WEATHER v f*wdy aad • hewers baaday and Mug <'gator Reads; VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 59 FAIR ASSOCIA TION TO STAGE EXPOSITION WEEK OF MA Y 27 THREE STORY BUILDING IS TO BE USED Merchant*, Automobile Dealers and Manufacturers Will Exhibit VARIED AMUSEMENT . PROGRAM IS ASSURED Floor Clans of Building Meet All Requirements of Ex position Tti* Wayne County Fair Asaocla- Iftott yesterday aunounced lliut they would promote and stage Goldsboro's eleventh Automobile. Merchants Manufacturers Kxposlilon, the week of May 871' This decision was reach ed by the Board of Directors of the IVayne County Fair Association after again giving consideration to the deficit, which them The Show 'will he held In the va ran! factory building, owned by tliu Durham Hosiery Mill Company, lo cated on Center and Ash streets, und Halter Denmark states that he ek- P«H,tn to stage an Exposition In this building that will he a credit to east-: ern North Carolina “We will not have as much floor i space to dispose of as we have ha.l in previous years when holding the show lu one of the big warehouses," he said, but the floor plans of the Durham Hosiery Mill building are Ideal, and just as well arranged for an attraction of tills kind us Is Mad ison Square Garden or Grund Cen tral Palace in New York City. W< will use the entire three floors of this building. The first floor being con * fined to Automobile and accessory I exhibits. Til? second floor will h< used entirely lor .mgr chants and manufacturers exhibits. The third floor will be used for the attractions. including dancing ” This building contains .ifi.iioo *<| ft of floor apace. Is well lighted, ha. a largo electric elevator that will be used for carrying punsengers to. the second and third floor The building •icing located on the main highways I North. South. Fast. West, and with Canter Btrevt for parking la tnuut Ideal. "We will only be aide to sell i.psce to eleveu •utoriiobHr exhibitor , a i this will tuko the entire cxbibil apace I of the first floor." added Mr Den mark. “We have forty merchants and manufacturers exhibit spaces an the second floor, and while the amuse ment program for the third Door has not been arranged for, patrons may be assured of the very highest type attractions xl* "Five hundred announcements of Ibis event were mailed out last night, not only to local automobile, mer clntnt#. ami matttifMc.tiirers but to all parts of the U lilted Stales ‘Soldsboto, due lo Its geographical Its at lon can Mage au event of litis kind which will appeal to national advertisers, and we will have no trouble In disposing of available exhibit space " A committee Will canvas* ili<- lo cal dealers, merchants, und manufac turers next week as It Is the desire of the Pair Association officials ; to glva our local interest first choice A. H. Carr, owner of the Durham Hosiery Mill building bus donated the use of the hulldtim lo the Associa tion. and a force *bf men will begin work In the building Monday morn Ing. dlsmantellng that portion of the machinery that was not dismantled when this company consolidated their entire operations In Durham "This show should be a nominal success," said the Secretary of "iln Fair Association, 'I have bad the privilege and pleasure of promoting attractions of this kin»t tor the past ten years, snd every one of them, without