WEATHER Handy and skewers Natarday and handa). l ittle rhaage la lemperatnre. VOIAWIE EIGHT; NUMBER DIRIGIBLE FORGED TO HAKE LANDING IN FRANCE With Crippled Motors Air Liner Is Forced To . Battle Heavy Windstorm LandinK Cuerx. France, at Evening; l ussenKers Safe DR. ECKENER LAST MAN IX) LEAVE 8HII» C ABIN French I’rovlde SailorH, Soldiern and Clviliann For i-anding Crew CUERS. France, May 17 (API The dirigible gruf .leppelln was huf<■ tonight lilt, a hangar here w|jlle the diminishing winds with which sliwjiud l>c« n lw perilous struggle all |i|ed ahi|i. only, one of her live mot ora working with occasional help from a second, was drawn to ewrir. here, literally at the edge of the Mediterranean Keg ond beside the only landing mast In |*’rauce. The 18 pas sensei *'uinl members of the crew ac; tin re* lorn In the solid earth shove whirl, they had tossed in uncertainty throughout the day. I lie landing was at 8:35 p. in f‘V3'» p in. Kuslern Htandard about tC» -i -I vmm 1... f~i .. i lim tl i rlu I illp L jij (in d T. .'ut n nr i urr tit * mi tjt tetti* u( sed Into the air from Frit drlchjhaf «ii and set her course for L»V •Imr-;. H J Twelve hours after -in unusual iv fine slsrt I*r. Hugo Krk'ticy, con fronted with Ihe loss of two motors, hi aded his ship hack front the Span ish coast. The battle to win passage up the lihoue valley against the near-gal" from the northwest failed and Ur Kckencr decided on a landing here. It was nearly dark when the .-ditp ap- I eared, U Sum on cMnniander of the airdunlb. had assembled sohllera, sall irs and civilians hours before. They drew the ship down and within half nn hour the passengers one hv one <*• scended to the ground from short Irdders raiseil to the cabin door.' The mayor and most -ground comhllHee. which »s’ tld In the Wayne County Msmorial i 'Omniunity hiilldiug' here yesteA)&> at t.irtiiuiu at -I u’etock. It win decided to x nil a representative committee Jie lore Hi,; hoard of alilemo i|. al ’(i . in jit regular meeting to. ask for a|i proprlutlons tor cnrrylnO on tlo ilt v p'avground work this summer. Mrs. It II “'Bland, who * th Mr < \r hie Dees, wns present as a rep resentative of the Woman', dull, »u elected ChathiiMn of lire playground committee^ R. C. Robins,vn. director of the Community building, ahd in .charge of the city playground work, mad* a re 1 1 rt on the various activities tinder . !•■ rbnrgc dm nr the past year, and ■nve an outline of the wurk which be ts hoplfig to do during tills year Roy Parker, who Has charge of the playground at Herman Park, stUo GOI.DSROKO. N. C. SATt'RIIAV .MUHNINO. MAY Is. hull Presented at Britain’s Court Mrs. George Harnett, left, wife of M*jor-C.encral George Bar nett. commander of the U. S. Marines during the World War, anil Miss Margaret McKittrick. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. TRomai H. McKlllricV.a ntf niece of Mr. F. Stcrting. rntwisrer to the Irish Free State, were presented to the English court bv Madame Sthamer, wife of the German ambassador to England ACCOUNTANTS TAKE EXAMS Twenty-Seven Seek License t«» Practice Profewdon in North Carolina Tlte Xen* Itiiicsm RALFIOH, Mav 17. Twenty-sc von w imJltinier an* in KhlHkli today t ul*h !ng the two-day cxntMlnutiona given by the North Carolina Kittle- Hoard of Accountancy for certificates to piac ties certified public accountunev In North Carolina The> ex am'nations ur< ihe same (is are being given In 87 states In the Union affiliated with the American Institute ot Accountant* at Ibis time AM of the memle i of the etuftiln itlg board, except J. II McCabe, Wit m ngtqn, president, are present. In cluding Walter ('hartley. Cliarlotte, vice-president: Wright T. Dixon, Ra Mgh, secrelary-triuisiirer, and Frank ! . Jaukson-, of Davidson t'ollegi ito •Ml 111 In.'lt 101 lls nil litre.- siilije. 1,, an • dltlug, accounting theory aiid practice a> d commercial lawi I tINTPOAF DFt ISIOA ON IPX 111 I PKOBF WASHINGTON, May 17. —(API - The Senate Manufactures Committee postponed a d< • n lodav on lln> " r< oiltltloii for an Ini' H a Mon of the textile Industry to give null owuei fl . an opportunity to !»*■ heard Monday. SCIRFAIi: IS Ao>t IA Jill, PHILADELPHIA. May 17. (AP) “Scarface" (tgpone, nationally known t hlcago gangster and racketeer l> ud ! «i, I* serving a jail term for the first time In Ills life After pleading ru I t\ to carrying a gun Al and his bi«ly guard. Prank Cline, also a Chicago rnngsier. f atde a report on his work during Hie pa t year and »l d«l his plaits for t ti" lat ure. Con-lib itililc » Inlcre .t ha, be, Jl “how ii in the pul, pi ugi ...u i Vli Parker', report disclosed, and P W 1(0 1 led that the w u'k » II be coo slr.ueii In all the playgrounds of th> city. '.'