WEATHER Partly eloady and continued warm Wadneeday aad Thu rad ay I steal aft vraoon thonderehowers. VOLUME BIGHT; NUMBER 79 NEW TARIFF BILL IS PASSED I HOUSE 264 TO 147 - *1 u - . PROVIDES FOR INCREASES IN IMPORT DOTIES Now Gom to Senate But ia Not Ezpoctoi to Be Acted on There Soon BILL DRAWN BY G. O. P. MEMBERS ON COMMITTEE Affects Every Man. Woman and Child in The United States in Changes t WASHINGTON. May *B—(XV-Th* tariff bill written by the ways and meant committee republican! and de signed to afford additional protec tion from foreign competition to tbousanda of prodneta of thp Ameri can farm* and factorlea waa pa*»«J by the bouae today bY a yota of lj ( The’measure carried substantial In • reasea la import duties on articles embraced In every section of the aev- old Fordncy-McCumber law gdlr provide* for a reorganisation of tba tariff commission and tbe grant ing of Increased power to ihe presi dent la tha matter of increasing rates. It now goes to tbe senate where Ura finance committee plane to hold extensive bearings bstore reporting It. With plane underway for an all ■vtnmer recess. It was (he opinion of republican leaders tonight that the proposed legislation would not be takes up by the sepals for several months. Passed by a margin of 117 votes tbe bill waa given the final house stamp of approval 4 months and 3 weak* from tbe day the pubject waa tackled in public hearings and after more I'ran 100 amendments . proposed by •h« nugs mid |g§ cornu*illuu iMUIj ’’been given further approve!. Before the final vtlte a motion by Representative darner, Texas, to re turn tbe bill to the ways and mean* commutes waa rejected by 254 to 157 votes. « The bill revises, mostly upward, lutes In every dutiable section of the existing Fordney-MeCumber law. which It la designed to supplant. Every man. woman and child In the country and nearly every foreign nh tlcn In the world Is affected by ihe economics changes proposed by the measure In the seven year old repub- Ican protective tariff structure. Perhaps the most far-reaching change In the advance of sixty-four l hundredths of a cent In the effective - uuty on sugar, raising the present I duty of 1.76 cents a pound on Cuban <" raw auger to 1.40 cents. other rate advances designed to aid tbe fanner and manufacturer, affect such commodities as wool, cattle. I dairy products, meal*, grains, textile* i g'aas. paper, furniture and clothing of all Mescrlpttons Important commodities long allow ed free entry Into the United State* i are made dutiable Including hldee, , It ether,' boots and shoes, cement, i common building brick, shingles, j cedar, maple and birch lumber. The measure also set* up an entire- i new rate schedule to embrace , manufacturers of artificial silk under the Official name of "rayon." These goods are protected In existing law under the silk schedule. BOY IS MISSING WITH BIG MONEY MeflMtigvr Bank at Houston Disappears with $24,000 in i Cash and Drafts < .. ■»— i ■* HOUSTON, May 28.-d/Pt A sis teen year old messenger of the First National bank here was missing to day with (24.000 In hank drafts and | tush The boy bad not been seen > I nee he left on hi* regular run yes- , terday morning BatVk officials sain he had complained of being til and might gone *° *' ,n,r Pty o * f,,r • eatment. Most of the »24.0»*> was lu ion-negotiable drkfta. ■" » -r-'-Ht | COTTON !A* FOl'Klfl* GI’lLTf MEMPHIS, Tenn.. May 28,— (JP> - William R Pharr, cotton man was found guilty In Federal Court today on charges of aiding and abetting J Mamaev Heauchamp. former vice-pre*- ident o fthe old Union and Planters bank and Truet Company In the roles- . - implication of nearly 1600.000 of the tank's funds In 1423 and 1114 Hen-* IW» w* *4v*em* until J«af ». s THE GOLDSBORO NEWS i • * ■' ' r a..' • _ o <* , , # 4 1 READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARB FRESH—READ BT BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. I t _ f* I*» I |j * */ * ; WE~ f■ * JB Ctrl Mahan, above, aged 6, of i PainttviHe, Ky , who killed hts; playmate, Cecil Van tlooge. aged 8, following a <|tiarrel ha* not mentioned the shooting •nnce a half bout-alter Hire deed, according to his father John Malian 'I he child was given a titteen-year , reformatory sen tence, but *ao gianted a writ of prohibition ESCAPES MATH BY TWO INCHES • ft * * a W. H. Milett Struck by Falling CroHN-Beam on Mulberry St. Yesterday W H. Miles. 