WEATHER Apia Tneaday to Mat. Hsto* lempera t»ff jto west T»e». Med. fair, nanper. VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 72 MERMEN DECIDE TO GRANT STATION PERMITS Five Members of Board Vote to Grant Petition And Four Vote Against Mrs. Dortch. Mrs. Barbary and Mrs. Bizzell to Receive Permits REQUEST FOR AID FOR PLAYGROUNDS DEFERRED ■i • ' Aldermen Smith, Isaacs* Cobb, Boney and Cole Unite to Amend Ordinance ■ ) , By a ‘count of five to four; th« city aldermen In regular session last eve ning voted to amend the xonlng ordfn mu 10 aa to allow Mr*. A. (i Bar lary?' Mr*. W T iKirtch and Mr* ! aura Blxxell to build filling station*. Mrs. Dortch will erect one at south* caat William and .Ash. Mr*. 'Bnrbary -at northeaHt William and A*h and M Pixtell at northwest A*h and Center The Bbard heard a petition for aid for playgrounds and re-elected all city officer*. Voting to grant the permit* were aldermen: A. J ■ fimlth. Sol Isaac*, W Cordon Cobb. P. Boney. and J. W, colg. Voting not to grant the permit* were neorge Water*, E B. Borden. 111.1 f*m Brldger* and M E. RobJnson. W. B Cobb, whose motion to allow the erection of the station* had fa let at the called aeeslon of the hoard a week ago, again moved for the Ntatln* recommending that the r.onlng ordltf ance be amended ao a* to exclude the property of the three women petltlon ert. Alderman Boney, seconded the motion. Hugh Dortch, appearing before Hie hoard a* attorney for hi* mother. Mra. W. T Dorteh. renewed hi* contention that the city did noc have a xoning 'aw In accordance with the »tate act »f 1921; that is, a law pa*»ed after advertising for two week* In Home newßiaper or after giving of two week* public nrttlce of Intention to consider A toning Inw. , “Von dp have a coning ordinance”, he said, "that I* legal, hut. one that you can repeal nr amend Just ns you can repeal or amend the ordinance regulating spit ting on the sidewalk " City Attorney It IJ, Humphrey, when oueatloned hitd agreed that the Bon ing ordinance vit not passed accord ing, t o the provision* of the act of FIJI* for providing » xonlng law lie. h')» ever, characterised the-existing c'ty •♦state a* "an ordinance and a° good one. one that wilt hold" It wax following the appearance of Mr. Dortch that the motion allowing the filling stations was passed City Manage! 7. 0 Uollowelt read ape lUlon seeking permit to erect a Hit *nk pt at lon at the-southwest corner of Cleorge and Vine "Move 1t to granted," rh,oru «'d the whole board In unison, and with a full throated cry the permit was granted. B. ft. Thompson Wax given permis sion lo erect a station atJhc northeast irrner of Elm and Ceorg*. “Getting hai k to Serious con Titrra u t'oiT*. dedircd Water*. Jr, rtslng to lit*. feet "It seem* to me that this planning com mission should get busy, and If we are going to have a toping ordinanc es nmat have on*’ and abide by It", That the city appropriate ft.non f„ r the aummer playground work was •asked by !>r W II Sn,"h. appear li ps spokesman for the committee n«ni ed by the playground group to pie rent the matter to •the boatd "The cost of the plav pros taut in the it' list summer was only 1 cents per itiTld." said Dr Smith, "possibly the lowest record In the country." "We want to do what Is right about this aud we are In t pres ted In It." said A'dermati Waters, "hut I th tik tic mutter should he referred to the hud aet commission ” Budget for’the new • ear is expected to be adopted at the A'cogd meeting In June The following city officers were re c ei ted ut an executive session of the board tax collector J. S Crawford, a-intio* collector N. G. (iwntney; fire