!o. following it., mi" r< of the. onto mPlce were present! Ifr*. Wlllium S : Itii and Lionel W'* ll ref,resentluc ! Rut i) club; Mr T. It llehcbr • ill, representing the high clmol par ent teacher's association. Mrs Georg, W iierwlrorn the Virginia street school io-s(K'l«tl<>n; Mrs It. F Turlington, from sh. Walnut street school iioTv Mrs. PaulCi••• ch, from „the Virginia -1 i.u !.. I( . Ml .1 0.1 .111 Gd y ards, from William stre-t; Roy Pviker. icpre eiiHliK tit' KlWau :i Moidafifet D 11. Bland, nnd Archie Dcea, trom the Woautc> dub. iSik' ’ m ■Ac jqP % • M. W M« ' i n m 11 ujl |r ji W m* F - '< ty pre ,illicit, aniioiincc I lodav Governor Gardner has been asked to• present the invitation 10 the cim gress to meet next year In Charlotte, on which city the Nig'ih» Carolina Sis'luty cent reed and will make-every effort to laud the meeting for this Mate. Mrs. Gardner has Inen In, v'ted to attend with Governor Gard ner and meet Governor laiuls f,. FJin • icrson, c,r Illinois, and President G neral Gansott Depew at tll•- Sun day service and Governor Gardner is scheduled to apeak Lit Chi i ago Saturday night. A special reception !• to be .given H e visitors al the Bxeciillve Mansion n Springfield Monday 1 by Governor mil Mrs F.imnersrtit, while fhc nnnani liunheon and bmdne-a 'o nions *lll he held Tuesday and W edni alay. The c-ganlxatlon has more"' than JJO.fMIt) tio-mhers with slate societies In nil cf the states jmd territories ahd In Paris, Fra nee. \(;m TFACHKHS -i JOIN AS (JROUP AssiKiation Will Ifo I’orfodyd at .Moolinu Here on June (i Vocational agriculture teachers of this section will form an asaoctatlon to meet iponthly to discuss problems c.f if routing the prose o,'on. It-was an uuiiced vesterdav following a con ,I, || 111 e !>cla yl4 WjUAlic teachcM Util ) S Howard of SalomliuT'g, "Uisstrf* t upervisot. The itaisra-iutlon will be fllmlly perfected ala meeting here i II June 1., It vv:oi“Me< lard. >'rof Si Aloout Pf ,ini!,l. , i,. i, !■ hui 1 If Mjille prof Shaw o? Johnston • 'iitm! v.. rfriil Prof Morgan of Greene . - untv arc' to lie lii v 1 1. J to Join ilo iU» | . 4 » -f rit l a* of la* hhi IIA 1.11 s rlutetideut pf the Borden t Ills and eight children She moved vllh her family to Goldsboro several ■ curs ago The Isos arc I. .1 . S L„ Maxle,' Bov and Billv (’raven The gilts are Misses Mary, Agnes and « Ella Mae Craven. " .... - PRESBYTERIANS IN CONVENTION Listen In AddrettHCN From Three S|>eakeris and Appoint CommItU— MONTH EAT, N, May 17.—(APl Representative of three religious bodies this afternoon addressed the f.'Hh general assembly of the Pres byterian (diureh In session here and •he reports of the interim com mittee till survey of the Held of the Preslt)teflon church -)n the Unite,! States and the Presbyterian church, " 8 A., were schedultul for con sbteratlon. The refiorl on divorce was ordered rcferred to a special committee for ualderatlon tater. *> Rev. W. A. Hamilton, general »#c etary of Ihe World Alliance, of Pres- Idterlan Reforpi'-d churches, was Hie tirst of other speakers from ofher bodies He was followed by Rev. George William Brown, D. D., geueral »< < retary of the American Bible Bo i-iety. ‘The Rev. Charles Is Goodeli, lepresentltig the Fetleral Council of ( hurchos >»f Christ In America was a'HO a visiting speaker. Standing cOUflilllMa were organised this afternoon und tonight a popu lar meeting In tlie Interest of . public education and Suhlmih school ex tensloq was held , The first of the. committee reports to he pdopted was that of Ihe perm-" mient committee on reformation Hun v which was approved Hits morning Ti ls reoiiuiinendial Lhal JJundav, ()<■ t» her 27. he set aside thb, year for ermons on the subject and that 'Cou . regal ions In' given opportunity to c, nirlhule to proteatant relief tn Eu rope. * Dr W'. R. Dobyns, moderator, an uoufic'd Ihe standing committee at ihe liiorntjig session. K 4 LF.VKK BREAK ( BKI KKD I - - , e* MJCMPIUS. Term, May 17 (API - A break In the main Ht Francis Riv er levee near K'linetl, Mo, tmlay was i becked by volunteers who responded ’lo a general alarm', hut fears were ■xpres-ed that the dyke would not he ohb- to withdraw a new rise of the *' V t -•* Ml-slsslppl that began showing Hi,-re this afternoon. Believe Escaped Convicts Robbed Store of J. W. Pate i .f Tl caged convict's, thought probahl) to have Irt-cii the .