WEATHER l'«'r u 4 wanner in Interior Saturday Sunday cloudy Shower* la VW*. VODUME EIGHT; NUMBER 52 SECOND BRUTAL SLAYING IN DUPLIN CO. IN MONTH » '• , l> - ,* * 4 f h J. H. Boney, 65, Beaten To Death and Robbed Os - SBOO In . Currency * -i Two Berry Picktni HHd in Ken ansville Charged With Cold- Blooded Slaying PRELIMINARY HEARING AT » O’CLOCK TODAY Assailant lined Heavy Stick and Crushed in Head of . Aged Man WILMINGTON. April *«—<JP)-The second brutal and cold-blooded slaying of a white man by a ue*ro killer to occur thin month In rural dlatrlcU neighboring Wallace took place Thurs day night when J. H. Boney. 65, form er and atrawberry grower, waa club bed to death and robbed o' SBOO tn the back lot of his home near Tin (’lty. Tha killing took place early Thurs day night when two colored assailants, believed to be berry picker* employed by the murdered farmer, cruahed In bU head and akpll with a heavy ward en atlck and escaped with a nubstan \lal *um known to be In hla PQ,**es a'on Sheriff William* of Duplin county tonight had In'county jail'at Kenans vtlle two Negro, on en and a Negro woman, all arrested today In connecj tlon with the killing. The twd Yn«t will be arraigned at 9 o'clock tomor :ow morning before a Kenansvllfe magistrate and charged with the mur der. Evidence against them 1* large ly HrcumaUattal and both deny any part In the assault The woman I* de tained for questioning. ’ „ Mr. Boney's body was discovered not 58 yard* fronrhia house-by a son in-law living with him. Search was lq ■tltnted when members of the house hold became anxious an to his where abouts. Sidney Teachey, gas station proprie tor living a short d'stanoe from Wal lace was shot and kjlled In his place of business by a Negro about three weeks ago. (loldsborn people who Vls’lt-d the Wallace section yesterday brought de tail* of the brutal alaylng of J. H. Boney, nged white farmer. / # Sometime Thursday Mr. Boney lost 1 a large said to have umopnted to about SBOO. In n*«e of the strawberry fields of his plantation Negro pickers aided him In a search and recovery o' the money. This In cident Is believed to have led tonin' slaying late the same evening. Mr. Boney was attending to .chore * about a pack house on his plantation when he was fatally assaulted . A heavy stick was the lethal weapon and the head of the aged man was desorib od as having been beaten to a pulp. A heavy stick, such as that used in killing Mr Boney, will be an Item rs circumstantial evidence Introduc ed at the preliminary hearing In Ken snsvllle this morning. The News was told. One of the men under arrest was noted sometime before the slay ing as carrying a atlck similar to the one used In the slaying. As the assailant Oed, he cast the cudgel away. Clotted with blood. It was found near the body when the ■on-tn-law went to search for him when he did. not. return to th# house in a reasonable time. , The spot whore Mr. Boney waVkill ed Is abqut three miles aouth of the place where Ksq. Sidney Teachey waa shot snd killed a Saturday night re cently as his sixteen year old eon looked on. GASTON SKGRO DIES IN ( HAUK I'OK if! RDF. R - \ i RALEIGH, April 26.—(AP)— L*Q McCurry 28-year old Gaston county negro, was electrocuted at fttate pris on here today for the murder of- J. N. Dixon elderly farmer of naar Gas tonia. early In January. Two shocks were given McCurry. who went to the chair reciting pas sages of scripture. He made nr, state ment regarding the crime a ter enter ing the death chamber. The first ahock was of two minute* and fifty seconds duration, the second, one min rte and twelve seconds. ", McCurry was pronounced dead at THE GOLDSBORO NEWS 4f,'•> o ' ' » ” ° * *■ - ’ READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Strawberry Market Collapses on Friday Sagging for the past few days, the bottom fell out of the strawber ry market In the section aouth of here yesterday, according to reports, reaching Goldsboro last night The price reached fl-W» a crate und In many Instances there was no' bid ding at all. Growers were describ ed as discouraged and In some In stances discharging their pickers o QUARANTINE , FLA. FRUIT Dtpartment o f Agriculture Moves to Comhat Spread of Fruit Fly WASHINGTON. April 26.