WEATHER Pair Wednesday. Thursday rl**4|. t'rubaM? »km«n Tkin>4i) i under the orders of a-Muaglstrate’s court with 3tt more scheduled fnr eviction during the week The house are owned by the I said that it is impossible for residents to gain entrance to tfTcsc districts, and the rioters are still defying the police. Wrtifor l)ro|is Suiiiidrrs And Lr<|oiic Drops Its I'rotest WlTmtngtori will not lose any p.. in.'s won while Charlie Saunders, a c‘ass player, was a member of Ihe team, and Manager Hal W< filer, who - timed him. will nol *urt«r a like, for having more Ilian wo player -of high es tlili a I'las., If on Ills squad Decision lo the effect wrf. reached Monday night at n id Hu Imerd M dlSgiltfrH of ' f tt* Eaaterif Carolina H.itmlmll league buhl in Goldslmro. lo fhra li onl a prole i I.M.ged against Wilmington for play’ ii g Hn under* I'pon pie.seuijiion of evidence t»y Hie Wilminglon officials, irygnrdiug ilie- playing of Saundei i, a motioti >vas offered and nn.ioiniou Iv adopteff to drop Hie que.lioii and perriill lln I’iralßM Jo retain I heir present stand lug in Ihe league race The resold!ibn exonerated the WII . mingiou management of any nitempl to violate rule of the league govern "i g Hie phivlug of class men and ex MKITON REPORT | SINCLAIR GIVEN reeoresenltiv PHARMACY JOR Majority of ( ommillef Aurt-r on Rhfhl of Treasury Ileatl to Hold Jolt WASH I NtiTDN May 7- uV) Three ’.'Hj.rtH from the euaie judiciary comiiiittee and a* many individual . abe Hie nil- hy eommill.e nieiulieis on (he right of Secrelary MHln# lo hold 'office’ were siilnnHled In Hu; .etiu!" I today and w ill be ioncid.'ie.l, alln passage of Hie farm relief bill I The majority report, h* Id tbni Mi p Mellon's stocklioldiligs did not ion f let with the old sfal.jl. forbidding ! the secretary of the ireasurv to lie , '.l.lerettad in carrying on trade Sen. M. Kellai Democrat. I emu re hi I thor of the resolution of enquiry Inio . Hie secretary's sßitu.s, announced h** ask adoption of Hie minority report, declaring Mr Mellon Ineligible t< serve with practii all) all linjMiriant p.dni - It Ihe pall ill 111. staG Ii ulddlou to Hie eeutciil.l.M atlulf'of the lily In regards to Eastern Carolina. Goldsboro ha- an < x>elleut municipal airport, which would make an Ideal eliding field for mail plltlies going In any direction 1 The airplane Industry Is branching o.ut more and more in every d re Hon Freight, ni2W and passenger plane fy dally he I ween all the largi i . itie the- eountf). and G/>ldsboro p.mtal oftleUl# believe that another year op two will see tile mail plane- toverirtv territory l.y i-atahtishiiig nor distributing points In the southern I'ates. J GOLDSBORO. N. C WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAV 8, 1»29 pronsod confidence Haunder had been signed hi gm*l faith and was released as soon as it was found tie was lu • llgihle lo play since Hie club already] b; u Iwo • la# pi. . 1 . ..11 1 i mulct Ho 1 ufi" f Under the rules-. Manager M eater w.ii. subject to a fine of IJiin. tell since I .-was shown that he believed Gann Her* w riW Kllflhle lo ptrtv and lUal id* Sa'ton of him having played 'ln icr company a ..affli lent length ol lime lo quality a a cj.e limit hurl not Ue.