WEATHER - VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBKB 75 TO START 2 OVER-OCEAN HOPS FROM OLD ORCHARD ... ■ . t , * L'.: : - i* ROME AND PARIS ARE GOALS FOR TWO ATTEMPTS flMlMa To Attempt to Ely to Paris and “Green Flash” To Hoad For Rome WILL TAKE-OFF AS BOON WEATHER ALLOWS Throe Musketeers” Down; Plane Fort Worth Stars * Toward 150 Hour Mark OLD ORCHARD, Re., Mar 21.—(AP) —Two trsaa-Atlantic plane*, one bound lor Roma and the other tor Parts, tonight awaited word from the weather man to hop otr from the beech here- ' > The French flyer* Jean Aseotant and Rene Leferre, Perl* hound, late today bronchi thetr big Barnard to reel within eyaahot of the monoplane “Green Flash” which haa been here several days watting favorable weath er for s hop to Rome. * The new arrival* on completion of thg short preliminary hop from New York were greeted warmly by Roger Q William* and Lewi* A. Yancey, P lot and navigator respectively of the Green Plash. Although the proximity cf the two ahlps at once culation of the possibility of a tratj* Atlantic race, la gained no support from those connected with either fight The French crew tonight was watt tag arrival of Armeno Lottl, sponxor of their hop. and William* was await ing more definite weether report* The Green Plaah will enjoy a feeling of security that was strengthened to day that tha coast guard will see them t rough the ftvat hour n( flight which bus often In the pest decidefl the suc cess or failure of the venture. ' “Throe Musketeer*" Dews ROOBBVBLT FIEI,D. N. Y.. May 55—(AFf— Flour rip* hi the fabric covered fuslltage hy the refueling book caused the alngle motored monoplane "Three Musketeers" to abandon It* second attempt fore re-fueling record at 8:19 Eastern Standard Daylight Saving Time tonight. LA. H. B. Clarke, financial bucket of the flight brought the plane to a perfect lending after VI hours and 2H minutes aloft. The lauding revealed a disagreement between Clarke and Martin Jensen, holder of the unoffl- . del solo endurance record, who with William Ulrich comprised (he remain dfcr of the crew. latter they announced they would he reedy lor a third attentpe-ftoumrrow morning. Jensen said he objected to coming down because of the framework was not damaged and repairs could have been made In the air. Clarke said that this waa probably true but added that JansPn stood on a control wire when he went beck In the fusetlage to tiy to fix the torn falirlc and canted btm to think the hook hud caught In •he tail and the *hlp *** dis abled. • FOR WORTH, Tex . May 23—(API The civilian pndifrance plane Fort Worth with more than 100 hours of sustained flying behind It neared the ■•stretch” of the 151 hour* to minutes 15 seconds goal alined at by Pilot R I„ Robbins and his mechanic James Xelly as dusk settled over the air planes above this city for the fifth time since the flight got underway Hunday at 11:23 a. m. The 100th hour mark was reached at 3:gß today. The next historic mark .o be equalled was the flying time of the Graf Zeppelin recorded as 1115 hours, a record for that type ship. A second ms-k to be passed some hours later If all fcell was the living time of 118 hours established by the 111-fated French dirigible Dlx mude. If successful the Fort Worth would be the first civtilau ship to I ass these marks although the army's Question Mark” Igtd them low It la the Quastlon Mark's record the Fort Worth is attempting to .break, GEORGIA FLUNG FIELD HAH BABLY CHKIHTEHISG GAINESVILLE. Oa„ May 23,-Plan* were all made here for the christening ~f the new airplene landing field at On- Riverside .Military Academy when. 3 plane piloted by Eugebe While, of - •Grange, Ha., swooped down from the sky for an unscheduled landing. - White was forced down by a raln fiorm while enrouie from Charlotte *e . . wW W w r» T F Iri -3k- . MmII I THE