WEATHER . ' > •■mwiU) fair awl voider Friday. ftal •rtef fair otth rislag l>a|«nUr» VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 57 19 CHILDREN DIE IN TORNADO New School Regulations Expected to Cut Wayne Tax Rate About 10 Cts. All I'robkntM AffccliflK Schools ■* to Re Gone Into at Meet ing Hare Saturday MUST CUT 20 FROM NUMBER I RURAL WHITE TEACHERS County Superintendent Jerome Invites Taxpayer* Gener ally to Attend Meeting 1 0 ■ 1 The county wide conference of a.hool officials called by the county tyuperlntijideiit for Saturday May 4 at lh o'clock will meet In the courtroom for the purpose of dlscusklng way* and means of economical school, operation. It Is understood that there will be r tax reduction approximately 10 centa * n (100 from the equalising fund a* dl. trlbluted by the State Hoard, of Equalization. Wayne's apportionment baa been set at approximately $89,000 This sum. however, will not represent nn actual increase of SO9 000 for achool *unda for Wayne. because lam year liie county kept for achool purpoaea about stt;.oflf) of flues, poll and dog taxes. Under the new taw. revenues from these source* are turned Into the state equalization fund Wayne "received sl.l,non from (he equalizing funds Jast year in Unit the county will in reality receive only $.10,000 more for school purposes from the equalization fund for six months* at hoots of 1929-10 over the stum re ceived for. 1929-29 There la an additional aum of ap proximately which the county wtll receive for Use extended terns, this to reduce the taxes levied hereto foie for the extendod term. All facta and figures concerning (he rout of operating the school* stir tlila year and the aniounla act up for op < ration for next year will be avail able when Use officials meet In confer ence here ftaturday. A budget haa been aet up for cat Is at Vtiwil of the county under the provision* of tlik Hancock law anil officials pt the meet .ng Katurday will’bo allowed to puns on whether or nut they tan operate under the budget. In the white rural acliotiln of the county It now appear* that the num ber of teachers will be reduced by 2° Thla year 140 were employed and tstirter the provision nos ihe Hancock bill the eounly vyHI he able to employ only 120 while teachers for next year. M will be necessary Its reduce the •lumber of rural negro teachers by 14 comparing the number employed ibis vear with the number allowed for next vtnr. U«ounty Superintendent Jerome •Is very tlealroua of Itav'ng not onlv the s>< hool officials present for the confer cnee Saturday but also nnv Interested citizen* of tj»e city or conntv. 89 ARRESTS IN CITY IN APRIL Seventy-Seven Defendant.* Fat ed Mayor Hill in City Court in Month ' O’ 1 ... . Approximately 89 arrests were tuude I y membera of the local poth depart ment during the month of April, <‘hief es Police %. J Tew revealed here ye*- tertlay. Os thla number. 77 of the d*- lciidaii(a were tried tn pottre court before Mayor Jack Mill, wh le the re .:ialtilng 12 were bound uvei to u hign * r court While the majority <\>f the complain:* lodged against defendants placed un der arrest by local police during lb past mouth have been of a compara 'lvely minor nature, several of those arrested were charged with more serl ttis violations such as assault with a deadly weapon, house-break tig and larceny, transporting and receiving end having whtske) for *»}«• Charge* of speeding and'Ttfher vlo latlobs of auto and trcffli law*, and of drunkenness nod being disorderly were believed bv membera of the local police force to be the must frequently occurring complaint* Inscribed on the ••face" of arrest warrants. Case* of larceny would perhaps ‘come third In U*f Uw-up. UWM ffthi. THE GOLDSBORO* NEWS RKAD IN THE MORNING WIIII.K MINDS AltK FRESII—READ BY BUYERS .BEFORE THEY BUY. Sampson Mama Hog Sure’s Been Bus^ J. B. Lockamy, who live* on route one from Newton says that ' Marshal Wurren. of hi* community, bp* a sow that Is the mol her Ot I 5« pig*. divided Into four different II age*. On August 1. 