WEATH KB Portly cloudy TmNw Wed li«*II. Probebly local tbendershow •ra la aftaraooo la Wait aad lu Hyt> coaler portion VOLUME BIGHT; NUMBER 78 UNDYANDANNE TAKE OFF ON MATRIMONIAL FLIGHT MARRIED LATE YESTERDAY AT ENGLEWOOD, N J Only Se*en Peraona. Menbara of I»aMI»* Families, Wlt mm Sarvica NEWSPAPERMEN ARE GIVEN COMPLETE SLIP Na Om Knows Wl»er« Young Couple are Spending Their Honeymoon ENGLEWOOD. N. J . Mar *T —(J*» - Ths loac heralded weddiua of Miss Aim Spencer Morrow and Col charlaa A. Uudb*r*li material lied un expected today In tba al tuple care roony at the home of the brlde'a par tita, Ambaaaador and Mrs. Dwight W Morrow Tha caramony waa performed tn „ tha drawing room of the Morrow home la tha preeence of only seven greats, all member* of the two. tain ilfao. Tha brtda, dressed In simple white chiffon, carried h boquet of blue larkspur, picked by the brldt.groom la the Morrow garden. There were it bridesmaid*. no beat man, no music—none of the embellishment* i which would have gone even with a moderately simple public wedding. After the ceremony the Cotoaef and hit bride drove away l« an autonro * rile and the small army of newspaper ■urn whh had been standing guard at the gates for so long thought It waa ]wat another afternoon drive. They were unaware of the wedding until tke Ambaaaador announced It throuab his secretary, more than two hour* later. No details es the couple's honey moon plans were revealed, but re ports from Roosevelt Held said Lind tergh had ordered his plane servic ed for n take-off tomorrow morulug Arrangements' for the nuptials hai been revised m imfltr tha*. w-chang* In minister'* was necessary Ambas sador Morrow had wanted Dr Carl L'lmore. pastor of-tbe First Presbyter tan Church . here to off date but when he eought the minister today he discovered that Dr. Elmore waa In "icnnaaaee. He called In his old friend Dr William Adams Brown of Union Tbtoioglcal seminary. New York Liudbergh wore the same dark blue business suit In which he had ap pearad an all hi* visits to Englewood The only persons present be*ldes .he bridal couple and the clergymen w»r* Ambassador and Mrs. Morrow, their daughters. Eltaabeth pttd Cou ,, nance; Mrs. Evangeline Lindbergh, mother of the filer, and General and Mrs. J. Johnson Morrow, brother and tlster-tn-law of the ambassador Lindbergh and Ijl* bride left the ertata at 4:30 p m. General Morrow aud Dr. Brown two hours l*t*r and *1 7:30 the Ambassador motored to the home of -hts brother who also re sides In Englewood 'V.Bo far a* could be learned the Col onel and hi* bride told nobody where lgey were going when they left. WASHINGTON. May 27 —(A*)—-Am batsador Tellea of Meitco tonight wired to Cot. and Mrs. Charles A lindbergh. “An tndeacret friend from the press bee Juat transmitted to me the happy event of your wed too Perm tme to tipreea to you heartfelt con aratulattons nnd to assure you with out any modesty that In that expres sion l am certain to Interpret the sen •.intents of the people l| b* tny ptlde . ,o repreeent here. May the blessings of Ood be always with you.” i PROHIBITION PROM yatiraiuation Washington, May 27 ——• jfx firemen were killed and a score it persons Injured last ntght tn S Head on collision between a fire true* and a touring car here. The fire truck was speeding to ward the suburb of Cardenas, when tt crashed Into » private car at a hairpin ‘turn. The truck turned, over, crushing six of tht fireman to death #od fatally injuring four. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ fcY BUYERS BEFORE THEYi BUY* ' .V . 