WEATHER rtowwi mkl thunderstorms Sunday tad Monday No chauce § la tem peraiurv VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER S 3 DEFENSE SCORES IN TRIAL OF VANDERBURG YOUTH Account For A Blood Stained Axe And For Three Jars of Money Experts Testify It In Impossible To Determine Dried Blood • That of Human ■o YOITTH stood well in , SCHOOL, TEACHER SAYB k . 17 Year old Boy la Charged „ With Killinir Five M«m bere of His Family GASTONIA. April 27. — UP} —The ‘mirth day In Ilia trial of Jacob Van rterhurg, 17. charged with hilling five members ol hla family ended thla af larnoon and courf adjourned for the week end gfler the defenae had made an aaaatiH on three of the links In the atate'a chain of evidence. c . The blood alalned hand axe which waa accounted for. the two Jars con taining money were Identified as the 17 old defendant'll and three phytlrl * a:is dmled It possible to tell that the blood alalna on the youtli'a hat w'ifre coused by hit than blood Defenae attorney* declared they still had Important witneaMea In bring up. Vanderburg haa not been on the stand other witneaaoe the attorneys said, w«re held backup present when court reconvenes Monday morning. 4 Three neighbors of the Vanderhnrg f.imlly made the Identification o' the hand axe which waa discovered a month after the tragedy hidden under a log In the back yard of the home. Robert Dixon, Charley Dix on, and a deputy sheriff took (he stand In succession to tell they had taken charge of the Vanderburg farm I Her December 28 and had used the axe dally In chopping kindling and bran king up coal. Clarenca bell told how he on the night bnfore the farm waa sold on January It bad killed a chicken with thla tame axe and placed It 911 a log near the well house The next morn ‘ng on walking round the house, he nrtlced the axe. saw It had bldod on II and placed It under the log. ~ He could not be shaken on stlffest 1 roes examination by Solicitor Car penter. steadily maintaining the axe on exhibition In the courtroom was the axe he hes used State witneaaea had previously tea tlfted to having found the axe and havlag taken It to Dr. Roland Clinton Tte physician In turn had testified he received a chemical reaction similar to that made by blood In an examine • 'on of the axe A alight built lti year old school boy. IrsTl'led about the two email Jars. The elate evidence had Iteen that Mrs- Vanderhurg kept her money In. Jiihl . 1 ruch Jars. Jacob when arrested had them In a suitcase he was carrying / Vance Miller, the larit declared that Home time before the fire he had lp*eu lilklng to Jacob at hcliool and Jacob Mbowed him the jar* and the allver money In them, declaring he planned to purchase a Hull of clot lien with the money, Dr. C. A Hho"i, director of the stute laboratory of hygiene* at llaielglu Dr. ?>. CT. Quickie and Dr J A. Anderaon, the latter to OaatOnla physicians, were brought up by the defenae In an effort to refute testtLony by Dr Clinton lhal Ihe blood on Jacob's hat the nlßht he ? wpfc arrested whm human lilood. 'Dr Shore said lie had worked In the laboratory for 21 year* and did t.ot believe It possible to determine by _ ntlcroseoplc examination whether dry ~-hlhod wan that of a human or any "th cf mammalian". The other physician's •Mtlmony had Iw'en along thn s.imc Mias Hess Slum non. Gastonia his tory teacher, was the first witness and nhe testified that Jacob did good work tu her claases. "He *u better In written than oral aork." she said. Hhe testified lliat when asked a question. Jacob would, unless he knew the answer well, merely shake his head The boy always seemed kindly disposed toward his classmate*, she said “His reputation was Rond,” she con cluded Jake Curry, a barber, testified ho had seen Jacob o ten 'n hi* shop and the boy seemed wel-behaved j Prof. Erl* Caasel. principal of the Gaatonla high sclidol. testified the de -1 fendant had a good reputation at school. He said Jacob was an "aver age" student, having passed fi»> put of eight courses. *4 » l&ftUpufd ou |*J«l M dk ■ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY. BUY. MRS. ROYALL SFfcNCE DIES Funeral for Beloved Vounu Ma tron from St. John Meth odist Church Monday MR&’ROYALLr—Front ... ... h HR Following an Illness of two weeks. Mrs Royal) H. Spence, 34. died ala local hospital at It) o’clock last eve