WEATHER Fair gad warmer Tkentkt) sad Friday. VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 74 AIR ADVENTURES ARE UNDER WAY AT MANY POINTS 2 Attempts To Break Record 1 Question Mark 'Monoplane Fort Worth Has Been in Air Since Sunday Morning About Noon “THREE MUSKETEERS” GOT STARTED LATE YESTERDAY Bad Weather Holds Green Flash at Old Orchard for Start to Rome FORT WORTH. Tex., May 22 i/P) —The monoplane Fort Worth which la endeavoring lo remain In the wlr a week or longer lo break the en durance record of the Question Mark was throttled down long enough to night to consume its Nth aupply'-itf gasoline wince the take-off at_ 11 ant Sunday. ROOSBVKLT FIELD, N May 22 •—(API—Tha monoplane "Three Mua keteera” took off at 7:4H:50 Kaaiern Daylight Time tonight In • second at tempt to break the re-fueling endur ance flight record eHtabllnhed by the army plane 'Questlon Mark I.t, H. B Clarke, arnty flyer on an indefinite leave of absence wan at the controls when the ahlp roared down the runway for the take-off. The iihip rone after a run of- about 2SO feet. Accompanlng Lt. Clarke was Martin Jensen, bolder of the unofficial aoto endurance flight record, and William Ulbrlch asaiatant to Clarke 'when the latter waa manager of the Roosevelt Field Flying School The ftyera plan to pick up fuel from a catapult device. They carried ltW gallon* of guaollne tit the take-off es timated to he sufficient to the whip In flight until morning without '(.fueling. The first attempt of the ahlp to se,t np a new reruellng record ended iaac night leu it than 6 hours after it took . off. The Miteketeerii were forced toJ descend when one of the plane's atahl-.f Itcern watt damaged In un ultenipt- to refuel. v (By The A«seriated Press) A theoretical bombing of New York by air and two attempts to establish endurance flight■ records featured avi ation news yenterdny while unfavor able weather conditions held to the ground two planes poised for Irans-At lantlc hopk- ( , Fighting Its way through fog and heavy cloud* from Wright Field, Day tin, Ohio, a huge army bomber drop ped three parachute flare over the aimy post -on Governor's Island'light ing New York harbor brilliantly. The twin-motored bomber with Irs new of five left Dayton at 1:15 p m. Eastern Standard Tlme/und after a oiO mile flight emerged front the mist aver New York at # 27 p m. dayll'tfht time and dropped 111), first bomb at «*:go. It then continued on'to Wash ington where It landed al Rolling Field . at 10:45 p. m , Eastern Standard Time. Plans to refnel the plane enroute and broadcast a description pf lb’ bombing were abandoned when the two accompanying planes were fore ed down at Unlontown. Pa . Ity the, In clement weatjier. At Fiwt Worth, U. I. Rohlilns and James Kelly, commercial aviator*, who started their endurance flight Sunday.’ equalled at* 11 4u p nt, cen tral standard lime last night the mark ot l<> hours ami .7 minutes set last July by the Atlju ant Louts Crooy and Sergeant Victor Groenen. They continued their flight IP an attempt to pass the record ot U»tt hours. 40- minutes ant|,U' seconds set by the army plane, "Question Mark." , Filers known a? “The Tlu*e Mu-<- geteers" were forced won at Rome v«*ll Field: After the plane had been Insled from the ground four times, a jjook on the end of a cable suspended from the plane became entangl'd at|d t ire a hole In the right stabllixer m An attempt at the refueling record planned for yesterday at Wichita Fans., by Owen I ' Hkughland fi-ne Shank was Indefinitely postpon ed wlt.ji a -mated tmrograph failed lo arrive Tl»CIS, The program a* announced by Prof Thomas follows: Sunday morning,. May 26th, .11:1)0 u. in., baccalaureate sermon by Rev M. T. Plyler, will or of the Chllstian Ad vocate., Greensboro. Thursday evening.'