..WEATHER Partly cloedj wHA l«ril dtrrMM Uialrr iktinn VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 80 NO CONGRESS RECESS UNTIL FARM AID PROVIDED Senate Agricultural .Committee In Favor U. S. Running Shoals Senator Norris at Onre Carries His Resolution Before The 'Senate " BENATE APPROVES BILL TO RE APPORTION HOUSE Biffis of Breaking of Deadlock Between House and Senate on Farm Relief $ /' 1 1 YC ABHINC.TON. May W - (AV- Sanction by President Hoover of the propoaod congressional recess (nr the tutnmer hingea upon the prior enact ment of the farm relief hill tstd an j irreement fixing a definite date In 'he fall for a vote In the aenate on the tariff meaaure. The prealdcnt'a position became known today after Renators Jones of Waahlngton, the assistant Republican ’eader and Borah of- Idaho, had call ed at the White Hnual to preaent their viewa agalnat any recesN until the work for whlcli the special aea »lon waa called had been completed | With algna of a breaking In thel deadlock between the aenate and the' house on farm relief and word from ( halrman Bmoot of the aenate finance} committee that at least two months “Will be required by the committee to get the tariff hill ready for the sen ate, Senator Wataon /of Indiana, re publican leader, tonight went ahead with hla plana for an all summer re tell. Senator Wataon agreed with the White House stand for enactment of farm relief before the vacation and for the fixing of a definite date for a vpte In the.aenate on the tarlfr bill. He would Initial '’ that rocean hinge a’ao upon an agreement for a vote In the senate on the report adjust log differences between the aenate and house on the tariff before the opening of the regular session In December. By unanimous vote, the aenate ag rlcultural committee recommended to the aenate the re-enactment of the Norrli resolution for government op eration at the Muacle Shoals property In Alabama. The report on this resolution waa carried at once to the aenate by Its author. Senator Norris, republican, Nebraska, who said he did not be lieve the legislation could he enact ed before the summer recess hut that l»e would take advantage of any op portunlty to have this done. Automatic reappnrtloumetit of the house of representatives, on the basis of a census every 10 yearn, was pass ed by the senate todgy 67 to 26 and smt to the house A similar proposal which ha« stlr rtd up nearly 10 yewfs of controversy between states likely to losw anil those likely to was approved l>y the house last, ses sion and final enactment of the meas ure has been decided on before the rummer recess. » , The bill which had administrating! approval would direct the president . to submit to ijongress In December two sets of corntmtsHfins showing the number of-representatives each state entitled to on the basis of the new census both ttin system tnown as equal proportion' and that known as. major fraetlons. ATTACKS WHITE WOMAN, MOBBED *'t ‘ ' Mob Get* Pos*e**ion of She riff’H Jail Keys and A lulu els 19 Year Old Negro ABA MO, Tenn., May 21*. f/P> Jo- Roxloy; 19 year old negro accused of attacking a white woman • .was ab ducted from jail' hero early tndav by a mob and lynched 4 miles cast of town The lynchers had stormed a Jail at Trenton. Tenn.- ,]n an adjoining county before they traced the negro to Alatno and almost battered dpwn, the door of the home «f Etner ijm. Crockett county sheriff They dlscovecjsd the keys to Alamo's jail under a divan where the sheriff hud placed them and got possession of the UK* THE GOLDSBORO NEWS r „ \ . t. , , READ IN THE MORtfING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Newsome Nominated For Rotary laeader DALLAS. Tex , May 29 (/P)~ Ten thousand ltd aria ns gs' hr red here for the 2(Mh annual Interna tional convention of the organixa tlon today nominated candidates* and tfien enjoyed the president's ball. Little competition for office d«f developed and the chief fight de veloped for the pres <1 -ncy, the supporters of Raymond .1. Knoep pel of New York matching every claim made by those pushing Eu gene Newsome of Durham. N C!