chief ami hulldiiig Inspector. Mr. Muh r> ; auperiutendertt of streets, liuy .1 Parker; city engineer, CuJ- Whit man: chief of police, E. J> Tew, assist ant chief of police Dun Norris; aaalst »m sW Ai i-.tfeb.xtA • . \ , .... THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. a dr > *'«M|| Breaks Into Store (lets 2,000 Pennies Whoever If w;ui broke into Ihe store of \V V. iSherard al John nnd Vine street* Sunday night must have had an automobile In which lo carry off his loot For the rob ber gos S2O In pennies, or "about a peck of them" a one else phrased It. Several knives, a quantity of cigarettes, and a English IJulldog revolver were also lakeu. Entry was gained by removing the pane from a front window. The thief was cageful to set the pane buck In place as be left Police yesterday itrrouted, two Negroes under auapicton hut later turned them loose. SPII,MAN URGES NEED OF UNITY Kiwanitt Club Hears Kinston Citizen at Regular Weekly Meet Dr 11. W. Spllinnn, us Kindlon, field aecretary of the Sunday School Hoard 'of the Southern Baptist Cunveutloii. addressing Hie Goldsboitft Klwanla at their regular, weekly meeting hero last evening, urged the purpetnation of a community aplrlt of co-operation, eontraHtlng the ancient methods of In dividual living with the ever grow ing community aplrlt Idea. Dr Spil rnan's . addrena was well received liy ths member* of the local Klwanla club. J, Hough, superintendent of the Kennedy Memnirlal Home, at Kinston, and a member of the Kinston KlwunU club. In a few well chosen words, extended a special Invitation to th > local duh to he la Kinston for a Joint meeting with the Klwunls of that city. Mrs A J* Smith entertained the club members with a reading. "Now I’tty Zelle." which was delightfully rendered and met with, considerable applause. • Rev. A .1 vSoilth wa* in charge of last, evening'* program. PLAN OVERSEA FLIGHT TO ROME WillLuns and Idtnrrv Will T»Kf (iff Today if Weajher Prrmils til,D ORCHARD. Maine, May 2't.. fd’i Roger Q. William* and Captain f' wlx A Yancey arrived here from th* "etrTS'iio Airport, N J , late today In the llftinUpline "fireen Fla. h 111 which • he?« to flv to Rome, Italy Tin® filer * were accompanied (ij y.t.orl, a mechanic who said he would not make th*- Rome flight William* »ald they would hop off tomorrow at daylight If weather eon ("Mims are favoralMe The plane 111 sha h Martin Jensen broke the world'! *l the takeoff would depend on advices ex farted late tonight from In Kimball leather expert al the United Slat*- Veather Bureau tn New York. Wind Storm Does Damage In City on Sunday Afternoon Sevcnty-al* city telephoto wpri' pul onl of t>rd< i small Ir*• wer> na ppcil, olf iii iij; fh«(r I'rtMi '., several' i*lndow panes were "broken in local .(welling house*,' by » violentw i **«l -i ii yalu storixi which (truck tin ctr> iVtl surrounding Hsrrftorv late Hun ('i.y afternoon Social per shunt die i irifil (light tn|iiitf> in automob;is' a. t blent* "m i urrlllß (luring 111# dorm, out with the exception of tin e#, no tiller injur b* resulting ffom the wind Hill J*ei • r> ActoruipH to repo’rt( rec#lv#il here . yesterday the wind storucdld,eon*id-| t’rable damage to the young com crop i fa thl( section, bowling over the Ivuher alglka | rowing uu bill* and u»i i« * ' TWELVE CASES IN CITY COURT Mayor llill Sends Two to Jail nnd Fines Eleven Others ..One Jail sentence of thirty day* and several assessments of fine* and the rest* were handed out by Mayor Jack Hill when twelve defendant:* tail'd I im til the Monday moriiiiig esslon of police court here yesterday Defendants In three case* were bound over to county court A