I'WEATHER I Aba wars Thursday and possihlj Friday I *•* mark rha age la UimperaUre VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 62 TO SETTLE ZONING ORDINANCE MATTER MONDAY New Board of Alderniei) Take Seal In And Elects Officials For 2 Years HoDowell Re-elected City Man lier, and ('rawford and Spence Retained GAS STATION PROPONENTS at Meet in full force Set Special Setwion of Hoard for Neit Monday to Settle Matter ~ • Hworn ill at an organization moel tng laat night, th>- dew board of at dv'rmen for the city of Goldaboro nam-- rd Monday evening, May 13. a* the time to aettle once for all the zoning hudince question and re-elected city officials for the next two years. Zeno <l. Hollowdll wan again chosen as city manuKcr, J (1 Spence city clerk and treasurer. |>. {'. Humphrey « tjr attorney, anil J S Crawford com inlaaloner of the sinking fund and • 'ectrlc light fund. M K Hohlnaun for the past several rearm, a member of the tioard, was named aa rpayor pro tern, and he will prealde over the meetings of the boiyyt and over city <-rfffrt should occasion arise when Mayor J II Hill cannot be present. New members of the Hoard sworn In laat night are: Borden Cobb, Hoi Isaacs, ami J W Cole. Old member - who look oath lo enter on a-new term of office are P. Honey, Ham Hrldgora. J Andrew Smith G*-orgc W Walrrs. y. R. Borden, 111 and M. K. Robinson Hardly had the board taken tbel rath, when the lightning began lo strike about their heads Hugh Oortch, loeal attorney, renewed the question of whether or not' the hoard was go ;»m In allow Mrs latura Hizxctl to place a filling station at Center and Ash streets. Mrs Barhary at Ash and William and Mrs. Dortch at Ash and WIHIam Mr. Dortch declared that th« - "»«- ttlied" soiling ordinance was passed unlawfully, and recited the history of the so-cslled." ss he lennest It, nrdlli a.oe from Its luccplion. lie charg ed that there wa* no fafrney In tin srdlnsnce and llmi property 111 i ertali.i districts owned hy ineiubttrs of the hoard of iMsrwmn hud boon Isft out erf •he restricted zone “Mr Kohlnsoii may not know If" declared Mr. Dortch "hut a certain piece' of Ills property was I-ft out of the restricted zone" Mr. Dortch declared that*'the mal'iei of appointing a committee lo deejd nit the queidliin had become a lokc end he pleaded for Immediate action Alderman Rdhtiiaotr arose to explain that the committee appointed by the mayor several weeks ago to go Into the xonlng ordinance* inkriter thnr-t •'jghly. to study It with reference lo , the Isw of other cities the slxe of IScldsboro, was not realty lo report t,< cause two members of that coin mlttee t» Vt. (Illllkln and John Paper - are not members of the new board. Mrs Barbery. Miss Kleanor Hlx rell. Dr M K Blxzell and even James Rlxtell. In his early teeii|S. addressed lie hoard on the ' ne«.i s-.ltv foi Im mediate action The filling station proponent* were filing out of the chamber when James leaped lo Ills feet, called "Mr Mayor," and «ald that ’ Napoleon lost the battle of (and here *n- stumbled a hit and a kind-hearted alderman supplied the word" "Water loo" I hecause Marshal Nev was a 'ew minutes l#ta." Alderman Smith moved that .n committee be.named to make up an Immediate report on the zoning ordln a,ire and Mr Honey amended the mo tion to call for an extra session of tin hoard to cymalfjcr tin* report on next Monday evening Aldermen Borden c.ikl Isaacs had previously- declared that their minds aetur*o|H)n "ii the uueatlon but that they would need the report of the committee In «r uer to vote intelligently on Hie ques tion, Object In \ .