.May 'Kith. X Ift p. m.,f'cluss exercises by the Senior class Friday morning, May tllst, 11:00 a. *i., Hon. It. II Fountain, Lieutenant Governor of North Cavoltna. is to de liver the commencement address. Friday eVenlng. May :ilst. *:lfi p. m. booth Tarklngtou's "Seventeen" a play of voutli and fove and summer time will he presented by, the senior tbs*. Ovcatfo Detective Is Killed by Gangsters r — 4 — CHICAGO. May 22 (API Detec- 1 rive Joseph Sullivan', off duty and in plain clothes, was killed today In a savage gun fight In the early morning hours. The young detective, active in re cent gang * lay leg Investigations, was toand slumped In Ills automobile, his lend and body punctured with five bullets his two pistols missing. An anonymous telephone call led police to the battle ifrautnd. To Ask Opening of Weed Markets on August 20th The United States Tobacco Associa- I lon .will he linked lo open the I Carolina Tobacco Markets on August ;i>. officials of the Eastern Caroling,.i "liamber of Commerce have devi led alter conferring with a number ofjt leading weed growers In tills section.ji A publicity campaign which wllljl a rouse the o-vtloii to the Imp ran ts united aclton to sgviire Ijie early ji openlpg date and which will -how the. Tobacco Association the n*Vd for the}; .penlng on August 20. Reports say the crop in Georgia, Jsj earlier tills year, and Dili—U 4s daiix-j ed,. will mafee it possible for the c«j{A--.lj iVunles to arrange for the August 2ud authorities ndatlve to having ttl£hway number 102 extended from i,»e Waype county line to connect with route 22 nine miles east of Fayette - v ile- „ i ' Commissioner Wheatley of More hi ad City, Commissioner for the sec ond dlglHct, reported the application to the Commission al Its last meeting and an Inspection of the proposal was rdered Report on this Inspection Will be™ made at next Thursday's] meeting and a vote Is expected lo fol ’.iw al that lime- Another report tp made Imfore j the Commission next week Is th«i findings of un Inspection trip as lo NEW BOARD FOR 1.0.0. F. HOME -» Old Hoard RetMKnfc and D. K. Jacobi Will Head New Oruanigatidn WINHTON-SALKM. Nlay 22.—(API' Selecting Kinston as the meeting p'aep fpr ,1»30, electing Rommle F Simmons of Wlnsion-Helem as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows and Mrs. Glar? H Myers of 'Greensboro as president of the State Heheknh assembly and selecting an entirely new hoard of trustees for the < dd Fellows Orphan home nt Golds boro. these bodies which have been •n session here since yesterday ad j.nn tied tonight The rfslguatlon of the entire mem bership As the old board and the etec tlon of a new hoard headed by D. B. t.icobt of Wilmington “took place. Other grand lodge officers elected to serve the coming year were Depu ty Grand Master. Edgar Womtile of Raleigh; Urnnd Warden John Grort. Wilmington; fiesnd -Treasurer. M L Shipman of Raleigh; Grand Secre tary, 11 A. Halstead of Mooresvllle. Grand Marshal, L U Mcllrayer, Jr. Southern Pines, Grand Conductor. C 'V. Russell, of Charlotte: Grand Chap lin. K F Saver of Elisabeth <*Uy;' Grand Guardiim C l» jUwffO* "f Asheville and Grand Herald. G. Vt Barbee.’' CAM. COM HITT FE MKCTIVJ WASHINGTON. May 22 ~~(/F) -A meeting of Hje Senate Committee to vole on the resolution of Senator Wheeler. Democrat. Mon tana. for a » inquiry of b labor eondl tlons In the textile mills has been called soy tomorrow by Chalrmun La fnllette. Iti Georgia and abotrt the ame quan tltv sold In South t'arolina. The Kastern Carolina markets sold .more than 6tt.fioo.iioo pounds more than ’oe other 27 markets in this State and two markets In this belt sold nearly a much as Georigu and South Caro lina together. • Tli* Eastern Carolina m/irkhv.Jian dled more than 25 per rein of all weed market'll In the Grilled States *l;l->t year. Consideration should !