GOLDSBORO NEWS * F 0 . <. - READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. On Hooftr Conamitt— ♦ m \ im ■ tip l liifiin Kmn 4 V *■ '■ A I'l. I 111. ■■■ I Dr. Ada L* Comstock, president of Radcllffe College, will serve on Presi dent Hoover's Uw Enforcement Com mfsslon to make an Investigation of prohibition, public sentiment and fed eral court Justice, for a teem of two voir* ~ iv, TO DECIDE SIZE AYCOCK STATUE V Special Committee Goeti to WaakinEton Monday to Hold Conference A special t'oinhllUee from th>- Ay cock Memotlnl Commission will meet >. Washington Monday with the Fine Art* Committee to discuss the site and style o( the statue of ItAincr Gov-, einor Chari"* Itrantlcy Ayc‘m k, native r-f Wayne county, which Is to be plac ed In the Hall of Fame at Washington alongside that of unolher dlsllugulsh id North V*s rottrrtwn former OoveK nor and Hcnuior Zehulnn Italrd Vance The last General Assembly uppro -Cated 116.000 to purchase u siiltable statue of Governor Aycock to be plac ed In the Hall of Fame, also known as Statuary Hall. Each (State Is allow ed to place two statues of Ms dlstiu t ulshed eltlxen.-i In Statuary Unit. Hugh Chatham of Winston-Haletfi: \ D. Macl**un. of WnshltiKlon; and Judge Robert W. Winston, of Chapel Hill, are member* of the special com mittee to confer -with the Fine Arts Commission. ° V ; —— TO REPgEHKYT W. VIItMMA IT KHODOULMHtO* SHOW CHARLESTON. W. Va., May 22 A*) - Miss Mary Jo Mathews, Mannlug too, was named today by Gov. Conley as West Virginia's representative at the annual Rhododendron festival at Asheville June .17-2!. Miss Mathews was .queen of the re •enl Shenandoah Valley Apple Blos som festival at Winchester. Va. Time Limit Is Extended (ft. a For Adjusted Compensation "The American la-gum ha* learned that several World War veteran* In (hi* state have neglected applying lor Ihelr Adiunted Compensation Certifi cates These veterans will Incur serl i'um financial loss If they do not np pty before the dosing date of January 2, IS.’WI. Should the veteran, wtyo ha* filled to nfiplv, die.' hi* dependent* will suffer subxtantial loss In the ‘•noiytt of. the Adjusted Certificate should they muke application" This statement calling upon vet isits to apply for their adjusted com pensation renlfiCHles before If -In too Lie was made yesterday by C.K. IVe* ir* commandant, Wayne Poat. No. 11. ts the American Legion here- _ ” *‘tn one of the greatest legislative endeavors Iti ll* history, the American l eglnn obtained enactment of the Ad justed ■ Compensation act benefiting • >1 veterans of the World War. This law become 5 effective Mav 19. 1924, which allowed ample time for all viterans to take advantage of the of fer. This Legion measure provided for adjustment In pay for veterans of the World War of ft for each day of home aervlce and 11-.2S for each day of overseas service bet ween the dates of April 5, 1917. and July l. IMh No cfedlt was allowed for slaty day* of . or less mid If Ihe sum was less p iOi' tr.ii H , jpild to'the veteran mimedlatelt In cagh The Adjusted i )ompensatlon Certificates resemhle riffy much all endowinent lustirauci' p-.bey aud are payable at the end of Lvimty year* aLet laauwacc-. TU«j Mrs Henry Weil Pays Tribute To Late Mrs. Robert R. Gotten Woman's C4ub Has Final Meet ing Before Suspending for Summer < r* The Woman's Club as a whole sus pended activities for the summer yes terday with the May meeting, which was held at the Clubhouse at 4 o’- clock and attended by more than fto members A 'fitting tribute was paid hy Mra. Henry Will to Mrs. Robert It. Gotten, “Mother" of the Stale Fed oration and of the Goldsboro iciub, who recently died Mrs. Gotten was particularly eloee In the local,, Club aa she helped organise it and sug gested the constitution, which, with ff« changes. Is still In use. hy thu Cub. She served