WEATHER Pair aad slowly rklag temperalare Mlifday probably shower* VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 6^ PORTER RESOLUTION CREATES STIR AT CONVENTION Kentucky Baptists Ask That Women Be Denied Right Speak in Public I>r. Poter Claims Scriptural Authority Prevenlrt Wom en Speaking in Church DR. TRIIETT REELECTED PRESIDENT CONV ENTION Resolution From Kentucky An nociation is Referred to Committee MKMPIIIR. Term.. Mar !* <API-r The century old dispute concerning woman's right to *penk In public bollix'd up today at th»• opening ***- iilon of ihi> Southern Baptist t'nnven tit n. displacing (of the moment dis cussing of conflicting proposals for li*f.rgnnlxalinn. Dr. George W. Truelf. of Dallas, ’’’exas. who wan, re-elected president •or hi* third time, shunted tin* femt nitii> Issue to the side after T)r. J W. Porter of l<exliigton Ky . editor of the American Ttnptl<il, Introduced a me mi’rlAl from the general association . f Kentucky Baptists, protesting on Krrlplnrnl ground* again*' ttie con vention hearing Mr* W J. Vox of Memphis. president of the Woman’* \llH*|nhnfy Union She hn* been ask ed to apeak Saturday. ’ We go right again*! the *rrlplture* II we allow a woman to speak before thl* convention.” Dr. Porter ««l<l “We t'reak a precedent of H.nho year*." th" i'mtncll was crowded with women a* »l*itor* wa* accredited messengers and the murmur* that met hi* re mark* caused Dr Porter to pnu*e. Dr. Pruett Stepped forwngd and With a tiarig of lit*-gavel said tlie me morial should go to the reHttlullon* c</ A hearty chorus of “toe/' greeted 111* suggestion' and the <ll*-. eicslon ended A statement from the t’nnventlon publicity; bureau said "the memorial c .voiild doubtless ti’r* been ruled out 1 ad It not gone to the resolutions com nilttee." It c ted a convention rule which specifies that 'WonI, n are Members of the jgnnventiou/vllh all rights an<l prlyllpg<“* v *il~-ad' , intier*hlp . . . nnd t-he word ’•brethern wherever It occur* In the cnnx'ltutioti I hereby Interpret<*<l a* referring to brethren “and sisters" For president of the rinivrmia* l> Trnett wa* nominated bv T f'ody. of (treea ytlle S. C.. who descrPusl il.e Dallas minister., as "the !><• t be aiited man tn the <muth.” Vice president* were chosen il* fol low*: Dr tv A Hewitt. Jackson, MU*. J r Hardy, Helton, Texas: M. P. l.ove HnMle*huiKh. MU*, and Dr. C Reeve*, Hut Springs Ark. High C. M<*»re of Nashville, nnd .1 H. Burnett, of Macon. On., were re jected secretaries I (11.1.1’D8 YOI Til MIOI TO Ml ITII BRISTOI.. Va , May ') - (API Km erv and Henry Coll'ge student Imhlv at a mn*s meeting today appointed a icmmlttee to draft a resolution pe titioning Gnv. Horry F. Hvrd to order * special Investigation of the death Iroin gunshot wound < of .1 W. Kend rick. 17. Emory and Henry freshtnaif, whose death occurred Tuesday nlaljt *i oin wound* sustained Monday' mld rlghl when the car Hi which he »a* rbiltig was flretl on by James Mcßey n<dds; Ahlngd<m poll< email, and Depu ty Sheriff J H. Worley and James I rowe of Washington county. The "Hirer* said they fired it the tires «,f the machine. The petition wa* to he forwilded to Governor Byrd h> mall t night. MICIIAELSON NOT GUILTY Chicago Ctjal Dealer A«ress Thill Wet Goods Uclonued to Him KEY WEST Fla . Mai . Vt’l ’’ alter Draft,lit. I’hlrami oil dealer »< rmed ’'the fall am l>v r>u cl nun ijt ulioriievs In summing up the <a -e ngniiisf t’ongrisOna't M \lfr«-«l Midi nelson of lllllini* liklji W ;»s crn le<l <oi a T’lstera 1 waira I dinging vio lation op the tariff hc* of 1 1 ' 2 \fi. Tiv.