WEATHER' rlendy Taew. aad Wai. Little I rt “** *■ tempera**re. VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 66 ALDERMEN REFUSE TO GRANT STATION PERMITS - ? * * ©■ EARLY VOTE ON SENA TE STRIKE RESOLUTION IS EXPECTED Authorize Commission so Study Zoning Need And to Employ Expert •« it . HerommendAtion.s of Committee Art Accepted a* I'rexented to Board * tfc * MOTION TO GRANT PERMITS FAILS OF PASSAGE 5 TO 3 Attorney Dortch Taken View That City At I’renent Han No ZozinK Law i ' „ Meeting In* called session la .1 eve fill Ihe board of aldermen declined to approve a motion to grant flltins v at lon permit* to Mrs. W 6 Tt Dortch, 10 Mrs. A r. Harhary arnl to Mrs ji, Blrsell. At the «aine time the -hoard approved the report of It* copr •nlttaf that.the city planning commta* Vbl< n be empowered to attiflv the soil ing question thoroughly and lo em ploy Such outside counsel hh It sees fit In zoning the city. The report of the coigmiiteo (lain er! at the tael aeaalon of the hoard waa read hy M E. Robinson, Itn chair mbit Wlille the reporl did not then I 101 l the name* tinted almvr It ;»c«iii mended that no |>emilti he granted sos filling station;. In the present re ' stricted zones It wai brought out that the applications pending are all for stations In Ilia reelrlrl'd ymif Alderman W Borden ('obh followed Mr. Roblnaon with a statement that he thought the pcrmltH should he a ranged lie followed lilh i i ilcnienl with a motion that the permit* be granted Alderman Ittaartt ,»ec«ndrd I lie motion Hugh Dortch, local attorney npre ■ruling lilx mother In the appllcatioi fer a atatlon aha had made, arose with a statement that ill" illy did not have a zoning ordinance al present iffy contention won that the law now on the cl|*y's books had not been paxHod )• gaily and hence waa non effective, lie declared that the law could nol bgally-diave heen'paaaed without pub iirhed advertis'-meiil of the lufsntlor ’o lake up the malt' I fifteen < pi lor to Ihe time the vote was taken lie declared that the present ordin ance had been passed without aucli notice. He told the hoard that r" cent action In rescinding a vote to abolish the ordinance way taken upon advice that Ihe vote had legally given The name held true with reference lo lh" panning of Che taw, he declared f> * Alderman l»nac.»’ nronn, to explain fhal thl? had alibi- been hi- Under •landing and that it acetnmted for hla • id Mr Fobh. Alderman Ilohln -Arr called for Hie question on Mr Cob hi. motion and In a "aye" and "nay" vote allowed five voting nl&InKl she motion, three foj it and one absent Thrtse voting against ihe motion were Water* Bor den, Smith, Brtdiprn, and Rohtuaon ’i hone voting for the motion were Cobb, Isaacs. and Cole f\ Ibucv wa aliient. . A motion followed |f> adopt the ton ing cominltlee'a rejeij-t end lhl:> *m caitfled without a record vote. ' Wiy Hi" action taken la ntrht 11 Cloning oidinaiu adopted in I irmalna In effect li w a under .tood ihat In 'the new study of-the ion Inc o cent Inn authorised th-* matt* i *if te atrlded Ulktrliie will nol !>•• confined lo filling slat till a alone hut lo a study! ... If rs all phase* of 'he illy* gcljvltlf* No announoemetij wua made a* to whether or not the xervli-ea of. axon ing expel I would he employed. as I* outhorlxed uudei the report hut It wan understood that till* would he done. Citizen* of Ilellvtrw and o#k Height* presented a pelltiou asking the board to aid them In preventing a coal and wood yard In their dis trict The hoard llaiened attentive ly to the matter a** |»r • ni t»v Mr. Mine* and other* id the section and naked that the city attorney, ■ in man ager, citizen* of the section anil Henry Move, wlyi Jig* startl’d putting it. the coal and wood yard, toufer on Rif ja*PO*ltlyg, _ | THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. lieslie Yelverton Is Not Trying (Infix Will The News was In error Sunday when It listed la's lie Yelverton «* being one of seeking to break 1 * Ihe will of I tip sale VV T. Y-lver lou. Nol only is Mr. Yelverton not alU'inpllog lo break the will Intt he •i I* one (>f I hone supporting 11. Seeking tq break the will are Har riaon and Kd Yelverton. The ac tion. Involving an estate of aljotil 1176 009, la Ihe first scheduled for trial on the calendar of Wayne County Superior Court beginning June .1 TfO ACTIONS RROUGIIT MON Suiln Involve Sums til *$11,600; One (irown mil of Ault* Acririt'itl j t~ ——* - r. Two. sells were filed ycalciday In the office of clerk of court ot Wayne county G M Whitfield ;.