*e** inCMt* Harvey Mulp.tss George Hose and el her citizens or Hie Georgetown s#c tl - w»re present to protest against a »-g cost asaessment against,,their pro perty for aewerage costs, /For years I paid general- tax for jji<- building of sewer tines through tie principal ractions of the city. H is not talr How lo make rue pav for J hat past lliv_ own property The money should, tome out of’ the general fund,” ' dSrl c'ared Mr. Malpass. • A letter from the Goldsboro Mer chant's association requesting eu THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN TUB MORNING WHIFF MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEYi BUY. Want Highway Direct To City Fayetteville A delegation of Fay at lev it l« bust neas men led by ('. t hadliurn. secretary ot the Fayetteville < ham her of Commerce, and It. M Jack aon, secretary of the Fayetteville Fair, were huaineaa Visitors in the city yesterday Jftternoon in confer nice with, yV'ayue HighwayAilUcial ■ It I* the desire of the Fayottevllk delegation to have the State con -iieel our new Newton Grove High way with Highway No. 22 at Fay ettevllle. After conferring with the Wayne officials, the delegation left for Hampsoti where they will hold HI hep conferences. MATERIAL NOW EXPECTED SOON Will He Ijile Summer or Early Fall Before City Get* New White Way Part of the equipment for the con *'ruction of Hu- projected Center 1. 1 reel “while wav,” Is expected lo nrive In the »ity -unmtlnyp within tb>- ihxl two or tiller weeks, il was all n* mired yeslnrday by It F l.ee. mao iget of Hie local Carolina Power and l.ighi company plant "It will probably Im- .ometlme m Hip lain summer or the early fall he lore the White Way is completed ” Mr. I.ee told The News. "There wilt b~ a lot of work to do even after the nit (•■rial gels here," tie add's! Accord mk tra the power plant manager, the manufacturing of the w hite way equip ment-. should have been completed by’ this time toil for, the fact that Hip manufacturing crop ern had been rush d atnre receiving the order sot Golds boro's While Wgy material City englnears have already com n,eted the surveying of the middle *o< lion of Center street on wh ch the 'A bile W iy will he constructed, MAN BELIEVED DEAD CAPTURED •o I’irkerinu Confennm* to Sotting Fire to Prison Severttl Month* Ago It AMI I,TON, O. May 8 (API Clive (deckring, 21. reported hv Ohio penitentiary officials a< having burned to death ill the junction city prison brick plan! fire last October, wa. captured hy police on a farm here ii day. Ho confessed that he ami two i.(her prisoners set lire lo the prison a using Hie death of It men. Offici als records of the fire stated that ,t,he Ire sfaren't from an-unknown source Police received a lip from an Ip'-ui ance rompany^lhaf‘ Ptrekring’s moth er was trying to collect. IMW In In surance on the streiiglh of Ho- < laim thal Pickering was burned lo death Vaccination Campaign To Begin Tuesday, May 21st *» ’ » • Tiie city and county health depart vienl yesterday announced (the dal**, (~r ii> annual typhoid fever and dlph- Hierta vaccinatum campaign Vaccina Hon clinics will he held free al f1! Iren points In the county begliinhig Tueaday. Mav 21 and «*»»»ttuning ’hrmigh .lime 2*5 "Hv the time Ihe campaign i ‘ plated," said In I* W Corball h<*a Hi r-fflcer, A«4fo- l rust Hill eyev man, woman and child in the cminlv w lot t not now protected hv vaccination will have secured this Immunization "WaVlie mum* aiot North t'aiollna V'lHle Hoard of Health, siyld Ur. f'or 1-ctt, "are offering protection by (re* vsrcloatlon against typhoid fi-ver |«d diphtheria to every man. woman and colhl in the county. t "Vac* illation witli typhoid var.cin hi a been onv way of teducing. the number of *leathx from X’i'i to 271,* and the ‘liumber of cases from * j‘*d to "i r l»3 in the laat eleven year*. GRAF WILL MAKE ROUND-WORLD TOUR Wlht<‘ Aulo Imposition Is To Be Ilelcl f | • i ’ i hi. efM shovy (|»• rHirHoti 11«> l«r> HIM litiilfDfig, im t*i »w lli hm*» TchltH vhi.i. l« h h* * m #i for I Im* Aut omoßM**, jilm! Mutitiffit 'fitrt i I jm* iliimi, t of Ma> * , Tl» Mi t floor of llilrv building, f»* by !M» fr«*l. will In- v il'• f! ff»t anffunobilf tvliihn lh fit mm". *•., f» J • i.