WEATHER rur net* UaaMintn l« ra tnmm wm(W«k Tlin. parMj rlwwd). VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER «7 SENATE PASSES DEBENTURE PLAN FARM AID BILL Fight Between Senate And House .Anticipated As To Measures Pending Debenture Plan Pamed When Independent RepublinuiH . Join DemorraU EXPECT HOUSE LEADERS OPPOSE SENATE’S BILL o Whole Effort* at Agricultural Aid Now Jeopardized by Developments • WASHINGTON. May H—(API—A farm relief bill unacceptable to Pres ident Hoover because It contains the export plan wan panned today By AnSienat>• 64 to after a full month’* labor Both branrhen of Congress now bay# acted upon agricultural relief Kglalatlon but Ibe greatest! uncertain' tv surround* Its final enactment be rauae of the sharp difference tjetween the eendte and the house on the de benture action The president earlv in the session st objected to that method of farm relief The senate measure will be messag ed tomorrow to the liom>e where ad Ministration leaders are Inclined to refuse the b)ll They base this on contention that the sell ate had no light to Initiate the debenture pro posal, on the theory that It Is rev" enue legislation and therefore con etltullonslly must ■jjprlvliinte In the house Jjjtrnng opnos't'on to this op position wss esnressed today In the senate nnd administration leaders have been working to prevent a dead lock. ■ f The farm bill was passed In the senate largely by the same combina tion of Democrats and ftepuhllcuiia' 'udependants who voted for the de benture plan. Moth Senator Simmons end Overman of North Carolina voted 1 r It Most of the pending amendments to the senate bill were dlspo.->ed of yes •erday under the agreement limit lax debate which went Into effect at .1 oTlock, and little more than a vote uD the measure Itself. Including the debenture section which has aroused the sharpest political dispute of the .•pedal session ihu.s far. remained for today. Republican leaders of the House, meanwhile, have decided to move for return of the Herlate measure when It reaches their chamber on the ground that the debenture proposal Is rev enue legislation, which cau be Initiat ed only In the bouse. Tlietr decision, rejecting request* of senate leaders IJ«*t the measure be received by the ht use and submitted to a joint con frrence for settlement of differences. Is regarded as pr» tglng a constitu tional controversy, possibly of cons Id enable duration which will have to be settled before the tack of bringing •he blits passed by the two chambers ■ nlo agreement can tie Marled. Senate leaders have clgng to Hi" hope that such a eon trove ray could be avoided, bill only a -majority In re quired for the house in refuse to re celve a aenate hill and the Republican taders of that chamber noml naljy at least t«4 more votes than th« Democrats. invim: whom Ihe dehen t”re advocates look for their slronge. I support * Representative Oltrner of Teva , the. Democratic leader, ha> .iid that Hit' Democrats would Hue u{> almost so'ld tv In favorcof the detieii’iire plaq If it was brnugfil to a vote In the House, n’thoirgh many of them helped to swell tl e large majority bv which the rhamtrer. early In Ihe special session, pissed Ita measure . without- a dehan« ture provision. At that time, many Democrat a - In (■a house were Inclined to lavor In elusion of the debenture proposal jn Ihe tariff bill Subsequently, senate debenture advocates have declared their Inlenlloti of moving In that di rection If Ihe plan should as admin istration lenders expeit. he eliminated from the farm relief legislation which *<nally will he sent to President Honv —, whoae opposition to the debenture jlan made the senate dispute dll that ' niestldii an administration contest. ItKim'T A All RUN JAM IV MtKK-rr NEW YORK. May 14 ( U*o The Sew York