WEATHER ■•• tty Hm4; Haaday aad Hk*wn la MmW. VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 77 PLANE SETS NEW RECORD FOR SUSTAINED FLIGHT QUESTION MARK RECORD PASSED LAST EVENING i - -- Moefttlane Fort Worth H«d Been In Air Over 150 Hr*. Early Ijuil Nitcht PILOTS KELLY AND ROBBINS ARE JOYFUL Take on New Load of Lanolin* ■ and Soar Away for Many Houra More in Air PORT WORTH. Texas. May 26,. , The Monoplan* Fort Worth art a new yeeord tor sustained (light at T: 13:16 o'clock tonight. A| that hour the Fort Worth, pilot ed by Reginald L. Robbins and James Kelley, civilian flyer*, had been loft 160 hoar* 40 minute* and 16 second*. Another hour of flying waa needed to eetabllah a new record for sus talned flight for both airplane* and lighter thaa air craft. The Fort Worth hs»d made 16 re fueling* alnce the take off at 11;S3 a. tn., last Sunday •■At 1:18 torffeht the aingle motored Ryan had Rurpannrd by ope hour the prevlou* record of 160 hour*. 40 min ute* and 16 aeronda established laid January 7 by the Army monoplane Qu esttf>n Ilf ark on the Pacific Coast. I Pilot Reginald Rofthln* and hi* as al*tant Jamea Kelly, tired hut un . daunted, refueled for the 16th time froip the aupply plane ahortly after the record van equaled and noared on aa night cloaed over, the airplane* In an attempt to remain aloft another 60 hour* at leaat. . The partly rebuilt Wright whirl wind motor allowed no *lgn* of fail ing. A mighty cheer rent the air from the throat* of thousand* gathered at the airport' and whistles In the city and along the rattened track* Vrwt outlying Industrial plant* added to the demonstration The good ahlp Fort Worth fie* high oyer the field aa the old record fell In the 16th refueling operation*. 1)0 gallon* of petrol with food and oil were transferred Robbln* and Kelly wore broad gHn* a* they took on their cargo and Indicated In pan tomfne that the motor sounded a* If It would run forever. Should they be forced down away from the Meld, they would lo*e the record they established eorller In the day because the rule* specify thal no record I* made unle** the plane '•land* on the »»me field and It* land ing time I* by the same timepiece a* I used at the takeoff. If the tau> pilots Robbln* and Kelly, are wtill aloft they-ipassed their 163 hour In the air at §:88:89 tonight The two civilian pilots, R 1,. Roh htna and James Kelly, plan to sail onward to answer the question put of the Question Mark on Its flight— how long can an airplane stay In the air? „ Robbins and Kelly said when they took off at 11:33 a. tn.. last Sunday that they would stay up until the motor falls. The Forth Worth already has beat en the dirigible endurance record of 118 hour* made by the 111-fated 1)1*- mude and the distance record of the German Graf Zeppelin which covered «,6fM> mllea In 111 hours and 4fi min ute* on Ita limping voyage to Ameri ca from Frledrlchshafen last fall Jt I* estimated the Fort Worth al ready had flown between lO.non and 12. 0ut) miles, nearly half way around the earth, and I* «UII In the air to night will have flown farther than the Question Mark. The record of #0 hours and 7 min utes set Vast July by Adjutant I-out* Crody and Sergeant Victor Croenen of Belgium, was surpassed hv the Fort Worth on the third day of its flight. Rohhin* and Kelly are keeping their monoplane rinse tn Meachain Held, their base, during the remain der of the flight to protect records al- surpassed. Records would not In- rerognlxed a* official Hnless the „hlp lands a! the same field from which It took off The plane was refuelled twice last night, 120 gallon* of gasoline being transferred In the two contacts with the auxiliary ship piloted by K K. Hoffman and H. 8. Jones Food, let ters and newspapers were lowered to the pilots, Robbln*. an automobile mechanic, learned lb fly by banging around an airfield Kelly left a Wnt Texus ranch to attend an aviation school Jtere and earned a pilot * license THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. <» L. I SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY Love Cottage May Not See Bride Vi * ; 4 A Ml* According to reports by an Intimate friend of flene Tiinney. Mrs Oen • Tunney. the former Polly Lauder, I* In an extremely precarious condition and f* being kept alive by artificial means. It Is said that If her life Is Wo lie saved It Is only