variety of c harge* app-ared on the dock el but cNaos Involving drunk) n tie as aud dl» ' orderly conduct I' d the I «t The followinl: case were rib pored of or liottud over to higher court bv Mayor Hill yesleiday: Wenxle Faison. nc*gro charged kMUi Iks.Mill. Elick Reeve-. n<'gro, ilntc' t with Illegal poises lon of whiskey, nnd f.'harlie |a*e. ,vhit '„ tin a worth lea* cheek count, were each bound ever lo county court under |IO(t bond lx>nnlc Vi'lggs, local wli le malt, wax sentenced to thirty dav* In jail I >r being drunk Wtgg* has been up for 'he same offento several times be fore, It was said Capias la*wl», while paid the coat* for disturbing hi# neighbor*.- W. H. Robbing, while, was fined *r. and the coat* for Iceltu* drunk Willie Brown nnd Joe Blackman, negroes, wete eac h lutacased wlfh the .•o'.t* for being disorderly. John Murray, tailored, charge*! with ‘i|»eratlng an automobile without a j permit and without a city llren e, tii t ixed with the anct rc>c|iilrc>d tu purchase both license and permit. Frank Teaehey, colored, charged wMli forcible trespass and being clruuk l,ltd dlsorclerly, was fined 15 aticl the costs. 4 GuJilord Brctoa, culiti ed. j>aid the cost* for being disorder^ly. fharlle Howell, white, wyt taxed with payment of the costs for being drunk. LOWER TALKS OF CLINIC TR AGEDY 'I huiks Ikfompatiitinn of Cover* itiß SuliHtancc F«»r films Set Gw Free CI.FVKEAND. ()., May i’tt «r#d I'v farmerm urowml (Inld boro hut the 4 second |* kilt:: ' of bean lit tbit? section WOUlit offer a a f -ult of 'tie rain- \ firoluwlwl tfewg* in.ur Mich at was • *|■ • i enc-d In rttj Suftdav nigti! ami > tyrd.i • wni.lij 'tans# tlfV beans to "-p it It wa - litl A large pecan tree lit tin- but k yttnl • tt Mrs Beaifrlee Hadley, living «>, 2Ju r d IVtrler dree!, wa* said to huv ! • ID, split, at a fork aliu i' 1 ~iw . > ' between tile ground ami the’ top ot j .the limbs The wind struck tic tree i Jrlth, aitch force us to break half In j i r*vo a large Iron bolt which had ■ ■ I embedded In the woo«l near tb« fork l tef tofua Unae, TU« .Sew 4 wati. ' 1 GOLDSBORO. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. MAY 21, 193 Sv Lindy-Morrow Honeymoon Neat * « ■ w - •i a J - * Tki m -IB tor ? *c I ; Fhi* little cottage on the Morrow estate at North Haven, Me., has only recently been completed. It ii brlieved that Colonel Charles Lindbergh and his intended bride, Anne Morrow, daughter of Ambassador Morrow, will live here following their marriage some time in June. . Several Thousand Damage In Mast Walnut Slreet Fire Fire of tuideteriulm-d- ot gilt dal damage estimated ut several thiiUSHO dollars In the Joe Fnrfour *toro. on East Walnut street about 11 o'clock ast night. The loss I* covered by Insurance »• • Someone leaving the Mcllheony Cig ar Btore at II o'clock noticed iiuokc pouring from Farfiuirfs and yelled back Into Mellhenify's lor the ftro alarm lo he turned la. .... Firemen ihacovered that the flame* iiucl apparently originated on a nice If tc the left of th- door and jii-mp than half way from Ihe frput. A quaiffity of overall* and shirt* were stored at he point Fire Chief VLfbry said lad night that the origin of life Haines litol pot been eh icymlned The fire had gained considerable headway and the stifling smoke that v.-na soup thick over the place slowed down the efforts at hCnglng the fir ■ under tamtro| Th- I-* k wii* not completed Until nearly 12 ‘tn but dam aged was confined to the one build leg. Mm In of the damage ri ulteil I lout nnioke and »ate.r. It was aaltl TELLS DAN(;ER , FROM FRUIT ELY Sovm in Radio Addrecs ll Mould Mean End Horti cultural Indimlry RALKIUII. • Mi v J1 hi an add re 1 • > bioid i i.t ove r hliitioil VVI' ll i-id iS 'lio 'igg booir no oo o In ohi* r couotr*w ; where the fly now abounds, h« otat-d. Dr lauliy -addri v* > m the fit | Hire id an appeal ■ t*c aid ' 'h- Federal and 'ale guyi-i i(t t t ' |.u v< nt I be “pa"' ad /-I Ul-* p- ' a i •' 0 ! hji.