-min wloi v<■ f. dav te-iilicd !:>' the trial' of (.’cn- r. iiia'f M rhH"l t:«h that .the trunk In which gov ernment agents charged line lound Intoxicants were i)tn»* w»* r<dca*c»i on ir.uoo hood Jdißihael'jon «»j loun % But guilty. _ _ •4 THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY. SEVERAL CASES j IN CITY COURT Eiffhl Defendants Fare Mayor Hill in Mid-Week Session - of Court l.uther It Pate, 17-year-old white youth of the Kdmuiidson Hill section < f the city, who was Already In the county Jatl awaiting trial on two oili er charges of housebreaking and laij ceny, was arraigned nga|n before Mav cy • r Hill In |Millce rourt here yester day morning, charged with the break ing ami entering of the Goh,l*hi,r,A high school athletic hulldng nn<l remov li g a quantity of athletic equipment. Pate was arraigned for trial on the In’est charge on evi dence secured h.v .plainclothes officer Think" Rhode* Several baseball clove* and mitts were found uu<lce*tlie home of Pale'* Mater-In-law and the girl te*t'fled In nrt yesterday thntty.utlifr had told her while he wa* In Jail to get the Siaaehall apparatus out, from under her house. She told officer* that *he had already sold one of the glove* to a white hoy named Fred Boyette, for fifteen cent*. The high school building wa* en ured last Friday night, the »arne night rn which *on>e pieces of machinery vere stolen from tile countv convict <Aitup storage honar' ~ Entrance Into the lilgli school was gained by cut ling through wire acre*'p* over the hnaement windows, Joe Parker Jr. high school student, testified m the But that women! the equiplment found , under 1 *<•;<rl Pate’- h,,us<>s>had bee i • tolm from” the school athletic equip n-ent storage room. Other cases tried In police <'<mrt yerterdav morning are a* follows: Karl Sampson, negro, charged with r**ault, was to |>ay th<' costs at <1 the doctor’s hill for the prose lilting witness. /eli Wooten, negro charged with as uilt wllli a- deiidtv wen|wm, wa* lound over to coiigtv <Ourt under find bond. In the rase against Kildle Perkins ami Jmne* Forilfiaiji. negriw*. charg 1 ed with being dlxoidtirlv, Fordham was found guilty and flneil $5 ami the <-'i*t* A <a*e against Perkin*, In /hit'll lie wd> < chargeil with operating no ailtoinohfle whll<‘ iiiulcr ih<- Influ enre of whiskey, was *-tnitliiii.-<l until next Monday. Paul 'Johnson and Sallle Harries, i egroes, were finest $. r i and the i-n*!* Mill for being disorderly. YOUNG TEDDY MAY GET JOB Hoover Expected to Name T. R. 4q.. (iovemor of I'orlo ip w Rico ' WAHH JNGTON, Mil* *!< < AIM Kcsldenyl 'o(iniil**loner Davila of I'or tc Rica announced today Dial he had I <cn Informed at the While House that President Hoover was conslder li.g appointing i HI. Th p <Mlor<‘ Itoo-c yr't, Jr. a* governor of I'orlo Rica <le*ire<l to leurn whether the up '.Mrnmerrr WTmtd be acceprahle to people of I'orlo Rica / G olds bo ro-Faye tteville Highway Move Endorsed The Wayne Cminiy Ifrytiwiv Coo., mission will enilor*e the moveii i-ni for l|,e ion I til tiat I* >u of lilgliwiiy immher |O2 from the Wayne county line in "nyettevine. The News learned >e .tcrilny. A delegation of the huslne' . Men of FVyettevllle had confeir**! w.lh Vnyne highway official* relative to ■ lie matter Wednesday afternoon While the Wilvm loiiniy, group wuntil llk< to set tin* route i-o'if nited ih.'v will not *xert their Influence to llie extent of gothg.lfl ItaleigJi to n J»- I nr tietorc the Shit, lll.'lfway Com trisslnn 111 arginnenl* ted*,re the cl,m-1 mission. It was said The Wav tie of idf'ilals culisufered Hint (lie best high 1 way intei'gsio of the county could