„ when the names were put In nomi nation the applause was about equal and a close void was ex pected. JUDGE DANIELS ' RULING UPHELD l Supreme Court Decide* for Gold*boro Ltimlx-r Company in Cute From Jones The Sew* bureau. By M K. Danaaga* RALEIRII May 29. The judgment Ir supported by the provisions of the deed.' the Stale Supreme Court held today, In an opinion handed down as firming the judgment of Judge Dan iels In Jones county court In the case of J, R. Lowery apd wife against Die Cold shorn Lumber Co. The con troveray was to determine the right of the defendant to re-enter upon u rght-of-way over lands of the plain tiff and construct a tram road to re move limber owned by t£e lirmlepr company frotji lands other than those ol the plaintiff. The del'd of the plain tiff to tire defendant permits this re • ntry by the lumlier firm, the court holds. RUM RUNNER IS SENTENCED Carl Lippard. Who Walked Out Wilke* Jail, Get* Ten Year* WILKES BOKO. N. C." May 29. --(/P) --Carl Ljppard. alleged rum runner who disguised himself and walked Om of the Wilkes county Jail here while visitors were entering the I olldlng several weekH ago. returned tiers and was tried and sentenced by lodge Jnj>nston J. Hayes today to serve ,jl v loyal of .'t years In Federal Prison al Atlanta and pay fines of $1,500 . I.tppard war arrested lasi Janu ary when prohibition enforcement of ffeers- following an automobile cliane of miles seized bis care with loti gal lons of whiskey, v" «- Fair Directors Ash Support Os Auto Show and Exposition The distressingly small attendance! ut the lltli aii imi ml (ioldshoroAulD' mobile Show .nut ludnstr i.it Kxposl Hop last Monday evening, yesterday! afternoon brutish! an appeal from ill-} rector* of the Wayne County . Kalr Association, wlilidi la sponsoring the etiow The appeal, directed to ail tioldslwiro cillr.cns. urge. Cull upport of the exposition during the remain Ins three day*. f'nlll last night loa than .liai paid admissions had been recorded .. „ Walter C lienrnark. secretary of the fair association. declared that the Interest shown thu* far In thu exposition had been very dlsrourag ~ln* • fe, The appeal, which was Issued in hnllelln form yesterday, declare* that , to help relieve pressing financial burdens of the Wayne 'County I n!;' AaaociaUou, we leave organized and! The Springer es the Newt Arthur Springer, left. *scretary to Anil*a*sarlor Dwight Morrow, »prang the new* of the tjniifFT marriage of Cpl Charlei* A, Lindbergh to Anne Morrow at the Englf wimkl. N J ; hotm of the Ambassador toon aftei hi* arrivel line frem Mexico, to the aurprise and bitter dtsap;>oiiitment ol innumrt able news papers and photographers, who have surrouuded the place as uninvited guests for several weeks past. Whereabouts Ot LUiilbcrgh And Bride Remains Mystery NEW YORK. . May 29 </P) The lame Eagle was still the tost Eagle tonight , Driving out of the driveway of tho- Dwight <W. Morrow estate at Engle wood, N. J , Monday'afternoon, Opt Charles A Lindbergh and Mrs Lind bergh the Jormer Aline Spencer Mor row, dlHqpi>earod as completely as lie tild when he soared Into the mist (thovc Roosevelt field for France 'on that May morning two years ago. The Colonel's own speedy ..Falcon plane equipped w xli enough gasoline for a 1.006 mile flight and two para- MUCH DAMAGE BY EXPLOSIONS Mysterious Sewer Hla*!* Cause Death and Panic; Fire De- Hlrdy* .Many House* OTTAWA Opt , May 29 -4/1*) Two rerlcs of explosions In Hie city's main sewer system Caused one deat h It day. injured a at tire of persons, caused large property damage and spread panic through the residential district*. The first explosion occurred noon, manhole covers being hurled Into the air on columns of fir*’ and l moke on points west of the'liideati canal eastward for a mite through flill and East „Vlew Mr An tile Hayden, was trapped In a bouse :uat rsitglil fire from the exp lon ton ami suffered burns from which sue oled " Eotlr hourit later the explosions rfarted again, not only throwing man hole rovers Into the air but breaking through the pnvement Thgre wild disorders, weeping jjfc.nten runiiliii’ through th>- streets searcltlng for. their children and I ouseholdcrs making fretixled efforts la savr I heir homes STEtI. JONES < I I IIS NEW YORK. May 29. </!*> Hobby Jonas' complete -ct of golf dub, »a stolen from an pbll l parki d til l front of an apartment house last night and no trine of them had heen discovered by the police today, 1 pri Mi nted f.olil li.iro, .rfiwulh In dn-iti ml . and Antoinolilh li* po-Irion 'Thin exposition is not retetvlrtg the support it should receive, awl we at" (a< ed only with tnWvd erntiarra; ' J tin nt "The exposition *asd (i- at I raid ions j are splendid Any who have seen them will ii fifyr'''’tii tin "We in i'ii the support of y «.very (loldshorit;* IniHln* . mans during th" remaining days of the eaptHuon. “Conie and jsetid, or bring your fainily. friends and bualueaa ussoctu tea."’ l»r. Henderson Irwin, John R. Crawford, tieo. 1, Keeton. C K Mil ler. S r Teague, W.l W. Andrews. If H. lid wards, H. I, (iruhaili. T It Tftlgpen. W V. M wire. J, A ,'*h«r nrd. W. <!, Denmark, Sei retary. Di rectors of Wayne County I iy|r Assn ctol,wu* s^wtaia«w. GOLDSBORO, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 30. 