American said today thal Irek Dempsey and Joe benjamin had made up after a fist fight In a hotel which friends of Deuipsey have Inslst -94 mm m* 0m THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WIIILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BIIYERS BEFORE THEY, BUY. Statue Wayne*Man For Statuary Hall KAIjEIGH. May H. (APl—The Hist meeting of the Ay cock statue | commission was v held today with Governor (Gardner. Au nrganiza tion was perfected and Governor Gardner was named ex officio t chairman of the commission uud state treasurer Nathan O’llerry. s treasurer. 1 Governor Gardner was empow > ered to dame a fommltt ee of I which he will he a member lo in ’ vesttgate the coat ot a suitable ! memorial lo former Governor Charles B Aycock to be ’’jltwced alongshje that of former Governor Zebulon H., Vance In statuary hall at Washington. AGED NEGRO FOUND DEAD *> it* I . Coroner Holes Death Is From Natural Causes and Does Not Hold lni|uest Oliver Woodard, 7&-yeaj>«HD Negro, i was found dead at Ida home in Saul i'oh township yesterday morning by 1 clghhors who enlered the home as 'er the old man had not been ' seen since last Haturday Coroner T. 11. Robinson viewed Ihe remains and d*' c.ded that death waa from natural causes ami that an Inquest waa not necessary. Kaulslon township citizens telephon ed the office of tfherlff W. It Giant and Deputy Sheriff John Kornngay uud Coroner Itohlnaon went lo Inves tigate the case. The old man was ■ Xing across hi* bed, face downward He had taken off his shoes nnd placed 1 item lo one side when stricken with 'i fatul attack, It appeared Kata had eaten away a linger 011 Ihe left hand to Ihe hone. Woodard had been aben last on Sat-, prday when he aided In a tobacco tarn raising pt a Negro by the name oi Winston He lived alone on the I * m Edmondson plane in Saulston. URGES FBINGOF AIR MAIL, BRIEF Abrrnelhv Wires The News City’s Chances Depend on Action Taken Goldsboro oiVil bodies shoiffd pre pare a brief showing the need of thta rectlou for an air mall route and [•resent this brief ala hearing in Washington nr May 21 This Is Ihe atlviee of ( ongreasmad |Ch»rles |, Abernethy In a telegram to The New, yesterday morning CangTSMinia Abernethy'Staled in the telegram that he thought Goldsboro’s chan cert for 1 slop on a proposed Jacksonville- Richmond route were grasl "Have hi«l an extruded conference," Ihe ctvngi essin.iti wired The New , “till* morning with second 'assistant 1, rstnrasler general Glover relative lot the establishment of air mall routed I through the south ami the possibili ties of having ,one to come hv Gold , boro. While there will be a general hrurlug here Ihe I wenty-thlrdMW Hr month on the establishment of new rcutes It Is my Judgment that a brief should he prepared bv the chamber of commerce and other trade bodies, and »•> be sent on to me for filing with th•• department showing (he reasons whv Goldsboro should be. on the route from Richmond, Virginia Ur Jacksonville, Florida. 4% “There will be such confusion a* Ihe hearing that' I think we will fare better at this tlrne by not sending a committee for the present "t am Impressed with the Idea that v new air mall route will he estalr-. • ished sometime lit the future from Richmond to Jacksonville and the * , bnncis of i! being routed byway Ja Gcldsborn will depenrl on the com - I billed efforts and the showlug which I vr* can make l was very much pleas ■ 1 d with the result of my conference 1 JfUh Mr. UI9Y*F Uiia monuu*.'