be* CLUR RALLY AT MEMORIAL BUILDING r. ,; ¥s*- . Ph k WMuii’w g m /mw' < Ah'- 'MB' The above pictures show sevenil hundred 4-H clgb Inn* amt girl* of Wayne county gathered recently at the Memorial Conimunlu Uulldiiig loMe f• ir their second annua' a. hi menu day 100 Juniors Hear Address 4. ft State Coimeilor Sorrell One hundrerl local mul neighboring Junior* ' heard Honorable D. W, is< rri'll of Durham. Biaie Council'll" "of North Curotlna. last night a* he lirniight In a uig*t forceful manner mi address 111 which In- lined u basis lot hi* llk nigh Ik the cardinal principle* of the older which hi heads. Hcyer*ud \\. \. Mi-Ha*' of South-- purl Connell hut now, pastor of Si. Paul Methodist eburcl* his city rend the scripture les*on nnd offered the prayer. After tin* husluc** of the huslne,.* of the Council wji* trana acted the Councilor called on B. t , Nl*ke. of Uur-aw who is <H*trli! ile puty of tlii* dlslrUl to Ininslui e th- SI Me Councilor Mr. Sorrc. 1 ; was loud In hi* praise MILLER TRIAL . IS UNDER WAY j:■ o ■ r » r lUirn-. o *> Nenro Attorney Socks Set Aside First lYesjree ( laim of * «f State „ WINDSOR. N C. Al.ji v•< t/l*i Di* n l*«uil of first degree murder ell.Cri:"* against Percy ’ FiArt*” Miller w;i« sought In a motion by defense cotsll »c| al the conclusion today of atnty'* evidence again -t tin ro kio who i on trial fur the > mill * • I killing of i li • f .if police Pale White. ' The coiiri had the motion under cOiiKiderat loti - tonight and a d*'■isiiyii tomorrow morning w.c atiliclpufed. Phillip* K.*< offers of Durham, negro member of the defense <mm >el aigu ed tiKlay* tkuil *uffl< lent evld< n<'<‘, us I i nieilltallon and ileliherilrltou tint t ecu offered. - State wllne- <■. testified t'«la\ itiat 'filler had threatened to kill anyone who attempted to arrest him anil had j oeclflnd v\ti.te In particular as the ohjei.t of hi* threat*. . The negio shot Chief White when the officer oAtemitted to take tilpi to :ill alter .1 I .till till .! -;,C" t<tinc • ime served hy not taking an active part In t app ■ ’tie « , <.iitin>l.iU‘ natubsu I'c io Fa■ ■ li is expei teit, how*v r. that a re-o Jliotl sell In V forth tile endor *■> merit , ' the route hy the Way,,,’ Connnts sins will I,** Kil opted and forwarded to tic Fa .’etfev lit oflirlat \f* i i h ' Hi > d-h* I*. *M' 1 W C ■ip 'if , ,",n,':V ~'l-4 ■«i«iii' 1 i. 4 ‘'ii“ * lor Sen •i ! i f I 111 ),, " je. ' 1,0". '' M dampson iituhway officials «« th« I i nie, led route would pa - Hr. ofi. ti j ; iMpsou. What game this confer j, im ,* eotiiil not b** learned > * *!i r*l ,*. Il was the intention of the Cumber (CooUoued ua page 4j GOLDSBORO, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING MAY It). 1929 /it the reception adtlch hud Ih'cii a< i unled liiin lid* year a* he had true eled Iritti the city on ilie Pasquotank to Murphy tn the exticttn- westerly part of the state. » Virtue, l iberty, nnd Patriotism Hie cardinal of the order fur*' Pished Mr Sorrell with food for the gientanl me*HHge on Juninrtsm ever beat i m OaMMK Virtue makyw fai men charncter and glvi'M one tliut w til, li enable* him to slum) for the right,” said the Mpeaker l out Inning Mr, Si.rrell said ’ ‘t.hat vflllch,eualdi'* .1 man In work lit* own salvation Is-liberty pure and simple." (Jim.line w lint the Intii Wllltnm .leu ulng* „ Hr.vnn called palrlotlstn the ,*peaker said that ‘‘Patriotism I* one’s (< onCnaed mi page 41 CONTRACT ROAD ARRIVES Stale \N ill \t Djift* Assume Muinteiiunce of Goldsboro- Fink Hill Highway 4 fouiihclH nmlct —ahb'li -rtwr min Highway ( i)inn, M*lon will tak, •he Pink Mill k,.,1 ha i to cn revolved ihere and wit! te ime ed mul returned t/i Raleigh In the ii v. ’*w dav*. , Under t hose mint raft * the Klute will .I oner enter upon llie malnlen.ini • o the hlgtiwiiv from finld*t>oro to I’tok 1191. With llw contrail.