*i ha !*• * n • tfiMMil to tio uiFrrha nth ami iiuuiiifitrfnrcr '■> ♦*s 1 1 * t»»t r Tlt* lit t»*l flooi. *• I- I % I**l will I u• I* t-u,r ona • imtil attratitohn ’M dances, baby show parades, a’fid other umusciuent tcalureslhai .>r« now iH-ing Wurkisl out I lie building lias a large electric elevator thal will carry twenty in thirty pa • n„- el ai one time, and Hi addillotj In till. It-has a very com forialde flight of stairs which Uie patron will not findttn some The contract* for decorating the building In H** etillrlty were awarded la a night l*i IN Wa .lilpgton Deroraling Cornpnny Ihi pi oph- at III* pi * hi time arc decorating Ho -i n. | ate 1-lnlnl Pnitl'lin, I n Hie Indiislplal t- v position, which is lo he held in Itiiteigh next, week ami Ho It dc< oralltip and IHumlnaMn,: material will be move*! from the Raleigh Show i•» Gold hom The Directors of the Fuss Arntfrlxllnn carlo Gy urge all no r* haul iml**itiohil/y and arc* ory dealer: and m»n uf«< Hirers in the *il\ who gr< Inirre led m<■ hibltin:-. in !•** liiig lo no * i wiHPHoqi al the.building* fhi - motn lllg nl 11 no o'clock, and ,* *le it their evhlhi' par** *"’.**"" * -- , ' ' |T -. . . . ...a-’- , ...... -*■ ■i* i ,»■ ■pi • .eiii»« ■*" . "J- ' ' ' " / * . _ j Soiithrni Bnplisl (zOiivrntioit Is xStaiinl ill IMnnphis IVnn. MEMPIUH May s tAPi Commit lot and auxiluun-s ot the ikiVthtfll H.'|*Ghl con veil lion ended their pie lliniliary meetings i'might ami me* sengers from IX stales wo-rr ready li.r Hip opening of the coiiyention lo morrow which leader*- predicted would 1 1 occupied mainly on problem , ol 11 ft umm and administration The executive j-mmnittee recoin mended fest.iv Ihai Ho* proinolhm rnirmiittep' nnw entrnited with rnanr retails of adminl-t iai a cd and that iha powers he cent<-r*'d in the exei utive groiip of 27 This group would hereafter guide- tin- policy of ‘lo- convention Working iluy and night Hi*’ oeruw TAYL()S|{ NAMED AS DIRECTOR . <> * Junius I’arkcr Rrsik'os From Norfolk-Soltlhcrit Kailroatl tfloiirrf NOIII t)l .K. Vi. I>’ * Vt’t , Thomas R. Taylor of H* w York «a elecled today it the annual meetin.- ff th«» Norfolk Sontlirrn r.itlto.ol hm riv* h «lir«*cior in uc<**tii .fiinlu • f*ii tr Nrw York Tb* otl».*r 1 f hvrrs of tin* mvri* r» * Kiuept for thi » fl**i lion only mu 11in* Im-inf : whs trait’ o i**rl n % "Take It! Your "Ughrior o*a l>* 1 i treless ‘ In 1325 S.t’J peiiple In North < *"* ■u had dipilll"-ri:i. and > > *<'• I '(-•yen tin) of. ten "f tTurn- who had ■ '’phthetia ftn*l 'lto-<- who <li'*d of d'pli i fieri it were "ii<l*i sis V* " of <,;:*■ \ ric.i.l part of 11"* * *.p* n * 'it ' I ■ , and death of Hi* * « " * •**' 1 •ve h**en pr*:y**nl.‘'d i** lllptiHi'r!' V ictrine Evei y i tiihl bet w•-**" It"* ag-s of * < months and t**n v*ar should i.ik, ' *,'phi*'*■' i* *. ~* * "i* 1 1 it ' t"*-n »,y careful records that thr*»- d*» * >v,li iMimtilczle eighty fH" ,M ' r nl ” children tr«-ate*l “ Three treatment* of dlphthml or t - phoid vaci Ine are necessary Kadi l - liarmle-- practically a certain p’ra ,-ntlve. and almost pain!