* _ 250 STRIKERS ARE ARRESTED Urge Number Arrested Charg ed Wilh Intimidation Then I' Are Freed i KWZABJCTHTON. Ten 11 . May (4*) The more' than J. r »o textile «t?ih era, arrested today on charges t<f in tlmldatiou, were released shortly Ire fore noon after Hen Allen, county at- C * torney general, had addressed tln 111 They were, freer! without bond and Magistrate George Ryan sab! he dhf not know whether hen ring would be held The strikers were arrested on ’ charges of intiinldatlon and were es ported to flie courthouse square her by a company of National Guardauien They were not placed In jail a Hie jail Is 100 small to hold that num ber ’ u % There was a nol v (tetgoust rutJou from thrrse under arritd ns the. pro cession wended tla way to the square fro^ 1 ihe Btrmey Greek highway, I where the arrests were made Al one point along Ihe line of march some of llio.-ip In custody declared their Intention of proceeding lo Kll zahetlrtoti unguarded One car start cd off but halted whin Bill Fair. .» guard at one of the textile iitllla. leveled a gun al thtf driver and a squail of guardsmen with (Ixtal bay onets blocked the roads. More than B.fcfui persona went on strike here a mpftlh ago, resulting In Ihe closing of the American Beniberg and Glanxstoff rayon plaids, which, however, announced May 4 thal opera (lons were Itelng resumed gradually. Fair' arreslwl a crowd Os strikers, charging they were ’ldo, king the road and prohibiting workers from Gap arrested filled five automobiles, two Greek from reaching the plants. Those busses and a truck. Fair and the strikers' were vtotal lug an Injnnetlon obtained bjl Ihe tew* tile plants some time ago, Pat Tay lor, a sheriff, claimed Fair 'wiu nol a coniraltuflhned peace offb er and had no power to arrest any per sou off property. • SEEK MEMBERS FOR AUXILIARY Dilaiid of Campaißn to lk> Giv en at lA*uion Meetinjc Thurnday Eveninß Opening of a two winks campaign for additional members of Jbe Ainer- 5 ' Ivan I gig lon Auxiliary was announc ed Jiere last niglil "Before the end of the rwo weeks. The News was told "We hope to liava, on the member ship roll* the Hume of every Goldsboro and Wayne county woman who Is ell glble. The Auxiliary Is doing an tm poriant work in eoojunc*nn with the Lgglon and it deserves Ihe undlvwled support of everyone'’* Details of the Auxiliary member ship campagln will be given In full al a meeting of the American Iggioti al Ibe Memorial f tlutiding Thursday evening, al *> hi Tin- la gton will be host to all Wives and hwcelhearls of I eglounalres and I" Auxiliary members ala harbe< in up on this occasion Thit. will be the la l meeting 111 III' local post during Hie summer, the next meeting to fo<* held In Keptein I her Officers are accordingly making an effort to have a large stlendsiii " if 01 Ihe oi'cu'lon Dlsciuisloii of the Importance of adding lo the membership of Ihe Attx IKary will be one of the main lopi< ai the meeting A history of the V ayne Poet will be given bv Hugh Dcrldt, paid commandant of ihe pie.i CLAIM DIED TO MAKE FIIAIj ■■■. mill 111. *1 111 n. ■ I (•rand Jury t«> InxcMlinalrJ’ilm ing of Hist or Hal Story “Old IronsdieH*’ ' I,UK ANGKI.KH, May If (API '.villein e gathered by the V. S at torney’s office allegedly revealing the death of oue man and thta iujury of threw others In the filming of the fa mous picture “Old Iron,; stiles" today was turned over to the I ps Angeles county district attorney’s | office for investigation and possible j itipMHU pctttlikkt* GOLDHBORO. N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY IS, 1929 Strike Grievances Reach Senate •'* • • mkMkmi. B>. I Jr'- *OA \ " ■ / H ' ;:;: m JKmR| A VT .Qflgfglgl flEwvT ft ** > ml?- ■ jiy • /11 « it j 1 , Hinmc tirecH. 