<*eks Jlu .■bio duiuagca from W. H llrown tyii'l M. Upchprgl* "f Johnston county. allMging permanent injnrloa In’ -mi an li iiinblle in i ldcnl and W. T. Hawlflgh began action agalU- I l»*'"l* A Keel, p*lnctpSl., and William GurTev, John F Km til* spill,. G. Taylor, Hurejlev. f.,r $ I ill* I fill wtl t* lulei es* I rotfil Ml"’ 41, 192*. 0 M* W'hjifleld In hi comi'l.iinl al leges that, negligence and earn If sue" . *•• Brown iin OHIO TRU I H As I IIHATS f’I.KVKI.AND. Mav l.t (Al l Kix* Hen persons were killed and 11 were .cJured, 12 seriously, In Ohio traffic accidents ovdr Ihe w< eg c.lnl Five Were *ic,ni .md rout of the 17 ipj tired were fn critics I condition today a officials npetied an Investigation Hit•• lie collision of Cleveland Detroit Ini l ear Toledo early Sunday morniiig i» Hundreds Present For First Os Music Week Attractions Bundled', of perqde applauded “Tfic I, psy FanlH||y'*, presented hy 110 tlilldren of Ihe William sti *•<•*-e< Into! al Ihe WtllliMii si reel Aiiddorlum lasi n'ghi The dellghltiflly precnied op eretla opened th'' annual ol*-< i vaFic.- if music week In Ihe Goldsboro ■ presented, together with » group of rongs. The program for the plas Is a follows •« I a-l ni I haracters and N»iig» j jhons When the Moon !« Bright and Sttfi Fairy Voices li'rVckc! (ieorge lhoiup»on Kabhll -Hus Sllger- • d» : M«y Be Appointed o i* * H . u p i .j f Wk* ■ . JjjgP Among the prominent' lawyer* who may be pukniigterct on Mr, Hoover's lot the exhaustive studyyOf law enforcement, George W. Wick ersham, of New York, is con sidered a very likely choice. KIWANIS-HEARS A. J. MAXWKLI. ' - ■ -4 Kevrntie ('pmntiwHmer IHwciihn cs Taxation IkTorr laical I'lub A I Maiwell. Stale Reviiiui* C»»i ittbalotjer, aijdrc i-ed the members :!«■ local Wlwunts duh al the rei'ii tar weekly meeting here last eve nlng Tim attendance prize wa won hy (,eorge-,K Krr-emao Crank Taylor wa . In charge of. ike meeting, whteti wa., well alteud*h i: flohlM on *• Silent IrraeilH were furni b* Over soil einploye.i ot the New r.nit 'and Houlhern Mauutactnrlng Com pany, working in cotton mill nuinlM'i t al I’elzer, w.tlkcil out on -iriklK thl Morning In prof«‘xl ■“aga'nsl ihe di charge til ,-in ein|ito>< lor ihlillnc fund, fn Hi* mill to n*l Ml ; ns“‘-'.<\' plojre j of the ilraiidoii Col porwl h*«r liei e WII 1.1 1 M \ VfIM Ml ill lIRfdIKI INK, 'la , May I ; i \t'l ! Willratd A % owe. 7ft, ' president of ■ i * I - 1 ** - t■* * > ".'i , known as "the "De an of Plano Mtk •er 'ln m.iiitlfa* I ill mg * ircl* • d* i"d , • -Vprnoii tint-* Tom f'liiMn ii looking i’i' \\ iih ! »■ Mi4< i Kalrlci Hi tinh * A Dryarl Mar) I/ivlm Swell. • b:fln * Mu i ■ r S»'*ll. / ’ Sour DulrHs All. Song Tlo* My.'tic Nu in lx* r Ail, bailee- A till Holme* tuu| —Hunt i tra*—All.. pin *1 ab *iM lb* aiidMiirinni that 111* \.n <>u . ila * may *l t*n-*.*tbi r. Hep inn in:* iiatai and font nHln>- 111 (hi* next bl or t> I me of The New will I** printed lh*' ri lin' ol I*t ■ti P In**'! ■ i .nl ii ti*'. by *Ui •• Trie i nn" it*' llpply*"* t|('>iven •, Cart T.