* *ti:n ,l „ed thi -tale having n*mimed inalnleuanie of the rout 1 I lie *econd *iep inward re al'.xaflon of n paved high w'ai 'from ts i ,ty o fn I'ink Hid w 111 )>e t •- <y lection by. tin si at < engineer, oi the ro'de wtiicli llm highway *dl follow rom Broadhurston I lie state ,ii I'illeer* Illtd |l|.'\iml*|l ,I'Jeeled (lie ronte from Goldsboro to llrisidhur*' J,i lige <if*l 1 1 • .cein.: v li.of y i ;e: '.'l ill i onsi rtui ted an exeelb nt top *oil road, Th* niattor of s- I, ling ill* route from "Br'nnlht,r*l I: >le* lo I ilt k II U Wl'.l h> “'(l'Ue|» ill 111* h,ll. l o' the Slut* <ontml**ion. r Ahaounc neat from Raleigh kirsj id Y ■■ i•, -1,. '" W! i , J II ill I o.l*l | ■ i about i ddh ol 1 • , d i o'rk wa* , ’ o o' SPANISH FLIERS | REACH MA\ALG\ Trans-f b*eaniyc llirdmen \A ill IT> loci.iv lo Havana, ( til,a. I hcnce to’ l . S. MV' AMC \ V ' M.i :< Vl'/ 'i l.i Kpaitl*h aviator* Cap, Igu.n n, J i: mm / and C, am i ~'<, |gl, t.< -, tams at ‘J j*. tn i ' II jr, •> I 1 ■ I , ,i, Siafid,/i d i ini* Th* y l*n. K'.ok *• l • lit I’,,nam.,, tn Mni -n., , 01-.iiisii puilie Je ole del Frail Pmter al dr, I tHt* imonlnt: From lu re they are tol fi> to Wavaoa, Cuba. _ t •fi*. DIM) FORI) TO HIGHER COURT Herbert Aurk. Loenl White Man. Prevented Effort lo Enler Ills Home n Wilbur I „nl, Little Washington m* '■«. will) Was allot ill tin- |Hp with a ■ - rule hy Herbert York, local whllir man, a* she negro was prowling un der York's window VYednoaday night inuut 12 o'clock, wa* bound over to HuperUir court under fjtnt bund on ■ luirgfM of housebreaking ami larceny ■H a hearing luifore Mayor Jack HU) hi Police < mirt here yesterday morn ing. According to York'* testimony, he ami ollyer members of Him family had I curd someone attempting to hreas ni,, t,i -* house mi .several occasion* I'liijiig til pgHt few weeks. On Tuea- I day night gome people living upstair* d 111 .11,1 Komeiute Hying 111 get In. .iuU-on coining dowastgira to In vest I .'.ili-. found a window In the kit iin n rat .ed That same login York •i.d a neighbor had hi-cii someone l‘»,.w ling a,onud the lnTilie next ifodr, ,ml hud rhMKcd him away, YVadnes *■> night Vork amt one of hi* neigh ’"i *'. th Herring decided lo watt fur the prowler, and hid In the garage A bon I 12 o'clock they saw a man go li. one of Die rear windows and atart ’"•Mug It, hul Jti -1 then Mr Raynor, • Mother neighbor drove In hi* drive *»' and Hi. negro (linked down. It w ■ at this Hiio- that Vork fired. It,*' ' "all i alibi. Indict ilifl'cMnr u flesh wound In Ho* prowler* flip, tint not oisalillng I,lm -*ii lha! lie did not run away, , , About t o elm k. Fold's mother yip ’ a red it Hi*' polle*- la I in’ll mid told Dfflcer Ithixle* llmi her apn had been ■bol In ijiw i-iiluy and w lied Ijje lilfli .i- nirlveit at ii,,' l,oiis« *tie negro Id I lieu, he Yiad iiei u *hol wlille with •me oilier tun*. i,ver In Wetditown. ill* Inter admitted, however, tlipit lie "I J .1,1.111. U \ *ik'* 111 I'ln'ses sev 11 llin, , had taken some idol he* off l( , "i ■ in * Inn ami lllul In w.,* 11l Vork'* card when shot. f Wayne Man Has New Way To Make Cotton Crop Pay How to make a profit of $K more p* i litre mi cotton This mighi in Ho' title of a storey told v.-sierilay hy f'anility Agent A. K. nbertoott, Mr V S M olfe. pr<ipdnerii farm er of Smith * Chapel aerllon wi st of Mi Oiivi <aiit Mr. Robertson, "tried , dill, in nl | -I f.