22 yeftr old employee of the Carolina Power and Eight com pany, escaped death by a matter of about two Inches here yesterday morning about 10 o'clock when a de scending beam cross-bar, being haul ed to the top of a pole on Mulberry Htreet near the post-office, struck lilm. a glancing blow over the left eye. Inflicting a had gash and knock ing him unconscious. The Injured man was rushed to Ihe Goldsboro hospital by Frank Creech, local’man, and sev eral stitches were required to sew tip the cut. Miles’ shoulder was also bruised when the cud of Ihe beam fell arrow* It, hut physicians did not think any hones were broken. People, who happened to he near when the accident happened, were of the opinion that If tbe beam had fall en another two Inches from the pole, It would prohably have crushed the Injured man's skull. As It was how ever, the edge of the beam merely scraped across his face, breaking the skin over the eyebrow, causing It to (tflontlnuod on page D Eastern Carolina Ought To Do Some Bragging, Declares ~ The time has come for BHUrn North Carolina to ijull comparing It to Piedmont and Wejtern North ' irolma and Imagining that the other Mellon* have all the progress, Judge t... K. Mtdyette decla>ed In the course of an Informal talk before the tßilds boro Rotary club laat evening The *alk by, Judge Mtdyette and an ex cellent exhibition of ttuiibling acta by Ed Bland, Ed Evans. Rupert and Etrby Gurley occupied the Club pro gram. "If you atop to think about It," de lla red Judge Mtdyette. "you-w*ll rea Hie that Eastern Norjh Carolina has Just aa many substantial' cities as any part of thb state and that these cities are growing just as rapidly. The truth a trout It Is that otir opportuni ties for development down here are greater than they are In any other part Os the state and what ta need ed Is for organisations like Rotary —and I know that Rotary Is doing this to lend Itself more completely to the upbuilding of the section. ’ •atari at Elisabeth City and Juat name over ilie Eastern North Caro tin* towns, Rdenfon. Mffe Nil fees. *BSfc Ms** «*»- FIRST REPORT OF TB CLINIC IN SCHOOLS Judge Midyette Passes Out 24 More Years Os • * c " Sentences on Tuesday ft O Willie Wood. White, Will Serve 5-7 Yean* in Pen For Crime Against Nature—William Joyner Getn IS Years « On Two Charges Judge K Y. Midyette In Wayne County Super'or Court yesterday »en ifnced fruit 1 , defendants to term* total ing a minimum of 24 years In state prison or on the county road* and brought the total year* of sentences days of court to 4* years. Willie Wood aged white man, and WIIHam Joyner. Negro, fs-ed mo t hedly In Ihe day’s grind. Wood *n found guilty of a crime aga'nst na ture —too remit ins for further new*- taper detail and sentenced to from K lo 7 years in stale prison k Joyner la the Negro who tried In hrlng-’Chicago gunman (adlr* In floldsboro but strork a st’ump when he tried to rnh Jesse James, 1 * keener •ts the Standard Filling station at Ash and Herman streets. 4* *p nepred, h»e*s so flabbergasted the Negro that be lorned and ran Officer* rapture him' Jean* .Taping UPRG'\ pu a Airu FOR WAYNE BOY Given Opportunity to Compete For Fellowship Offered by Kdinon The News Bureau. RALEIGH. May 27 Thonias A. electrical wtxard. has offered a four- I year technical scholarship to some outstanding American boy Interested in science, and opportunity will be given lo select a North Carolina boy to enter the competition and go to Went Orange. N. J„ to Mr. Edison's laboratory, where he will himself conduct the examination. fir R. T. Allen, tftate ent of Public Instruction, Is sending oul a letter to county and city super-* Inteiidents asking them lo have prin cipals notify high school boya who have shown superior aptitude for and distinguished himself In studies of science and through applied projects. These hoys are to fill out blanks, ap proved by the principals and will he asked to come- lo lialdgh on May 15 for examination by a commute to he named by Governor O. Max Gardner Dr. Allen suggests that some civic organisation pay' the expenses of the candidate to Raleigh. One boy Is to be selected from each, (Continued on page 7| / -" <> non. Greenville Karmvllle Gold, Fayetteville. Dunn. Wilmington and other*- Compare their business and tbelr growth with th l- and rrowth of the cities anywhere In the Hale. "Th* growth lit some of the larger Piedmont, cities, has been mainly !’trough the Influx of textile workers, while the growth of Eastern North (‘urolina cities has boon more of the Substantial kind. "We have varied Industries here, soil that Is the equal fn fertility to that to be found anywhere Go to Hie mountains and after you ellmh up to the top of one of them that la all there la to It; Cant grow anything there hut a little corn In the valleys, "Wc of Eastern North Carolina ought not to permit all the talk to he about the wonderful progress of the Piedmont hut we ought to get huay arid do some talking ourselves Th* young athletes, who followed Judge Midyette, did not have sufflc . tent apace for full display of their pt/w*reas. but they w«ye plenty g:>od- They dtved, flipped. ->e*-*,i wed and pulled strong man stuff after th* sash m * tftfrtai.. GOLDSBORO, N. C WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 29* 1929 I Identified him; and later he was also Identified a* Hie Negro who Had brok en into a dwelling. For the attempt at robbing James. Jovner received 111 years In State pr'sbn and for the breaking and en lering anotlc-r 6 year*. Willie Green, a Negro with a ore vlous court record, received 2 year* ' on the muni v road* for *tnrchreaklng I and larcenv l “Have yon