—(API— The Slate of Florida waa placed under a limited quarantine today by the De partment of Agriculture in an effort to eradicate and prevent the spread of the Mediterranean fruit Gy discovered TelWly In orange groves near Or lando. - Earlier the house had passed the Wood resolution making Immediately available $4 250.000 to combat the fly. The measure was sent to the senate where Immediate ad lon on It Is lack ed dor. Thf money will be, diverted -tram a fund of $5,000,"00 made avail able last year to fight the pink worm In Texas While Ihe quarantine and regula tion* brlrg under strict Inspection alt fruit■ and certain vegetables In the tntlre state of Florida an absolute em bargo becomes established only In tins tune known to be Infested by the pest' That znrf.e covers orchards where the tly hasbeen fyuml and a distance of V mile In every direction. All fruits and vegetables In Dial (one will lie destroyed. The <|uurantlht\l>rcomus Immediate lv effective in all times otfllined by the state plan! board of Florida on April 16. which included (he Infested and protective (one of Ihe federal regula tion. The area outside those two zones will go under restrictions on May 1. P. L PEACOCK DIED FRIDAY t - Aged Great Swamp Citizen Wuh Many Yearn With Wilnon Tobacco Market (Special to The News) FREMONT, April 26 —P. L. Peacock, age 75, a prominent farmer of Great Swamp township near here, died this nornlng at 6:80 and will be hurled as the old Jenkins burying ground Sat urday morning at 11. He was connected with the Wil son Tobacco Market having served as tloor manager o’ the Banner Ware house for 25 years. He Is survfved by tils widow Mrs. Eva Jenkins Pea cock, two 50n5, .7,. M. L Peacock and Julian Peacock: two daughters, Mr*. J« A. Hooks and Mrs. J. W. FlAars all cf Fremont. State Treasure Saves Stai The VlSi*, Bureau Mr Halter Hid-I RALEIGH, April 26. Captain Nath an o’Berry. State Treasurer, and the Connell of State are well pleased wjjth ihelr accomplishment In making ar rangements for the rpnewnl of $3,K50,- 000 In short-term notes. Issued In an ticipation of authorized, bond sqles. at g 5 6-8 per cent latUptl rule. UM tea* rate of Interest that ha* been ob tained by any ..stale or county In the past three month.*, as far as Captain O'Berry can learn- He Is also pleased that a Raleigh bank, the Citizens National Hawk, was In position to take these notes at this favorable rate of interost, as the rul ing rate for notes of this kind in New * Where Air Monarch Flies Over Spain - y / / -y \/ /aF iJStr-i t isfcafesglß / ,G /A"> a\/ / / i A I ■ -v- * vs "'}9r VSsij If* / ’* AFRICA / l%o§ I * Thi« map dlhowa the route of the giant (..ral rancan PfanlT*ire still being worked out which Zeppelin in her flight front Friedrich(il>afetT will take the Graf on a Polar flight and thig over the southern part of France and over short southern trip ia being made to time up SfiMß aud hack home byway of the Mediter- the ship and give the crew practice. . I J. L. YANDELL : ! DIES IN WRECK : | Rev. Mr. Yandeli was Preahy - & terian Evangelist for Wayne County Two Years Ago Rev. J. I. -Yandeli, of Tarboro, wa.i w Instantly killed Thursday In nn auto mobile wr«ck nhiiut four miles from Greenville nn the Greenville-Bethcl highway. J. W. Grafton and Dick la-o Hard of Greenville, were Injured, the litter quite serlonrly. Two other oc cupant* of the cars In the wreck es caped with minor bruise*. Cruft.m furnished I*.rid In the sum of sl.o*o tMn'rtttiJ! Investigation of the accident being made Mr. Yandeli was formerly Presby terian evangelist for Wayne county, and served as assistant to Rev. Peter Mclntyre at the First Presbyteries church two years ago- He waa well known here. • Mr. Yandeli, formerly of Charlqtle, an evangqtllst of the Albemarle Pres* tylery, accompanied by Rev. A. .1 Crane, of Tarboro, was eu route to Greenville on church huslneas. The accident occurred when Clof ton pulled his car lo the left on tho highway to pass a wagon. He crashed Into the-automobile driven by Rev. Mr. Yandeli. throwing the minister clear of the cap. breaking hla neck nqd severing his’ Jugular vein with Ihe flying glass. M. Crane suffered several bruises. l>»onard’s condition v.a* reported tonight as quite serious. The full eztent of his Injuries has not lieen delermlhed. NOT GUILTY IS HARDYBALLOT California Senate Taken “Pri vate” Vote