‘ rnaiMj —lie * i —•' '* V' * : i 'uridjc ,Jf- VV' \’H I.NfcTON, Mav -'M (At'i ; Ml) ro I ; g»m» ri * * ul uim ! bur nr kpiwcUi a»u| n r h»» ’ ij fi i i»* *v thf fHiifli tin* < *»111 - •«» u s i rup ■« 11 *1 I *l* 4»i '' ’’ • j •ii l!*** i*r t'lfi at i<*U of th* V yj raiH'iit, friiJf fl> «».* inf•»«.l « v Ti« i»«♦“ * i* iv* * iril, li*-pohJi *»m, ' ' < Nf«»* • • * n»« ,i4Tirj‘ ff *i iI r »*•! Hi*' •«• j prompt if*- t'rnetfoir of * i«*p id»| tr* | wih Hi# wly known to * | i p toiit** lli*- p< l . u i ut*r -r ur'e* jfi*,ii;i,iiwi us lii»- f ii» Flo. o'.», Hk ’ » | cl* • V }’♦ r • \t t * J V M •)' ' ’TV I * I \ HlfJ pf 1 v # fit U Iffilfl- Kd 1 !! Tig l» fr ti f !<: f I f j MII.DIf R lMi BRIDI >1 thK SI If IDE HU I NEW YORK. Mav J't. (AIM A “*cl- Idler untl hi* bride of two day:- exeeut !* o a fMiUifJ** dmi : oh flu* t-»?u*r of 1U»- b illy t»rrv boat vesforddy. I „ f harlc.V' D. c,.ntp.•„»(!#« iiecl to taw j u-lllfary p -11* *’ »’,#t.opi-l *dt. It* l. *• - j Mill no. It"' -i'e id t roV*'!- 1 * .flu:.. t4i jl.iherty, itert Dm 21 year of wife. Jean. ! gnd him elf as they wafted for the i lurry tv malt# its Ural Dili vl Utv tUy. ONLY ONE DRUNK DRIVER IN COURT \ Five ('hnrgeM »f Giving Worth ies* ( hecks Againal K. , D. I’erkins live char pea of puNslug worlhle*a ehi*i : k‘i intiftiitili'd K. D t'rrkln* In Mayne County Record#r*s court h*r<* yesterday Judge ft. H Kliind ruled lie ..was guilty In two of the tharg'-x and aciitcneed him to An days on the Ihe roads In oath case. Perkins .ap pealed In Hupartor court and Isipd In each ease wuh flxisl at s:!un Th ■ three other I'tiargos were also ear ril'd over to Knpcrtor Court Yesterday'* soiyatorj of court wa« In l|>•>•d hiyiugi* tn that only one »,i - vchnrged with driving drunk. Caul Wttberlngtoii had mixed uutomohlle driving with Ills drfliks and -;Judge lllitiid swttlencnd him tn hu days on the road in sober up, providing how •*j i. thal he slniuld tic; given until ‘‘Afs 21 to get mit of the county M ilbcrltiglon was nlan convicted of art affray with Hiram .Smith and sentouc ■ d to tin days hut given until May 21 to i ■» out of lb** county Plover for Judgment agalnTl Rmtth v i i nritluiii'd ii|ion pi * meiit of th" ml. Mildred Hrooka, -th# eoort ruled had whiskey In her pur- iesslop fox she pnrpotie of rale nnd rh" will do 90 dav* „!n Jiiil to make amends. Minnie Jon* ■ vi. found not guilty of a charge of ifefraud and lathy Byrd • aid tin* los t on a charge of simple assault A charge of loafing and non imp port again I ILitieel \Vn liltigloo wax nql pro -id With teiive ■. C - 1 II tHI.OTTH UHSMtVI S MU hi t Mil HD OKI It RATION CHARUtTTE, Mav 2U lAPj For Ire Drat tln>e lit many year* Ffuir '*i'. tmi.iv oi. ei vi d the iinntversarv ' I *> i-I Abe M'a k!• nlmi g itn larsl Uni rsf ,f n Ii 'M'lidem < with a relebrattoO Si liikils ii-tiik- and the i Ity hall wern ilu ted | I* i It**' d iVn hut th*- traditional pa •|r and in iiilr. were deferred until *!j - I in t .* In n tin lon r » derate r> union will tn- in prtotres* Three Automobile Wrecks In Section Over Week End i “I . . 