as president of the Stale Federation and wus ever Ita Irt ( splratlon. Preceding the appropriate words j which Mr*. Well spoke of her friend, the Club repeated the Club Collect In } unison and sang, with Mrs. H. C. Bel bv pianist, the “Club Woman's Hymn" which was written hy Mrs Gotten. Mrs. Well spoke as follows: “It seenls qnite certain that no one ( present has more far-reaching meino rle* of our beloved Mrs Cotlen than I I was still a child when her stator aid a member of her faintly, Mtaa Mol l lie Bouthall. begun to leach in our school fti Wilson, and I was hut a few years older when Mr*. <'often and I compared one babies who were Hear the same gae It was not her flrat - child hut It waa mine, hence the p"r --t atstenct' of the memory. Then our I dives lay apart for a while, for I was j busy In my thus new home, and tlj» . Cotteua left (he town ami took upon themselves the responsibilities at . their large plantation. Golteudale, and r it* inhabitants, became their center of . ihe universe, hut never did they Jpv . fft Tbelr exhttenre In fhl* universe., theif übUgatlons to It, and the ful . fillment of them Until around 1890 » Mra. Collen's Me had been filled w th . Ipr duties (which she always made i her pleSWuresi as wife, mother, hos tess, and mistress of many house and . farm helpers The doors of her home ever stood open for all who would r.otne In friendliness, and of her time I she gave unstintedly to neighbor and I tenant, especially If any home held . .mght of trouble or Illness. The spirit i of uplift waa ever with her, and long before active social work was begun by women of North Carolina. Mrs. Gotten waa the living embodiment of f s welfare worker- a betterment com mittee. The very, sad d"ath of a young lov ed son, R It <>Jr.. seemed to drive Mr*. Cotlen Into work outside of her i own domain. Her family felt she t must find some big kiterest that might prove diverting. And so as Just - at that time the great Columbian Kx - position at Chicago was In the muk lt g. her Interest becamo centered In a cush loan value after the »w ord year that Increase* annual'/ Ht g|< nil offices of the I'hil ’ l C 'U- - Ve'eraq* Hureaus loan on tlu? c.i.i*fl cu . *.* U> the veterans. • “ I n<* I ennui learned llri* n t:u vetwran* had fulled to take advantage of thla Federal holms when the clos ing day for filing under thn origins! ■ ret arr I veil For the benefit of the tardy one*, the legion obtained an amendment to.the World War Adjuwt ■ id Compensation Act effeHJve Itecem hcr 31, 1927. which extended the time in which veterans might apply to Jan vary 2 IMO. The closing dale for ap , ptfcatldn Is again approaching and It • ecm* that the lime limit will be extended beyond January 2. 1' 10. "Some very sad case* of vetearn* [ who. through carefessn'sH. failed to i cpply for adjusted compensation have . h' to the legion To obtain l the-maximum benefit under till* ad justed com pen sat lon act. a veteran lllßnat make application himself. If de ferred until after his death, depen dents of the veteran, upon making ap plication. do not rec'lve nearly as t j ’inch my, though the veteran had ap > plied. ( "For Instance. If a veteran thirty i three'year* old who has the minimum i of overseas service should apply, he I would receive a certificate payable In e twenty years of 11,51 b Hut should p this veteran fall lo apply and db- In f ,'-i« meantime, lit* dependent*, would > Ipooilou*! Op p»«« I) 1C -w- ’ *■ J a . . ■ . * .. . GOLDSBORO, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 24. I Jr.’S 'hold funeral AT 12:30 TODAY - 4 Mrs- 11. F. Smith Dies of l‘ara lyaia Fellow ing I amis; lUncNK 1 Funeral service fur Mr*, ti F. Kimlb, bo. who died at her home "aiij yes Urdu) will lie conducted, trum th. icsldeuco at 309 East Ash sire, f ur 12:30 o’clock the afternoon. Rev W. ' V Mcßae. puHtor