-'o faiwfat, lbe 4m *o t*»r .. Indd Ibal lu wait not at lault and therefore Hionl'l lint In- pell,. I i red Mjuecrr Weafer re|e« . d Knifndert rinni>dlat«ly artur It tat been .aib-n to hi . attention that tie was a etnas man and was Ineligible lie notified I ult'e \y G Itralilhnni league prbsl dent, lo tills effect, and Jbc team h»< since been pbtving willful Hie a-rv lees of Hail niter*, who bus returned'to Du ilia in. Millionaire (HI IMapnaCc Kals itaki'fl SatfKajfP With Rest nf Prisoners tt'ASHINfiTON. M.i: 7 ' i’l Haris F. Sinclair, men Homed lo iqs'ialion in ihe ilil tndn-iry Involving huge ml lint, itsl.ty a ■ isle.t lit. pltv 1. tale o! Ihe lA’aHhlnglott jail (o perforfu a njlff or Htitgieal .i|>er.iiitoi on one .of the inmutes In In*. rt‘ w roly a. phanna. l 1 nl that ihslllwiivn dJ Bi'glnnint; I" fir t fAill d>■ of li* ' lliiee inonllr eir'.i... tm rein mi to answer qu. liotl pul l.y s- -> iiai> . umiiiillee. ,ilie oil man *,u assigned to Un* drug loom lw« aui-t ol ht-inir n .egisleii'il pfiut 111. (J. I lie' lildiid pliarmae) al Hu Ciilvcisily ol Kan-a ii I eit 7 and I girt o Sluder was up .ilsnil f. o’chak aid I'rf.tkla til lightly oh Hie tar. I ived lo thj. i.T" Inmate* Ii eonslsfed ol lam and* egg'., corn iiiuff»i •ul •' >•» f-i He then a ta i aleitll It*, e. a i i y wlu i. lo bad * i , - , lit .. HIM I ..I .III". 111*1" . i '■ '• i ers At noon Sinclair tile link. I t»-to i. c *ei| ■ Itealis, bread aid . f • xt t ig'll 'tie fare ineiiul d . Ij v . viewed fruit and coffee. V A- « l*rl*on officials aid iiioil in#g j n.ii< wa maintaining . < I l l*il iiilen’ * GOING \m It EDM UIIS W HO Mil.D NIOI K ro row I It t OMI'AM WASHINGTON'. May 7 ol’ \re ojiitlon dire. Hug ihe post mantel G*u e-al to 10 for 111 tile Senate ...of the ■ante* and addresses of all edltojs, PH blither- managing editors, and Mock and bond holders of papers in •which the International Papej- anil Power. Oonipaljj » an tntere-t " n Itrf rodm etf todav by Senator Walsh, Democrat. Aiuuiana. SIGN CONTRACT. WITH WARDEAW ♦ ;nr ANMM-iation Asks Exhibit ors lo Merl Ml Exposition Bit i Id trn> <5 The directors of Hie Wayne County Fair Issoclation Lhsl night IsKltejl an Invitation to the .Hiuittiohlte dealers. , cci #«iu v de.tlci*. mm t huiits and hi iiiiif:n lttret . ..I Ihe city reohesUllß l.ial ihcv meet jointly with the llo’iril ui the Durham Hosiery Mill ItHlldlng where Hie "how will Ij*. held Thurs day mormnu. at II on o'do"k, The buiidMig hi been reilOVAled. ■nd Ihe director, befog*' making the I. *..*r pl.t, fur Hie . pa**.. i|e !«• to gel the opinion trprtt Hie ex h' hit or Mitch .aiHiUeCi lit Is l.eimt bowit In tho slijeW nnd plans for pc sitc.e s ar*s-firogresslnif rapidly. The Kalr As’-ociatl'.u last nlrhl elo*- ■d a .ayrrlrael xw iIII one of North Caro "md'alversll' '* nreheslras under Ihe -ff>r> i lln* nf.».la( V Wurdtaw Tills In (.•ic of the S-.olhV must nonulnr or ■ linsl rav having Inured Europe for • 1,,. nasi two vest's, ts widely known from Its broaden'd In g experl ■tirc ' \ renresenltxHve from the Wnshlltc ‘on In*, prating Co . of Washington, If 1 r * l. > ill. lit hy I I. Pea. o. k. . in d todilor, 'listing tyill c.iutinu until J ll tr.' I, after will, a lie penally j tor failure lo tesi properly will be , .•ink'd upon ...ii person who n.r,'vtf !"i ! to !. i til- p.rk|7* ilv .Vo taxiii » , ■Sr X* r 11,I 1 , acm k made 1 his annottU' et.ieip l< Pc wing the adoption ol a resolu 1 oi, 1 by the county board nf c»mtnl**ioti.rr < A special effort 1 being made till* Mrs. R. Jack Smith Is Appointed As Member Goldsboro School Board Famous Fony To Be 0 HeVe This Friday lifuck Hear, the world famous pony, hia-youtigvr hrother and his equalkr famous mu fee will ipjnrgi lu tloldsboro Frldi • .