«• given th«‘ request for earlier opening (nr these reasons," tt Is declared by Imslness- U.c'U, ‘ " o. arlfer than In the past would mein a trelnemlouM saving In quulirt us well n« boost the grower» jncotu" (torn the crop, GOLDSBORO, N. C. T|H HSDAY MORNING, MAY 23. 192'J • the udvlsahtlity or liuUding eleven i I miles 'of highway from the jiim iur , of route 60 uud 102. via .Hulcmhuix t. Itosehor^" | By the next Thursdny meeting, tin' eoininlnslon hoiM's to have a rutin,; from Attorney General Rrummitl u< i, to the manner of adding 10 per veil'. ! each year tor ike next two years to 1 ihe S4tal« Highway System, Whethe the addition Is lo be made on the I basis of area mul population, consld ering the present mlleagy, or with no reference-to the present nnnU Mem- Lera of yhe totagulsstoii are divide'.! i ill to the limaolug of dills clause li. Hie mo law The ciiumission will also take up > | the entire matter of the highway de ii vilopmeiit on the basis of the IkS' l , Isw. ‘vMtlch Includes the county aid [fund, the addition of one cent a gal | lon on gasoline to provide It. and the • development of greondary roads In tie counties. School Tcunhcr Will/. Serve Kleven Montfis *• WINsTON-HAI.KM. May 22.— tejygram which came yesterday from Congressman Charles L. Abernythy. The brief pre pure ’approved there would lie three etopsiu North Carolina and the "crow Pne" route would be hull wav between C. Ids boro and Kinston, t» «>1 IlHinitiN MIEKf.Y e \\ AHHIN'CTON. May 22 (Ab* - ■ President Hoover has decided to lim it pitliUv retention* at 111 ewAlHehous' to on eduy e.t< li week put the new schedule Into effeVt next ■ week Originally such receptions were ■ j held dally but shortly after Mr , Hoover’s Inaugurallou the iiumih't | was reduced lo two each week with * the announcement that lai'ic. It would i be furtltei curtailed Ilm exp■•i.-. Is' that eventually the ie.epttop- will he entirely ellinlnalud HoW the pres ident's program, Head* College Unit ■ 9 * W c )*„ jf m y ?£•••* m Unncrilt) tt Kansas ntllithiy iltKlent# at l.awrcnve, Kanaas, will fiavt ptetty and talented Miss Adda Hale to lead them next yi at, •*fi e l' 4 ** l*een ..appointed honorary- volond of their h|ttalion anil will be "Queen pi the Military Hall." • lruar*Ati»nfti >•#•••*■•41 NEGRO SLASHED WITH A KNIFE « \ r, *» •'M x ■- i. .\j “Zpli Deans Assaulled bv Ed S' JiHteN When He HUrtg to f' Heat Up Family , - ; /.eh Deans, Negro, was sent to a Irka}' hospital early Last night with a six Inch gas serosa the small of the lark by a knife wielded by Ed Jones Negro. Deans, officers were told, started i ir the third time lu the week to heat up hi* (amity and Jones took Hie mat ah , i< r up with the results aforemention ed. Deans was out under bond an Wr two warrant* charging wtfe-b«ai in'g when be tried the stunt again YJUjfgJghl. It waa expected that In- Jftiuui of being able lo enter a plea In r 'y court this morning that he might be lying slut of hla Imck letting hla skill grow back together. . forme was ordered to appear before Attet ’ok,Hill this morning hut was not I eqqlred to give bond. The row od- Hl* 1 ""Vtl I leans home in the northern spar) tA the city about 8 o’clock last night. • IXDICTN KI.Kt TtHt ATF. CHAI'PL HILL,. May 22.—(AP> the American electorate tcxlay was under Indictment bx Dr. William John tVoper, United Slates cnmnilsstoner of e<; neat I on, as Ru-iipuhle of properly ■ xerclslng the voting franchise be ’J ' . atise of lack of educational qifallfl t gtlon*. Dr. Cooper addresaln gtbe Anierl iaii association for adult education. I Ifh Is holding Its annual meeting !