1927, this par ticular sow gave birth to 10 pigs. On March 20. 1928, she gave birth to J7 pigs Again on October 10, 1928. she gave Birth to 12 mofe phis and then on April 25, this year, ahe became the mother of 17 more baby hogs, making a grand total of fifty-six. * BUILDING SLOW „ DURING APRIL I'ermit* for Construction in City Totaled $23.1 (Ml For Month Building permit* for Goldsboro dur .fife the month of AprlLJololnl $21,100 According to figure* ured hy The New* yesterday. Seven permit* were Issued from tic office of Ouy K. Whitman, city en gineer. iftiriiig tlife month. The berg rat amount Involved In any single per mit was $12.50n, lasted for the coil Structlon of the building *mi Ea*s Wal nut Hlrcet to he occupied by the Jacobi Hardware company. Other permit* l**iiod laimcil In amount* from shou to $i The ma- Jcrlty of these permit* were Issued tor the const ruction of dwelling Is .uses. It was. learned 41 RAF XF.fM’BI.IN OFF 0> I HIl*F VIENNA. May 2 Mount. A hlobd test tor typhoid fever sended negatived)' when performed In the office of the stule laboratory. Raleigh. The child wa* taken 111 with a vio ls ni headache, several dayw ago. -Sal "ffidayN *he was gripped with nausea and vomiting, and pain In the stomach. Her temperature ran high, reaching 1' 4. Wednesday she was regarded a# much heller, her temperature having dropped to 102 The, county health i .fleer, l»r. U W. Corbett, lias hardly reached bis office after visiting her when a hurrt calf was recelvs-d Tin child had suffered aTiemorrhiige of the bowels aud died almostimmediate ,y - • . This I* the first death from typhoid' In the city this season and Dr, for 'beti pointed out Hie case as showing the necessity for all persons who h*t>'' jibt been recently vaccinated ag.i nst typhoid fever to do »o ‘*Tlie overflow of a number of »l.«- sewer "line* during the Hood* ma) have created condltious that will p.o duce more thaai the usual amoqnt of typhoid Id the city this year," sail l)r. Corbett "and everyoue should sits* bis y»sviiuUva." m— ~ Mind Hatred Caused Murder Impulse jm IN fk V ■ ~~r.v//ipw i, n * T s'' jifKßßUi mi " "'■--»** rr HrrakniK ilnwii under the £rilliusf hy the tiulicc, J.arl 1 cacojt, lower left, tr.J.rl all of his brutal murder anti subsequent attempt to incinerate the txaly of bis brule of a year, Dorothy Pear ok, upper left. How lie killed her >vßh a-lwK>k the apart ment in Mount Vernon, N. Y., where they formerly lived. How he brought the body to the lonely spot near Scarsdale and tried to' burn it. How he attempted to establish an alibi through the ani o 4 hi* sweetheart, ritfht, by carrying; her back into the house from which he had carried the dead, body of his wife. Miss Newman is being held as a material witness. 3 lie case will go to the Grand Jury next si«slt. .. .. Koyull.aiul Hordcti Co. Merged in Mcbanr-Koyall (io. tioldstMirii assume* an imp.iriant s•*> •dliun with rcturcnci In Hie lutldmc manufuctUring busliu-** ill I meig cr announced yesterday of th. ttoy.dl i.ud Borden Moiiuluiturlng loiopuhv ol (ioldAhoro. Hi*- Meluiiu Uedding lompnliy 111 Mehrtlle. and the Colton Hell Miinulai i wring « <>iii|>:.u. ol lines' Mount and Ith hmnnd The n»iiii: trf Ihc merged firm I ihr M* hmo Uoyn’ll company The new company has a paid In .