1 ft Lindhergh-Morrow Marriage Scene Revising their marriage plans ho hastily that an army of newspaper men stationed at the gatea knew nothing of it, Co). Charles A. Lindtiergh and Mias Anne Spencer Morrow were married yeaterdav afternoon at the E nglefvood, N. J., home (above) of Ambassa dor and Mrs. Dwight W. Morrow. No one seerps to know where the young couple went - on their honeymoon, but reports were that Col, Lindbregh has given orders to have hi* plane serviced at Roosevelt. NV Y. Field for today. _ Eleventh Exposition fs Opened to Fine Program But Few in Attendance Bright Lights, Gay Music and Attractive Displays Lend Air of Enchantment THIS AFTERNOON IS SET ASIDE FOR SCHOOL KIDS > ,s Auto Dinplayx and Industrial '■ Exhibits Set High Standard of Excellence The vt*n(li ytinttal Goldsboro au tomobile and Industrial exposition opened last evening In the Durham Hosiery mill bulldlus to dlaappo utlng crowd*. Bright Hshta, say innate, and at tract tv* dtaplay* there were In Sur rounding* of vivid color. But there were few.,to view them Little Roberta !.*(• Wynne of Ital e'gh van at her best In her met handful of, people were delight ed with her program. A» for Jasper, the educated dog. he made some of •he college graduate* about the place eshanied of themselves at the way h'- did Mim* In arithmetic, Hpelllng and eeography. Wardlaw anr| hi* University of forth Carolina orchestra held sw*\ on the third floor and hi* outfit manufactured a brand of jaxx that made a wooden-legged man want to dance. > v The first floor of the building la given over to the automobile ex hibit* and the second floor to the In dustrial *how. Some thirty local and f.irelgu companies have dlMplay* here This afternoon and tourorrtrw will jte featured, by a school children'* matinee Ml»» Wynne and Jasper the rd mated dog will again be on the urogram with a chang.• of program “The Show Is sponsored and staged hv the Wayne county fair a ■*•«■ a thin." said a ataieftient last night "Every dollar’s profit derived from (Continued on page t, t Work To Start On 2-Story Building at James- Walnut 0i- Further expansion of »he GoMshoro business district on West Walnut .trewt will begin this week when •rectlon of s two-story building fs heguu by II M Humphrey, F. H. I»*n ie.*K B Borden, its on th Ir property at Malaut and Jatae* * i reel a. The building will l»* rel \H ItHI feet end will lie divided into two slore* downstairs. The Gnat Atlantic and' Biiclflc Tea (’ompuriy will occupy the ’ it ore ou the corner and the other one. 1 will be for rent. Entrance to the ap stairs wig' b# 1 TO NAME PLAY P THIS EVENING IMay Slag* for Open-Air Thea I (riral* al Herman Dark this Summer The Wayne Community Players will stage an .open air meeting at Herman far k tonight. Iwgtnntng at 3:15. The (ommlttee appointed to select » l u »* , play for production during Jnne win r iake hnowu It* selection and plau* for at least twu open air produc tions at the park durlug the aum mer will be discussed. • Hoy Barker, superintendent of Her man Bark. Is planning to build a stage at the park which the Blayer* will use for their production*. Tht* s'ag* will also he used for many oth er outdoor entertainments during the rummer. Following the business sesMqft of llif club, Il($v will enjoy a musical program snd dancing Refreshment* flit be served to lop off ihe eveiilug s entertainment. — -w- SHERIFF LIABt.R TO AKKFMT ' WASHINGTON, May 27. - -w i . -ervalory to 16 p m. creenwteh -Meridian Time, last nlrbt (nm ihe, James *ilreel *bl«. n*ar the j 1..|.r of the building. The upstairs will oe so arranged as to he rented in run •unction with the second at the store* i n the ground floor If till* is d’es fed Ed F. Taylor will be ihe cwntrac ■or and work Is exper-ted to be com pleted by September I, The New • earned. Brick and steel will be used :iiitl the tiuitdliig will Tie of standard ’ const ruction. This will be ihe Ihlr9 bunlnee* * building erected on Walnut si rev ! jrsst gs James (a ihs past two ysat OLDS BORO. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. MAY 28, 1929 KIWANIS HEARS YOUNG DAN LALY Hooky Mount High Sfhtrol Ora tor Givrn Rifting Vole of Thankit Dan \*mmm mM r •»r from Rocky Mount, told tha Oolds boro Klwautans Mat evening what il.e world owed tq the American ’con •iltutlon and he did It so effectivrdy ihat the club listened, tense, to hla address and then votad him a rising i bunks for his talk. “He’s tha talk* I igesi proposition that ha* appeared rt the club in months.” on* Ktwan- Isn remarked after the meeting ant be expressed the sentiments of a 11- Seven eights of tlw people of the world are today governed under detn rcrutlc rule, ytrung laicy declared, nnd these millions of men owe this fact to the Inspiration they gained trom the ‘‘noble experiment'’ of the United States which djd not fall. The Roc|;v Mount high school lad won tnlnf' place In the conbesf for lbs ‘toulhern slates In the Intemat'onal erstory contest In New (trleaiis r»- cr nlly. With Miss Helen 7ealy at the piano, Ldgar Bain, Jr., and Mlaa Annie Bynum had pleased (lie Klwanlans with a song “The Same Silver Moon” :rt the opening of' the program. 0. M Avery was In ; charge of the program and the club members com plimented him highly on Iris offer ings, In a preliminary talk, Mr. Avery had discussed the origin of Insur ance. tracing It back to the days of the Roman galley when “bottomry” was In practice. “Tire wheels of com pierce could dot turn without Insur ant* today," he declared. A delegation was present from the Kiitfton club and A J. Swanson, of ( Mubin. H. I f' . was Ihe guest of L M. Rim*. WEATHER HOLDS UP OCEAN HOPS I-otti. Darker of French Plane, to New York For Weather Reports - OLD L ■HARD Me, May 27. <*’) Cross winds and ruin toward mid Atlantic caused another day's delay ' in the propoeed flight of (he *d. au.d with prices good on nu average ibe returns from tltv tirril* , e »vl 11 add cymsldcrable shackles in the coffers of Hamp f. son mercliiinis. business men aud farmers JOHNSON WILL ~ SUBMIT TODAY Grantham Man to Begin Serv ing I’rlKon Term for Death of Fink Rone Following asveral month* of ftatlls effort on th* part of counsel to daar him at a guilty verdict rendered lu Wayne county superior court when the case was Initially tried as a re sult of the stabbing to death of Pink Rose, prominent Grantham township cltlsen. Millard Johnson, this morn ing. la slated to appear In oourt and start Immediately upon hla sentence of not lee* lhau 10 or more then Hi years In Htate pentteutlaryy accord ing to an snnounoemenl made by Nolle if or ('law son L Wllllame early but night. . JHUSW* . -Gta aardkl us a Wayne county Jury nevaral ntolßhs ago. Johnson appealed to th* Supreme court where he *aa granted a new trial. This official body failed to find error in the cane as originally disponed'‘of and returned the matter tq Wayne Superior court for Anal action. Efforts on the pert of coun sel to lighten the sentence failed and the murderer will begin hie sentence some time tomorrow, i INDICT POLICE CHARGE KILLING Fatally Shot Student in Alleg ed Liquor ('hue When He Failed to Halt ABINGDON, Va., May 17 — (Jfy -The Washington county grand jury late ' slay Indicted James Mcßeyaolda, Abingdon policeman and Jamea Crow* and J. H. Worley, deputy sheriffs on a charge of murder In connection with the fatal shooting of J. W. Kan dtlck, 17 .Emory and Henry college Mudent near her* May, 4. . Kendrick an occupant of an auto mobile with two other young men. w*s fatally wounded from shot* fired hv officer* at the car which they said inspected of carrying liquor. The ot- Ileers said after the shooting that they fired only “at Ihe Urea” of the morhlne after It* occupants failed tq heed anvorder to stop. Surviving oc cupants of ihe car denied that they were ordered to holt. Theypfflier* are to go on trial next Monday. Judge John H. Stewart, presiding 1 over the Washington county court su'd today that he would n«k Gov- I renor Ha fry F Bvrd to appoint *n o'heV Judge to preside 111 the cases In view of the' 1 men being officers of Kl* court. Mrs. Miller Tells of Work . Os Orthopaedic Clinic Here A warm welcome awaite the visi tor' from th# Stale Orthopaedic Hos pital In th* homes of crippled chil dren who have been In Ihe hoepltal for treatment or who htfre !