because she bas.the means to command every aid of medical science to save her. Had her Illness n6t Interrupted their plans-jm* In.n#y ■nooners had Intended to return to Gene's little cottage at StantforiL'T'oun. SMITH BESTS RUM RUNNER 11 (4 Edgewood and Fine View Soc tions (iel First (ilimpse of Real Chase -* _ . ,Z "B*’ i ■ .J Edgewood and Plnevtew go' thelr[ first view at an ImneHt-to-gnodni ss ruin-runner chase early yesterdav m< rnlng. Siren sounding frantically, Car* Smith wa» clo*d* x un the wheel* of a blue Chevrolet. Out for an carle- morning -spin. Smith had picked up Ihc rum-laden automobile near Ada nisvlltc. Tin driver, a Negro, attempted lo throw •he officer off the trail by turning to the left at the flolf link* east of the c re* on Into Fast Walnut, and South ward along Oleander avenue to Pine view and, hack Kim street toward Thompson 1 * chapel. Hundreds of residents of the section rushed to their doors, thinking the fire trucks wer- coming, only to see »n .t'ltoniohlle bouncing*' n i :i great rate tier the streets, recently torn up for I tying of Sliirm sewers, und |Mlii Smith In hoi pursuit. On the Daniels chapel road, the driver of the car raised such a dust that Smith was forced to fall hark and the Chevrolet. was driven bv the, ijigltV t> V • rs the road and ith (HTtipnntM, mao Negro men and a woman fled Into Ore wood*. Rmlth found 12 gallons of whiskey |n the cbt when he took It In charge - Ben Cuddlrtgham, Negro reported ninths office of Sheriff W D Omni v>-*terdav afternoon, said thal he had t>een the tlrlver of the car and wanted *.i give himself up He was released under 1360 hall for a hearing In re i order's ciuirt , for John R. Parker at 2 O’clock Funeral service for John H- Parker, vho died Fridav afternoon, will he held from the residence of his son u ny J. Parker. 308 .Vnth Slocmnh reet at 2 o'rlocKubl* afternobft Rev. W V. Mcßae, pastor tis St. I'ani M< thodlst church, will he In c harry of bgfervir* und he vt'J\ be .1 *-t -I hv Rev A. J Smith, pastor of tb F'rst iiiM>tlst church Burial will 'e 01 Willow Hale cemetery The following have been seleced a pallbearers: J (!. Rpence, T L. Gllltl kln. John Kdward-i Chief of Police K J. Tew, Max Staps. anil .1 C Hjr # fell. ■ fy - KfITAKIASM STINT TO Hil l M CHARLOTTE:. Mav 26.—1AP1 Four peclal Pullman cars hearing dele gate* from the 67th and sKth district* to the convention of Kntarv 11C• 1 na tional, Dallm, Texas, left last night for AU;»Ma in spend the day .is guest of the Atlanta Rotary Club The 67th and shth districts embrace North and Eouth Carolina. TOM TOWNSEND TAKES A SPRINT >v - — v '. y,< J,:- . 4 *• l(u( WXvnt Dciiuties Let His Still .Out of KMrhen of V* \ Hlh Home - y |-* "We'yy«cj!rtt a search warrant here. Mi ' said Deputy Sheriff J. C. Koniegay approaching Tom Townsend the Thompson Chapel sycljwt a* tb*< latter sat on hla porch '.VudYraiar nurfijing lielp yotiroelvea,” replied as riotn haleilt as you lileitse While Deputies Smith and rJarjßiiee entered the house,. Deputy Korheiiajf.remulnerl to talk with Tqwn - oid may I talk to that lyfen ,‘tliere. a minute '’' asked TowtuiOgl, Indicating a Negro on the road in frota yf the house. Ills man i.ef was raknil. “Yes, gojoti.” replied llio officer, and Towtwfcnd walked front the patch :,r.d toward HH* Negro As he reach ed U)e taller, he suddenly threw hlm elf Into liigh gear and was down 1 lie road at plrfle, and In a moment wood,. The deputies failed to locate him when cunt limed the seurch Set up If* ToWnsend's kitchen, the officers found ,a complete "mail-order"' outfit. The still was of ahoul 25 gal Irn capacity. A barrel of beer, stored In a sniißtehouse whs poured out. Womble Attends Rate Hearing in Macon, (ia. ~Y The New* llaresa UALFIfili, May 25 W. n l>v shlpi ers thM they were, pot just Th<-> apply to coal shipments from points In Atabanm, t'e >rgla, Kentucky and Vtiglnia. to point* in the Bout*’e* in and North Carolina ter.