I WEATHER tlwgdj and rwafctr Tharxdaj night I'rMaj fair and r**l»r. VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 68 CUNK GAS EXPLODES; 95 DIE 45 OTHERS OVERCOME ROT EXPECTED TO UVE Deadly Gat* Filter* Through Four Story Honpital, in« Dead in Wake FACES ARE YELLOWISH BROWN WITHIN 2 MINUTES Two ExploHlonn, Second of Greater Intenaity. Brought End to Nearly 100 CLEVELAND. 0.. May 15. (AIM rolion Ma uml lwo explosion* wltlojt followed hunting of x-ray (lima In th* Cleveland clltilc today claimed nearly 100 llVia. ' Tonight there were 05 known (lead find hoapitai authorlliea worked dea perately to adinlnlater urtlflcul reapl ratlon to 13 more who were overcome \lcltma of the dlaaater were dying at ahorl Intervale and physician* aeut cal appeala for uddltlnnul oxygen In Mia fear that the supply In the city might prove InaufTieJeii!. Oxygen la declared th* 1 only effective meuna of overcoming, the ga* burna. Nearly all the dealha were attribut ed to the deadly gaa which filtered through the fotfr-atory brick hulld ,ng alowly at flral and then augmented by a aecond and greater exploaton than the flral ruahed up from the haitemeat ami cut off eacape down the ItalrwaW’and elevator*. Survivor* auld when tlloae aaphyxl ated were deuil their faces turned a a ckly yellowish brown color within, two minute* . The fume* were given by fire of undetermlne origin which dealroy ed x-ray film* In the baaetnent Some :<harmaclata auld It wa* bromide gai» while Dr. William K. 1-ower, one of he founder* of the clinic said It rl» aemhled the deadly phoaeene gaa etn ployed In the world war. It wa* Ironic that the dl*a»ter oc curred In the very place where the moat advanced Inatrilineiit* ami labo rntotiea of aclence had been turned aaaln pHln and death. The clinic wa* owned principally by Dr. (ieorge W. (“i lie, nationally known phyalelan who waa too occupied with reltef work to comment on the catastrophe • Deaplto the heavy loa* of life, fire men estimated the property damage at only $60,000. Frantic acenea were enacted at <e|ghborlng hoapitai* ufter stream* ot ambulance* began taking victim* away from the clinic. It wa* Impossible to find ir ward* and rooms for cots at Mount Sinai hospital Cost were hastily pl«<- -'cd In Ihe hallway* uml desperate ef f-irla were made to cut down tin- grow ing death Hat- Even Janitor* and acruh women were preased Into service to help np piv art If leal respiration to victim* or treat them for hums to supplement the efforts of doctor*, nurse* and In lernea. A priest went from cot. toVot giving function who appeared dying Idke acene* took jjlace at Huron Hoad, Charity ami Cleveland Clinic hoapitai* The Cleveland Clinic “ho* -.vital 1* near the Cleveland Clinic, a separate building police had to battle ridden relative* who were among the throngs gathered outside the county morgue •vhere many of the bodies were taken a ( once. Check by firemen .revealed that the (‘YplTWloti* ncgpM red n * rn\ Him* stored In ihe basement Several lank* oxygen, compressed by Hie heal, i, i go, adding to the Intensity of'lhe flame*, i. Cpon Die explosion, bromide ea* compounded in the films, was released iu dense brown columns, according to a pharmacist at the building The deadly bromide, whiili burn oi|t> the sens'live tissue- of Ihe mouth, nose, unit lungs, caused the victim* *o bleed profusely at the eyes, nose, and mouth, •V 1 A cull an* sent out over the city and state to rush all available oxygen tanka to the hospitals and clinic*, for thla. It la *ald, la tba only ibin| that RUJ I!!? tha jlcUma. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS e_ ' * READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ OTi BUYERS BEFORE THEYi B GRAF SAILS” KRIEDRK'HSHAFEN, Ger -many. Mily 16.