an exception, have proven .1 financial success. The net revenue on caeh occasion going to some educa 'tlonul. .fraternal, or charitable orgic nlxailon In the ytty.” Profitable JJees Moved 2,000 Miles With Owner c ABIENK. Kas, May 4 - OPI Fffty liWm of Industrious bees, who .w *rV e-J their owner's way through college have been moved nearly l.itOu to a new home In Amherst. Mass. Clayton Karrsr. their owner, paid bis way through Kaunas sj its luial college with money derived from t**% bouey. He also helped to finance Ms brother’s education When Farrer became an Instructor In Amherst college's agricultural de- I’arlmant, the bean went with him. a THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN TIIE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. KII.IITKKN I’.VCKS TODAY AGED MAN SERIOUSLY HURT NEW REVENUE COMMISSION I , FORMER GOLDSBORO MAN | F* .' KjL. f&Ktk.' ■HRyflße-. *** m : M,. a V •>./ v ijH k m ' |jg • "Another Oiast Newsp.yier . Man ten year . from IX'ci to I he wa (.Olio Wrong " A J Maxwet. a millvo of Dwpllij louuty, ha* lived in roluttihti*. Iticll mond and Craven counties, engaged In iiewspapei and sawmill »"rkj In nee the propensity lor log-rolling before ■ omlug to Wake County to live For OjMTrtta At William Slrrrl School Will Start Program The preuenfaTfrm of (Ip- opr r 11,a ‘ ' . D k.ypny Fantasy' in Hie auditorium ot the W llllalu, Street sclukil Monday ev nltig at R ai'elock l.ii« obnerviinre of nutioiiiil music week in the Goldsboro city iclmol W I, Frederick, ilircctpi ol music-Hi the ncboiil. , Inis pi-'p.iied .1 firogiaui which calls for a ii"C"al eulcil.iitiui'ul at cech id the various siliools id the city during tin- week Children of tin- William Ireet si lioid will lake I'.iil In the operelt* Monday evening „ Children “of Virginia -treat school will lie on Tip- day even ng at •heir si !""d » Ua> the operetta, "A *1 ree for Ronufya" (>n V\ i dnewlay e-cuing Walnut afreet acliooi will give t’lr operetta "Toy Pageant”, and on Thursday evening a miscellaneous ■nutdeui program will be rendered in ■be High .School auditorium. This will include group iltiglng* from the Gramm,ir Scliisd student Toy Sym fihnnirs by tin- first graders of \ ir r!nla street and Walnut street schimls, songs tty tin- Jilrls Glee Club of tint High School, and mttsii Itj a com bined band composed rlf playera from t* e llfglt School and Grammar School There, will also b- -i vi ral olb.ei side lions. fCont nued on page 41 Goldsboro City Election Will Be Held on Monday Monday May t>, will Ih- city idei j Itofi day. Imt local politician-- are h peeling tills yem • eleillnli lo lie a Ugiet and luckltiK of excitement a practically /II city .lectio) h-"‘i tiere In the pasi niattv years hav, been lank of party opposition w!i! bring few Vnlel'K lo Hie polls. aIPI a ILMtit baHut tug Is expected Mayor John II Hilt, who warn re nominated without opposition for a second term In office at U;e primary here on April 1(1, will be formall. elected again Monday Sol l-aacs. M Borden Cohb and Andrew Smith w|i> wefe n-initialed in a five pied con test til the set'-inl Ward, .iinl M K Robinson ami J. VV Cole, selected from the fourth ward where a tout - sided battle waa waged, will also be thill clerk 'd the Staid Senate, and fir eight years, until I!»IH. lie mi ililef clerk u( the V C Fnfjioral lon Cum miss ton. ill which lo heiamc ,i I Mjidici II v.ii ;i:-m, i d .lining |ni'.'l||nn until In- * i h.lined h. f, ,v • i nor Gardner as ConimlKaioner of Hevenue on M.nch 20. Ibis year | ROB BANK OF StWHlC\S|l i RvLIH-rs ltd inn |I!H I till to l.atl Who C.tmc lo Deposit I WASHINGTON. 