1 ” " - _ J ' 1b» h*»vy ratn Sunday afternoon, I 'owertnt vUtMIUy and learlnft *ltc-k .uvemont* are tn-1 i ved to ha he* ■ (ii .r* ponahlla for a acrk-a of a 1 ti mobile mflitulli alilrli occurred litj itii- within withkr'l wrelve intur lun*' Two roH.lttioii* were known lo Imu •irnrri'l n I*l* r Ihe Htv while two more 1 ' f ll> 'lion. IlilUl! i* WW reported liiim oif»«*r M’l'lirnm of the county Th*' roiiipint** detail* of the lawt . .two 1 . i k:* Au' empty Whippet In a tltteh lour lie hlphnuu Id rie.ii t oml -fl a. lor*. Sunday night, with no light* ■on ii.t »o r-ported In haw been • ytc cau»« of an iv*««t voach jiaxUlu# * ... *e. -**—e^- Tuberculosis Hospital For Wayne Is Assured In Near Future, Seems G 7 Fear Damaged Cropa From Overflow Neust* .Damage to t ropx along the low Vault* of the Neitaa river pra dieted yesterday as a result of ttf* v tortu’ntial rain* which lasted most of the day. The downpour was g*>u along the 'trxtrhea of the up per Neusc H was t,a|d. and was expiated to end 'the river out nf Its hank* within the next few days. Hooding many Here* low-lying crop hind*. Several Inches of rain fell in Goldsboro yesterday. SI/ER SHOWS MUSEUM NEED S|M'itkH at Opening: nf AtsNoda- I hut for Adult Education in Chapel Hill CHAPEL HILL Mav ao (API Am#r c»n art museums a* new "imn srn-tc.d and nr tend "• ■ * i*t'ti'd *it While he wa ttopp l tin ■i-t ■ mo* >ip hefitnd Me Hot-b. n Hl* report'd and f;raahl*d Into the 'tear end of the other ear, dltchlna fit'ti h. The Hull k ami the K*,*e*. which were reported in have lieen badly dam .if*,i were hauled In to (loldeboro IV a Ifn i I W recker The name* of the noil'll of th* tarn waa not learned While the other two car* were being hauled to the st y, the drlr*r t pf th* ‘ \g«|iU#u*d on f*(} 7jj, A .... ' - : .Vm MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS Member* of Hoard* Make la* sperlion of Hanltorig of Halifax and Vance SEE HOW COUNTEB HAVE MET TB PROBLEMS Erection of Wayne Sanltoriom Would Re Economical Aa Well aa Humanitarian Watne county will boob hart a saal lorlum for the treatment of Indlgtaata air Heated with luberculoeta. While aa official announcement to thte effect was made. I hie fact stood out proa* li.'Mitly Sunday after membere of the Wayne < nunty Board of Commlaatoß ere and of the city and county health hoard had Inapected the tuherculoeie sanltorla of Hallfaa end Vhace county Nine membere miles Sunday to eae how other count l*a are giving battle to the gi cat white plague, and whet they taw convinced them that It la the humanitarian and the ecoaowleal pot* ky lo proceed with definite plaoe for for a Wayne santtorlum. The cnnltoflmn at Hallfer wne op «ii*‘d four ywr* giro wllh a bed capa city of twenty-two, for the llrat lew iomjMi*. only from 12 to It of, the beds at the hospital were hied hot n< w the number of patlenta average at out twenty. The Hallfaa *a nil or into was erected at a coat of tll.hoo for the building end 11,000 for equipment. The Duke HoaplUllaatioa Board, of which rtr. W. H Rankin la chairman, allow* (he llallfa* hoapltal |1 per dap oer patient, and for the peel year the Inal Mutlon received 16.000 from the In ard- . . The tuhercnloaU sanMorlum la Vance county hM a capacity of 1* I i.ttcuf* and wae erected at a coat a* uhout fin 000, being opeaad la July i.r B* H e-Di. i of Tha * - T Patrick, < .liter of The Ar> ta REACTION D It. K. BUTIKU lw YORK. May JO—(API—A (r-ntle doutburat of buying of the rall i >adroad aharee. which carried eever ;il tseuea up 14 to 122.60 a share tol liswl the publication ol the Waited Stales Supreme Court's dedsloa In tho SI Louis slid O'Ka I Inn case, wae tol i iwed tale this afternoon by B,ewaeß tr g - reactlotuvwhlch carried tby rail hares 12 to 111 below their early high ’cvels and eent a wM» sseortasaat of industrials crashing M to |M a sharp hyipw laat *n|( 0«|1 fINMHRaq . /„,*> •'■.ml : tew • • ’Ll'iiMaßkii