*v lor. Pa*He I lieu, Wlxglnk , Ivor Wllklnsuli. Sara Yelverton, f Valedictorian ': (ami e W'nh rs, liar l.e Forehand. waynj; ne<;ro GETS PARDON Cramncr nnd SoMrUor Wilfinnlg lUcommended Ck* ’ money for Son berry The New* Itnrena Sir Walter lintel Hy d. H lil N> UUN HAI KICIi. M v 1.1. After .ervtng more than a yar of a two year mti tetice on the county road ; tor. havlni'. in hit poiiaesaton Iwo-thlrd of a ptm of whiskey, fohn Baa ng* r whlti ow i <*■' of Davldaon county. ■>- « i •nl"*l a C.'role t.stay hv Covernol l.iidtoi, oi lecommeudatlwi of ,Indue N A Ttiwn and, i-xei littve xoun el, l»a 'it on ie< omriiendatlnn * fropi til" Irial Judge Judge Cameron F M< I’ae and protn* l(ient dtlle'iir. and official of l liouia , v I He Haslnger in parole*l tinder Die up-r - fin of. .1 *Y t■ *i *l, . j 111 *• j ifi' n (.'lit of pilblu 'a el la lj/ "I David 'll e.ilinty ll* Inn ' urdo*t pi l ain r* * **l'l Klherl Hay and Krue I Klori*n • uing ’white men of \\ at *> ciouilv. *re giv* n pamli*. a > fl*'i ei *n, tw . yearn of three lo five year teridj-th y'fate'n I'rt on tor burnlm r an until i tvihtird house. Their conviction, ifi ■0 May. 11*27. wa - the ro uH of drupptrtt; flighted mall hr wlttl* . rii**k in an t while drunk whic h r r .uI i• •;i anted a parole today upon recom nietifhillon of Jttilge t. It, t iammi-i :nd Solifjtoi ( law *iu I, William and also In consideration of sign- of re formal inti and a good prtaon record Bronx Zcmi Os filial Dies of Snake Bile * NKY, YollK . Mg> l i IAJ- c*i..r ! I** K Snyder, lead ke pi r of tic j ntnmmils ud rep'.h"* In *ha 'few 'ii- rk Z i th’K'cal (iarden a."*'', on, of j! • I be t kpowu repltliun acten'i 's hi 'lt* | worl died today in.the •; iit .i,i;q i. j ' h hospital at Suffarn. N. 1 , i. * t .Jliv etlecu of a riUlviu*) • tuj, Mrs. Tunney Strickei -TaLr ■ k;,. ! y(W As' s i9y *■ '■ |HL . ■C Ml I 1 Irr honeyitiooii ol Gene Tti'iiicv md lit* heire** lwttlan \\ T• v |«»r *lll h*- ti th** jm» 'h* rliik* hnij if ,tn*f Bhttiff W 1# r*i*l Arnold SinlMi %ill llt I < • *», hn *.*|» 1 fh* Mi/ lirirk . 11on • ' I uni goifii* into lh* l tuh.ict o IjiFti iiffKjA,” Mr. told Thn N>ws. "with th»» it(p;i of ttoUfftboro nul fc*harro market. I uni not Kninx d(o 4|ip for a ypar, hut I i teml to uiMk** 1 l; my life* m-ork anti , Uif houM- a ill to* < omjucteifi l.ue. 1 shall do iverythlug ju my ■ -V *’ £g 'M * Simmons Is Favorable If Whole Os Textile % Field Is Investigated Stephenson To Be Speaker at Dinner Hilbert T. Hti'iyhenaon of Mins ton Kb him. public relatgms exg niltive"of Ihe M.nliovla ilanking and Truat Company. »»* yeater dav annonneed «« the apenker (of t the annual membership dinner of the Goldsboro Merchants Assocla ilou to he held at the Hotel Holda boro Thursday evening at 7 p'clock W 1. Dowell, arcretary of (ha > .State Merchant*. Aanoclattoh, and D Holloman, first vice president. r .ik iI m luipoar on Ihe program. II tl was aißiiiiinecd hv Mlhh Mary Kherard. secretary A niimlier of entertainment ’■ are alao planned Hoyall It Soencf. preai dent of the heal uusiaiathui. will today head a committee that will neck lo place tickets for the din ner among the rperchanta of'the Ctt y. 12 CASES IN COUNTY COURT Jtldlff ftlaiirl llhiiilnOiil Rond SentenrrH and Tinea lo Offendern Twelve defendautw far »*d Judge D. H Bland In Wayne county Re«*or«t*ir'a court'yesterday with boose, as'usual providing Ihe heals, for a niimlier of the charges Henry Gisfwln »«• bound lo Hup eilor court on a charge of abandon incut t On a charge of trespassing and at tempting to ender a house, Henrf Watson was found guilty and aen- I• it* ed In four mnnlhu otj the ronda Fllnton Walson went frßfi** the same charge. Fnnvtrted of having materials for the irisnufMcture of whiskey In hi* pec -eMilon. Albert Hrldgers aleiedrew four months on the roads and Gurney Kvana vr tound-gtillty of aiding and abetting, lazed with one-half of the coots, nod given a twelve months bus pended nentenre Oscar Bryant was hound lo Huper lor Court under sM># bond for a* saull with a deadly wreapon (j(her canes u day* nn Archie Andrews, IsDeny, not guilty^- 8 Is Perkin*, secret ansaiilt, hound to Superior court under tt.nn bond. ... 22. o tt. 0. V i II tIKH AN (H N |ID i') |tv ii vole of ,!H l*i 7 a meeting of Ho . hit,' !{* sLblb,iu t'eniral Fom ■ ■*■ today oustajl A. F. Knott*, Y unkeetow n, a* chairman. ■, H* ervr Hie t,e I Inlere. r» ot i lh» farmers an*l of the market In (.otoui'iitinr upon h n**w yen Dive yesterday. Mr Yelyerloll W*u i confident that the ' ■**& b*iro diMiknt ] S' -T\ «.in dm*,to In* r*-x <* Its ale gieaily In . It" to ,1 lew "We have th« to • t'.»