r I WKATHER latr »mI warmer Nalanlii. iMUMtei rM;. »kt««n. VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 5M OPPOSE SENATE PROBE OF CAROLINA Mill STRIKE Senator Simmons And Overman Say They W ill * Vole Against Proposal t . Anfriran Ulwr Federation Of ficial* Confer on Matter in WaMhington OVERMAN AGAIN BERATES COMMUNISTIC WORK HERE Sen. SimmonN Declare* Investi gation Outside Senate’s Jurisdiction WASHINGTON. .May 3 Off I u ' tain of the American Kcrirratloir of Labor conferred today with Senator Overman. Democrat. Nurlli Carolina, urging aupport of ilir re»olulton ty Ihsl they cannot drag our South ern working people back to the old or der of things.” Five thousand workers have been locked out at Elisabeth I on. he -all, i nd the only Issue barring their re turn Is their refusal'to face a black list Financial help Is coming from ill the country In response to the unloaSs appeal for funds to aid the destitute wither*. he said and public meeting* for “sympathy Olid help are planned for all sections of the country. n in ON BOOTI.IGGIII* NTII.I. ON IN IMI.KIMI N 1 - RALKIGH. May 3—l/IN Raleigh’s wsrb otween curb selling rum run ners and officers of the law; continued tislsy. So fsr.'nn c ssualtle bay- been ..-ported to the liquor forces, ‘ttfflc ers told of learning of llietr continued activltly here yesterday In spite of ef forts to break up the trade. One officer was quoted as saving lie »aw a bootlegger making sales from h.s automobile during a heavy shower The traffic has become so systematiz ed. however, he added, that the trans action was complet'd and the seller vanishing In a swift motor ne of the children passing under the arch and struck with fatal results, ll was a myklery to those who saw “Mr Copperhead" white he was lying on the arCh, as to how he could have reached Ilia position The walls on each side of the door were said to have very smooth surfaces INFANT DIES OF PNEUMONIA Summerlin infant Contracted OiKt-asc Folliminu Wtump ing (’ninth Horace Summerlin. 3 weeks o(tl sou • f Mr and Mrs I, l» Summerlin, died al the home of Iris .parents on Kit >1 Klin Street lit 7 W la d even'll pneumonia developed following w liik cough Funeral services will lie held fioli the residence si i o'clock this after noon hy Rev W. II HroWn. pa It* r>r the Goldsboro Methodist Circuit \t' Hint Mrs " Summerlin have the sym pathy d all In th'-lr bereavement; I’VHBBNiGLR NTKABKK FOKt'KII ni l HM RnK CLEVELAND. O May I/I’t Bus tided by high waves, alid a M to r.n mlleg ul". the lake passenger steamer t ly of Hufralo yeas forced HO mile off its course Itslay, and will he de t-iyed more Ilian ti, hours fill Its tr p t'om lluffalo (o Cleveland. according •o a radio from the captain t.-relved h> |> .1 Scbwartx manager Ls th" ( rveluml Itutfalo Transit (o hi pally I ere. 1 Seeks $50,000 Damage To Person, Mind, Peputation Claiming damage to "p»rwwi, i”u.il ■ Mrs. "ra W* l ' Vli-'l'' ,f Goldsboro has filed *nlt *" Wayne ' .Stmty Superior Court for |Ro.St»2 f.'i nealnst Marry C. Wallace of Kinston Tin defendant lx now nl llbcrtY under |2,turn bond pending , the 'hc.cr.ng "f the case ‘in Super lor court here 4 The plaintiff «o glutting In Kinston about Mutch n, M'-*. the complaint illege* and had Imp n ccllled on <•> « ral times by Mt Walla J»> pri' itU'irl. ° *■"*■ ■'" ■ ' * ' ■ " Kirill oil Mt lion Will |{t k at*li Volt* in l). S. SriiiiltG I tnlav W *Blll NOTON May 3 td*) -Huh BtUaiott in Uu iii .ii -I 1 1 • i .ii iof I lift li>k it|>< 11 in by ihe judlcliry cbm mitlec on Ihii light of Secretary Mel lon to bold olfiie appeared ltk*ly to iuklil with a mil on tin iinnli <•« fi iary oi the I route ury to lm< lliteriMill In carrying on trade or t nlnnieri e. ,'|'he committee eeemed widely ill v hleil on wlinl cotml ruction to lilm ‘ on 11 or l ailurt* «*f * (till Max llf |Mt»il oil *\ ’ I wo \ ole /A f « r : ■■' - \S *, IIIM.IUv,' M i , J\ • m lit: !#*•%«!