-i i ili/iiig pari ol Ins , oMoil crop to I‘‘2*, v\ dll decided Miccc*. ‘"Mr. Wolfe bad a fprtjr ntie field of cotton nil worked by u w|itte sli'u used , find ’ pirauds of nii k ,’t '! i oiitnu’icml 'fertilizer'll! ill* drill Is inte plaining bi t ci,non This was united am) chopped uJlkc Then life field w,t tlivitittl In I,ut'V,"n. one part t>*u>£ lop-Uceso/sJ with Job pound* of- Confederate Veterans Will Be Honored At Barbecue Here Today Kaskoh Returns to General /Motors Co. NKW YORK, May (At*) John D. Maskoh was called buck lodny to niombefihlp on the G«n erat Motor* Corporal lon l-lnance cnmmlttee. as chairman of which he made his reputation n* a finan | cler. ‘ i ftuskob retaluetl his position n* vice president and director of Gen eral Motors when he resigned hit chairmanship of the fliiaurn com mittee to become chairnisn of the Democratic ’National Committee Inst summer and today was elect ed a member of the finance -com* mil tee at a meeting of the hoard of directors. e BUILDING NOf 3 RE ADY FOR SHOW 0 * Work of Preparinx Durham Hon lory Mill Plant For Ex* ponitinn ('ompleted CmiMideralile progress has been made In preparing the Dhrhitm Hos iery Mill building here for the holding of the niuiuul Automobile ehow here (lie week of May 27. if was learuejf yesterday. The work of tearing out. partitions end removing the heavy ■u aeh I nary and hosiery equipment wa* begun Monday pwirnlng. and at noon yesterday; nil this work hud I,Wen practically completed. Nuamrous wooden pari it lons have been remov <•<l nnd hauled away, ami the,’ ma chinery removed from the main floor spur* on each of the three stories of the building and stored In roomjf that The floors were swept dean yes lorduy morning when u few local biiHlue** men gathered at the building to consult with Waller f. Denmgrs about floor a puce. The rain kept moat of the prospective exhibitors s'Way, hut a ranvaas waa tieing made yes leriley Bfternoon to help rush (he sale of the floor spa<'e. M itb the completion of the sale of avullalde floor splice In the building, practically everything will be In read iness for the lieglnulng of the deco ration work The Washington Deco ruling company, of Washington, D, C. has been awarded this contract, apd It is expected--that things will he in shape for the • decorators to begin work on the building within thr next few days. CHARGES METAL SCALE CH ANGED o , Democratic ('onxreNxman Say* Rt'lttilrlrrans Revised Tariff For Grundy o- “* * -V WASHINGTON, May !» (AF) -Re- I resentatlve Garner of Texas. Ihnno .•rntl<- leader, charged In the house 'isliiv that the metal schedule In the Tariff 1,111 l>eliig approved hy the Itepuliilcan members of the ways and jneans committee had.been changed :,t the demand*-of Joseph R. Grundy, president us the Pennsylvania Madii utiirers Association. OfHliiiri Nitrate of Sod.t onrly. The other half was top dressed similarly with an additional 100 pound* us Mu riate, of Potash per acre. This wis 'lor., the annie day on each'field anil after < hopping. After Hit* date the two fields were worked alike. “At picking time Mr. Wolfe had emli 21l acre field of cotton picked amt weighed separately. On the first w id, onF. ■ oil;, *u o'll .<* n top-dress <d the yield wu*. M'2 pound* per acre ol ci'd < oHcn, flisl and wccohd plcle. lug* lie fbe other plot of 2n acre*, "lo re ~<lo ,iid poi.