ever been In trouble Im toreT' Judge Mldvctlc asked Willie, h-foee passing sentence "Vases rt» e*>n- roe on g m-ms* for ■ > ' r* w uV ( hreskln' In freight cars; but I'm dldn'l I '° •* V James Cogdell. nevr«. also recev'ed two years on *he roe-la fn- Isreeny. Incest I'hsrwe Dismissed A ehsrge of Ince.t ir*|**t Frneet Mornhv resident of the Ml f*IW« sec i>r,n. waa rennrted ns "not s true lil't," Mornhv hsH h*-'d 4wvn held when : •i-ohahle' cellar wm tellnd In s hear Irr before k’*e W n tt-l't. Rr The vrend Inrv venterdsv made an tnsneetlon ot the eoontv home, th» ronvlrl camne sod will todiv vtstf other county departmenta. NEW WHITE WAY Mo**l of I/inm nod r*klw On (>nt«r Street Will he Re moved for New SyHtem Preliminary work Incidental to the Installing of the new White Way equipment on t'enter *trcct .here ha* alroady been begun, 11. F. Lee, man ager of the local Carolina Power aad Light Company office, told Ihe News yesterday. The local branch of th" power company waa awarded Ihe con tract by Ihe city lo Install Ihe White Way. Part of the equipment has al ready arrived, It waa laid, but there will be several weeks of preliminary .work such as removing some of Ihe lines and cables now on Center street before the actual construction of Ihe White Way can be begun The cable* furnishing Ihe power for the white way will be as compact and as or derly as ponaible In order lo present a' mdro attractive appearance, it wait learned. The raised cement walkway down (he middle of Center street will have five electric light pedestals In each block. The New* wan Informed The wires going to each post will be run under Ihe pavement of Center street so there will be no unsightly lines si rung overhead lo mar the beauty of the projeef The Job when completed sometime probably early In the fall will give Goldsboro ’one of the most modern 1 and beautiful White Ways In thin sec Uon of Ihe state. In Ihe opinion of Mr l*ec, who will have supervision Os the work 6 Canes Typhoid In Wayne County There* ft re now , *l* case* of ty phold fever In the county. Dr, L. | W. Corbett, health officer reveal *d yesterday. F'our member* of one Hood .Swamp white family are 111 ' with Ihe (lieeaaa. he reported; there la another cane In a Negro family at Dudley and the sixth cane In in a Negro family on Kim street.' It wa» in the latter family that a child died of the disease several week* ago Parents had refused lo take the typhoid vac cination or to allow their other children to tike It after the 111 m-s* and death of the other child "With six cane* of typhoid In the county.' said Or Corbett, “I r cannot urge to »trongi> that every I one protect himself by vae< tna |l tlott In the campaign now.,being conducted. . , —O —o — —o — —o — ~o — “~0 — —O'— —o— Accident Stop* Flight •j JQfmiJßf *%' % MJm* 'ySS r : ’r ’^4; ■ * A cracked propellor ended thf week-long flight pf the “Fort Worth” and her gallant crew, Reg Robhina. top. and lantea Kelly, below, aftet *tayitig in the air (or 172 hout* and 44 minutes at Fori Worth Kcx*a. Their motor wai *ti|l function ing perfectly, but the •tram id lighting a storm had c.rpt ked their propellor. Koch flyer receive* about $15,000 dollars BRINGS CHARGE 7 NON SUPPORT ■ . t . • True Bill Found by Grand Jury in Charge Brought by Mm John Cam pen John dampen was yesterday held In hond for the next term of Enperior Court on a charge of non-support brought by Mrs. dampen, who came to GoldHbore from New York City this week. * 0-" The defendant was arraigned be fore Ksq. Henry Toler yesterday morolqg. probable cause wag found snd be was held for the grand Jnry. The fart* were given lo the Jury rhorlly later and a true hill waa found It waa decided that the caee Mbould be continued until the next term of Superior court. Bond had not bten fixed yesterday afternoon but Solicitor William* waa said to be asking for surety to the amount of f 2.500. Death Comes Close To Local Men in Accidents Two Goldsboro men bad narrow escape* from Instant gnd horrible death* In ,w " automobile wreck* which occurred Monday nlgbl within ihrevmonrs of each other. The New* lurried yesterday Sim Ward, W<-bh ts vti merchant, who run* a grocery) More on South Htocumb Spicer's Kanltorlum wllh aevare cut* and bruises ami possibly several dl*- ribs. Injuries sustained wheA Ihe Chevrolet coupe in which he wa* riding on the Wilson highway near Greentesf, careened sgainst a Urge 4l children who reacted positively were an nnderwetght Mid generally run down physically that Dr Yoder conetdatud It necessary to follow up the teat, wtth thorough physical exnmtaaUma. About MU* number were give* X-ray studies. The results of the X-Xay stadias, however, were net available te the preliminary report hat are expected SOIL EXPERTS VISIT COUNTY ' a "** , *~ * Departmeut of AfHaiHure Cau ducting Exfugiutewt Near Grown laaf - |T , n . . “( making (heir monthly state menu la d the Interstate Commerce Commlaalo* h fur April coatlaeod todpy to ekmw >r gain* In their net operating IdObmi o Hr that far April 15*28,