WEATHER dhawerx Tharsduy.l elder Thursday afterueaa ar alghL Friday fair, colder. VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 56 JURY FINDS YOUNG VANDERBURG 1S NOT GUILTY Gaston Boy Goes Free After . Jury Considers I Case 2 Hours, 17 Min. Verdict Returned at 8:50 Last Evening By Gaston County Jury HAD CHARGED BOY KILLED FIVE MEMBERS OF FAMILY Defense Successfully Refuted ' Circumstantial Evidence of Prosecution o ; £ 0 GASTONIA. May I—uro tuitl R. A. McLean. Ml. Olive Are Directors The fourth annual convention of the Carolina Shippers' Association. Inc., will be held In Greenville Friday witli r resident John W. House, of Wlisqa. presiding The convention and lunch eon will he held In the Rotary flub building and a record attendance Is anticipated as one hundred reserva tions have already been made. 4 I M Halley, of Raleigh, North Caro .lnn Corporation Commissioner, will deliver principal address of the conventlori for which a full program nas been arranged l» Siam F. Dicken son. secretary-traffic manager Os the association Hryoe Little. Wilson at torney, will also address the conven tion. Both speakers will talk on sub- Jecta of vital Importance to the ship pers. ’ Registration will be held in the Ro tary btiildiug at ten o'clock und the! convention will assemble at 10:. do o'- clock. Mayor J C. Ranter, of Green vltle, will deliver the address of wel come to which H. R. Marshall, of Wilson,-, will respond. Routine husi mss matters and reports of the-offic ers aud committees will feature the morning session. Tlte speakers will he heard at the luncheon session, following which the election of officertl for the ensuing year, selection of the next annual meeting place and new business will be taken up. Officers und directors of the associa tion are: John \V. House, president. Wilson; 11. H McCoy, vice-president, Kinston; Sunt K. Dickenson. Kec -Traffic man ager. Wilson; Miss Elisabeth Walls, Asst. Sec Treas . Wilson Directors: G S. Dewey, poldsboro; W. O. Ililbro, Greenville; S. G. Scott. ‘ Trabcth City; Raymond Max we'll, p Bert', J K. I'orter. Aurora; C. K. Wallace, id ore head City; C. a Flynn, ’VashlngicA; W. W. Griffin, New Bern; (\ A Grimti. Rocky Mount; It C Me Cotter. -A‘ash Uvular, If illuck 'vtMMl. KinstonMci,e*n, Jr,, Mount Oily*. HH ni» limn in nort i, CINCINNATI. May 1- (4*) August Mt uck. 3ti. of Newport, Ky. wo* found shot to death in the hotel Gibson here tislay by a house detective. Police mid the sbli;ig occurred during the i gIH and expressed the belief the < rime was the outcome of alleged handbook operations of major propor tions. Postoffice Receipts For April Set A New Record "The Month of April this year was the best April we have hj>4 In the liis tmy of the Goldsboro: post nffb e," postmaster K A. KlmkinA, told Tlie News yesterday. The postal receipts lor th»- past month showed an Increase b? approximately seven per cent over i the receipts for April. 192 k, it was j learned. The receipts for April, were I ♦5.4*2 09, while the receipts for April Just past were 15.571.ak. an Increase As, $392.49. Aaaiatant Postmaster Sasser ascrlh-' cd as the reason for the Increase the tact that many local business bouses : Tornado Claims 86-Year-Old Victim . Vi. fa, , .Ak.u -, . " ' 11 - o • litis is one of the homes that came tumbling down at Metter, Ga., when a tornado swept through the Stale, causing enor mous loss of life and property. Old Mrs. Trapnell, the only person in Metter to be claimed by death as a result of the hur ricane. formerly resided in this house, and waa mercifully killed, so that she would not have to face a life of poverty after the lost of her property. Number Killed in May Day Riots In The Cilv of Berlin J K IIKRI.IN. May 1.-—<4*l Serious riot ing broke out tonight in the working . .'amt, quarters in North Berlin. Three policemen were reported kilt end and more tluio u score Injured More Gian r»uo police late tonight were fighting nearly 2,non roinmuliiHls arm ed with pistols, clubs.and stones. The rioters erected barricades In Iti e main thoroughfare Ttie police charged them repeatedly \> th batons until the commanding of- Geer realised that his force was too weak for. these tactics and ordered his pirn lo open fire Then armored cars were brought up ami the police final ly captured the barricades Communist ambulance* and first uld SEWER PROJECT WELL UNDER WAY Will Require 111 More Hays to Complete $5(1.00(1 Ad* di lions Approximately 40 more days will be required to complete the city’s $50,- (0)0 sewage project, which wa* be-, gun about two mouths ago,'City Man ager Zeno llolloweli told The News last evening. Work on" l£» laying of two lines of storm sewage lias already progress as far as llie corner of Mul <>.