WEATHER 'ncrmali.g cloudiness Tuesday show ers lat sday uight and Wednesday. , ' VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 54 2 KILLED, 1 SERIOUSLY HURT IN DUPLIN OVER WEEK END Carson Resolution In House Would Provide $2,000,000 Loan Fund '■ «c Inhabitant* or Areas Kerrnlly Stricken by Cyclones t'ouW Make l/itans SENATE TO BE ASKED CONCUR IN APPROVAL Resolution to Amend Carson’s Suggestion Is Defeated in House WASHINGTON, April Z* I AIM A resolutlon making avaibihh s2,o*>u,tMHl for loann to farmers in tin* southern alatei* swept by recent cyclone and hail Htorma, wan panned today by the 'tonne and nent In the senate The nnaaure offered by liepreaenlatlve Csrson, of Georgia. deuiocniGxdiaugelT' a former reariluljon, making Ifi.nno non to southern slates Including Georgia. Florida and Alabama for, the n ,purchase of seed, feed, and ferllWer The original Bet was passed after the Nlornt of last year. ('arson explained that more than ♦1.000.0b0 of Hie original fund bad not been used and bis resolution would make that available for loans to farm ers who suffered losses In (lie recent storms that . swept Georgia. Florida* and jtoutb Carolina An attempt hv Representative >tteg nll,-democrat Alabama, to add an ad ditional autborliatlon failed. , ar did another be made to provide for loans for purebasa of work unliualx. Senator George, democrat. Georgia, •ought Immediate passage of a sltnl ’t r resolution In the senate But It was postponed for a]ter consideration A hill to authorlxe the secretary 0* wnr to build a transmission line and dispose of power generated at Muscle shoals was Introduced fiv Senator Mc- Kellar, democrat Tenneskec (» _____ HEFLIN TAKES ANOTHER FUNG Discusses His Favorite Topic of Roman Conspiracyßule America ra WASHINGTON. April J:< < AlM l’avlng announced previously that be would speak on the Roman republic conspiracy. Senator H-flin occupied the floor of the senate for more than an bout' today hut said nothing to In dlcatr lie was speaking directly nil that Wlklcd. Early during the dlscii-slnn Sen. Waliem of Indiana, the Republican ruder, offered In have Mir enale lain a vile on the Sclialoi's .resolution ask lug the venule to r;onde«nn the treat meet accordeil him after be had made ■< Kii Klux Klan at Uroeton. Sentilur Heflin, however sattl he panted to talk cii the resojiillnn a little loucei A vole was hitei denied the Alalmnuan . hv t>en Watson. Heflin waved a hand toward the shh of tin i hhmhei iii.l said (‘some of llie newspapei liov.. •ay y> j are playing polilb by nppos irg inv resolution and thui von want m erilo sofne of the work vim i irried on *i: the last campaign. The Alabaman said 'i would never fstr r a ('atbi)l! for pr- t* I cc.niso . . V per cent' Catholics .hi not believe I in lie American con- i .to 1 ;trh I' construed." t • URGES DR ASTIC MOVE CURR FLY Alabama Commissioner Wants National Guard to I’artol State Line S, MONTGOMERY Ala . April (AIM -Governor lllbh Graves had un der conxlderathm lodu> a rwjuext of Coninilsslolier 5 \1 luinwuodv if the Pate department ot agriculture that the Alabama national guaid he or uered nut to patrol ike Alabama. Flor ida line as a precaution Against an Invaaion of the Medlterra aeau fruit fly Commissioner liunwoody ordered every employee from hi ieparlment JfhO could lie -pared f’e-ni regular till ty to the state border to asjilst In the fight against the fly which Is destroy ing the citrus crop In Florida and threatens to enter Alalmma by the Ufif lit tfop hcgius to ripcu THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN TIIE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Jilt* Hu»band-To-Be | v \ jSI Mary Callender Ames, ot Bos ton, Mass., mystified Boston society circles when she sud denly canceled the wedding which was to join her to IJow ard G. Cushing, proijnncnt clubman. I FUNERAL IS HELD FOR MRS. SPENCE Many Gather to Pity Final Tri « -J hutc to Beloved Young C .Matron ' Funeral services for Mrs. Royal) cpence, well-known local wwiiian, who died at a local tionpiiul Katuiday night. |» ads 1— " » v.. were held from Si. Julili'h Mcihodiat church here yesterday morning at iOGJO o'clock Rev It F. AlMBIls, pas I >r of the church, ((induct'd I in- jtv, r V ecs Ilf was as.-islcd h\ Rev. AS P. Watkins, of Klizahctli t|ty. and llev AS A Mcliac. pastor ot SI I’liul .Iclhodlxl chilicb The funeral of tin- bolovcd woman •■as allendcd hv hundreds n people, from Goldshoro and ollicT lowns In ' ,|i i »,i . iii.ulf in ■ WtllOW I' ll cemetery. , The following were active pulllear ers: i; W Moye, Henry I, Moye.AV. I* Middleton I'. G (.ibb I .1 Casey. H. A. I’lke and G, It t li.Hiihers Honorary pallbearer. win- W F Stroud It It Stevens hr. SA II Cobh, r'.iptaln Nathan fYßerrv, .l.jhn h Gill |el|e, 1 1 C Fili rlor, Col. Joseph K Mohlnsoii, 11. K Carr, Allen M Harris 1 H Watei II II llohh, and It A Cherry, of Mordtcud ( ily REItEL FLIERS RETURN TO U.S. i Amcrirans Have Had I.ikmiuli o| Fighting lor Itobt'ls in Mexico - N'OGAI.KK. Art/, April 29 J.ll'l Capi It. II Polk and I’.lti.k Mtlipliy,' (Atnorii all avlalm J1 v ny, for lip Mex ian rel M-l army. vntuipurU) i . d lie intermit lunat border iiitiA the t S ai . p m iliiil surrendered to (oiler |oi of i-ii-liiiii l ied I-: |;dw.nd- "t he/ wi re ininiedla*> i> arr*• ■f* I by ile|iiirt ii.enl* of jual.ji i •Woltti nils nut iln go I villi violalion of in ill i alit \ net. Mount Olive Section Man Attempts to End Own Life Erne*! Murphy. In year old farm-) tr, living on the Waters farm about 1 three miles west . oont (111., i- m .. critieai contt'tloii a tills home wit!) a bullet wouiid ill ills left lung us til. ■'exult of an attsuipted suicide S' tur plaied 111 jail Polii * aid alneil lon part lid paled in the pararj*’. wbieb followed a mas. meeting held Ibis afternoon l ied Rtwlit | and George l’erklfe*. «i gunUni tf* lor llie Nathuiu) Tegiih I Mlon work | era. apoke* at llie iiioetlnV UTTLE TALKS TO KIRANIANS . Fori llraKu Officer Urges Im jMirtance of (’. At. T. C . For Yottllt AI (In' regular weekly meeting r recovery. The bullet, fired from a 2 .alible l evolver. was -aid to Have peliglnited. Hie left side of Hie chest 1 lust above: t- heart, passed tmO.imh the lung. | Hid come out Just under the lett xlioul t fer-hUde. Thß bullet wax found ou , llie floor, flattened evidently by lin I f "«» a ' i act witjt the ribs, i Murphy la married aud hax several I tmdf«a. xw *4 aw*. j*.jb IN 011171’. EVEN ! MANNER Mil TH RELATES STOR\ •. llis 11 it ltd Steady \s lie Holds M;ip Slimy flit: I’tmr I'l.m of Hciuc i nsii \m:n as soi irunit I ON UNI ES EXAMINATION ". .. | I ells { .tori lie Was Wakened by Sliflinu Smoke and IGtn From House GAN It IN IA Vprll 'All t tub t i a gril.'llltig in. e> up |t lilt'll to oh , I .'(til here fni ii.. death ol (tv. to* tit «is of til tiiiliiiy. Inld leadl .dl' lo HI •danlui "t gulil sot the two bonf* Ihe was on Hie land 'Soil, lor .1 lid G t. ai |n llie. liil'p'd . 1I| >■ ' n|i t 11.• • Ia rm hoy and Ic replied in mono ..1 i 11t.1.s "I'm going to nsk >on If you didn't | kill \ our lit ol licl .