—-(AP) —The Graf Zeppelin, Riant dirigible, left Frederirhhthafen at 5:27 a. m., (11:67 p. m. Wednesday Eastern Standard Time) on its seeond voyage to America. Dr. Hugo Eckener, the Zeppelin commander, said that prospects were excellent for a good cross ing as regarded weather. To In sure maximum comfort for the passengers, he said he proltahly woul ( j take the route over the Azores after quitting France near the mouth of the river Loire. He said he expecte d rain over Germany and France, but that this had the advantage of assur ing smoothness. MILDRED TAXES CELL CAPACITY « 1 *—■ ■<> A .'IOO Found Woman Woh Fouring Drinks For Friends When * Cops Arrived >• i Mildred Brook*. I’tne street negre**. was pouring out drink* for some of her gentlemen friend* u! her bom'' behind the negro pool room al the cor ner of Pine and Janie* street* ye*- 'icrdny übout 1 30 o'clock when of- ( ficer* Joe and June Howell, of the) liKXtl police force, walked In ami 'caught her with the good*.” In *pite of Ihe fact that Mildred I* exceeding ly buxom, weighing nearly 3un pound*, u Cell wa* found |o fit arid *he wa* lodged In Ihe elty jail pending a hear* lug thl* morning at W o'clock on charge* of receiving and having whl»- k« y for the purpose of sale. According to the policy, the negre** nan In the act of pouring some whls l.ey from a vessel when the two of ficer* walked In. The woman broke the jar containing part of the “evi dence" right before fbelr eye*. It waa •..ild. buf’another jar wa* found .which waa *ald ,to"contaln about a quart of tin- liquor- Third Infant Dies Os Whooping Coutfh Whooping cough claimed Ita third victim In Wayne county this spring when Cedric A. Grady, four month* old son of Mr and Mr*. A H Gradv of New Hope township, died early yesterday morning. The other two vic tim* of the disease were also Infant* pnly a few month* of age. Physician* “say lhat whooping cough, through the complication* that develop, t* highly dangerous to the young child. '■(Funeral for the Grady bahy wa* held yesterday afternoon In New Hope township, “Doctor” Haig Goes On A Rampage With His Shotgun I ante reigned on Pine street for a liorl time yesterday morning a* "Dm • tor" Frank llalg, former Initiate of the StHte hospital. Raleigh, grabbed his shotgun and began t-aklng pot mot* at the landscape fi»m h * room window. Workmen engaged Hi dig gtng a ditch for the-city* new storm ••*er system on Pine- took to th bottom of their trench, after the m e ter of doughlMiy* In France, for pro tec* lon, Fortltnatelv the -hot* went wild an 1 offl*'» r* Hrrlvd lo lead "Doctor" H.iig away before he had wounded anyone. A bam bet of shell* Were found fit, "•Wwtor’*" inx-kel*. The New • w>- . ti t(>ld, and around each one wn* wr.t’w n<d a piece of paper, .giving the nene of He person whose life It wa* 'u tendetf to end. “I will kill Charley Brown at U o GOLDSBORO, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 16. 1929 Convicts Elude Effort To Recapture Them It wa* believed early thl* morn ing that Iwo escaped slate convict* seen yesterday at the home of Het - man Rose iu Fork township had made good their escape. The hieii. arnutit jlio*e who escaped Monday, from the State co|txlruction camp near Selina, appealed to a crippled, brother df Mr. lto*«* for food and clothing about 9;30 yesterday morning. The brother hurried to summon Herman Rose from the field and the convict* escaped Into a *tretell of wood*, but not until Mr. Rose had shot at them front a distance. Sheriff* deputies with blood bonds brought ‘from Sinirhfleld continued the search until late ln*t night but without Htirrn**. it wa* considered po* slide that the men might have es caped by hoarding a freight train a* railroad track* run through the woods. NAHUNTA PLANS FUR ITS FINALS Dr. .Meadows of East’ Carolina Teachers College lo De liver Annual Address ■* With com men cement exercise* for the consolidated school* of the coun ty set for the latter part of thl* month, I’rof. Karl