< ,h wi re uaud ut <Cuuuuukd ua yaga 4j MEMBER 01 THE ASSOCUtn f PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS Only 12 Heroes of CaaM Now Surviving in Wayug County THOMAS RUFFIN CAMP TO HOLD MEETING AT lt:10 } United naughtarn of Coafad erucy To Stage Affair for Horans o' C —II >III ■■ Goldsboro's program of events Is recognition of North and Mouth Osro- ■» •'«"» Annual Mamorlsl Pay will gat under way hare thla morning at !#:!« o'clock when mem her a of tba Thomas Ruffin Camp of I'nltad Confederate Velaram gather In the American La plon room of the Wayna County Ms mortal Community Building for tltalr annual bualneaa meeting. Command or K. K Orlffln hak bean called out ' f town but Adjutant Z. O. Hollovall will h« on hand It waa not daflaltalr known yesterday whether or not Ray J M. Daniels chaplain, would ha able ' to hr here tor tha mest'ng. At the conclusion of tha hastaaaa meeting the Confederate Vetarsaa will ■ no arroaa to the court bouaa square where a barbecue dinner, with all tha rrlmUin’s, will be aerved hr the mam frra of the Thomas Ruffla Chapter of I'nltad Daughters of the Confederacy At 11:30 o’clock Tha followtpg com* mllteaa hare bean appointed by. Mrs- Lillian D. Wooten, president of tba Untied Daughter!, to arrange tbs dinner: Slaw. Mesdamea W. H- Smith, -Mam Eason. Spruill, ■ages* 'Hinas, Fred Parker and John Spteer. Ccrnbrspd Mesdamea I. J. Harrell. A. P Howell, Nathan O Berry, f K Bar den, A. H. Bdgarton and C. E. Wllklaa. cold drinks. Mesdamea Herbert Bta *•11, R. A. Smith, and Mlae See (Mi ller. Tables and chairs, Mesdamea W. 11. Barnes. L. M Mlchaui. J. 0. Ool "er and Mlaa Bessie Claytor. ' The Southern freight depot find ail banking Inalltntlona In tha city will be closed today In recognition of the one day in the year set apert for remam lurlng the slowly but ateadlly this i ng gray lines of confederate rater hiis In the two Cafollnaa. When lha meeting convenes at the Community Riddling Ibis morning tba following roll will bo called: Rufai Ham, Goldsboro; W. J. Merrlt, Moaat Olive; D, H Taylor, Kureba; Ben • aeey, Goldsboro, R. F. D.‘; T. i. Nor ris, Goldsboro; B- H, Tyson, Ptkn- Vlllc; Krastus Edwards Goldsboro; Hop Coor. Goldsboro, R. F. D.; R. B. Klks, Goldsboro, R. F. 0.; George Tsytor, Green leaf; H. It Honeycutt. Svven Springe; Ed Holmes, and Col. Joseph K. Robinson, who waa elected an honorary member at lha last meet ing. „ The Thomas Ruffin Camp Is new composed of the twelve above named members. three having dlsd since last Memorial Day. Those who have pass 'd on since the last meeting of the ( amp are as follows; Eraatus Smith, Bynum Cut relic and William Holmes. TWO CAPTURED IN STILL RAID Johnston County Man and Gur ney Evans lodged in Wayng County Jail I-esier Rridgere, Johnston county while man, and Gurney. Evans, who on John street In this city, were 1 edged In Wayne county Jail last night charged with having operated a still near the Johneton county line In Fork township yesterday. Information received at the office of Sheriff W. D Grant waa to the ef fect that the still warn In operation and .Deputy Sheriffs John Kornegay and Icarl Smith and special deputy Emmett Tarker answered the null. Figuring that If the plant operators attempted to a flee they would pass a certain point. Deputy Kornegay re mained with the car while Smith and Parker advanced on the plant. They returned In a trice to report that two white men had Just left the still. Smith and Parker had gone back to destroy the when two man nd*. vnneed from the wpoda. Deputy KOf r.egay told Mieni they were wanted 1 n« d played them under arrant. The men then confessed, officers said, that they hail Hcen at thy plant. * A forty .gallon still waa seised aa4 c.bout three barrels of bfOT fUITIHfc

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