-rry street und Audubon Avuun liT Jidgewood, und hs far as the Atlan tic' Coast Mne railroad crossing In Little Washington. The Little Wash It glun line extends through Ibe color id cemetery, and Is expected lo do away With a great -deal of the high water nuisance experienced In that section of town during pa d Moods. Several car loads of sewer piping will have been used in Ido* laying.of the two lines when the jolt is cotnplet cd. city engineer Guy K. Whitman es timated. The completed project will entail considerable expense aud lalair, i til city officials consider tliut the con strurflon of the Hewer lilies Will re move a great menace to public health by disposing of all surplus waste mat ter arising from fhssl water rondi ° *, 'i< ns. had not purchased envelopes In large quantities during the first quarter of 'hit year, hut bad fou'qd It necessary to do so during April. The fact Hi it the truck season Is just swinging into full bloom would tqake m bigger di maud for Uncle Sam's envelopes mol ,'.ius Increase the postal receipts, It was said Both Mr, Slink Ins and Mr Sasser ctv pressed themselves ns being much phased with the allowing the local' lost office la making in spite of the vppat aat° .marcily of mouay, GOLDSBORO, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 2. 1»2» squads were overwhelmed by the num ber of victim* brolight from the light tug front. Fighting w.n also reported trom Eastern and "southeastern parts of the ‘lty. (By AsSfaJaterl Press) The melody of the "Internallosale" was lienrd in almost in ev-ry Mlgubtc l ily of Kurope ydcriluy when Social- Ists, Coiamunlsis ami working men's o’guniaation* generally observed May Day , In Moscow the tune dominated all otlier sounds as the military forces of the Soviet union converged on the Kremlin With hands blaring, airplanes rearing overheud and gnus booming. STRIKERS SEEK AN INJUNCTION o Want Gaslonia < initials Stop p '' „ . ‘ ped From llrrakini* Up Parades ( HAHLOTTK. M.iv- I *,V) i d ft Hoyle Kink today sign- d an order. ii superior court here requiring Sher iff Kit Llneberger of ray mill striki-rs In Gas tijdu. Judge Slflk signed the order at the lequest of Tom t*. Jltplson, of t'liar lolle, attorney for the slithers. , llahiu.i corpus pfoeecdings brought before Judge Sink for the release of Walter isiw and Kvcrett > Huaelton. strikers who were Jailed on charges of violating (iasiotiia's anti parading or dinance. werh withdrawn today Judge Sink was informed the two strikers had been rel' .i • d and Ihe cum-i against them nol pros.ed 111 Gastonia e.ty court. Vote llnanimouHly for Fair Here in Sept. Director* of the Wuyn# Couuty Fair Aaaocntpoa in session last night definitely lust rutted W. C. proceed wlili plans for (lie U'2'.l lair Fight of the ten mnmbars of Mm board of dire - tors weir present for the meeting and voiced their determination to see that Wayne Gits year lias ft Fair tlyil will equal any ever stag ed here. “We cannot become dis couraged over what happened last year ”. raid one member of the board. Tim date . fiir the fair litis •wl-ar are September 21-29. a month earliqr than iu picYloui years. „ BADLY INJURED IN AUTO WRECK >' _ Young Son of Hcuufort Bank Cashier Is In Kinston «. Hospital John Honiaday 11, son of a Beaufort hunk cashier, is In u Kinston hospital at the point of death from Injuries received 111 an automobile on highway tt nip her Id a short distance thia side ot IjiGrangi; The lad was brought lo the hospital suffering fre.n a bndlv broken Juw- Hine, cheek aud forehead and lacera .l ns oil llie face H Reports to atteuilanU said a car oveurded by tlie boy. Ills mother and; hi* xrandmotheic, Mrs. Seili Gibbs, ■kidded on a wet pavement and crash ■ d into a tree Mi* tlornaday was •Mghlly Injured. She was put to bed I offering more from slinek I him lu , je-les. Mr*. Gibbs was painfully but },v>pai* utlv not seriously lyirt. Surg eons performisl a difficult operation