D. Kiiftertnn of Na hnnla wa* yesterday the first to an nounce Ihe final* program for III* school. • ':«•••) At H o'clock Friday night, the ele mentary. departmeiS of Nahuntu will hold the hoard* with a Merles of ell terlalriirienla.. Friday evening. May 21. the Sen ior* will pre*ent their annual pluy, “Bashful Mr. Bold**" I* the title of the pluy to be given. Al 11 o'clock Sunday morning. June 2. Rev. S 11 Styron .of Pine l.eifel will deliver the nnntiul sermon. At It o'clock Tuesday morning. June I, Dr. I* R. Meadow* of Ku*tern Caro lina Teacher* College will deliver the graduating atldres*. Senior* present their program and receive their dip Inman the evening of June 4. Eleven Vnembera' make up the high school class.# DAVIS MtlT BK ISLAM) GOVERNOR WASHINGTON, Alay 15, (Al*) Dwight P. Da via. Recrelary of War in the Conlldge cabinet, I* the uinst likely choice for governor of Ihe I t.t»«rrprtm~ nim ~ „f |,|* selection apparently awaTOt Ipfnrma tb.n as to whether he would accept t bedpost. FIVE HI R>ED TO DEATH Cornish. N H.. May 16. (AIM —Five person* lost their lives and another wa* seriously burned hero today ip a fire which destroyed a 1-roora cabin. il a" read Ihe rude InMcrlptlon f raw led on Ihe wrapper of one sliPl Hut I' fore I) o'clock the nnfortuii »’e man had been taken Into custody Ye'* etday afternoon he was taken to M • ! eh and again admitted to !h.- D.x INI Hospital. "Why he ever got It Into hi* \<ml Ii kIH me I don’t understand." >D 11. ow n remarked, "lie ha* been 11 * nj.vlng that r.M.ni on Pine .stfHHMI 1)1 I’iee year* and I have been ptiylcr ' r the rtMirn and for hi* boird at* almost helpless and I had iskctt I (Mo myself to tnke care of lilttl " M Di■ Vlaieno-nt vn,s born out bv t|t« ntan with w-.boin llalg Itad rbomed k ■ . •Doctor” llalg I* one of Ihe In-t ktti wn street character* of G ildi br.ro, and until he went on the rai tp ■ age with a, shotgun yesterday had bseu regarded as harmless, _ A TOY PAGEANT GETS BIG HAND Children of Walnut Street School Join In Observance of Munir Meek The children of Wfilitul Street school presented last night iu a beau tilul fuMlllon the operetta "A Toy I’ag ■ aid," under the direction of W L. Frederick, with Mr*. Sam lit It t uccom puul*t. The operetta wus urtlxtlc.il tv Htaged and most appropriately am-, turned Yvette Turlington, lit u gtdd and white costume, a* Titan a. queen ut the fairies, wave* her wand uvei Fran ce', Yelverlon. u* Wanda, wbo _|iad gone to sleep In per child'* bed. She wake* iyi to find herself iu Toylaml with toy* of aJt kind* surroiiildlug her. For the amuMemeut of the Queen and -herself different kind* of toy*, dunce and sing. First there come the "Falr '••* of the Clock" 111 cO*llltuiMi, »J ev cry color and with flower-wreathed lump* adding brightues* to tftelr drwSM. They dunce straight through Ihe grandfather clock, a* It strike* twelve and rauge tlieinsxdv-. around the Ntage to view the rest of the «n tertalnment, different one* of them announcing Ihe various subsequent numbers. There follow the Doll Nurse* In blue unit white with their *mall charge*, and they sing their huble* lo" sleep. The Holdler* In their gay red suit* give Hiiuppy. real soldier movement* to the delectation of the audience. The l town* turn handspring* all over the stage uml add still-furl her to the gayety of the *c«iie In their vari colored voluminous suit*. The (lulntily dressed French doll* lit their roHe-colored organdy dresses and- bonnet* prescut a fetching scene. The Sailors following In their all while sailor cost nines and give a "heave ho, my lad*" gesture*. The •Vraggle Tuggle Gypsies In their gay array make merry with their lam bourlnes. and the Scutch crew In kills ring In reaMstlt* fashion "Coinin' Through the Rye”; uml a mixed and motley Crowd composed of Humpty Damply Addison Hawley; I’ocohoti las Evelyn