>een pati ent* at the Goldsboro clinic. Most of. North t'arollna Is now hnsptul -1 wise, according to Mr*. Mary Naxh Miller, whose Job |q to rtalt the chil dren who have iMton treated to sec Unit they dop’t backslid*. Frequently ; they need u nurse’s advice as to the need an adjustment of brace or pu s tr mechanical appliaacaf, _ Diapuiition of HuuuMirauking Uumcu Feat urea Opening Day Os Court ; SEVEN DEFENDANTS GET BBNTBfttKB FIRST DAY Marbell Williama to Serve 10 to 1& Yearn for Breaking and Entering Ur I son and road sentences totalling npprogitnately 22 years dealt out yea terday by Judge Garland K. Midyette, presiding over Wayne count) guper lui coart. furnished th* feature of l>C_ upenthg session which adjourn ed yesterday afternoon *U 8:10 From thr\lm* of his charge to the rraad jury which consumed 30 min ute* the court room was packed to tlx capacity excepting a brief period (firing noon receea Despite th* fact that court got oft ts a alow start. Solicitor < Taw son L. Williams, Sanford, mad# exceptional • mgr*** wl(h th* criminal docket be fore court had adjourned for th# aft /•noon Th# Solicitor expressed hop* Wt a speedy session would be #*- pertneed throughout today. The feature of Ihe day mad# Its appearance In th# afternoon when Lester Britt. Joseph Italic and Car ter Keller plead guilty through coun sel to charge* of hcAsebreaklng and ’urceny.- farter Keller, 1», youngeat of the trlb, who confessed to robhtng eev* e-a! filling statlone and store*, waa Ifagded a suspended road sentence of ’2 mouth* on th# county road# on condition he |»ey the eoet* of the ac tion aud appear at each term of criminal court In this county for a period of three yfnrs to show good "yiHUF - cmrt that the yo«*h would leqye tm mediately to reald# with kia brother in (leorgie. The court stated thee that hr would not he required lo return -here to report to the court. ixMiter Britt received a sentence of not lean than I nor more than 1 yaaht Id’ th* State penitentiary. At th# ex piration of the prison seflJenc* Ihe <’nong man will face a sentence of It month* op the county road* at hard .abor unless he appears at each term of criminal court In this county and shows good behavior for a period of a year* John 10-slle, received the same sen tence as hla partner. Arraigned before Judge HldyeU# cn charge* of forgery. Horace Suggs, negro received /a sentence of II months on the county road* of Wayne county. Housebreaking coat Vernl# Carspn. negro, II month* on the roads of Weyne county where he was assign ed tn hard labor Six month* on the county road* vu the sentence dealt in (he direc tion of Jbc Battle, negro, who was ar raigned on forgwry cherges before he court yesterday morning Not lees than lfc nor more than 18 years In State Penitentiary wa* Ik* sentence pronounced by Judge Mldy ett# In bebalf of Msrbelle William* wpo laced th# crowded court room on housebreaking charge* Previous court records were responsible for lb# heavy sentence of the final ebarg*. APPROVE TARIFF WSKBDMFJIT WABHINOtON, May 27.—0 P- -The Goose Ways and Means committee today approved an amendment to lb# tariff bill to raise th# import duty on unstemmed wrapper tobec l ' co from the present rate of 12. 