* k «.t»! I«» l|»«' f, Os M‘ 114 Mill 1 • • '.<> '*T4. »? * : m.' ” T * «*f «!•. « t fr»r> fT» •t, Up ■ n|»»K»‘ i ,. _‘J« *• u ! fun* pl;i»» in tli#* . i • Hi Ih« n.l t o( '»:>!«*» Wh«» *i i J |»hf i« ;«Hv *U‘ i», H* *ii * ‘t ’ u V|M II Ml* > » •* « * *•). * v 1 !»* * v .!• v I rif fib** ■ * ■■ ■ toil *l,?t11 Ml t }».:« I • IH * (< • '• ,■’ ’. ■ (lilt *»r vole j*rv»V4* Mm *liiifi[fji uu 1 1,-. i t.jt,.'. Pir.ltl ).» Ilii' .i ’i Im j.ii. .t rh t » hv Mtiuirt•. t a • • - l ' «|» » K* JHlhlft ill . * < » U*Ui tf* "f«»i Mm il< t»» t»f »n |*h« t with •w *i tlnus* h» ; litt.pl » , i. I) I Ill'll, ia I ■ O' vote a' a 1 11 I t III' |»l ej, 101 l 111 i la dollied li. debcriliir'e a• ioi'oi • whin III"' i> iu ve would vvu- vllll m. r* »il! In* tui . lie !o hi pi h', nr 'lie 1 two ai. In • Hud of Minnesota, the only farmer - labor tnenthei of tin »e|| In i»ti*wur Im.* llm* r«»|»i»t t «»f ffaihiK l hu* thf»y lu-hi < ui|Mir" f’4 men* than lx h«*oi - f*i» ilh • ri;t front |h»ft.tj«» if* t !i v< »m * or«J 1r • ,t < ri#lM» from ftu* <'t nn.in 'll i*4 ' - -■; ■ c.....i bfti *i, Met (Jr.inl . , ■.I o'.. . ■ .1. .! !u notch' r-ty*- .i nnit a I ■ mil. > 1 .111 ilini • r oim.ftjni in Mas.* plot, .ply /hr aUlei'iilb and ; p.l li.l nI- p |A> Un not of town shopper*. > Till* .In*', tin - hope til it the mein Ii ; I lip >! fifm • * . n. I ■ ml* i| l>\ ~ "i *i ■ Inn of llt v cit v - lot-rc haul *, iiild , in that end » ptogi mi of wot* luti re t .11 to* planned. Kffort* will ho npule i t'i obtain ’Von"* out.-funding' figure lit i|t<- biislin - life of the state as speak r (!*• ’t tie 111 a- nil. . I,'in.it! II op< in ’ . |•i io hleiil [of 'lie \#*nc latloii, war out of the dtv yes terday and comtiiiitee* to arrange de 'i II < the mutnbershlp dinner will he named by him at an early date Til l ' conreii'm- of opinion eiepreased In tin- iliiv'i ihi yesterday was that ico much o' tin* parking -"pace of the buaiuea* at reels ts being takeu up ... ... Wayne Uhysieians Move [ To Revive Interest In Tuberculosis Hospital Gasoline Explosion Kills Eour Children DAYTON, "o , May 3. :/l’i Four children were killed and their" mother. Mrs, Frank G Cardin-i was reported dying, a- a result of a ] gasoltiiit stove explosion at their home In Lebanon mat here tonight.. The husband wax In llte yarrt when Die til,rst i" curled and was unable to utd bis family. Two other children to have escaped In I'try . ’ > ' ~ v. V /; IHSHOP DAKST HEREON SUN. I'rcmhcs :i< SI. Sl<*|ih(*nM in Morning and ul I'ikeVilk m Aflcrorwin Hl' Rev Thomas C. Darst, It It. Miuliop ot Ksst Carolina. Will Im. In Kt Htcplo n s parish «ll 'lay tnmnt iow « Al II o clock lo will iidiulnlsli'r cinflftnalloll and preach Al 4 o'clock n the allio noon In- will oHicisle and preach In'l he pearly completed rata-' dim r hart-h at I’lkevllle. After a perirsl of stlapeualetl. ton- Mr net toii |gw" recent ly renimeil mi ■this building, which 1* IrrMh hand some and commmttmoc. sad coioilfttrtHim ts i nffb tr-nlly a4 Vs It red to perinll the ipr-utMC aeivtr c tniUOfrrrUt. • «■- *“ ■- i Run’S CONTINUE IN CITY BERLIN •A— g Twit Srrfiorm of fierman Ca|»- iliil Are Virtually in SURe of Selßc HKIILIN, May 3 f/Fl Two sec lions r>f the capltol were In state of seige while a growing < usually list testified to the ol Iho coin maiilsl dtHiiiilcrs defying"the rmllre prdtr e fori e for three days pint nights Efforts were made hermetically In hc.xi Ncnki.'llti on tin* snilt lieaslern ft lug?' of lliq r-Hy and Wedding on th" llorlVi I'oltcc lined tin daylight hour, for a house to house Hour* li for wca pons o that general fighting might lint bleak out Spain after dark Snip mg < out Iniii-d through Hie day from windows anil' 1-nqf*. the polleiv al ready r hnrgixl with ''bloody liutch sry" hy factious of tli" left used blnnks until for self protecMon they Were fora ml lo Krilist li ulr- steel slid lead TWrty six policemen liave been luiured • . - file Clisllaltlci of Din riolers werw d. ici mill' d b .K easily Iml the dead were known in be njore than to and iiiid the .ertorihtv wonpdrrd uumlieii"t mine Ilian I"" Twit women who ventured on a hah nay (rainy were InH and one .had died of a bn I let >v."ii"l c;>-rltcr t ¥'if* nttff»rrM*i*f)c< * of boro |»r«i a |»♦«* I'll* f feOffl* ‘4> '*♦ ril full Iff If*’ •«| W||fM .ft. Mil lo#.il it it f ivitif »f>i I* * ffwnrr;, wotiMf M*»ik Ihfo i.