WEATHER *>!••»» Ud probably Umadrrsterm*. rpoltr Mod. Pair, rklwg Irmpeniort VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 60 MILLIONAIRE OIL MAGNATE STARTS JAIL SENTENCE Citizens Again Request Board oi Commissioners For a Sunday Blue Law 200 People From Every Perl of County Present Matter to Board COMMISSIONERS PROMISE TO MAKE INVESTIGATION Anll-Hlfh Tax Coaimittee En tertained By B|ard in Afternoon The county board of enmmissinnerti la Maaloo yesterday morning again Itatennd to nome 20fl ropreaentative rttiiehs demand a tyinday closing or dinance and again promised to give Ihe- matter careful consideration. In 'he afternoon they entertained the committee named hy the rehent antl high tax meeting, and between' limes they derided to Inspect auccpssfully operated county aanliorla of other w Unties, and transacted routine busl neea Coming from all parts of the coun ty. those demanding a Sunday fill ing station cloning Ordinance gather ed In Ihe Memorial Community Rulld Ing aired t'nelr slew* among them and elected Col. John D. I I'y Building at 11 o’clock and Col.. Langston Injf off "* Those petitioning for Ihe Kunday rlcalng ordinance. Col l,ar.gHton told the commissioner*. represent all parts of the county und “We hellers we repment the majority of oplnloD." S Declaring that lie quoted officers us the county aa hla authority, Ihe local lawyer said that from 6fl to *0 P* rcent of the filling alaflons were opereted as a background for bootleg ging operation*. “We believe that tbly are a menace lo the county." L. A Raney, chairman of the conn tv bonrd of commUalotisra. told the crowd that the board needed time lo consider the matter presented to them, 'bat they would have to Investigate the law on the Hubjwct and give op * pportunlty for any wpn might oppoae he petition for the Sunday ( lowing to present their able and their atrenglh. He suggested that the grand jury met during each criminal term of court and that If the cltltcna of any community would make preaentriienta against any operator of » f iling sta tion not abiding hy the law that the court machinery would l»e started to correct the trouble. Hl* declaration t-jiough he said that-fce did not want the crowd to got the Idea that he was opposing the request - brought s tea-cup storm of , protest from the audience Though their spokesman had been elected, man popped up from all parts of the house. Rev. Mr Williams of the Bryan Street Baptist church, added a fervid appeal for Immediate action; a Mr. Miller declared that, forgetting ‘he question of bootlegging aj filling tjj'iona, that they were a nuisance; Rev Peter Mclntyre of the l-'lrHt Pyes bvViian church added tils voice to the number speaking for tire closing. Rev. Tennyson Lewis declared that It was an effort to save the Sahbuili day of our fathers and Rev It. K. P itman of Ml. 'Rive called ou the comOilsaloners to “let’s he men ” Dr Hays of Fremont liad found op nonur My lo say that he knew Dial not a filling stallou In the Fremont strife It sold liquor, ’ ll Is the render v«us !n the woods that Is s menace In our aeellon. The places where cars Stop snd the liquor Ic brought to lb < re called upon lo r w ilirtr Idea * lo v. Ibe audience, members of the commie * ’ atoners hoard responed J It Mur vln aald that hU jqh wa* lo -rve the fee»le; J. It. Denning.