♦ Hi. .1 le l •' I t■■ r I and then y«mr other sister. Paulin" and yniir"*falher when they returned from buying groceries." lli • ~>li Itor rhot at the yitittb "No " He defendant answered Cnrpcntt i lieg'nn hip cross i xiihilm i Horn during the, afternoon, lint had not erinpleted when court udlnuriicd Ai intervals during 111.- afternooiy. T'ni'penter ahmitcil Ills at. usi lie <(Ue " lions lit th*' Imiv After tirelini'narv (|ii.'.lions ns to h'« age. Attorney ll.ole pregeiiled n man of the home and had the bov de ii'rllie the various rmnns The front Icdrooin, lo' said, had three Iw-ds and the room bet War'll I hot and Hi" kit. beo had one bed There were three out side floors downstairs, he testified "Millions 1 w..i e used In luli li all doors, he naltj. BLuce the lucks were old At times, x.ild Hie defendant, sotne of llie family slept In the kltehen plac id. a tick on the floor. I Mil'll!;' all Hie early 'inestiolllng .tfooh held a cornel ol Hie limp, Ills fa ml steady • Tile, |-riatti%l of Hie well luiie-.' .jnd | o'lier billldjng' lb III'! house was ilepi i rlhed > "Jmcoli w hel e vom l 11l her 27, I'L's ’ asked lhV oHoriiey. "I was ai home" ' Will you stale you did from dinner time till ydll went to led'’" 111 rapid Jacob lold ol p. r 'oiiuiiig n to ,'ath ■ I being diiHikj li« said, Tie'll lie went to bed, wealitig It> old (due shirt and tle'iiHd lii. under < lot li* At ale.ol I do or 2 o'clock lie w,. awakened l.v amok.- driiiigliiig him, j rablieil hi gnu and rushed, down lairs I tlglll elesi In yelled for Ills parent a ami then I‘ 11 loi 111 tnolh.'l head It felt gutnill). ha paid 1 ask you why you went .nil us iti you know wl. it kind '•of iuf *■ l .ll** w.. on Hn lied * . "A sort ol I n//v hlaiiket." \U«n 111- . II•>V 1 • < s .-.e d IS' w 1 ' , ! i«'k loud.-r ll.j »ii |" ikoic. v.-. . I iw- j lo oil .iirpJwKiiP7t\ < .Hue ..I|t el ill" lioltnc, tie Hil W all auloliiollil. VOII.g loward G,.stoma without liyfft ail'd . Ilian -lamling on the r.iunlng Im.ud "Wliat did vou *ai m wilh von h/ Hie Rautugardner bome * ' ' TUf suitcase | picked ut), my Hind i on and my father'll coat I picked up too" s lie 101 l to Hie' so.-t in or.** be wai.i, calling for help ami mvii.k fiiat lux Unit her bail beep murdered .le then returned to llie l.uruing home i hiid won Ihere when officer arrived. f i 12 111 KM. t It’s R thl RAID OIK AGO. April (A* Hul of Alriiiite itfuiMM* 4)H j • I 'nitty 4SP,rn en e e.i . were elated Cut the deckel for. I rial Seven of these •.fie «1 1, [... 1 I of, while six wer.’eon tbitied Until llie May « xexslon John 1. Mjt. hell wax found not guil ty of changes of operating ttlt auto Mobil'' while under the Influence of wblxk." , and wllbotil u- llcenxe, Ernest • Jobnseit wax tilted )1& ami he costs and given a Mix months huh-j pended road senlenee for assault Armstrong submitted ~to u 1 '.tit ge of oper.ltiltg a ear uinltir t.te infill.-n. e of wdiPkey. He was filled Aud mid lb. eoul.s uml given a hit (lay suspended road xontmiye Arthur Smith was xenU'n' ed lo serve tin days In Jail and iisaigned to the 'oads tor larcany. £-a ... . rtiurlip Hoy ell was glv,en , four months on the toads for driving a ear . hil. “unil.'i Ho Influence ol whlxkcv iirnd for transporting. * Itojiert Hickman submitted to a f hnrge Os driving while drunk and wu' iuo(l SSO and llie citsls ami given a mi day suspended sentence Romania Unwell and Johnny If it > - .n r, 1 barged with gambling, were re (lulled to pay half llie costs each, when prayer,, for Judgment was cun -United (or 12 mouths. The following case, were continued uiitjl next Monday; Johl 1 llnis.hi Indal.'d in two' liad hrclt t nuulx: Jessie lie. ton, reckless ■y -1 •Ivlng. ‘t> Il Moon- 1.l -. pretense f.iilb.'i It , On . "iiv Hniftil. John 11. tl'S.ii I . VJ.II .1.1 oje . sioke I'.ll . le- yheldierdj .