«r*t In ffi«* loth r»f tfir iffy nr fill oigl f»f tl»«* b'lftiiv m - "iru rHk.il t It« out «»lH t»«nn * *li«»p|»4‘f .will If J l». l*r« illy l»*iM'f »f r*l f v• i »f i v *«it| t*im* Hh ••* l«»f I ■* «Vfr* |M*opU* In tnv Mlorn r'tnt|tl fimny t> that they have hot ls*.'ti able lo sc ■ •lie park lie spin >• ip a reason ah l> o. lame of the hustiiess districtl'ei < nally I don't k ii.it* of any bet tec advertising of tioldslioro as a shop p. center than lor the Hews to go out I hat. lli> visitors takeu first pfgcu 'n parking lai tilth - and that, he can always find a < utivenli-nt place to leave his car ” v The directors decided to appoint a committee to confer with the city manager lit an effort to determine If Hide satisfactory system cannot he worked otit, . AJbflUßi ■ MEMBER OV THE ASSOCIATRO PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS (hnimillrfi 1 Named lo Confer With Offiriala Relalivo to Simitorium , • fi , r MAY MKKTING OF SOCIETY ' HELD HOTEL GOLDSBORO Dr. Yotkr, Dr. Smith, and Dr. Dilkm Morris tread Profffam . £_ The Wayne County Medical Boctety In Hession last evening al the Hotel Goldsboro threw Its lafluence behind the movement to secare a aanitortum C?* for llte irealmrnl ot tuherculoala la Wsyue county The Hoi Ip(y named a committee— comported of Dr. W 11. Smith, Dr ■Mllon Morris and : Dr- W C. Steel* of Mt Olive to confer krttb county ri'flclals relative tu some plan for • aanlloritim Dr Smith had mov >d tire appidnttiienl Os such a commit tee and Dr Henderson Irwin second ♦ d Ih" motion Action toward tracking the movement ior a sanltorlum for the county fol liwhl a banquet at the Hotel and k program lt> inhereqjoals had been th« topic for atndy. Dr. P. A. Voder, of the North Carolina Haul terlum Extension Service, told o( the wun-k— It nilrm ts doing and of the (sets Which are being aaslmllated relative lo the disease Dr. Morris discussed iiihercutosls lii children and I’r Kmlth’-wome points In enrly dlag 1 I'lrntg of the disease, f'aae report! were submitted hy Dr Irvin Dr Smith and Dr. U W. Corbett r ronght reports <>♦ the Fecent conven , Don of the North OarotlM Medleol Society lu Greensboro. Dr. Al’ I. Mel lard was elceled to membership Ih the aiH-lely “ •« Action of the Hocbrty tat naming • commlttne to rmrfer wHh official* M In plana for Ht« urlng ■ aanttorlum for 'be County are ex peeled in entiao ■ revival of Inloreat In Ibl* project, dor muni for union week* now. The County board of comminaionpra hud been given data »t • recent moot liikI iik tinder which It wan indicated that “ the county could more" profitably creel u MMiitlurlum and care for lla owa lutllgletil taberciiloala patlenia than it re ii lit by eonllnuliig tu aupport than In Httiilltula mil of the rounty Tit* I hike iloKpltullaulhui Hoard would eoiilrlhutehgl per day per bed for aop p »rt of ihe mn Ii hi lon. It la under itood DIXIE COUNTS STORM DAMAGE * , * Ti»rn»H«M’* Which Killed 50 la South Were Widespread Over Nation « ,*h darn* ihc and lugs were to answer Mr . mjM' of distress The wind was full of gale force along the noyth Atlantic conat at thvt time. At New York a naval lug waa blown ashore, hut later re-floated In the Middle West there were ••rung wools and snow fell In the Mlc hlgan fruit . hell. -«» HI!»r.H IN HAMKft ( OLI MRIA, H r . May 3 —(M*l -liar r•' K Hluea of Isancaattr. 8. C, a na tive North Carolinian, waa appotatad hy Governor Atcharda today to aac i c-ed J. Lyles Olena aa ayltcltor aC the «Uth Judicial circuit.