Dillon; the Quaker l-ady Mary Jane Kuiltli; a Japanese girl— lean Kdgerlnn. uml the Gold Dust I'win* Royal Spence ami James Heyward delight the ’’’ljueen uml Wands The Dutch children In their t alive coslume. too, present amuse ment for the Qdeen ami Wanda. Other choruses In addition group* mentioned were sung dotwiho entire performance reflected great credit on the *chool and all w ho -help ed train Ihe pupil*. SIMMONS BILL IS ENDORSED t *" • ■ '- tr Hugh Mcßae of Wilmington Tells of Sut-reMN At Castle Haynes WASHINGTON. May 16. (AlM— 'l#ii w-gnes-.es today endorsed tile r-< iyN***rnw bill to author)** and np propria)lon of llZ.uno.onv to be used -tor the creation of planned rural com munities In the South. | Appearing before Ihe senate Irriga tion and reclamation committee which it a* th* bill Introduced by Senator Simmon*, Democrat, North Carolina, under consideration. Hugh Slaeltu* developer of Ca»tle Haynes agrlVul tttral colony declared that a plan he put Into ef fe« t at the colony was w orking’sue fessfully. J. N. Patterson, Albany. Ga., pecan grower, told of condition* In the Industry and asserted that ac tion was necessary In order to re store rich ulluvlal lauds along the coast which have lie* n turned over to :enant* which have produce*).only cot ton and tobacco for yeur*. Extortion Gang * Shoots Detective CHICAGO, May 15 (AlM—Dele, live Ray Martin was shot ami killed la.e today In an atlempt to trap uu extortion gang which hud kUlmtpprd Paul Hluntenthal. reputed millionaire !>witfe||ir ami brother of a (North' .•extern Uuiverslty professor, the ■ syers-escaped under a fusillade of bullets from other officers, SASSER TALKS OF AIR MAIL IlhldN (Inldslwro In Logical City Fur Air Mail Fuint for EaMtrrn Carolina s^ "GoldslHiro I* the Idea city for an air mall route distributing point If Tor no other reason than II Is the logical mall illHirlbuling point for Eastern Carolina,” assistant postmaster Ed. F, Sanser, of the local post-office told Ihe News yesterday. Uoldsboru Is lit erally the "gateway of Eastern Caro lina." and us Much I* In a po*ltlon to give Ihe maximum service In sir mall (list i llnii lon In the esHteru section of the slate, post office officials here declare. o, Secretary Waller G. Denmark, of Ihe Goldsboro Chamber-of (’utnnierce. I* preparing a brief,-which will cou lalu all datii relative to tpe desirabil ity of Goldsboro a* an air mall route slopping point. This brief will be sub- O’ _• milled by a committee of local men pt a beating to he held In Washing ton. I) C , on May 23, at which time a decision Is expected to be reached by government officials o£a to the di rection the proposed air mall route through the state from Richmond to Jacksonville will take. lit aplte of the fact that Raleigh ha* been suggested a* a distributing point on the proposed mall route, local poat office officials are yyorklng lit con Junction with the chamber of Com merce in an effort to have Goldsboro chosen as the "point," and are hope ful that their work will not he In vain. The local Chamber of Commerce has been working with the Wilmington organisation for some time to havs the proposed line routed byway of the two cities. u f TENNIS TEAM PLAYS TODAY lakhl I liith RjK-keterx Meel WaMhitlKlon Team Thin ‘ Afternoon «rv * rv 11J ’ ll The local high school tennis team will meet the Washington High Reboot | lacketeer* on the Washington courts this afternoon at three o'clock. Crow, Baker, Halo uml Powell will represent Goldsboro, In the doubles. Crow uml Pain will enter the singles. Washington has one of, the- best Mains In Eastern North Carolina, and will present a quartet of clever play era. The GoblslAtro team ha* been holding tegular workouts twice a day •or the pe*i week, but the locals are si 111 handicapped by the lark of ex perience. Harrison Is Opposed To Reapporfeionment WAHIfINGTON. May 