||‘t Fisuk Held, ultra' inil .« iilllj-oitu! ballet;) 111 which deadly weapon were 11 -ed G Ak i 1. 11.1 we. . Imiii.J, gulllv ‘d .. had . I e. k chpigc hill tn.svei for iudgmeul > . oni 1 11 lied nut II Ala '. / .... . ...... . JIIXI s I AAA I Mill Idl Ms tlm ,u'o. Apt (I 27“ 1 11' flint baleh of .lon. biw indl. 1 inepts i<> 1..- i.-irnn.'l lev .1 giaod iui.v in tvlileago • on i ted of 1! true lull wo denfiiy Asheville College May Be Abandoned In .The Future v. - lln Aen* it nt •'■ill sir tlnllrr II«»•••! If 111■ 11 \lil It ’’l lllfm Ill.lHilll j tin* Asheville Normal. im hum» ,'.n .in tin (Mir t Mti I in lor hi Ili <* min i iliuu nl uni , |.firl ii ill.ii h Hi llu ' " *pi pail n( ilu !* in.i 'a* ■ III' lullin' dale, In- iili.tliiliiiiml bv Ho* . tri'>liv in i.iii I'li li nil i* ri.ii. church. i, ai part ul a program of • <«* 11 *• ni■- ami i i*l i t'll* li ii* it, i i ailml In follow, liai mine to Infill a. i ronll It of III*- m-got lal loll" la »'*i I‘lfli laU of lliai. an.l H i former Cijltowhw Normal. now V\ ■nl lilt < .iiol.'li.l Teachers College, for I , trail'* In m luk'l proportion. Abandonment of llu* lin 111 lit 101 l>v 1 'it i Imu h in but looked ii |niii by Not i It '.roliliu official.,. Western I iioHnS T*sphere College being owiioil » hip! uporati'il In lint Stale, an an Immrdiale \f% .llillity, lan Informal on in i: at I • i * K'illatioit- for llu* traili* aril* kialtml i a ri' till *i .Ini.uiiiii .'lio nt .it l'on Northern l*i ■ nliyturian < hurtli olfl i ll In charge * f rfie' Asiievlllif Nor-1 noil, tli»t a retreni'hinttu anil economy j p tog ram might rrwirlt lutvr pifort ar t. The beaut if i; 1 The I ratio way „ fc*ur|l * , F 1/ Youngest Pruidenl 1 i At 30 year* ol Robert Maynard Hutchin*, dean ol tha Yale Law School, has been named president of the Univer sity of Chicago. When h« lakes ofhee on July Ist Ilutchias will be the youngest head of a ma jor university In the United States. „ ARE SENTENCED 211 YEARS EACH Wife imd Her Paranmur Had ■ ' V All cm pled Id (iet Other iMun Out of Way MAIHMHN. VAix, A pill ‘29 (AD Ay It bln U hours altar aho uigrd bar pat amour mi in a inunleroilx attack un her husband, Mrx- Roxo Pope. 54. wax xanlnmed !<> primm for 2d yearx Ulill Unlxier, who ultai keil her husband with acid mid a wood mallet Saturday night received a xlmllar atm 1 lenee. They pleaded guilty of a charge of axaault with Intent lo commit mU{,* 1 .1 ey might marry. . O ' < NORTH ( A ROM N A HEM MR HK.AIMI IN RAIIWAY DDK I AHI H Nc‘.jt»N, A 1.1101 I Al’l Ni.rrt* Carolina w.< reliis“d by th«i i* ii p i’l.m * ■ (dm r I 10.1-hC a rcvlt'W of the |e< islou of e lower federal .court* d'iiylng K permlsx'.m to Intervkn* tn » Hull brought' bv the Nmilhi'fit . Rail lor Ihe appointment ol a receiver 1 f..i ihe AHantß putd Yadkin Railroad 1 operating between Mount Airy and Sanford, thnl late. lltrough Hu* il*a ii o**l - lowly lirraiwn 1.1 llu Ibtni’tltm illforlloil Oil lli« part *.* tin A In villi \.* null and the State ow iii'i'lilp of ilii* tbrWur ( ullowhei' .... ii i i I. >. l■'* * I i la. * oil i onu 1> . a t* 'A mill* . otllll ll’ .’ilk I. W Ill'll lll*' . r.Ob' pl-tn * * .in*'* fiul while lll** T"7nli * itoiiii i i, 11 * 1 *.il A ' tnltly ».i •j in ' i*.n. Hiai lui'b ; ' 1 Ihi r'*i|uoal ■rt I'l • vHi'li! M I 11 HIJ il. i bang'd ! la iiiiiiu of tin* Slate Institution ami K.ivr It- jmtjiorliy to confer degrwea, i).i|«t making Ii a full fledged rotrijH* Inbfrruai -ill In tlial a! onr time. till!' i g Ih« boom period In Amluwlllc. the |A-I i* v ilji* Normal owni*i> worn uffor ,* ii a million dollar , or llu* property. ! .. acres admirably total ml, with 2wd one l>elli( to the effect that tlie sheriff. one of hie depnllee, Mnl four or five 10-grvn bed been kill ed !ii a'nice riot and attempted lynch ing el Keiiaiiavlllo Hunday night The Sews, in loiijc-dMenee telephone ct”t- ' vernal ton with Duplin of Icera laat eve nitig, learned, however, that then# rli • mora were without foundation, a..d Hint no white men had tieen kitted or even wounded over the week-end at > reaull of uny racial Iroublea. Vealer Wilson. negro farmer, living about five mtlcH from Wallace, In Pen i rr county, wua killed. and John Wit* aim, a nephew, wan aerlonaly wjuo I ml, when itudinnnd Wllaon. another ’ • •phew of/the dead man. apparuull’' ran amuck Hatnrday afternoon. At cording in reporta ranching hern Hat , night, Iteilinoud waa talking to hta cousin John In a atruwherry pa' ,h tiar the latter’a home when an arm •nent atartad. Hedmond Wllaon waa ■ .ml to have pulled out hta pi*tot and shot hia rnualn three times. Hp thwn left. II waa aald. and went on ap the mud for aeveral hundred yards where his uncle waa also out working In n field r’onilug up on the uuauapwetlpg men from behind, the nephew waa raid to have shot hi* uncle in the beck uiid then fled. ‘ Neighbors. hearing the shots, ran to where the no year old hagrP lay Keeping on the ground He told them vho had ahot him, and offlcera warn tent for The wounded man died ■ibnii.i two houra talar The fugitive hitler waa raptured by Pander of ficer* at Atkinson. and waa tmhan to fiurgaw where he waa lodged In JnU to await a hearing Vaatar Wllaon waa reported to have been a married than with aeveral children. ( barlty Creas-Kond* Milling One negro, whose name aonld not 11* learned leal evening, waa Inatahtly kitted a* a revolt of what waa termed I v Duplin offlcera aa a free-for-all fight »* Charily Oros*-tlnuda between ' Kcnanaville and Wallace Heturdhy -light Deputy Dunn, of Wallace, told The New* lent evening. lAtMff negro umn and three women were said to have been gathered al a house where much caroualng and drinking waa ink ing place One or lwo of.ihe negroes ucre rcpwrleil to have Hlarted firing tbelr pf*tola. and In the melee that fol lowed, one of the negrnea fell dead with five bullet holm In hia body. AJI Ihe iiegroe* reporied to hart been Implicated In the I rouble were “Hid to havn tieen arrested, and are now in jail al Kenanavllle, t arneilng In Tin Illy Klght negroes were arrenled In Ttn City, a Mtihurh of Wallace. Hunday "it- it moon, and were lodged In the Wal lace jail, chanted whh being drunk end disorderly, It waa teamed. The pejrrotvt. iiiusl ol them berry picket!, were Haiti lo have hern very boistgpH ciiih, rnr*tog loudly and cauiung a mineral uproar In lliat entire com munity Counting llu* killings over Ihn week . nd, lour ntiiisloTß have occurred in IhipliM aeclton 111 less Hutu a month* All of thi'iii .have taken place near r *'allui e Sydney Tew hoy. white, waa ;nUrdered liy two negroes who attack ■ I him in his at ore three weeks ago. last Thurtiday night'- i 11, Bouey. white, was ipurdertMl by assaasltia who attacked him Uuai Ilia home, crushed hit, skull with a. heavy stick, robbed him of f suit and escaped. row a or mo ntoi'n hihimem TO I.(NIK Htlt I.OST IMM CATI.jf, April 2M— (A*l— Bualneaa completely ceased In this town of Hh» : ,;j persona In (ialea county aud all of the inhabitants joined In a search for 11,000 In currency which was lost along the road while being takas from the local bunk to a Suffolk doMtik lory. All of the money wureopT*yd%** nlitoMmh more than M