>ioti Grove high school will te gin -bunikty i afternoon. May 5. when Rev Frank! . ulbgrt. of Kulson. will, 'preach the j 'u.rcalaujcate sermon. •The (la t|a' Mrltl-.e * ill le held | o*l Thiirolav evening.. Ma ft. at 8 o‘-| clock Three program* wdl he rmi i lined on Friday. Ma* 10. th# flngl av of the *chm*l KcnweDvd, 110 all. Hi fioldshoro will deliver I lie literary iddre-* nl II a nr . on (hulduq. There will *»’ a declamation p ell a i 11 ii contest a.’d h ha i hall gsnm- it ■■ ;he aflernoiui. IS.” high school play,l Kyes of Hove." will i. prc-eiitel Krl I day evening, heglnulln a! 1 , t .'•• !. 1 Tile public is llivlled to all I In- ever . !*«f. RFtI'I'KGVKS Kil l WASHINGTON, .vpate untangled a constitutional eaart teday by reapprovlng a bill It had al eady pa *ed and' -. *pi to (lie h< us Inc mvosure would pnv e\pei. . a of ( '(tiding th« marine baud to charlotte.i N ueitt month to intend \he con i i«der»i« Vft4»rty»t j** GOLDSBORO, N. C FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1929 under the mergyr I'lan* lor the en largemept of die plant ai M. luine arc j ready under way, I'ersoliullt leinvolved ill this colli b’ns bring to the forefrotl socli protn • «* tnent figures a* lieorge c Itojall. Hr., of Gold horn. w in. will he ( hulrmat) i.l the Itonrd nl the merged comp.iniim; VV VV. Coiliett. iif Metiane, who will !>< presidepiy A N Hi*ill. nl Meliuno, as sperotary. It F Waiiey. t Metmiie, a- Ireah'ircr and G C Niiv.dl Jr, (iohlslMirO, a- Vice prosill 'IC. Mr Rnyrlll. 8r cnjoi's ot>n nil imminence in tb" biddliwj Unln -ry, h. IngTiaal plesidelil of the Ip i t Red d*ng Alliance of Atnelha, a liade ol ganizutloii ot mil ion hid scope He further lii.noi' J and u i oil wilh •! ‘ -1.110 r i U if U! IOC I!o 1 ■-• ill V. ol hi (Continued on page 2) liunquct at Hotel (iolilsboro on 1 Occasion l>lfh Anniversary of Store ' .rP 41 Weil and llrolhei -• en'p|;l.'iiio d i their entpioyi a fatii > our • In (..oidslniro - Tnblcs hud been urrungetl to repre . ‘ml Uir Icliet \\ and pi . i. ucKparetl fru: -ixt y-four p-oph- uuti Mr Jack W.-iH us New Vor» ('ll > a* toastmaster the evening passed with much pleasantry iui«J futi" all around j Mr I,* slie Well welcoli ' d ilia guest* |.and expre . ;e.| to them th<* firm's up | prci lation for the Joval : • t*ii .- cop (Contliiimk] oil p.tKB 7) |- -. '\. * ... HIM IA f III.MI Do*> \ j tt V.-IIIM/I ON. Mu> 2 i >V, Dnr . >, tin alia. , 'lul e upon eoaloi | Jones, republican, Washington, Sciia tor Heflin d proiilbtled one member I from referring to a- (olleag ie tn “im* luDiompllmeiuary manner," and the Alabaman was cut short lit a iUUt jatflU itbyui _ m-mrn Over 200 School Children * ln Building Blown Down Wayne Players I*ose by 2 to I Decision My a two to one ilcclsioti the MHylic players of liuhislsuo lo*t to ttie Held pluyei* of Itcldsylilu tn the. uuniiul dramatic t output In Chapel Hill last evening. The local group presented Kugeite O'NoU's "lie", and the winning Held player* off died 'V W Jacobs' “The Mon key's Uaw." Two inehtlmra of ihc faculty of the I'piyjerslty ttf North Carolina aud the Kpiscupnt lan rec tor of Chapel Hill acted a* judge* la t night AIRS. OVERMAN DIES AT HOME Funeral f«r Fine Vfonrnn Will Be ( undueled From Home Suturda>«&l»rninK Mr*; fora Overman. 81, died al her home of* Ihc corner of Wultiul unjj M 'III.mi streets al 7 :b> hist evening of double pneumonia. Mr*. Oveunan was taken 111 several days agh and hint Iren In a critical condiUnu for forty eight hours proceeding her d'uth. Funeral services will he corn!ucttsl from the residence at |$ 10 Hut unlay mdinlng and will in- in charge of lt<‘v v II Jlrnwn. pauliit of Hie Goldstiuro Mi thoi|l*t circull. assl*teviil mid Fred Ovormaii Chuile Honks of Warsaw and W (1 Monk* of Greensboro are brother* of the deceased Mr* Haiti Eason of this city Is a Mister. Mrs Overman was a native of l.hil Cab to 11 . tn a .in. nl I’orffy township V a girl lie Income a member of ll.e MeMiisb i church at Halcm and i out lulled lo hold her inctlihnrHhlp iherj- during, all ot tier life » BUY 2.1MK1 KEET OF EIRE HOSE Loral Fire l)e|tarlmenl Kquipn Ilsclf Fur Mure Kflkient I'ruteiliun us C ity *v " " Two thousand fact of new fire hose U Itiii luteal addition lb the I 'lulpuiclll '• I : . • I . /hi i.MI ■! 