15 (AIM Opposition to the bill authorising the P'2o census and reapportionment of the house on the ba*ls of the census was voiced In tbe senate today by Senator Harrison, Democrat, Mlssls ‘dptif. with. the calling np of this piece of legislation on the .Hoover program. Harrison declared It waa unfair to the house to Initiate a bill In the -mate affecting tbe house ntimliir •hlp., . Charles Ay cock Telh How To Subdue Big Alligator A 7 5 foot alligator ye*ledrsy -be came a permanent resident of Hasser's mill pond. Great Swamp township The huge 'gator wus brought by Chur '<-* Ay cock, native of Great Swamp, from hi* home In Bolivia, lirunswiuk county. But the Wayne native had no easy lark In getting the big reptile to the old mill pond. "We muw her cro**lng the road near •lie housfe." Mr. Ay Mick explained yes terday while seated In the office of Sheriff II Edward-., "and v l, kept her stopped while, some' of the hov * went to the store for a rope to lasso Iter with. „ ' I got me a long pole, libout 7 or eight feeL I guess, and good and .tout. I stuck the pole Iu her mouth and ’squirming and twisting a* started you never saw. That’s tha Aldermen To Again Be Faced With Petitions To Erect Gas Stations Trade In Old Pants, Haberdasher Urges WORCESTER, Mass, May 16 (AM - Th* • irsde-ltt" market, which began with automobiles and ha* been extended to radios, furniture, typewriters, automobile tire* and suOh, how has beeu stretched fur ther’ to include men's pants. A Worcester store Is suggesting In u window placard that custom era bring In tbelr old trousers and trade hem In on a new pair. Old |i ones. In fair to middling- shape, have a “trade-in” value of abodi 60 cents. DINNER TONIGHT FOR MERCHANTS Large Attendance b Indicated for Annual Memberahip Meet of Aaaociatiou Yeaterday's ticket sale Indicated Ilia! upwards of !0A Goldsboro mer chant* and their employees would be preeenl tonight for the annual mem bership dinner of Ihe "Goldsboro Mer chants Association. Gilbert T. Htephenson of Wlns ton-Haleni, In charge of publlo rela tions for the Wachovia Banking and Trust Company, will deliver the ad dress and Rials Hecretkry W !,. Dowell of Kslelgh and D. Hollowell, first Ylce president of the Btat4 As sociation . will also appear on the pro gratn. In addition lo the addresu. a num ber of entertainment features have been planned. John Edwards, mem ber of the hoard of directors of the local association, will eerva as toast master. BOYD INSPECTS STRIKE FRONT KefuMw tq Flare Elizabcthton Under Control of Guard But Threat eng Thin ELIZABVTHTON. Tenn . May 16. (r t> y— AdJ. Gen. W- C. Boyd returned to tbe textile "front" today made a lit at y survey of the strtha situation and announced that developments did not warrant martial Is*dlu Elisabeth ton. lie said be would make such a report to Governor Hynry Horton to morrow. Civil authorities said it there were further outbreaks such's* those which caused the arrests of some 300 strlk (is Tuesday they would request mar tial Jaw. kl\G RiTIKTH {ttl UK DOGNOR, Eng., May 16.—(API- After a stay of 'l3 1-2 weeks at Craig well house where he elowly regained Me health after a long and serious Illness way to get them, stick a stick In their mouth, but then you have to be care ful that they don't manage to squirm .around and get your arm. That. I* what she kept trying to do, a«d be neve me lhat thing l* about a* strong * it hull yearling. She snapp'd off the pole a time or two, but I kept holding on to what I had. “After 1 had battled there Wish Ihe reptile awhile, the boy* got back with the rope, and while I kept Ihe -lick In her inmttjji good. Ihe rope wa* slipped, In a n<*i*e. over the stick and down over 'gator'* Jaw*. That .est the big intake ju*t about helpless nd we could haul her about as we rleased. "That night I shut her tip In Ihe ben house, and- Tuesday