14 (left)'.and Henry Tethcrowf, 17, undernour ished niill hands, carried their grievances into the Senate, tell ing tales of 60 hour* per week in the textile mills at (iaatonia, N. C , for which Henry earned a princely salary of $7 a week and Rinnie aluriit $4.05. As a result the Senate is conducting an inqtitry intL the conditions coniptained <rf. " Montgomery Ward Company Head on Visit “Back Home” An o|d Iron wagon and an old lion yoke, made t-spes iaJly for Ills old hlliuj mule by the fat tier of George Kvcrelt, prcsldcul of Ihe Montgomery - Ward and company, will l>< taken back ,north by Mr and Mrs. KvwfHJ when ‘they Qsturu to their home In fihlcago af|er u tour through several souili ero stall k, Mr, Kverett told The News yosUrrday. The chain departim-til slor< head srrlvetl in GoWtaboro Monday evening, accompanied hv his wife, and xpi’nt ,)e:ilrrdny loiiklng over 'flu lis al dnre, Mcojng friends, and Jour ncying out 10 Ihe fine of old Kvwr etlnvlllc w|lh Mr and Mi (' <c. ijniilh fiveri-tt vlllc 11 ■ f lo b* I" ented on t>ot*b side of If.«- pn >enl i AGautic Gottvl l.lne Hack Which fun iMihlnd Peachertna Farm, -ix lullen Kouih of here. The sct.tlwiaent wau named after fieiirgc KvcrvUt 1 ances tors, hth grandfather hnvirff' l»e»-n one of the first ’setflora fn that gwcflnn. Mr Five re If trdd The News that tie *t:< going lo tie* 1 Ho aile, the yoke. and an old cart whited he si >0 found on Gie she of FJvereltavllle tn lh coni.lrucltoii of some original ctectrh al fixtures lie its going to Install ill a $ Inn.nni) man yon now tind* 1 tn lion nn eight acre <>sfHln "My father made flint Iron yoli' for Ills old blind mule because wraalim rt 1 •yVikee yurt''wouldn't la 1 Tin mill* would run against a fence or some thing else and break, a wmsten yok‘ lo pifa-c o” Mr Kverott ■■ul„ The old relics, which c Were made in lh' liome lilaFkr-mith chop, sure an rs .0 die In an excellent state of pr*serva Hull,* ■- Mr F;vereit he be*'ii In Goldsboro on Iwo other oicu-inn- when rcl.i, ileei In Ihe Kverollsville section died ■ tin each former visit Mr and Mrs Everett were entertained in the home; .of Mr uud Mr.-. v s G Smilh on-H*iolh_j William at root. Mr. Smith waa a nelghlior of Kvef«lt's fulle r when the! ’taller lived In tin old house mi. South Wllllalfi ■ t reel Jlow 01 * upied h . Mrr Hattie f'rlsor. Und waa well a* qualuted with Ihe father of the pre Ideal of the Montgomery-Wan] *om-l puny. When asked hy The News r»pro- 1 i.i h» thought 'of Golds lairo n*,w as compared with .the laid! tlllP* to «g. here, Mr. Kverptt said.i "well, I think the town Iw Improi e*l a lot even since I wae here last,! and that hasn't been ■«> very long ag > j | I'm going to irv t> get Vim i more oft , leu now, and l Imp* tie uni tim# i _ jContijiuwl ou pwga \i _ [ MANY A ITENI) SCHOOL PLA Y Virgina Klrcifl ( hildren M«ke HiK If it; I'rußrum fit Wal nut Street Ton it; hi There wasn't room for all of ih*»ae who w anted to ‘se*, tb* cute llttls folk* if Virginia' street s< hoot present their f ’A t;tft for Rosalys". |.i*t night and many had to he turned nwgy. Thu Virginia sired ritiidren had In 1 such a miv’.trn) play ns dejighti "o In arts of Ihe little f*dk« and Ihev d.d lh< tl part , to perfection while happy parents and k'nsfoik hy the hundred looked nil, admiring The tory lltcv enacted is thf»t of a little i.rya.l who Is homelem* lw< ause her Idee haw been cut down This causes deal of woerv among tb* 'alrltis b' <'»ii:ie only mortal* can plant fi. . i gud nnl* atvother-iree Is plaut -1>: in three day* IHifh>lb,will dl* The y». 1 ndin,*n and two little * hildren who 1 . ve conn !<• s n e the fairies dunce * me lo the rescue and wveryon* la happy sen 111 ‘I I#* plav fast night wa Ibe geeond :u the city < Ihmils ip the .observance •<{ music w - ck tinder the direction of I, I r>dnri*k The children or Walgtlt ; r r«-< t school will present au operwttnf'A Toy PaKeant'’ at thn M'al 0 lint silent llnsi I tlilj evening si k, M ginning prompHy at k. I'hc pr*. Imm I ,■ follow I a-t of I karaefer* and Vnugs ■ 1• ne on, Uaud.i Nur:ieryi Trtsnf.i -Entry Queen YvelH- Till | lit gton . Wanda- f‘*ratrces Yelvrloii j )H** ne Twoi M - ' lam In 1 Song N'ilr •• Dull . < A t.lftlc jlulrh Garden William In t n.. Ant Htuppc, Ann Morgan. Drill Tin Soldier-. Wnjgrie Tagrtc iiypwi< Marjorie S' tin J' iumy t 11 !