on (tharges - A gains! Jurist SACRAMENTO, Calif., April 26 yPl—The Associated Press learned trom an authorlative sourge today that the senate on its first polGfeUfen in a “private” conference voted to hold Judge Carlos S. Hardy not guilty on all the articles of Impeachment rharg h g him with misdemeanors In office. tr O'Berry te Some Money York ramies from 6 to 6 40 per cent. Captain o'Berry states iuat Chicago borrowed JlO 000,000 on six months notes ten days ago and paid M 40 per cent, wlitle Fulton County, Ga., In which Atlanta is located, paid. 6 15 per cUi* on notes sold Wednesday of this' week Tbe smoiint of notes sold -are a |..»rt of the $6,150,001*0 sold on January 10, at a 5.5 rate, which fall due on Vay 10. The lltghway Commlhslon will nay and take- tip *2 500.000 on Gia' d te |« • • Ini’, til' $ ! 850.-M»0 .ii'.ilii < which will he taken by the Raleigh bank. Os this, $2,000,000 Is for the Aorld War Veterans l»an fund aud 11,850,000 for the Cape Fear and Chowan river bridge*. . GOLDSBORO. N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 27. 1920 Advertising For .. His Missing Wife * AiitDc w Hughs of Faison yester day_ resorted to a want ail in The News In an effort to locate Ills wife, missing for three weeks The only information In the case was the following want an rcce vod fromT' -Mr. Hughs: ‘‘Wauled—lnformation leading to the recovery Os my wife. Mamie Hughs missing since April.7. Has red;hair, 1 front tooth out, weight 110 Notify Andrew Hughs, care of l». J. King. Faison. N. C ” JURY PROBING LORAY STRIKE .Special {MTi feni PNaced Under Arrenl For Attack on Newspaperman - ■ M GASTONIA, Afkrll 20 <AP) -The Indictment and arrest of two special o fleers for assnult on a newspaper reporter, a new strike In nearby Bes semer city, charges of kidnaping and the Insl’tutlon of Injunction nrm-eed- Ings to protect picketers complicated the textile strike situation here today The grand jury which convened In in vestigate recent mob violence in con nection with the I.oray mill strike took a tangent this afternoon and i barged W. W. Itindeman and John E, Servers, special city police with assault with a deadly weapon on Leg ette Blythe, Charlotte, N C„ news paperman. IllytliH was knocked un conaclous by an officer during a clash between strikers and police Monday- Nearly 2tto looms were Idle at the Gumbrlll Melville mill In Bessemer City following a walkout there this afternoon. The strike was organized by Ihe National Textile Workers union under whose leadership workers of he I/O ray, Osage, and American mills lure and in Bessemer City ure strlk- It 4- Neither officials nor union lead ers offered any estimate on the num ber ot Wtirlu/K Involved In- today's walkout p, ' The,lnjunction petition In behalf of He strikers was filed this afternoon liv Tom P. Jlmison, attorney for the union, snd was In 'the bands o Jiulkc A. M Stack tooUeh-r It charges vio lation of the strikers rights In the interference by police with picket Mnes. Parents of Kftbn James. Ift, ami em ployee of the I.oray mill, notified po ’Me today that their son liad dlsab (m a red mystertouslv and'charged that lie had been kidnaped by strike sym- • pirtblzers. They said he left home to! go-to work early Wednesday and had] not been seen since. A police lnve*-‘ tlgution was underway tonight. Five civic clubs sponsored a mass; meeting in front of the court houes tcnighl where speakers attacked cohi munism. ' itoniANUV ass ill s KGimi ' > WASHINGTON, April 28. (AP) Senator Robinson of Arkansas, demo-: * rgtlo vice presidential nominee in the fast presidential campaign, today as illed Senator Borah of Idaho for making a plea for religious liberty i in the senate a few (lays ago. after he| ■ declared, the Idahoan bad ‘"remained i «» dumb as an oyster" during Ihe eam -1 raign .when the religious Issue was tbe •'overshadowing question,” , 1 SHIPPERS MEET ON MAY THIRD Fourth Annual C'onvenlifMi tYvtt lie Held in Greenville; Bailey Speaker , The fourth annual meeting an ! luncheon of the Carolina Shippers’ Association will he held In the ito tsfy Club building, at Greenville, on Ft May, May 3rd, according to an a'k uounceinent made by Sam F. Dicken son. secretary-traffic manager of ihu association. The meeting will be heat at ID:3o o'clock wlfh Mr. John W. House, of Wilson, president of tho .association presiding snd will he fea tured by a Ithacheon, reports of of flora and addresses by Iwo prom In enl speakers. Hon. I. M. Halley, of Raleigh Notfh ( arolltia Corporation Commissioner and Byrce Little, attorney, are th.