«ft . 1 ... na id night, it was announced y#sterd#> Hmught .to Goldsboro under the au*ph«a id one nl H.e gpilds of Ml Stephen's KjW*o< pul church. Illack Bear will ld*l al William Slrecl S.tuwil afternoon al 3; 15 Amd In the evening al H. The *du £• calcfl animal recently performed In Kuieigh before an audience of hun dreds of children and will likely draw eq'ually as. large a ..crowd Imre. . SELECT JURORS EOR NEXTfXHIRT Spvnf y-I w» Men (n Bp StimmiHi nl for Grand and I'etit Jury Service Heveuly lwo Wayne county idtlxens were drawn yesterday for jury duly Ip the two wwks of Superior Court (quilting I«#t May 27. Forty-eight men were drawn to comprise grand jury .Old pel ii jury lu Hie flpsl week of ihe court to be given so the trial of civil Twenty four men were inmed for jury the second week of the court to he given to the • list of civil raae* Those whoa* name., were drawn it rut s' . w * Find week, criminal court U /j] I!edrtle ( Henry Willlatuanit, W.'HUIiWNN R I. Knllon 1. W Moyell, DA IXr tegl, Crlati Denglng, John N Godwin, Jethro C Howell. Tom B Fdqiund sen. D M I’rlnpe George June*. Ueor g> W Fllras. J T Buamun, H ll A. ’.VII Matte. Charlje Mltehell. W B ( lumpier, la,tits Hummell, C H Hritt. (‘harles A Humphrey. l*lnk Waldon. D M Nash. Jr, l.erter Hues, < 11. Ham A Wnuten M N. Epstein. 'Valter (Mum. W II Sullivan. Wtllle Sisaer, W. F Ifjck*, C K York. Had «n, J Ed Fortum. K. H Garrla, *1 I, Edmondson. Robert A- Hutton. C A I'nssji, I' Frank jla'c. W II Hester, a’ W Gillette, T A. Arnerson >V H Ivey. Jr. F I, I’cariijik. J. II Worrell. J. G Hooka, John Hay*, Jowell Powers. C F Rale. J F Bor den. . „ Sei mid week civil rourt-'-Goorgc I* SoutlmrluMd. Thud Smith. Sam llesl, Bill Caswell, w, G Grady, l-uilrtr Hells. J M llidlowull. A >' Martin. E T Smith, John Itawsou, W. P. Kur Jim* Ingrain. W (' Chase, It. K Merritt, E J -Jeffreys. II B Bell «rs, Wtllle R Jetinetle. H-rbert Har illeon, !'• D. Bird. Sr. Fred (’ Ow' loan, J C Sasser, Lfs! • Aycoclt Jim Gardner. J IC* Whitley. iuhh oi ioi nc HoTty I’bitii MCrNTBEAE. iL» .7 MARI The 1 1 k|v of a young woman found In the It I vie re I»* I’Wiri. on the northern Ide .if Muni I . ;.l I land wa Jlioiiglil liy the police l.wbiy to ponslhly be that .rs itarbara Pit. tu r, mlsslnjf McGill I Diversity sfudent >l.ll to <•• liurl all autotil"»hll>» gfe i illv given in foi la xatlyfi A list "of ! valuation . lot vat toils t/takes and ! mod, I s of car. wa, adopted itv Hie i county commiisioneri at their in ~t-ing ing lute M*.i*.lax and tb ! *‘. list la la authority U[.*>ll valuation t of tat, ate r ea, it »a| n Ina k ing t.’l UTII I ’lit.' valuation' tie, tiled on w (•■: JJ , to'fi . xlt.i'p and pot * I cat It. laid I * .