1929 ■ chutes stands In the hangar at Heh" » nectady. N. Y. whcfe It was flown yesterday, hut Its mgsler hat so far *- failed to appear and claim It. A vtifll on the Morrow summer home al North Haven, Me also filled to bring - any nlghl of the Lindberghs. Those who know Lindbergh believe that away somewhere on an aerial honeymoon, probably landing n i pi Kate field or on impromptu (tie*. Thus evading (hr wave of pub Hetty which forjwd years has ruled unceasingly over him. Hill that's con jecture tret) | SCHOOL FINALS I ARE UNDER WAY ‘ Exorcise* at Fremont, Saulston and Belfast on Board* Thi* Evening - - ■■'■■■ - 0 i Exercises In connection with th« i ending of school will It*' underway In at least litre* Waynh County reboots this evening. [ ('lags day exercises will he held al t'*e lYemont mliihil auditorium this evening, beginning at 9:16. "The World Qulaldc” Is the title of a three gel play to he given. Misa Dorothy I’Ale will deliver the valedictory. (iraduatlon exercises will be held Finlay 'morning m 1L o’clock with lion It, T. Fountain of llocky M uitijj, lieutenant governor of North Caro lina. as the t hies Speaker. ' Commencement exerelaea of tile nisi on school will begin this eve ,i>ng al 9 o'clock with exprdses by :lc , Elemeidary ' department. for which an Interesting group of songs md reatllngs has been prepared Be ginning at II o'clock Friday morning, exercises for the grammar grades will I.* held, certificates lo graduates of the seventh grade delivered and the cinitial address spoken At I o'clock '•’riday afternoon there will he a pic nic on the grounds l , followed by a baseball game. The Kenlor play, "Al rays In Trouble.” wlll.be presented (tom the school commencement. Fri day morning at MR29 o'clock the primary iiti<l grammar fc grades will ; < Id , 11|<-ir 1-xr rclß*6,--certificates will be awartbsl lo those completing Die evetillr grade and liptior rerttflealca lo thtmc who- have attained high cholaallr j ank tlurlng Ihe year A pn ni' dlkWf * Will lollow on the ichool grounds, lo which all are In vlied to bring well, filled buirkelu. In the ntterpcein there will he a base ball game; Mother of Mr«. I). H. Bland Dies Suddenly Vtn W M Mrsire. mother of Mrs. It II Bland. rtO-d suddenly at her 1 tjjcne In (irecnville at H o'clock last evening, according to Information re •ivecl by long ilbitance lel«;di|iotie. j Judge and Mrs. Bland left at c>nre lot t;re< nvllle r ; Mrs. Moor, bad been In 111 health for several years but her death was . entirely unexpected and came as a , distinct shock Funeral arrangements -were not known at tli- little this waa !itt It w.is expected that services , - onld be In (Irecnville today. I-, Mrs. Moore Is survived by her hu*- »-»band and three daughter*. Mr* Bland, Mrs. ifugh Ragsdale and Mb CIVIL SUITS ARE STARTED j (ompliitnl* Filed Ve*lerda> Seek Judgment for SIO,OOO Each in 2 ('uses I " —- Damage totaling fZfl.Odo la aaked In two elvll actions filed yesterday In the office of Clerk of Court J, H. Hooks. Jessie Artis, negro, caeks flnooti against the fcYirley Clothing Companv and I*. A. Watson seeks ib'inage of flutina against the Mitvla ?lt<Ut ling com^tiny Complaint Died hy Artis alleges that Erm--I I'udi:»ll and Alb rl l*op- Uk. agents for Kkrley Cloth ng com pany. came to his home 4o collect for a cap. that they entered hla yard went to the side of the house where tf* was "washing” soin >-cloth -a. Ilav ng' deniandod payment for the cup . nd falling to g"t ihrlr money, com plaint asserts, they asked the re lam of the cap Artts complaint al ’eggs he told tlyni lie wciull not re turn It until an officer of the law or ncri'd him to do so Poplin then gjtfy M the cap, complaint alleges, arrtl • s Artis turned toward him. Padgett Is said lo have ’elur'd an axe and knocked him down. Artie’ complaint states that hi was struck, twice With the axe as h*''lay on the ground. The. blows have Injured the plain tiff's hearine and c-Mi«*d li’m to suf fer great pain In Ihe bendv- pain that ,keeps him from ffteep at night. It la •tlleged The anil demands f&.flOO ap luni damage and $5,000 punitive damage. *'*^l Watson In his suit against the Ma vis Company alleges lhal while dCv l*tg a truck for the company on July 11. 