- wiry. IIORTON MM ITU U tI»S f t HI.Y ITNIMHKRN IN t.IRMfN Ot*l f ■ RKRI IN. May 25 - Horton “smith kept up the sensational g-df which brought him the French pro fessional title by scoring a brilliant 140 today us the Herman open tour nament begun Smith curded a 71 In the morning *»nd a hi) In the aft o noon to lead the early LineUe*. The News Itareaa GOLDSBORO. N. C SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 2b. 1928 EXPOSITION OPENS MONDAY NIOHT 134 Cases Docketed In Superior Court Opening Here roniorrow IVlorn PIKEVILLE GIRL WINS IN CONTEST ■* ! I'tkrville. KoMOWuod and Nuhiin ta Keprraentativiw I'lacv in Eaßtiy Finals Miss Kva a crawford, daughter Juf «• .i - Mr. ami Mr*. Walter Crawford, of ITkcville, won first’*place m the oral essay contest fluals of T\ie North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative A? social lon at the courthouse yam r day morning. \fl*s Crawford recrlv *d a price of sl6. Ruyinoiid Griuitltaui. n-irresent lug Rosewood high school placeil second and won a prise of $lO. He was .win der In a similar contest a vesr uvo. Ifh Is a son of Mr. and Mrs, Hiram tirantham of Rosewood. Kdimind Arrack, represent ng Nu huntu high school, was third place '.lnner and received $6 He Is a non of Mr. and Mrs Milford Aycock of th* N: hunta conrmnnlty. 0 ThcsyjLwlnners, together with the m st essay writers selected from four other school* entered the finals yes l. rdrfy morning. winner* will Is sent to Raleigh for ii.nslderatlon for the State prise. Kvery Hidden! In the high school department of Freitiont. Rosewoisl and ittiiitf i-Wi t•« and th'*S'‘ mhitols are (led for the 525 prise offered sos Ihe school hiv ing the largest proportion of essays In comparison 4< the total enrollment Drawings for order of speakers yesterday was made by little Miss Marie Spell and R T. Mnlvlo. editor r>f the "Colton Grower" explained the purpose of the meeting. Judges wer*' led win I pock. F. P Parker. Jr., biml .Mr*. J fc. Johnson. Music was fnr t.ifh-eil by the I. O. O. F. band. DIETZ FOUND GUILTY MURDER —^ Sentenced to 20 to .'lO Yearn in State I'riMon for Killing Officer -'v - I CARTHAGE. N C , May 26. tAP) Granville A- Hlelx was found guilty in Moore county superior court to night of second degree murder In con n< ctlon with the killing of J, C. Kelly. Southern Pities police chief and ««n --•enced to 20 lo 30 years iu state's p> Ison. The case went to the Jury late this n’ternoou and court was adjourned to reconvene at 9 o'clock to receive the verdict. The defense offered no witnesses af ter the stale rested today and Diet* tlid not take the At und This morning the state recalled to Ihe stand B It Beasley, present chief of police of South*ln I'Jnes and Mayor il Slutx, a confession signed by J. L. Diet* alleged partner of the Slayer and admitted by Granville Diet* to be true wa- admitted into evidence jnsi before «he state rested It* competence had been disputed yesterday afternoon. JKellv was shot to death wAile on traffic duty In front of a Southern pine* school house hv a motorist who escaped In another. was captured sometime later and charged with the killing. v ■* NKU.AXF.K IN tTKTIMM RACK WASHINGTON, May 26.—tAP) - An even two doxen Navy and Marine Corps seaplane* and. amphibians took off from the Ancostla naval air station here tislay in the annual Curtiss tro pny race, the first gronp of Cartis* Hawks rounding the starting market at .3:10 p. m. HOOVERS OFF FOR 01 TING Ma< - Presidcni, :md Mrs Hoover left Ihe White House today for their usual Saturday fishing trip and outing In the country, , Laruivwt Number-of Cases Kver Dovk«*i**tl in Waynt Sii|»- erior Court, Said 29 Casks involve DRY LAW VIOLATORS .Millard Johnson Due to Report to Submit ft'r Sentence ip Rose Killing , The largest number of rases ever docketed at a single term of Wavne • Superior - court are on the hooks for tsession which begins tomorrow morning with Judge G. K. M'dyelte p-eslding Uni' hundred and thirty '< nr rase* are on Ihe calendar foa Irtal, Judge Mhlyetle w ill 'preside *t a nilxed session, the f(rs| week so- Re| d.voterl tn criminal cases anil the aer nnd week to civil luses. This I* the I rst time that th* law passed hy th* la*t leg'Rlature, scheiluMug criminal case* first, ha* been In effeet An act passed two years ago. placing civil court flrat In mixed' session had been revoked after-much erltlriam was voiced- ■’ jj Twenty-nine of the 134 rases down for trlsl are for some form of sit -gejl. lolatlnn of the prohibition law*. Haw lie whiskey for Ih6 purpose of sale. Transporting whiskey and driving an automobile while drunk account for tuna! . th# dwket. Millard Johnson, convicted p| a recent term of court of the mus I d«r of Pink Roar, prominent (Irantham * township cltlaen. la expected to ap-i peer before the court for commitment I I ) state prison to begin servtrig a 16 ytar sentence. Johnson appealed the verdtyA. to the Supreme court and srk«i for a new trial, but hla appeal w.