of Hi, Paul Metho | .'lst church, will Is- In charge of the service and menibei* of the Woodmen , Circle, of which the dtfl-eased wm one, will attend the funeral In a body ! olios Ins the servb ". the renialu. will be faken to llunti where Inti’r inent will he made by the side of her ’ late husband. Death was caused by imrulyaia. About a year ago Mrs, Smith was stricken hy the disease uud hail Iteeo ili since that time For the past few clsya she had b««« regarded as l»*t ir, nud. the j&uddcu relapse which carried her away wue unexpected. Nurvlvittg Mrs. Hniilli are une daugh ter. Mrs. Lula Koruegay of Wllmltig tnn, and three slaters who reside In Dunn. —5 1 «. the Woman's Wjiyk, how this might be housed and shown to the world which was to come In such gfeat num bers tn Chicago. Mrs. Cotlen was one of the first helpers on the commlltoe'of Mra. I* (tier Fainter that committee which started Woman "on her new career That "which Mrs Csdlen saw In ChF iar<> and from which she I wanted much, she brought home with her, and site liegau at once to help the wotneti of t hi* Jftul" to see fhefr fipport unit Ins and low I met to nit Use them. I Further uthars will tell yon. hut 1 who knew her and knew |ier well. Just wish, all of you to know through her life that a woman can hq active for the public gmsl and yet retain all those ipiautteN which make for the lerfect wife and mother and cltlxen No meeting, no public work of what ever Import ever knew Mrs Cotie.i to neglect child, home or f'*.h. and because of this I hold her up r* ait example *IL of ui will do w»l| to try to follow." The most Important Item of busi ness wa.i the report of the re*ult of the canvass for donations to the btiild •tg fund front Club members which Circle chairmen and represpn'ailvj - made under the dlrcGotr of Mr*. Paul Itnrden. chairmen of ways and means Donations received after the Clu i meeting mal(e tv total of |37f.38 which Lhls committee has collected In ihe post month Mra. Kdwin l,ee r« port id a total of filth 21 In the 'r vaurv Utlier business included the r.-adl't* cf the minutes hy Mrs Tom Norw tod. ser-retary, thu, decision tb.aci ept e».n ijsslous at the I mil week, and th< fLrplirl of thThtrir membership Mrs. E. W« Vick , " Mrs Vick. JVl»sO r, •" ,,v, " , 1,,r dr-- oolntment k/week ago, repo-led I-'l new ni"n(lH'rs as follows: Mrs, Wtl - bant I, Anderson. Mlsa Eunlco Bor deu. Mrs. |„ O, b'onVlelle., Hr : dre C. B Garrett, Jr.. Mrs. T K. Grac*. M. I. M Kay Mrs W. 1,. Fhelpt, Mi-s ' Mamie fHbhardaon, Mrs W. R. Smith. * Mrs. f. F Hlrosnldcr. Mrs. O. K Thur * irond. Mrs, W 11., Willi*. A list of otln-r new raaniht-ra of 1 past year was read a* follows: Mea names I>lwln lae, Faul Garrison. J. L - Wharton. J. H. Ku«*oU. V. G Bu-.t dl, * Fens llollowelf. W V Me Ran, » K Munna, W M Brown, B. II Wirot, end J W Weathers 1 Through thrf < !•• report*! of different phases of tliu i -ecent convention *if the Fed •!:* L»-» of Women's Clubs In CharloD*-, over i which Mrs Thomas O'Berry pre ltd The president paid trlbut# to Iba - loyalty of two nc-mber* of the Club - who hate recently passed a wav-Mr* * Royall Spence and Mrs. John Haß'lb v. Following the meeting, the Cl lb »■*- ourned to the drawing-room tlowti * s’alrs foe a ers lal hour. Mix' d **.m a mer flower* were attractive 1 •I"- e :anged In Ihe d.ruwltig-rboiu m l r*- o Kptbui room Ic* creapi, cak ■ and >1 'sints, were MrrM by Mr*. W. ! n iswllng*. soclfil rtisirmati. a-sti < gpdon Tmtle, I-. W Vn>. . ud Claude BDxt a. - - ■ , t ' ' ' Canvict 6 Year Old of Manslaughter FAINTSVII.LK. K>.. May 28. (Ah A small hoy who prattled un buncernadly with playmates while a jury tried him on s manslaughter charge, tou ght sentence, of almost 15 years In reform school for njnying an x year old child fol low ing an jiHi-rcation over a piece of scrap iron (lies children