- aitie ■ two who on » / o>dn'»4ay approached the home ot ll< r,nan Rose In Fork township jfhd bcggfd for fond, are belb ve*l by m*m I" i -of th* local p 011,,, department to have been r< -potislble for the enler- of the grocery store of J W I’ate on North George street here «|!me Thursday night, And no th'rt of a qiuittity of clothing, canned goods and other edibles. Tlo finding cl two suits of convict clothing near a ditch on Borden’s farm yesterday morning, ahd Hie fact that iraiks bailing iidim tlo place where the ripen bad evidently changed their Clothes were said to match the Im , lints made lev shoes like some taken T ort Pate’s ’store, led officers To be ■ licv* that th” rnbliei v of Ihe store had ll 111 < oiopli“hi dll convicts wlm I e cgp'ftl from the date prison camp near Selma several days ago. Early Market Opening To Be Sought At Meet Os East Carolina Men GOVERNORS ARE INVITED HERE Gurdnvr WhiMm Other SUttx To I'urliciputc In Flower Festival 1 £/ , .. . Th* Xewa Bureau RALEIGH/ May 17—Governor 0 Max Gardner la writing a letter of In • *r .• o v'tatlou to tjhe governors of the 47 other stales iff the tinlou. Inviting • hem lo attend tlie second unniiSl l.iiodo,ieM,lron Festival to be held In Asheville during the week of June 17-22, Inclualv*. The letter la al the request of J. A- Goode, president of he Asheville Chamber of Commerce, who announces ihjit Hie railroad* are "ooperutlng with the (eallval by of ferlng special round-trip rate* to those tt attending the festival. President Goode extended a special Invitation to Governor and Mrs. Gard ner to be the guest of the festival ■luring the week and to help enter tain Governors of other stales and m- i hoes, several shirts, punts, hose and a "quantity' of groc rifts and caused g.axM, Including several ciuts of sal mou w. ii aid to have l»een taken by j (Continued on page 3) MEMBER OP * THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CBNTR Eastern (arolna ("hanker of Commerce Schedules Confer ence for Greenville EXPECT SOUTft CAR. ANtf \ GEORGIA WEEK EARLIER a““ • ' All Farmers, Merchant* Bhnkege and Intercatad Parties Urged to Attend ■—■ll —in 0 A meeting of unusual importance 'ha* been called by the Eastern Caro lina Chamber of Commerce for Oreea vfiie, Monday night at the Coert Houae. to diacuaa the matter of q>—- ing the Eastern Carolina tobacco markets earlier than heretofore. All farmers, merchants, bankers, to bucconWe and othera Intereeted ta having ihe Eastern Carolina markets opened aa early aa poealble are Invit ed to thla meeting. The object, pri marily In haring this earlier opening la lo do away with that parted of "leanness" from August Nth to Sept. . Scott was ' iformed at a conference with state highway offlclela la Ralelgk. Just when tha state will eond IU en gineers lo lay out the route of '(ho highway from Hrondhurat Bridge lo Pink Hill Is not known .but It la ho* Mrjed that thla will be done la tha near future. v Contract far pevtng the route Is Hue to be let about tha mlddla of the hummer and construction la eipect e-J to start lata In tha summer. NEAR RIOT AT ELIZABETHTON N 6 Strikers Being Tried Fee “Conspiracy to Commit Murder*’ EMZABETHTON, Tenn , May It.— 'V) A disturbance that for a few minutes threatened to edevert Itself 'nto a riot marked the trial of U stru ng union textile workers on charges of "con*piracy to commit murder Kbortly before tha at ale completed Ita rebuttal testimony preparatory to xigument. .* The crowd that Jammed th* tittle <elna ordered to quiet down and move beck .from national Kiiardsme'n stationed about the room, hecattie more noliy with scores mov ing toward the exits, causing a Jam. Hoots and cat calla greeted the plea of IX H. M Ferrll In charge e# the c< urthouxe detail for quiet and order ».*' noise Increased and ions apecta tora began moving about. William P. Kelly, vice president of the Called Textile Workers of America, yaalted ■he rail In front of the Judges and nnde a abort, Impassioned talk, urg ing the union members to be quiet aad Observe court regulations. The disturbance subsided and the trial wa* renamed. While trial progress today a warrant charging Adjutant General W. C Boyd w'tli "aiding and abetting an atcmpi lo commit murder” was sw*j u cat •*» k'« ij n Ileal, n. strike picks' »to •■ tv tnjurid seriously when bit by a lei* th: f charged a grojip of air.her* blocking the highway. The adjutant ftneral immediately was released eg a (1,000 bond. f _____