'l' • ft It" U.'ldS of ftclra- ol fVlrav Va w i rubbed of } ’.ooo in < urrenev liml.iv ttv , j ox armed men who tin t ' d fit" ca.'liter j i ml Hteuogr.iber into the. vault and " t aped tjr -an automobile -n Hi- tit furred dtortlv tillet pi otlm'k in If* morning One ctcdfimer, 12 year i|d Hoy Thoina : of Mount Ida was ,| Ceil to a chair as- the men lipp' d te|e . phone wire:, arid hi'-'-d tin- tfe lint j the S2O lie It.ol brought for iteiwistt i| wit returned to him F I. llolt of I elruy, tipi only oilier citslomcr. w.i I relieved t»l slt7 and mdeied to fa'- 1 '.lt- wall w-itli 1" ha ml« it. til-' "ID ! Tlte robber* left |2»iio it -ilver "ft parently deciding it wa- too heavy to t urry. I f.V.NN Mas- vlay I Hepd'iuarl l rs of a " I'utidliandb iN. I moil which ' works Mo disabled vPtcrap ' i-» kel ii*ie Itet-ii iint ovi red here T ♦'ll’f fI to |»1«m * on uh»’ * 1 1v of aklßriiAAtti 4s No votitiK w.i- ,in (A t a 0(10 ; .ml tliree at tlie April pifHiaiy ;> tip ' -miid memlter* from these (wo wards ! were unopp -M-d foi re-nominal (on Tlie obi li'-ard will Ipdil It la I meeting next Monday night, ami tin ! new members together wttli the re ' elet'letl obi aldermen, . will organix-t for another tenh ot two \»arn on Thursday night. May' 9, Voters- in the- first ward will their ha I lot* on the S and L Tn-i G company on North Center street next Monday Ward two voters will vot. at the county epurf house, those Hi II ward three at tin- Arlington hotel fund life HWrth ward voter* w'ill t ast their ballot at W, p. Creechs store GOLDSBORO, N. L. SUNDAY MORNING, M.W 5, 1929 Pay Over $150,000 In Taxt\s in VVt*fk I Uoiir liuntß**t and twtnU fl>t |k»ii|il» 1il« <1 Ihr window - i*l . Sliuflff W -1» Ciaiif lo jMv |2M ;7,r»*i in I*»2h flu Moimlhv SlicrUf Ufmd will jin st ui 11» ! I|D » UHHI I lotilJ *1 ”1 I . |(ffl • » - :♦» ihiir i *l|i»wliif. ihr I v »»(• wlUib I.Ufc liitVf* not ii < n |ia <1 and « |hoiok*iiv 4*l o*» I ve, t |c.l I,lui lug last W!>ek total lax |UI' ment- were slfto.jlk I‘i and throurh last night the lojat jinVinetit were t. |t!. v' This figiii .■ show - ?fi , ,pnr»—ttl of _>I!I2K lanes paid, ml f f97,tWd still unpaid 111 .21 p r< eut Ilf I tin total levy IS D H, BLAIR TO RUN FOR SKN A I E IN IIIy Mindt-H Think Lorm t-r Revenue (‘ommiHsiom-r May o|»p»h«* Simmons News that David II Hl'au, td Win tog Kalciu. has re gu< d hi ” s|li,non, « yeai Job as tfominlan-iolier ol Inter util Kcveuuc. lu Wa-hluulon i> causing do politically minded here and In oilier partH of 11/S H'ati* to woiufui if 'ir lll.ill igpi'd in older lo rciurti lo’North Carolina lo bei oipd lie Itc piihlteaa t'andidafn for Uiltet * Mtittw fail.Hoi agalu-d whoever, 110 In-luo - -eats ntTt»H-ftnt e tw-rtt v-enr: ~ If h* 1 kci'ie, til', hi-alth. }-ieu*ioi KtUi toiuitt, who lefu.icd la t year toenpport illred I diillli, thy Deinocialti iioiul nee for I’restdeilt, )• certain to he a .ipdldale in the WmiioiTaUi iMimaiv' !