ning. Mrs. Spence haO-entered the hospital for treatmcnl several weeks •I*o and for a time had seemed on the lead to recovery A second major operation was found necessary arid In her weakened condition she waa not able to raly- Two blood transfusions were resorted to In an effort to hol ster hgr wavering strength, hut lo no avail. Blood for the transfusions has been furnished IfvJdV. Spence and by Miss Nannie dlaimtvjsail. a slsler. Funeral sclnfice will be held from FI. John Methodist Church Monday* nt-trnlug at 10:So and will he In charge of Rev. R. F. Muons, I lie pastor of the d'ceasod. asalatod hy Rev. W. V. Me I'ae. pastor of St. Paul Methodist church. Interment will he made In Willow Dale cemetery. The been selected us pallbearers’, active E W. Moye, Henry L- Moye. W P. Middleton. C. H. Renton, C. O. X’obb. T. J. Casey, H. A. Pike and U. R Chambers. Hon orary—W K. n. 11. Stevens, Dr. W H Cobh. Captain Nathan <)*- Berry. John D Oullette, D C- Farrlor. Col. Jos. K Robinson, R. F- Carr, Al len M. Harris. I* II Waters. H. H Hobbs, and R. A- Cherry of Morshead C'ty. Mrs. Spence was a daughter of Mr and Mrs. W. |, Summerlin and waa horn and reared In Goldsboro where she has a wide circle of friends to whom news o' her untimely death will bring sadness She Is survived by her husband and two children Royall Spence. Jr axed 8. and Hardy Srence. aged 4 her parents and four brothers and four sisters- The broth ers are Walter. I,eon and Ralp Bunt merlin all of Goldsboro. The slaters are Mrs J. K. Rea of Norfolk. Va.» Misses Minnie, l.uclle and Nannie Fummerlln of Goldsboro. Mr# Rpence had been a life long member of Bt. Johfts Methodist church and was one of Its most faithful work- era. She taught a class in the pri mary department of the Kunduy School al HI. Johns and was faithful In serv h g In all of the departments of the - hurch. Klndhearted, always later ’■Med In the welfare of those about hi r .Mrs. Rpence was a woman who Vid lived consistently Hie life of a Christian -Her death lust night caus 'd universal sorrow. PREPARING FOR QIfAKAXTISK AUSTIN. Tax . April 27. -Geo K Terrell, Slate Commissioner of Ag multure, said today he was preparing .i proclamation fixing a quarantine against Importation of Florida citrus ’fruita The Comnislatoner said he did not believe the Federal nuaranllue, es tablished to prevent spread of the Medßerraneap, fruit fly. was sufficient to protect growers. JONES LAW IMHf TMESTS CHICAGO. April 27 (4*i The first bitch of Jones law Indictments to he t< turned by a Federal grand Jury in Chicago consisted of Ft true hills yes terday. naming 25 persons. Including one woman. „ • Pender Man, 70, Marries Brooklyn Woman, 65, Here The r.oyal road to romani e con | verged In Goldsboro yesterday and, Rev. I-"red McKoy, *O. of Unrguw ww wed lo Miss Phoebe J. Ward, 65, of Brooklyn. N. Y. How the couple hap pened to meet—or whether they had ever met before arid fallen before Cupid’s darts was hot revealed. The bride arrived on the aftmr noon train' after an 18 hour trip from Brooklyn and was met by tier l-ionilsed and they two proceeded a”, once to the office of Mist t.Dessle Grantham, regleter of deed# for Wayne county. She had undergone • Uttllb tiiffMutUvi) tolfCpii Iffilisi EIGHTEEN PAGES TODAY ROAD PATROL STARTS JULY 1 - \ Captain Farmer and Lieutenants Undergoing Training in Penmayl^ania The >«w» Bureau Sir yt slier Hotel KAUCiCtI. April *3- -Captaln/Tiar !es D Farmer and his nine lieutenant# '.•rating the nucleus of the Stale High way Patrol, are now taking Inj'-nslve 11Mining at the Pennsylvania stale pa tiol barracks at llershey, near Har t'sburg. preparatory In a school for patrolmen lo be selected sram after tlie captain and lieutenant* return, prob sMy about the middle of next week, li K. WllherspiMin, asslslanl In R A. Tb-iighton, highway chaitmau. said to day. Messages from, the < uptalu of the force reveal that the mymbera are each specialising .In some partllcular phase of highway patrol work, In or d*r to la* prepareil lo g ve lustruc t'oti to the patrolmen to lie selected : fter they gel hack to Raleigh. Each will give specific courses. while nil Bre required lo take training In every phase of patrol work Three or four hundred applications air now on file In the highway of Itcea for the 27 places lo he tilled, Mr Witherspoon said. The plan