*- - Neither * c.inse any soi r "Hring |he whole fainitv lo the near ist dispensary point Hemepihcr! We ' wish to Improve the. heattti and save j tUonUnued 0“ page 2/ GOLDSBORO, N, C. Mil RSDAV MORNING, AIAV. 9 1929 •* '* c*iii *' 111 i I *■* r Ai ** 1,1 .1 plan fog I Hew Im uiti-il aialrui b> a run I'tiirai'-d effoit would lo made to enllsl the lull church Irenglh of II <on nun rio iiih* i in ilm "li*m>itilnaFon -v ik llirmigli a cainpalgu of- * iiliglil * no nl and ill |ilt at ion ’ No drive lor fin line , or orliei r.vli ■al departur** fioin pr* eul mellnsf* of rai.uiii* money hj loeii ■ ilg: **l' *f The board of tin tee of the Houtll **rii Huprtrtt Hr-nifliary al laoitsvlllg Icdeil In’ John II Hainpey tu** tileiit **f Ho* yem nari ll*- has h*»ei promin *-nt In denominational srholnHth and missionary woik for 4f. wins and wa made net Ive pre idctil wh- n Dr K Y. Jtfyiulltl* died la t »** t IIOISEIiHEAKEI’ I SHOT IN Mil* •i \\ iIIiDimI Aoi k (on it in fit it fa Mr ffcjoni In it u nl Hi frintc 11* i it* f * Yori I'«#.*i" of i Jitt@ it* DM'* Off "li tf>|| r»f f|| f ft! 11l lit f H IHr vft Dm *»l ifVM.lt Imi»| * ! M'lMnr pi ft Dm m < • nfh (.1 t ftinlff t|f’ flrt ir!» •! pr WfiffDt it* l|p .1 till Will* !l t' *tuf f* fltJtif'V :li«* aOh D ,i I Dh v In'iif' Irfpplii MOM ltd fit ' Os t t r "< *|}t H« *•;* inv. »t»f r% wHi(*«m Yttf) 11 i *! 11 wit f 1 1 • ’ Ifli •i' cI *!•* prow>l«r ?r* f»til a uti.iii) of pH in ‘Mil HfMiVD?G'I aMif v iftio III*- die« I : i-Im . i i lit *! (fi f i>. * *. t M pf'il »i*«l Jp*r In*lr of lb* prowler 1 MoMivr fomii Nr » In ♦fi lit !ii (> »*f f ,ipp* -if ' rs, '.v • pinr -*t ■ * i*l polli »* oiitrl lift Doy It;* 1 »*n Mtnrnnß with tt»* s wiotig* * i mf hbof I p*»« ill offit'i r I. f) ni-fMi. ff f w»> *w*» fi»r« lliM o I fiv* ;»»»«! v • rt* f-» f|u < t.fi ’ ill '‘■hl' Khii| on ut M»* vu/iu in >*. !»•* fit* uppM-ilur! for ii »l WUhfoH m|rnitlu'f ilm.l li**. »,» a IP« < *» who ha«f hioLt n info York ,! lioti ri* im> i I. *b »* Ii -i* iff t»r f»<• f* ■ * * •• it! i■ ‘ t ii - -’ ts» M» JO 11 wi?b i bijpf u »ms m«|,'in flu !pp. hut id oof ••rioii ly hfir*, urn >r\kiM. y min , M S lilllt dl|l I CliK AGtl, May k. Robert Wilkin* | 12,'1s a riot when it runic* to utakiltg \m * ) I *- .* i 11 mim art it i \ « m juh • nmffiF froiu wfibin the WiUmj liom* '■*2 l’h IJO l *•». ’ y < .ill ft-! jilt* * .1 Tiiilo«*«| of potiMtr tli«ry f J’llKi in** m r*-iitn< wer«* tnui«d by Hoißft » vi’Uiijs; aC whom be wan makiur ENTERTAIN FOR A l H INC PEOPLE 4 $ I’tcsln it-i iin flint cti Sc-slim Moii'ii >s 17 I'or k ittc Church Allcndfincc * .jeveiilcen ot the ynuiig mem Iters nt Ihc Fir at I’resbyfeilan church who r .. . '•have averted ev»inl.y_ perceiiF i Inirch i(lend*m e during "18-X were hnnored : I a diom ' at III*- Hotel tinbi-hoio la. t. evening The following members of Ho* :ec: i a, ipd jv* hoalk Rev I der ’ Mclntyre the ps»lor; Hr W H. ffuiMli', A G Ks tin wood, M. V fJrr, H, A Itom-v. W A Dees. un*l D M I la Nidiom', elder:'. Tli* i'll! -I Were |Ji-ir:< l l rilicdi llihml I htomr Hizzeß, florden M u lirl I-dli-ertoil. Mary K Hail, horn. " I -cilia Hail horn Rachel Ho«e, Hu a" l*’o 1 Him utiib tor. Maice/lu I’* I i-li.m b-q k:dg* rlmi. ,h»- Rose and Mi rlc Roa* Invited giiq l illiavoid dih <r> mt wi re Mi *>c. tai* v l,eroy md Mr Vrr* tt« .!. dim | <*rrn «nd H Hrrtshorn, Jr , The * don took held the banquet • . I- t ne*,in, I "I IpprtKlstlon tor :lie allenduHre ,re* otd of the young •* -plro tn In ,*>f pee* he r til" rn-ln to r of Uip session rongralutated Ihelr Vonnc rop' d on (heir record Kurt rendered a nuinhwr of ' V'l *1 da t >(*• ' p|c* ea on Hi* a. <<M *’ in and the male qiiarfetl of Hi» Yi'Hm h roh*r< d Hapil i chur* h rang •everal dplrlliialr, O', ■«, - IMItU M \ |(()f IS If I 111 I‘HILAID I f’lH \, M f \p) if! D» M thuifv, I*,*pal it ii ft t r us ffji* birpßifnil IriytiMiH. Jr>f Mm f i biiM h i»i Afiu flc i ml pb’l iiMbf ( »pi t. ft!