sought* to i hrtngbTS In a verdict'' Judge John Wflu'i-licr prrittoune r*l senteflcs | lofeiise counsel an- Muoncml It would tfle motfon for a new trial - . While the Mr. Mahan yomusier i played w tli other ihlldrsn In the courfrooto upper* titly ted renWxlng what whs going on. Paul llager. a etlDi'-ss. u--tlfie*) that the boy imd told him that lie shot ti la" playmate and Unit -h* mcasil to kill Vanhoose. A A DR. SPUN AN TO PREACJI SERMON Deiivera AnnuahHermon to Ntv •• tr rn Springn (iradtialeM Nun day MorfiiiiK - * Krv R W Bpitmafi of Kimiton. well k'npwe Uapttyt minister, Will t preilFH'Yß?'* iimmertceiAsW sermon for/ tbe Beven .Springs Jplgh scbonl SnmDv J riMirnlng !h the school chapel. Eleven are expected to receive their. diplomas this year They art: Gordon t utluw. Kill he Outlaw, Bertha Price, Belle Price. Hernle Fields. Magdi-llns Head. Rath Berwick, Frances Turner, Lstelle Grady. Elisabeth Cobb, sun iioheft Whltefleld B K- Miller has served as auper liitendeni of the echool for four, years. M's* Virginia Harris. ■ Mias Miriam Girler, ind Mlaa Mta Mitchell have laugh! with him all this lima. Final exercise wlir be held Friday veiling May 21. TWINH CHANGE HANDS WINBTON-RALEM. May 28—(AP) K. 11 Hast liig.s of Wlnaton>Balem. today” purchased the Wlnaton-Balem 1 aseltall t|uh of the Piedmont league from Clarence Winstead. The pur chase price was not announced. Hast ings said George Whltaraan would be r» tain* *1 as manager. « Odd Fellows Home Occupied Time of Grand Lodge Meet The (Mil Pillow* Homo In Golds boro occupied tho spotlight muoti of the time durtng Grand l*odge meat liiK In Winston Balem thla wee*, de'o gates r<-1 itrit Ink to (lie oily rspoitll yesterday,, OulalandliiK In gland lodge action affecting the Homo were; conslriii'a r inn of a report that It may be advl i aWo to move the homo from Ita prev ent aliv at aome future date, reslgna t on of the old laiard of truateeH and appointment of a new hoard; and de i Islon to have the Grand -CaiMtcll «;»• point a erimniMtee lo make a thor i uah Investigation of the llome'a al falrn and to auhmlt a report oil thin in ,< HlKatlon within the next no duya. At the meeting of the Grand Ijodge u \cur ago. Kinston Joined Ortfton in in rftorl Ip KNiirt the Orphan* Home «f the Kralernal order, < Offering latste 1 Irueta of land and other routetpdon* 1 At that meeting n committee with Fir. L B Mcßrayer of Southern Blue* »* < hairman-. »«* named, to study the ad ' vlxahtllty of muvjug the home from 1 Goldsboro. 3, • The venae of the report auhmltt -d t.y Hr. Meltrayer In Winston-Balem thlh week was that Hie home property in Goldahoro ha* he* onu- < tlilrely 100 valuable to wNrrani continuing hold-1 ■ ‘ng H Indefinitely for purpoae* of th«j - 'tome; that the Order could realize** I fiowriderahle fund* through the-, sale * or' thi*. property under normal real «»fiUe condition*: that the condltlin . >*' the market doe* not warrant ai agio at the grey* ut time. J f ' / -;•* i .»• : . . t•- ■ ■ -■* '\L>. : Young Woman Secures • Evidence Oi Selling Dope Against Watts S. F. TEAGUE IS ON PROGRAM Haptiat Sunday School Confer ence ai Meredith Colleire June II ItALKIGH. May 2S-The third an nual session (if the North Carolina Baptist Sunday Hrhool Conference will l>« held at Meredith College In this city June 18, M, and 16. Immediately isqi |ooq.