■Mt ■ |M t pound. > .ion l'< .etits per pound, torn ft a I I'rrel, lodd. r and bit) Jl pet hundr . I. . ofton on band s7*t per bale . . lit cult mo t ion with the tax filing I *f property, Hie listers lu the 17 luwtf.hlp' of Hie eoiiuty are alav ' gathering data for Hie farm can * un, i tub- alula not to lie for* taxgUc 1 ourposen hui toJ be supplied Mi the State Federal crop reporting service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCUTMO PRESS PRIPE FIVE CENTS Will Kill Vacancy (rented la Ilcalh of Mr*. W. Pr Crwci Sometime Ago - PIUiL EIGHT MONTHS FOR GRANTHAM-SEVEN SPGS. W«vne Education Ro.ird Thanka Equalization Hoard for Ap propriation Mr*. K .inch Smith, has been nun <•■l • memtw&'nf the board of dlrec '«« of the Uoldsboro city schools, H *a* announced yesterday by J. T. Jerome county superintendent. Ap pointment of Mrs. Smith was mads by the Wayne County Hoard of BfeOO* ‘ tlnn. .Mrs Smith will rill the vacancy an Ihe (inldshorn board created la the death of Mrs. W. D. Creech. Ot broad education and keen later tat In the affairs nf public adeeaOoa. Mrs Smith has Inng been act lee la , the Interests of the scholia sad the announcement of her appointment yesterday,.; brought general satiafhe tlrtn - o -s. At the »g,me time 1 Mr Jaromw afh rtounced that the high schools at Boo ed Springs and at Oranthanf would ’ lie able to continue for thotr full eight months term. Earlier la the year II had been considered probable it at the schools might ha** to close at the end of (he seventh math oa recount .of a lack of funds. The State Hoard of Hgaalfgattoa. however appropriated $2,000 to Warn# county from a special fund, with tho understanding that sl,o*o of amount would go to Orutbaa had ft.bfh> lo Seven Springs. Ths record if Wnyne county In Iraprovtac the i|t.atm«attoas rank of Us taachma dbe iimijttfiua the past two whs said to >#enj**r«led is favor of tho eooaty n securing the fi.OOn apodal toad. Ths County Hoard of Education at its regular May meeting adopts* * resolution expressing tha apprartattaa of tbe county for' ths board’s action In coming to tbe std of ths two high a. (tool* While l he |3.00« will not ho suf«- < tent to rnepl—e+E financial ueoda as Grantham lam tha two months extended term, funds (Km other sources will make out tha asod td amount NAVY BALLOON MAY BE WINNER Two ItaHoonipU Roach ClfttM tion After Two Days la Wood* ' PITTSBURGH. May 7.UF>~ Tha Nsvy balloon number 1 toutglit was credited with winning tha 1010 nation :il el minaticD balloon raca. The eraw of tbe Detroit Timet eptry last as the hnge to report advised headquarters late today that thay had leaded aaar Comb, N J. Other entries mast ba chaehad hr l he National Aeronautical Aaaaciatloa „ before ihe winner Is declared offici ally. The Navy number 1, piloted by l.t Settle came down near Charlotte town. Prince Edward Island, travel ing a distance enllmated unofficially at Mt miles 'i Newcomb, n v. May 7—(lP) Two aeronaut uecupanta of tho miss ing balloon entered by lha Detroit T'ltiss in the National elimlnatlpa hel ix m race, came fnun the woods today 'pto this Adlrnndtack village throo oaya after they disappeared into the sir above Pittsburgh. The balloonist £ j mu and Arthur t; Kcloaaer, brought with them front ihe wisslh a story »>f a two day fight 'vxin .t dense formula,, cold and partial lisrvatloo They landed near Moose I ond lb tulle* northwest of here, two In urs after daybreak Sunday. They had drifted approximately 350 miles. Their course from Pittsburgh car ried them ihrougb fug, aleel and mow They, drifted into ths blttsr cold of a ll.'Min toot altitude. THO HfRS TO DEATH, TORONTO, Out.. May 7.-.IAP) Two members of a local theatrical rtock company. Miss Margaret BUM. 35, and Forest Cummings, U, wore burned to death In an apartment early • iodny ■ a . ;