192* the steering gear on the ma "rhlne went bad and ..caused It to run Into a ditch hv the road- overturn t.g and pinning him hen n ath It. He sustained 'a broken l>one v H--t5 , ‘ back and permanent Injuries complaint al st gen. Damage of SIO,OOO Is demand rd, claiming negligence on Hi* part of the company In not providing a safe means of conveyance. i., . ~ GARDNER NAMES HOARD MEMBERS New Member* for Vocation*! Board Selected by Gov. (Gardner , -r» : Tba Niwi Haraaa. By N- K. Daaaagaa RALEIOH. May 29.—Oovernor flardnar today announced tho ap pointment »f Jh« Hlate Hoard of Vo ratlonal latucation, as followarvLwffi ur llodgee, Spray, to serve for four year*; Mr*. T. K Johnson. HaHnbury, two years, and ]* 11. Kltcbtn, Halifax County, alx year*. Dr. A. T. Allen, state superintend ent of public Instruction, la qx officio chairman and executive officer of tbe board, whlcli consists of three other member*, representing trades and In dustries. home economics and agrlrut ettre. Tbe hoard administer* Federal Mid state laws relative to vocational ? location and handles the fund* set apart and received for It. Thm lass. general assembly appropriated $175,- ttno for each of tbe next two years for vocational .education, she amount spent last year was $1*1,765. Former members of thn-hoard were Leonard Tufts. I'inehurst; W. V. Carr, Durham, and Mia* Mary Arrington, Rocky Mount. Three Are Sentenced For Forgery In Superior Court The third day of Wayne county St perlor court for tho trial of crluj-. Inal cases ground along y.Wtierday * Hh charges of forgery, highway rob bery and various phases of violation of the prohibition taws occupying the lime of the court, 1 During th« day the grand jury ,re p< rted that they found a true bill against John Creech In the death of Hubert llloiint. negro boy. In an au tomobile accident several months ago Creech struck the bicycle on which the lad was riding near the residence of ft (l, Thompson of Ash i slreel and officers found him (it the Standard filling station at Ash and Herman. The bicycle of the boy had • become .iangjed under the machine i and han't)' eh drugged for several I lie ks Oteech declared at the time - that the accident occurred when lie veered suddenly to the left a* an nu- Isaioinoblle cut in In-front of him. Grand Jury Reports. Wayne County’s Jail In “Fair Condition” Fahy Breaks Record For Solo Flying METROPOLITAN airport, I .OH ANOEIJCH, Calif, May 29 (d I )—Herbert J. Fuhy. lest pilot for the Lockheed Aircraft company, today broke all recorda official and unofficial for solo (lying. Piloting * cabin monoplane, he late today broke Ihe official solo endurance record of 24 hours .Vi minute* established hy Royal Tbotnax and continued In the air with hi* remaining few gallows of gasoline unlit he topped the unofficial recor dos 26 hours 23 minutes 21 second* made by Martin Jensen. The filer took off at 4:42 06 a. m., Tueaday. OLD FIDDLERS MEET FRIDAY Eg*tern Carolina to Send Best For Auto Show Feature on Friday The feature of tha floldaboro Au •nmohjle show and Industrial Expo sition Friday nlghl will be an old lime fiddler'* convention with prac tically all Ibe oifcatandlng fiddlers of Eastern Carolina on hand to par ticipate In the contests Fiddlers from many' aectlnna oil this part of the state will be on hand to repre sent their district aa the champion fiddler of that section The program will be In charge of I loyd Hurley, local man who baa had wide experience and considerable success In the staging of fiddler's on vent lons at th* Wayne county me morial community here. Mr Gurley las personally seen - tbe majority of the outstanding fiddler* and baa their assurance that they will he on hand to participate In the -conteals for tho fiddling honor* "Old Zip Coon," "Arkansa* Travel ler." "The Prisoner's-Bong" and many a ore of th* old ones and many new <ne* Hint sound their best when Is suing from the four strings of a "Mddle,” will he heard hy patron* In Vtendanre at the aulomoblle show Friday nlghl. Prise* will he awarded lo the win ner* In the fiddling contest*, It wa* announced CASSION SINKS MEN TRAPPED ExploHion of Air Rrttrrvoir In jure* Ten; Four Buried In Murk JERSEY CITY, N J . May 29 </Pt Fourteen men were trapped tonight when a cession In which they were working sank in the Hackensack