l started to hflps (ter hark to Wayne. I got me (Continued on page i) MEMBER OF « THE ASSOCIATED PRESS UY. Dortch Renew* Contention That i* regent Zoning Lfev Not legally Adopted QUOTES ALDERMAN SMITH AS READY CHANGE VOTE d « In Statement to The Novo Mr. Dortch Recitoo History of Can* “If recessevy I •hall carry the e»t-, „ ter-to lb* Hupreme Court," declared Hugh Dortch, local attorney, ai he ’•Ktei'Jay annoonced hla InteatUn o t again rtlslng the quest lon of gristing remits for fllllnt nations at Ash anl v'"h*tn and Ash aid Janas as ttit Hat meeting of the board of al dermen. In a statement to The Newt, Hr. Dortch, renewed hip, won test lee that the present toning o>treaaee was eat 'easily passed. He quoted J. Aadrew Smith, a member of the board who voted agalaat the permits Mow day right, as having changed his slews la the light of conditions nod as hsOMI willing to vote to grant fhs paraeMn now. V ‘ ■» "Back In 1lh", ha declared; “«hs city of Goldsboro had no aonthf ordla diios. Whan anyone desired to betid a filling station, permission waa oak- . * >d from tha bo*r«t of aldanaae and • waa grantad oa Its merits. filling stations wars all over tha etty at Goldsboro: acrooa thf *sst frase cburcbea aad nay otbar balldtags In resident is l sect lona aad angwhoro anyous desired to bwlld one. “Mrs. Learn Bits* 11 ewaad tha pro perty at tb* corner of Ash aad Jaana •streets. Th* property wae vacant and bringing In no Income. Deahiac to tyutld a filling station which weoH rroduc* n good Income, ah* applied tor a permit to build a fllllag at s' l on at that corner. The permit waa re fused her by the board of alderaaoa oa account of the objection of soasw 4 the neighbors Mr*. Btsawll employed counsel who brought mandamus pro ceedings In the superior eourt nga'otf the board of aldermen making that they be forced to great permteeloa tor the erection of the filling etettoa at that The superior eirt granted the mandamus prooaodlnqa and ordered the penult to be Mans! The city of Goldsboro a ppm led to the irapreme court ahd the auprspie ejirt upheld the det'rton of H* tops- jr r'urt. At tho neat a citing if the board of aldonpoa, the follow In t I* taken from the mlnnte* of tho etty clerk, which fa a public rtoord In the CH y Hell "Ai'orney* K C. Bnrglt and D. ft. Humphrey, reported to <b* board .hat In the case of Btaaell re City #f Golds boro. illative to placing filling na tion* co th* coraers of Aeh aad C<« ter ead Ash and Jjubss. the edpr* no court hud decided eg tret the oUy. ) A* tb* solicitation of Attorpey Ro/«.i upon notion of Aldsrmui Olltlkla, th* board adopted the following:" Her* Mr. Dortch cited th* nosing ordinance which Hhe been enforced rlnc* May U 37 aad continued. "Tb* eo-called ordinance* which re stricted tb* placing of rilling station* in rsrtalu places In tbs City of Golds- Soro. A number of place* are re stricted on one corner, while th* ad joining carper la not restricted. These ordinances were passed aad Mr*. Ms t*ll was net allowed to erect her filling etntloa. , "Sometime Inter. Mrs A. O Bar bery and Mrs W T. Dortch appllod for n permit to erect a filling station on th* corners of Ash end William i'toots, and permit was refused oa the grounds of the so-cniled toning or dinance*. At a meeting of th* hoard, permission was granted for Mrs. BU *•11. Mrs Barbary and Mrs Dortch to erect filling etattona on tb* corner of Ash and* William and Ash and * James streets. At th* sem* meeting. •be so-called tonlmr ordinances were, -■•pealed A few Bays later, at a spe lful meeting of th* board of alderman, i u resolution waa tntrodaosd by A Mer man Robinson, clung section 177* "V cf the N. C. Cod*. I*l7. which Is os follows; "377* (v) Cbaogee—Bach rugolw* > tlpna, restrictions and boundaries may . * (Continued on page e> PRICK FIVE CENTS

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