>s ,sxaip>e»a,l aq) au|wo||'u will be held at Meredith. Some five or six hundred BundCy sihool workers from every section of •he State are expected at this meet ing, according to Perry Morgan, aec etary of the Sunday School Depart ment of the DaJHIM Stale Convention, whp together with hla co-workera have arranged an unusually attractive pro g-am for Gila event. Practically av o*y phase sad every problem n{ Sun day school work will be dealt by nn expert la his or her particular field. Secretary Morgan say* be has drawn liberally on tha fine corps of workers sent out by the Baptist Sunday school hoard of Nashville. Term . as well gs, ho haa enlisted the help of many o t the outstanding Sunday School lead trs In this Stata. , Perhaps the personnel of the speak ♦ it* on Ihe program ha* never yet been equaled at any pro vital* citaferears, accorytlng to Mr Morgan Among tbk t speakers from ontslds the state are (It eluded Hr. J M Price, Kurt Worth. Texas, Dr. K■ P Alldradge. Naabrtlle, Tenn . Miss rtAiiib- U Willi*tea. Bir mlagliam. Ala., Miss Margaret A Frost ' l.otilavllle. Ky u Miss Alberta Jones. Blchmond, Va.. Mias Zella Mae Collla, Jackson. Tenn., Mrs. Darls Cooper. Montgomery. Ala., Harry lugraham, Nashville, Tenn., Dr W P. Phillips, ;'*Hhvllle!&Tqhu Among the North . iridlna speakers .will In* Dr. H. W. Spllman, Kinston, |)r. J. Powell Tuck er and Dr- K Gibson Davl*. Kalelgh, Perry Morgan, L. L Morgan. Mlsa 'Gladys Beck. Kalelgh, Mrs. A. J. Srnllh, Goldstioru, Mr* C. R Plttgrd. A; ex. M L. Jones, Wlnston-Balem, D. H. Wilcox, and Mr*. J. L. Norrell. Wln iton-Salem, Rev. B K. NorrD, Btates rtlle, O G. Page, Kings Mountain, 8. F. Teague Goldsboro. Ml*-. T> If Plem •iions, Fairmont. ’idgh. Mra. J. M. Hayes, Lexington and others. Prof, and Mr* I. G, Greer. Ibione. wII be In charge of ihe music. The -retire conference will be taken care of In tbe college buildings, < i The old hoard of trustees re.linu ll In a body* al the Winston Salem meet ing and a new hoard van named- The tew hoard membnrs: II II Jacobi if Wilmington; M It Jenning* of Kl'aa lith <*lty; Jama*' M I»Ml »*'i'-l ■d f!. G. Hmltli 4i(i«an concealed and taoh bhg lata cuetody. C. H. Huoeycstt ot ggfijgb, (totted inmtlcsied with aad' cams tpjOaM»> (tearing hat are Comntleelaaer Britt Mlm Tegant R . at, ftegaat making heedywartgrtt. Ig Balalgh. * wee anld. With AgeaU MlUsr had Knucbe aha worha ap eaaea where re •ort ha* come to the Federal ageata ot suspicion. Effort* to apprehend a rerwon for selllag **toT •<¥ togoa •ciy after It hna bees reported te the •ivpsrtmeot that the persea la * Vhh •or, The Neva area told Thte la the first time la awee than * year that federal naroetlc ngnnU Lava operated la Ootdatore. Ahent a > year ago they took late eastody hare two lutlnaa who ware charged with i ring the ageata of an International <'( li<* ring Watu waa anld to hare had only a * nail quantity of the “white daat” In h'» possession whan arrant ad. JOHN A. PARK NOT WORRYING Raleigh Pubitoher’a Nam Has Been Meatioaed la Paper- v Power Investigation ( By *. B. MrmgtN * RAIJEIOM, May John A. Park, pnMtahar of the Raleigh ntteraaon ■irWHpaper, I* not at all disturbed be cause hi* name Is appearing In the proas tut Kavttjjf sscursd an option on the Oreensh£to Daily News, the In t ft i m*t Inn developing U the Washing ton hearing ac tivities of the Interanttoeal Power aad Taper Co. “It does not bother me at all. Se curing option* on newspapers and (ling them I* a perfectly legitimate hagtneea I have don* It before aad ! * xpent to continue to do It", said Mr .‘urk. who ha* been president of the Southern Newspaper Publisher* Aa- Hoclatloa. He even Intimated that hla morning con temporary, seaming to :nk* pleasure In connecting him with Vnwspaper deal*, waa wiping him aoara valuable publicity, aad that It might l«Jj> him In getting buyers and aeltera ot newspaper* together. “I handled W deni Involving I>oo,ooo not lon* ago*'. Mr. Park said, but would not *ay Just whan, where or wtat newspaper was Involved ' MEXICAN POLICE ROBBKD HAN DIMUO, Caitf May M--4AP) A widespread search waa oa today 1 for three men' who shot to death two 'lexicon special police officers aad < rcap* d with m,OOO, the wash aad receipts of a resort oompaay at Age* i > altcnte Mefico, while the messy yeg •»« ing brought to f bep| |m> *ltoaM . , l .* 7