-pionr ■! like wise aa did Deems II Pate. N. H. ' Berger said that he did Vint want lo aptiar as opposing ihe petition for he hats tot investigated It sufficiently »o make up his mind, hut he asked if the Wevne filling stations were rl is e«t Kunday not our voeng people drive to the nert county ’ 'V’l' Kunday closing do awav with fP'fng station hoot legging*" He edvooxlJj i Itlsens taking sufficient action as clttteu* to stop such practices not on ’v on Sunday but ev »ry day in toe week Major Beet nod Mrs. J. it. Itun'-ls • Mere aibong those appearing h- f under Ihe In tluence of wh'skey slid tX speeding ife was fined $75 and costs and sen fenced to eight months on the roads, oad sentence not to take effect dur ing good behaviour. W’lley Musgrave was another foqml gultty of driving while drunk Hr wa* fluid s6h and cost* and accent ed to !hl days on roads, road sentence not to take effect during good be haviour. Anule Hfrlckland dress sentences elating IHO days In jail, one for hsv . Irr whiskey In her possnaaimi for the purpose of sal<‘ and Ihe other for running a disorderly house. fr For driving an automobile in s rick less manner and for resisting an fflcer, (J. W llines wps fined )2i> und '■oats. l-onnle Durham was found gilliy of abandohmeid snd non support and sentenced to eight months On the loads. Dora Sasser drew a six months sentence for larceny and j Johnnie Swinson Was dndneed not guilty on S similar charge. imnacAx uum cm r OWXPKM MRETINRH fI.KVKI.AND. May S iV) Ameri can league club owners or their rep resentallves assembled In Cleveland today for a special meeting. » The business to be considered *?as not re vealed Only 166 Votes Are Cast As City Holds Regular Election The chv -election, held hero yeatrr dt.y for Ihe formal election of a Mayqr Mini nine members of ilid board of aldermen, went off as scheduled, with very little Ihlerest evidenced hy the greater pari of the local voting pub Hr. Vising on city election day here is considered hy local politicians h» n n.ere mailer of fhullne. sad u very light vole wqp cast ill all four of the wards’ yesterday^* A total niimlwr of IBt> vote, wen i P aet in the city of (ioW , A? the re* quent of Sheriff John W Cpupcr of Iterllc Coniily. (Bivnrnor It ’Max liariD ner tonight instructed Adtutaßt Gent. • ral /. Van It Metis lo huve twelve iistionsl guardsmen with a machine gun stationed nl the Windsor court housq throughout th*' trial of I’crcy M Her. Negro charged wilt ihe’klay >ug of t'hief of Police \ttiM(> of W Old Kor. 1 *■' * 0 h." * WINDHOR, N (’„ May li t/l’t A iu-ayy guard will he thrown uleiut an sjinndotied county jail lu-rc lo nofrdw In anlicfpatlon of ihe arriv al of Percy “Foots” bflllcr for ar u ■ slgnment as Ihe alayer of chief of police Pat While of Wind or Fearing inoli violence Kheriff Jolin W. Cooper ha.- i'eqttt'»lu4 (JoverHor flardher to snpply troofters and n»a ••bine guns. The Negro who has’con leased lo Die fulling will lie Ihf lone prisoner in a jail which m - abandon H many yenrs ago. Sheriff Couim i' raid he bad received no reply 'from the Governor but -'had made hie own arrangements lo guard the dMam * btdweeh Ihe Jail and Ihe edurthouse Miller is ..expected lo go on trial Wednesday or Tbur»d»y. His attor ney* have indicated he plead velf defense. The negro was captured hy sheriff* officers after a ntoh bad .given np a search of several day* through Iter ff'nnlinucd on paga 2) .Hid P Honey, lot rile boat dr were * t.< h ". _ .iw.irdid If* vote by tin voter m .vard thr**< 'v The new board o| sbt* rttien will hold It’s first meetlßg Thur day eve at a o'clock at who h tone the 'iowlv clri led "a rid Hit ‘r - eleilrd ni'tii Vr. will mi *-4 t'u ll*e puf|*<> • nl <>' er- nlxatlon .tn'l I* *r ilii* «l(-ctton '*( llte ether city official-, city' clerk, tr-*.* u-er. chief **f police and tin chief of inr fire department. 1 * •- • _ j Truck Driver Mas Very Close Shave! KDKNTON N C. May * oft George KMllm.m. tun k .driver, wop j .a submarine buttV fur life here thi>j afternoon. After ba< king an eu.rlo* store, till saying nothing to Hi"'negro and called Ihe poliye When officers arlved on the scene the tui gro was till silting on the lanr-ti. bin a denied having the pifikelbouk Th* 't.ur e wa Ih' ti sern lying on tlo paye eient iM'himl the hem h. hut Jkhe negro was placed under .arrest l>Ut her It Pate, l7»y*t»rold local ■white 'you'h, waa bound over, to conn tv coHr! (tit * tiarge-i rrf dor«-breaktii;' (lid larceny in connection with tint i-nteiioe *d ihe ((Uiuly (imvbl < imp . .. *,■ • I *«*o *•,-'in tiii I'.dinond "ii Mil' •ft lon of Un elly Friday tltght A ((e.iiilily id bra fitting, and dTft*,. *ni»lii|e wind . >aid lik offici i. to liav*' been Kltrieti from the war* '*. ii *■ were found under Pat* n ■ i tiiun* It i * barged Pale w\* *! y under a SIOo r.