* speakers for the annual meeting. Both will deliver talks on subjects that are of vital Importance to every member of th*-fc*s<* billon Indication* point towards.* record meeting as almost one hundred r«ts erVatlons have already been received by Secretary Dickenson al.lhe nsso vlatlon’s headquarlecs In Wilson, Mayor J. C. Irnnler of Gveenvllte, Will deliver the uddress of welcome ,o r-hit'll 11. It. Mnrahull. of Wllsou, will respond on Itehalf ot the shippers. Mr. Dickenson will read the minutes cf the last meeting and submit lilt sier< lady's report Miss Elizabeth Walls' will deliver tbe re|*ort of Hid’ Jreasurer aod the president's yearly report will' be given by President House. 5 The progfam for the meeting also (ontains time for an open forum dis cussion of Important questions to the membership, new business, election of officers for the ensuing year and Ihe selection of the next annual meet ing place OPINIQAi OVER MELLON DIVIDED WASHINGTON. April 2fl. (AIM A d'vlsloti of opinion has developed In ‘hr Senate-Judiciary Comm lit ee on the r'*bl of Secretary Mellon to hold of fice In the face of un old statute for bidding tbe secretary of the treasury <0 be Interacted In trade nr commerce and u special session of the commlt (ee has been called for tomorrow for a vote on the question. Wayne Players on Boards | Drama Institute Tonight Tho»* Interested In dramatic* will have a remarkable opportunity of. < learning tin- te< linical end toniKtit * i when (ho Wayne Community flayer* tmte their two Mtate entry play*, "Ho” i and "The (ihoftt o Lombrey". The , character* will make-up before the | audience, and all Kluge ncenery will {le ah if ted ho that everyone attondiuK | ran watch how, effect* are (allied. Cliurle* F. Well*, National Ptcjr (•round and Recreation -dramatic ape ! i lattit.• will explain methods of make ip, ll(htlti(. and HtiiKiuf. using the <„haratcer» and the playa at llluatra tions. TW'program will be freeiifnl oil Invited to attend. Clitldreu under the ' aye of fifteen, unless they aro uieiu . - >■ i • ft Exhibits „oi Grantham And Brogden Tie For ■ y * > T v w Yij Ist Place In Contest •3rd. Still in Week From Indian Springs Deputies John Kornegay and Curl Hmlth of Ihe sheriff’s de partment here,- captured the thin! still to taken ' from Indiau Springs township this week yes terday afternoon about 5 o'clock The Htirtr"-* f>6 gallon capacity plant, was said to have shown signs recent operation, and was II still warm when discovered by • officer*. About four gallop* of whiskey I was. taken and a small quantity'*#! beer destroyed In the riffd. which was made In Ihe williams Mill settlement section. STATE MUSIC CONTEST TODAY Milks Annie I#ou J effort!* of Plkevllle to Reprenent Wayne in Rnleigli V■■ " ° Upward* o‘ 76 public, school pupil* Irom all part* of North Carolina will -aprssent Ihelr *chool systems In th,- fifth annual State wide music appre rltUrni conleet to he held In Raleigh today Annie |.ou Jeffords of Pike vllle WIH reprqsept Whyue county ichools. „ Hpiintq*re<l by Miss Hattie H. Parrott, Slate director of the music appreita- Goii course, with the assistance of Mrs. K- E Randolph! Ihe contest will climax a series of preliminary contast* l:i which thousands of echool chll oren participated. One of the high lights of Ihe day for the contestants will be a recap-' t'op given hy Mr*. O. Max Oardner at the executive mansion. Mis* Parrott estimates that more than Jo.o'k) children have been en ,-oiled In the music appreciation wrork this year. An enlarged program, tie I up, more closely with public school work, has lieen prepared for n*'xt year, she announced. ALLOW $2,000 TO WAYNE CO. - o d‘ J " ITr . Hum ComcH to SchotHn From Special Equalization Fund For ‘1927-28 pie New* Bureau < Sir Walter lUilel RAMCIOH. April 26. --M’layne coun ty was allotted $2,000 and Montgom ery county sl,l-40 from the IHI7-Xil special eqimllzntlon fund hy the Btaie lloai’d ut Kqusllzalbm at Its final meeting late today In connection with tbe superintendent* school. The board set May 