11l e tit p i llltn! . 1 III' I Jejirge W. Mohry told Ihs New# last evening. DpM nil racks #r« bcln# In stalled ift tie- rear of the John stracl .‘.alion and the new 6oso will lie stor ed |n these rack* lo bu used ws tbe a. in.iuds. It was lewriMd. Tie supply nr horn was pnrc.iM-' od lii order to lirlnx 'hu lih at tire slujhai up lo ths standard demanded of up-to-date departdients. and will le need from linin'U} replace old-Mini w " ! “ ' Tf 1 ~ The old Ano rb.ih-faiFrance clutiil c;,| truck h.« > been recently, nvci haul ed, • hinf Mabry atiununced, and I* mw In r first i lass condition de-plie it's age. This truck is equipped with two "foam extinguishers" for use in fire, where gasoline Is (mining! iln foam sprayed nn a gasoline lint, ail a to .smother tile flamos, tl was learned. The - local file depArlun lit s oiile .t p‘eci of equipinent tli matter of at i* llte old "Mary Alice," stouni engtnu pumper, which used to priMiuce ihrllln and chili* |>y it's mighty Clang anil « amor whan it want out on a "job" year* ago The "Mary Alice" lias been • isplaced bv the faster and m ire ef ilcieiit IrtKk-. Inti it still stands in ilte O-ar of the fire station, with rustfug .wbtetiU, a ivlic ot years (sou« by. 7 Other Children Are Seriously Injured and Noi Imported to Live- Removed to Clinchport, Va., Hospitals WRECKAGE OF 2-STORY FRAME BUILDING SCATTERED OVER AREA OF 400 YARDS Upwards of Half A Hundred People Killed By, Tornadoes That Hit In Six States l of South < u r • v S.A —> I v HYK COVK, Va. May 2.-* (Al*) —Sweeping suddenly Into tile Nolichuckey Valley, a tornado today leveled the Rye Cove con solidated school, killed 19 children, injured 7 so critically that physicians did not expect them to recover and caused more or lean serious injuries to 90 or a hundred more. » The tornado stFufk a)>out a half mile down the valley from the school, overturned several and took the roof from several houses lx 1 fore ripping the story frame school house asund er. strewing the wreckage over n distance of several hundred yards. Some of the children were blown a hundred feet from tha" building while others were buried in the wreckage. SIIRINERS ELAN FOR CEREMONIAL Goldsboro Hub Will Hr Well Hi'ltrcsfnlrd al Elixalwth City Mrrtinu [• —V—. I ‘ I’litna for the spring cevnmottlal of the Modtni Tntnpb< fit the Ainwent Atabic ftrder Ntdtles of th« Myatht Sitrlite. which will le* held In Kllx«heth ("tty. May 22 and 23. are rapidly tak ing form An elaborate entertainment program hit* burn ayunged for the Is nef Li or 5.000 or nmn* Hbrlnara and It,sir wlYes wlio are expelled lo vlstt .be capllnl of the, AI Acinar to for the ct rrmonlal Many of tho Goldsboro Nobles and I lint r ladies will attend the exerclsa*. A Imltqint will !»• given to the IF lustricHis I'otentutnF John It Urlgg*. of FHzals'lh City, and his divan In the ( brlst church parlslt house on' tbn night of the 22nd with past potentate*, trtid distinguished guest* In ttllttndancn. lit#, hanqtint will be fnllowed hy Jhn I’lrtenlate's ball, in Id In the Imllrtsim of the Virginia Hare Hol'd. On llte following day a trip will bit made down llte Pasquotank rlvor i.ooard llte If K H. Pamlico and the V 'llors will be aide lo catch a glimpse ot Kill 10-vil llill where the Wright immortal wtll rise to mark the birth plgtW ol aviation, Afterwwte atitomobllua have been provldnd to sj.ow llte visitors local point* of Intar est, Inclodlng the K.lizabsth City fouo- Iry Flub where they wilt have a Fltanc* to Iry their skill oil bit# of the bast gtdf tlnlrti In Hie east Uurttdieon ytR be served