< b t*»*n>l hi % 100 el inn with a iinilar etr**,' ii" !i * fated Grotr.e Whl'e, colored. Wa,. bound I met l*» county court, (b vfged with • '(e rating an automobile while undei infill' in y'',f win k' .vliil* Mi * in .'md ’.KigV le {(mall, negrne a,,ml j lo have l«**-f* for In iu,. drunk. /.at karia Nela* >n, color(>d, was *eti | : tepi ed so thirty days in jat) on a! | < barge of vagrancy. ftorsey Thompson, colored, was tax ! id With Ilie lost* for bdjpg drunk I Nora KwOntun. colored, wa* bound I over to county court on a larceny j ! charge „ •; 1 Raymond Pollock. Im at white yimtlx . j was given a 3d day su*ponded, Jsili > sentence (or turning lu a falau fire' iaiariu, _ ~.J oumk«» a* a— <*phi oßhaJk. ♦ 4h* -» I 4lie ptm,nkal.|ery Mill lliiitdiny Week of -May bail re ■|*l* led aliiomotdle dealeV of the elty to no el oi th> r>*'im <*t the Chain tier of Comntarce tht* nioraltig at 11,0 b o'i tin k to draw for thtir exhibit • ; tt e «•» op|y have eleven automo|)G* • pa* ex available, xevers* of whtch i .*\<- .»!*• id) be a t* nlalivel'. foil rafted for. lull lieforc snv ‘onlrsil ,'*• * *g 11 • "I (or * vlillol psi "b* ih" i uiomobite departuient,'* tin said, ’«ach deal-r will he given an nppoi I; unity to draw for hte location Tin t*si e i* all good, hut wo want the ! j i inters to mart. at*d draw for their i space so tliai there will be no mt* ; uriderstahdihg a Ik* ill locations. Walter la-umark stated last night ■ Unit there had been more luterpst | .hown by (tie automobile dealers, mer i i bant* and manufacturers Mace an I nounctng the dates of the show than ■; ever been shown in the past. 1 "They are all interest'd ju the !b?jr Have Narrow KNcape In Automobile Wreck Though the car was turned ovsr and the heavy lop literally torß away. W. T Willis and family as taped-^rlfleal Injury when their machine was driven ln|o by J. H. Ilam on Ihe Know Hill highway early Bnpday evening Mrs Wil lis sustained a broken arm and broken shoulder hut was able lo leave Ihe hospital snd return lo her home yesterday afternoon Mrs Halite Murphy, mother of Mrs. W’H tls, suffered rills about the fai> and head, hiit she too was able to return to her home yesterday as Icrqooo Mr Wlllt* and twin daughters. Rosa and IJIIIe, sus tained minor Injuries Ml did not rcqiylre hospital treat mehl Mr ilam was skid lo have turned bis car Inlo (he path of the WilUf automobile, striking Ihe latter In Ihe middle. Did Train Kill Negro Or Was He Murdered ('orfHierißiilcß TAilr Struck CM Winn Bui Dudley Cilixemi ' Have llieir Doubln Tbo’-gh Coroner T* R Robins in had ruled that In hla opinion Obet W an. Negro. 3k. found dead by the side of the railroad' tracks In Dudley 'Uf/ momlng. had been kll -4 tv a i'sla, the office "f Rberltf T D •Jiurl yesterday afternoon resumed fc't li.vri'iy i lion of lbe case A nn® her >f i iidley ritlxens fer« said la be of the opinion that Winn had been kill'd and placed by Ihe aide ‘be In cks The Negro’s skull was tractu. rt on Hi t lotehead and In Ihe hack part of I lie brad snd one finger IUI Neu lorn t way at the first joint A piece of hHii was found r* trend tywek. t roving. Coroner Robin t .0 cl* t. i|«'f,d, lhal II was a Iraln wnl.