riv er off Newark avenue, due to the explosion of an air reserfolr. Ten were taken out alive and roseuera were making frantle efforts so reach the remaining four wlto to have heen burled In the,,,muck Johnny Jones will pay the coat*. Including those for bringing blood hounds from Hmlthfleld. on a charge of larceny. When ha does this he doc* net have to aerve a 12 month* term on the roads. Johnny helped himself to a-humility of mept from a 'Plk'-vtlle ■ Nmokehouae sometime ago. He ph ad e1 guilty In court yesterday morning Kiln Austin entered a plea of su I tv to transporting and having whis key for sale. A three months sun pe tded sentence was handed out, pr«- v'ded a flo fine I* paid, along with the costs, Joe Mattie admitted his guilt on a '( fgery charge and *ras > apft.tenced to serve months on the roads, A charge of forgery again*! I-ossle For est waa nol proased with leave J. A. William* plead guilty to forgery and »:t,» sentenced to 12 moptlis on the ads. (( out ilined oil il MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS % *Murh Overcrowded,” Jury Finds. Hut Thinks Court Week Explanatory COMMENDATIONS IS GIVEN COUNTY’S DEPARTMENTS — : * Report of Grand Jury Submit* ted Yesterday to Judge E- Y. Midyette o A*ldc from being "much crowded" the Wayne county j/l1 la in "(air con dlllon" according to the report of Ihn grand jury to Judge E. Y Midyette in Wayne county superior court ynk*';> terilay afternoon. The report eipressei the opinion that the crowded condi tion* are dne to court week and eaya that new beda now being Installed wilt snatly relieve condition*. “Wt have visited the oonvtct tumpi." sayAthn report aubmlttad through r. U I’eacock. Sr., chairman rs the body, "which aura under the supervision of Mr Rank D. Scott, enp* < rlnlendent of highway* and Mr. >. D. Hinton, superintendent of coartcta, .»tid have found them in egeelteat condition. We wish especially to mnn ilon the aanitary at the amp*, which are in perfect condition- We did not, have a *lngla eomplaiat trom any of tha convict*. "We have visited the county home, which I* under the management of Mr. K H. Parfcnr. and have found II kept In a dean and efficient way. In ottr round* of Inspection we found 'he buildings In good condition, the form land fenced, plenty of meat and lard In ninukehouee, ham full of hay end stock In egeelteat condition. In mate* of the borne *eetn to bn per fectly *#ttarM. v We especially want to commend Mr. Parker and his wife. “An Inspection of thp Jail proved It to he In fair condition, with the eg < eptlon of It being much crowded. V* relieve dne to court week, especially In the men's quarters. Beds are leg inni sited which will grsatly re ll«.ve t|ils. \ "We carefully Inspected the oonrh house and all offlties amj It tn a dean gnd well kept condition. We have In rpeeled the health department and littd that It Is doing good work.” PHYSICIAN HELD FOR QUESTIONS - S- Dr. Frank P. Westlake Detained Following Discovery of We man'* Trousseau in River LOS ANfiKLKH C*|., May • Dr. Prank I» West lake. 87. slderly physician wan detained for q peat los ing here today after the Identifica tion of a woman’s trouseeau found In the l,o* Angejes river lut April c* that of Mrs. Imura B. Sutton. AulJjorUlea (earned thsl Dr West lake had been closely associated with Mr*. Hutton, a divorcee, who disap peared from her home last March H. ( aptaln William Bright, chief of the rtcrlff** homicide squad. asserted the t physician had profiled flnsnctally hy the disappearance of Mrs. RuUon. Check Ikmilii hidden In the garag* of Krspk M Weatlakn. son of ths rhysician showed the father had kept a joint hank account with Mrs. Hutton. Dr. Westlake admitted ha and Mrs. . Hutton had planned to marry. He de nied all knowledge of her where inonta. Mrs. Sutton waa divorced last year from Kdpene Hutton. TRANS ATLANTIC FLIGHTS HALTED Mikhaiw to I'lancH, Green Flask and Yellow Bird, Given Aa ’Cause ODD ORCHARD. Me. May 29 One of two proposed krsn*-A*l*ntlc fights, both of which were stopped to day by mishaps to the planes. tonight «i.i postponed until after tomorrow. Armeno Lofll. sponsor of ttis'Ysl • tow Bird, announced that the big . lYcnch monoplane would he held hern b* cause of "unfavorable weather.** r.ewl* A Yancy, navigator of tha I Hr eon Flash, which will be hdhdmt i for Rome said he would await a late report on wenkher condition* bsfepg making a decision. »• / • k*

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