■ r reiuintliiatlon In fart, many - niii •o lhint Kenirtiii Himihoti would rub as ail Midi pi ndcnl ill tHtk elm ■ I .nil it 110- DnnilM dloutd lllllml a* him in the In-mocfatM primary in jisn® There am a nuintfil of men men .pined a pn -uldn randidaic:, again • Hruator Hliiiiliou next year, tiameU, lo 'air' William Italley ol tfalnigii; i 'Met .Instill Waller I' KUiy. former Ccvnriidr \ \\ lu luaiiy <'reins foriimr tUivnmor Mil.o.iu y l«- lievisl i>t in' favored bv S''iialor Him cion aa Ills Mice*-- sor. and it i not dieltevTst 4tfe forme; Govi rnni will op po.e Henaior Simmon.v ill a plTiiiarr The K'-nalor mny win the rmmiluitlou li default liui many think lie will I ave to fight fm H 0 t »•■,.(, 11 . IN- Ia- I I III' 'll Id'll 1* V • a wlial i regarded Ihi w r "in Ia 1 1 of Hu Stale, It I tin! lielp-1- I 111 i l lo- itl-ill ' • 111-l - 'll any P ' with tile b'eptiidll all ■ 111 It they i nnii to veil* I a laJidlfFtle to op pose ijetiiit’or STtiitiioTr ~.wh". althnuglc fie a-cured linin'and ol voti , for Iloovia lasi fall fit Iti- .laud to too. is expected In iiap tip Ifepublican-c in fieri e|y a’ tins been In. wont for Him past thirty veins The If''publican i aie expecting no tMjmiuela from tile ' n tor Sen ui in next fall and the word is out Unit tie KefiiibticMiia think they have their Ip'-t i tinner In gtali a lo ti Ule s- .p (Mlita- the dav* of I ic tout Mi ,Tt|e word Is that fbuy plan to f chi rTrnnions a hard .e In- Is expnehd to scrap ili-m Irvin IV Tuckei. distrirt aitprncv tor tin- I'a-tctii North t'aroltna 111 tint. Is ularx, Hpokeii ot a-, a i .itiiildati to carry the Kepublh an i nalorlnl banner ngalust tfle lli-iiiis util hosts H*i i . fortucr Slat'- ttepublti an < i>N i man Willi,nn C Urairiliani of Dnrliain Mr Tucker lives in Coliitnhu- • oiinty and Is corisldr-r-d a- senatorial tint | Im i by Hie liupubttl alls Panhandle Railroads Split lip Vast Ranches ' U IlKbt K, Tex , Mai I i/t*i Va t lam dps of tin- Texas panhandle, mire llie Mihjectl of ballad and story, are 1 -appearing as railroads Invade the treeless plains hast year JSO miles of newly i-iijp 1 trilcted r.iilruiid lines brought bun 'n cd of midw'vrK in funnel to tm * P'Mliandl- Ne.uly 2 lie built 11< 1- year. In ' 'te.i.scd eolonlxatiou has -ptlt up many ranches - Panhandle land now -ells at t2d to y 5() an acre In Ik counties of the t south plains area, only half at S, Aulo muhilt* |l h otnrr Y'«*sliTc|aV o he fell ,imi "ilfii'd a compound frac lore of (tie kull HI siirgmui aald lust night il"il 110-t" wa* little < luiio e for lit" ret iiyery l*i*i how Hi l, Idenl happened c .tot know it The New* was told (hat Mr I'.pp* we* working alone and that on tme iw tiim wlo-ii lie fill lie Is a liatlent ;H (lie Goldsboro hospilal 4 It i lit Hnn liter The five year ob| dattgiiler of .lease I’iirks, who live amtllt of the rlty out highway number 103, sustained a fnrttire of me leg and ey Prl , bruia t mi lip- other when -Ip* was run over t v an auiomoliiTe driven bv a Negro • name could li«| be leaHned ffo Id.line to Hie driver of the • r. The .New wa- told and Hit? ac e'denf find not. le eti ri nortid lo the •sheriff "If"e I" I night The Tl»th» girl wa« dei lired to have darted suit •i nlv info tin- path of the machine which wa-v, being operated In a mod erate man per Tbonrh -die will be Miulc-r Jhc CJinLtirjttl' i-i -n for weeks t tie (nib- girt will ret "ever. If wai ex |iet ted Seven In Ist* M reel Os tlie t-eveti people who were in the i nr. only Ifaxel Mii 'gravn, k auatslued ■opine requiring hoepltal