•*! led killed the young Negro, lie had be ui kno» ?i to have been drinking a* Ui« a* Ituah Saturday night and it was t'lleved that he oat down bet'Oe the 'lacks and went to sleep, falling to awake and get out of the way of sn extra freight train that passed through lluddiy about It Jn Haturday nlgbl The suspicions of the Dudley dll jettfl that Winn might have been mur il< red and placed on Ihe track grew r.Ut of Ihe fact lhal he had recently bud trouble with I’ennell I'arter, Na gio. and thal he had been seen with the latter Saturday night. Benny Smith was quoted hy officers o a* having, left Ills home to remonstrate V (th Winn slid Carter about loud words being exchanged between the ten about II o'clock Saturday night. “lie farter boys dey make liquor ard Chet he go and drink np d« t.eer'>" Randolph Winn father of the mad N*sHo. said In explaining the (ContlAued on page 21 hr two reeabnsaid th« secretary. •'Hriit, due to the |»rstlon til the build ng in which Ihe allow' will lw held, and M-ciond. heraun* Hi* profits from tie ahow will go to the Wayne ftoun tv Fair A*o*<>(-tatton We tietteve now thai every available apace will be Bold by KaturdAglriight, and ft Is our desire for this to be a 100 percent Goldsboro Show. F.xhlb tin* nothing treept cars, and a-cessorlea, menu f» Taaioa about the Jail had haw R Ihe higHkpHrh for hours hafOM t]M ill man rMllly surrendered hjmeetf. His whereabouts had aet baaa known all during the day tad tt fM a matter of speculatlem ae ta whether he would surrender tonight ar a de v or eo. The sniorvinb'le that hentfpht khi elstr to the lall wee preceded hy oRh and followed by another Xtx madklae was driven up In front as the dtefrtrt jell building and the uhaftear auMMy unloaded two black head haw. Sinclair's sltorner Mr. lUelaad ant Sinclair’s brother sienned eat as the car before the nil man , y As Rlnclatr left the machine, be d noet stumbled but ceasrht htaseelt j|a the door More than a score at #Rs vranhers had haw gwettfan U*s rival of the M war nld «|l HRlfr; and scores of flash light a ae be gdappad fcatthM aldog Apnurentiv be wa* etArtlgd ewavy tlm» me fleehliahta baomad. lie followed the prnceey'ea thwudh 'be door snd was weleosned hy llP shel Snyder who greeted him. 1 '•»... "I am glad to see roe Mr. RlachUr." be mM -* “Ho* do von dor Mr. fltp cleir reolled \ Border then took Sinclair gad Me iemnantona Into Major Peak’d private rt f *ce ' * Bloefelr eoomed to He stSS| afteotad and walked slowtv thmneb the dear He anneered at owned and waa vtet hiy effected ea he made Mt dltngo* into the butldlag. BISHOP DARST ? " HERE SUNDAY ■ 0 Prear Has Flrat Hdrmaw ta Ufa Pikcvilk- Mtasiofi Wttfc I dirge Crowd Priawt Dreams tff years were reaUtdd Sea day wheg Right Reveread Thosaaa C. Thirst. D D. held the drat hdnrtoa In ihe aew Splecopal ml setae ahasafe at Itkevllle Rome thirty Ooldahdm people went to Ptkevilta tar th* jpr nre god froqi Pikvellle and vlctafty there w'eyW several bnndred pree e«.t. "'•* " • ' Tb" new church la a frame ba|id ig erected In a lovely grove op the edge of the nearby lowa. The cherch - was begun aeveral years ago hot oa foreoeeu circumataacae held up the work Recent donations ead’/eoewed pledgee mads it possible to go ahead with the project and the building Is now practically completed. The tala *lorj will cost Bbpnl 11,000- Previously rikeville RptaoopaUasa have held their, services Is the aid school building and at other places Bishop Herat Huaday afternoon la ihe (tret service at the saw mission complimented the spirit which has prompted the erection of the build ng and offered advice to th* ooagro : gat lon. Bishop Derst filled the St Stephana pulpit here at the niornlag hour for service snd In the evening he m*t with a numbec of Greek clttsens ta a OM ' acquainted servlua ■ . / Strawberry Prices On Upwani Trend RAI.KIGH, May «.—(#>_ The Mata i IVderal market sews eervtee today 1 reported that strawberry ehlpmeata • through Hatarday total 1211 ears hr - freight and 4tt equlvaleot oars hp - truck, making s total at l,Ttl oars as ' compared with XMI tor aM of MM - season Demand waa raMgfad gtoad - aud the ’ market af jg||-> final ahlwniae J* ' >