WEATHER Sate teafaf. I««tejr tlwi; u 4 •••te, ahewara te Mit portloa. VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 71 URGE UNION BRANCHES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REPORT STARTS BEBATE BEFORE ASSEMBLY MEET Final Vole on Report Held Over Until Special Setotion on Monday NO MINORITY REPORT WITH RECOMMENDATION Dr. Morria Saya Joining Two Main Branches of Preaby teriana Logical MONTREAT. N C. Majr l#.— (API Piopoaal tor union with the United Presbyterian church of North America precipitated the. flrat debate of the geueral aasenibly of the Presbyterian church In the United Htalea In session her* Prasentatlou of the report of the ad Interim couiiulltee on cjlosed rela tions with Presbyterian bodies by Dr 8 L. Morrla of Atlanta precipitated the discussion which euded on I v will) a motion pultlluMh* debate over un til Monday. Il wu» made a apodal order of business for Monday after mtit. There waa no minority report from the committee but R. A Dunn of Char- Jctte opposing the plan for consollda .lou of the two largest bodies at fol lowers of John Calvin went a letter which waa read by Dr Morris Mr. Dunn la the only member of (he com mittee unfavorable to the majority re pcrt. Mr. Dunn asserted that he consid ered the plans, "unwise " Dr Morris £ftvocated > adoption Os th»- report and sanding It to the Presby teries for approval gave three reasons why he favored uniou. These were: because the churches are essentially agreed: v because II would be one step toward healing of the breaches ( of Protestantism; 'o s'rengthen the aviuigelhal forces of the churches. "We are submitting a Calvlnl«“: basis for union," he said “We are giving you Calvinism, unadulterated. Let ua make this union so Calvan'sm will grow to be domlnifte In I’reslv terlanlsm. The assembly heard a large number of reports this morning and an a.I l.l tt.e assembly. Me said that In the tout hern section of the Near Fait, "where *boys of 16. and 17 are now beginning to earn their own llv'v* ly reason of having the gTeat nev education made possible bv Ihe Fast relief which brings their heads and hands together." great progress was Iwlng made. , •The report on profestant relief In Europe was read by Dr. J. 1 Vance, of Nashville The report of the Committee <\ Preparation of Correspondence CJ-»rse for Ministers, signed hy Dr. R T. C»l*- '••pie. of Atlanta, and presented bv j the stated clerk, recommended con tinuation of the committee, and ‘ha' It seemed' That Hie seminaries *hou