ttealnienl w-beu Htley Mu grave. Duplin eininty farmer, wrecked bis nutntmdiile at the Oik Heights filling station on "reel ve lerdav uioruitig Mip.gravf wa arre ted fS jtlHßf in "iHotnobtle wlHl>- drunk and last p-iglrl w," -till < unfilled pi the An) IIS coonty jail He mads 100 uutek « tulrn while ti.iv ling -it " liigti fate of speed, and file ,rr It wlirrl of •illom.ohlle WSS • hi-.tied when it fame info eontacf * 1? w-tli tlie I urbirir iifftn t told Tlie N'eyv.i " Hard Mu gravc was thrown to (lie J J pavelll'llt and 111-l ilpfiei teeth knoik. "d out, " ga ii i ill oVSf mm eyo aud lo r testy "ltd limlmi' badly brntHist Stic was admitted to' 1 i local bo«pttal fnr trcalineiH. 11 • r itijflrie* arediol i nsidci - d si-rilni Willi Mn.grifve at tip time, lu addi i n to his daughter, wen- six year old i n .1 inn <»i mii grava, Mt .uni Mi - 'James W.nidell infant, and I .on nie Whaley. Tin- laller »inliitip-l hrui ed ki"-, Imt lhe idtiers w<-re "tibitrl Plan Expansion ot Program City’s Summer Playgrounds I'iiDt Im the ‘ Lii iiM-jit ;im»» * \»n | * *>i W'iitiiiii t I• • . IU« * muricai* l/ Kimi, iiiuf Auxllia* :i*• Rotary mill Klrkdlh vtubtt ar * ( » L Ul I ICHIM* I > 4 till Util »*f lAV4i m* inhere cadi to run fur with |( ♦ HotHiiKon, (lir**cloi of tin Cjiifkt # i i*'t,v Building, n lariv* tti tin* lilau* Tt; h. year Tirade ifroop" llOp4‘ to Hrou-o* • »;.*4 widi*ttpfea<) in hit < ii\ i» Riinintcrlonx f upcivis' tl plajirnl nrinram may Im maintained for **very 1 ♦Mflon 4»f the cilv Tln» • two HuiuruerH hiiiru *v * i T •* playground activities hicrergn: in «yt»pc and It u the hope of the omn;mt j tee UiU year Uiat provlaioua ict/ EIGHTEEN PAGES TODAY County School Budget For Next Year Is Cut $44,434 Over This Yr. Roy all's Play Wins In Original Croup A, ''the Ghost ot Dmihrey" by Wj| I Ham Howall. of Goldsboro was ad tudged the lies! play ed lured In the original play com petit ion held yes yeslerdny atlernisdl at Cliapet Hill under the-auspices nf iiiinmuiilty dramatics bureau i*f the I ulveraity Kxtelision service The piay. pre viously preaent'd in the city and county a iHimtier bf times, was glv eit by the Wayne flayers. Mr. Hoyatl, author of the play, was presented with a shield hearing the Inscription of tlie award - MOTHERS MAY VISIT GRAVES Unrlt* Sam to lU*ar E\ih*iim*h ol Ei - o WORK IS MOVING ON SCOUT CAMP M* Executive Ravats and Thitty ‘Scouts Lay Out Athletic fields Witli timutriiciioii of Hie permanent Scout t amp 111 Indian Springs town ship well under way. thirty Golds boro Hoy Scouts under the dlrmtion ol S< oIH F.Xi-i UtlVe W VX. % lUVers spent yesterday at Hid site laying out lit Met ic 1 ® field Tie eaipp itll be ♦ olHfilßflu tiriM* for Hi*’ <»i iii« '4 no .ilii) in f*x|H*f ihl Ih 1m- to * ft l»y Aftvt rul IiUIRR’*! Si util *il fti ■« iiroi.i f fjtiii.tll, > tins summer Work of < tearing out the land ni preparati'gi f"< ' 'O' inn ) on of " lake lias bi-i ll and It I - rxpe'led '-r (f'ontlntt'->- pi ' "• -- 11 \i* v w"- M i > ft - * cm pin) eI. - Idirei UH ol ll"' ev r.ii I'iav'rf ih " - 1 1 1 lor lo the .'p. 'iiiu- Hu *'' - " I itie*,* dirci toi wii givi a a "d *-f training under Hu- d t"t <*m Mr It-ibin 1 and it- pt.m w "rkld *a"* i f;-i ftbrlty Tabulatioi" "f th< tiumlvat viit li the several groilbd- and the *» *ata'U2 | pool last -)"i,in- 1 n- - * '--I - tidal run . r»mif Into tin* Ihou- .nul* ~ II i -x ; «I jJ» V I Rrmimirr arni»l> (lfiinu«ii‘trAl* **U in IfOiiLtMiro,'' *ii ll 'ikfor Wayne remmtf schools for the next year will be )2SI, iUA aa tnmpjrod with 1326449 (or the ."