*•• f lu t i f» Goldsboro Hospital Is To Keep National Hospital Day ae Ms \ Mir I. »m 'i|(»'f!ri»< <fi fh* t fu»M» |mk.|illl. \> I < d y 4fl I • if*'* * I pi in t**i ~**'* 'b r. mo j ihftptl ID* pM si I iff, ho pt*i#l | A lovtftjr f lip 4iM H*: • w vrr|* rl Io tb- l*n» p't-‘M ph• '•'Ttfr ir*nf*-Mf | f tfrf * 1 ‘ (»,'•' «f'if Mm j *» i t v \ir Mr V fftgh-’ifi »iin’itiiu | op* vt bon * mjll H« t **pf fr*»ni if 1 Or * m Ibf ,iiu i n Mi* I•! i» hu inl wifi l»* * rx»<f **»ol <tnu Mrun *f«irii»£ Mu ID v <» * on* jiikl IM V. If Cphb w U **» I * 1 Hri* f * *!U . , *f • » u Mn r tfift whi li of Hn Ml flu* I ifv ty I j M tjU- 1< for I lie* *h * * «*.»ii aa Ml Im- (im iiD'ihwf b *b** I* iim| n( tho o»bt foi I 'Wh : tioinc i Hoh|»dhl d;*v wh ofi-t illv obi^rvul « i * the tdt) i iontitntl* n htat year and . He wien ■ , well- a '*'iul<it iiy mail) of Hie citizen*, Mrs. Vaughan, speak ng for the horjiital uiaiiagemeut, said Lakehurst Hangar To Be Starting Point Os Epochal Air. Attempt I louse wives May Buy Only Farts of |*l»wl WAHHINHTON. May 8 <At*) |i itiay tie possible in the near fu lure, the departiiieni <»f agriculture pays, for the housewife to buy on |y l\|e thighs, legs or breast } of -tressed towta New York and Fhtciigo.ronsiim ork now buy poultry drawn, with the feet and head off This poultry th«r* by .avmg . traiiaportatiou CMt* SAIILSTON LADY DIIIS AT HOME Funeral From Wood's Grove Church al 2: UI This Aflernoon Mr*. Jackie 0 I.ewle, 21. died at the home of her parent*, Mr. and Mr* f*. O. Taylor tn Sanlaton township aJ g o’clock yesterday morning Death resulted from an . affect ton of the .'■ro.'il which rallied in .enlargement of he gland Mr* la-wls had tieen 0 111 for xnmi'ltu>e Rev t* A l| kson of Hie Ftee ' ill Itupllsl < huri h w II rmqliict tun cral from the Wood's Grove church •) 3 .30 this afternoon anil Interment will be made in the family plot near by * Hfra liewla, l» Survived hv her par (it . several' children, brothers and s’.iters. CHARGE JUDGE WITH SLAYING ilamillon Slu»l Younjf Man Who Chrip ot He veal M.it rwißc lo Jiiiftie'H Ihtuifhler AMR 11,1*0'. Texas 'May 8 {AID « R It Dam I Ron former iudga of the Vn«B iiupreme t’ourt of Appeal*, who •mot hl» aon In law Tom Watton. Jr, ‘2l to death here Saturday was In rt'eted for murder by- the Porter -roun ty grand Jury late totlay x <,« Walton wan klllrd after, he entered 'lamlltona office presumably so re • •il al h mol hers Inslaom tils se ct et marriage to TTfeiet*a Hamilton. 13 year old daughter of the alayer, The hoy and girl *<>te married February tn while both were student* at Tex i I nlyer *li ? Hamilton wii srrc-.fed early lo'nlght in hi offii** and wa placed In tall al oro ** liiiirtct Attorney F,dward VV Th-inipcoo iiiiioiin* * d the stale would c* i,(and the cane wa* nol bailable lib.it .li* h "p- d liun*l<f*l would i all , 'inday itierno*.*! •( i,, i,.,i*t- hi.ro n* pit*t -.he d*^ I c!,,r*'*l '"I lhr ho,-pit tl **t the *tty, ; * **t w<* v. ant tl to )»»- very *to *• to tho heart* of the people We want *!»•' if* *)fib I" kim . lie* ill, we I ; t.'ii* in to hemme familiar wiili tin . - orkhi:o-i .-.nil i*i know tn t hand the j w ’uk i tint I i dn’tlg "A,! for the lovjng cup to he pie ' .nli-d H will , i to the lon percent j phv* i* ,illy pci lei I hahy b op .at th*- i*o, pit *l I ifVli 'MI; Il lit I ''Ursi ill ;'■ v* iy |* *r• nl, ever- child I 10 ) per - cent (i* rl 1 1 mid more, and *•» wi.ih till ii *ii(i fir give to every - ”unrß I ht.ru din mg; the year But w* cun’t ’ do that .