anent, artll appear an . 9 the prof ram which will ho atartod tt 'he Memorial Community Build If N P 30 thla morning nod continue until * o'clock thla afternoon. Rxtilblta of work done by the etub members will ba shown la the fy.ua> nnuluro throughout the day. Thtf mil include sewing, and fond poabarß Hint rating appropriate breakfasdu, school lunches and suppers. PHMt wilt he given to tha clubs With beak exhibits, and thara will also be prkMfc.. , r .r beat Individual WhlMta. Thar# wtft he s cotton draea contest, sad the M* urn Orowars Cooperative Aaaoctatlee. of Kalefah, will giro a prlsa ad IMI 'nr the beet cotton draan and kJ.Pd fer second. Matavlala for 44 of tha OOttOU ill" uses were presented by tha OWWUtp i i d locul niorcHauu to tha glrlu par* ti iputtuK In a county team coast eat lere last Hutnrdey The prlseti to lm given have bOM presented by local banks and nser r' nnts Kach club will pat on atuatf, fi r which there will ba prises. At II n'dlock la the morutng Um ►•lit* ami I toys will walk ta tfa Maaoa Theufre, where they will sea “The Modern Cinderella." Tha yoanf pea pic will bring lunch with them, and with thla they will have Mavla furn mhed by the Mavla Company and local merchants. • Achievement Day was observed here for the flrat time last year and’ wua A decided * access Miss Rath county home demonatratlon agent, kt In charge of tha movement, and la r* acral director of tha 4-H Olrla ('tubs hroughottt th« County. Mtaa ReUly r'atda that the em cees o' the 4-H clabe Is due to the local leaders In aoofe (immunity The program tor the day Is as hal low* ('all to order—Prasldsut Bertie Hmhh Bong—“ Hall, Hail, The Cluba Are All Mere " Roll Call by Clubs. Altendaaee Re port*, lenders. - * „ 'Minui* by Secretary—lrene Aycock Qfeet Inge—Mias Reilly, Home Doae cnstratlon Agent. jfonK "Club Boy*, Club Oirla*'. Mi** Willie Huutsr—Clothing Spe cialist. Song—“Oh Me. Oh MyT. Mr. Mur rill State Club leader. Hoijr If She’s Binging All the Pay" 1 , ■*' A K Robertson—County Agent. Hung "I’m Forever* Boasting Club Work" < T T Brown—Boys Club Agent— Recognition of Edmund Aycock. Hong ''firing Abe flood Old 4-R Sign". March to Mason Theatre—Picture. "A Modern Cinderella"—Biager Sew ing Co. Murrh back to Community Building. I.unch—"Mavla". Kong "Jingle Bells’*. «=> Club Htunts—Call 8011. Demonstration Teams He bool Lunch- Grantham, Sr. Table SeUiag Itosewood. Jr. Dish Washing- Daniels Chapel. * Hong Hava a Standard Club.* Son* -“Way Down Upon tha farm". of Prises. Cloning Song— " Day la Ooaa.l JTB J Load Up Tracks 8;M ft *uMB *

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