7 s* Its? next meeting date, at whleh time a de cision will probably he roared as what as to wliat cost standards may be recommended to the counties for making next year’s budget'*. WILLS TAKES TO AIR 'LONDON; April *6. -</P) The Prince of Wales motored (o and took off In an airplane this morn ing for CralgWell house, at Hug hoe, to "Vlt his father and mother. bars of the high school dramatic club. ( i are aeeompunled hy parent* not *oe admitted Many people In Goldsboro have sect* both plays that will J»e produced here tonight lie" was presented In Ihe Eastern Carolina state triangle of the community dramatic tournament last month, winning over Durham and J-i<k>ion; the "Ghost of I/ombrey" was produced locally some years ago, then revived last fall. Since then, how ■ dC #ver, Mr. Royal!, the author, has re .vised It, extensively, adding another < haratcer and adjudged one of the two best original plays submitted to the committee at ( Impel HID and will be produced there (Continued on page 4) THE ] PRESS psicH rmi«um VHhm Mabel ia« Parka Baton , llent Cotton Draw at Achieve ment Day Prognai MM ROYS AND GIRLS OP 26 COMMUNITIES PRESENT * *' .. ,o ® ■ ■ • • c Miaa Ora HeU Pests Wins Pint Award Par Having HM * individual Exhibit \ .... * Fwur-H cluh» of Oraalhaai aa« Brogrien (text for first also* for last exhibits in tli* second annual "aehloe** mint day" program hsld at tha Mam* nriitl Community building yesterday with MO boys add girls from twaaly i'x communlllM ia th* county present r or ths forty-four dross** entered la < •Mr be* i rot ton grass contest, that at mi*» Mabel l<s* Park was plokad as , the winner. Miss dike Olna waa earn rvful plaits. Miss Ginn also tP*fc sgao*4 place among tb* Individual exhibitors, with Miss Ora 801 l Pools taking first In tbt* coveted honor- , : i - ! The Rosewood clu* wait awarded •wooed pise* In tbs* plab exhibits sad (he following winner* wars named tar variou* competitions! Breskfast Poster--Rosewood, luaeh rosier—Haulaton. eupper poster ■aul *t«. health poster—Oraatbam. t*M* service- Rosewood, dish washing. Broaden. Htum prises—Grantham Senior girls Ist. Indian Springs, tad. Nahunta boys w«r* also awarded a t MMt prise. • county Agent A. K. Rabartaoh, ih a t moment to The News altar ths meat ;n*. expressed bis appreciation at th* :ik*Utanre given Mr th* aewepoporu* erst lr offlosap The--Mg*** Rottllhg ■•ompsny sad tb* ComSMnKy Baildlt# • orksrs imbslp make ths Aebleeeihsui lhiy program a semplsi* ******* L. R. Hsrrlll, State dab Isadsr. was the mein epenkor da the program Ns mid* an excsIMMI talk. *tresetag ths , Importance and vain* of **H deh work- lie ill net rated th* Important* of the various branch#* at tb* Wdfb with e*hlhl|s of hsodl-wprk wblsh bo v ', osd with him oa th* spUhei*** stand, Mr. J|iarrlll praised th* work bdlhg <l» ne by th*.4-H clab* la Waya* eouh ,t«. end sneoureged them to “hasp tb* sood work up.’* Mie* Willis Han ter, clothing epesisl let. gave a delightful loctuepHnlld ih which she emphasised thv ttkportens* f knowing tbs kind of clothe* to wdhr 1 on different ocoaotons. Rb* lUastfit* ed her talk with a number of StgMMl of dresses, mod* la a variety of pgt* l«ran and material*. WILIJAM BERRY WES AT HOME Formerly Connected With New Hern Jewelry Csutp—y df (ioldaboro William If. «lry *sl.»*maif? who was oonaeded > w'tli the Vew Bern Jewelry company.’, when It was located her* eevsrui ve» r« ago. died suddenly at hi* boa** 'n Orest Swamp township ysstardny morning. . Mr. Barry, who was un married, had s«f eced with rheuam > Ham for th* past several years. i The ilereassd I* survived by hi* mother and several brother*, sad sib* i ora The funeral will be held from tßb home this afternoon. and IntermoWl »U1 be"*made in tb* family burytHl ground near the bom*. Funeral a*~ anaements had not been complotSd early laat evening. PLAN TO BRING ESCOBAR TO U. SI Federal Government as MbdN Hears of Efforts Being 4 Made by ftefctlvtß MEXICO CITY. April M.—(AP>*»- Itelatlves In ths Culled gist#* of Oat* •- *r*l John J. Escobar. Insurgent cam* mender in chief, are making plana aid i-ransementa for th* lasurgpat land* • r to escape In th* Unltsd Ftde.el Consul Leth*U4 SI Kl Nub Th»., Informed Ohapultegea QhS Ibis -.Ueruuoa. - j!' \

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