is to es tablish the school for patrolmen, prob ably conducting it at the State Fair grounds, although there Is a possible conflict, since the Industrial display will be Utiilting the space lor a week. However, the officials lioje to tie able lo bring the patrol tt[ to a high slate of efficiency In order lo He read) hy July I. when the pair'd tomes into trial axlslepce. to have each of tie 37 men composing II capable of living completely and entirely up to the mot lo; “Safety. Kervtce. Courtesy’*. Whether or not the motorcycles to he used hy the patrolmen will have. •de-cars Has not been determined a yel, Mr. Witherspoon said, eluting that there are good arguments on both Hides. Without them the patrolmen would lie In, position to tnak l greater speed, while with them they could rcyier greater aid. lit rase of accident oi need for carrying a passenger VI tContinued on page 51 ■* l New York and aim unite pul iuii v. heir told YStiif she would liavo to gel a North Curollna examination, hut vent forthwith to get the neia-ssary ca rd. “You are going to he u Tar Her I from iirpw on,” the soun-to-tie hubby was quoted as addressing the soon* t?-l»e bride they applied .fol' (he li cense, “and If you don't like it you will have to make the heat of it. I’ll like It all right, ' wu,» ih • quoted reply, “It’s grand down here You can see the blue sky.’’ Ksq. W. G. Hrltt was called Iron iCoaUftMßt on pH9 H *. m , ujFalong , o li> Hie state fish • otiimDsioner, that the date for shad fishing In the Neuse t*e extended to Msy 20. Those making the appeal ate f’har ler A Brown, J H Fate, I IJ. Rev incur. Byron I, Rate, W', A Seymour, I„ F Kas’ter, V\ R Crow and F J- Tew Their ih'lllloii Is us follows Because the Nhtisc river lots bnen vi swollen hy freshets almost the en tire open season for shad fishing, and IWatise .had have hail ample op portunity to not only reach their prop ■r spawning grounds In the Neuse and tributary streams of Wayne rnun y. hill to spawn without-hindrance a'rtadv this m’mhuii, anil Ih-cause Hie liiiderslgiital Interested cltisens of Wayne cotinly, who rep re tent rtninv others In this appeal who pi e afte.icd under the i- h big laws, have had lint scant privilege in enjoy the sport and (•>■ * 1 Hu, of -had f'slilng diiilnt Ho opi u >,t on this year, and Because these cjt'ixi ns herein repre vented, and many others a tecti-d. Prealilcul Jloover aa a tnember of the ii Federal Radio Commission, succeeding Coaimuslouer Cxldw ell, o( New Yor 0. ", „ , , ' • teijed thtP piaftt cruiser. When placed in com mission the Pensacola wiH carry a complement ol 500 men and officer*. She i» 585 feet in length and can make 32 knot* per hour. _ Uataiaallvnal N«war*g|| R BABOON BABY BORN AT PARK Yniini: Kntaral Will IW- Displayed lo I’ublir Find Time Thia AfleriiotHi Mora to Mrs. Tlllle Mmlhhui of the Herman Park son. a son Mother and son an* doing nicely. , The Isiy Is now four dnv# oM and {toy Parker, superintendent of streals, i non need last night Hint Mrs Ha boon ■v iild he iMrthilted toi dlaplay her p-lxed offspring.for the first time till* t'ltmtsai, "What lt,ci. the luihy Iwsn named, ’’ The New* asked Mr Parker "Well, we haven’t decided vet," re idled Mr Parker, "and we would like for the folks whir-go opt In see the voting rascal Sunday afternoon to suggest a name." The lati* Joe Maboori Is l|te father ol the new horn Infant, hut Joe never lived lo see his little one During the flue epidemic he contracted disease end it went Into pneumonia, carrying It in away For u llnte Mrs Haboon v. as Inconsolable, hilt she apparently bijlt forgotten her recent lons In fond •«r> se# for Hie little one the last few .days. “We thought that Sue. the mother mookey. v*a»< proud of Iter child," said Mr I'ark’r. “but Mrs- Baboon Is even «totc affectionate with her young one Announcement that Roe's baby m. . > lie displayed to the public brought thousands to the Park lasi summer and it wh: expected that Hits would again he the case today. In addition to being permitted In v*e the bouncing hoy, the crowd# will Ih entertained with a ■ un< ert from » •he park type- I )r« lo it rope under the direct ion ol tin It.ii klcv Pi.iiio com ji • iiv The hour a for the cotiri-rl are, .com until 5. ‘ ‘fRPOItr Nl IIIAI. 