1 ff f point to 12,80 and that on stemmed wrapper tobacco from 12.76 to $316. Whersever the work of the hoepltal has been seen, th* neighborhood as well as the home of the patient hoa been converted tjo the orthopaedic Idea, .according to Mrs Miller. And In the families which have sent a child lo the hoepltal to be cured, there I* a real appreciation to North Carolina for providing suofc an Instl ,tuMon, the sincerity of which uno can only realise by visiting these, home and talking to the people them •qlves. "Nobody will ever know how •’ on fag) MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICK FIYBCBinS 14 DEFENDANTS . IN (TTY COURTS Speeding mml DtumIMMM Fea ture ChargN HiMM bjr Mayor Hill * A f <* Chargee of epeedlag of aatomeb iee tU of druukeoeaa featured a heavy dockqt before Mayor Jack Hill lo po lice court here yesterday agarato#. Fourteen detendanta appaarad before "ala honor” wad were gtrea varytag degree* of punishment. SereraJ ease* were also conttnuad oe aaaaoat at inability of jmnbs of Ik* wit ****** to be preeeat., • Frank Lyles, colored, charted frith ■ i>( aintng goods from Ik* Mjjm. hMht r.ierckaat. under false preteoe*. waa ‘M-und over to fluperter court. Derid Wtllleaw, white, paid tha cost* for epeedlag -aa hataoiahtla, a till* Kelli Wooten, colored, ehargad with speeding, waa flaed |8 and Aa coats. Ulta Hardy, .iegreaa. ehargad with sesault, waa touad gnllty aad waa taxed with tha payment of tho aoatg. Frank Parker. It aad Jom* Ottunr. 14. Mouat Otlv# negro boys, who were at'rested ta Manat Olive-hr OMaf si Police Btevaaa last Oatarday aa a warrant charging them with Man Hug two bicycle# from C. C Wehefer. tonal while merchant frogs hla ham# aa Elm.street, were housd ever to Jhrthh ml* coart. Tba boy# aoa(|Baal that they bad tahap tba bteratoa shoot a week or *o ago, aad both 4aotor#d that "if 1 ever get out as tht* 1 ain’t never gwta# to do nothta'e eta* mesa. ” far beigg drunk, sad Chartt* IFpadard. also colored, aad also drenk. tpa* fla ed M «fd th* coet* W C PmllT. colored found giltty of a bad check charge, was tatad with neymeat of tho Ogata. Arthur hmlth. cotorad, waa Hoad H aid the aorta for aaggffl. Tom Mafth%vr*.,||>— Herbert atgpMVMPHBHnK|»>- toa were each tasad With »aym>a« of tU* oo*ta for being draah, la *•»• crate caaaa. BELFAST WOMAN BURIED MONDAY Mr*. Doaloi Crawford DM fefl* day Foßowtav Sirakg si —I Parolyaia * * Funeral v aervtaas for Mr*. Duataf Crawford. 70, who oaoswobad ta a stroke of paralysis at bar boat* soar" Belfast Buaday afternoon at I p. m. following aa lllneoa of taor dart, were conducted from tha raaMaoao yesterday altentooa at l:tl aad ia tsrment was made In the family burying grounds aaarby with bar pastor, Rev. J. M. Hawaii, offtetat ,B- survived by. bar hasgaud aad th* following chi Id ran: V. M. Crawford. Mrs. P. H. Hill, aad Mia Laky hartth Os Belfast aad Mr*. L O. Davta. at Fremeat. JUDGE SCORES DRUJNK DRIVING i’romiso Fall SaatggMa far TM af Boch Cm- ’ t dad A Expressing determination to curb fit-unken driving by giving stiff sen tences to those who appeer before him on these chargee, Judge Oariand K. Midyette, yesterday charged the Waya* county grand Jury aad laaa ched a two wash* mixed term of court In this county. During hts speech, which couauan ®d approximately 30 minutes, the popular Jurist ksM tha aadtvtdad at ibntlon of th* JaryaMa. He farther charged them to lavertlgat* th* oaw dltlons of Waya* county thoroaghly lu all offlctnl offices end Inslltnttoas. Th# following com pose the grand Jury for this term of Superior court; F. L Peacock, foremen, Joel Pow er*. John Hayes, G, P. Pertec, J. O. Hooks'. Willi* Sasser. Vadea Lao. O. L. t-Mmuodson, G. S. Qalaea. 0. JL Britt, F. H. RoyaU, T. A. rarest. Ik ' 'W. Nash. Jr, Georg* Joape, H. S. CYumpler, P. T oreddle, Oeurga g, Thomas. W, H.