In otto 6f llte large watetvotlsns of the City and following It a street dunce will be Held, several Ido. ks of Main street ,be lug riqied off %nd decoratml for the purpose Music for the dance will be furnished by Whllelwha orchestra W'hich has made u name for Itaelf at previous fcercmnplala. • H * - - BIPLANE LOST IN LAKE STORM Plane Furred |o Descend Into 7 Hlurm Swept lalil Mtch iuan and Peritshcn I Mil AN IIAKHO’K. bid. May 2 i.P) \ small biplane forced down in fjtke Michigan off here' today during a stnr no.tpslzed, according to a >e porl to lo* ul police The plane I* Im- I 'visl lo liave ( irricd-.oite p«***-iigor 1,, ,idi* the pilot. ■«> The plane lauded about a mile off shore from the Youngstown Wheel and Tuke Company plaMt and dlsapitear id beneath the waves while employees i f (he company attempted to launch a fescue bout. Heavy tea* were running and the boat was Irraten a imif dozen times ( oa*t. guardsmen ph*n to go lo the scene as soon as choppy waters sub- MEMBEROf THE ASSOCUfIU PRESS prici pits cam Twelve dead had been Identified ear ly tonight and seven other bodies wqr# held. Ambulances, summoned from Itistnn and Kingsport, assisted private automobiles end trucks In Inking the seriously Injured to Gllnchport, li in'lee away whera a Southern railway '.tain was con varied Into a hospital to rake the injured tn Bristol for trail tuent. • v The tornado "truck the school build ing about i o'clock control tin*, Jnnt after the children hod entered them lie mill day recess. Newspapermen who rushed lo tho M’ttno from Kingsport, Tong . Id mile# away, found a scene of groat coofn *ion iiodic* of the dead had bnan removed from the wreckage to I mines and the Injured wore being carried lo Clkhport. Mid ft'ends were running to sad fro to t nd their loved oode. Heveral of the eight teachers at tfcd to hool, not seriously Injured, wore et tempting lo assist with the rmcne. “We bad just started classes after the noon rbceaa, when I saw the storm coming up the valley," Mias Elisabeth Itlcbmood, one of the teachers said. The cloud alarmed me hat I said iioililtMr to the pnplla, not wishing to i none tlietn uneasiness. "The wind velocity Increased ragtd- Iv to a very high dagree with a land bowling nrftee I was. oa the second floor. I suppose it wan only a few teennds after f really Jweame alarmed I efore the bulUftag collapsed with u loud crash " Floyd Noblia. principal of tbe school, told a similar story. “I saw the storm coming up the val 1< y and rap Into the building." be aaM. TJ.e achool house collapsed Just after I entered and I knew nothing more until after I had been pulled from the wreckage.” The achool was a seven room budd ing situated on a high point In the rolling hills between the two moua talna. Its enrollment la >6O students and the teachers estimated that shout 90 percent, were In school when the tor nudo swept up the volley. Thu tornado literally lifted tho building from IU foundation, leaving the floors. Upper storlee disintegrat ed as the wind tor* It asunder, pieces of ,tbe wreckage being blown In sums Instances more Ihsa 400 yards awujf (Utn empty house near the school wa* demolished and practically evarf iiulTdlog In Ihc the srtrwrt aas damaged ATLANTA. Ha., May r-***>— tfp- WardS of a half a hundred person* • urn reported to have been killed and more than a score Injured In a pa ries of tornadoes which tasked por tion* of six southern state* last eight and today • i' Damage to crops slid property was l ell'rved to have been heavy. Available reports Indicated that th* qreatest disaater had been wrought M-ftye Cove. Virginia, where M or rvore persons perished la the deetruc tlon of tbe school house. The . railroad agent at tTlachpnrt, v*„ five miles -from Rye Cove, ai vised telegraph operators that 1$ MF