*<• «‘e are giving the cup to f.b*■ one heatic I perfect pIIVRM ally. 1 ' Not the lea.t atlracilv* display In If.* Hospital 1 lav ohvrv.uuc will lie lithe Infant-* born at the institution ’ *’ n Ing the paaf year who wIH he given a seat of honor where all may marvel 11 at them. 1 _ _ A*. * . w. Aw --4 k. ■ * saw *A*Jlfl4. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS ». ■■ - , I’uNlnlficr IhpHrlment AdvM of Plano in Diplomatic Di»- patrken FLIGHT TO AMERICA TO BE MADE MAY FIFTEEN Flight Hound World by San Ditto, Japan and Bark to . America , "WASHINGTON, MayS-tAPI ITuf imalnfflne department »u ad vlsed today by American diploma tic officer* In Germany (Hat plana arc being made (or the grat sep pelin affahlp lo mike a round the world trip starting and ending at l,akrharat, N J " „ ’ A trip frnin Germany to,.lda U. H and back la due to start May 16. after which the poatofflca da part ment waa advised the airship would return' to tbla country to * atari circling the glnba Kmm latkehurai Iha 7,epplln la expected so atari acroaa tha continent to Ban Diego where (here are lianaar fecllttles In eaaa they are needed and these* to China and Japan via tha Halwi tan Islands. ’ —» MJCHAELSOIVS CASE TO JURY ( nnuM-NMitian Acnanod of Brtaf l-K Whinkey toAJ.SLFw* I,KV WKHT. ria. Majr care of Vongresantan Alfred M- Mtek kelnon of lbe Ah iTtiihtta district, roamed with xmaggling liquor into this • ouutry (mm Cuba, weal to tha j»lry it ft Ml tonight Th Jury which had listened' to a man cl •> lepc alnc* tha trial Ml• gnu yifdeiday retired Immediately al ter Judge HUter, aha presWUi over the trial d itvared a abort chi’if Arguments were limited to 41 min ute* lor both sides. COMPLETE HALL AT SCOUT CAMP Tunraran Council WIO BH*f Seoul leader Here for Dai icetory Exercises •* The permanent eanap of Tascorora Council became a reality yesterday afternoon with the oomplsttoa of tha assembly end mesa hall 00 tho * acre site in Indian Bpringa towaahlp. 17 families eoutheaet at the city. The camp will serve the 450 Scouts la Wayne and Johnston county and will In- opened for the season on July 1 It will continued throughout the summer. The hall VWcb wes completed yet terday It 30 by 34 feet In addition there Is “a kitchen It by tl feet and pantry fur (»od storage t by 4 feet Dining apace for aevenly la provided - Tho half tittle road connecting tha >mil camp (with the Seven Springe Mi olive highway was also completed * e iterday with the exception of a mall fill at one point. Hoad signs ere now being made and next weak . Ml b» pla< ed from Goldsboro to tha ' imp at convenient distances that cltl *:n, may easily find the spot Work v,f .inking an artesian wall was started yesterday and Is axpect < d to lx- completed ||i the next three itsvj*. for'traction of the dam which will provide the swimming, lake will lie started early noxi week Equipment previously need at the « imp at the Ml frtlv* country club <apip. will he moved to the Indian Mpringa bite today When the camp has been placed tn i rial readiness for tha tumour tha Tuscaror* < ouncll of Boy Scouts plan* to hold suitable dedicatory axar 'dsea to which people of Goldaboro and the county will be Invited. At tempt* will l>« made lo bring some t.pum of national prominence la Boy Scnqt work to the county to make tha dedicatory address. There waa a pOe viblllty that Stanley Harris, one as the national directors of the ograalaallMy will be the speaker,

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