i n Ihe boy. „ > Mrs. Hornnilay wus driving, Ihe re ports said ller husband Is cashier of he Bank of Iteniifort. Mrs. Gibbs Is a member of a prominent family at the ii Ijia chest When lie was taken in custody liy police who arrived on a call that i dead man hail Inen found .The "victim" of Volstead was released In ••d/ court on a promise to slay sol»«r- FINE I' >EW OMLKANM . _$ . NKW GRI.KVNB. May I. (4*l Fire which slurlcd hi u plant or the Gen ■ .al Box corporation In i * this morn nig. at noon Inuj cuuod dliuiuge of approximately $250 uoq aud was till tpnuding , Negro Critically Wounded As Ancient Feud Flares A three-yeur*old grudge flart»d>Lup again btrr yesterday morning about 1:30 o'rloi'k, iilid as si result of tile i Imuiux ufguifithil, lawyer Vlomiu. 30 ' six old, negro, re ‘tili'ii) nt John street, 1s In Hie lii/tiKlmio tioxpttal with it tiulift wound In I|ln. atomacli, critically wuumN, Mini 1 Wrest Mimes. Clet'llleat negro, In In lll*' city jjtil i barged wl(Ji .i ssiutl with n ilt-mlly v.f.ipOn. 'the. altercation, •;i I*l by «rf [ i era to liave IfPt n the filial iiltn of It Merten of several, occurred near llro«rn‘* filling 'tation ou north Uroca *»* * v »■ - rv|j4 Wayne Players to Meet Reidsville For Honors Os State This Evening Twelve Are Injured In SeHeH Tornadoes FORT SMITH. Ark., May L— Tills Is the most Important of the 7'* cases set for hearing from conn lies of Ihe 271 h and IHth Judicial dis tricts next week. MIL JINKS WINS TWO THOUSAND 1.1 STAGES NEWMARKET. Eng., May 1.--UP)- Mr. Jinks, owned by Major MeCalroonf, by Tel.ptetna out of False l’lety. won the two thousand guineas stake tislay t —-4 W Vinson, who Is said to be In a serl oiim condition, signed a statement be lore witnesses In which he gave the details leading up to. and the cans* or ilie shooting. Thu wounded negro told In bln statement that about tbrsa vear* ago be wan operating a cate, ind one night Moses, with aevaral ether negroes. w:i* In the place ca iDinting and muklng a general dis turbance" Closes wit* aald to hare ot en drunk,, and Vinson was finally forced to tmler him out. according to ibe wounded man's slaleiusut. Slues . . V ' ’UwHM* kiMil| j**? rmmr*"'" 1 ' l . MEMBER 09 SHE ASSOCIAHO I PRBfiQ „ |> riuoo i I nmfitim l’r«M*nt Eugene O'NaUTg “Ik* in ('MMwtttka at Chapel HIM ' FIFTEEN MAKE UP CUiE i h MKMBERB OFF THIS MO** (ioldaboro Merchant* Witfidkt* tribute to JSxpenueafßF Entering Play S jpHB The Wayne Community Play«|MdMg n* re <>r the Eastern Title h|jpg rlmpel Hill where they l i ix tonight against The ReM MR* < r U- ldHYllle, winner* In thjpHß. f<*r lix enp offered by th* «»f North Carolina, to tie bwl w "■unity Dramatic Production In the „ > i .iix The local playera are entitled th rap reeeat the eeet hr ritrtne of hartag detested Durham and Jackson hy a ’inanlmona decision In a content eaa durted here several Ureeka a«o. Ragta vtlie reached the final* by eieargnur victor* over, Oreeaehera and other , • Iron* weetora otahe. This I* c.otdshoro'* eecond trip go f'nallat to Chapel Hill la tha fra** tic conieel, they havlag heea defeated set year by a two to oae vote la tha 'Rial conleat. Staking their -Tmaoif t.n Fngene ONelfe powerful dreaw ft. the *ea "Tie" aa their play aelectian the Wayne Playera are determhwbl in present it In aadh a meaner that It win iirina the cap aget The Raid Playera wIU preehat "The Moakejfti Paw” by w. W Jacob* la their Md fir the title. v * Those making the trip are ae tad lows: o. E Worlgy, Miaa Pnla fn—all Dray Herring. Reb. Rohtneon, Utepd , Edwin I pooh, Plaak Mooring end Mark Labe, eouapoelag the enbt, and Mrs L. D- Otddeea. Hr*. Wade I' rsftt. If lee Margaret Kernegay. Rab bi and Mr.J L Free ad. Mias Mildred Henderson end Mlea Bobble Maedmre who are with 'the elnh aa direataaa and In other capeettto*. 0. E Ulea left early Utto morale* by truck with tha stage scenery es pecially built by (he elnh end the pre-* pert lex necessary far tip play. Bb» «al merchaata who will he achaewl ed later nave coatrihuted to the de fraying of the espcaaee Incurred In risking the trip. REFORM BILLS ARE DISCUSSED North Carolina FadkraUaa as Womanj ToM Ip Kaap ap »ta Fight CHARLOTTE, May 1 —(JIV-The North Corolla* Pederatioa of Wonma'a Clubs In annual convention here wee urged toab«r euteeJptlM of money than ~lucsiieo trf ybung ttMMHRyMpM