•ur now eurilug. a decrease of Mi. IK, il wax brought out In the route/ cure of mi Iteol executives tu'thwcooft hon .■ here yesterday* TwotAiuudrwl school officials. commit leernen. aad In| r rex I («1 taxpayers spent the area* •o pari of ihr day dismissing matter* of mcliool costs ami efftrlapit opera lion The session waa started a! 10 o'clock In lha morning and ion tinned until 6 ycitierday afternoon with only a aliorl lime out for htnrh. The decrease in the ta« rate to be made poaiilble through the out la ttye hi.dget and revenues derived froai the alMte eqimllraMon board will aaaottni In 4 5 eefjls. “ The 144.474 ml in Ih* budget for neat year aa rompartd to the eaa for thla year- represents a decreae* ad $?K,234 tor the rare! acheola and 111.- 2fHJ for the rttjr arhoola While the general seutimeat ma af ter! at the meetiag waa for ad ml n let ration of the echoola lhada waa Home feeling that the rafuctlofa which are contemplated may detract from the general efficiency of the achoota t—~ r - ' r r '; » An analysis of purposes lor whlefc ll.c general t-ounly levy la ipiilM wan preaented by (tomtjr Https rtntea dent J T Jerome, The general Ux levy la if la divided aa fallwwp: **•- nl fund 111 ceata, alnklng food, 19 toad" aad bridged 99 I monlha schools U ceata. Thla shows 10 h percent of the total levy for the general fund. IB peroaat tor the link ing fund, flf.f percent for the roada end bridges and 17.8 peraaat ’for stf ■ months schools. city and oooaty. t or each |IIHI paid late the county treasury for taaea, the,rural acboota • icalve only 132,16 aad the city achoola fit 16. he declared Showing how the county school department eipetnda the money which It recalvea ha aald that .f the 133.35 received 11.39 want tor general ronirol, 12091 for teachers Hilaries. for current operating at -pmaea. f 4 for Uanaportallan EStl M S for d*‘bt service and capital outlay. The following comparlapa of bad* rets for thla year aad (or tha nagt year waa studied: lVfS>l9 IMM" General Control . 1 11.713 I 15.111 Instructional . service 330.559 119,143 Doers! lon o( plants Maintenance <»f ptania ■ ic16,590 1.390 1 lied Charges 6 500 1.390 Transportation 39,000 14.999 J er f>plta rtly Pc hoots ... ... 40.301 11.10# 1326.540 6241 lOf 2 ecres ,<» in Hurlgel ■ ll 144,414 increase 111 Tax Hale 9 1-2 cent! lie* tease to Kura) Schools .. 129.214 Ilw reuse to City Schools .... tit 20# 1.1 W KIM K tfASm 4.KTH IHSHWIHHI.iI MCTOHT LAWRENCE. Mas*,. May 4 —Coming all the wsy from Los Angeles, Cal., Ih* llmu of MsohoiM’td Inc. h«a aaaounc ed Ms decision to establish a plant berw . uordliig to the I-swrenie Industrial fiureau Ttii:. company will manafac lure Utah washing machines and wilt employ about |#« operatives. 01,1) LADY IS THOUGHT SLAIN Ihidv of 75 Y«mr Old Tcnnmafc Woman Found in Kirrpdace of Home . HMITMVIf.I JC. Tann. May 4 - f/Tl Investigation into tha of Mra I'annlo Smith, 76. widow of W. R Smith, whu waa found daad la tha fireplace of her home here thla morn ing will he continued and aa offic ial announcement will be made before Monday according to Corowgy W. g. Atwell. Mra. Smith waa found thla man* lag by neighbor!, m>eakdMflMVHo * o A