■ 1, 1,11111 ,e liar < ■llgfott. ( iiiiiliik Through the Rye Mary I Simmon , Kltzatmth Nall and Kvelvn, I I t'ltrlen. The F'erry Eleanor Mcl'rea, Gra ! Into Bar* tett *-iit or Life Sailors Iliimtily Damply Addison Hawley j. !**■< habonta« Evelyn Dillon , (ju.ii "f L *dv Mary Jane Smith. | Japanese- Jean Kdgerfon, 1 Gobi Dust. Twln.i Royal Spence [Janies Heyward. ’* . f i ou pa](« 7) Gardner Would Like Come Here In Fall FoF Agricultural Address Johnston C ounty Man Dies From Hiccoughs Hiccough* caused the death of Haaaa Cos, *4, of Johnstou county. In the Johnston County Memorial Houplta). Smtthfleld. Monday morn ing. according to new* reaching here yesterday Funeral was held at th« home yesterday afternoon Mr Co* developed a severe cane of hlccoiuths a week ago. I,ale Saturday he was admit led'to the hospital, but effort* to give him relief were unsuccessful and he died at h:3O Monday ntortilng. HAVE NO (IDES AS TO ROBBERY Jewelry and Cash Stolen From Home of I'harte* B. Miller Monday Night No elites leading to the Identity of the this? or Ihlevea who entered the h .me of . Charts# H Miller on Weet Wulytil street here Monday night and Mole a iiuanllty of Jewelry and (If) ■n cash, had not been discovered by ’oral officers last evrulng Police ar« said to IH-Ilsre., however, that (lha same party who entered the Miller home, also entered the home of 001. George K freeman In ffttgewood Sun day night, escaping with a porkethook «< nlnlning a small amount of mottiy , A gold broach, set with a small dla diamond ring. a stick pin, jewelry case, several pin*, and th« |*tt in cash were taken from a draaa or In n downstairs bedroom at lha M'ller residence. Mr. and Mra. Mill er returned home late Monday night ard found the window to thla room o . open It was thought by police that the thieves gained entrance through Mils window Doth the robbery M C*l freeman'* ned Mr Miller's were believed to have occurred early In the night, prob .thly a short time after the member# of the houaeholds had gone out for the evening. Ptalnrlofhesman "Chink'' 1 Rhode# la • oriducllug the of both CkMOK. BUM. TIUTEY 111 T Os UAMCiiF.B i POLA Italy May 14 (AP) Mra • lene Tiinney has practically recover "rt from her recent opera!lnn for ap pendicitis at the ’funney residence on the Isle of Hronl. nesr here. It was vild today there was no necessity for a further operation 0 « In Berlin, Professor Arthur Wolf Meyer, the surgeon who performed ti a operation, was asksd whsu ha ar rtred from Italy If the formgr cham pion's wife was deHnltelv out of dang er "Well rather!" he amid '‘otherwise uo power on earth would h**o In du< »d m., to leave Bionl " o , I Clam* of 192 V Miter's Notes The Hast will published from day to day a list oi high school graduate* hy class es. the list* will go hark to |NH|. It there arc aay error* o| »». mtssiha, >operintrnd> nt Kay A»nislroMg' should he niHlltewt. Harej Allred, Virginia Crawford. Psehel Brock, George Canteen, At lert Clark, Dorothy enthrall, George Nteeh- frewey, j;i l*« t,.ith KdAortott; I enlhel Kdgerton. Marvin Krigertnn, I', cry Kdgcrton, Inc* Parlor, lerul* Ferguson, Kenneth Finlay, Irene Gtd •ling*. Jaittls Harden, /l.esh llVillg, Annie time. Kirgcric jjtncs, yaihea Hu.