>• the University of North Carolina litre, went so far as to declare the v« ter'» Inability to cope with, riuslern political lffe and Its complexities threatened the nation’s soils! and i onomlc life. Wayne to Receive $43,000 From Added Gas Tax Fund The Hu fra a Hj M. 11. 11l \ \k(4\\ UAI.KH.II. May 22 Amnurtt* of "■Otiey In Ik- allotted to the 1IM» .t.’OUti I'll of North Carolina. based oft hot It . -pa and papulation of- each cntlßtv, 'rum thp fund to be derived from the ;'ddltioual imp cent a gallon on thej -alp of gasoline, plua flip additional j i alf a million dollars, havp lippli mndej l'\ thp North Carolina Highway Coni.j ii'lxiiloii ax Aid Ui d Art ( by tftV 192!* (leneral Assembly. The Highway Commission atauHipx tint the additional one rent a gnl- It.h on guaolipp will produce n fund •■l >:,V,on mihi during the fl*dgl„ypar I 20 nod that (he additional half tttlHh.u dftllarx will hr lug this mod to J3,o«u,uo'i. This, course, is an H. T. Daniels Has Kipt* Peaches Now I’eaclies, and cream. How a that sound to you? Makes ymu mouili water, eh? Well that is what li T. Daniel*, who lives Ju«t uutalde Ihe city In the Georgetow n suhuyhs, had for dessert yesterday at dtn ner. That he wapted to - For Mr Daniel* report* the first rjpe peaches In the sec Doti "If there Is Hliyune w-|to cat*.heat Dial rts'ord I’d like lo hear from him" sitid Mr Danila. t FAITH HEALER SENT to SELMA Turn Bollock C'harxed With Be ing Man Who Swindled Selma Ktarkg » 4 Tom I’ollock, negro, self-at /led "faith healer’, who was arrested lit It.* Little WushtiiKinu section 01 Dm city yesterday about noon by Chi ■{ of "Police K. J Tew, and lidxel in the dl•, tail on suspicion of tieC.g thru Amaru Who several davs u«.i : xlud'ed sevital Helm* colorful penile, w,a c.nrled hark to .felm* for t \il y«- r'gy ufternooA hy officers at that tr.wn. Pollock approacheil Chief Tew y#»- to-day with a complaint that a Ktal drayman had clmrged him too much fee ha-1 lug a trunk of hla from Die siotJon to another section of the city The negro had a large *«|ir on one • Ide of hi* face, and Tew thi* a* being part of the de*crlptlon of the negro wanted In Helm*. Alter having been arrested and tak en To the city hail. Pollock waa said tc have - confessed that he haxf taken money for Ills "healing”, but declared Dial he hart don# everything he poe -Ihly could lo cure hie "paDriil#". Hl* mehiiml of cifcre was said to resemble somewhat the method* used by soma gypsy fortune tellers. Several pieces cf pioney would be ash'd for These would then he placed on the sick per son’a cheat, and a number of meaning less worda mumbled Characters re” * milling portion* of the Chinese lan guage were then written on a piece* o« paper i yrd Ihe "healer’' would go tut of thr room to confer with hi* ' giftder.” It was reported, however, that when he left the ria>m, he usual ly failed to return, and carried tha money with him. M. It. PKRkIAN 8. D. Perkins, Instead of K. D. Per 1 k'na, was the rnuu who wus found guilty- of two charges of passing Worthless check* before Judge. Bland In county court- her< M«mday, The New wa„s Informed ypsterday. Per kina was charged in flve casta, with passing worthless checks, uud was found guilty In two of the"counts, lie was sentenced to tin ■» n" Die i")»d- In each case, hut appealed, and nfhut, was fixed at |2(wi. NERIOI H TBl \T OTTAWA, Miy 22 UP) W. D. Kuler, minister of national revnu#. Ih * speech to Ihe house of commons vesterday, said thft liquor cargoes ■ root Canada had been landed4*l I'nit ed State* ports day and night with out Interference and sometimes with 'he aid of enforcement officers •stltnafp and thp total may vary 'it* slight varlanip In tli« hr allotted to tli* reepectlm counties Tlip fund to bp thus rr*-alpd lx to h kmown