>* denied Me ha* l?een at liberty under bond pending th* seealon of court which convenes Monday roofn ■ ng. James Jackson. Negro. Is agglfl do< Acted for trial For the murder of Ju lius Brunson, Negro. A hat with an insurance receipt In It made out to Jackson was found near Brunson'a lifeless body at the Fair Grounds last tail. WtiNr>oN. May 25 (API —Miss Vir ginia Willy*, daughter of the Ohio Automobile manufacturer, waa mar r‘ed to Lai* Marccnlno rte Aguirre of Buenos Aire* at the Henrietta Street Mglster office this morning. A re ,£> s Tiplous ceremony- at Savoy Chapel Nil lowsd The couple left for Pari* and Spain for their honeymoon. MSETKES FLARES TI SF.D I F FOR CONTEST WASHINGTON. May 25.-lAP> . Jo-spile an overcast sky, 19 seaplanes of Mo- navy and marine corps were tuneO up at th* Anacostla Naval Air Matloti this morning to compete In toe capital's only annual air rat e for (* the ( urtiss marine trophy. All five types of planes used by the naval hurt-au of aeronautics were en <• cirina at • o'clock with a euneetrt hr Jack Wardlaw and hla eleven niece I’ntveraltr of North Carolina orchee Ira. * ‘ t , The eihlhlta of automobile dealer*, merchant* and mannfnotnrnr* were all practically completed yeathrday after noon. and decorat lona were laet eve ning putUng the ftnlahlaf teoehee to one of the moat arttatlc John eeao la thla aectlon. The Interior nf the Dur ham Hosiery Mill hnlkHai la Which the Automobfle Show and BzpenWoo will he held, pranenta a car helt#ey appearance In if* dr ana of Amarlaan Pag*. el reamer* „*nd hleo and white trimmed pillar* and poet*. Kaeh of toe three floor* la *a eapoaltton Wtth llt ftaelf., After the opening concert Ifenday ' venlag. Mtee Roberta Wyaaa An trloe'e youngeet arrobet. Impereeaator T lute «h wrynne W* fif+Pn—g b* " frre Ooldshoro people before, and aha *» el way* enthuaiaatleaUy greeted her*. At * o'clock Jaapar. th* ltd.- DM movie dog, aald to be the greet*#* educated dog la th* reentry, will per form from *:*• to 1* e'eieek there wilt be Inepectlon of oehlhtte on alt thtee floor* Dgactag. with mn*lc furnished by Jack Wardlaw and Me rrcheetra, w|ll begta at Id o'clock. Tueaday afternooq at |iM o'clock Wynne apd Jaapor .the educated canine, pat on a complete pre ariun for the children Again Tueedey ' eenlng. the Httt* lady and the wen- - will fin the vd|devtlle Mil with a complete cheat* la program. A matinee for sohoor ohll Iron le Uoldahoro end Wayne ooeaty will he held Wedneaday afternoon at I Veloe'k at which time children Will an ad mitted for IP cent*. A complete vauedrfU* program will be presented at thl* matin**- Th* Wynn* family and Jaapor. the educated dog, wtll preeont their farewell program. Wed i.i rday evening. Thureday evening at P o’clock 0 concert will be given tyr Joek Ward law and hla orcheatrn. Then at • af clock "Plunk" Mooring, local profet rional boxer will climb Into the riog with nud spittle, of Charlotte. for an right round final boat of a fight card that promt*** to be fall of thriller#- Mooring *nd Spittle nr* both well known In ntat* profeeatonal boning ritcle*. Frldar erentng. beginning nrompt ty *t * SO o’clock. Faatern Carolina tiddler* will meet at the Exposition for thetr convention; Plftv or morf * leading fiddler* of thl* *ectlon of the • v*ai# bare alreadr revt*t*r#d for th* { convention. It w** *ald. AUrecttv* n-h nrlte* will he awarded to the dnner* In thl* conteet. Oij Saturday the farmer* end bual neea men of Wayne county and lh*|r wire* will be afforded an opportunity which »eldom comet thl* way when lion Cheater H. Cray, hand at th* American bureau of Farm Federation deliver* an addreaa In tho Exposition building at 1 o’clock. Th* addreaa *UI he followed by a harbecn* dinner. \1 2 30 o'clock a matinee for the men. women and children of th* roun ty win he glren. An Interesting pro gram Including orcheatra and hand n"t»!r, ha* been provided. “ Saturday evening the rloalpg pro ram will hegn at S o'rlook. Band and orpheetra concert* wtll be tolfnwed by m.dn water drinking, banana ahd cracker eating conteet*. and aevernl ..ther amusement feature*. The *koW will clot* with a confetti battlp.