3 HIN.HIOTIHIEN c - ' *—■ NEW YORK, April- :: I.V) Tie I'ev, l.liiii' Matiohati, rketor of St M ’ baels Muuastery of t'ni.jrti City, ■ v J... annoniicod tisliry he liad receiv ed a •abl eg ram from tUwkow. China : tlftllg three mlsslniiJr e Jtad ber H«hll| In liuridll- No News From Faison Wile Who Left Home on April 7 Nothing Was heard yc,i|grd*.v i< gliding the whereabout- ol Mr# An 'rew liughn who dtsappcarvHl from her I otiio at Faison on April 7. hit hus band had rc-oi led lo new-paper ad vertlsiug in an effort to locate her. Report# reaching Faison were that Mrs- Hughs had but) li-’ar-l Imm at a point near Goldsboro shortly after, sh« dl-yppcarerl from her home, but not It -lug came of an Investigation o the rejorl The Faison man was able to assign ro reason as to why hl» wile had Uft her hourc.' .*- / “I know If I could gee her fccould k-uiakf bar. some byv*," by devUred and EIGHTEEN PAGES TODAY Ed M Kinnon and Rodney Crawford Farm Hands, Are Held Without Bond FYfcinpnt (iirl Takes Honors in Raleigh Jessie Rose Yelverlon. dsughtpr ot Mr. iud Mrs. J. R. Yelvrrton ot Fremont, has Hie best musical ap preciation for a. chi Id. of the elemen tary dfrades In the schools of North Carolina. This the judges decldM in yesterday In th« fifth sa nual music appreciation contest. Utile Miss Yelverlon was award ed a loving cup as winner In ths group in which she had been en tered “ Hhe Is * member of th" alxt,h grade in the Fremont schools, be ing a pupil In the gradd of Iflsa Rebecca . Hines. Miss Josepblns Robinson la teacher of public school music al Fremont. WILL INSPECT HOSPITAL FARM Gwrg* K. Rohm and E. C. Blair Tt» Vinit Asylum Fa nA . Herr Monday #tieo R Ross, recently appointed by »»vernor fisrdnnr to have general • Avrslgbt of all state-owned farms, will visit the fttafa Hospital farm near here on Monday morning. Mr. Roas w.H be aismmpanlml by K- C. Blair of ihe Experiment Rial ton and Exten sion Departments, who has been ad 'vising as the crop rotations for the local Hospital farm. “This Is .an opportune lime for Wnyne farmers lo obaerve tbs Asylum farm as (ho winter cover and bny crop# are now at their best,” says (Aunty agent A K- Robertson. “The Barley and vetch combination for hay Is especially fine at this season and shows us that these crops are excel lent for ntir section as hay crops. Wheat and oats and Abruxxl rye are nNo grown al the Asylum farm and ;«j« splendid”. ,v N CONFERENCE IN CITY MAY 4-5 «* t* Klilrr Miles i*f Louisville, Ky., lo IVesiffe ai UtlflPr. Day Saints Meeting e ° “ c The Htalc Conferenrc of the Church ol Jeans Christ of lailter Day Raints will bn held here Raiurday and Kun ilpy. May 4lh and Mh. ’I Im. Saturday meetings will tie held in (be Chapel at Greettleaf; th* Sun day m. ft lug# in thtf Opera House. Meetings will Ik- held dally at 10:30 a mi., 2. ;n p m and 7 30 p , m. Klder '•ileg I, Jones of lsnilsvlllc, Ky., prnsl ''•nt of the Fast Central Stales Mitt don will be the prlnciplo speaker. There will also be fourteen elders »r this stale The public U cordially invited there wa# a ptorul not* in his voice. W'" need h*r bad," he went on and •old of three small children left al lioltii) without a mother. Mr lliigli* had camed’a want ad to In- Inserted 111 The News lu an effort to locate his wife anil has solicited the cooperation of city and county ot -1 flcera for her. Ilis ad reads: "Waijfed information leading to the recovery of my wife, AUntle Hughs ( missing since April 7. Has red hair, 1 front tooth out, weight 110. Notify I Andrew Hughs, care of D. J. King, 1 *'*l*oo, N. Q.“ | , Mlti MEMBER OP THE ABBOC2ATBO PRESS ■ pßiei fir» mam Net of Circanuttaitcial Evidence Indicate* They Murdered «5 Year OU Mae HIM SKUIiL CRUSHED AND HE WAS ROBBED OP ISOO _ r _ v o. - Two Negro Wommr Held Under Bond S2OO Each For Furth er (Conference * ■■■a. Kil McKinnon. Ml. Paul eagre, and Kndney Crawford, negro Mvtng la the Wallace section, ware bound over to the July term of Duplin Hnperlor court cn charge* of murder la oonaaetlon with the brutal alaytag of J. H Beoay rt bla home near Tin City, at a hear ing before Magtatrate fraak Potter In Kenensvllle yesterday mornlag at 10-30 o'clock. A web es clrcwmstan tie I evidence surround* both es the negrhe*. but officer* and other county initial* believe McKinnon actually aid the killing. Willie Mae Cuddtag un and Gladys Bower*, negro women • iu ployed a* strawberry ptohera, ware n