a a the fhiunty Aid Hoad Kntld and I* to bp tUcttrlhijC'd one-half Upon hp basis of a ot xald counties, and | one half ujmiii the I'"' * of population jof an.ld counties according to thp j United plalox Census of mix thousand j nlrip hii ml red and twenty". ! The State Highway Commission h 1 mi|ulri’d tor«rtify to the iliairnuin of Jli e Board of County Cotnmla«llon#rx i f pni'h county. on or before the first Monday In .Ini' an wl-male of thp > mount . ii. It i mint • wll^sfei« Ivp front !i, i. land for the i urrent. fiscal year. • ■lid lire rio llty ioliiiiilh' loners pr Oth er tax-lev.vine officials.* required (Continued *u page 3) cr *a. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS Dr. Rankin To (rive Dot ails Os Plan Very Soon Duke HoftriUl Heard and Renan weld May Unite in Estab lishing Hoapitai THK NEWS STARTS EFFORT ON BEHALF OF GOLDSBORO Secretary Denmark Calls Dr- Kankln After Information Given by Tfc# Neva . ! * (iqltUbora will b* given every con hidvrailon a* lb* city for on* qf Ift or >? regional hospitals for Nacroao which tba Duke Hospital Board aad Rosen waM Foundation plana to am ah ‘«li In North Carolina. Dr. W. B. nankin, of Charoltta, chairman of the Duke hospital board, aaavrod W. C. Denmark. secretary of tha Ooldaboro I ham bar of Commerce of this feet la lona diataaoo tolophoaa coaversatlea '»«( evening. Mr Danmark had called Dr. Raakta •'or details of tha plans aad to aag rest Ooldaboro aa a posaibilKy at tha mggestlop of Tha Nava, tha pa par nuking learned that at lOast oaa reg- Ninal hospital for Negroes vaa con sidered tor Kaatarn North Carolina. Dr Rankin was In Rooky Mount ta rubmlt da tails of tha proposal bafora Rocky Mount poopla wSkw raaohad by telephone by BecreUry Daomark. Bvsa *hould-a hoapitai for Nagroao ha es tablished in iba Nash city, this would not hurt tha chances of Ooldaboro far securing oaa. Dr. Rankin told Mr. Henmark . Tha hand of tha board told tha ( haraber of Commerce aaoratary that hr was glad ooldaboro waa sbowtag an inlarast In tha matter aad that he would prwaaitt'all details as the proposition to the oily upon tha oc c’sloa of hla na»t visit to eastern N. rth Carolina. Ho said that ha would •vrtte today giving tha date of this trip. While complete Information aa ta tba plana ware not available teat night, It waa understood that the Roe mwpld Foundation, a phllanthdppy ' rested by Julius Roaanwald of-Cbi ■ tigo principally for tha Negro mg*, md 'the Duka Hospital board won*** nnltq in construction of hospitals far Negroes at strategic potato and at t> companies, have purchased ex I Ihlt space in lha Automobile and In ilist rial Show which Is to begin at tha Durham Hosiery Mill building. A t umber of tha exhibitors have pur chased as many aa three spaces for their exhibits. W. C. Denmark, sacra i >ry*.stated. -.- B The following Is tha list of flrma which have taken apart: ~ Spence Motor Co.. A. Vs. Handler Motor Co., Jos. R. Williamson, Col- IhT-l’atc Motor Co.. A. T Origin Man ifacturlng Co., National Bank of C ddshoro, Rackley Plano Co.. Borden Rrlck and Ttle Co; Carolina Power nil Light Co., Ftoyall and Bffrden Fur niture • Co., Mrs. Jno, R. Dortch. J. M Edgerton and Ron, Dillon Electric Service Co. Apex Chemical Co.. Apex, N C, Multistamp Carolina Co.. Char 'nt/ N -C., Olant Manufacturing Co.. Trenton, N J.. Warn* Shoe Co.. East ». n Carolina Service Corporation, Joe V Parker. Wayne Laundry. FRERCIT TAKF. ROTICE PARIS May St —(APl—Members of he French parliament, Which re-aa s. inhlas tomorrow, after the spring rivess. have taken note of the vtswa oi Rehat or Smoot and others a! Waah tngton that v the French gorarnmant i to giro some Indication whan it IntciiilC to preas for ratification at the bersngar debt eg ream ant. .