-on Hertre Hobson, Aihbs-Jyjiinan, Ills • Ne||io Mslpast, Theodor* Montague, Margaret Morris, tiacbcl Moye. Jesse Norris, Margaret Peacock, Mien lyee Pike, Oscar Pipkin, Kinm.i Pojlw k, Margaret Porch, Rich,- tlertha la* Rose. Bertha Southerland, Wilma Bpence, Kilwln Stroud. Leon Summerlin, Nell Taltou, Venule Lea Taylor, Ruth. Weldinan. Lionel Wall, Mary Westmoreland. Gladys Williams. Valedictorians: Hazel Allred, Vlr* #u.m finsft# „ o n |n?M ppu Am BtralWlfKK DR fIPHE ASSOdAnO PRICE FIVE CENTS Kegrclg He fai Unable In BfHk At InditHlrial And Antm ,, mobile Hhow Week w GOLDSBORO DELEGATION VISITS HIM IN OFFICE I ' l '**■ 0 ' Previous EngaganmnU Promt Hie Accenting Invitation v for Ante Skew a ‘" 1 ' "I am sorry that I hava preriosm engagemeata which wtll pravant ma accepting an Invitation to tha Indaa trtal lo»position, but It you WnjnA county folk* will sat busy aad sobad ile an old faatttoaad picatc, ataga aa agricultural day and lavtta all th» fsrmera from yoar Congressional dta tret to jola with you la tha occasion, I shall ha glad to coma la tha talfct? , Thu* spake Governor O. Max Gard ner In hi* office at tha capttol, Ral eigh. yesterday to a delegation of Co Id shorn men who hadoooaght him ft r an address la cooaectlon with the •nduatrtol aad automobile abow the week of May Vs "I am going up to Washington oa •he Mtb. with Joseph as Oaalalb and a number of others to tavlta PWfl d mt Hoover to make a home coaalag address her* In conaectlon wttb the Plat* Pair this fall," continued the governor "Than I am going to double right back to Hhelby where I am to dattvar the commencemnet addressee at two schools. Oa* a coo ael Ida tad school an the sftsrnooa of the Mtb. and than ad night at the Rbelby high school. Mr boy to president of hie clam at ■hflby »nd i have had It on the banka kr h hug time, to be praaaat to oo« him mduatb.-n ahitl have to agand •*»- eral days at Chalky. "I am sorry that my aagagamanta prevent me /rom acceptlag four *■- vital ion. But I consider that to my function ns govoraer I mm b* of more service la lb* fan. It wouldn’t do any good (or mo to talk to larmora stout tbalr program aow. They have* i»'ready started tbelr work tor thlg year." and hare tha govoraer paaaad, stepped across the room to fUg htg cigarette Into the tiraplaoe. "I would Ilka to talk to thorn this fall whmi •hey are looking ahead to the neart year, aad preaont tha agricultural problem as I •#* It Than thalr minds would be In a more loaagUva mood and what I might aar would stand a hettar chance of dotag some good. "I should bo glad to oome tu tha fell ' If you would lavtto tho farmer* at several adjoining counties, say of W congreaslonal district, to Jola la an o d fashioned picnic aad agricultural day " ■ "Well, we shall look for you hi tha tail. Governor" declared a member of the committee as thf group took ha Isava, Tha tarltatloa to visit tha laduatrial Phow here the week of May IT had been extended hy W. F. Taylor «n behalf of tha Wayna County Fair Aa sedation. 8 tat# Treasurer Nathan O'harry had made an appotntment With Mr. Gard ner lor the delegation aad pruaaatod the Goldsboro men to him ■ Thoy la • » pied: A T Griffin, ft. i Jettreae. L. M. Ross, Admiral Sham'd. w - w Andrews. W C Denmark. Mr Taylor ar d ''Henry Beth Alt’BA WRKT OF APOILL4 RITBB REI.EAKED FROM (jrAEURTIHB WASHINGTON, May 14—< AP) — Representative Yon. Democrat. Florida announced today that Agrlealtarg ’•epartoleot officials wars to consider the release of the area west of tha \ noil la river to Florida from tha Med tterraonan trull fly quarantine under .8 rtaln condition*. NKVKRAL KILLED IB EL MEM CASABLANCA. Morocco. May 14 iV) Fourteen rebels, throe member# it the French Foreign Legion and aav • ral native auxiliaries were hlU*d In »n attack of 300 Dissidents Against the new French outpost of Kl RordJ 'n the early hours of May 11,. It waa announced her* today -i- - i - * STRIKER.# AT WORK AG AOl GRRBNVTLLK, 8 C„ May Id.—<APA —AU employe* of mill No. 4 of the New Knglaud-South mills at Pataor ware back to wort today following Thetr atrtka ot yesterday. 'B waa an* nounced by J. W Kelly, geaeral nans

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