< c*r a v ail.ihfe and I Isltny*' Hist It I * coining here,"' hr, declared .1 M Fasierly **f tireenvllle. Tenn , wlt ,1-rVe a . .lies manager tor the rtmt ||*"lee I Ift ISIMSI Mr*. Easterly was with Wooten and l’< grain tin* Bur Ill'll k arnl Is favorably ! 1 now nt'liere. .1' A hqiiii* of K' lily ky will nerve Vi lacitoncer and Noeh Creei'h of i.aGr.mge will he (lip main "My Force " said .Mr. Y’elyertdn. "I* :nt vet completely organized, but It will he In u few duys. I Intend to engage i t assoi latez men of the high.* t-n reputation." , c MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS Dri>:in»l Whaler RpMolutlon Ahked Invfstiiration Only In South SIMMONS INMANS PROBE iri NEW ENGLAND AS WELL 0 Strikers Irmue Statement 1* Wawhinirton Denounetef . Committee Action ’ *'~jr WASH ISOTON, I May l|—(AP)— Farly aenata action on n rnaoluiton U invegtlgata labor troublw In the leztlle industry appeared probnhla to day after Senator Slmmona, Democrat. North had, withdrawn objne tlon to the proposal on awsnraocn that the enquiry would inclnm th* entire country Instead of n lew southern * •tales. « The orlgenat sponsored bv Wheeler. Democrat, Montana, spe ed led that the propoaad enquiry would bt Into working condition* la North Carolina, booth Carolina, and Tennoo vee The Montanan has acquieacasa ed lo conditions to widen It* aeop* Chairman leFollette on* of 16# t> manufacturer* committee which he* the Wheeler resolution under eon* slderattou Intends to coll the commit lee together Thursday for poulhlo action If convenient to member* si in moil* announcement cape ffttf be had denounced a delegation ti top Del workmen who cam# to Washington lo lay their views before the commit tee and after Senator McKettnr, D#mo- I rat, Tenueaee*. had eftpreonei dlaep proval of the dispatching of troogn I* i.reaw where teatll* strike* ere In progress In the Ronth. Including Utaa belhton. Tenn. Simmons answered charges oC tax tils workers that the laborer* were underpaid and poorly elothed. "My information In" 1 he declared "that the mttl worker* na a rujl* are well fed. clothed housed The workers I am told are aatlsfted and content The wage scale la Naw Beg un d much teas than that la the £nuth Nearly all of th* mill owners In my stale own house* which they rent to the workers at to# coat and with light and water free.’ Earlier In Ihe day a group of work ers from Oestonia, N C., teased a '•element in which they charged ea fair, treatment at the haain of the manufacturers' committee. They de scribed the "committees attempt at an Investigation” M M “emtpy and ancle*/ political gesture " „ "On our tM-riral," they said “ww found 'hat the aenata committee hadt tastily adjourned a few hours pre viously and had thus denied us an opportunity-to present our testimony ” They added that although Chairman l.aFotlette favored an, Irtveatlgatlon •>* did ntd lift a finger In our ef fort* lo live slave condition* un der which we work ” FUNERAL FOR MARSHAL COX Prominent Grantham Township Alan Died in Local Hospital Sunday Morning * Marshal K. Cox. 7« on* of th* most prominent rttlsens of the'eounty died at a local hospital at 11 o'clock Sun •j >y morning following brief illness Funeral aervice w*u held from th* s'lllliig Greek Metbmltat church In Hi Grantham town* hip yesterday attrfteiiMxn by Hev. W H. Brown, i .sk-ned by Hey Mr. Darker Th# de *.' seed waa a master Mason and the Matmolc ritual was used at the grave. Mr Foi waa horn and raised In Grantham township and throughout his long life had been Interested In working tor every movement that w. « for the heat of hi*, community. "I regarded Marshal ( oi as one of the best men that Wayne county ha* ever produced." remarked Hherlff ft A Stevens In commenting on the life of hla friend "H« was worth ns much (•• hla community na ally man who «v*r lived In It- He waa a friend and neighbor to us all." , (C9BU|MMa Os MM 1}